TAS :: Volume #4 变动的轨迹

#617: Aouine's future

little dragoness walks, Brando attains the freedom finally. He rushed to make a water ball to lose on the face, the ice-cold temperature made the blood of accelerated flow calmer finally, this had a coat to clash. 小母龙一走,布兰多终获自由。他赶忙制造了个水球丢自己脸上,冰冷的温度终于让加速流动的血液冷静了一些,这才披了一件外套冲出来。 Goes out, sees Amandina in garden, Amandina is sitting on the stone chair reads a geography book, but the thoughts are not in the book obviously. 一出门,就看到庭院中的安蒂缇娜,安蒂缇娜正坐在石椅上阅读一本地理书,不过心思明显不在书上。 Princess is angry probably very much.” Miss Adviser is welcoming Brando, puts down the books, worried that asked one. No,” Brando sighed, Aloz that fellow?” 公主好像很生气。”幕僚小姐迎着走出来的布兰多,放下书卷,担忧地问了一句。“没什么,”布兰多叹了口气,“阿洛兹那家伙呢?” Lord Thane says that Dragon Race ojou-sama? I have not seen her, did she leave?” 领主大人是说那位龙族大小姐?我并没有看见她,她离开了?” No, ok.” Brando turns around to pursue. Wait,” Miss Adviser stands to hold him, saw that one's own Lord Thane puzzled has turned head, she reminded carefully: Reorganizes the clothing, Lord Thane.” “没,算了。”布兰多转身就要追出去。“等等,”幕僚小姐站起来一把抓住他,看到自己的领主大人一脸疑惑地回过头,她才细心地提醒道:“整理一下着装,领主大人。” With the Brando's custom, but the art of no clothing measuring appliance, had a coat to run casually. Amandina looks at his untidy appearance, the face one red, put out a hand to give him to put in order the bow tie. 布兰多的习惯,可没有什么着装仪表的讲究,随便披了一条外套就跑出来了。安蒂缇娜看他衣衫不整的样子,脸一红,伸手给他整了整领花。 Brando has nothing tasteful in Trentheim, bearing that if not for he displays, is really doubtable his noble status. However commoner so will not be learned and accomplished. In fact in the ordinary day is helps him handle daily —— careless miss merchant by Flo is blurry, do not say that the elder sisters in Wild Elf two sisters will therefore be being been jokingly calling by Mercenary to responsibility —— of Thane fiancee for Lord Thane's Miss Chief Maid. 布兰多托尼格尔就没什么讲究,若不是他表现出的气度,实在叫人怀疑他的贵族身份。不过平民也不会有这么博学多才。事实上平日里都是由芙罗帮他打理日常——大大咧咧的商人小姐自己都是一头迷糊,更不要说进到领主未婚妻的责任——正因此野精灵两姐妹中的姐姐才会被佣兵戏称为‘领主大人的女仆长小姐’。 However if Flo is Chief Maid, then Amandina character is more similar to the steward. Sees only her to help Brando straighten out the lower hem corner. Brushes off the dust on black flannelette gently, slightly is angry: When Lord Thane can notice one's own to be dignifiedly good.” 不过倘若芙罗女仆长,那么安蒂缇娜角色更类似于管家。只见她帮布兰多理顺衣角。轻轻掸去黑色绒布上的尘埃,微恼道:“领主大人什么时候能注意到自己的威严就好了。” The dignified this type of thing, Brando never thinks that is inherent, he does not care. Amandina helped him reorganize the clothing for the first time is not, spoke the honest remark, he could not see after the reorganization, and before , had what difference, only thought that moved unnecessarily purely. However he has not rejected. Asked: 威严这种东西,布兰多从来不认为是与生俱来的,他也不在意。安蒂缇娜帮他整理着装也不是第一次了,说实在话,他自己看不出整理之后和之前有什么差别,只觉得纯粹是多此一举。不过他并没有拒绝。只是问道: Amandina, my stupor how long?” 安蒂缇娜,我昏迷了多久?” We kept Ampere Searl to have for half a month, Lord Thane.” Miss Adviser helps him take away the chest front knot. About looked, satisfied nodded. “我们留在安培瑟尔已经有半个月了,领主大人。”幕僚小姐帮他扣好胸前的扣子。