TAS :: Volume #4 变动的轨迹

#618: Ownership of White Lion

Even on today's Aouine, White Lion Legion could still be a crack force. Kills is utterly routed with it Torquine Leonin in Year of Spring Dawn Marquis of Balta can prove this point. But can only satisfy being conservative and complacent of noble type, what he wants is a claw new tooth advantage and beard and hair all opens the lion that. 即使就今天的埃鲁因来说,白狮军团仍算得上是一支劲旅。在春晓之年巴尔塔侯爵用它将托奎宁狮人杀得溃不成军就能证明这一点。但仅能满足贵族式的固步自封,他要的是一头爪新牙利、须发皆张的雄狮。 He considered, replied: Her Highness the Princess, I now am not perhaps suitable to hold the post of this duty.” 他斟酌了一下,答道:“公主殿下,恐怕我现在并不适合担任这一职务。” Princess has looked back him surprisedly. The brow that Brando tightens displays slowly, among the looks turned into the firm determination slowly. Why?” She has doubts asks. 公主惊讶地回过头看着他。布兰多紧锁的眉头慢慢施展开来,神色之间慢慢变成了坚定的决心。“为什么?”她疑惑地问道。 ...... can Her Highness the Princess listen to the truth or the lie?” Brando raises head, the horizon of Ampere Searl distant seas has one to wipe the thrilling azure, that is the next round storm beforehand indication. In the air is breeding the aura of moist sea, he and Her Highness the Princess move toward the Saint white square together, Half-Elven Princess is only higher than a little compared with his shoulder, wears a silver long skirt, the light silk fabrics is sticking to the white enamel same flesh, the skirt that the giant flower petal same folds suspends elf served as contrast slenderly perfectly. ……公主殿下要听真话还是假话?”布兰多抬起头,安培瑟尔远海的天际有一抹动人心魄的青色,那不过是下一轮风暴之前的征兆。空气中孕育着潮湿的海之气息,他和公主殿下一起走向圣白的广场,半精灵公主只比他肩膀高出一点儿,穿着一条银色的长裙,薄薄的绸缎紧贴着白瓷一样的肌肤,巨大的花瓣一样摺叠起来的裙摆将精灵的纤细完美地衬托了出来。 Truth, Mr. Brando.” The Princess tone sounds has not felt disgruntled. “真话,布兰多先生。”公主的语气听起来并未感到不悦。 Good, told the facts from Monarch gives the sword to give Klintyr formerly? Since the Mel Belem, lasted several centuries, White Lion Legion has been kingdom sharpest sword edge. Can win the right of inheritance of this army jurisprudentially speaking, to us naturally is a good deed. However Her Highness the Princess also understands, in Sir Wende, Warren? Reulet left hand general is not necessarily able to accept a stranger to become White Lion Legion new Army Commander with that right?” What Brando said is the White Lion Legion remaining sharp claw and Lion Mane two Commander and White Lion Blade Knights Commander. “好吧,实话实说自从先君授剑予克伦特尔?梅尔贝伦以来,长达数个世纪,白狮军团一直是王国最锋利的剑刃。能从法理上获得这支军队的继承权,对我们来说当然是一件好事。但是公主殿下也明白,内文德爵士,瓦伦?勒莱达与那位‘左手将军’未必会接受一个陌生人成为白狮军团的新任军团长,对吗?”布兰多说的是白狮军团剩下锐爪、狮鬃两位团长白狮之刃骑士团团长 Present White Lion Legion and Eicht time difference did not have existence that guards the imperial palace legion. It after previous one records Year of Returning Glory was replaced by the new imperial guard, afterward became today the Black Blade Legion predecessor. But White Lion Legion also has the sharp claw, Lion Mane and Fur Coated three guard legion with White Lion Blade Knights, Fur Coated Guard Regiment is led by Marquis of Balta, after Marquis of Balta dies, the remaining three people actually have the qualifications to succeed Army Commander. 如今的白狮军团埃克时代差别只是没有了禁卫军团的存在。它在上一纪光辉重返之年后就被新的禁卫军取代,后来成为今天黑刃军团的前身。