TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#980: law port

In law port, at this moment the main city wall high and low is one piece in confusion, many city walls were collapsed by the magic bang, during the crushed stone scatters place, the mist and dust fills the air, wears the empire soldiers of red and white two color battle dress to step on the wall of collapsing to swarm. But still in the well-preserved top, wore the army of same battle dress gradually to have the advantage, dense and numerous attacking a city ladder were hung on the embattlement, more and more red-white two colors gradually gather a mighty current through these ladders in the top. In comparison, the azure of Method of representatives port garrison troops is retreating in defeat again and again, in fact in most areas, the fight has reached the last act, changed over to the street fighting. 法坦港内,此刻主城墙上下已是一片狼藉,多处城墙被魔法轰塌,碎石散落一地,烟尘弥漫之中,身穿红白二色战袍的帝国士兵正踩着坍塌的墙体一拥而入。而尚保存完好的城头上,身着同样战袍的军队正逐渐取得优势,密密麻麻的攻城梯一架架被挂在城垛上,越来越多的红白二色通过这些梯子逐渐在城头上汇聚成一股洪流。相比之下,代表法坦港守军的青色正节节败退,事实上在大多数地区,战斗都已经进入尾声,转入了巷战。 The change of situation as if happened before the moment, Sidney summoned indignation Gabriel Akroma to arrive to wipe out all undead in mountain valley, later Harbour Defence Army initiated to counter-attack one time seized the sea cliff fort. But the good outlook did not last long, white legion arrives in the battlefield to initiate the storm later, empire came from the Magician group that the immortal Nient's Great Wizard Tony led almost does not count the price bang to put down the sea cliff fort, and left behind a several hundred meters square there the bottomless gulf. Harbour Defence Army loses seriously in this attack, but as a result of Brando beforehand order, Ciel has not made the Trentheim Magician group launch to counter-attack —— to counter-attack in fact also has no function, power gap of both sides is obvious. 局势的改变似乎就发生在片刻之前,西德尼召唤忿怒爱若玛降临一举消灭了山谷内的所有亡灵,之后港卫军发起了一次反攻重新占领了海崖要塞。但好景不长,白之军团随后抵达战场发起强攻,帝国方面来自于仙尼安的大巫师汤尼率领的魔法师团几乎是不计代价地轰平了海崖要塞,并在那里留下一个数百米见方的无底深坑。港卫军在这次打击中损失惨重,而由于布兰多事先的命令,夏尔并未让托尼格尔魔法师团展开反击——事实上反击也没什么作用,双方的实力差距显而易见。 White legion opens up an offensive to port, although said because of the previous victory Harbour Defence Army that but the morale surges upward also made the life-and-death resistance, but the disparate power gap in decided the result from the beginning, the Magician group quick bang of empire collapsed the main city wall in port, therefore presented beforehand scene. 白之军团紧接着就对法坦港展开攻势,虽然说因为先前的胜利而士气高涨的港卫军也做了殊死抵抗,但悬殊的实力差距还是在一开始就决定了结果,帝国的魔法师团很快轰塌了法坦港的主城墙,于是就出现了之前的一幕 Delphine changed the small monastery the position under the cover of people. She is listening to frontline everything may become vulnerable the sound of battle, soon discovered that Harbour Defence Army is unable to stand firm. 德尔菲恩在众人的掩护下将阵地转移到了小修道院。她听着前线地动山摇的厮杀之声,很快发现港卫军还是无法站稳脚跟。 The empire invested in the frontal battlefield guarded the infantry, these Phalanx Formation infantries tied an advancement along each street. Taking a broad view to look is one after another the motion wall that becomes by the side shield of fluctuation, behind the side shield can see that vaguely these whole body duplicate armor, almost only reveal heavy infantry of eye under metal surface armor. They grasp several meters lance, from the shield and shield stretches out the slit of between lance, just like raised a lance forest, dense and numerous lance sharp cold light twinkle. 帝国在正面战场上投入了戍卫步兵,这些方阵步兵沿着每一条街结阵推进。