The roughsea breezehas blown the Povisssnow gleams whitehillfrom the arccoastdissolutely.
The horizonbright redsunset glowphotohasin the snowy areatworows of prolongedhorsehoofprints.
天边艳红的晚霞照出雪地上两排绵长的马蹄印。Clip clop the hoofbeatstopsoutsideSongshulin of cover, the hairglossybrownsteedhit a loudnose, in the huihuicryshowed an excitement.
哒哒的蹄声在茂密的松树林外停顿,毛发油亮的棕色骏马打了个响鼻,咴咴的叫声中透出一股兴奋。Immediatelywhippeditsneckjust likeKnightcomforting of young girlhandsome, under the hair's length only to earsamber brownVertical Pupilsweptbuilding in the frontgrove.
马上宛如少女般俊美的骑士安抚地拍打它的脖子,齐耳短发下琥珀色竖瞳扫了眼前方林子里的建筑物。Thisdeodar cedarforestfromLan Exeterstill300li (0.5 km), walked, depends onpeople who the forest landseeks a livelihoodto build the every large or smallvillagein the wilderness, there is a permanentsettlement, there is a temporaryfoothold, has the sparrow, althoughsmallvillage, there is a casuallog cabin, bigextraordinaryshack.
这片雪松林距离朗·爱塞特尚有三百里,一路走来,靠着林地讨生活的人们在荒郊野外建立了大大小小的村落,既有永久定居点,也有临时落脚点,有麻雀虽小的农庄,也有随随便便的木屋,大的出奇的窝棚。But the frontis the agglomerationbeliefcenter, a crudecountrysidetemple.
It seems like a having a restgoodplace.
看起来是个歇脚的好地方。Heshifts to anotherBlack Horse, the earsends the point, chinbelt/bringshybeard stubble, is holding in the mouth the hybridElfyoungster of green foxtail.
他转向另一匹黑马上,耳朵发尖,下巴带点青涩胡茬,叼着狗尾巴草的混血精灵少年。„Akamtom, the weather, does not stopearlytoday, should not be exhaustedWirth, otherwisegoes backto have no waywithRoyto confess!”
The youngsterlooked at a sky, dusk the photohascurve that hiscorners of the mouthteased.
少年看了眼天空,黄昏照出他嘴角戏谑的弧度。„You have a faceto raisetired, whoinitiallywaspleadsto askLydiaLadyto arrive atKerackPortal, makingusride a horsewhetsmartial artsalong the way? Finally, entirefor half a monthexcept forattending tooutdatedDrowner, ate the mouthfulmud!”
The youngsterpulls out a carrotfrom the saddlebag, the stopperbefore the Black Horseheadlookedconvenientlyitpūcīpūcīto eat to the heart's content,
少年随手从马鞍袋里掏出一根胡萝卜,塞到黑马脑袋前看它噗呲噗呲大快朵颐,„Is greatly intelligentyour excellency, teachesme, howshouldboastwiththatgroup of youngbastards,DrownerKillerdoes createagainmagnificently? Onlyisthinks that cansmile the excrement!”
“大聪明阁下,教教我呗,该怎么跟那群小王八蛋吹嘘,水鬼杀手再创辉煌?光是想想都能把人笑出屎来!”„Weshouldenter a cityto followearlyGrandmasterDandelionto fill of enjoymentinnewly-openedSong and Dance Hall, orgoes to No. 2Potion Storeto accompanyVickyto talk about old days, maydelayso manydays, allplanswere scrapped, whenhow longmustreturn to the Ellanderself-torture!”
The self-torturetwocharacters, making the Carleyehidejump.
苦修两个字,让卡尔眼皮子一跳。Akizukiwhole bodyquickly grasps the meaning of something, looks fierce, „newGrandmasterIvarsimplyis a anomaly, trades the patternto suffereveryone! Whatblade edgerevolvingstuffed dummy, the EnhancedversionKillerroad, the kitechildslope, ——previoustimeIfall a tumble is not getting better, yousaid that whatsequelacanhave?”