而白狮军团还剩下锐爪、狮鬃裘德三个近卫军团与一个白狮之刃骑士团,其中裘德近卫团巴尔塔侯爵率领,巴尔塔侯爵死后,剩下三人其实都有资格继任军团长 Princess did not agree: This is the teachings of the deceased of Lloyd old Commander, Nicholas and Holy Cathedral of Fire Steve Knight all can testify, is beyond control they to oppose.” 公主不同意:“这是雷尔德团长的遗训,尼古拉斯炎之圣殿的史蒂芬骑士皆可以作证,由不得他们反对。” But is that White Lion that Her Highness the Princess wants? An only on the surface respectful and submissive sharp sword. The fellow who conspires unlike the north these has what? Whoever compromises to whom does not have the significance, what we want is one truly loyal in kingdom ideal White Lion.” Brando replied, Her Highness the Princess was silent. “可那就是公主殿下想要的白狮?一把只在表面上恭顺的利剑。与北方那些图谋不轨的家伙有何不同?无论谁向谁妥协都毫无意义,我们要的是一头真正忠诚于王国理想的白狮。”布兰多答道,公主殿下沉默下来。 Brando can understand anxiety in this Half-Elven Princess this moment heart. Lock horns northern nobles possibly breaks momentarily tranquilly. Turns into a hopeless mess —— but key the northern situation is, under powerful enemy the threat of encirclement and war some Aouine actually also how much time. But the Ampere Searl war serious consequence enlarged without doubt this worried. 布兰多能读懂这位半精灵公主此刻心中的不安。争执不休的北方贵族随时可能打破平静。把北方的局势变成一锅粥——但关键是,在强敌环绕、战争的威胁之下埃鲁因究竟还有多少时间。而安培瑟尔战争严重的后果又无疑放大了这一担忧。 If can also strive for two to three years of tranquil time to be good, no. So long as two years enough. In the Brando memory, from the second War of Black Rose also five years, arrives from the endless night, the wolf racing line/traverse day above land also has 17 years, that later Vaunde constant disorder and unrest. 如果还能争取两到三年平静的时间就好了,不。只要两年就够了。在布兰多记忆中,距离第二次黑玫瑰战争还有五年,距离长夜降临,狼奔行于大地之上的日子还有十七年,那之后的沃恩德永无宁日。 But before that the north war is also waiting for Aouine. If cannot comfort northern noble as soon as possible, actually to deal with Torquine Goldmane Leonin with anything, Brando also has a headache. The compromise is unable to accept absolutely, history in another world also comes clearly into view, he really thinks that sword all killed these damn fellows. He sighed reluctantly. 但在那之前,北方还有一场战争在等待着埃鲁因。如果不能尽快安抚北方的贵族,究竟拿什么去应付托奎宁金鬃狮人,布兰多也十分头痛。妥协是绝对无法接受的,另一个世界中的历史还历历在目,他真想一剑一个把这些该死的家伙全杀了。他不禁无奈地叹了口气。 Then Mr. Brando in the heart did have a better candidate?” Two people arrive by the carriage, Princess stops, then visits him to ask. “那么布兰多先生心中有更好的人选了么?”两人走到马车旁边,公主停下来,回头看着他问道。 Has one, Earth Knight Ive's daughter.” “有一个,大地骑士艾弗顿的女儿。” Freya?” The Princess sound sounds somewhat is slightly surprised. 芙蕾雅?”公主的声音听起来略微有些惊讶。 Yes, Freya. Her Highness the Princess. She the family background or the background are very appropriate, moreover participated in this war, once fought side-by-side with Marquis of Balta, and won the favorable impressions of White Lion Legion many people. What is more important, Lion Heart Sword approved her, this seems like obviously is deciding of First King Eicht. Perhaps we must respect the choice of Lion Heart Holy Sword.” Brando said slowly, in this actually also some are he from Amandina there hear news. “是的,芙蕾雅公主殿下。她无论是出身还是背景都十分合适,而且也参与了这次战争,曾与巴尔塔侯爵并肩作战,并赢得了白狮军团许多人的好感。更重要的是,狮心剑认同了她,这看起来更显是先君埃克的属意。或许我们应当尊重狮心圣剑的选择。”布兰多缓缓说道,这里面其实还有一些是他从安蒂缇娜那里听来的消息。 