ELN :: Volume #3

#167: Celebrities

Jiang Baimian looks at Zhou Yue the smiling face, silent good. 蒋白棉看着周玥的笑脸,沉默了好一阵。 In the light bulb yellow ray, she gave up all extra ideas, thought aloud that said: 灯泡偏黄的光芒里,她放弃了所有额外的想法,自言自语般说道: I had read many materials, they from certain wilderness wanderer living areas, some are the personal diaries, some are the ROP, some assigns the list. “我曾经看过不少资料,它们来自某些荒野流浪者聚居点,有的是私人日记,有的是生产记录,有的是分配清单。 Through them, I like seeing crowds of human in that turmoil, the environmentally harsh time, depends on not that clean water source and output is not the town village that that high farmland and abandons, survived difficultly. “通过它们,我就像看见一群群人类在那个局势混乱,环境恶劣的时代,靠着不那么干净的水源、产量不是那么高的农田和废弃的城镇乡村,艰难地生存了下来。 I can feel when they finally found the clean water source or the water purification chip that heartfelt joy, can feel that they dredge the good drainage ditch laboriously, will overcome the foundation pride when for next year planter, can feel when they will obtain the harvest or hunt enough wild animal happiness, can feel that they to treasuring that every sacrificed one time, to under protecting living area gratified. “我能感觉得到他们终于找到干净水源或者净水芯片时那种由衷的喜悦,能感觉得到他们辛辛苦苦疏通好沟渠,为来年种植打下基础时的自豪,能感觉得到他们获得丰收或者狩猎到足够野兽时的幸福,能感觉得到他们对每一次牺牲的珍惜,对保护下聚居点的欣慰。 Reads these materials, I like joining them, satisfaction that the common experience grew out of nothing.” “看着这些资料,我就像加入了他们,共同经历由无到有的满足。” Zhou Yue hears to be somewhat enthralled: 周玥听得有些入神: Afterward?” “后来呢?” Jiang Baimian lowers the head to look to that corpse, smiled saying with a smile: 蒋白棉低头望向那具尸体,笑了笑道: Afterward, did not have worry to erupt, many people lost the reason overnight, turned into the wild animal, launched the attack to the companions who once fought side-by-side. “后来,一场‘无心病’爆发了,很多人一夜之间失去了理智,变成了野兽,对曾经并肩作战的同伴们发动了袭击。 So many people did pioneering work despite great hardships the living area that completed little to ruin in an instant, was only left over some materials also to tell that they had tried hard, has struggled. “那么多人筚路蓝缕一点点建成的聚居点转眼就毁掉了,只剩下一些资料还能诉说他们曾经努力过,挣扎过。 If we discover late, perhaps these materials will also diverge in the wind. “如果我们发现得迟一点,或许那些资料也会在风中散去。 Un, some had the plague, some are the weather changes, brought the famine, some resistance that after spelling to go all-out, by the robber group, was broken through by certain big influences, but, these and do not have worry sudden of eruption, as well as compared with no situation of means effective resistance, is much better.” “嗯,也有的是出现了瘟疫,也有的是天气变化,带来了饥荒,也有的是在拼尽全力的抵抗后,被强盗团,被某些大势力攻破了,不过,这些和‘无心病’爆发的突然,以及没有任何办法有效对抗的情况相比,都要好一些。” Zhou Yue opens mouth, does not know that wants to sigh, comes one everywhere the illusion, to be why earnest. 周玥张了张嘴,不知是想叹气,还是来一句“处处幻梦,何必认真”。 At this moment, she heard the Jiang Baimian tone to become moved fast a point: 就在这时,她听见蒋白棉的语气变得飘忽了一点: Therefore, I have hoped clarifies does not have worry the pathogenesis and dissemination mechanism, clarify the reason that Old World destroys, otherwise all efforts will turn finally come to naught. “所以,我才一直希望弄清楚‘无心病’的发病原理和传播机制,弄清楚旧世界毁灭的原因,要不然所有的努力最终都会变成一场空。 Even if this is only an illusion, before waking up, I must try hard to change it.” “哪怕这只是一场幻梦,在醒来前,我也要努力地改变它。” At this point, Jiang Baimian self-ridiculed that smiles: 说到这里,蒋白棉自嘲一笑: Reconstruction order, resumes production, changes the environment, saves the important component of the world, but this has these big influences on do, is not one's turn us to worry. “重建秩序,恢复生产,改变环境,也是拯救世界的重要组成部分,只不过这有那些大势力去做,轮不到我们操心。 