ELN :: Volume #3

#175: Night road

The shout that hears the team leader, Long Yuehong busy side accusative Nava said: 听到组长的喊声,龙悦红忙侧头对格纳瓦道: Follows I.” “跟着我。” Then, he turned around to leap the shatter window. 说完,他转身跃出了破碎的窗户。 Nava looked at the regulation robot of ground, follows. 格纳瓦看了眼地上的律法机器人,紧随其后。 Meanwhile, when Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao along coming the route, is dashing about wildly across the light green lawn, runs to stops in the jeep of not far place. 与此同时,蒋白棉商见曜沿来时的路线,狂奔着穿过葱绿的草坪,跑向就停在不远之地的吉普。 The gate of jeep is opening wide, the vehicles have gone slowly. 吉普的门敞开着,车辆已缓缓行驶起来。 The under foot makes an effort a tread, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao leaps forward vice- harnesses the position, entered the back row. 脚下用力一蹬,蒋白棉商见曜一个跃入副驾位置,一个窜进了后排。 Bai Chen stepped on the accelerator layer on layer/heavily, making the speed of jeep enhance suddenly. 白晨重重踩下了油门,让吉普的速度骤然提高。 This car(riage) returned to the spacious path rapidly, but circles slightly, confuses Long Yuehong and Nava multipurpose monitoring camera just arrives here, through gate that Shang Jianyao deliberately keeps, jeep that on direct the speed did not reduce. 这辆车迅速就回到了宽敞的道路上,而稍微兜了个圈子,迷惑多功能监控摄像头的龙悦红和格纳瓦刚好抵达这里,通过商见曜刻意留的门,直接上了速度不减的吉普。 Works as! 哐当! Vehicle door closure. 车门关闭了。 According to advance the plan of formulation, Bai Chen has not made the jeep return to the east of the river, but has no robot housing region to drive toward west of the river. 根据预先制定的方案,白晨没让吉普返回河东,而是往河西没什么机器人居住的区域驶去。 This is they enters the route of southern Tal, but is going now reverse. 这是他们进入塔尔南的路线,只不过如今是在反向行驶。 The jeep started also for dozens seconds, the warning sound, reverberated in the entire southern Tal. 吉普开了也就几十秒钟,呜的警报声响了起来,回荡于整个塔尔南。 The roadside multipurpose monitoring camera made the sound: 紧接着,路旁的多功能监控摄像头发出了声音: Immediately stops, otherwise the consequence is proud!” “立即停车,否则后果自负!” Bai Chen like has not heard the warning, not only has not selected the brakes, but also aggravated the strength of stepping on the accelerator. 白晨就像没有听到警告,不仅未点刹车,而且还加重了踩油门的力量。 In engine sound that simulates, the jeep starts with soon flies from the surface to be the same. 模拟出来的发动机声音里,吉普开得就跟快要飞离地表一样。 Immediately stops, otherwise the consequence is proud!” “立即停车,否则后果自负!” The multipurpose monitoring cameras made twice warnings continuously. 多功能监控摄像头又连续做了两次警告。 Old accent group has not paid attention to it completely. “旧调小组”完全没有理睬它。 The next second, some cameras stretched out the muzzle, dá dá starts the strafe. 下一秒,部分摄像头伸出了枪口,哒哒哒地做起扫射。 Bullet lasings, or hit on the car window, either hit the rubber tire, either was blocked by the thick armor, cannot to re-equipping the jeep causes the effective damage. 一枚枚子弹激射而出,或打在车窗玻璃上,或命中了橡胶轮胎,或被厚厚的装甲挡住,都没能对改装过的吉普造成有效的伤害。 The hail of bullets, sparks/Mars scatters, the jeep that the speed has not reduced ran out of west of the river, ran out of southern Tal. 枪林弹雨,火星四溅间,速度一点未减的吉普冲出了河西,冲出了塔尔南。 Stimulation!” Shang Jianyao approved one. “刺激!”商见曜赞了一句。 