TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#982: Ever green victory

Whenever shadow of passing over gently and swiftly hill and land dragon, above the land will be born flows the great dragon blood lineage/vein descendant, Astrologers was declaring that in the next generation of under the dragon shadow being born, will have the mysterious strength, but this is year of dragon shadow origin —— 每当巨龙之影掠过丘陵与大地,大地之上就会诞生许多流淌着巨龙血脉的后裔,占星术士们宣称在巨龙阴影之下出生的下一代,会拥有神奇的力量,而这就是龙影之年的由来—— Millenniums later, deep blue sea water still millenniums ago same is washing out the White City coast, is floating the spume of sea water like the sapphire same sea level, leaves behind the wet mark that fluctuating varies on Andteas causeway ; The wave has flooded the edge of carving under the giant beast Leviathan relief high together in causeway Shanghai, has an iron hoop there, is used to indicate the maximum high-water in White City history, iron hoop now already rusty stain stained, experienced hardship to the full. 千年之后,碧蓝的海水仍旧如同千年之前一样冲刷着白城的海岸,如同蓝宝石一样的海面上漂着海水的浮沫,在安提斯奎的长堤上留下起伏不一的湿痕;最高一道浪已经淹到雕刻在长堤上海中巨兽利维坦浮雕下沿,在那里有一个铁环,用来标示白城历史上的最高水位,铁环如今已经锈迹斑斑,饱经风霜。 This long raises builds casts the sword in lord of Renk White City for the time of plow, extends the stone trestle in deep blue bay to be connected with the distant place, is anchoring hundreds of countenance ships there, but elf sailing ship establishes a new school —— long one row of vertical sails, ship bow curving shape same saber —— this fleet crosses the seas to cross ocean to arrive at this place from Aerlanta, from all sides altogether five batch. 这道长提修筑于白城之主泰伦克铸剑为犁的时代,与远处延伸碧蓝海湾之内的石栈桥相连,在那里停泊着数以百计的形色船只,而精灵廷的帆船在其中独树一帜——长长的一列纵帆,舰艏弯曲形同一柄军刀——这支舰队从艾尔兰塔漂洋过海来到此地,前前后后一共五批。 On the same day the White City residents saw the fully-armed elf army from these ships, then went toward east, group after group, had not appeared after this. 当日白城的市民们看到全副武装的精灵军队从这些船上下来,然后往东而去,一批接着一批,从此之后再没有出现过。 In a flash half a month, Rander stands near the causeway again looks that piece of yellowing sail withstand/top —— elves not to come back again, is only left over the empty fleet to drift in Gulf, the shape covets regarding their not no one with Spectre ——, but all people who dare to put out a hand, received severe warning that came from Holy Church. 一晃半月有余,兰德再一次站在长堤边上看着那一片泛黄的帆顶——精灵们再没有回来,只剩下空荡荡的舰队就那么漂泊在海湾中,形同幽灵——对于它们并非无人觊觎,但所有敢于伸手的人,都受到了来自于圣堂的严厉警告。 The aura of sea water is infiltrating the cheek, has the moist aura. 海水的气息浸润着面颊,带着潮湿的气息。 In his heart was full of the doubts, why Aerlanta elves came, to where? 他心中充满了疑惑,艾尔兰塔精灵们为何而来,又去往何处? Drifts turbulent the fleet sky over the sea level seems like in silent is recounting anything, the incessant chatter just like Spectre to linger above Gulf, making one have the chill in the air. 漂泊在海面上空荡荡的舰队像是在无声地述说着什么,絮语犹如幽灵般萦绕在海湾之上,令人心生寒意。 Rander felt in suddenly the sea level gets windy. On forehead 1 cool feeling. 