Shang JianyaoreadLurevivedthatletter/believes the time, Jiang Baimianguardedaccidentally/surprisingly, whiledug upto drawunder the document and material in backpackconveniently.商见曜阅读卢复兴那封信的时候,蒋白棉一边防备起意外,一边随手扒拉了下背包里的文件和资料。And, somepapersendHuang Mingxian, hasgetschanges the brittlesigndry/does, part of relativepreservationare good, is onlyfaintlya little stale taste.
The formerisLuFuxingand the others the document that takesfrom the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation center, the latteris the will that the survivorsstay behind.
前者属于卢复兴等人从仁惠医院植物人康复中心拿出来的文件,后者是幸存者们留下的遗书。Theseposthumous writingsdo not have the envelope, butfoldsneatly, writes the addresseetowardonat the same time.
这些遗书都没有信封,但折叠得整整齐齐,朝上一面写着收信人。Digs upindrawing, the Jiang Baimiancorner of the eyesplit visionswept a familiarname:
“丁苓。”Shedivideshalfattentionto the backpackinimmediately, oneline of writingalsomappedherview:
她立刻分了一半注意力到背包内,一行文字随之映入了她的眼帘:„Northern Ukraineboundarysettlement, DingLingshou.”
Is this will that Ji Qiangstays behind? Jiang Baimiandoes not knowfor a whilethis/shouldhappily, sighed.
这是季强留下的遗书?蒋白棉一时不知该高兴,还是叹息。ShethinksDingLinghusbandJi Qiang the bigprobabilitydiedin the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation center, becausehewas onlyscientific researchers, non-awakening, was not the strengthoutstandingsoldier, has also accepted„the salvation army”at most the wrestle and gunnery training that forcedall over 12years old, below 60members to participate inevery year.
她原本以为丁苓丈夫季强大概率死在了仁惠医院植物人康复中心,因为他只是一名科研人员,既非觉醒者,也不属于实力出众的战士,顶多也就接受过“救世军”强制所有十二岁以上、六十岁以下成员每年都要参与的格斗和射击训练。Even ifJi Qiangluckis good, without the contaminationis strange, becomessilent, whichroomhad not been forcedto enter, the roomrisk that orentersis not high, in the fission of scientific expedition team, inthatfierce combat, healsohad no hope to liveafterward, escapes from the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation center.
就算季强运气不错,没沾染古怪,变得沉默,也未被强迫进入哪个房间,或者进入的房间危险性不高,在后来科考队的分裂里,在那场激战中,他也没什么希望能活下来,逃出仁惠医院植物人康复中心。Whoknowshimto insistunexpectedlyfinally, left the will.
谁知他竟然坚持到了最后,留下了遗书。Jiang Baimianhas tosigh with emotionhimat that time is really good fortune, mayagainbegood fortune, finallywas strandedin the stagecityinevitably, infected„did not haveworry”, only then a willshowed that hehad come.蒋白棉不得不感慨他当时真的是吉星高照,可再是吉星高照,最终还是不可避免地被困在了台城,感染了“无心病”,只有一封遗书证明他曾经来过。Bringscuriously, Jiang Baimiandepends uponownability and militaryexoskeletoninstallment„synthesisearly warning system”is inducingall around, observesnearbysituationwith the corner of the eyesplit vision, whileextends the left hand, took upJi Qiangthatletter/believes, shakes the wristto cast off.
这有好几页。Jiang Baimianglances overfast:蒋白棉飞快浏览起来:
„ Lingwater chestnut:
„ ThispossiblyisIcallsyoufor the last time, Ihave infected‚did not haveworry’, the headslowlybecomesmurky.
„ AlthoughIhave not methave hadearlier the symptom, littleserious‚does not haveworry’, butmycolleagues'performancemakesmedetermine that this is really ‚does not haveworry’, Iwritethisletter/believestime, threepeoplehave been taken bad, was killedbyusat the scene, ifIcannotinsist that last, thisshouldalsobemyresult.
„ Iamin the icefieldtreatedto the difficulty that yousaid for severalmonths, surveyed a situation in bigregion, suchmightface the snowstorm, facingexceedingnorthern Ukrainein the winterseveraltimes of coldseasons.
„ Suchseason, suchduty, somepeoplewill die for causeeach time, Imoststartto be worried is mainly this.
„ But the change of matterwas abovemyimagination, thisisoneis filling the strange, bloody, crazyanddesperatebitter experience.
„ Wediscoveredpreviouslypassed through the strangecity that has not actually noticedcompletelytwice, weenteredonedid not seem likebelong to the building in thisworld.