左右看了看,才满意地点了点头 Then is long!” Brando has a scare, he also thinks own only stupor 2-3 days. „After on that day my stupor . What afterward had? Archduke Sifah and his these lackeys?” “那么久!”布兰多吓了一跳,他还以为自己只昏迷了2-3天呢。“那天我昏迷之后。后来又发生了什么?西法赫大公和他的那些爪牙呢?” Archduke has died.” 大公已经死了。” Ha!?” This news is handles to guard completely, Brando has a dream has not thought in this Aouine history one of the most important characters died unexpectedly. “哈!?”这个消息完全是措不及防的,布兰多做梦都没想过这个埃鲁因历史上最最重要的人物之一竟然死了。 He gawked, asked: Amandina, after on that day my stupor, actually to have anything. Afterward fight how, you gave me to say in detail.” 他楞了一下,才问道:“安蒂缇娜,那天我昏迷之后究竟发生了什么。后来的战斗怎么样了,你给我详细说一说。” ...... …… The inexhaustible devil as if came from the darkness. Probably was involved in a nightmare that does not have the boundary, unable to wake up. Rainstorm pouring, the lightning across the firn-line, outlined the one after another sparking silver chain in the world. 无穷无尽的恶魔仿佛是从黑暗之中汹涌而来。像是被卷入了一个没有边际、也无法醒来的噩梦之中。暴雨倾盆,闪电穿过雨线,在天地之间勾勒出一条条闪亮的银链。 Princess Gryphine looks deathly pale —— 格里菲因公主脸色惨白—— Mr. Steve...... cough cough...... Her Highness the Princess gave you.” “史蒂芬先生……咳咳……公主殿下就交给你了。” Mr. Lloyd, I promises you, by the name agreement of Knight.” 雷尔德先生,我答应你,以骑士的名义约定。” No, Sir Lloyd! I order you unable to do that. I must stay here!” In that nightmare, she is screaming. But serious old Knight holds her shoulder, threw her. She flew light, crosses the devil the top of the head, the increasingly estranged final field of vision frames in the lion of that kingdom looks in the rain fearlessly to the north. “不,雷尔德爵士!我命令你不能这么做。我要留在这里!”那个噩梦之中,她尖叫着。但严肃的老骑士一把抓住她的肩膀,将她丢了出去。她轻飘飘地飞了起来,越过恶魔的头顶,渐行渐远的最后视野定格在那头王国的雄狮在雨中昂然看向北方。 plateau liver moss place that snow and ice cover. Is the White Lion honor is. 那冰雪覆盖的高原苔地。才是白狮的荣誉所在啊。 That is innumerable White Lion for the battlefield that it long sleep, the deep sleep several generations of hero's soul. Perhaps each Knight can the soul turn over to the native place finally, but only White Lion will be protecting this lands forever. 那是无数白狮为之长眠的战场,沉睡着几代人的英魂。或许每一位骑士最后都会魂归故里,但只有白狮会永远守护着这片土地。 This is the legend that the ancient people hand down, they swore under the sword, following oath line. 这是故老相传的传说,他们在剑下立誓,又循誓而行。 On the lion armor of kingdom covers entirely the scar, but the rainwater quick washout goes to the above blood stain. Princess Gryphine has had tears streaming down the face. Knights Templar Steve grabs her hand, leading her to have a bloody road from the devil army. 王国的雄狮铠甲上布满伤痕,但雨水很快冲刷去上面的血污。格里菲因公主已是泪流满面。圣殿骑士史蒂芬抓住她的手,带她从恶魔大军之中杀出一条血路。 Why does not make me die there, there has my people!” She remembers that she lost probably sanely same shouted. “为什么不让我死在那里,那里有我的子民!”她记得自己像是失去了理智一样喊道。 But Steve has looked back it seems like her. I am not Aouinian, Her Highness the Princess. But if everyone long sleep in this battlefield, then your kingdom the meeting makes again such mistake will happen one day.” 但史蒂芬回过头看来看着她。“我不是埃鲁因人,公主殿下。但如果所有人都长眠于这个战场上,那么你们的王国终有一天会重犯这样的过错。” Please treasure the one's own life, you do not go on living for yourself.” “请珍惜自己的生命吧,你不是为了自己而活下去。” Yes. 是啊。 