TDH :: Volume #20

#28 Part 2: Perfect world

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sparks/Mars photo of jump has him to have the dignity not to lose the affection face. 跳跃的火星照出他带着威严又不失慈爱的脸。 Erland Teacher!” 埃兰老师!” Jagoda Lady!” “贾戈达女士!” Grandmaster!” 大宗师!” You said several!” “您说几句吧!” In young Griffin School blasted out the pot, pairs of Vertical Pupil are staring at the man sparklingly. 年轻的狮鹫派里炸开了锅,一对对竖瞳亮晶晶地盯着男人。 But Erland both eyes look in all directions, entire 120 Witcher, half had experienced the hardships of life, half are young. 埃兰双目四顾,整整一百二十名猎魔人,一半饱经沧桑,一半年轻稚嫩。 Perfect world. 完美世界。 Here. 在这里。 That big avalanche has not happened. 那场大雪崩不曾发生。 A large number of the world abandoned the prejudice. 相当一部分世人摒弃了偏见。 Griffin School becomes true upholds the justice, respected, approval Knight. 狮鹫派成为了真正的主持正义,受人尊敬、认可的骑士 He has turned the head to hang the buttocks with white hair, the pupil amber brown, the smile such as the flower woman has smiled tacitly. 他转过头和身边白发垂过臀部,瞳孔琥珀色,笑颜如花的女人默契一笑。 He first love lover Jagoda with Liesberg becomes the family member finally. 他和里斯伯格的初恋情人贾戈达终成眷属。 All are developing in the perfect direction, their river boats have soon driven out of the violent storm! 一切都在往完美的方向发展,他们的航船已经快要驶出狂风暴雨! Children, I only have several suggestions, when scrupulously follows Knight virtue, first protects itself good! Like former me, do not work as an incorrigibly obstinate idiot!” “孩子们,我只有几个建议,在恪守骑士美德的时候,优先保护好自己!别像从前的我一样,当个顽固不化的蠢材!” Some people, are not worth protecting!” “有的人,不值得保护!” We as Witcher, living, should first be responsible for ourselves and for the full brothers!” “我们作为猎魔人,活着,首先该为自己、为同胞手足负责!” Falls to the ground to bleed! “倒地流血的时候! We will not care about money and reputation! ” 我们不会在乎金钱和名声!” Old Witcher filled liquor fiercely, the ghost roared a throat, 一个老猎魔人猛灌一口酒,鬼吼了一嗓子, One crowd old Griffin and young Griffin, sang loudly in their safe lairs loudly. 紧接着,一群“老狮鹫”和“年轻的狮鹫”,在它们安全的巢穴里放声高歌。 The Griffin cry reverberates in the dim light of night, wine that should and bonfire and bonfire of jump greets the nostrils. 狮鹫们的叫声在夜色里回荡,应和跳跃的篝火和篝火边扑鼻的酒香。 Because of hand and foot fellow officer, Griffin creed “因为手足同袍,还有狮鹫的信条 Is the power that we go forward! ” 才是我们前进的动力!” It flooded Keldar Seren, crosses turret that Fort stands tall and erect, finally flies to entire Northern Realms and boundless world! 它充斥了凯尔塞壬,越过城堡高耸的塔楼,最后飞向整个北境、无垠的世界! ...... …… In the future years. 更往后的年月。 Kaer Morhen, fort. 凯尔莫罕,古海要塞。 The war cry, fills the flame in trapezoidal city wall to be gradually weak. 喊杀声、弥漫于梯形城墙上的火焰渐渐微弱。 Elgar is brandishing sword blade rapidly, has not plunged into that group of hoodlums slightly hesitant, 艾加迅速地挥舞着剑刃,没有丝毫犹豫地跳入那群暴徒之中, The white light jumps in several people of necks, the blood light scatters. 白光在数人脖子间跳跃,血光四溅。 He cut down three people in a flash. 他一瞬间砍倒了三个人。 Two others clash toward him, his short body avoids sword blade, blocks their attacks, sudden one group of flame are blasting open behind. 另有两人朝他冲来,他矮身避开剑刃,挡住他们的攻击,突然一团火焰在身后炸裂。 