阿卡姆则浑身一个激灵,龇牙咧嘴,“新来的伊瓦尔大师简直是个变态,换着花样折磨大伙儿!什么刀锋旋转假人,强化版杀手路,鹞子坡,呜——上次我摔了一跤至今还没痊愈,你说会不会留下什么后遗症?”„Shut up! Since thisis you twoweeks14 th complaint, has the snoring more annoying than every day!”Carlshows the whites of the eyes, forces under skinarmorto hideCat Schoolpendant, pulls the reinsto move toward the woodsto complement, outlinechillingbuilding,
“闭嘴!这已经是你两周以来的第十四次抱怨,比每天打呼噜还烦人!”卡尔翻了个白眼,将猫派吊坠塞进皮甲下面藏好,牵着缰绳走向树林掩映间,轮廓冷硬的建筑物,„Has the timeidle talk, might as wellmake the best use of the timeto lickto be clean your foul-mouthed, howthinksto convincePriest! Saidyoudo wantto continueto rest the stoneto blow the cold wind?!”
…………Two peoplelead a horseto enter the temple between snow whitepine.
两人牵马走进雪白松枝间的神庙。Is far fromgrandlymagnificently, the constructionscalewas even inferior that a NovigradEternal FireTemplecorner/horn, is a stockade, as well asseveralred bricksbuilds a wall the lowone-story house that shingleplaces an upper limit onto encircle the half-moon-shapedsmallcourtyardmerely.
宏伟壮观谈不上,建筑规模甚至不如诺维格瑞永恒之火神殿一个角,仅仅是一副栅栏、以及几栋红砖砌墙、木瓦封顶的低矮平房围成半月形小院子。Confusingly, near the left handby the woodenshackoldhousesealsto sewairtightwith the plank.
令人不解的是,左手边木窝棚旁的旧房子用木板封钉得密不透风。At this time the daytimereaches the last act, the pass throughforestFengsetting sunphotohasin the gardens an old man of marblestatue——beardlushvisionwisdom, throws over, hangsto the short sleevewraparound coat of kneeentireliningis composing, the left handsupports the clothesextrapart, the right handemptyextendsforward, as ifinflushingbelowbelieverinstructionknowledge.
The Witcherluckis quite good, thisistolerantmagnanimousandfriendlybelief——Lebioda, perhapsis willingto admit their evening.猎魔人运气相当不错,这是个宽容大度、友善的信仰——雷比殴达,也许愿意接纳他们一晚。
Before the statue , before sacrednicheandaltar, regardingonegroup of boygirls, small7 or 8-year-old, old15andsix years old.
雕像前神圣壁龛和祭坛前,围绕一群男孩女孩儿,小的七八岁,年长的十五、六岁。Theyput ondozen of fullpatches the flaxunderwear, is standing rigidlyvision dull, on the cottoncoat that the ashthrowsis hanging the clearsnowflake, white vapor of long stripgushes outfrom the oronasalswith the breath, the cheekswere frozenred, is in trance, the heartas if there is worry of somepuberty.
他们穿着打满补丁的亚麻内衣,目光呆滞地僵立着,灰扑扑的棉外套上挂着晶莹雪花,长条状的白气随着呼吸从口鼻间涌出,脸颊被冻得通红,神情恍惚,心头似乎怀揣着某种青春期的烦恼。TwoyoungsterWitchersee thatremembersKobun's Homeas if by prior agreement, but the atmosphere of templemustconstrainto be much sad, just likedead situation.
两名少年猎魔人见状不约而同想起高文之家,只是神庙的气氛要压抑沉闷得多,宛如一潭死水。Whileat this time, puts on the succinctsimplewhiteto offer a sacrifice to the robeto wear the fur hatyoungwomanto go out of the courtyardaccompanied bytwowell-builtmanquickly, the sharppupilsweeps.
正当此时,一位穿着简洁朴素白色祭袍头戴皮帽年轻女人在两名体格健壮的男人陪同下快步走出院子,锐利的眸子扫过来。„Hello, twoare not the pineryarearesidents, came from far awayto do?”
“你们好,两位不是松林区居民吧,远道而来有何贵干?”Sheis probably 23 or 24-year-old, the pupillightpasses the fullsorrellong hairto throw overin the shouldersways, skinwhitetransparent, in the necksfaintly visibleis thin and shallowdown, but the cheekstie tight, in the long and narrowblackeyeexudes the sandwormblood threads, obviouslyrecently the sleepis unsatisfactory.