The Princess Gryphine half step goes out of Holy Cathedral, thump thump thump several steps, the step is also slow. Suddenly stops, stands and waits for a long time in marble steps that in such as the snow builds, sighed spookily. Yes, oneself this loses what temper, Lianping day calm discarded with the self-control. 格里菲因公主快步走出圣殿,噔噔噔几步,步子又慢下来。忽然停下,伫立在如雪砌成的大理石阶梯上,幽幽地叹了口气。是啊,自己这是发什么脾气呢,连平日的冷静与涵养都丢掉了。 Her Highness the Princess, please note the under foot.” The court lady panting that behind pursues is reminding. Orange-red more/complete trace/strand, we waits for Count to come out here.” Princess Gryphine sighed, then replied. 公主殿下,请注意脚下。”后面追上来的女官气吁吁地提醒着。“缇弥丝,我们在这里等伯爵出来吧。”格里菲因公主叹息了一声,回头答道。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Princess has not replied. A Holy Cathedral square piece snow white is reflecting the light, is a little slightly dazzling. She narrows the attractive eye, the pupil seems like a silver wire. The court ladies soon discovered, one's own Her Highness the Princess seems absentmindedly to be lost in thought. 公主没有答话。圣殿广场一片雪白反射着光,微微有点刺眼。她眯起好看的眼睛,眸子像是一条银线。女官很快发现,自己的公主殿下好像怔怔地出了神。 Regarding this Princess, this is the rare matter. 对于这位公主来说,这是少有的事情。 Gryphine's is really is lost in thought. Her vision crosses that distant horizon, as if under same blue sky, returned to above that one day battlefield. The blade and sword, the iron and blood are interweaving a heavy poem. 格里菲因的确是出了神。她的目光越过那远远的天际,仿佛在同样的青空之下,又回到了那一日的战场之上。刀与剑,铁与血在交织着一首沉重的长诗。 Perhaps died in then battlefield, instead is an extrication. The person who however lives, actually must shoulder the serious burden, even must inherit from the sorrow of dead. 或许在当时的战场上死去,反而是一种解脱。然而活下来的人,却要背负起更为沉重的负担,甚至要继承起来自于死者的悲痛。 But the living does not have the right to choose. The person who her pursed up lips —— died are too many. 但生者没有权利选择。她抿着唇——死去的人已经太多了。 White Lion Legion previous Army Commander, the lion of kingdom, Highlander sharp sword Lloyd died. In war that in one produces because of the civil war. 白狮军团的上一任军团长,王国的雄狮,高地人的利剑雷尔德死了。在一场因为内战而引发的战争之中。 Archduke Sifah also died, person who that she once clenched teeth to hate. He is the first Titan manipulator. Dies on miss merchant, the skeleton not saves. Hears this news time her originally to think oneself will be happy, but the exciting feeling has actually lost continually. 西法赫大公也死了,那个她曾经咬牙痛恨的人。他是第一台泰坦的操纵者。死在商人小姐手上,尸骨无存。听到这个消息的时候她原本以为自己会高兴,但却连兴奋的感觉都已经失去了。 Marquis of Balta, Marquis Yoshi, Count Vaettirjinn and chief wizard Lockwood of Great Sword Hero Dejar and kingdom of Anlieke person, no matter they were what influence, but died was Aouinian. 巴尔塔侯爵尤熙侯爵维托金伯爵安列克人的大剑豪德贾尔、王国的首席巫师利伍兹、不管他们生前属于什么势力,但死去的都是埃鲁因人 Even many Royal Knight Academy NCO students —— that the name leaves behind without enough time no one knows that what story in the battlefield behind a nameless corpse is possibly hiding, no one knows that behind that his close relatives and good friends are how sorrowful. 甚至还有许许多多王立骑士学院连名字都来不及留下的士官生们——没人知道战场上一具无名的尸体背后可能隐藏着什么样的故事,没人知道那背后他的至亲好友如何悲恸。 Only when she holds the Freya time that the Beth corpse is choked with tears, feels that icy stabbing pain. 