We can only decide one to sound very impractical goal to ourselves.” “我们只能给自己定一个听起来很不切实际的目标。” At this time, Shang Jianyao raised the head, looks to Zhou Yue, asked with a smile: 这时,商见曜抬起头,望向周玥,笑着问道: Therefore, can save the entire human race with us?” “所以,要和我们一起拯救全人类吗?” Trades to be other person, at this time will definitely snort contemptuously in secret, but Zhou Yue is receiving everywhere the illusion, to be why earnest the idea, the smile responded: 换做别的人,此时肯定会暗中嗤之以鼻,但周玥秉承着“处处幻梦,何必认真”的理念,微笑回应道: We are also saving the entire human race. “我们也在拯救全人类啊。 Our goals are to let everyone believe broken mirror, serves It, tries to please It, finally with Its help, is separated from the fond illusion, enters has not had worry, not to have the chaos caused by war, not to have the plague, not to have the new world of famine.” “我们的目标是让大家都信仰‘碎镜’,侍奉祂,取悦祂,最终在祂的帮助下,脱离迷梦,进入没有‘无心病’、没有战乱、没有瘟疫、没有饥荒的新世界。” Since Zhou Yue without ridiculing oneself ideal, Jiang Baimian would have no saying that relying on one's own effort to revive not wanting to repose, in illusory held the year and other words, she smiled saying with a smile: 既然周玥没有嘲笑自己的理想,蒋白棉也就没说“自力更生”“不要把希望寄托在虚无缥缈的执岁身上”等话语,她笑了笑道: Where that looks at us to be able earlier successful.” “那就看我们哪边能更早成功。” Can compare?” Shang Jianyao helped make up an issue. “要比一比吗?”商见曜帮忙补了一个问题。 Zhou Yue shakes the head, said with a smile: 周玥摇了摇头,笑着说道: Where no matter we succeed, is the good deeds, does not need to compare.” “不管我们哪边成功,都是好事,没必要比。” Saying, her was sighing with emotion one: 说着,她感慨了一句: By the strength that your squad shows, on the dust will not worry absolutely the source of food, can definitely look for a big influence on settle down, on is quite happy and stable life, for example, southern Tal.” “以你们小队表现出来的实力,在灰土上绝对不会愁食物的来源,完全可以找个大势力定居,过上比较美好和安定的生活,比如,塔尔南。” „Perhaps which day, they suffered did not have worry.” Jiang Baimian looked to Shang Jianyao, „, but I do not know that next can be one's turn me, this had no way to prevent, had no way to treat, actually had no way to clarify can pulling out anyone.” “但也许哪一天,他们就患上了‘无心病’。”蒋白棉望向了商见曜,“而我也不知道下一个会不会轮到我,这没法预防,也没法医治,更没法弄清楚究竟会‘抽’中谁。” Perhaps because has this unknown fear, the major influences initially solved these people of warm and sufficient condition, will develop the follower by each or public or the sect of secret. 或许正是因为有这种未知的恐惧,各大势力内部初步解决了温饱的那些人,也会被各个或公开或隐秘的教派发展成信徒。 Above the dust, has almost no community really to have the security sense. 灰土之上,几乎没有哪个群体真的拥有安全感。 If really must look for one, Pangu lifeform the staff calculate reluctantly. 如果真要找一个,“盘古生物”的员工们勉强算。 Zhou Yue was at a loss for words for a while, separates a while saying: 周玥一时语塞,隔了一会儿才说道: I want to express to admiring of your strength.” “我只是想表达一下对你们实力的佩服。” „Did you look?” Shang Jianyao surprised. “你看出来了?”商见曜“惊讶”。 Jiang Baimian also made up one funnily: 蒋白棉也好笑地补了一句: What don't we seem to make?” “我们好像没做什么啊?” Except that bar lane fainted one group of people in wild pigeon, making them be exempt from the illusion influence, has not killed one another, as well as persevered the defense area for one day and one night, has not made higher having no interest break through these two things, old accent group has not displayed the strength. 除了在“野鸽子”酒吧弄晕了一堆人,让他们免受幻觉影响,没有自相残杀,以及坚守自身防区一天一夜,没让“高等无心者”突破这两件事情,“旧调小组”都没怎么发挥过实力。 Zhou Yue spoke thoughtlessly to reply: 周玥随口回答道: Can after he exerts the illusion influence repeatedly lives, can make him make to stem from the illusion of river Xiaoyue mind world on own initiative, can speculate that explains information that this back hidden, can not fear that chooses to remain dangerously, explained you are not only wise, and is very confident to own strength.” “能在他屡次施加幻觉影响后活下来,能让他主动制造出源于江筱月心灵世界的幻境,能推测解读出这背后隐藏的信息,能不怕危险地选择留守,都说明你们既有头脑,又对自身的实力很有信心。” He refers to ground that higher having no interest. “他”指的是地上那名“高等无心者”。 