„ Concreteprocess, Icannottellyou, thishas the securityrulesrestraint;second, Ido not hope that youthereforehave the nightmare, does not think that yourlatter half of one's lifetakes to heart, wantsto investigate the cleartruth, takes revengeforme.
„ Icantellyouam, the chief criminal of whole thinghas diedinthatbuilding, diesafter the teamsplitinfierce combat that presents, Ionlypuzzledwhyishemusthandlethesethingswiththatgroup of people, relax, the organizationwill investigate, wehavethisability.
„ Whenmein childhood, listened tomygrandfather and paternal grandmothersays‚the salvation army’established the initialthesestories, Iactuallytoodo not understandwhythatage, because after a couple of love the order of chaos caused by war, disasterandorganizationwas separate, the meetingis unable to insist, whenmetagain, has the loverrespectively.
„ Now, Ia littleam indistinctly clear.
„ Lingwater chestnut, makingmeshoutagainyou, behind of thiswill, Iwrote an applicationspecially, recalls the application of northern Ukraineyou, as the fall guy, I have thisqualificationson official business.
„ Youreturned tonorthern Ukraine, remembers that visitsmy parents, Ihave not kept the posthumous writingstothem, does not wantto make the organizationinformthem, fearsthem is too old, cannot bear the stimulation. Youvisittheirtimes, matter that can the upholsteryIsacrificeslowly, whentheyhadenoughpreparation, toldthemagain.
„ Lingwater chestnut, whenyoureturned tonorthern Ukraine, remembers that looks for a partneragain, youlike the child, withIwill chat the futuretime, the eyecanshine, Istillremember that yousaidyouwill likeme, will bebecause our firstmeetingtimes, Ihelped a little friendfixhertoypatiently, Istillremember the appearance that yousmiledat that timewas very beautiful.
„ Lingwater chestnut, youlooks for the partneragaintime, mustselect the workinnorthern Ukraine, notby the person of external assignment, bill that even ifheattainsevery monthlittle, is little significance.
“苓苓,你再找对象的时候,一定要挑工作在乌北,不会被外派的人,哪怕他每个月拿到的票据少一点,也没太大关系。„Lingwater chestnut, ratheris the peacefuldog, is the war refugeenot.”
“苓苓,宁为太平犬,莫作乱离人。”Ratheris the peacefuldog, is the war refugee...... Jiang Baimianto aspiratenotslowly.
宁为太平犬,莫作乱离人……蒋白棉缓慢吐了口气。At this time, Shang Jianyaoalsolooked that Lurevivedthatletter/believes that left.
这个时候,商见曜也看完了卢复兴留下的那封信。Heliftsto cover the right hand of metalskeleton, even/includingletter/believesbrings the palmaccording toarriving at the left chest, solemn silencetofrontthatskeletongood a ritual:
他抬起覆盖金属骨骼的右手,连信带掌按到左胸,庄严肃穆地向面前那具尸骨行了一礼:„For the entire human race!”
“为了全人类!”Whenhecompleted the ceremony, Jiang Baimiansays:
等他完成了仪式,蒋白棉才开口说道:„Folds the letter/believes, will waitto returnin the backpack, ourreturn triptimewill give‚the salvation army’.”
“把信折起来,等会放回背包里,我们返程的时候交给‘救世军’。”„Yourthis is?”Shang Jianyaonodaskedcuriously.
“你这封是?”商见曜边点头边好奇问道。„Ji Qiangstays behind, DingLinghusbandJi Qiangstays behind.”Jiang Baimiansilentonesecond of say/way.
“季强留下的,丁苓丈夫季强留下的。”蒋白棉默然了一秒道。Shang Jianyao of attaching great importance tosentimentputs out a handimmediately:
重视感情的商见曜立刻伸手:„Ihave a look.”
“我看看。”Jiang BaimiangavehimJi Qiang'sposthumous writings, planswhilethisopportunity, simplethesedocuments, so as to avoidlateris taken by surprise, loses the material.蒋白棉把季强的遗书递给了他,打算趁这个机会,简单过一遍那些文件,免得之后遭遇意外,丢失资料。At this time, shediscovered that a will was only lightonepage.
这时,她发现有封遗书只薄薄一页。Curious, sheshook offto look:
„ Son:
“儿啊:„Your father I am dying!”
“你爹我要死了!”Onlylooked attwolines, Jiang Baimianthought that slightlyfelt the sadatmospherealmostto be broken.
只看了两行,蒋白棉就觉得略感悲伤的气氛差点被打破。Shereturned to normalunder the mood, startsreading:
„ Youhave grown upfortunately, assign the work, your father I am not worried aboutyou, as for the object, the organizationwill giveyouto introduce.