Sits somewhat has doubts in back row middle Nava looks to him, too did not understand why will have such feeling: 坐在后排中间的格纳瓦有些疑惑地望向他,不太理解为什么会有这样的感受: They will pursue quickly.” “他们很快就会追上来。” This refers to the regulation robot and members and corresponding auxiliary fight machine people of southern Tal robot guard, 这指的是律法机器人、塔尔南机器人卫队的成员和相应的辅助型战斗机器人们, Relax, we have the plan.” Jiang Baimian comforted Nava one. “放心,我们有预案的。”蒋白棉宽慰了格纳瓦一句。 Then, she shows a faint smile saying: 然后,她微微一笑道: „, Needs you to give us some directors, you definitely understand the southern Tal surrounding terrain compared with us.” “不过嘛,还是需要你给我们一些指导,你肯定比我们更了解塔尔南周围的地形。” Good.” Nava made the response. “好。”格纳瓦做出了回应。 Then, although the path is not peaceful entire, but Bai Chen drives as before fast the jeep. 接下来,虽然道路不是太平整,但白晨依旧把吉普开得飞快。 This makes Jiang Baimian unable to bear praise: 这让蒋白棉忍不住赞美道: little white, you, if attended the mountainous region cross country competition of Old World, can definitely win the champion.” “小白啊,你要是参加旧世界的山地越野比赛,肯定能拿冠军。” Let alone words.” Bai Chen returned to one unemotionally. “别说话。”白晨面无表情地回了一句。 „.” Jiang Baimian has not divided her heart again. “哦。”蒋白棉没再分她的心。 At this time, Long Yuehong only had an idea: 这个时候,龙悦红只有一个想法: How team leader knows that what mountainous region cross country competition Old World does have?” “组长怎么知道旧世界有什么山地越野比赛?” Shang Jianyao lowers the voice, said on the quiet: 商见曜压低嗓音,“悄悄”说道: Her evening's time takes advantage of us to sleep, has the earphone, read the anthology of many Old World secretly.” “她晚上的时候趁我们睡觉,戴着耳机,偷偷看了不少旧世界的剧集。” Long Yuehong is suddenly enlighted. 龙悦红恍然大悟。 „? What did you say?” Jiang Baimian lifted the hand to press under the ear. “啊?你说什么?”蒋白棉抬手按了下耳朵。 Silver black intelligent machine personality Nava looks right and left, cannot bear open the mouth to ask: 银黑色的智能机器人格纳瓦左看右看,忍不住开口问道: „Aren't you anxious?” “你们都不紧张吗?” Shang Jianyao replies his question immediately: 商见曜立刻回答了他的疑问: „Is the illusion, why everywhere earnest?” “处处幻梦,何必认真?” He also studies Zhou Yuezhou to observe the lord, half supine body, lifts the both arms, to void broken mirror expressed best wishes. 他还学着周玥周观主,半仰身体,微抬双臂,向虚空中的“碎镜”致意。 „......” Nava suddenly thought that this group of people are not quite credible, un, except for money white of driving. “……”格纳瓦突然觉得这群人是不是不太靠谱,嗯,除了开车的钱白。 Worthily is the team leader! 不愧是队长! Vice- harnesses Jiang Baimian of position not to turn head, explained simply: 副驾位置的蒋白棉没有回头,简单解释道: At this time, the intense significance was not big, maintains in certain degree, enabling the corresponding hormone to secrete, was enough.” “这种时候,紧张的意义不大,保持在一定的程度内,让相应的激素可以分泌,就足够了。” Truly.” Navalho analyzes, accepted this view. “确实。”格纳瓦略作分析,接受了这个说法。 Shang Jianyao then looks at the rearward, asked curiously: 商见曜边回头望向后方,边好奇问道: Your intelligence person not this nervousness?” “你们智能人没有紧张这种情绪?” Our nucleus modules can simulate similar feeling, but the main purpose is to experience.” Nava replied truthfully. “我们的核心模块会模拟类似的感觉,但主要目的是体验。”格纳瓦如实回答道。 They spoke, the jeep of staggering along dashed about wildly upstream that bridge, crossed it fast 他们说话间,跌跌撞撞的吉普狂奔到了上游那座桥,飞快越过了它 Proceeds to go again a distance, was the Qilaer mountainous area. 再往前行驶一段距离,就是奇拉尔山区了。 