TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#981: King and long sword

In the Holy Cathedral square falls, but below sunlight is beautiful somewhat dazzlingly, the lance that punctures sparkles sharp the snow light, Halutz is grasping the long sword, the whole body is bathed in blood to tower above in Fusha the Holy Cathedral stair, clenches the teeth to stand erect not but actually. summer wind is swaying the pendant on Holy Cathedral apex, gold/metal Yansheng the emblem is sparkling, such as the silvertree flower petal of snow is thick falling, floats under. 圣殿广场上倾洒而下的阳光明媚得有些刺眼,刺过来的矛尖闪耀着雪光,哈鲁泽手持长剑,浑身浴血地昂立于福莎圣殿的台阶之上,咬紧牙关屹立不倒。夏风吹拂着圣殿尖顶上的长旗,金炎圣徽闪闪发光,如雪的银树花瓣纷纷扬扬,飘洒而下。 The empire armies are entering above the square turbulently, the White Lion Guards defense circle is gradually reducing. 帝国大军正汹涌进入广场之上,白狮卫队防御圈正逐渐缩小。 But cannot retreat —— 但绝不能后退—— Halutz! Stands, comes again one time!” Elder sister's voice was dignified and temperate, was full of the irresistible strength, she soft icy cold hand will place on his forehead, carefully looks at his eye, said one word at a time: You are the Corcova family's only man, you have no alternative, must take on your responsibility and duty! You is a king, your blood must for the Corcova family be the class/flow, flows for the royal family, flows for permits Ying your people.” 哈鲁泽!站起来,再来一次!”姐姐的声音威严而温和,充满了不可抗拒的力量,她将柔软冰凉的手放在他的额头上,仔细地看着他的眼睛,一字一顿地说道:“你是科尔科瓦家族唯一的男子汉,你别无选择,必须要担当起你的责任与义务!你是国王,你的血应当为了科尔科瓦家族为流,为了王室而流,为了许应你的人民而流。” „The so-called King, is that person —— that takes the lead to bleed “所谓王者,就是率先流血的那个人—— In chaotic shout, a White Lion Guards Knight anxious shout as if from the remote horizon passes on to his train of thought in: „Behind Her Highness the Princess, please fall back on...... here, could not have defended.” 纷乱的喊杀中,一位白狮卫队骑士焦急的喊声仿佛从遥远的天际传至他的思绪之中:“公主殿下,请退到后面去吧……这里,已经守不住了。” The skin link that the bunch sends does not know when broke, a silver long hair flew upwards with the wind, sends the silk passing over gently and swiftly bloodstained the face, just like on cheek that Princess firm and resolute and coexisted gently beautifully, split open wiped the happy expression. Halutz looks down that blood person Knight, shows a faint smile saying: I cannot draw back......, because, we will gain the victory immediately,...... I believe the teacher, he will certainly achieve.” 束发的皮环不知什么时候断裂了,一头银色的长发随风飞扬,发丝掠过染血的脸庞,犹如公主般坚毅与柔美并存的脸蛋上,绽开了一抹笑意。哈鲁泽低头看着那个血人般骑士,微微一笑道:“我不能退……因为,我们马上就会取得胜利,……我相信老师,他一定会做到。” But —— “可—— Long sword direction front, brilliant light of sword tip under sunlight. 长剑指向前方,剑尖在阳光之下一点耀光。 Halutz set level the ridges slowly, the vision forms a straight line with it, slightly reveals on the naivete face to bring nearly sacred solemn and respectful: Yes. Today I am Princess Fosha, but today, I will also lead you to march to the victory! —— you listened. Kirrlutzian has not launched with enough time, has not held one's ground while them. Captures their left wings with me!” 哈鲁泽慢慢放平了剑脊,目光与之形成一条笔直的线,略显稚气的脸上带着近乎神圣的肃穆:“是的。今天我就是福莎公主,而今天,我也将带领你们走向胜利!——你们听好了。克鲁兹人并未来得及展开,乘他们还未站稳阵脚。