Profile tattoo, the neck is hanging Griffin protective charm Witcher Igni Sign, lit one to attempt with the pitchfork to sneak attack his hoodlum! 一名侧脸纹身,脖子悬挂狮鹫护符猎魔人一记伊格尼法印,点燃了一名妄图用草叉偷袭他的暴徒! Tittered —— 噗嗤—— Under the garden central big banyan fig, stature is big, the shoulder is broad, wears Bear School protective charm Witcher to jump to divide, rudely sword blade starts to be divided into two halves two wearing armor hoodlums from the forehead center. 庭院中央大榕树下,一名身材高大,肩膀宽阔的,佩戴熊派护符猎魔人纵身一劈,势大力沉的剑刃将两名披甲的暴徒从额头中央开始分成两半。 Top level of the lookout tower, pupil fluctuates, figure lanky Witcher long sword seemingly to wield toward the vacancy at will behind, chest front Viper pendant sways. 瞭望塔顶层,一名瞳孔变幻、身形瘦长的猎魔人长剑貌似随意地往身后空处一挥,胸前蝮蛇吊坠摇晃。 Glimmer to his back, the palm emits the dazzling flame Mage, seems the driving elongation neck to deliver toward the sword on, is covering blood spring wells up wound backward softly but actually, two leg treads trample two, did not have the sound. 闪烁到他后背,掌心冒出刺目火光的法师,好似主动伸长脖子往剑上送,捂着鲜血泉涌的伤口向后软倒,两腿蹬踹两下,没了动静。 —— 咻咻—— Before Kaer Morhen iron gate hanging bridge, puts on light pellicle armor, is agile, responded that is much quicker, has deep cat pupil Witcher, brandishes one to exude the light blue light and shaving cutter sharp frivolous sword blade. 凯尔莫罕铁门吊桥前,一名穿着轻薄皮甲,脚步灵活,反应快得惊人,拥有深色猫瞳的猎魔人,挥舞一把泛着淡淡蓝光、剃刀般锋利轻薄的剑刃 In hanging bridges bold. 在吊桥间兔起鹘落。 Three swords. 三剑。 Three corpses roll down city moat, the bloody water scatter. 三具尸体滚下护城河,血水四溅。 But the entire Kaer Morhen fort, the innumerable places reappear this. 而整座凯尔莫罕要塞,无数地点重现这一幕。 Wolf School, Viper School, Cat School, Griffin School and Bear School... five big School Witcher, more than ten Infort Mages, are bathing the blood and fire and fighting side-by-side. 狼派蛇派猫派狮鹫派熊派…五大学派猎魔人,十几名驻堡法师,沐浴着血与火、并肩作战。 Was less than two hours, several hundred hoodlums and Mage in invasion fort is killed none! 不到两小时,入侵要塞的数百名暴徒和法师被杀了个精光! Elgar brings one crowd of figure valiant Wolf School Witcher, stands in the Fort garden and mountains of corpses and ocean of blood. 艾加带着一群身形彪悍的狼派猎魔人,站在城堡庭院、尸山血海之中。 Toward rushing to rescue four Grandmaster and compatriots, bow in thanks. 向着驰援的四大宗师、同胞,鞠躬致谢。 Do not come this set, partner! Cleans up the idiot who this crowd obsessed, brings about own destruction to be effortless, warms up continually is not!” The Erland glossy cockscomb sends sways with the wind, keeps a serious look, „, let alone this is not the another world, the mission dismisses on own initiative because of the difference of mutation formula, rather than the struggle of idea. We found School respectively also for this collective better development.” “别来这一套,伙计!清理这群鬼迷心窍、自寻死路的蠢货不费吹灰之力,连热身都算不上!”埃兰油亮的鸡冠发随风摇晃,表情严肃,“何况这不是另一个世界,教团主动解散是因为突变配方之别,而非理念之争。我们各自开创学派也是为了这个集体更好的发展。” Right, before arriving, how did we agree? Witcher brothers!” “对了,降临之前我们是怎么约定的?猎魔人同气连枝!” One place is in difficulty, all support!” Arnaghad is full in the masculine Charm hale and hearty facial features to reveal the sunlight, but frank smile, “一方有难,全体支援!”