ELN :: Volume #3

#168: „Room”

Haynau was startled: 艾诺怔了一下: Ha, how possibly? “哈,怎么可能? Is southern Tal so many years have met these higher having no interest.” “是塔尔南这么多年遇到过的那些‘高等无心者’。” Does not wait for Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao they to ask again, she inquired curiously: 不等蒋白棉商见曜他们再问,她好奇打听道: Actually among this what happened?” “这中间究竟发生了什么事情啊?” The proprietresses, your semblance age 30 several, soon did 40, not to mention, why display actually gossips? Jiang Baimian grasped many old time glossaries from river Xiaoyue the related information. 老板娘,你外表年龄都三十好几,快要四十了,实际更不用说,为什么表现得这么八卦?蒋白棉从江筱月相关资料里掌握了不少旧时代词汇。 However, she can also understand, the instinct of Eight Trigrams (gossip) has nothing to do with the age, more is the idle person more likes gossipping. 不过,她也能理解,八卦的天性与年纪无关,越是空闲的人越爱八卦。 To say that „was actually clam dragon teaches one fond illusion protector to result in did not have worry to initiate a series of things that......” Jiang Baimian picks to say, only concealed several key points. “其实就是‘蜃龙教’一位‘迷梦保护者’得了‘无心病’引发的一系列事情……”蒋白棉捡能说的都说了一遍,只把几个重点隐瞒住了。 The proprietress really must be willing to spend the time in any case, river Xiaoyue anything can definitely inquire. 反正老板娘真要舍得花工夫,江筱月什么的肯定能打听到。 Haynau who this......” wears the gorgeous long skirt selected, sounds is like the ghost story, especially finally that jumps.” “这样啊……”穿着艳丽长裙的艾诺点了下头,“听起来就跟鬼故事一样,尤其最后那一跳。” Right.” Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong expressed the support. “对。”商见曜龙悦红都表示赞同。 If that higher having no interest chooses other suicide way, perhaps they did not have this feeling, but he and river Xiaoyue is the same, jumps to leap from the building, makes one have certain association unavoidably. 如果那名“高等无心者”选择别的自杀方式,他们或许还没有这种感觉,但他和江筱月一样,纵身从楼上跃下,就难免让人产生一定的联想。 No matter what, this matter can solve you to record half of merit, then I gave Old Man Gu saying that looked how to make some substantive repayment to you.” Haynau sat, looks to the computer screen, said with a smile. “不管怎么样,这事能解决你们得记一半的功劳,回头我给顾老头说说,看怎么给你们弄些实质性的报答。”艾诺重新坐了下来,边望向电脑屏幕,边笑着说道。 The Long Yuehong continuously a little curious proprietress and President Gu relations, cannot bear open the mouth to ask: 龙悦红一直有点好奇老板娘和顾会长的关系,忍不住开口问道: Ms. Haynau, you and are President Gu very ripe?” “艾诺女士,你和顾会长很熟吗?” Ripe, how can not be ripe? So many years of everyone fellow villagers, I , if not ripe, you do believe?” Haynau hehe said with a smile, that old man ghost fine ghost essence, made anything not to suffer a loss, was a little timid, rather missed, was not risky.” “熟啊,怎么会不熟?大家乡里乡亲的这么多年了,我如果说不熟,你们信吗?”艾诺呵呵笑道,“那老头鬼精鬼精的,做啥都不吃亏,就是有点胆小,宁错过,不冒险。” Also chatted several, old accent group rides the elevator, returned to two buildings. 又闲聊了几句,“旧调小组”乘坐电梯,返回了二楼。 Haynau rests one's chin in one's hands looks that their backs were covered up by the elevator door, slowly took back the vision. 艾诺托腮看着他们的背影被电梯门遮掩住,慢慢收回了目光。 After her, leans against the chairback, closed the eye. 她后靠住椅背,闭上了眼睛。 ............ ………… In pink room that piles up with the teddy bears, the lace skirts and various electronic products. 一个堆满玩具熊、蕾丝裙和各种电子产品的粉色房间内。 Haynau sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, the face belt/bring doubts are gazing at the vermilion front door. 艾诺盘腿坐在床上,脸带疑惑地注视着朱红色的大门。 Her back, is a bedhead, is hanging a giant decoration painting, marking is dark sea and partly visible several islands that are glittering the glimmer. 她的背后,也就是床头,悬挂着一副巨大的装饰画,画上是一片闪烁着微光的幽暗海洋和若隐若现的几个岛屿。 Haynau jumped down the bed, gradually moves toward the entrance, gripped the brass color hand. 艾诺跳下了床,一步步走向门口,握住了黄铜色的把手。 