兰德忽然感到海面上起了风。额头上一点凉意。 His holding down forehead, under the heart stares slightly, this season. Will the wind blow from the sea? 他按住额头,心下微微一愣,这个时节。风怎么会从海上吹来? But the sea breeze immediately becomes manic, sea level dark piece. Above had a white line of flowing. The fresh breeze has stroked the bay, pulls the flag that the sailing ship withstand/top flap flap to make noise, the causeway nearby trees crash-bang resound, the lowering the head low waist, Rander felt own hair flutters, hurries to hold down the one's own hat, the wind lifts his lower hem corner immediately, he sees sailing ship one in distant place harbor to start to rock by one. 但海风还是立刻变得狂躁起来,海面黑沉沉一片。上面起了一浪浪的白线。劲风拂过海湾,扯得帆船顶上的旗帜猎猎作响,长堤边上的树木哗啦啦地响成一片,垂头低腰,兰德感到自己头发翻飞,赶紧按住自己的帽子,风立刻将他的衣角掀开,他看到远处港湾中的帆船一艘挨着一艘开始晃动起来。 Was this? 这是怎么了? The harbor direction has several workers to shout. The sound passed on running free by far, seemed complaining that this ghost weather, said that was the sea must have the storm. But year to year told him as the intuition of sailor, this was not the prelude that the storm arrived, let alone rainy season has crossed, close to what storm that above Jinghai of fall where came? 港口方向有几个工人在嚷嚷着。声音顺风远远地传了过来,似乎在埋怨这鬼天气,说是海上要起风暴了。但常年作为水手的直觉告诉他,这绝不是风暴降临的前奏,何况雨季已过,临近秋日的静海之上哪来的什么风暴? His raises head, narrows the eye, suddenly saw in Skyline that the horizon light and shade varies presented several sunspots. 抬起头,眯起眼睛,忽然看到天边明暗不一的天际线上出现了几个黑点。 Graceful life that flutters, they are huge and beautiful, in as if huge body each muscle is rich in the rhythm. Life perfect with shows incisively on them ; When they spread the wings, as if blocks the sky, the wind passes through from their powerful wing membranes. Curls up the storm in the sea level, the cloud penetration, but. 那振翅的优雅生灵,它们庞大而又美丽,仿佛巨大的身躯上每一块肌肉都富有韵律。生命的完美与至极在它们身上展现得淋漓尽致;当它们展翅时,仿佛遮天蔽日,风从它们强有力的翼膜之下穿过。在海面上卷起风浪,穿云而至。 The giant shadow passing over gently and swiftly land, like controlled all time in the past that again. 巨大的阴影再一次掠过大地,就像在过去那个主宰一切的时代一样。 This one day, dragonflight has flown again sky over White City. 一日,龙群再次飞过了白城上空。 ...... …… The water drop gathers the forming in each other staggered grayish white great rock, an edge fluorescence, inside screens Holy Cathedral the broad scene ; Ding-dong, it drops from the vault, falls into the pond of jet black Sacred Stone, the heavy water surface ripples to clean out manure from a sty the circle ripple. 水珠在彼此交错的灰白巨岩上汇聚成形,边缘一线荧光,内里映出圣殿内部恢弘的景象;叮咚,它从穹顶上滴落而下,落入漆黑的圣石之池中,沉沉水面荡漾起圈圈波纹。 Sage Sir. The victory and defeat has the result.” “贤者大人。胜负已有分晓了。” Azerbantu 11 th is in the darkness, the sound somewhat said low and deep. 阿塞班图十一世身在黑暗之中,声音有些低沉地说道。 Distant place several Saint candles send out the dark astringent ray. Outlined his milky white silk fabrics Saint robe, the Saint robe has hung to the ground flagstone above. The bottom caught gloomy unclear azure probably. 远处几只圣烛散发出暗涩的光芒。勾勒出他乳白色的绸缎圣袍,圣袍一直垂到地面石板之上。