阿纳哈德充满男性魅力的硬朗面容上露出阳光而爽朗笑容, This is their for 200 years the perfect world of common casting! 这是他们两百年来共同铸造的完美世界啊! Elgar excitedly speechless. 艾加激动地无言。 this time, all brothers gather together! 这一次,所有兄弟都聚在一起! Looks all around, 100 Witcher compatriots who live, in the eye the similarly superficial teardrops, 环顾四周,活下来的一百位猎魔人同胞,眼中同样浮泛泪珠, fellows, hurries to tidy up the corpse, in the evening drinks one cup together! Everyone takes a look, actually which School brothers are most magnanimous!” 伙计们,赶紧收拾尸体,晚上一起喝一杯!大家都来瞧瞧,究竟哪个学派的兄弟最为海量!” ...... …… Finally, another unknown space and time. 最后,另一个未知的时空。 In the evergreen spruce forests transmits the brittle cry of bird. 四季常青的云杉林间传来鸟儿的脆鸣。 Bright sunlight according to full Po the rosa indica and winter jasmine delicate, charming and tender. 灿烂的阳光照得满坡的月季和迎春娇艳欲滴 The mountainside place that the mist winds around, one purple morning glories let fall from the hole top, weave the curtain that a piece greets the nostrils fragrantly. 雾气缭绕的山腰处,一片紫色牵牛花从洞顶垂落,编织出一片芬芳扑鼻的帘幕。 Alzur in this warm in winter and cool in summer cave, on a crude straw mat regains consciousness. 阿尔祖就在这冬暖夏凉的山洞里,一张简陋的草席上苏醒。 His look sizes up confusedly, the brightness moderate Magic crystal photo has in the cave hall 200 to have the baby carriage. 他神色迷茫地四下打量,亮度适中的魔法水晶照出山洞大厅里两百来具婴儿车。 Must let fall to Cosimo, affable middle-aged of Sorceress waist white/in vain, as well as own disciple Idarran, is fluttering about in ten fingers. 白须垂落至腰间的科西莫、一位和蔼可亲的中年女术士、以及自己的弟子伊达兰,正在十指纷飞地施法。 The mana miraculous glow interweaves a multi-colored river in the midair. 魔力灵光在半空中交织出一条五彩缤纷的河。 Glittering and translucent carving glass milk bottles change to become one crowd to pick the honeybee of nectar and nurture lair attentively, everywhere dances in the air dazzlingly, throws automatically feeds in the baby carriage eyah eyah the little fellow. 一枚枚晶莹剔透的玻璃奶瓶变成为一群殷勤地采完花蜜、哺育巢穴的蜜蜂,令人眼花缭乱地漫天飞舞,自动投喂婴儿车里咿咿呀呀的小家伙。 Alzur, goes to the previous place,” Cosimo notices the disciple of awakens, wiped the sweat of forehead, she there you.” 阿尔祖,去老地方,”科西莫注意到苏醒的弟子,擦了擦额头的汗水,“她在那儿等你。” She? 她? The Alzur heart trembles, changes a frail flax coat rapidly, the chest front wears good lily Medallion. 阿尔祖心头一颤,迅速换上一身单薄的亚麻外套,胸前佩好一枚百合花徽章 The footsteps vividly, had/left the cave unbearably anxiously. 脚步轻快地、急不可耐地出了山洞。 He found the woman in the waterfall cliffs of flying down straight, similarly simple flax women's clothing, is difficult to cover inborn charming —— to sit before the waterfall rocks two leg, the water vapor of splash falls to she smooth exquisite profile on, the sunset glow of flood starting person, the shatter sunlight covers a golden splendor for her beautiful hair. 他在飞流直下的瀑布悬崖间找到了女人,同样朴素的亚麻衣裙,却难掩天生丽质——坐在瀑布前晃动两条腿儿,飞溅的水汽落到她光滑细腻的侧脸上,泛起动人的红霞,破碎的阳光为她的秀发镀上一层金辉。 Just like the Goddess statue of marble. 宛如大理石的女神雕像。 Alzur falls into infatuated. 阿尔祖陷入痴迷。 For this, he waited for several hundred years. 为了这一眼,他等了几百年。 For this, he used all. 为了这一眼,他倾尽了所有。 He turns very quiet to breathe, sits side the woman cautiously, does not dare to make the least bit sound. 