ELN :: Volume #3

#174: „Principle”

In Nava's villa. 格纳瓦的别墅内。 Two regulation robot and Nava, Susannah will look at the front door place simultaneously. 两名律法机器人和格纳瓦、苏珊娜同时将目光投向了大门处。 They hear sound of footsteps from far to near. 它们都听见一阵脚步声由远及近。 Quick, doorbell by person according to sound. 很快,门铃被人按响了。 . 叮铃铃,叮铃铃。 The blue rays in two regulation machine person eyes change hold suddenly. 两名律法机器人眼中的蓝色光芒骤然变盛。 In their corresponding processors, the person's shadow outlined together fast, the different parts present the red in varying degrees, the distribution of body surface metal also made marking of correspondence. 它们相应的处理器内,一道人影飞快勾勒了出来,不同部位呈现出不同程度的红色,体表金属的分布也做了对应的标识。 Human...... did not have the heavy weapon...... to only have four pistols and corresponding bullets...... two regulation robots looked at each other one, confirmed that the risk of visitor was very low. 人类……没有重武器……只有四把手枪和相应的子弹……两名律法机器人对视了一眼,确认来访者的危险性很低。 And stood, walked, reverberated at the ting opened the front door. 其中一个站了起来,走了过去,于铃声回荡间拉开了大门。 Out of the door puts on Shang Jianyao of dark blue shortfall down clothing, his politeness inquired: 门外是穿着深蓝色短款羽绒服的商见曜,他礼貌询问道: Hello, Nava at home?” “你好,格纳瓦在家吗?” Honestly speaking, at this moment Nava was a little ignorant. 坦白地讲,这一刻格纳瓦是有点懵的。 Actually his processor has no way to analyze this is what situation: 他的处理器没法分析出这究竟是个什么情况: He thinks the help that the money white squad provides can destroys the power supply, while attacks randomly, creates the opportunity of escaping for oneself, or handles other similar matter, who knows, in them visited like this broadly and level, displays like making daily visiting. 他原本以为钱白小队提供的帮助会是破坏供电,趁乱袭击,为自己创造逃跑的机会,或者做别的类似的事情,谁知道,他们之中的一员就这样坦坦荡荡上门了,表现得就像在做一次日常的拜访。 They think that can by speaking the truth makes the person in regulation hall put me? This definitely after source brain agreement......, only then visits...... he is the bait, the remaining ambushes in the surroundings, prepare to launch the attack...... Nava fast traversal various possibilities, found answer that made itself believe sufficiently. 难道他们认为可以靠讲道理让律法厅的人放了我?这肯定都是经过“源脑”同意的……只有一个上门……他是诱饵,剩下潜伏在周围,预备着发动袭击……格纳瓦飞快遍历起各种可能,找到了足以让自己信服的答案。 He was ready. 他蓄势待发了起来。 At this time, the entrance regulation robot answered the Shang Jianyao issue with the conscientious tone: 这时,门口的律法机器人用公事公办的口吻回答了商见曜的问题: Nava at home. “格纳瓦在家。 But he is accepting the examination of regulation hall, cannot meet with anybody.” “但他正接受律法厅的审查,不能和任何人见面。” The Shang Jianyao doubts asked the new issue: 商见曜疑惑地提出了新的问题: Regulation hall isn't the person?” “律法厅的不是人?” That regulation robot silent two seconds: 那名律法机器人沉默了两秒: Is the intelligent person.” “是智能人。” „Isn't intelligent person a person?” Shang Jianyao further closely examines. “智能人不也是人?”商见曜进一步追问。 Witnesses his performance, Nava had certain doubts: 目睹他的表现,格纳瓦产生了一定的疑惑: This is, wants to make the logical loophole, making the person in regulation hall restart? 这是,想制造逻辑漏洞,让律法厅的人重启? Useless, we will not have the situation of halting, only then these assistive robots, the breakdown...... our main modules are about equal to the consciousness of human frequently...... 没用的,我们不会出现死机的情况,只有那些辅助机器人,才经常故障……我们的主模块就约等于人类的意识…… Entrance that regulation robot replied Shang Jianyao again: 门口那名律法机器人再次回答了商见曜: Intelligent person and human are different.” “智能人和人类是不同的。” „.” Shang Jianyao showed the understanding. “哦哦。”商见曜表示理解。 At this moment, the entrance regulation robot looked at another side, the regulation robot in room also stood up. 就在这时,门口的律法机器人将目光投向了另外一边,屋内的律法机器人随之站起。 