After Long Yuehong looked at the eye , the plan frail bridge, cannot bear propose obviously: 龙悦红看了眼后方略显单薄的桥梁,忍不住提议道: Team leader, can this bridge exploding?” “组长,要不要把这座桥给炸了?” He thought that this can delay the chase progress of robot guard effectively. 他觉得这能有效拖延机器人卫队的追赶进度。 Does not use.” The Jiang Baimian language fast quite replied quickly, they should have the gas-expelling apparatus, can fly directly the rivers, does not need to draw support from the bridge . Moreover, this bridge was not high, winter Heavenly Water was not deep, they can definitely climb up, crossed.” “不用。”蒋白棉语速颇快地回答道,“它们应该都有喷气装置,可以直接飞过河流,不需要借助桥梁,而且,这桥也不高,冬天水也不深,它们完全能攀爬下去,横渡过来。” Naturally, robot guard, if behind uses that means that will truly delay some time, but will not be many. 当然,机器人卫队如果采用后面那种办法,确实会耽搁一定的时间,但不会太多。 But another side, old accent group wants to blast that bridge, does not fire 2-3 rocket projectiles to handle by the individual bazooka, needs in the corresponding position installment blasting explosive, to detonate through the rocket projectile finally together. 而另外一边,“旧调小组”想炸掉那座桥,可不是靠单兵火箭筒发射2-3枚火箭弹就能搞定的,需要在相应的位置安装炸药,最后通过火箭弹一起引爆。 This will spend not the short time. 这会花费不短的时间。 Synthesizes not to need. 综合下来也就是没有必要。 Jiang Baimian finishes speaking, Nava opens the mouth to say suddenly: 蒋白棉话音刚落,格纳瓦突然开口道: Acceleration!” “加速!” He depends upon himself similarly synthesis early warning system the installment and understanding of the robot guard, discovered some clue ahead of time. 他依靠自身类似“综合预警系统”的装置和对机器人卫队的了解,提前发现了一些端倪。 Meanwhile, Jiang Baimian also induced oncoming of pursuing troops. 与此同时,蒋白棉也感应到了追兵的来临。 Bai Chen had not inquired, does not attend to the front path being tattered, the quarry stone is numerous, direct foot accelerator rumbled the bottom. 白晨没有询问,不顾前方道路破烂,乱石众多,直接一脚油门轰到了底。 In the simulation sound wave, the jeep leapt up directly forward a big truncation. 呜的模拟音浪里,吉普直接向前蹿出了一大截。 In this process, the vehicles were nearly put to soar by a stone. 这个过程之中,车辆险些被一块石头搁得飞腾起来。 Almost is simultaneously, the flame twinkle, shells raise from the rivers opposite shore, covered this region crowded. 几乎是同时,火光闪烁,一枚枚炮弹从河流对岸升起,密集地覆盖了这片区域。 Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆! These shells fell on the distance jeep far place, fell on that bridge. 这些炮弹绝大部分落在了距离吉普较远的地方,落在了那座桥梁上。 Huge, in the series explosive sound, the bridge cannot bear such attack, swayed fiercely. 巨大的,连环的爆炸声里,桥梁承受不住这样的打击,剧烈摇晃了起来。 Finally, it succeeds in giving up several sections, loudly collapsing. 终于,它断成几截,轰然垮塌了。 This...... Long Yuehong looks dumbfoundedly, for a while a little suspected the intelligent robot that pursues was the virus, the localization presented the mistake, the attack a little lost accuracy, the air wave that created the biggest threat that is also spreads to the jeep. 这……龙悦红看得目瞪口呆,一时有点怀疑追赶来的智能机器人是不是都中了病毒,以至于定位出现错误,攻击有点失准,对吉普造成的最大威胁也就是蔓延过来的气浪。 They even also completed Long Yuehong to do matter that but cannot handle: 它们甚至还完成了龙悦红想做而没能做的事情: Destroys that bridge! 弄垮那座桥! Shang Jianyao has transferred the body, after passing , the glass looks to the rivers opposite shore, said one: 商见曜转过身体,通过后车窗望向河流对岸,笑着说了一句: What come is alpha they.” “来的是阿尔法他们。” Shang Jianyao friend alpha. Stuart. 