底端像是染上了一层晦暗不明的青色。 Aerlanta big such as the tower general form stands and waits for a long time for a very long time, the emerald same eye is sending out the heavy brilliance in the darkness, her vision across great rock Holy Church one side flat roof beside —— there is under the Lofty Mountain high mountains and sunset glow the numerous evening shadow of forest, the last golden light is embezzling for the heavy cloud, above the stars by the red and purple backdrop falls but actually, has this moment unique will leave, but not don't solemn and stirring color. 艾尔兰塔高大如塔一般的身影久久伫立,翡翠一样的眼睛在黑暗中散发着沉沉的光彩,她的目光穿过巨岩圣堂一侧的露台之外——那里是崇山峻岭、晚霞下森林的重重暮影,最后一线金光正为沉沉的云彩所吞没,由红而紫的天幕之上繁星倒坠,带着一种这一刻特有的将离而未别的悲壮色彩。 The light must not have under the horizon, is long night. 光明必没于地平线之下,尔后将是漫漫长夜。 Long time, she opens the mouth to say slowly: What you saw, Azerbantu your excellency?” 半晌,她才慢慢开口道:“你看到了什么,阿塞班图阁下?” This is the news that my student brings: The Silver Queen has collaborated with Madara's undead, the seventeen days dawn, Undead Army embarks from the Argent area, two ten one day, some people joyful neighbor witnessed their marching in Ovey, if I have not guessed that wrong, Madara's undead has arrived in battlefield —— at present “这是我的学生带来的消息:白银女王已与玛达拉的亡灵联手,十七日晓,一支亡灵大军从阿尔让地区出发,二十一日,有人在奥韦欣附近目睹了它们的行军,如果我没猜错的话,玛达拉的亡灵眼下已经抵达了战场—— In the ever green corridor, the army who Goldmane Torquine and Gorgon Ravine block the sky is travelling day and night to go north, once they across flatter if compared with just gate, the eastern Maze Kirrlutzian military will achieve above 500,000.” “在长青走廊,金鬃托奎宁乔根底冈遮天蔽日的大军正日夜兼程北上,一旦它们穿过阿若比刚之门,东梅兹克鲁兹人的兵力将达到五十万以上。” Azerbantu 11 th extracts a parchment from the long robe sleeve, carefully looked, then handed over. 阿塞班图十一世从长长的袍袖下抽出一张羊皮纸,仔细看了一遍,然后递了过来。 But Aerlanta has not gone to meet. 艾尔兰塔并未去接。 You have heard the war of Katuosi, Azerbantu your excellency?” She has turned head, looks at the latter to ask. “您听说过厄卡托斯之战吗,阿塞班图阁下?”她回过头,看着后者问道。 Ding-dong —— 叮咚—— Another drop of water drop falls into the basin. 又一滴水珠落入水池之中。 The candlelight that Azerbantu 11 th raises head, the light and shade varies puzzled deepened the wrinkle on his face, one after another, as if the blade carves the pitching chisel: 阿塞班图十一世不解地抬起头,明暗不一的烛光加深了他脸上的皱纹,一道道,仿佛刀刻斧凿: „Does could it be that have the variable, the sage Sir?” 难道还有变数,贤者大人?” But......, even if the sovereign eldest son coped with white legion,...... facing the Gorgon Ravine army, they were still difficult to sustain......, only if......” he somewhat replied hesitant: Only if the sage Sir you meddles.” “可是……就算皇长子对付得了白之军团,……面对乔根底冈的大军,他们也难以为继……除非……”他有些犹豫地答道:“除非贤者大人您插手。” I will not meddle, Azerbantu your excellency, I had stated clearly.” “我是不会插手的,阿塞班图阁下,我早已言明。” Such words...... fear them very difficultly......” Azerbantu 11 th deeply to frown, shakes the head repeatedly: Sage Sir,...... is not everyone is Flame King, war of such miracle Katuosi,...... because is impossible to complete, can call it the miracle.” “那样的话……恐怕他们很难……”阿塞班图十一世深深地皱着眉头,一再摇头:“贤者大人,……不是每个人都是炎之王,厄卡托斯之战那样的奇迹,……正是因为不可能完成,才能被称之为奇迹。” But the miracle, is —— that is hard to reappear “但奇迹,是难以重现的—— Aerlanta has not refuted him. 