放眼望去就是一道道由浮动的方盾构成的移动墙体,在方盾背后依稀能看到那些浑身覆甲、几乎只在金属面甲下面露出一双眼睛的重装步兵。他们手持几米长的长矛,将长矛从盾与盾之间的缝隙中伸出,犹如升起了一片长矛森林,密密麻麻的矛尖寒光闪烁。 The Harbour Defence Army archer when facing these metal fortresses is almost helpless, only has god archer in army to obtain victory —— to shoot the slit of shield occasionally the arrow, or hitting a target eye. However the front infantry drops down face up. The following heavy armor infantry fills immediately, makes up the Phalanx Formation crevice. Few several people of casualties seem like stone entering the sea, does not have the mighty waves. 港卫军的弓箭手在面对这些金属堡垒时几乎无能为力,只偶尔有军队中的神射手能获得战果——将箭射进盾牌的缝隙,或者射中眼睛。然而前面的步兵仰面倒下。后面的重甲步兵会立刻填补上来,补上方阵的空隙。寥寥数人的伤亡看起来像是投石入海,不起波澜。 Guards the advancement of infantry, although is confident, desperate, was forced Harbour Defence Army of Gangxi District to initiate the counter- charge that short weapons linked up by it with no other choice. However the victory made one feel that was very not wonderful, the entire fight was conducted easily accomplished, the entire squadron's almost not even one out of ten survived in the fight of quarter of an hour . Moreover the rare wounded person, majority turned into the icy corpse to lie down by the street. 戍卫步兵的推进虽然不疾不徐,令人绝望,受其逼迫在不得已的情况下法坦港西区的港卫军发起了一次短兵衔接的反冲锋。然而战果令人感到十分不妙,整个战斗进行得摧枯拉朽,整整一个中队在不过一刻钟的战斗中几乎十不存一,而且少有伤员,大部分都变成了冷冰冰的尸体躺在街道两侧。 Reason that the people then understand the white legion guarding infantry call it dragon spear Phalanx Formation in second Holy War, does not have unearned reputation. 众人这才明白白之军团的戍卫步兵在第二次圣战中之所以被称之为‘龙枪方阵’,绝非是浪得虚名。 On the roof, the white legion flame eagle archer of wear red base and white cape is moving —— these ranger army actually to come from scarlet legion, in the year of hare, the The Silver Queen intention also trains similar troop type in several other legion. Therefore reassigned battalion flame eagle archer to enrich from scarlet legion to other three legion in one after another. But afterward this plan progressed not ideally, because most flame eagle archer in fact are the ranger family backgrounds, came from Floating Cloud Hill, Anzlova, Anzeluta and mountainous areas of Anzelin these places ; Other three big legion manpower resources are mainly Maze, Hotto, Ludwig as well as Vanquer, the farmer or mountain people in Mantle Bay countryside. Both really miss many regarding the talent and understanding of bow technique. Although trains many outstanding archer finally, but the distance original expectation differs too far. 在屋顶上,还有穿着红色底边、白色斗篷的白之军团炎鹰射手在活动——这些支游侠部队其实来自于赤之军团,不过在野兔之年,白银女王意图在其他几个军团中也培养类似的兵种。因此陆续从赤之军团中抽调了一个大队的炎鹰射手充实到其他三个军团之中。但后来这个计划进展得并不理想,因为大部分炎鹰射手事实上都是游侠出身,来自于浮云之丘安兹洛瓦安泽鲁塔和安泽林这些地方的山区;其他三大军团的兵源主要是梅兹、梅霍托芬、路德维格以及班克尔斗篷海湾乡下的农民或是山民。两者对于弓术的天赋与理解实在差得太多。虽然最后还是培养出不少杰出的射手,但距离原本的期望还是相差太远。 However after the plan reaches a deadlock, The Silver Queen has not returned to scarlet legion flame eagle archer battalion that this was reassigned, but makes them keep in three big legion, to establish to exist specially. These flame eagle archer respective experiences have the difference respectively, white legion the flame eagle archer training group even also the confrontation of Faanzanian silvers flag Knight has had the score in the year of column in the Alca area and. Therefore has tail feathers of falcon in the position of their cape left chest as marking, to distinguish in other flame eagle archer. In white legion. Usually calls it falcon person these flame eagle archer. 然而计划搁浅之后,白银女王也并没有把这个被抽调出的炎鹰射手大队还回赤之军团中去,而是让他们留在三大军团中,以特别编制存在。