Also possibly blindly guessed that the person is also crude.” Shang Jianyao gave another possibility. “也可能是瞎猜的,人又鲁莽。”商见曜给出了另一种可能。 Is crude and disorderly team exactly less than today.” Zhou Yue swept this fellow one eyes with a smile. “又鲁莽又没头脑的团队活不到今天。”周玥笑着扫了这家伙一眼。 As the view lord of Nake view, clam dragon teaches dreamland feather gentleman, this eyesight vigor has, but cannot remember the face. 作为南柯观的观主,“蜃龙教”的“梦境羽士”,她这点眼力劲还是有的,只不过记不住脸。 That is because our name is good.” Shang Jianyao has theory of one set of logical self consistent method. “那是因为我们名字好。”商见曜有一套逻辑自洽的理论。 Jiang Baimian bears the happy expression, prepares to look how Zhou Yue meets. 蒋白棉忍住笑意,准备看周玥怎么接。 Zhou Yue the corners of the mouth move slightly, thinks or decided that the disagreement/not with opposite party continues to debate. 周玥嘴角微动,想了想还是决定不和对方继续辩论下去。 Does not need that earnestly. 没必要那么认真。 Three people of this are silent from time to time, from time to time chatted several, is defending that higher having no interest the corpse, has waited till the horizon to start to shine. 三人就这样时而沉默,时而聊上几句,守着那具“高等无心者”的尸体,一直等到了天边开始发亮。 Looks the Daoist temple courtyard that the outline gradually appears, Jiang Baimian puts out the cell phone, dialed a number. 看着轮廓逐渐浮现的道观天井,蒋白棉拿出手机,拨通了一个号码。 Hey?” The opposite transmitted Navalho to have the synthesis feeling baritone. “喂?”对面传来了格纳瓦略有合成感的男中音。 Chief Nava, the problem solve, you can send for the processing following item.” Jiang Baimian said that also made up one, „, what also possibly we experience is only the illusion, on your road careful, do not give up the protection of mirror.” “格纳瓦长官,问题解决了,你们可以派人过来处理后续事项了。”蒋白棉说完,又补了一句,“嗯,也可能我们经历的只是幻境,你们路上小心点,不要放弃镜子的保护。” Nava silent two seconds of say/way: 格纳瓦默然两秒道: Good.” “好。” ............ ………… 9 : 00 am, confirmed that higher having no interest had really died, after southern Tal no longer the illusion affects, previously withdrew the local residents, the external hunters and the caravan members west of the river brings the appropriate resource, returned to the east of the river one after another. 上午 9 点,确认那名“高等无心者”真的已经死去,塔尔南不再被幻境影响后,先前撤去河西的本地居民、外来猎人和商队成员们带着相应物资,陆续返回了河东。 Saw observe Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian that from Nake, they nod in abundance, express oneself respect. 看到从南柯观出来的商见曜蒋白棉,他们纷纷点头致意,表达自己的尊敬。 They heard: Last night was these two vestige hunter and Nake view view lord Zhou Yue to remain together, solves that higher having no interest, but early, they also saved a person in bar. 他们都听说了:昨晚是这两位遗迹猎人和南柯观观主周玥一起留守,解决掉了那名“高等无心者”,而更早前,他们还拯救了一酒吧的人。 You now were the celebrities of southern Tal.” Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao just opened the jeep vehicle door, sits the back row, Long Yuehong turns head to say with a smile. “你们现在是塔尔南的名人了。”蒋白棉商见曜刚拉开吉普车门,坐到后排,龙悦红就扭头笑道。 He sits in vice- harnesses the position. 他坐在副驾位置。 Shang Jianyao emphasized: 商见曜强调道: We.” “我们。” Yes, was our money white squad became the celebrity of southern Tal.” Jiang Baimian understood that Shang Jianyao wants to express what meaning. “是啊,是我们钱白小队成了塔尔南的名人。”蒋白棉非常理解商见曜想表达什么意思。 Driving Bai Chen could not bear said one low voice: 开车的白晨忍不住小声说了一句: Why money white squad?” “为什么还是钱白小队?” She is in the group lowest-key that. 她一直是小组里最低调的那个。 Because only then you are intermediate hunter.” Jiang Baimian returned to one with a smile. “因为只有你是‘中级猎人’。”蒋白棉笑着回了一句。 