Her Highness the Princess is listening silently, finally opens the mouth saying: Mr. Brando, I do not want to conceal you. The person who your idea and I know well happens to hold the same view, she also once recommended Freya to replace the Marquis of Balta position to me.” 公主殿下默默地听着,最后才开口道:“布兰多先生,我不想隐瞒你。你的想法和一个我熟识的人不谋而合,她也曾向我推荐了芙蕾雅来接替巴尔塔侯爵的位置。” „?” “哦?” In the Brando heart is somewhat curious, actually makes Freya lead White Lion Legion to go forward in his heart to have the advance plan early, because also who can, afterward White Lion Legion Army Commander as well as Aouine's Valkyrie is more suitable than this position this historically Lloyd student? 布兰多心中有些好奇,其实让芙蕾雅带领白狮军团前进他心中早有腹案,因为还有谁能比这位历史上雷尔德学生、后来白狮军团军团长以及埃鲁因的女武神更适合这一位置呢? But this reason cannot convince others obviously. Present Freya is from Bucce countryside not famous countryside young girl, a perhaps she is the Earth Knight Everton daughter, but this secret does not know for most people, must say the talent let alone, she is not in this issue of Royal Knight Academy most outstanding one. 但这个理由显然并不能说服其他人。现在的芙蕾雅不过是一个来自布契乡下并不出名的乡下少女,或许她是大地骑士埃弗顿的女儿,但这一秘密并不为大多数人所知,更何况要说天赋,她也不是这一期王立骑士学院中最出众的一个。 Then recommended that this future Valkyrie person, who can be? 那么推举这位未来的女武神的人,会是谁呢? Nemesis,” Princess told him, you should see her, she was I most trustworthy person, can be called is my good friend.” 尼玫西丝,”公主告诉他,“你应该见过她,她是我最信得过的人,可以称得上是我的挚友。” Is she. 是她。 In Brando heart curious even more deepened, a White Lion Legion Army Commander duty is never a common position. How then that Female Knight named Nemesis to settle on Freya. 布兰多心中的好奇愈发地加深了,白狮军团军团长一职从来不是一个不起眼的位置。那么那个叫做尼玫西丝女骑士是怎么会看中芙蕾雅的呢。 After all in this world is not everyone same has one pair to see through the future eye with him. 毕竟这个世界上不是每个人都和他一样有一双可以看穿未来的眼睛。 for a moment, he remembers in the happening together of curtain of rain and that Female Knight. That he had historically never heard the icy woman of name, has with upperclasswoman almost exactly the same semblance, but character is also entirely different. 一时间,他不禁又想起在雨幕中与那位女骑士的交集来。那个他在历史上从未听说过名字的冷冰冰的女人,有着和学姐几乎一模一样的外表,但性格却又截然不同。 His frowned, has a suspicion, opens the mouth saying: I do not know how Ms. Nemesis thinks, but truly cannot discover Freya is more suitable than the person in this position to come, Her Highness the Princess. The core or Lion Heart Sword of issue. White Lion Legion also wants to retrieve this wholeheartedly Holy Sword, to realize the White Lion value. In addition the Knight Lloyd teachings of the deceased, their high levels think that will not have the meaning of opposition.” 他不禁皱了皱眉头,带着一丝怀疑,开口道:“我不知道尼玫西丝女士是怎么想的,不过确实找不出比芙蕾雅更适合这一位置的人来,公主殿下。问题的核心还是狮心剑白狮军团也一心想要寻回这把圣剑,以重新实现白狮的价值。再加上雷尔德骑士遗训,他们的高层想必也不会有反对的意思。” Perhaps let alone on the other hand, nameless a daughter of Earth Knight Everton compares not to make that three people feel the threat. In any event, I am also Her Highness the Princess Knight.” “何况另一方面来说,一个籍籍无名的大地骑士埃弗顿的女儿或许比起在下来也更不会让那三人感到威胁。无论如何,我也是公主殿下身边的骑士。” Princess nods gently, probably accepted this suggestion, then?” She asked in a soft voice. 公主轻轻点头,像是接受了这个建议,“然后呢?”她轻声问道。 