商见曜的朋友阿尔法.斯图亚特。 Nava hears word, made the neck rotate 180 degrees directly. 格纳瓦闻言,直接让脖子转动了一百八十度。 He saw familiar faces, familiar body. 他看见了一张张熟悉的面孔,一具具熟悉的机体。 The members of robot guard hurries to toward the collapsing bridge place, while seems disputing anything, has not been determined to fly across the rivers through the jet equipment directly. 机器人卫队的成员们一边往垮塌的桥梁处赶去,一边似乎正在争执着什么,没下定决心直接通过喷气式设备横越河流。 This way was truly also shot down in the midair easily. 这种方式确实也容易被人击落于半空。 Nava looks at this silent, for a long time has not spoken. 格纳瓦沉默地看着这一幕,许久没有说话。 These intelligent robots also really looked like the person...... Jiang Baimian to sigh with emotion one secretly. 这些智能机器人还真像人啊……蒋白棉暗自感慨了一句。 At this time, Bai Chen has made the jeep enter the Qilaer mountainous area, deformation even more complex. 此时,白晨已让吉普进入了奇拉尔山区,地形变得愈发复杂。 Nava took back the line of sight finally, and put forward own proposal: 格纳瓦终于收回了视线,并提出了自己的建议: Can come a round of rocket projectile to that side.” “可以给那边来一发火箭弹。” He refers to one seeming like the somewhat frail path. 他指的是一段看起来有些脆弱的道路。 But the direction that the jeep goes circles from the branch road. 而吉普行驶的方向是从岔路绕过去。 A Jiang Baimian thought revolution understands Nava's idea, selected immediately under: 蒋白棉念头一转就明白了格纳瓦的想法,当即点了下头: Good.” “好。” Nava must mislead the pursuer, making them think that old accent group runs in that direction, and destroyed the corresponding path to delay the time. 格纳瓦是要误导追赶者,让它们以为“旧调小组”是往那个方向跑,并破坏了相应的道路以拖延时间。 Jiang Baimian nods at the same time, because of the directions question, can only individual bazooka give Long Yuehong god of death. 蒋白棉点头的同时,因为朝向问题,只能把“死神”单兵火箭筒递给龙悦红 Dresses military exoskeleton installment Long Yuehong to take up the bazooka with ease, with the aid of fine sight system, the sidewise front fired a shell. 穿戴着军用外骨骼装置的龙悦红轻松拿起火箭筒,借助“精确瞄准系统”,向侧前方发射了一枚炮弹。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the flame, that mountain road presented collapsing, the above dike also has the quarry stone to fall. 火光之中,那条山路出现了垮塌,上面的岩壁也有乱石落下。 Shang Jianyao is Long Yuehong is applauding. 啪啪啪,商见曜龙悦红鼓起了掌。 Nava closed the position module, while also said: 格纳瓦一边关上了自定位模块,一边又说道: „ The present is in the evening, the mountainous topography is also complex, can not need to consider the search of unmanned aerial vehicle...... “现在是晚上,山区地形又复杂,可以不用考虑无人机的搜索…… In Northeast, the base depot of southern Tal had no way to cover again thoroughly, the person who chased can only through similar the function communication of intercom and telegram, ’ and relation of captain was so no longer close to ‚ source brain......” “再往东北方向深入一点,塔尔南的基站就没法覆盖了,追赶过来的人只能通过类似对讲机和电报的功能沟通,和‘源脑’和指挥者的联系不再那么紧密……” He the limit that can receive in the Qilaer mountainous area the understandable way spoke the robot guard with Shang Jianyao and the others. 他把机器人卫队在奇拉尔山区会受到的限制用商见曜等人可以理解的方式讲了一遍。 This heightened the Long Yuehong confidence effectively. 这有效增强了龙悦红的信心。 Then, the jeep in terrain expert under Nava's direction, sometimes advances, sometimes left sometimes right, therefore from time to time the arrange/cloth deceptive battle array, really destroys from time to time. 