艾尔兰塔并未反驳他。 Last golden light has sunk to under the horizon, the heavy twilight, brings the boundless loneliness. Under the night gets windy. The cloud layer moves along the ridge line to south in the horizon slowly, the moonlight falls quickly, enabling the pot marigold mountain range to present a silver white color. 最后一线金光已经沉入地平线之下,沉沉的暮色,带着无边的寂寥。夜下起了风。云层在天际沿着山脊线缓缓向南移动,月光很快倾洒而下,使得金盏花山脉呈现出一片银白的颜色。 I feel palpitation. Blade of Flame Ordefeiss the rebirth in this world, had chosen its person of —— promising “我感到一种悸动。炎之刃奥德菲斯已经重生在这个世界上,选择了它的应许之人—— Azerbantu 11 th terrified and is startled. He raised the head impressively: Sage Sir, this......?” 阿塞班图十一世悚然而惊。他赫然抬头:“贤者大人,这……?” Has the hero born each time,” Aerlanta replied in a soft voice: However the time was called the time, because it will change formerly, if repeated the past purely, will not get the answer.” “每个时代都有英雄诞生,”艾尔兰塔轻声答道:“而时代之所以被称之为时代,正是因为它会既往更替,如果是单纯地重复过去,是不会得到答案的。” Buganian is repaying a debt, in Holy War, they really should not meddle. 60 years ago some people shouldered all for them, now they must repay this benevolence.” She has turned head, in the firm and resolute facial features shows a happy expression rare: Got windy, Azerbantu did your excellency, you feel?” 布加人是在还债,在圣战之中,他们实在不该插手。六十年前有人为他们背负了一切,现在他们必须偿还这份恩情。”她回过头,坚毅的面容上少有地露出一丝笑意:“起风了,阿塞班图阁下,你感觉到了吗?” Beside great rock Holy Church, the wind is increasing gradually, the trees make the hysterical/frenzy sound, the innumerable leaf blades were curled, flies the sky, forms a mighty current. Thick falling everywhere dances in the air. 巨岩圣堂之外,风正在渐渐变大,树木发出狂乱的声响,无数叶片被卷了起来,飞上天空,形成一条洪流。纷纷扬扬漫天飞舞。 Some leaf blades by the volume in the flat roof, were even sprinkled place in Holy Church, several clergies quickly want to run to close. 一些叶片甚至被卷上了露台,在圣堂内洒落一地,几个僧侣急急忙忙地想要跑去关上门。 But at this time. The Holy Church following front door was rumbled to shove open. 但正是这个时候。圣堂后面的大门被轰一声推开来。 Dragon —— “龙—— Teacher and sage Sir, is dragonflight!” “老师、贤者大人,是龙群!” ...... …… Pollia japonica horse, Anlieke, Callas, many reported that discovered the dragon trail.” “杜若马,安列克,卡拉苏,多地报告发现了巨龙的踪迹。” „The dragons action is unusual, what unusuality had?” 巨龙们行动异常,是不是发生了什么异常?” „A matter, Her Highness the Princess, we need one to explain —— “还有一件事,公主殿下,我们需要一个解释—— Princess Gryphine finally from piling up with the official document on document raises head comes, is wrinkling the beautiful brow slightly. In the silver pupil that gently and coexists resolutely has not the anxious color that is easy to detect, looks to stand before oneself that noble —— family's the person. What the back stands is Archduke of Golan-Elsen, perhaps others? 