这些炎鹰射手各自经历各有不同,其中白之军团的这支炎鹰射手教导队甚至还在柱之年在阿尔卡地区与法恩赞人骑士的交锋中有过战绩。因此在他们斗篷左胸的位置有一支猎鹰的尾羽作为标识,以区别于其他的炎鹰射手。在白之军团内部。通常将这些炎鹰射手称之为‘猎鹰人’。 These falcon person crouches/submits body above the roof, 2-3 individual one group go forward in the way of skirmisher's line carefully, their are not many, actually brought the enormous threat to Harbour Defence Army. Often in the street fighting Harbour Defence Army Captain, Knight Captain or great knight crop up, will encounter the unexpected blow attack that is unable to forecast, these unexpected blows was much higher, once made the low level command system of Harbour Defence Army almost be on the verge of the collapse. 这些猎鹰人小心地伏身于屋顶之上,2-3个人一组以散兵线的方式前进,他们人数不多,却给港卫军带来了极大的威胁。往往巷战之中港卫军队长骑士长或者大骑士一冒头,就会遭到无法预测的冷箭袭击,这些冷箭的准度高得惊人,一度让港卫军下级指挥体系几乎濒临崩溃。 Harbour Defence Army and White Lion Guards that soldier but as for these defend stubbornly in the temporary fortification, falcon person with fire arrows with reflecting fire elimination one by one, this is their specialties. Flame eagle archer fire arrows can create to be similar to the Fireball spell same blast effect, but the refraction fire can be used to attack these to hide the enemy within construction, before them, almost could not have been called the reliable fortress. 而至于那些在临时工事中固守的港卫军白狮卫队的士兵,猎鹰人则用火箭与折射射击予以逐个清除,这是他们的拿手好戏。炎鹰射手火箭可以造成类似于火球术一样的爆炸效果,而折射射击可以用来攻击那些藏身于建筑之内的敌人,在他们面前,几乎没有称得上牢固的堡垒。 If guards the infantry to seem like unadorned, the heavy sword of no front, can easily break open defense of opponent from the upfront, then flame eagle archer looks like the Agility picking out bone dagger. Two sharp blade each other coordinate, goes smoothly everywhere in the street fighting unexpectedly. 如果说戍卫步兵像是一把朴实无华,无锋的重剑,可以轻易从正面破开对手的防御,那么炎鹰射手就像是灵巧的剔骨尖刀。两把利刃彼此配合,在巷战中竟无往不利。 Harbour Defence Army lost first and Erdao Street quickly builds the defense line, Aouinian White Lion Guards also met troublesome in the first fight, although they successfully made white legion in stop to advancement on Pok Holy Cathedral direction, but since oneself had also paid made war the most serious casualties. On the Delphine map, port almost three will go to its one shortly, during various place important intersections were inserted represented the empire red and white two color flags, the aggressive battle efficiency that the empire displays let present everyone to fall into one piece to be quiet. 港卫军很快就失去了第一和第二道街垒防线,埃鲁因人白狮卫队也在初战中也遇上了麻烦,虽然他们成功让白之军团在向福莎圣殿方向上的推进停了下来,但自己也付出了开战以来最为惨重的伤亡。在德尔菲恩的地图上,法坦港几乎是在顷刻之间三去其一,各处重要的街口都被插上了代表帝国红白二色的旗帜,帝国表现出的咄咄逼人的战斗力让在场所有人都陷入一片沉寂之中。 Even including which empire nobles —— 甚至包括哪些帝国贵族们—— Although each empire person possibly started to hear these proud —— inheritance about the empire from the birth in War of the Holy Saints time Burnett Legion and Anderson legion, Ordefeiss legion and Donnert legion four legend legion legends. These four legion gradually evolved present pale swarth four big legion afterward. But without stands in their opposites truly, becomes their opponents, powerful actually people will not understand them. 虽然每个帝国人可能从出生开始就会听说那些关于帝国的骄傲——传承于圣者之战时代伯尼特军团、安德森军团奥德菲斯军团与唐纳特军团四个传奇军团的传说。正是这四个军团后来逐渐演化成了现在的青白赤黑四大军团。但没有真正站在它们的对立面,成为它们的对手,人们就不会明白它们究竟有多强大。 The brilliance of empire. The dignity of empire, the strength of empire, this is not an empty talk. 帝国的光辉。帝国的威严,帝国的力量,这绝非一句空话。 What to do?” Ludwigg Baron full is on the face of wrinkle the complexion is very pale: „Do we retreat fort?” “怎么办?”