I planned that lets Freya and Caro leads. Making Royal Knight Academy is the White Lion Legion supplies fresh blood base. White Lion Legion also needs a number of outstanding youngster to haunch its future, this happens to hold the same view with the idea of Royal Knight Academy. Let alone regarding these youngster, White Lion Legion comes compared with the garrison. Isn't a better home to return to?” Brando continues to reply. His goal is actually very simple, what he wants is brand-new White Lion Legion, then the infiltration and transformation are inevitable. In his hand does not have the manpower. But Royal Knight Academy is actually a very good choice. “我打算让芙蕾雅和卡洛带队。让王立骑士学院成为为白狮军团补给新血的基地。白狮军团也需要一批优秀的年轻人来撑起它的未来,这与王立骑士学院的理念不谋而合。何况对于那些年轻人来说,白狮军团比起警备队来。不是更好的归宿么?”布兰多继续答道。他的目的其实很简单,他想要的是一个崭新的白狮军团,那么渗透和改造就是不可避免的。他手上没有人手。但王立骑士学院却是一个很好的选择。 Half-Elven Princess wrinkled the delicate brow, probably listened to the Brando's overtones. But this really can be good, can trigger the reaction of White Lion Legion?” She uses the sound of pleasant to hear to ask in a soft voice. 半精灵公主皱了皱秀气的眉头,像是听出了布兰多的弦外之音。“但这样真的能行吗,会不会引起白狮军团的反弹?”她用好听的声音轻声问道。 Naturally can,” Brando not abstain. However at least the lukewarm water boils the frog to have such an advantage, that will not intensify the contradiction from the beginning. Now is actually compromise of a both sides, the opposite party have no reason completely to reject them, but he and Her Highness the Princess do not have the means to grasp White Lion Legion all of a sudden thoroughly. “当然会,”布兰多并不忌讳。不过至少温水煮青蛙就是有这样一个好处,那就是不会一开始就激化矛盾。现下其实是一个双方的妥协,对方没有理由完全拒绝他们,但他和公主殿下也没办法一下子就彻底掌握住白狮军团 both sides think that did not plan the enemy forces in the dead end, if at this time made the opposite party think that he and Her Highness the Princess will try hard to grasp in the future, perhaps the opposite party will only ridicule their naive. 双方想必都不打算吧对方逼迫到绝路上,这时若让对方以为他和公主殿下力图掌握住未来,对方或许只会嘲笑他们的天真。 But ridiculed that ridiculed. 但嘲笑就嘲笑好了。 Brando continues to explain: „But if we can complete the southern unification in a short time, at that time White Lion Legion even again arrogant. How can also?” 布兰多继续解释道:“但若我们能在短时间内完成南方的统一,那时候白狮军团即使是再高傲。又能如何呢?” Half-Elven Princess took a light breath: Widely divergent that Mr. Brando, your view and I hears. But why does not know, I favor trusting your view, but can we complete the southern unification in a short time?” 半精灵公主轻轻吸了一口气:“布兰多先生,你的说法和我听到的大相径庭。但不知为何,我更倾向于信任你的看法,只是我们能够在短时间内完成南方的统一吗?” Brando saw puzzled from the Half-Elven Princess silver pupil, does not aim at his. But aims at this view. He replied truthfully: If northern nobles does not add to the chaos to us, we have the opportunity.” 布兰多半精灵公主银色的眸子里看出了不解,不是针对他的。而是针对这个说法的。他如实答道:“如果北方的贵族们不给我们添乱的话,我们就有机会。” He has not lain. Highland Knight looks because of his status reason, obviously has the favorable impression to Princess' side. But Viero Duke and Duke of Golan-Elsen do not crave at the struggle of fighting for power and profit obviously, belonging to strive for the influence. In fact they actually only have Count of Radnor and missing Archduke of Anlieke in the southern enemy, not to mention Count of Radnor also has the deep enmity with Viero Duke. 他并没有撒谎。高地骑士看起来因为他的身份的原因,对公主一方明显有着好感。而维埃罗公爵戈兰—埃尔森公爵明显不热衷于争权夺利的斗争,属于可以争取势力。事实上他们在南方的敌人其实只剩下让德内尔伯爵与下落不明的安列克大公而已,更不用说这其中让德内尔伯爵本身还和维埃罗公爵有着深深的仇怨。 