格里菲因公主终于从堆满文件上的案牍上抬起头来,微微皱着姣好的眉头。温婉与刚毅并存的银色眸子里带着不易察觉的忧虑之色,看着站在自己面前的那个贵族——诺宁家族的人。背后站的是戈兰—埃尔森大公,或许还有其他人? Her light start/open Tankou. Asking: Sorry, I have not heard clearly the words that you spoke a moment ago, said troublesome again?” 她轻启檀口。问道:“抱歉,我没听清你刚才说的话,麻烦再说一遍?” The Princess sound is not high. 公主的声音不高。 Actually makes in the purple Sue hall in Ao Neiwei Daubourg for a while silent, in every large or small noble realized anything probably, stops the conversation tacitly, raises the head looks like to this direction, has on the face surprised uncertain, some people of faces look at the look of good play, the face that numerous all sorts of looks vary each other interweave, grotesque and gaudy, as if a weird picture scroll. 却使得奥内维多堡的紫大厅之中一时寂静下来,大大小小的贵族中好像意识到了什么,默契地停下交谈,翘首向这个方向看来,有人脸上惊疑不定,有人一脸看好戏的神色,林林种种神色不一的面孔彼此交织,光怪陆离,仿佛一幅怪诞的画卷。 That noble not cares a whoop the Gryphine's status, walks put on a high and mighty act from the crowd, puts out a letter/believes from the bosom complacently, places in front of Gryphine. 贵族丝毫不在意格里菲因的身份,趾高气昂地从人群中走出来,得意洋洋地从怀中拿出一封信,放在格里菲因面前。 Her Highness the Princess,” he replied by finger that letter/believes: This is Bucce and some gold/metal Bao also Kara plateau frontline reported recently, the fact showed that the empire and Madara's undead stores up the army in the border, is ready to make trouble.” 公主殿下,”他以手指那封信答道:“这是近日以来布契、金堡还有卡拉森高原一带的前线报告,事实表明,帝国和玛达拉的亡灵都在边境上囤积大军,蠢蠢欲动。” Princess Gryphine looks straight ahead the eyes of opposite party, taking advantage of the split vision of opposite party corner of the eye, she saw many people, has the Archduke of Golan-Elsen envoy, northern nobles, her grandfather Archduke of Viero, even royalist member, she saw Makarov and the others in the crowd. These people first avoid her vision, but welcomed quickly confidently came —— 格里菲因公主直视对方的眼睛,借着对方眼角的余光,她看到了很多人,有戈兰—埃尔森大公的使节,北方贵族,她的外公维埃罗大公,甚至还有王党成员,她在人群中看到了马卡罗等人。那些人最先避开她的目光,但很快坦然地迎了过来—— She grasped a fist secretly. 她暗自握了一下拳头。 „Here also papers reported that Her Highness the Princess,” that noble is unhurriedly , to continue to reply: Above said that Kirrlutzian with the Madara union, Madara has set out several tens of thousands undead to enter the war in the eastern Maze area, but gave loyalty to also passed through flatter in The Silver Queen Gorgon Ravine and Goldmane Torquine legion, if compared with just gate, Kirrlutzian sovereign eldest son destruction in shortly —— “这里还有一纸报告,公主殿下,”那个贵族不慌不忙,继续答道:“上面说克鲁兹人已经和玛达拉联合,玛达拉出动了数万亡灵在东梅兹地区参战,而效忠于白银女王乔根底冈金鬃托奎宁军团也穿过了阿若比刚之门,克鲁兹人的皇长子覆灭即在顷刻—— This paper reported that I have known,” Princess Gryphine complexion gloomy: What explanation do you want to listen to?” “这纸报告我已知晓,”格里菲因公主脸色阴沉了下来:“你们想要听什么样的解释?” Her Highness the Princess,” the Archduke of Golan-Elsen envoy opened the mouth suddenly: Aouine is a small country, he impossible survives under the converging attack of Madara and empire, but the small country, should have small country the livelihood. Since recently the date and time, you supported your Lord Count to stir up trouble in the empire, ignore everyone's dissuading, now you bold and reckless plan fail is about to begin, whether should give us a confession?” 