路德维希男爵满是皱纹的脸上脸色十分苍白:“我们退守法坦要塞吧?” „It is not good,” Orkens Count shakes the head: „The words that now draws back will create the demoralization, moreover not when the time comes.” “不行,”奥尔康斯伯爵摇了摇头:“现在退的话会造成士气崩溃的,而且也还不到时候。” „The words that does not draw back, wait for that old wolf the subordinate to advance again, we cannot defend!” “可不退的话,等那头老狼的手下再推进过来,我们也守不住啊!” Orkens Count smiled bitterly: Has not thought that old fogy also really has many skills.” 奥尔康斯伯爵苦笑了一下:“没想到那老家伙还真是有两把刷子。” Others will look at prime minister's daughter on wheelchair. As to have a look at her to have no solution, but the Delphine facial color is also a dignity. She is only nodded, approved of former's view. 其他人都将目光投向在轮椅上的宰相千金。似乎想看看她有没什么解决的办法,但德尔菲恩面色也是一片凝重。她只是点了点头,赞同了前者的看法。 This offensive is really suffocating, the beforehand judgment was too optimistic, the opposite party has not invested Griffin Knight and silver Pegasus Knight. Otherwise fundamental support less than after high noon . In fact even now, the entire harbor defense line can still collapse momentarily, Harbour Defence Army looked like one to stretch the maximum string, when no one knew it to be able suddenly collapsing. 这攻势实在是令人窒息,之前的判断还是太乐观了,对方还没有投入狮鹫骑士与银飞马骑士。否则根本支撑不到正午之后。实际上就算是现在,整个港口防线也随时可以崩溃,港卫军就像是一根绷到了最大限度的弦,没人知道它在什么时候就会忽然崩断 Must know that in white legion or empire four big legion compare to be good at defending and legion of field operation, they are proud guard the infantry in fact is a powerful defensive infantry, the good Dragon Knight group cannot invest into the fight of attacking a city. 要知道白之军团还是帝国四大军团中比较善于防守和野战的军团,他们引以为骄傲的戍卫步兵事实上是一种强大的防守步兵,地行龙骑士团则根本不能投入到攻城的战斗中。 „Did empire in attacking Pok Holy Cathedral direction stop?” She asked suddenly. “帝国在进攻福莎圣殿的方向上停了下来吗?”她忽然问道。 Yes,” that noble that brings this news leaving ranks replies immediately, but Delphine white legion is called empire to make him feel that some too do not adapt, in fact presents most people to regard as this war is a civil war. He reorganized a mood. Replied with the somewhat inconceivable tone: Absolutely true, Miss Delphine, really does not know how these Aouinian achieve. They repelled the attack of legion from the upfront probably.” “是的,”那个带来这讯息的贵族立刻出列回答道,不过德尔菲恩将白之军团叫做‘帝国’让他感到有些不太适应,事实上在场大多数人还是把这场战争看成是一场内战的。他整理了一下情绪。才用有些不可思议的语气回答道:“千真万确,德尔菲恩小姐,真不知道那些埃鲁因人是怎么做到的。他们好像从正面打退了军团的进攻。” ...... …… The white legion similar doubts in the battle efficiency of their enemy, in the Aouinian position broadcast the mountains call, seas roar general sound directly frequently, looked like insane was simply same. One side of street this, white legion every large or small Knight-Captain look at each other in blank dismay, before then they have organized to attack three times, but every be relentless was repelled one time. Opposite Aouinian and their casualties compared with were almost 3 : 1, but the opposite party takes place of the fallen. What did not know the death and frightened is. 白之军团同样疑惑于在他们正面这一支敌人的战斗力,埃鲁因人的阵地上时时刻刻传来山呼海啸一般的声音,简直就像是疯了一样。街道这一侧,白之军团内部大大小小的骑士队长们面面相觑,在此之前他们已经组织了三次进攻了,但每一次都毫不留情地被击退。对面埃鲁因人和他们的伤亡比几乎达到了三比一,但对方还是前仆后继。丝毫不知死亡与恐惧为何物。 On the street a piece in confusion, both sides almost slaughtered to have no time to recycle the corpse incarnadine, the blood the street in a business area, each stone on street as if soaked in the blood, reflected the difference the brilliance, the following soldier front this street will have called it blood street vividly. But Aouinian still guarded several critical intersections stubbornly, is not willing retreat one step, as if not to kill off them completely, legion is unable the advance half a point. 