Then, she and Shang Jianyao talked about last night experience, placed with emphasis consciousness is infected and 503 and higher having no interest jumps from an upper story to commit suicide at three things. 接着,她和商见曜把昨晚的经历讲了一遍,重点放在了“意识被感染”、“五零三”和“‘高等无心者’跳楼自杀”三件事情上。 Speaking of finally, Jiang Baimian could not bear sigh one: 说到最后,蒋白棉忍不住感叹了一句: Which sect I want to join, tries their mass ceremonies, looked to awaken. “我都想加入哪个教派,试一试他们的弥撒仪式,看能不能觉醒了。 Mind corridor No. 503 room is hiding secret affirmation big......” “‘心灵走廊’503号房间藏着的秘密肯定不小……” But now, will as if have Shang Jianyao to be able in the future to explore that place. 而现在,似乎只有商见曜能在将来探索那个地方。 Heard these words, Shang Jianyao proposed earnestly suggested: 听到这句话,商见曜认真提出了建议: Our group joins furnace sect together ‚’, accepts the baptism?” “我们小组一起加入‘熔炉教派’,接受洗礼吧?” Steaming the sauna should very enjoy...... Jiang Baimian was a little excited. 蒸桑拿应该挺享受的……蒋白棉有点心动了。 She is in any case casual a letter/believes letter/believes, mainly to awaken, has no devotionally to scalding hot gate. 反正她就随便信一信,主要是为了觉醒,对“灼热之门”没有任何虔诚可言。 Is means......” Bai Chen drives while whispered. “是个办法……”白晨边开车边低语了一句。 Long Yuehong that vice- harnesses hears to be a little afraid, asked weakly: 副驾的龙悦红听得有点害怕,弱弱问道: Can first give the company to file a report?” “要不要先给公司打个报告?” Ha, cracking a joke of cracking a joke.” Jiang Baimian hollow laugh. “哈,开玩笑的开玩笑的。”蒋白棉干笑了起来。 Bai Chen then asked: 白晨转而问道: „Did you tell Nava all details?” “你们把所有细节都告诉格纳瓦了吗?” No.” Jiang Baimian shakes the head, we and Zhou Guanzhu have discussed that only raised the approximate development, had not specifically said the consciousness that river Xiaoyue the mind world brings infects and that higher having no interest at risk of life the information of transmission is anything.” “没有。”蒋白棉摇了摇头,“我们和周观主商量过了,只提了提大致的发展,没具体说江筱月心灵世界带来的意识感染和那名‘高等无心者’拼死传递的情报是什么。” Un.” Long Yuehong has the expectation early. “嗯。”龙悦红对此早有预料。 After all this is also clam dragon teaches the secret. 毕竟这也算是“蜃龙教”的秘密。 At this time, he heard Shang Jianyao to lower the voice: 这时,他听到商见曜放低了嗓音: „Can we eliminate a potential informant?” “我们会不会被灭口?” Long Yuehong terrified one startled, thought that this possibly has. 龙悦红悚然一惊,觉得这不是没有可能。 „If other sect, I thought that truly cannot be negligent.” Jiang Baimian said with a smile, „, but clam dragon teaches , is the illusion, why everywhere earnest?” “如果是别的教派,我觉得确实不能大意。”蒋白棉笑着说道,“但‘蜃龙教’嘛,呃,处处幻梦,何必认真?” Also yes.” Long Yuehong thinks that Zhou Guanzhu the appearance and performance, thought she cannot do the matter that or cannot do silences the witnesses. “也是。”龙悦红想到周观主的样子和表现,就觉得她干不出或者干不成杀人灭口的事情。 During the speeches, the jeep opened the quiet dream hotel. 说话间,吉普开回了幽梦旅馆。 Their four people just entered the hall, shrank to stand in proprietress Haynau in onstage, a face asked curiously: 他们四人刚进大厅,缩在前台的老板娘艾诺就站了起来,一脸好奇地问道: „ Did you solve that yesterday higher having no interest? “你们昨天解决那个‘高等无心者’了? He that strong......” “他那么强……” The proprietress words have not said, Shang Jianyao asked back on the doubts: 老板娘话未说完,商见曜就疑惑反问道: How you know that he is very strong?” “你怎么知道他很强?” , I heard that! Everyone was saying that this higher having no interest is very strong, before these different.” Haynau stutter, organized the excuse. “就,就,听说的!大家都在说这个‘高等无心者’很强,和以前那些不一样。”艾诺结巴了一下,组织好了说辞。 Your stutter anything...... the Jiang Baimian thought moves, replied with a smile: 你结巴啥……蒋白棉念头一动,笑着回答道: Cannot calculate us to solve, this matter and clam dragon teaches relations to be very deep. “不能算我们解决,这事和‘蜃龙教’关系很深。 Right, you had also met before other higher having no interest?” “对了,你以前还遇到过别的‘高等无心者’?”
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