跟我攻陷他们的左翼!” Her Highness the Princess, you cannot take risk!” 公主殿下,你不可冒险!” Why not?” Halutz reviews replies, by one according to approaching chest: Here is the blood of royal family, it flows for the throne, has withers Wither toward the flower of one day royal family, but will arrange in order the ancient king stars to raise slowly, will shine Aouine for all eternity.” “有何不可?”哈鲁泽回眸答道,以一手按向胸口:“这里是王室之血,它为王座而流,有朝一日王室之花枯萎凋零,但列古诸王的星辰会冉冉升起,照耀埃鲁因千秋万古。” This is the claw of White Lion, is Fang of White Lion...... 这是白狮之爪,是白狮之牙…… This is the wing of White Lion. Is the shining of White Lion...... 这是白狮之翼。是白狮之耀…… This is the soul of White Lion, is the arrogance of White Lion. 这是白狮之魂,是白狮之傲。 The anxiety on young Knights face transferred sacredly, in their hearts has one to come from first ancient melody, filled with grief majestic, however is also fervent, this is Brando and first king Eicht transmits to their faith, as if passed through the sustenance of remote Space-Time, letting people can see that all back truth and faith. 年轻的骑士们脸上的紧张转为了神圣,他们心中自有一曲来自于先古的曲调,悲怆雄壮,然而又慷慨激昂,这是布兰多先王埃克传递给他们的信念,仿佛是穿越了遥远时空的寄托,让人们可以看到那一切背后的真理与信念。 come with me, my Knights, I and you in. Fights with you shoulder to shoulder.” 跟我来吧,我的骑士们,我与你们同在。与你们并肩而战。” Her Highness the Princess, you and we in, us fight —— the reply of Knight to be low and deep and majestic shoulder to shoulder. 公主殿下,您与我们同在,我们并肩而战——骑士的应答低沉而雄壮。 Above the battlefield is composing an epic. Aouinian moved suddenly, launched a swift and violent attack. Above the square, innumerable White Lion Guards Knight voice such as mountain Ruchao general cheering, they praised, to shout loudly White Lion to long live Princess to long live Aouine to long live to arranging the empire of array guarded the infantry to initiate the life and death charge. 战场之上正在谱写一首史诗。埃鲁因人忽然动了,发起了一场迅猛的攻击。广场之上,无数白狮卫队骑士发出如山如潮一般的欢呼,他们赞美着、高呼着‘白狮万岁’‘公主万岁’‘埃鲁因万岁’向排成了阵列的帝国戍卫步兵发起了决死冲锋。 They so excited, indifferent, such being unafraid of death, as if they are so going to face was not the death, but was the supreme glory. 他们是如此的兴奋,又如此的淡然,如此的视死如归,仿佛他们将要面对的不是死亡,而是至高无上的荣耀。 The Kirrlutzian ignorant/veiled, they discovered in their enemy eyes flashes clearly is the crazy color. Their rows of crash in the lance forest, crashes among rows of shield walls. Whatever long spear pierces their bodies, but still * launched the attack to the shield wall following emperor. 克鲁兹人蒙了,他们发现他们的敌人眼中闪动的分明是疯狂的色彩。他们一列列冲进长矛森林之中,冲进一排排盾墙之间。任由长枪刺穿他们的身体,但仍旧向盾墙后面的帝*发起攻击。 Emperor * the battleline became less crowded. When they responded, White Lion Guards has hit a huge opening in their arrays. White legion Commander saw when this mind entirely cracks —— they have not launched with enough time, left-wing was stressed —— but he not to think that by the opposite party weakly Aouinian so renounces unexpectedly, seized this only opportunity with the life from the hopeless situation forcefully. 帝*的阵线松动了。等到他们反应过来,白狮卫队已经在他们的阵列上撞开了一条巨大的口子。白之军团指挥官看到这一幕时心神俱裂——他们还没来得及展开,左翼的薄弱被对方抓了个正着——但他没想到埃鲁因人竟然如此决绝,硬生生用生命从绝境之中抓住了这个唯一的机会。 This opportunity will soon ruin all. 这个机会即将葬送一切。 