只有当她抱着贝丝的尸体痛哭失声的芙蕾雅时候,才感到那种冷冰冰的刺痛。 Already enough. 已经够了。 This civil war to conclusion time. 这场内战是到了结束的时候了。 But northern noble was still ready to make trouble, lost comforting of Seifer Family. Even the future situation becomes a more chaotic turbulence. Archduke of Anlieke is unknown, but will not be without a fight. The Count of Radnor attitude is ambiguous, two Archduke perhaps after waiting for the turmoil can slice from the present situation. 但北方的贵族仍旧蠢蠢欲动,失去了西法赫家族的安抚。甚至未来的局势变得更加纷乱动荡。安列克大公去向不明,但想必不会束手就擒。让德内尔伯爵态度暧昧,还有两位大公或许在等待动乱之后能够从现在的局势中分一杯羹。 The surface seems like war later Aouine as if to receive the new life. But in fact has actually been on the verge of cliff. Princess Gryphine suddenly discovered reluctantly, perhaps the beforehand aspect is better. 表面看起来大战之后的埃鲁因仿佛迎来新生。但事实上却已经走到了悬崖的边缘。格里菲因公主忽然无奈地发现,或许之前的局面还更好一些。 The kingdom will not at least face the danger that is split up. 至少王国不会面临四分五裂的危险。 She does not know how for half a month to come, the Silver Elf army guards in Ampere Searl. Dragon Race illustrious prestige awe into submission submissive all influences collected the hands and feet. Does not dare to move. The arrival of Thurman makes Ampere Searl situation further understand, but she understands, all these seemingly unrelated noun links because of that person. 她都不知道这半个月以来是怎么过来的,还有银精灵大军驻守在安培瑟尔龙族的赫赫威名慑服所有势力都收束了手脚。不敢动弹。图拉曼的到来让安培瑟尔的局势进一步明了,但她明白,这一切看起来互不相干的名词联系在一起都是因为那个人。 That with miracle the person of title. 那个冠以‘奇迹’的头衔的人。 She suddenly discovered, the entire Aouine's destiny grasped unexpectedly in an individual hand. But this person is not she, is not her younger brother. 她忽然发现,整个埃鲁因的命运竟然都握在了一个人手上。但这个人既不是她,也不是她的弟弟。 ...... …… You said that Archduke Sifah by a Romaine fist killing? Snort, from industry is contented.” In the Brando heart a labor pain is quick, in the future the Aouine's destruction will have the half responsibility to be on this fellow. If he for the one's own power, that can also understand. But has not thought that this fellow unexpectedly is Demonic Cultist. “你是说,西法赫大公罗曼一拳给打死了?哼,自业自得。”布兰多心中一阵痛快,未来埃鲁因的覆灭有一半的责任要算到这个家伙头上。若他是为了自己的权力,那还能理解。但没想到这家伙竟然还是个邪教徒 Brando thinks in the future Her Highness the Princess and Valkyrie tragic destiny unexpectedly is only the plan that because a cult acts like a madman, does not hit one on the air/Qi. 布兰多一想到未来公主殿下女武神悲惨命运的竟然只是因为一个邪教组织疯疯癫癫的计划,就气不打一处来。 However he is quickly silent. Makes him feel that what truly worries is the Amandina physical condition. In beforehand conversation he asked about carefully about ‚’ dying and being reborn of Miss Adviser in the battlefield matter, but including Amandina, actually does not talk clearly is how a matter. 不过他很快沉默下来。真正让他感到担忧的是安蒂缇娜的身体状况。之前的交谈中他仔细询问了关于幕僚小姐在战场上‘死而复生’的事情,但包括安蒂缇娜自己在内,也说不清楚究竟是怎么一回事。 He starts to suspect that is demonic item merit that battlefield can come up, but after Amandina takes that thing, quick ruled out this possibility. Although has not made clear that thing for a while is anything, but Brando can see that thing seemed like by the seal gets up. Is impossible to have any function. 他开始怀疑是那件战场上得来的恶魔物品的功劳,但安蒂缇娜将那东西拿出来之后很快就排除了这一可能。