公主殿下,”戈兰—埃尔森大公的使节忽然开口了:“埃鲁因是一个小国家,他不可能在玛达拉和帝国的夹击之下存活,而小国,就应该有小国的生存之道。最近一些时日以来,您支持你的那位伯爵大人在帝国内兴风作浪,罔顾所有人的劝阻,如今您大胆而冒进的计划失败在即,是否应该给我们一个交代?” Princess Gryphine is silent, since port has made war, both sides of battle then use magic to block all magic of this/should area to pass on a message, for the past 15 days, above the battlefield does not have the least bit message to transmit. 格里菲因公主默然不语,自从法坦港开战以来,交战的双方便使用魔法封锁了该地区的所有魔法传讯,近半个月以来,战场之上已经没有半点音讯传来。 She stands Amandina in crowd vision carrying over, the latter has not spoken, only to her slightly nodded. 她将目光移向站在人群之中的安蒂缇娜,后者并未发言,只对她微微点了点头 Why does not know, in heart slightly one warm. 不知为何,心中微微一暖。 Calming down. Her coldly took a fast look around everyone one eyes on the scene, opens the mouth saying: „The Lord Count behavior is just and reasonable, because Aouine must protect its people. Therefore does not bow to any thieves influence ——, no matter it is the empire is also good, is undead! Count of Tonigel once defeated empire one time. I believe that his this time will let similarly the empire halts in before, I must tell fact —— 定下神来。她冷冷地扫视了在场的所有人一眼,开口道:“伯爵大人的行为正义且合理,因为埃鲁因必须守护它的子民。为此绝不向任何强盗势力低头——不管它是帝国也好,还是亡灵也罢!托尼格尔伯爵曾经击败帝国一次。我相信他这一次同样会让帝国止步于前,我要告诉各位一个事实—— That was Mother Marsha had taught us, righteousness must wins.” “那就是玛莎大人曾经教导过我们,正。” The hall is static falls the needle to hear. 大厅静得落针可闻。 This is almost fights relative, in the air the tense atmosphere almost can see the point. 这几乎已是争锋相对,空气中气氛紧张得几乎可以看见锋芒。 Envoy laughs. 使节一声嗤笑。 Her Highness the Princess, cannot win a battle by the mouth, the empire and Madara unite, undead has tens of thousands of armies in the Argent area, in addition powerful white legion. Please tell me, how will the empire be defeated? Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even the good fortune of luck day, our Sir Count of Tonigel won this war under blessing of Mother Marsha, but how he planned to cope with Torquine Leonin, Gorgon Ravine army?” 公主殿下,靠嘴巴是打不了胜仗的,帝国与玛达拉联合,亡灵在阿尔让地区有数以万计的大军,再加上强大的白之军团。请您告诉我,帝国会怎么失败?退一万步说,就算侥天之幸,我们的托尼格尔伯爵大人在玛莎大人的庇佑之下打赢了这一仗,可他又打算怎么对付托奎宁狮人,还有乔根底冈的大军?” At this point, he cannot bear smiles very frivolously: Perhaps naturally, our did Lord Count meet the thought to kill the enemy, boasts lets count the 100,000 army to unravel? After all Mother Marsha has said that the justice will not be defeated —— 说到这里,他忍不住十分轻佻地笑了笑:“当然,说不定我们那位伯爵大人会意念杀敌,吹吹牛就让数十万大军灰飞烟灭了呢?毕竟玛莎大人说过,正义不会失败嘛—— In the crowd resounds one to smile lowly. 人群中响起一阵低笑。 Viero Duke sighed. Also shakes the head saying: Gryphine, tenacious is not an outstanding higher ranked person proper quality, although you are not King of Aouine. But what you represent is the face of royal family, these words that you spoke before were extremely weak.” 