ELN :: Volume #3

#173: „Abducts”

Was the regulation robot of head stared at Nava several seconds, said to the surrounding companion: 为首的律法机器人凝视了格纳瓦几秒,对周围的同伴道: Numbers C-1578, numbers C-2020, you remain to safeguard here, we find other southern Tal intelligence people, makes a supplement to investigate, tomorrow morning will return to the headquarters together.” “编号C—1578,编号C—2020,你们留下来看管这里,我们去找塔尔南其他智能人,做一个补充调查,明早一起返回总部。” Told, was the regulation robot of head brings the surplus two intelligent robots to leave Nava home. 吩咐完,为首的律法机器人带着剩余两名智能机器人离开了格纳瓦家。 Numbers the C-1578 regulation robot to look immediately to Susannah: 编号C—1578的律法机器人随即望向苏珊娜: Gives us two high performance batteries.” “给我们两块高性能电池。” Good.” Susannah turned around to move toward the kitchen. “好的。”苏珊娜转身走向了厨房。 Small robot Read thinks according to the instruction, returned to two buildings. 小机器人芮德思按照吩咐,返回了二楼。 This big small intelligent robot wears the white skirt, but during walks, has not actually looked at each other one, just like stranger who just met. 这一大一小智能机器人都穿着白色的裙子,但行走间,却没有看彼此一眼,宛如刚见面的陌生人。 Quick, Susannah carries a tray to come out, above is putting two shallow bottoms white porcelain trays. 很快,苏珊娜端着一个托盘出来,上面放着两个浅底的白色瓷盘。 But the middle part of white tray, has a high performance battery respectively. 而白色盘子的中间部分,各有一块高性能电池。 Susannah like serving food, put these two trays numbered C-1578 and numbers the C-2020 front. 苏珊娜就像上菜一样,把这两个盘子放到了编号C—1578和编号C—2020的面前。 Numbers C-1578 and numbers the illness that C-2020 has no, takes up a high performance battery respectively, put in the mouth it. 编号C—1578和编号C—2020对此没有任何的不适,各拿起一块高性能电池,将它放入了口腔。 In the mouth of twinkle metallic luster, the insulation back plate draws back, revealed slot that loads the high performance battery. 闪烁金属光泽的口腔内,绝缘挡板自行退开,露出了加载高性能电池的插槽。 Numbers C-1578 and numbers C-2020 to take out the original battery, places good present this, simultaneously selected to Susannah under: 编号C—1578和编号C—2020取出原本的电池,安放好现在这个,同时对苏珊娜点了下头: Thanks.” “谢谢。” Does not use.” Susannah receives the carrying/sustaining to treat the dinner plate of sufficient battery, moved toward the kitchen again. “不用。”苏珊娜收起承载待充电池的餐盘,再次走向了厨房。 In this process, Nava has sat on the single-seat sofa dull, without the change posture, has not made any movement. 这个过程中,格纳瓦一直呆呆地坐在单人沙发上,没有改变姿势,没做任何动作。 According to the understanding of Jiang Baimian, this to halting was the same. 按照蒋白棉的理解,这就跟死机了一样。 She drew Shang Jianyao, in the future will withdraw from very long distance. 她拉了拉商见曜,往后退出了很长一段距离。 No matter you want to make anything, the prerequisite is to follow oneself wish. Perhaps returns to the headquarters, closes for 2-3 years, to him isn't a very bad choice?” Jiang Baimian is pressing the voice, said to Shang Jianyao. “不管你想做什么,前提条件都是遵循本人的意愿。也许回总部,关上2-3年,对他来说并不是一个很差的选择呢?”蒋白棉压着嗓音,对商见曜说道。 Shang Jianyao nods: 商见曜点了点头: I understood.” “我明白了。” Then, he puts out the written records, squatted, uses the thigh as the support, brushes to write. 说完,他拿出纸笔,蹲了下去,以大腿为支撑,刷刷书写起来。 Actually you understand anything...... Jiang Baimian a little worried inexplicably. 你究竟明白了什么……蒋白棉莫名有点担忧。 