她大概二十三四岁,眸光流转间满头红褐色的长发披在肩头摇晃,皮肤白的透明,脖子间隐隐可见一层又细又浅的绒毛,但脸颊紧绷,狭长的黑眼睛里泛起沙虫似的血丝,显然近来睡眠不佳。Witchernoticesonthisbeautiful faceto flash throughnon-naturekeenly.猎魔人敏锐地注意到这张俏脸上闪过一丝不自然。„RespectableLadyandtwogentlemen, IcalledCarl, thisfellowwasAkamtom, accidentallypassed by the temple. Ifyousee the weatherto be late, night the open countrytemperaturelowerscanfreeze to death the person, wewantto stay overnight in somebody's homewithyou, pleadsblessing of Lebioda.”
“尊敬的女士、两位先生,我叫卡尔,这家伙是阿卡姆托姆,偶然路过神庙。如您所见天色将晚,夜里野外温度低得能冻死人,我们想跟您借宿一宿,恳求雷比殴达的庇佑。”„IamDaisy, Priest and manager of thistemple, theyareTempleguardare unevenandDino,”
The chinspaciousandprominentgreatman (Han) and hairare dishevelled, the sinister and viciousmale of whole facewhiskersshows a faint smile, butthissmilefilledwas anxiousandvigilant.
下巴宽大又突出的巨汉和头发蓬乱、满脸络腮胡的阴鸷男微微一笑,但这笑容充满了不安和警觉。Theycloselyare staring at the youngsterbacksword hilt, intinwithwaistcamera bag.
他们紧紧盯着少年背后的剑柄,和腰间暗袋里的银罐。„Lebiodabenevolence, is gladto provide the institute of warmrestingfor the traveler who cannot withstandwearily, butyouare fully-armed, bringing the sword... the sword to offend somebody, will kill people, butin the templehasmanyvulnerablechildren.”
“雷比殴达仁慈,乐意为疲倦不堪的旅人提供温暖的休憩之所,但你们全副武装,带着剑…剑会伤人,也会杀人,而庙里有很多脆弱的孩子。”„Hoe, hayforkandsickle can also kill people, the keyisto usetheirpeople. The swordis the fellow who weeat meal, ourProfessionrequests the swordnot to leave the body. Butpleasefeel relieved,ourswordsonlyaim at‚Monster’.”
“锄头、干草叉、镰刀也能杀人,关键在于使用它们的人。剑是我们吃饭的家伙,我们职业要求剑不离身。但请放心,我们的剑只针对‘怪物’。”Akizukishows offdemonstrationchest frontMedallionbrightlywith a smile.
阿卡姆灿然笑着炫耀般展示胸前徽章。„WeareGriffin SchoolWitcher... fromsouthKerackcome, to prepareLan Exeterto go to the acquaintance. After all the opportunity of bigcityworkare more.”
“我们是狮鹫派猎魔人…从南边的凯拉克而来,准备到朗·爱塞特投奔熟人。毕竟大城市工作的机会更多。”A little experiencepeopleknowslightly,Witchermust the wanderingfour directions, seek forcomissionunceasingly.
稍微有点见识的人都知道,猎魔人就得不断云游四方,寻找委托。TheyafterNovigradrushes to the illustriousprestige, thismaintainsseveral hundredyears of tradition is still impregnable.
The differencelies inpresentcomissionis onlyBrotherhoodWitcherlifeadjustmentrather thandepending on the method of making a living.
区别在于现在委托只是兄弟会猎魔人的生活调剂品而非赖以谋生的手段。Vilgefortz and Alzurheritage, enoughBrotherhoodhas developed for tenyears.威戈佛特兹和阿尔祖的遗产,已经足够兄弟会发展十年。„SuchyoungWitcheris quite rare, does your excellency have otherevidence?”Although the catalysis of Decoction of Grassesmakes the youngsterseemcompared withonactualoldseveral years old, looks like the 15 or 16 years oldyoung people, butwas still childish, in the big mouthwith the legend, Mutant of fiendish featuresis very different.
The Priestessvisionreveals the color of thinking.女祭司目光流露出思索之色。„Howhas a look atthissword? Itis not the commonlethal weapon.”Carlgrinsexcitedly, the left handcrosses the shoulderto grip the sword hilt that the buffalo hidepackages.
唰——Silverlightfor the first timepresently.