This is because also has person's shadow together to shine in the street light approaches. 这是因为又有一道人影于路灯照耀中靠近。 She wears the gray-blue camouflage uniform/subdue, is tying up Jiang Baimian of high ponytail. 她是穿着灰蓝色迷彩制服,绑着高高马尾的蒋白棉 The scanning determined after the future does not have the heavy weapon and dangerous goods, the entrance regulation robot said to Shang Jianyao: 扫描确定来者没有重武器和危险物品后,门口的律法机器人对商见曜道: You can leave, after waiting, visits, do not hinder us to work.” “你可以离开了,等之后再来拜访,不要妨碍我们工作。” The regulation robot in room sat. 屋内的律法机器人重新坐了下去。 When Shang Jianyao hesitates has not been replying, Jiang Baimian arrived at his side, looked that has not looked at his one eyes. 商见曜迟疑着未做回答时,蒋白棉走到了他的身旁,看都没看他一眼。 Two people display as if unknown. 两人表现得似乎素不相识。 Nava looks at this, produced again the feeling of not being able to feel the mind: 格纳瓦看着这一幕,再次产生了摸不着头脑的感觉: Why does the money white squad's second person also visit frankly and uprightly directly? 为什么钱白小队第二个人也是光明正大地直接上门? Reaching an agreement with the bait attraction attention, launches the attack suddenly? 说好的用诱饵吸引注意力,突然发动袭击呢? For a short time, how Nava is unable to do from the current information analysis disbursing money white squad. 一时半会间,格纳瓦无法从当前信息分析出钱白小队想怎么做。 Hello, Mr. Nava at home?” Jiang Baimian is disregarding nearby Shang Jianyao, asked the issue with a smile. “你好,格纳瓦先生在家吗?”蒋白棉无视着旁边的商见曜,笑着提出了问题。 The entrance regulation robot like human, has not therefore had the angry not anti- mood, is maintaining the conscientious tone: 门口的律法机器人不像人类,未因此产生恼怒不耐的情绪,保持着公事公办的口吻道: At home, but he must coordinate to investigate, cannot receive guests.” “在家,但他要配合调查,不能见客。” This......” Jiang Baimian made the regrettable sound. “这样啊……”蒋白棉发出了遗憾的声音。 She finishes barely the words, before footsteps suddenly steps, the left hand extended, grasped the arm of entrance regulation robot. 她话音未落,脚步突然前迈,左手一伸,拿住了门口这名律法机器人的胳膊。 This regulation robot response is extremely quick, immediately must make one to capture reverse. 这律法机器人反应极快,立刻就要反向做一个擒拿。 It, this is one the small accident that is easy to solve. 于它而言,这是一个很容易解决的小变故。 It has not seen has been able with the intelligent person in human that in the strength and skill vie with each other. 它还从来没有见过可以和智能人在力量、技巧上一争长短的人类。 Also, human will fear the pain, the intelligent person did not fear completely, is the natural King of short distance wrestle. 再说,人类会怕痛,智能人完全不怕,是近距离格斗的天然王者。 Based on such reason, it adopted the equivalent coping style. 基于这样的理由,它采取了等效的应对方式。 The next second, a Jiang Baimian body revolution pastes one curved, is primarily the left arm, forcefully entrance regulation robot pulling out. 下一秒,蒋白棉身体一转一贴一弯,以左臂为主,硬生生将门口的律法机器人“拔”了起来。 This is what kind of strange strength! 这是何等的怪力! In the sound, she completed one time successfully the shoulder has fallen. 当的声音里,她完成了一次成功的过肩摔。 Meanwhile, Nava is following the judgment, had not reacted hesitant. 与此同时,格纳瓦遵循着判断,没有犹豫地做出了反应。 He plunged in the room directly that regulation robot. 他直接扑向了屋内那名律法机器人。 The latter just stood because of the entrance accident. 后者刚因门口的变故站了起来。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Another side of the living room glass was stave, dresses military exoskeleton installment Long Yuehong to leap. 客厅另外一边的玻璃破碎,穿戴着军用外骨骼装置的龙悦红跃了进来。 According to the instruction of Jiang Baimian, he mainly handles two things: 按照蒋白棉的吩咐,他主要做两件事情: First, to divert another intelligent robot Susannah is passive and Gurner disintegrates except for Susannah of conjugal relation the enemy friend is now difficult to be bright ; 一是牵制另一名智能机器人苏珊娜被动和格纳瓦解除了夫妻关系的苏珊娜现在敌友难明; Second, with qualified Nava, letting him and as soon as possible does not have the regulation robot in too big sound solution room. 