Then, the issue returned to the zero point. Mr. Brando thinks that northern nobles will give us this opportunity?” Her Highness the Princess also asked. She is not clear, but all these seem like a fast knot. 只是如此一来,问题就回到了原点。“布兰多先生认为北方的贵族们会给我们这个机会么?”公主殿下又问道。她并非不明白,只是这一切看起来像是个死结。 Northern will nobles give them this opportunity? The answer of this issue sounds like natural, the fellow who naturally, these will not conspire looks forward to one group of chaotic that the situation does. 北方的贵族们会给他们这个机会么?这个问题的答案听起来似乎理所当然,当然不会,那些图谋不轨的家伙巴不得把局势搞的一团乱。 But Brando hesitated, actually gave a completely opposite answer: I think, will have an opportunity.” 布兰多沉吟了一下,却给出了一个完全相反的答案:“我想,会有一个机会的。” Princess visits him curiously. 公主好奇地看着他。 What Brando thinks before is Kirrlutzian and Thurman, with these words that he spoke, perhaps Wood will really give him a pleasant surprise is not uncertain. In any event, north lousy situation key or Holy Cathedral of Fire attitude. 布兰多想到的是克鲁兹人图拉曼之前和他说的那些话,或许伍德真会给他一个惊喜也不一定。无论如何,北方破局的关键还是炎之圣殿的态度。 Holy Cathedral of Fire not necessarily hopes that Aouine falls into the tangled warfare, Her Highness the Princess, we, so long as waited were OK, this time Kirrlutzian will give us a satisfactory answer.” 炎之圣殿未必希望埃鲁因陷入混战之中,公主殿下,我们只要拭目以待就可以了,这一次克鲁兹人会给我们一个满意的答案的。” But I do not want to compromise to them, you understand this point, Mr. Brando.” “可我不想向他们妥协,你明白这一点的,布兰多先生。” We will not compromise to anybody, Her Highness the Princess.” “我们不会向任何人妥协,公主殿下。” Unlike Princess Gryphine, in the Brando heart not many are actually anxious and anxious. Because in his opinion, the most difficult and difficult time as if looked like yesterday, a darkest phase of history had passed, in the future will be only getting better and better. 格里菲因公主不同,布兰多心中其实并无多少紧张与不安。因为在他看来,最艰难与困难的时光仿佛就像是昨日,最黑暗的一段历史都已经度过,未来只会越来越好。 But he only needed to recognize that goal, walked firmly on the line. 而他只需要认定了那个目标,坚定地走下去就行了。 Princess stares slightly, but understands probably, her however eye shines the extraordinary splendor to look at Brando. Brando slightly to some of her nodded —— things it's that simple, but the person falls into extricates oneself. Even in the time of Princess weak trend, Holy Cathedral of Fire has not occupied from her slightly cheaply, could it be that Kirrlutzian also does presumptuously think to make them lower the head now? 公主微微一愣,但好像明白过来,她然目放异彩地看着布兰多布兰多微微向她点了点头——有些事情就是那么简单,只是人身陷其中自拔而已。即使在公主最为弱势的时刻,炎之圣殿也没从她身上占到丝毫便宜,难道克鲁兹人现在还妄想使他们低头么? The situation has actually reversed. 形势其实已经逆转了。 The light happy expression appears on the Princess Gryphine face, her gently breathed out. Has turned head, with elf that unique jump, the clear voice invited: 淡淡的笑意浮现在格里菲因公主脸上,她轻轻出了一口气。回过头,用精灵那种特有的跳跃的、清脆的嗓音邀请道: Today the weather is good, Mr. Brando, is willing to accompany me to walk together, I want to take a look at the reconstruction the Ampere Searl port.” “今天天气不错,布兰多先生,愿意陪我一起走走么,我想看看重建的安培瑟尔港。” Brando is startled. 布兰多一怔。 He felt that pair of attractive silver pupil is looking at itself, the favorable impression of inside containing is obvious. But he actually worries, on the one hand is the invitation of Her Highness the Princess, on the one hand to him is the similarly important arrangement. 他感到那双漂亮的银色的眸子正看着自己,内里所包含的好感不言自明。但他却犯了难,一方面是公主殿下的邀请,一方面对他来说是同样重要的安排。 