She twists gently, that vermilion door opened wide backward. 她轻轻一拧一拉,那朱红色的房门就向后敞开了。 Out of the door is a corridor that is spreading the dark yellow thick rug, the both sides of corridor have rooms. 门外是一条铺着暗黄色厚地毯的走廊,走廊的两侧有一个又一个房间。 No matter toward which end of corridor looks, cannot see the end. 而不管往走廊的哪一端瞧,都看不到尽头。 That innumerable room has the vermilion wooden door and brass color old lock, has the difference except for the golden door plate, other are exactly the same. 那数不清的房间则都有着朱红色的木门、黄铜色的旧锁,除了金色的门牌号存在区别,其他都一模一样。 Haynau steps into the corridor, about looked at one respectively, the vision from not the rule door plate on swept. 艾诺踏入走廊,左右各看了一眼,目光从没有规律可言的“门牌号”上扫了过去。 Her body does not know when shivered. 她的身体不知什么时候颤抖了起来。 At this time, corridor incomparably peaceful, does not have any matter happened. 此时,走廊这一段无比安静,没有任何事情发生。 After several seconds, Haynau turns around suddenly, goes back to the room, the gatekeeper got up the wooden door. 几秒之后,艾诺猛然转身,走回房间,哐当关上了木门。 On this leaf of vermilion door, the golden number marked its status: 她这扇朱红色的房门上,金色的数字标识出了它的身份: 506 “506” ............ ………… In Room 221, Long Yuehong saw Jiang Baimian to carry out that radio transceiver. 221房间内,龙悦红看到蒋白棉搬出了那台无线电收发报机。 Team leader, not, whentelephones withsource brain reports to the company again?” He has not concealed oneself doubts. “组长,不等到和‘源脑’通完电话再向公司汇报吗?”他没有掩饰自己的疑惑。 Before, Nava had explicitly said, waited to process higher having no interest the hand tail of this matter, will crash into the cliff the intelligent robots and auxiliary engine people makes, can arrange old accent group and source brain telephone conversation. 之前,格纳瓦已经明确表示,等处理完“高等无心者”这件事情的手尾,将坠入悬崖的智能机器人和辅助机器人们弄回来,就可以安排“旧调小组”和“源脑”通话了。 This is also 2-3 days of times. 这也就是2-3天的工夫。 Jiang Baimian writing-telegraph manuscript, replied with a laugh: 蒋白棉边书写电报稿,边笑呵呵回答道: Although I thought that clam dragon teaches not to look like can make to silence a witness of crime the organization of this matter, but we cannot a point guard do not have.” “虽然我觉得‘蜃龙教’不太像能做出杀人灭口这种事情的组织,但我们也不能一点提防都没有。” Un, cannot blindly believe.” Shang Jianyao retrieved vigilant sect honor member status. “嗯,不能盲目地相信。”商见曜又找回了警惕教派“荣誉成员”的身份。 This......” Long Yuehong was a little suddenly anxious. “这……”龙悦红忽然有点紧张了。 Jiang Baimian fast writing at the same time, smiled saying with a smile: 蒋白棉飞快书写的同时,笑了笑道: This matter, mainly does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality, therefore, we must report these days experience. “这种事,主要是不怕一万,就怕万一,所以,我们还是得把这段时间的经历汇报上去。 Later, we, if did not have the message suddenly, the company at least knows that which direction should in look, right?” “之后,我们要是突然没有了音讯,公司至少知道该往哪个方向找,对吧?” Spoke thoughtlessly, she was shocked suddenly, the subconsciousness looked at Shang Jianyao one, discovered that his expression was normal, no change. 随口说完,她突然愣住,下意识看了商见曜一眼,发现他表情正常,没什么变化。 Coughs......” Jiang Baimian to clear throat, I write, do you feel the issue?” “咳……”蒋白棉清了清喉咙,“我这么写,你们觉得有没有问题?” She read the telegram original manuscript that oneself planned fast. 她把自己拟的电报原稿快速读了一遍。 Bai Chen secure listens quietly, frowns saying: 白晨安静听完,微皱眉头道: Can say few?” “会不会说得太少了?” The Jiang Baimian telegram manuscript only proposed that higher having no interest that illusion that the origin, bitter experience, result and river Xiaoyue jumps from an upper story to commit suicide, has not said old accent group function of speculation, judgment, confirmation and display. 蒋白棉的电报稿只提了那名“高等无心者”的来历、遭遇、结局和江筱月跳楼自杀的那个幻境,没说“旧调小组”的推测、判断、验证和发挥的作用。 Naturally, this includes five zero three these numbers, but has not attached the corresponding explanation. 当然,这包括“五”“零”“三”这几个数字,只不过未附加相应的解读。 