街道上一片狼藉,双方几乎厮杀到无暇去回收尸体,鲜血染红了街面,街道上的每一块石头仿佛都浸在血液之中,折射出异样的光彩,以至于下面的士兵已经将前面这条街形象地称之为‘血街’。但埃鲁因人仍旧死死地把守住几个紧要的街口,不肯后退一步,仿佛不把他们全部杀光,军团就无法前进半分。 These white legion the fights of low level NCOs experience are innumerable, but has not fought such frigid contest, a heavy infantry presented about several tenths personnel losses. In fact until now, has at least three squads to be hit thoroughly remnantly, drew back from frontline. 这些白之军团下级士官们经历的战斗无数,但还从没打过这么惨烈的争夺战,以至于一线的重步兵都出现了近几成的减员。事实上到现在为止,已经有至少三个小队被彻底打残,从前线上退下来了。 On roof falcon person also met opponent . Moreover the opponent who their circumstances must, they meet miserably may be more powerful than —— that the Aouinian infantry is round trip such as wind ranger army, is constituted by the elf soldier of sharp ear mostly, the opposite party not only the archery is astonishing . Moreover the ability of concealment whereabouts lets person scalp tingles. Falcon person discovered for the first time when them was neared by the opposite party to a about 30 chi (0.33 m) distance did not have to think, finally was away from almost distance of merely one roof to conduct a crowded concentrated fire, causes nearly whole army has been annihilated. 屋顶上的‘猎鹰人’们同样遇上了的对手,而且他们的境遇还要更惨一点,他们遇上的对手比埃鲁因人的步兵可强大多了——那是一支来去如风的游侠部队,大部分由尖耳朵的精灵士兵构成,对方非但射术惊人,而且隐匿行踪的本领让人头皮发麻。‘猎鹰人’第一次发现她们时被对方抵近到近三十尺的距离还毫无所觉,结果被隔着几乎仅仅一个屋顶的距离进行了一次密集的攒射,导致近乎全军覆灭。 Following responded the white legion soldier who wants to pursue, but these elf archer have launched the cape, several vertical leapt to jump on other roofs by far. Then also comes back to ambush their one, the front heavy infantry loses seriously, died several Knight-Captain. 后面反应过来的白之军团的士兵想要追击,但那些精灵射手已经展开斗篷,几个纵跃远远跳到了其他的屋顶上。然后还回过头来狙击了他们一阵,到底前面的重步兵损失惨重,死了好几个骑士队长 White legion army personnel losses, have almost the most merit to be on these elf archer, afterward white legion Commander compelled to have no other choice but nearby several falcon person squadron to assemble this direction completely, reduced some pressures finally. 白之军团一线部队的减员,几乎有大半功劳都要算到这些精灵射手头上,后来白之军团指挥官逼不得已将附近几个‘猎鹰人’中队全部调集到这个方向,才总算减轻了些许压力。 But also reduced the pressure merely, although gathers falcon person quantity has gone far beyond that elf archer squad, but in fact by leaning toward one side pressed hitting. After countless times was sneak attacked, these come from scarlet legion archer discovered finally, originally the opposite party meets the stealth unexpectedly. 但也仅仅是减轻了压力而已,虽说聚集起来的‘猎鹰人’数量已经远远超过那支精灵射手小队,但事实上还是被一面倒地压着打。无数次被偷袭之后,这些来自于赤之军团射手终于发现,原来对方竟然是会隐身的。 On roof falcon person was suppressed does not dare to appear, this weaponry projects on this, in fact had fallen into deadlock. White legion even again fearless, is impossible unable to obtain in the situation of shield to advance again completely rashly, not to mention opposite Aouinian exhibits one dead to fight situation, even if they put out the reckless imposing manner, is still not necessarily able to make the breakthrough in a short time. Let alone in a heavy infantry, without so many low level Knight Commander can give the elf archer ambush of opposite party. 屋顶上的‘猎鹰人’被压制得不敢露头,这仗打到这份上,事实上就已经陷入了僵持的境地之中。白之军团就算是再无畏,也不可能再完全得不到掩护的情况下贸然推进,且不说对面的埃鲁因人摆出一副死战到底的态势,就算是他们拿出不顾一切的气势,也未必能在一时半刻取得突破。何况一线的重步兵中,也没有那么多中下级骑士指挥官可以给对方的精灵射手狙击的。 