他屏住呼吸走过去,小心翼翼坐在女人身边,不敢发出半点声响。 As if the fear punctures this happily illusion. 仿佛害怕戳破这个美好的“幻境”。 The men accompany her under to look into the distance peacefully together, the appreciation safflower green grass all over. 男人安静陪着她一起下眺、欣赏漫山遍野的红花绿草。 And satisfied the hog deer under waterfall, white stork and wild dog small riverbank potable water... 以及惬意在瀑布下小河边饮水的豚鹿、白鹳、野狗… The build of these wild animals, without exception, want on big one time compared with the normal individual, seems stronger, the vitality is abundant. 这些野兽的体型,无一例外,都比正常个体要大上一倍,显得更加强壮,生命力充沛。 Dear, I am unbelievable until today, post-disaster of Supreme net world, why only then did we and one group of children live?” “亲爱的,直到今天我还是难以置信,至高者净世之灾后,为何只有我们和一群孩子活了下来?” Lily Anna proficiently the small head by shoulder, sweet smiles to him, the pitch-black big eye has the doubts, 莉莉安娜熟练地将螓首靠在身边的肩膀上,冲他甜甜一笑,乌黑的大眼睛带着疑惑, Other person Oblivion, vanish does not have without the shadow finally, searches for the whole world, only remains us.” “其他人都湮灭、消失得无影无终,搜遍整个世界,只剩我们。” Perhaps Supreme naps, has leaked us exactly? Perhaps because we had that happy and lofty ideal, Supreme kept us intentionally got down...” Alzur said, the tone gradually becomes fervent, “也许至高者打了个盹儿,恰好漏过了我们?也许因为我们都怀揣美好而崇高的理想,至高者故意把我们留了下来…”阿尔祖笑着说,语气逐渐变得慷慨激昂, Makes us teach one group of newborns, starts the new circulation!” “让我们来教导一群新生儿,开启新的循环!” We will become the pioneer of human, broadcasts to sow seeds!” “我们将成为人类的先驱,重新播下种子!” We will guide and create a new world that does not have the war, molds a human civilization that does not have the evil.” “我们将引导、创造一个没有战争的新世界,塑造一个没有罪恶的人类文明。” Under our enlightenment, human will be reborn, is dormant the demon in shadow to be strange, hides Yin dark side in person heart to vanish into thin air entirely.” “在我们的教化下,人类将脱胎换骨,无论是蛰伏在阴影中的魔怪,还是潜藏在人心中的阴暗面统统烟消云散。” This is our perfect world!” “这是我们的完美世界!” The Lily Anna look worship is also scalding hot surface-to-surface looks to man, 莉莉安娜眼神崇拜又灼热地地看向身边的男人, The most important thing is, we in the same place.” “最重要的是,我们又在一起了。” The men closely held in the arms the fragrant shoulder of woman, 男人紧紧搂住了女人的香肩, Now, the important difficult problems are solved.” “不过现在,有一个至关重要的难题亟待解决。” Un?” “嗯?” In more than 200 children, the boy compared with the girl must five, you know that what this does mean?” Alzur deeply stares at the lover, as if must make up for the regret over the past several hundred years. “两百多个孩子里,男孩比女孩要多出五个,你知道这意味着什么吗?”阿尔祖深深地凝视爱人,就仿佛要弥补过去数百年的遗憾。 What do you mean?” The Lily Anna powder cheek catches flushed red, the tone is charming. “什么意思?”莉莉安娜粉颊染上酡红,语气娇羞。 We must try hard to have several girls!” “我们得努力生几个女孩!” Giggle...” “咯咯…” In euphonious laughter. 银铃般的笑声中。 The froth refraction sunlight of waterfall splash, outlined together the brilliant rainbow in the midair. 瀑布飞溅的水沫折射阳光,在半空勾勒出一道绚烂的彩虹。 Near the cliff two forms is linked to each other. 将崖边的两道身影连在一起。 By ancient times. 直到天荒地老。 ...... …… Volume finally. 卷终。
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