The ending of telegram manuscript, Jiang Baimian also mentioned, waited for 2-3 days to be able again with source brain telephone conversation. 电报稿的结尾,蒋白棉还提到,再等2-3天就能和“源脑”通话了。 How many contents can a telegram stopper? Waited for the company, writes the duty reported time again in accordance with the situation supplemented.” Jiang Baimian in this aspect is an expert. “一份电报能塞多少内容?等回了公司,写任务报告的时候再视情况补充。”蒋白棉在这方面已经是老手。 They save others that batch of computers that obtain, previous time sent the telegram to say to the company when has arrived in southern Tal, did not say a word. 他们救人获得的那批电脑,上次给公司发电报说已抵达塔尔南时,也是只字未提。 Can make the form that serializes.” Shang Jianyao provided the suggestion. “可以做成连载的形式。”商见曜提供了建议。 They do not think.” Jiang Baimian vividly answered. “他们不想。”蒋白棉轻快地做出了回答。 They referring to Security Division the staff in security courier service place. “他们”指的是“安全部”机要通信处的员工们。 Quick, Jiang Baimian translated the telegram original manuscript, transmitted it. 很快,蒋白棉译好了电报原稿,将它发送了出去。 When old accent group has had the early lunch, prepares to catch up on the dormancy time, „the Pangu lifeform returned to a telegram: 等到“旧调小组”吃过了早午饭,准备补眠的时候,“盘古生物”回了一封电报: „...... Makes good...... and source brain talks over the telephone, can return to the company recuperation.” “……做得不错……和‘源脑’通完话,就可以回公司休整了。” Listens to Jiang Baimian to read the final half a word words, feeling that Long Yuehong a little weeps unexpectedly. 蒋白棉念出最后半句话,龙悦红竟有点喜极而泣的感觉。 They come already for several months to the surface, from late autumn to late winter. 他们到地表来已经好几个月,从深秋一直到了晚冬。 Is counted the return trip time needed, they will definitely miss „the Pangu lifeform every year to be liveliest grandly also the most cheerful holiday- new year's celebration. 算上返程所需的时间,他们必然会错过“盘古生物”每年最热闹最盛大也最欢快的节日-过年。 This made Long Yuehong compared with miss homeland in the past. 这让龙悦红比往常更加想家。 When Long Yuehong wants to say finally, Shang Jianyao expressed the view: 就在龙悦红想说“总算”的时候,商见曜发表了看法: This saying is not quite a little auspicious.” “这话有点不太吉利。” Also is...... Jiang Baimian suddenly thought that among this can have an accident/surprise again. 也是……蒋白棉突然就觉得这中间会不会再发生点意外。 Bai Chen looked at Long Yuehong one with no trace, took back the vision fast, patted under own face gently. 白晨不着痕迹地看了龙悦红一眼,快速收回了目光,轻轻拍了下自己的脸庞。 What's wrong?” Jiang Baimian asked curiously. “怎么了?”蒋白棉好奇问道。 Custom of our wilderness wanderer.” Bai Chen answered simply, said or listened to the words of not Jili, oneself slapped in the face to work as this matter not to happen.” “我们那片荒野流浪者的习惯。”白晨简单解释道,“说了或者听了不吉利的话,自己打一下嘴巴就可以当这件事没有发生过。” Right?” Long Yuehong is attempting movement that imitates Bai Chen. “是吗?”龙悦红尝试着模仿起白晨的动作。 The Jiang Baimian doubts asked again: 蒋白棉疑惑再问: How hadn't you done that before?” “你之前怎么没这么做过?” The words of not Jili the first time are not appeared in old accent group. 不吉利的话又不是第一次出现在“旧调小组”内部。 Bai Chen silent two seconds: 白晨默然了两秒: I do not believe that before is auspicious this matter.” “我之前不是太相信吉利不吉利这种事情。” „......” Long Yuehong does not know that should say anything. “……”龙悦红不知该说些什么了。 ............ ………… A sleep/felt rests in the evening, old accent group gets out of bed to go out, searches food. 一觉睡到傍晚,“旧调小组”起床出门,寻觅食物。 Passes through the secluded lane, they arrived in Binhe Avenue. 走过僻静的巷子,他们抵达了滨河大道。 Here street light gap is not very big, has shone completely, street according to just like daytime. 这里路灯间隔不是很大,全部都已亮起,将街道照得宛如白昼。 Under the light, the one by one stall exhibits in turn, above many goods that looks for from the Old World city ruins. 灯光之下,一个个摊位依次摆开,上面多是从旧世界城市废墟内找回来的物品。 Preaching, chorus, dances, the performance balance capability, gathers respectively in a place, making Binhe Avenue seem very lively. 