In the process of waiting, she carefully examines the surrounding situation, confirmed that does not have the robot to catch up in secret. 等待的过程中,她审视起周围的情况,确认没有机器人暗中赶过来。 This indicated that these regulation robots, and even Nava, around the monitoring to house nearly does not have. 这说明那些律法机器人,乃至格纳瓦一家,对房屋周围的监控近乎没有。 Naturally, this did not say that they do not have the corresponding function, but is they presented one type lowering one's guard the condition. 当然,这不是说它们没有相应的功能,而是它们呈现出了一种“麻痹大意”的状态。 Perhaps too trusts has the multipurpose monitoring cameras that everywhere, thought that has them to exist, without whom can close to the house, oneself not need excessively to consume the electric quantity to handle the redundant matter silently? Also is too perhaps confident to own strength, is not afraid the sudden attack, therefore periphery doesn't have to monitor on own initiative? Jiang Baimian more wants more to think that is front that possibility. 或许是太信任到处都有的多功能监控摄像头,觉得有它们存在,没谁能无声无息靠近房屋,自己没必要过度消耗电量去做重复的事情?也或许是对自身的实力太有信心,不害怕突然的袭击,所以没有主动地监控周围?蒋白棉越想越觉得是前面那种可能。 She discovered that the intelligent robot to a certain extent seems inflexible, strictly is deferring to division of labor and corresponding arrangement in advance works, easily does not go out of bounds one step. 她发现智能机器人在一定程度上还是显得死板,严格按照着预先的分工和相应的安排来做事,轻易不越雷池一步。 But they have not thought that in the world has Jiang Baimian this type to induce human of weak electrical signal, does not need close to be able to grasp clearly the positions of these multipurpose monitoring cameras, and does not omit the part that deliberately hidden. 而它们没想到,世界上存在蒋白棉这种能感应微弱电信号的人类,不需要靠近就能把那些多功能监控摄像头的位置掌握得清清楚楚,并且不遗漏刻意隐藏起来的部分。 The recombination usual observation, to Jiang Baimian, found one not to initiate the forewarning information the road diversion too to be not difficult. 再结合平时的观察,对蒋白棉来说,找到一条不会引发预警信息的曲折道路不算太困难。 This is also tasteful with the intelligent robot **, to has not kept a dead angle degree to be related the multipurpose monitoring camera pile in the villa area. 这也和智能机器人讲究**,在别墅区没把多功能监控摄像头堆到不留一点死角的程度有关。 Otherwise, Jiang Baimian can only consider that forge short-circuits together the blackout, specially in view of supervisory system that type. 要不然,蒋白棉只能考虑伪造一起短路停电事故,专门针对监控系统那种。 In a while, Shang Jianyao ended writing, stood. 没过多久,商见曜结束书写,站了起来。 I have a look.” Jiang Baimian puts out a hand. “我看看。”蒋白棉伸出了手。 She believes the Shang Jianyao intelligence quotient, but does not believe that his brain pulls out. 她相信商见曜的智商,但不相信他的脑子一抽。 ............ ………… In villa. 别墅内。 Nava sits on the single-seat sofa, in the eye the blue light is gazing at the front dimly. 格纳瓦坐在单人沙发上,眼中蓝光黯淡地注视着前方。 There is empty. 那里空无一物。 Was responsible for safeguarding its two regulation robots not to say anything, looked for a position to sit down respectively. 负责看管它的两名律法机器人没有多说什么,各自找了个位置坐下。 Their attention placed on Nava and table nearby Susannah, does not care about the entrance and window, as if not feel that necessity. 它们的注意力都放在了格纳瓦和餐桌附近的苏珊娜身上,不是太在意门口和窗户,似乎觉得没那个必要。 Has not known how long, Nava had a movement finally. It raised the head slowly, the vision has swept from two regulation robots, transferred to by the table. 不知过了多久,格纳瓦终于有了一点动作。