Before coming out, Brando inspects experience that the this time war has harvested. The harvest can say is rich, particularly during the final fight, that Titan almost general experience that Romaine got rid of calculates above him. But the only issue is, now these experience turn into dim grey at present. 在出来之前,布兰多检查过自己这一次战争收获的经验。收获可以说非常丰厚,尤其是在最后的战斗之中,罗曼干掉的那座泰坦几乎一般的经验都算在了他头上。但唯一的问题是,现在这些经验目前都变成了一种黯淡的灰色 This is only representing a situation. 这只代表着一个情况。 That was experience arrived in the Element Unsealed upper limit. Then is a he exceptionally familiar process, Unsealed Element quest / mission. 那就是经验抵达了要素开化的上限。接下来是一个他异常熟悉的过程,开化要素任务 In fact in time also just right, the Ampere Searl war looks like an important node regarding Brando. After the war, all have taken the stock rail, so long as comforts the northern situation, he had the time to complete this series of Unsealed Element quest / mission. 事实上时间上也正好,安培瑟尔战争对于布兰多来说就像是一个重要的节点。战争之后,一切都已经走上了正轨,只要安抚好北方的局势,他就有时间去完成这一系列的开化要素任务了。 But only an issue. 但只有一个问题。 That his equipment damages the condition now, can't he put on White-Tier to complete quest / mission? However repaired item —— repairs the magic equipment particularly in game is a time-consuming long work, he has to prepare as soon as possible. 那就是现在他一身装备都是破损状态,他总不能穿着一身白板去完成任务吧?然而修理装备——尤其是修理魔法装备在游戏中是一件耗时漫长的工作,他不得不尽早做准备。 Princess Gryphine saw his hesitation probably, asked: What issue has?” 格里菲因公主好像看出了他的犹豫,问道:“有什么问题吗?” This, I want first to go to a workshop area.” Brando somewhat replied awkwardly. “这个,我是想先去一趟作坊区。”布兰多有些尴尬地答道。 so that's how it is,” Princess understands probably, she thought: Mr. Brando knows that the Ampere Searl most famous weapon with against does have the shop?” 原来如此,”公主好像明白过来,她想了一下:“布兰多先生知道安培瑟尔最著名的武器与防具店铺么?” The weapon with against has the shop. 露塞缇娅武器与防具店。 In the Brando heart appears immediately this name. The Ampere Searl most famous weapon with against has the workshop, the dwarf who also most is not good at forging the steel opens, does not belong to these to excel at elf of magic art. 布兰多心中立刻浮现出这个名字来。安培瑟尔最著名的武器与防具作坊,既不是最擅长锻造钢铁的矮人开设的,也不属于那些擅长魔法艺术的精灵 But is the shop that Fairy opens. 而是一只妖精开设的店铺。 This shop is famous in game, but it does not face the player to be open specially, but operates to noble. Only the player who a few has the prominent status has enough Reputation to enter, Brando that but all day and skeleton has to do does not belong to one of them obviously. 这个店铺在游戏中就非常有名,不过它并不专门面向玩家开放,而是向贵族经营。只有少数拥有显赫身份的玩家拥有足够声望可以进入其中,但整日与骨头架子打交道的布兰多显然不属于其中之一。 His raises head comes, thought that Her Highness the Princess doesn't want to arrive at that dingdong to make noise the workshop area that and in the smog wind around with all day long? 抬起头来,心想公主殿下不会是想和自己一起到那叮当作响、终日里烟雾缭绕的作坊区去吧? Actually listens to Princess Gryphine to reply with the delightful sound: Please board, Mr. Brando.” 却听格里菲因公主用悦耳的声音答道:“请上车吧,布兰多先生。” Orange-red more/complete trace/strand, making the carriage go to ‚the weapon with against have shop.” “缇弥丝,让马车去‘露塞缇娅武器与防具店’。” Also without and other Brando responded, saw front that court lady opened the carriage vehicle door for him personally. 还没等布兰多反应过来,就看到面前那女官亲自为他打开了马车车门。 ...... ……
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