二是配合格纳瓦,让他能尽快且没太大动静地解决屋内的律法机器人。 Enemy raids!” Susannah made the synthesis feeling obvious sound. “敌袭!”苏珊娜发出了合成感明显的声音。 It spreads out the palm immediately, revealed the laser embrasure. 它随即摊开手掌,将激光发射孔显露了出来。 Almost is simultaneously, under her white one-piece dress, the load weapon one by one knife edge, or turned on the corresponding back plate. 几乎是同时,她白色连衣裙下方,加载的武器一个个支棱了起来,或者打开了相应的挡板。 Short one second, this housewife turned into the terrifying slaughtering machine. 短短一秒钟的时间,这位“家庭主妇”就变成了恐怖的杀戮机器。 Is good is dressing the military exoskeleton installment because of Long Yuehong, having the synthesis early warning system is auxiliary, can react ahead of time, avoided the attack of red laser. 好在龙悦红穿戴着军用外骨骼装置,有综合预警系统辅助,能提前做出反应,避开了红色激光的打击。 At this time, the shoulder had been fallen by Jiang Baimian to that regulation robot of ground has not had a dizzy spell like human, had not felt that had any ache. 这个时候,被蒋白棉过肩摔到地上的那名律法机器人没有像人类一样头晕目眩,也没感觉到有任何疼痛。 The blue ray in its eye becomes clear(ly) resplendent extremely, seems storing up the energy. 它眼中的蓝色光芒变得极为明灿,似乎在蓄积着能量。 Its both arms also lift, the weapon of load exposed outspokenly. 它的双臂随之抬起,加载的武器毫无保留地展露了出来。 Goal: Jiang Baimian. 目标:蒋白棉 At this moment, it eye screened a form. 就在这时,它“眼”中映出了一道身影。 This is face curious Shang Jianyao. 这是一脸好奇的商见曜 He like qualified crowds. 他就像一名合格的围观群众。 This flash, in the regulation robot main module of ground flashed through determinations: 这一瞬间,地上的律法机器人主模块内闪过了一条条判定: Does not have the hostility...... to relate unclearly with the raider, doubtful did not know that...... has not carried the heavy weapon...... not has made the attack to me and colleague...... 没有敌意……与袭击者关系不明,疑似不认识……未携带重武器……未对我和同僚做过攻击…… These determinations derived a result rapidly, the regulation robot of ground gave up the first wave of counter-attack, because withstood the attack is Shang Jianyao, rather than Jiang Baimian. 这些判定迅速导出了一个结果,地上的律法机器人放弃了第一波反击,因为承受袭击的将是商见曜,而不是蒋白棉 Seized this opportunity, Jiang Baimian crawls the ground, from one side put out a hand, by the strength direct switchroom of left arm goal metal back plate, making the rear main connection reveal. 抓住这个机会,蒋白棉匍匐到了地上,从侧面伸手,靠左臂的力量直接扳开了目标身上一处金属挡板,让后方的主要接口显露了出来。 Her finger inserted immediately. 她的手指随即插了进去。 In this sound, the silver white electric light illuminated the Shang Jianyao face. 兹的声音里,银白的电光照亮了商见曜的脸庞。 Power source overloaded...... the start protection procedure/program......” in the main module of that regulation robot to flash through the corresponding order. “电源过载……启动保护程序……”那名律法机器人的主模块内闪过了相应的命令。 Falls into over -load protection while it the condition, Jiang Baimian with the induction of electrical signal, opened the corresponding receptacle fast, takes down its two high performance batteries. 趁着它陷入过载保护的状态,蒋白棉凭着对电信号的感应,快速打开了相应插口,将它的两块高性能电池取了下来。 The regulation robot of ground lost the sound immediately. 地上的律法机器人顿时失去了动静。 ...... Jiang Baimian to see that is hard to contain aspirates. 呼……蒋白棉见状,难以遏制地吐了口气。 The attack that she formulates plans, the core is not the strange strength and high-intensity electric current of her electric eel biological modeling artificial limb, but is the performance of Shang Jianyao. 她制定的这次袭击计划,核心不是她电鳗型仿生义肢的怪力和高强度电流,而是商见曜的表现。 