它缓慢地抬起头,目光从两名律法机器人身上扫过,移到了餐桌旁。 Silver-white intelligent robot Susannah sits there, is reading books, has not made any response, as if the matter in living room does not have the least bit to relate with. 银白色的智能机器人苏珊娜坐在那里,阅读着一本书籍,没做任何的回应,仿佛客厅内的事情与自己没有半点关系。 Nava stared for nearly one minute, slightly rotates the neck at a loss, carefully examines various room places. 格纳瓦凝视了近一分钟,略显茫然地转动脖子,审视起房间各处。 It as to remember here each detail. 它似乎想记下这里的每一个细节。 During the vision migrations, it sees easily neglected that leaf of window place suddenly, screened the faces of two human, a man and a woman. 目光移动间,它突然看见最容易被人忽略的那扇窗户处,映出了两张人类的脸孔,一男一女。 Who the similarity 99%...... treated illness...... Xue...... Nava to distinguish the master of that two face in October/ten months directly is. 相似度百分之九十九……张去病……薛十月……格纳瓦直接识别出了那两张脸孔的主人是谁。 The next second, it saw Shang Jianyao to show the smile, then, took up a white paper, pasted on the glass 下一秒,它看见商见曜露出了笑容,然后,拿起一张白纸,贴在了玻璃上 The white paper surface writes similar a few words in the dust article and Red River language: 白纸表面用灰土文和红河语写着同样的一句话: Needs to help?” “需要帮忙吗?” The blue ray in Nava eyes glittered. 格纳瓦眼中的蓝色光芒闪烁了一下。 It makes the neck turn enough 180 degrees at once, then looked to Susannah. 它旋即让脖子扭了足足180度,回头望向了苏珊娜。 After regards the moment, its being put on regular status head, swung slowly under. 默视片刻后,它转正脑袋,缓慢地摇了下头。 It continues to move the line of sight, like such that before makes. 紧接着,它继续移动起视线,就像之前做的那样。 This can make the two regulation robots in villa unable to detect that these permits are unusual. 这能让别墅内的两名律法机器人察觉不到那些许异常。 When Nava looks for the second time to the most easily neglected that window, is pasting the white paper has replaced one. 等格纳瓦第二次望向最容易被忽略的那扇窗户时,贴着的白纸已更换了一张。 The above content also changed: 上面的内容也发生了变化: Doesn't want to seek for the significance of life?” “不想去寻找人生的意义吗?” Nava's vision stopped the movement, the blue glow in pupil as if a little solidified. 格纳瓦的目光停止了移动,眸中的蓝芒似乎有点凝固。 It silent repeats words and expressions: 它无声地重复起一个词语: Life...... life......” “人生……人生……” Then, Shang Jianyao replaced the paper. 然后,商见曜又更换了纸张。 This time, what above writes: 这一次,上面写的是: What doesn't want to find is human the answer of this issue?” “不想找到‘什么是人类’这个问题的答案吗?” The blue ray in Nava pupil suddenly bright a point. 格纳瓦眸中的蓝色光芒霍然明亮了一点。 It rotates the neck, making the line of sight no longer stay in the window locates, so as to avoid arises the suspicion of attendant. 它又转动起脖子,让视线不再停留于窗户处,免得引发看管者的怀疑。 When it to yearn for the stance of this house looks for the third time to that window, the initial paper mapped its eye: 等它以留恋这座房屋的姿态第三次望向那扇窗户时,最初的纸张映入了它的眼睛: Needs to help?” “需要帮忙吗?” Silver black intelligent machine personality Nava static two seconds, slow place under. 银黑色的智能机器人格纳瓦静止了两秒,缓慢地点了下头。 Almost is simultaneously, it saw on the Shang Jianyao face to show the heartfelt smile. 几乎是同时,它看见商见曜脸上露出了由衷的笑容。 Shang Jianyao replaced the paper rapidly: 商见曜迅速更换了纸张: Our five minutes.” “等我们五分钟。” Before different, five minutes the word of these character and correspondence does not know that crossed out by whom, revises in side for 15 minutes. 和之前不同,“五分钟”这几个字和对应的单词不知被谁划掉了,于旁边订正为“十五分钟”。 