„ Youhave not been sayingmyold stick-in-the-mud, is not willingto stretch the rules, dailyscolded the high-levelrelative who theseresold the commodity, in the unitby the edge, whywas also actively participatedgoes tohow manymonth of duties, made the surveyto the mostoutlyingclimateworstplace? Ireplyyounow.
„ Yourgrandfatheralsolivingtime, oftenspokeOld Worlda few wordstome, called the dispersion of light, sentonepoint of heat, thesepeopledid not learn, thesepeoplewallowed in degeneration, work for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, is not willingto workearnestly, wastheirmatters, Icannotscoldedthem, whilealsorefused, was perfunctoryto be loaf.
„ Imustdo right by the pledge that Imadeinitially.
„ As foryou, I have not thoughtyou can also haveideal that saves the entire human race, Ionlyhope that youcancultivate the behaviorsteadfastly, worksdiligently, does not collaboratewiththesepeople, does not wallow in degeneration.
„ Makesthesepeoplecontinueto do, everyone'seyesare sharp, privacyfor a while, the Dukeeternity, your group of young peoplewill awakensooner or later, will understand.
“让那些人继续做吧,大家的眼睛是雪亮的,私者一时,公者千古,你们这批年轻人迟早会醒悟,会明白过来。„When the time comes, the mankind's beautifulfuturewill certainlyrealize!”
“到时候,人类美好的未来必将实现!”Jiang Baimianfoldsthisletter/believes, returned to itsstopper the backpack.蒋白棉重新折好这封信,将它塞回了背包内。Shetakes upthatpack of documents, the movementreadsgently, the fearcreates the breakage.
她拿起那叠文件,动作轻柔地翻看起来,害怕造成破损。Thesedocuments are roughly divided intofourkinds, respectivelywrites downtoward the letter and experimentrecord, the higher authorityorder and doctor.
这些文件大致分成四类,分别是往来函、实验记录、上级命令和医生笔记。And, most importanthasthree, LuFuxingmade the correspondingmark, saved the Jiang Baimiantimeenormously:
其中,最重要的有三份,卢复兴做了相应的标记,极大地节约了蒋白棉的时间:Shifts the orderto No. 2base the vegetablerehabilitation center1/3patients, the issuingsignatureis„the eighthresearch institute”, the week before the datewasOld Worlddestroys;
一份是将植物人康复中心三分之一病人转移到二号基地的命令,下达者署名是“第八研究院”,日期是旧世界毁灭前一周;Related tomanypatientbrain the experimentrecords of situationandreaction, abovementionedrepeatedlyusedsomestimulation, had not said that isanythingstimulates;
一份是涉及多位病人脑部情况、身体反应的实验记录,上面反复提到使用了某种刺激,却没说是什么刺激;Oneis the note of somedoctor, hisonepagewrote„wesoonbuiltto lead to the steps of Spiritual Godforbidden area, has been ableto seethatso-callednewworldindistinctly”.
No. 2base...... Jiang Baimianwhispered, returned to the documentstopper in hand the dark greencanvasbackpack.
二号基地……蒋白棉低语了一句,将手中的文件塞回了墨绿色的帆布背包内。ShethensaidtoShang Jianyao:
她转而对商见曜道:„Gets down, withdraws from the stagecityto lookagainin detail.”
“下去吧,撤出台城再详细看。”InreadingShang Jianyao of Ji Qiangposthumous writingslifted the head, eyes under the helmet visorare glowing red, the tearsfill the eyes.
The Jiang Baimianfirstresponseisstunnedandsurprised.蒋白棉第一反应是错愕和惊讶。Thisdoes not seem likeShang Jianyao to have the performance that simply.
这简直不像是商见曜会有的表现。Then, sheunderstood the reasonindistinctly:
The presentisto pay attention to the sentiment, psychologicalyoungerthatShang Jianyao, heshouldfromJi Qiang'sposthumous writingsassociationtooneselffather, think before heat the point of death, canalsogivehis motherandheleaves behindfew words.
当前是重视感情,心理年龄较小的那个商见曜,他应该是从季强的遗书联想到了自己的父亲,想着他临死前会不会也给他母亲和他留下只言片语。Jiang Baimiansighed, patted the shoulder of Shang Jianyao:蒋白棉叹了口气,拍了拍商见曜的肩膀:
„ Puts away the posthumous writings, weget down.
“把遗书放好,我们下去。„Surroundingroomtheseremains‚salvation army’ the personreceives.”
After such a round of missileattacks, the falsestagecityshouldnot appearagain, „salvation army” the personcandirectlyenterreally the stagecity.
The Shang Jianyaopersonalityreplacesrapidly, saidwith a smile:商见曜人格迅速更换,笑着说道:„Good.”
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