维埃罗公爵叹了口气。也摇头道:“格里菲因,固执不是一个优秀的上位者应有的品质,虽然你并不是埃鲁因的国王。但你代表的是王室的脸面,你之前说的这番话太过幼稚了。” The Princess Gryphine face is cold as ice and frost, looks at Makarov. 格里菲因公主脸冷若冰霜,将目光转向马卡罗 Makarov knits the brows: „...... Her Highness the Princess, do not act willfully.” 马卡罗皱眉道:“……公主殿下,不要太一意孤行了。” The disappointed color that on the Princess Gryphine face revealing is difficult to cover, disdains saying: Then, everyone is waiting for this moment early.” 格里菲因公主脸上露出难掩的失望之色,不屑道:“这么说来,各位是早等着这一刻了。” Her Highness the Princess, you should say that we gave you and your Lord Count enough many opportunities, but you displayed too disappoint us.” 公主殿下,你应该说我们给了您和您的那位伯爵大人足够多的机会了,可是你们表现得让我们太失望了。” Good disappointed —— “好一个失望—— Ka scratches one, Ao Neiwei Daubourg the main entrance of purple Sue hall was shoved open accordingly. Coming in Highland Knights Head Commander Bernard, he is tagging along after 78 young Highland Knight behind. Bernard sneers to look all around wear a look of: What is most disappointing is. Saving Aouine's unexpectedly was not once brilliance royalist, but is nameless junior. Some people go crazy in the back envious hatred, only feared soon by the jealousy flame embezzling.” 咔擦一声,奥内维多堡的紫大厅的正门被人应声推开。进来的正是高地骑士团大团长布尼德,他身后尾随着七八名年轻的高地骑士布尼德面带冷笑环顾四周:“最令人失望的是。挽救埃鲁因的竟然不是曾经光辉的王党,而是一个籍籍无名的后辈。有些人在背后嫉恨发狂,只怕快要被妒火给吞没了吧。” In the hall almost all people of royalist on the scene including Makarov changed the complexion, only then Oberbeck can still the facial color be usual, but wrinkled an eyebrow slightly, after all such mentioned names ridicule, no matter what everybody will unable to bear. 大厅内在场的王党包括马卡罗在内几乎所有人都变了脸色,只有欧弗韦尔尚能面色如常,只是略微皱了一下眉,毕竟被这么指名道姓的讥讽,任谁都会忍不住。 Bernard, you were insane!” Immediately has royalist youngster unable to endure patiently to go forward, but they are drawn by others immediately. 布尼德,你疯了吗!”立刻就有王党年轻人忍耐不住想要上前,但他们立刻被旁人拉了回去。 Cracks a joke, front has resting name the king of Highland Knight, one of the Aouine minority Unsealed Element elite powerhouses, does the average person come up not to bring contempt upon oneself? 开什么玩笑,面前这位可是有‘安息者’之称的高地骑士之王,埃鲁因少数开化要素顶尖强者之一,一般人上去不是自取其辱? Bernard looked that does not look at these clown one, but arrives in front of Princess Gryphine directly, after single knee knelt down good the grand Knight ritual, said: Her Highness the Princess, I brought the good news to you.” 布尼德看都不看这些跳梁小丑一眼,而是径直来到格里菲因公主面前,单膝下跪行了个隆重的骑士礼之后,说道:“公主殿下,我给你带来了好消息。” Princess Gryphine is startled slightly. 格里菲因公主微微一怔。 Knights Captain has put out one volume of official documents from the bosom, double hands over on said: Her Highness the Princess, Hotto major success, in mid last month, war of Count of Tonigel in the port routed white legion, wiped out Madara Undead Army, later laid an ambush to rout Goldmane Torquine and Gorgon Ravine allied armies, by the 7 th of this month, eastern Maze throughout has considered recovering, under merged into the empire sovereign eldest son to control.” 