Nava nodded again, took back the line of sight, no longer looked to that window. 格纳瓦再次点头,收回了视线,不再望向那扇窗户。 ............ ………… Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao were separated from the monitoring region, walks toward the position that the jeep anchors. 蒋白棉商见曜脱离了监控区域,往吉普停靠的位置走去。 Really is, five minutes enough? We must plan the route, finds out the plan, is ready, 15 minutes reluctantly.” Jiang Baimian complained, „, this matter cannot drag is too long, perhaps late causes trouble.” “真是的,五分钟怎么够?我们得规划路线,想出方案,做好准备,十五分钟都勉强。”蒋白棉抱怨了一句,“不过嘛,这种事情也不能拖太久,迟恐生变。” Shang Jianyao looked at her one eyes: 商见曜看了她一眼: „Did you while resting the living room, peep many Old World anthology?” “你是不是趁着睡客厅,偷看了更多的旧世界剧集?” „......” Jiang Baimian was at a loss for words for two seconds, firmly said, this is not the key point!” “……”蒋白棉张口结舌了两秒,态度强硬地说道,“这不是重点!” She walks in that direction that the jeep is, shifted the topic: 她边往吉普所在的那个方向走去,边转移了话题: This is not a simple matter, we just there attained many information to get angry from source brain do not recognize people are not quite probably good. “这可不是一件简单的事情,我们刚从‘源脑’那里拿到不少情报就翻脸不认人好像不太好。 Said again, stands in Nava's angle, he is not definitely willing to destroy other intelligent robot directly, he treats as himself people, regards the companion these. “再说,站在格纳瓦的角度,他也肯定不愿意直接摧毁别的智能机器人,他可是把自己当做人,把那些当成同伴的。 I at the same time intensity of control conflict, on the other hand is saved out of the ordinary Nava, the difficulty is very big.” “我一方面得控制冲突的烈度,另一方面又得救出格纳瓦,难度很大啊。” At this point, she somewhat anticipated suddenly: 说到这里,她突然有些期待: I have not fought with the intelligent robot.” “我还没有和智能机器人交过手呢。” Sees Shang Jianyao to look that becomes to own vision quite strange, Jiang Baimian aspirates saying: 商见曜看向自己的目光变得比较奇怪,蒋白棉吐了口气道: Since decided must help, that cannot be overcautious and indecisive, hesitant, blows hot and cold. “既然决定了要帮忙,那就不能瞻前顾后,犹犹豫豫,摇摆不定。 Un, when you have no way to change the reality, then looks on the learned lets the exciting point.” “嗯,当你没法改变现实,那就学会找一些让自己兴奋的点。” Truly speaking, she really thought that the intelligent robot is a little formidabe, they do not fear the light weapons, the essential connection made the hidden and blocking, has the corresponding insulation measure, itself still has two sets and the above electrical power system, only on the body, must improve much compared with the mechanical clergies. 说实在的,她真觉得智能机器人有点难对付,它们不怕轻武器,关键接口又做了隐藏和遮挡,有相应的绝缘措施,本身还存在两套及以上电源系统,仅就机体而言,比机械僧侣们要完善不少。 What is more important, their also immunity Shang Jianyao awakening ability. 更为重要的是,它们还免疫商见曜的觉醒者能力。 During the speeches, Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian returned to by the jeep, saw has dressed good military exoskeleton installment Long Yuehong and fully-armed Bai Chen. 说话间,商见曜蒋白棉回到了吉普旁,看到了已穿戴好军用外骨骼装置的龙悦红和全副武装的白晨 PS: What the previous chapter said terminates the social relations temporarily, rather than the formatting, needs to return to the headquarters to accept further examines will have the punishment of formatting PS:上一章说的是暂时解除社会关系,而不是格式化,都是需要送回总部接受进一步审查才会有格式化的处罚
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