Looked on this Harbour Defence Army is also ignorant, they witnessed one to counter-attack certainly, a retreating side was an illustrious prestige legend, Anderson legion, pale wolf on wilderness, white of empire, but Aouinian is creating a miracle, but this miracle will spread over the entire continent —— empire to defeat in an instant, in front of Aouinian. 旁观这一幕的港卫军也懵了,他们亲眼目睹了一场绝地反击,正在退却的一方是一个赫赫威名的传奇,安德森军团,原野上的苍白之狼,帝国之白,而埃鲁因人正在缔造一个奇迹,而这个奇迹转眼之间就会传遍整个大陆——帝国败了,在埃鲁因人面前。 Almost after the hesitation of moment, all Harbour Defence Army called out was joining the counter-attack, in their hearts only understood a matter, after today, participates both sides that this fought to meet surely heavenshaking under. 几乎只是在片刻的犹豫之后,所有的港卫军都嚎叫着加入了反击,他们心中只明白一件事,今天之后,参与这一战的双方定会名震天下。 It will witness a rise of legion. 它将见证一个军团的崛起。 But at this moment, the glory belongs to Aouine —— 而这一刻,荣耀属于埃鲁因—— ...... …… The snow gets down very greatly, the snow is very thick, the step staggers, the sweat as if blurred the line of sight, the lungs jabbed into a nail probably, the burning ache, sent the silk to stick on the cheeks slimy, the field of vision will be serious momentarily will go off probably. 雪下得很大,积雪很厚,步伐踉跄,汗水仿佛模糊了视线,肺部像是刺进了一根钉子,火辣辣的疼痛,发丝粘糊糊地粘在脸颊上,视野沉重得好像随时都会睡去。 But only had in the hand still tremble to grip tightly sword —— 但唯有手中仍旧哆哆嗦嗦地紧握着剑—— When! 当! The cold light, the sword in hand lets go to depart together, is circling falls to the snowy area, splashes to fly one handful of snowflakes. 一道寒光,手中的剑脱手飞出,打着旋儿落到雪地之中,溅飞起一捧雪花。 Also without responding, a violent force has transmitted from the chest, a line of sight flower, the person has takeoffed, heavily falls to the snowy area , the melted snow of icy melting flows from the forehead, falls along the wing of the nose to chin point on, the clothes have soaked, cold penetrating heart. 还没反应过来,一阵猛力就已经从胸口传来,视线一花,人已经离地而起,重重地落到雪地上,冷冰冰融化的雪水从额头上流下来,沿着鼻翼滑落到下巴尖儿上,衣服早就濡湿了,冷彻心扉。 Stands,” a desolate sound has some disappointed tones to command: Comes again one time!” “站起来,”一个冷淡的声音带着些失望的口气喝令道:“再来一次!” Why does not know, the tears flow copiously suddenly. 不知为何,眼泪忽然夺眶而出。 Cannot cry, Halutz!” “不许哭,哈鲁泽!” Halutz tearful eyes raises head looked fuzzily, saw clearly stood before oneself that person, the elder sister tall and straight martial-looking physique, wore the frail armed clothing/taking, grasped the long sword, stood and waited for a long time in the whirling snow. Here is......, his subconsciously turns head, under the lackey of that burn ancient oak tree, is standing a big form, he is throwing over a wide and thick cloak, behind everywhere flying snow, nods promised. 哈鲁泽泪眼模糊地抬起头看,看清了站在自己面前的那人,姐姐挺拔英武的身姿,穿着单薄的武装服,手持长剑,伫立于漫天大雪之中。这里是……,他下意识地回过头去,那株烧焦古老的橡树的爪牙之下,站着一个高大的身影,他披着一件宽而厚的披风,在漫天飞雪背后,颔首应许。 You are inferior to your older sister to be firm, but you will become a good king one day, protects good your older sister. She loves you very much.” “你不如你姐姐刚强,但你总有一天会成为一个好国王,保护好你的姐姐。她很爱你。” The teardrops seemed like the bead of line, fell rolling. 泪珠像是断了线的珠子,滚滚落下。 Halutz, you are a man. Cannot cry!” 哈鲁泽,你是个男子汉。