骑士团长已经从怀中拿出一卷公文,双手递上道:“公主殿下,梅霍托芬大捷,上月中旬,托尼格尔伯爵在法坦港之战击溃白之军团,全歼玛达拉亡灵大军,随后又设伏击溃金鬃托奎宁乔根底冈联军,截至本月 7 日,东梅兹全境已告光复,并入帝国皇长子掌控之下。” In the hall dies the same silence. 大厅中死一样的寂静。 This is impossible!” The Archduke of Golan-Elsen envoy reprimanded loudly: This is the cry wolf!” “这不可能!”戈兰—埃尔森大公的使节大声斥责道:“这是谎报军情!” Bernard Sir/minister, this outcome what's the matter?” 布尼德卿,这究竟是怎么回事?” Princess Gryphine frowned, her some cannot even believe, three wars win, the could it be that empire, Madara, Torquine and is the Gorgon Ravine army the wood/blockhead does? Although she does not doubt Brando to create the miracle, but port many people, can maintain being locked in a stalemate is very extraordinary. 格里菲因公主皱了皱眉头,连她都有些不敢相信,三战连克,难道帝国、玛达拉托奎宁乔根底冈的大军是木头做的?虽然她毫不怀疑布兰多能够创造奇迹,可法坦港才多少人,能维持相持局面就很了不起了。 Bernard shows a faint smile, turns around to explain to everyone: Count of Tonigel after defeating white legion, convinced white legion Commander Abner Duke to hand over the arms, in the advantage by this information, he blocked off the flow of news. But at this time Goldmane Torquine and Gorgon Ravine allied armies knew nothing radically, they passed through Evergreen Aisle as scheduled, result just right ambush area that dug in Lord Count, Count of Tonigel in flatter, if all extinguished with the aid of terrain advantage almost combat general Leonin and Gorgon Ravine army compared with just the canyon, fought, but completely entire merit.” 布尼德微微一笑,转身对所有人解释道:“托尼格尔伯爵在击败白之军团后,说服了白之军团团长安布纳公爵缴械投降,凭借这个信息上的优势,他封锁了消息。而这个时候金鬃托奎宁乔根底冈的联军根本毫不知情,它们按原定计划穿过长青走道,结果正好一头扎入伯爵大人的埋伏圈,托尼格尔伯爵在阿若比刚峡谷借助地形优势几乎一战将狮人乔根底冈的大军全灭,一战而尽全功。” Dragon Queen? How does he possibly cope with three dragon?” The envoy screamed. 龙后呢?他怎么可能对付三头巨龙?”那使节尖叫道。 But Bernard disdains in radically looking at his one eyes, he has turned head, to Princess Gryphine nodded. 布尼德根本不屑于看他一眼,他回过头,对格里菲因公主点了点头 Princess Gryphine gawked staring, gentle such as in the silver pupil of water flashes through a complex look, she hesitant moment, takes up with this volume of copy clerk —— gently 格里菲因公主愣了愣,温婉如水的银色眸子里闪过一丝复杂的神色,她犹豫了片刻,才轻轻拿起拿这卷文书—— Outside the palace, is after the high noon, floats the light to interlock, there is, if dragon Yingfu plunders. 宫殿之外,正是正午之后,浮光交错之间,有若龙影浮掠。 ...... …… ( Ps: Haha, now Tiansheng constructs day, do fellow schoolmates have to have no harvest? The nest five rounds started Li Sailiu! Then is not exposing to the sun the ship! The Bishop itself assigns/life Dang to express that surpasses happily! In order to express the celebration, renewed 1000 characters silently, on the unique moral integrity, accumulates the moral behavior.) ( to be continued ) (ps:哈哈,今天圣建日,各位同学们有没什么收获啊?窝五发就入手了黎赛留!这才不是在晒船呢!主教本命党表示就超开心!为了表示庆祝,就默默多更新了一千字,就特有节操,就攒人品。)(未完待续)
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