布道的、合唱的、跳舞的、表演平衡能力的,各自聚在一个地方,让“滨河大道”显得非常热闹。 Such when this they arrives in southern Tal's first is late sees like Shang Jianyao. 这就像商见曜他们抵达塔尔南第一晚时看见的那样。 Recalled front two days empty silent, Long Yuehong somewhat is suddenly sigh with emotion: 回想前面两天的空荡寂静,龙悦红突然有些感慨: „Before I a little am clear us, significance that works......” “我有点明白我们之前工作的意义了……” Good.” Jiang Baimian selected with a smile under. “不错。”蒋白棉笑着点了下头。 Some Bai Chen pupil light twinkles, do not know that thought of anything. 白晨眸光有些闪烁,不知想到了什么。 Shang Jianyao leans excessively, looks to Long Yuehong, said with a smile: 商见曜则侧过头,望向龙悦红,笑着说道: Therefore, can save the entire human race together?” “所以,要不要一起拯救全人类啊?” Long Yuehong has not disregarded like the past several times, appeared little hesitant. 龙悦红没有像过去几次那样无视,出现了少许犹豫。 He opens mouth, actually saw Shang Jianyao to arrive at another side startled, sneaked in glorious balance in that group of people, watched performance excitedly. 他张了张嘴,却愕然看见商见曜走到了另外一边,钻进了“荣耀天平”那群人里面,兴奋地观看起“表演”。 Glorious balance the teaching numerous are walking on stilts, walks back and forth, is demonstrating own balance. “荣耀天平”的教众们正踩着高跷,走来走去,展示着自己的平衡。 Besides this, they have the human pyramid, to make the bicycle monowheel stand, in brief, is elaborating the doctrine in all kinds of ways. 除了这个,他们还有叠罗汉、让自行车单轮站立,总之,以各种各样的方式阐述着教义。 This how acrobatic troupe...... Jiang Baimian whispered likely low voice. “这怎么像个杂技团……”蒋白棉小声嘀咕了一句。 Shang Jianyao has not looked too for a long time, because his belly does not permit. 商见曜没有看太久,因为他的肚子不允许。 Old accent group comes out to look for food. “旧调小组”是出来觅食的。 They arrived at wild pigeon bar, pushes the door to enter. 他们一路走到了“野鸽子”酒吧,推门而入。 These customers who because often come also in hospital, the bar seems very lonely, then several people gather together plays cards. 因为常来的那些顾客很多还在医院里,酒吧显得很是冷清,只有那么几个人聚在一起玩牌。 Boss Cai Yi noticed the money white squad comes, stood up, welcomes the entrance, the enthusiasm of attitude, the humbleness of tone, making Long Yuehong a little not adapt. 老板蔡义一看到钱白小队进来,刷地站起,迎到了门口,态度之热情,口吻之谦卑,让龙悦红都有点不适应了。 Boss, does not use this.” Jiang Baimian also has similar feeling. “老板,不用这样。”蒋白棉同样有类似的感受。 Cai Yicuo the palm was saying: 蔡义搓着手掌道: This! This! “该!该! You, let alone this bar cannot open, my person in must two say. “要不是你们,别说这酒吧开不开得下去,我人在不在都还得两说。 What today eats? I invited!” “今天吃点什么?我请!” „It is not the canned food, biscuit and energy stick on the line.” Shang Jianyao set the request. “不是罐头、饼干、能量棒就行。”商见曜提出了要求。 Cai Yi haha said with a smile: 蔡义哈哈笑道: Does not have the issue, I in frozen the meat the family/home take, demonstrates the craftsmanship under to you. “没问题,我把家里冻的肉拿下来,给你们展示下手艺。 Right, President Gu said, everyone two days collected a commodity, traded a pig, was placed several tables in the Nake view, made to kill the pig vegetable/dish, thank you.” “对了,顾会长说,大家这两天凑点物资,换一口猪,回头在南柯观摆几桌,弄上杀猪菜,感谢你们。” Long Yuehong their saliva immediately become rich. 龙悦红他们的口水顿时变得丰沛。 Good.” Jiang Baimian has not rejected, but somewhat said awkwardly, puts the Nake view to be not quite good?” “好啊。”蒋白棉没有拒绝,只是有些为难地说道,“放南柯观会不会不太好?” Then a sacred dignified religious place, holds the banquet, the lane kills the pig vegetable/dish, is not quite good? 那么一个神圣庄严的宗教场所,摆酒席,弄杀猪菜,是不是不太好? Cai Yixiao: 蔡义笑了: Zhou Guanzhu complied, she said that the quicker the better.” “周观主答应了,她说越快越好。” This instance, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and other human brain within the four seas flashed through the same words: 这个瞬间,蒋白棉商见曜等人脑海内闪过了同一句话: „Is the illusion, why everywhere earnest?” “处处幻梦,何必认真?”
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