不许哭!” I will not cry ——!” “我才不会哭——!” Halutz is weeping and wailing rising with a spring, rolls to grasps on the snow drift at the same time the one's own saber. But he just touched ice-cold of sword hilt with enough time, the head is together under the great forcing. subconsciously lifts the sword to resist, a grating metal fricative, the tremendous strength almost lets his again and again retreat, his raises head, discovered that the present scenery has changed. 哈鲁泽哭喊着一跃而起,滚向一边抓起雪堆中自己的佩剑。但他才刚刚来得及触到剑柄的冰冷,头上已是一道巨力压下。下意识地举剑招架,一声刺耳的金属摩擦声,巨大的力量几乎让他连连后退,他抬起头,发现眼前的景色已是一变。 He grasps the saber, is interlocking with teacher in Brando's hand Earth Sword, the ground is the Valhalla Saint palace thick red carpet. In the palace the light shadow interlocks, on Brando a shallow grey Count coat in the light shadow, raises head visits him tranquilly, said one word at a time: 他手持佩剑,正与老师布兰多手中大地之剑交错,地上是瓦尔哈拉圣宫厚厚的红地毯。宫殿之中光影交错,在光影之间布兰多身上一袭浅灰色的伯爵大衣,正抬起头平静地看着他,一字一顿地说道: Halutz, you can achieve anything, depends on you to make anything, Swordsmanship is different from magic, it is in an individual heart self-confident manifestation.” 哈鲁泽,你能做到什么,取决于你想做什么,剑术不同于魔法,它是一个人心中自信的体现。” Teacher......” “老师……” „Can you defeat itself?” “你能战胜自己吗?” I......” “我……” That tries a sword to try again.” “那再试一剑试试。” Dark sword edge opens out his sword, punctures to him from the cunning angle, probably a poisonous snake. Halutz just remembers this move. Transfers the long sword hastily, blocked the Brando's attack again. Two sword intersections, exude a clear and melodious whining noise. 黑沉沉的剑刃拨开他的剑,以刁钻的角度向他刺来,好像一条毒蛇。哈鲁泽刚好记得这一招。连忙调转长剑,再一次挡住了布兰多的攻击。两剑相交,发出一声清越的鸣声。 After a sword . Halutz subconscious one step forward, wants to assault, but he realizes anything suddenly, one stops unexpectedly, is startled dull on the spot. 一剑之后。哈鲁泽下意识向前一步,想要抢攻,但他忽然意识到什么,一下竟然停住,呆呆地怔在原地。 Brando receives Earth Sword, laughs. 布兰多收起大地之剑,哈哈一笑。 Halutz, everyone can learn the sword finally.” 哈鲁泽,每个人最终会学会出剑。” Sword can break, the swordsman will die, but they will not be defeated. Once you use the sword, you must win without doubt —— “剑会断,剑手会死,但他们不会失败。一旦你出剑,你就已经必胜无疑—— At present the scene interlocks fuzzily. 眼前景象交错模糊。 In an empty shadow. He as if saw elder sister's tall and straight physique, Yingying Station in Royal Father's side. That is the double images of many time. The background is the beautiful spring day, winter that the gentle summer night, the fallen leaf faded and fallen autumn, the snow covers, the scene in Fort Winterclaw, in summer Ting, in Gold Vessel Palace, rotates repeatedly, seems fermenting the time bitter and slightly sweet ; He noticed that own time after time tumbles, time after time crawls from the ground, he sees disappointed shaking the head, sees nodding the head that promised, finally the picture framed above Pok Holy Cathedral square —— 一片虚影之中。他仿佛又看到了姐姐挺拔的身姿,盈盈站在父王的身边。那是许多时光的重影。背景是明媚的春日,温婉的夏夜,落叶飘零的秋,积雪覆盖的冬,场景在冬爪堡,在夏廷,在金滕宫,反复回转,仿佛酝酿着时光的酸涩与微甘;他看到自己一次次跌倒,又一次次从地上爬起来,他看到失望的摇头,也看到应许的颔首,最后画面定格在了福莎圣殿的广场之上—— He noticed that oneself leads Knights to initiate the charge to the battleline of empire, the long spear sparkle, the war flag flutters, ancient Heroic Spirits is first surrounding the battlefield, sang loudly recites shallowly. 