就这样,吉普在“地形专家”格纳瓦的指挥下,时进时退,时左时右,时而故布疑阵,时而真的破坏。 By the midnight, they left the Qilaer mountainous area unexpectedly, the front is the street light like southern Tal of reflecting stars. 到了半夜,他们竟然离开了奇拉尔山区,前方是路灯如同倒映繁星的塔尔南。 Long Yuehong looked all around one saying: 龙悦红环顾了一圈道: This is, crossroad that our former values defended?” “这是,我们之前值守的路口?” Right.” Nava selected, we circle, enters the mountainous area from another crossroad, without the accident/surprise, basically got rid of the pursuer.” “对。”格纳瓦点了下头,“我们绕过去,从另一个路口进入山区,如果没有意外,基本就摆脱追捕者了。” This saying to be inauspicious.” Shang Jianyao makes the reminder sincerely. “这话不吉利。”商见曜诚恳地做出提醒。 Nava responded properly: 格纳瓦正经回应道: Our intelligence person does not believe this.” “我们智能人不相信这个。” „Do you believe the destiny?” Shang Jianyao have a relish asked. “那你们相信命运吗?”商见曜饶有兴致地反问道。 Destiny......” Nava is chewing this words and expressions, has not reacted. “命运……”格纳瓦嘴嚼着这个词语,未做回应。 Jiang Baimian sees that is considering asking: 蒋白棉见状,斟酌着问道: Needs to hide in the mountain, finds the opportunity to come back, rescues Susannah and Read thinks?” “需要躲在山里,找机会回来,救出苏珊娜和芮德思吗?” Blue light in Nava eyes bright many. 格纳瓦眼中的蓝光一下明亮了不少。 Separated for several seconds, he shakes the head slowly, some pain said in a tone with: 隔了几秒,他缓慢摇了摇头,语带些许痛苦地说道: Temporarily does not use, this to them not necessarily is the good deed, especially Read thinks, some of her many modules have not loaded, many algorithms have not solved to limit, many data have not obtained...... “暂时不用,这对她们不一定是好事,尤其芮德思,她还有很多模块没有加载,很多算法没有解限,很多数据没有获得…… So long as were separated from the contact with me, their follow-up examination should be able to pass, most, most also forgot that my existence, in the future, I will find the opportunity to say goodbye them at the same time......” “只要和我脱离了接触,她们后续审查应该能通过,最多,最多也就是忘记我的存在,将来,我会找机会再见她们一面……” Meanwhile, Nava is also very clear, by oneself and strength of this vestige hunter squad, does not have possibly in hand to snatch Susannah and Read from southern Tal from mechanical heaven thinks, this may cause massive casualties very much. 同时,格纳瓦也很清楚,以自己和这支遗迹猎人小队的实力,是没有可能从塔尔南从“机械天堂”手中抢出苏珊娜和芮德思的,这很有可能导致大量的伤亡。 At this time, Bai Chen has made the vehicles bypass the crossroad that the previous value defended, rushed to another walking into the mountain to locate. 这个时候,白晨已让车辆绕过了先前值守的路口,奔向另一个进山处。 Quick, the jeep drove into the Qilaer mountainous area again, the path becomes complex. 很快,吉普再次驶入了奇拉尔山区,道路又变得复杂起来。 Nava notices this situation, body and head shifted together rear area, looks by the glass to southern Tal that is gradually far away from. 格纳瓦注意到这个情况,连身体带脑袋一起转向了后方,透过车窗望向正逐渐远离的塔尔南。 The rows of street lights of this small town in the dim light of night so bright. 这座小城的一排排路灯在夜色里是如此的鲜明。 But other parts already deep sleep in darkness. 而其他部分都已沉睡于黑暗中。 Star lights a lamp, illuminates my future......” ( 1 ) “星星点灯,照亮我的前程……”(注1) Shang Jianyao sings suddenly. 商见曜突然唱起了歌。 Note 1: Quoted from «Star Lighting a lamp», Zheng Zhihua 注一:引自《星星点灯》,郑智化
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