This bases on source brain had spoken a few words: 这是基于“源脑”曾经说过的一句话: Does not use cautious, human of my kernel program to attacking has very strict limit, must satisfy many conditions.” “不用拘谨,我的核心程序对攻击人类有非常严格的限制,必须满足很多个条件。” Source brain, in addition so, how can the intelligent robot be exceptional? “源脑”尚且如此,智能机器人又怎么会例外? Moreover, before is that regulation robot of head, has said: 而且,为首的那名律法机器人之前也说过: Our intelligence person displays to look like human, to serve human well, is intimate with human, does not harm them, rather than treats as itself human. “我们智能人之所以表现得像人类,是为了更好地服务人类,亲近人类,不伤害他们,而不是把自己当做人类。 This is our creators in the rule that in our nucleus module writes down, source brain cannot violate.” “这是我们的创造者在我们核心模块里写下的规则,‘源脑’也不能违背。” From the words of this each other verification, Jiang Baimian got down judged, that is: 从这彼此印证的话语里,蒋白棉下了一些判断,那就是: The intelligent robot cannot attack not to threaten them, and has not shown the hostility, simultaneously has not violated human of corresponding stipulation! 智能机器人不会攻击没有威胁到它们,且没有展现出敌意,同时又未违背相应规定的人类! But this in their master routines, should have very high priority! 而这在它们的主程序里,应该有着很高的优先级! Therefore, she and Shang Jianyao visits respectively, displays the condition of each other not knowing. 所以,她和商见曜分别上门,表现出彼此不认识的状态。 To other southern Tal intelligent robots, this no one could fool, but regulation hall these robots arrive today, the center of gravity placed to examine in Nava's humanization degree, definitely too did not know the situation of southern Tal. 对塔尔南其他智能机器人来说,这谁都唬弄不了,但律法厅这几名机器人今天才抵达,重心还是放在审查格纳瓦的人类化程度上,肯定不太了解塔尔南的情况。 Naturally, Jiang Baimian does not dare to say certainly so, she gives the instruction of Shang Jianyao is walks one step to look one step, if opposite regulation robot knows that they are the companions, that changes a processing mode. 当然,蒋白棉也不敢说一定如此,她给商见曜的吩咐是走一步看一步,如果对面的律法机器人知道他们是同伴,那就换一种处理方式。 In brief the goal is with good intentions' third person of Shang Jianyao constraining goal, acts as shield, solves the opponent to create the opportunity to Jiang Baimian! 总之目的是用善意第三人商见曜“拖住”目标,充当挡箭牌,给蒋白棉解决对手创造机会! If ground that regulation robot returned to normal, perhaps will scold one despicable human. 地上那名律法机器人如果恢复了正常,说不定会骂一句“卑鄙的人类”。 Another side, the dogfight of Nava and opponent was also in the superheating stage, they are using the skills of various wrestling, while through the different weapons of load, attempts to attack the weakness of enemy. 另外一边,格纳瓦和对手的缠斗也进入了白热化阶段,他们一边采用着各种摔跤的技巧,一边通过加载的不同武器,尝试攻击敌人的薄弱之处。 Bang bang bang works as ding-dong in the sound, their standard clothing are stave, the skeleton surface left behind certain hollow. 砰砰砰当当当的声音里,他们的制式衣物破碎,骨骼表面留下了一定的凹陷。 In this process, they avoid the use being high to a certain extent the energy level weapon, because under such distance, facing such enemy, likely produces backlashes. 这个过程中,他们都在某种程度上避免着使用较高能级的武器,因为这样的距离下,面对这样的敌人,很可能产生反噬。 Naturally, if there is a good opportunity, they will not definitely let off, but their opponents are preventing the birth of similar opportunity strongly. 当然,如果有好机会,他们肯定也不会放过,但他们的对手都竭力阻止着类似机会的诞生。 Also is dozens seconds, fight data richer Nava got the winning side for a long time outside, under the Long Yuehong help, paralyzed the power supply system of enemy, making it fall down, cannot stand. 也就是几十秒的时间,长期在外战斗数据更为丰富的格纳瓦占据了上风,于龙悦红帮助下,瘫痪了敌人的供电系统,让它倒在地上,站不起来。 At this time, Susannah saw the situation is not right, already the foreign grenade launching, informed the robot guard, while withdrew toward two buildings. 这个时候,苏珊娜见局势不对,已一边对外发射榴弹,通知机器人卫队,一边往二楼撤去。 Bang in the sound, Nava visits her silent, has not prevented. 轰隆的声音里,格纳瓦沉默地看着她,没有阻止。 Walks!” Jiang Baimian hurried to shout one. “走吧!”蒋白棉赶紧喊了一声。
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