他看到自己率领着骑士们向帝国的阵线发起冲锋,长枪闪耀,战旗飘扬,先古的英灵们环绕着战场,高歌浅吟。 He sees that high-spiritedness, brings self-confidently with firm, that seems like Valkyrie same Her Highness the Princess, as if saw opposes to stand with, completely opposite. 他看到那个意气风发,带着自信与坚定的自己,那位好像是女武神一样的‘公主殿下’,仿佛看到了一个与自己对立而站,完全相反的自己。 Halutz, this every world looks like a giant stage, has one day finally, everyone will find to be the one's own localization above.” 哈鲁泽,这个凡世就像是一个巨大的舞台,终有一日,每个人都会在上面找到属于自己的定位。” You do not need to be weak and discouraged for one's own, because you have not seen clearly the pride in your heart hiding.” “你不必为了自己的软弱而气馁,因为你还没有看清你心中隐藏的骄傲。” Truly unsuccessful person, will not feel about oneself disappointed......” “真正碌碌无为的人,不会对自己感到失望……” You will certainly stand in proudly are stage center's, but I, will be proud because of you.” “你一定会骄傲地站在舞台中央,而我,将会因你而骄傲。” Halutz does not know whether oneself is still bursting into tears, whether must burst into tears, the long sword in hand also falls, vanishes in a darkness does not see. 哈鲁泽不知道自己是否还在流泪,是否还应当流泪,手中的长剑也随之落下,在一片黑暗消失不见。 The myriad things all go black. 万物皆陷入黑暗之中。 When he opens the eye, in fuzzy field of vision person's shadow flickering, the chest burning fresh pain, he consciousness hears some people of pleasantly surprised shouts fuzzily: Her Highness the Princess woke!” Then is a flurry, he consciousness a loosen, faints unexpectedly. When he wakes up again, is the setting sun falls gradually, Twilight, the setting sun drifts in the sea level, if the fire common sunset glow will dye completely the entire Pok square. 当他重新睁开眼睛时,模糊的视野中人影憧憧,胸口火辣辣的生痛,他意识模糊地听到有人惊喜的喊声:“公主殿下醒过来了!”然后就是一片慌乱,他意识一松,竟又昏了过去。等他再次醒来的时候,已是夕阳渐落,黄昏时分,残阳漂泊在海面上,将如火一般的晚霞染满了整个福莎广场。 The emperor * has retreated, at this moment an entire port peace, top direction, although smoke curl, but cannot see half white legion flag again. The soldiers were full of the respect to tell her, after he led Knights repelled the last time attack of white legion, the emperor * bewilderedly withdrew from the city, almost all people gave credit to this miracle to her, she calling it miracle Princess of port. 帝*早已退却,此刻整个法坦港一片安宁,城头方向虽然余烟袅袅,但再也看不到半面白之军团的旗帜。士兵们充满了崇敬地告诉‘她’,就在他率领骑士们打退了白之军团的最后一次进攻之后,帝*就莫名其妙地退出了城,几乎所有人都将这个奇迹归功于‘她’,将‘她’称之为‘法坦港的奇迹公主’。 But only Halutz know: The teacher accomplished, he really convinced Army Commander of opposite party to bow the head to surrender, this war has decided the victory and defeat, after this war, the white lion stood proudly. 但只有哈鲁泽自己知道:老师办到了,他真的说服了对方的军团长俯首投降,这场战争已经分出胜负,此战之后,白色雄狮傲然而立。 Halutz calmly sits above the stair, the setting sun always draws his shadow is long, together, above the square, others does not dare to disturb her thickly slantingly rashly, Knights not only respect and stands guard for their Her Highness the Princess willingly. 哈鲁泽静静地坐在台阶之上,斜阳将他的影子拉得老长,浓浓地一道,斜在广场之上,旁人不敢贸然打搅‘她’,骑士们既崇敬又心甘情愿地为他们的公主殿下站岗。 Shortly , a soldier brought Brando's to pass on a message crystal, said to Halutz: Her Highness the Princess, Lord Thane said that he must see you.” 没多久,一个士兵带来了布兰多的传讯水晶,对哈鲁泽说道:“公主殿下,领主大人说他要见您。” Halutz nods to him. 