Opposite should be Aouinian White Lion Legion,” in silent small a moment later, Knight cannot bear open the mouth to say finally: Their fight Will is a little not as I expected beside, how I very curious Anzeluta these two legion is on the wars of high ground and in these fellows have the advantage now.” “对面应该是埃鲁因人白狮军团,”在沉默了小片刻之后,一个骑士终于忍不住开口道:“他们的战斗意志有点出乎我的预料之外,我现在很好奇安泽鲁塔那些二线军团是怎么在高地上和这些家伙的战争中占到优势的了。” No, that is not pure White Lion Legion, on their shoulders has the White Lion shawl, obviously distinguishes between other White Lion, perhaps is similar to our falcon person like this special establishment. You have to notice that their attire seem like that White Lion Infantry that historically records.” “不,那不是纯粹的白狮军团,他们的肩膀上有白狮披肩,显然是区别于其他的白狮,或许是类似于我们的猎鹰人这样的特别编制。你们有留意到么,他们的装束看起来很像历史上记载的那支白狮步兵。” But in any event, what is truly fierce is these elf archer,” another Knight is pressed the brow saying: Actually they from there, we had not heard Vaunde has such ranger army, their abilities were too special, impossible nameless. Can watch the street fighting is not their main battlefield, this ranger army is the king of genuine jungle warfare.” “但无论如何,真正厉害的是那些精灵射手,”另一个骑士蹙着眉头说道:“她们究竟从那里来的,我们从没听说过沃恩德有这样一支游侠部队,她们的能力太特殊了,不可能籍籍无名的。看得出来巷战并不是她们的主战场,这支游侠部队是真正的丛林战之王。” „Is could it be that Wind Elf?” 难道风精灵?” No, that is Forest Elf, but Forest Elf forest shadow archer is not this, the performance in street fighting may be badly farther than this ranger army.” “不,那是树精灵,可树精灵的林影射手不是这样的,他们在巷战中的表现可比这支游侠部队差远了。” Good, who regardless of they are, at least I can determine that this ranger army will be certainly famous after today.” “好吧,无论她们是谁,至少我可以确定这支游侠部队在今天之后一定会名扬天下。” First Knight looks the companions who own a notch don't show/unfolds, knit the brows to beckon with the hand saying: You changed the subject, what now we must discuss, then we what to do? Above requests us to coordinate the south offensive, takes Pok Holy Cathedral in one hour. But these Aouinian looked like insane is the same at present, others will not listen to us to explain, they will only ridicule our one group of country bumpkins unable to solve.” 第一个骑士看着自己一筹莫展的同伴们,皱皱眉头摆手道:“你们跑题了,现在我们要讨论的是,接下来我们怎么办?上面要求我们务必配合南面的攻势,在一个小时内拿下福莎圣殿。可眼下这些埃鲁因人就像是疯了一样,其他人可不会听我们解释,他们只会讥笑我们连一群乡巴佬都解决不了。” This issue not can be solved, if these fellows also only consider as finished are the country bumpkin, I couldn't help suspecting our battle efficiencies.” “这个问题可不大好解决,这些家伙如果也只算了是乡巴佬的话,那我就忍不住要怀疑我们的战斗力了。” You truly should review your performance.” At this time a dignified sound inserted, all Knight on the scene heard this sound unable to bear the facial color one cold, turned around respectfully to interposing that person salutes saying: Sir!” “你们确实应该检讨一下你们的表现。”这时一个威严的声音插了进来,所有在场的骑士一听到这个声音都忍不住面色一凛,转身恭敬地向插话那人行礼道:“大人!” Enters this circle person this army Commander, keeps Greek Knight, his facial color looked at one's own subordinates one eyes seriously, replied: Did not need to discuss, the above order has gotten down.” 走进这个圈子的人正是这支部队指挥官,留希爵士,他面色严肃地看了自己的属下们一眼,答道:“不用讨论了,上面的命令已经下来了。” What, above is willing to give us the air support, Sir?” “什么,上面愿意给我们空中支援吗,大人?” No,” keeps Greek Knight to reply succinctly: This is the order of Abner Duke, he orders us to stop attacking immediately, returns the Mt. Jinzhen valley standby.” “不,”留希爵士简洁地答道:“这是安布纳公爵的命令,他命令我们立刻停止攻击,退回金针山谷待命。” What!? Why, took port at the present?” “什么!?为什么,拿下法坦港就在眼下了啊?” Why, the attack has not been blocked, did you see the Buganian fleet? This is the order, immediately carries out.” “没有为什么,进攻已经受阻了,你看到布加人的舰队了吗?这是命令,立刻执行。” Is —— a Knights silence, but still nodded to be. “是——骑士们一阵默然,但仍旧点头应是。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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