银光乍现。Priestessandtwobodyguardsboil uptogether the shinylightningat presentsuddenly.女祭司和两位保镖眼前豁然迸出一道雪亮的闪电。
The sword of vibrationsharpsuch as the pure whiteflower petalblooms, butincruciformhand guardbelowoneinchplace, revealstogetherradiantrune, the surroundingshavesixgloomily bluecolored lightglow, takes turnwith the wave-shapedmutually, runeunderinscribes an attractivestyleantiquityengraved inscription.
抖动的剑尖如洁白花瓣绽放,而在十字型护手下方一寸处,露出一块璀璨的符文,周围有六道幽蓝色光芒,与波浪状相互交替,符文下方铭刻着一段漂亮的风格化上古铭文。Putting in orderis much finer the sword, just like the artware.
The Carlindex fingerpassed over gently and swiftly the sword blade of thinascicada wing, humming soundduring the lightcries, the coldbladereflection, the dreamis also fatal.卡尔食指掠过薄如蝉翼的剑身,嗡嗡轻鸣间,寒刃反光,梦幻又致命。Twobig fellow, happened simultaneouslyalarmed and afraidretrocededonestep.
两个大汉不知怎地,惊惧交加地后退了一步。„Fallingiron swordheart, silversword blade... attachesmanyMagic... onlyto haveWitcher to brandish. Twodo not needto be afraid, itonlyhas the special effect on monster, will not threatenhuman.”
The Carlalsoswordturns over to the sheath, reveals the toothto smile, threepeoplestartledfell down the expression of close tofullyto satisfyhisvanity!卡尔还剑归鞘,露齿一笑,三人惊掉下巴的表情充分满足了他的虚荣心!ButAkizukiunwillinglysnort/hum, heaven-sent opportunity, madethisinsensitivesmellyfartghostinstall!
而阿卡姆不甘地哼了一声,天赐良机,又让这个厚脸皮的臭屁鬼装到了!„Carl does your excellency, on the swordcarve characters?”
The hairdishevelledbodyguardvisionshrinks, the stutterasked.
头发蓬乱的保镖目光畏缩,结结巴巴地问。„Lookis good, thatismyTeacherlegendWitcherRoywords of advice, thenbyanotherGrandmasterunder the summer solsticedayhigh noon the golden sunshineshoneinscribespersonally! Related in detailwithyouagain!”
“眼神不错,那是我的一个老师传奇猎魔人罗伊的赠言,然后由另一位大宗师在夏至日正午金色阳光照耀下亲手铭刻!有空再跟你细说!”„Vertical PupilandGriffinMedallionandLegendarySilver Sword, twostatuswithout doubt, come inconclusivelyin a big hurry!”
“竖瞳、狮鹫徽章、传说中的银剑,两位的身份确凿无疑,快快请进!”Daisyoffers a sacrifice to the pupilto shine the unusual look, the attitudechangessuddenly, puts out a handtowardtwo peopleunquestioning, drawsthemto walktoward,
The children who in the courtyardare in a dazelookedas if by prior agreement, in the eyewere many a vitality.
院子里发呆的孩子们不约而同看了过来,眼中多了一丝朝气。Akizukismilebrims withwavesto greettothem, theyactuallyseem the frightenedfawnfourto run into the room, stays behind the fullcourtyarddisorderlyfootprint.
阿卡姆笑容洋溢地冲他们挥手打招呼,他们却好似受惊的小鹿四下逃进屋子里,留下满院子凌乱脚印。Akizukiknits the brows, the heartsurges a strangefeeling, exchanged a lookwithCarl.
阿卡姆皱了皱眉,心头涌起一丝古怪的感觉,与卡尔交换了个眼神。„Certainlyistaking pity on Lebioda, sendstwoliberators, is the endfor the disaster of temple!”
“一定是雷比殴达的垂怜,才派来两位救星,为神庙的灾难画上句号!”Priestess said that女祭司高兴地说,„Whatdisaster?”TwoyoungsterSpiritinspire,
“什么灾难?”两个少年精神一振,„Saw that group of little fellows... un... were sorry, countrysidechildshyandeasyshy. In briefreason thatontheirfaces the overcast sky, thatisbecausein the templehasevillycauses troublefilthily, stirringeveryone can not be peaceful, wejustneed the skillsuperbeliminationdemonGrandmaster!”
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