哈鲁泽对他点点头。 Quick, the Brando's image appeared above that crystal. 很快,布兰多的影像就出现在了那水晶之上。 Brando looks at this whole body is the blood Her Highness the Princess, happily shakes the head very: „Is injury serious?” 布兰多看着这位浑身是血的‘公主殿下’,十分欣慰地摇了摇头:“伤势严重吗?” „It is not serious, Teacher.” “不严重,老师。” „It is not fortunately serious, otherwise your older sister will certainly kill me.” “还好不严重,不然你姐姐一定会杀了我。” Teacher, sorry......” “老师,对不起……” Knew mistakenly well, if you really died here, royalist recognized certainly that I must seek the powerful minister who seized the throne.” Brando cracks a joke to say. “知道错了就好,要是你真的死在这里,王党一定认定我是要谋夺王位的权臣了。”布兰多开了个玩笑道。 Teacher, I know you are not —— “老师,我知道你不是的—— „Because you know, therefore you cannot easily give up the one's own life,” Brando enforces: Halutz, this matter may be possible to be small greatly, but Aouine cannot fall into the suspicion and civil strife again, you must be responsible for this reason, must be responsible for this kingdom! Therefore you must consider regarding the one's own behavior over and over, rash is not an outstanding leader must by quality!” “正因为你知道,所以你才不能轻易放弃自己的生命,”布兰多严肃起来:“哈鲁泽,这件事可大可小,但埃鲁因绝不能再一次陷入猜疑与内乱之中,你必须要为此负责,也必须要为这个王国负责!所以你必须要对于自己的行为再三考虑,轻率并不是一个优秀的领导者应当由的品质!” But, Teacher, I seriously have considered, you have said that I should become a flag, at that time that situation, if I choose to retreat, then we will certainly lose port, but lost port, are our victories meaningful?” “可是,老师,我已经认真地考虑过了,您说过,我应该成为一面旗帜,在当时那种情况下,如果我选择退却,那么我们一定会失去法坦港,而失去了法坦港,我们的胜利还有意义吗?” Does not have significance —— Brando to reply categorically. “没有意义——布兰多斩钉截铁地回答道。 Halutz is startled slightly, he said these words had regretted, he does not dare to refute Teacher one's own, in situation that especially in oneself make the mistake, but does not know why these words blurted out, as if not pass through the brain general. He had not regretted with enough time, Brando's replied has made him be startled. 哈鲁泽微微一怔,他本来说完这番话就已经后悔了,他从来没敢反驳过自己的老师,尤其还是在自己做错了事的情况下,但不知为何这番话就是脱口而出,仿佛不经大脑一般。只是他还没来得及后悔,布兰多的回答就已经更令他大吃一惊。 He has a dream has not thought that Brando not only does not have therefore to blame him, instead commended him. 他做梦都没想到,布兰多非但没有因此而责备他,反而赞许了他。 Because your choice is very right,” Brando shows a faint smile suddenly: Halutz, you are I have seen the most outstanding crown prince, is I most outstanding student, I am proud of you.” “因为你的选择很对,”布兰多忽然微微一笑:“哈鲁泽,你是我见过最优秀的王储,也是我最优秀的学生,我为你骄傲。” Halutz opens the small mouth slightly, in the heart does not know when wells up a warm current, as if places not the real world general, good long time absentmindedly to reply: Teacher...... thank you.” 哈鲁泽微微张开小口,心中不知何时涌上一股暖流,仿佛身处不真实的世界一般,好半晌才怔怔地答道:“老师……谢谢你。” You must thank your older sister, you,” Brando shake the head: Still remembers I and you have spoken words?” “你应当感谢你的姐姐,还有你自己,”布兰多摇了摇头:“还记得我和你说过的话吗?” Halutz heavily nodded. 哈鲁泽重重地点了点头 The king also does not need the long sword, because in his heart has proud —— 国王亦不需要长剑,因为他心中自有骄傲—— ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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