虽然一时还搞不清楚那东西是什么,但布兰多一眼就能看出那东西好像是被封印起来了。根本不可能产生任何作用。 But Amandina also proved oneself do not have the ability of self-recovery, first her blood is the red of normal person, showed that does not have the golden or silver bloodline. Next her wound healing time also normal person not different. 安蒂缇娜自己也证明了自己没有自愈的能力,首先她的血液是正常人的红色,证明并没有黄金或是白银血统。其次她的伤口愈合时间也正常人无异。 But such situation makes Brando is uneasy. He knows actually some special abilities can produce the results of dying and being reborn, but these are not the relieved ability. Some even took sacrificing the life span as the price. 但这样的情况却让布兰多感到不安起来。他倒是知道一些特殊的能力能产生死而复生的效果,但那些都不是什么令人安心的能力。有些甚至是以牺牲寿命为代价的。 However Brando has not disclosed this information to one's own Miss Adviser. Also is the white lie, he is determined oneself to move to investigate thoroughly. 不过布兰多并没有将这一信息透露给自己的幕僚小姐。也算是善意的谎言吧,他下定决心自己去调查个清楚。 From industry is contented?” Amandina hears the Brando's view, raises head. “自业自得?”安蒂缇娜听到布兰多的说法,抬起头来。 Is the meaning of taking the consequences for own actions.” Brando answered. Miss Adviser stared his one eyes ruthlessly: Lord Thane always do not invent some strange glossaries. Will be laughed. Understands so many obviously, actually likes in some slangs.” “就是自作自受的意思。”布兰多解释道。幕僚小姐狠狠地瞪了他一眼:“领主大人不要老是发明一些奇怪的词汇。会被人笑话的。明明懂得那么多,却总喜欢用一些俚语。” Only then commoner will say.” “只有平民才会那么说的。” This is not I invents.” Brando smiles bitterly. Like having a dream same passes through to this world has more than one year, but some glossary orally is very difficult to change. Especially has the historical perspective idiom, overlaps besides the setting of a small part and Nine Phoenixes, most parts branch treats as the slang of country bumpkin. “这可不是我发明的。”布兰多不禁苦笑。如同做梦一样穿越到这个世界已经有一年多,但一些口头上的词汇很难改变过来。尤其是带有历史背景的成语,除了一小部分九凤的设定重叠之外,大部分会当作乡巴佬的俚语吧。 But this does not have the matter of means. The short time wife can adapt to the circumstances quickly, but is actually not able to change the deep-rooted custom. He lived for a year in this world, passed 17 years in game, lived the entire 30 years in another world. 但这也是没有办法的事情。短时间内人可以很快适应环境,但却无法改变根深蒂固的习惯。他在这个世界生活了一年,在游戏中度过了十七个年头,在另一个世界生活了整整三十年。 However Archduke Sifah died, a historically illustrious family falls into the position that disintegrates. The north did not have the restraint of this strong presence, nobles became ambitious. No wonder Her Highness the Princess comes to look for him hurriedly. 不过西法赫大公死了,一个历史上赫赫有名的家族就这么陷入分崩离析的境地。北方没有了这个强大势力的约束,贵族们都变得野心勃勃起来了吧。难怪公主殿下这么急匆匆地前来找他。 He has not thought that historically the so renowned character, died unexpectedly. Marquis Yoshi, Count Vaettirjinn, even Marquis of Balta and Grandmaster Lockwood died, Lockwood dies under the surprise attack of another Devil King, actually saved the imperial family's first fleet flagship Victorious ship person. 他也没想到历史上如此著名的人物,竟然就这么死了。还有尤熙侯爵,维托金伯爵,甚至连巴尔塔侯爵利伍兹大师都死了,利伍兹死在另一位恶魔之王的突袭之下,却拯救了皇家第一舰队旗舰胜利号一船人。 Aouine one of the Three Heroes Locker also died, Brando remembers that and Caglisse equally grinning youngster, in the heart a sigh. He was determined to protect their, future of this kingdom. 埃鲁因三杰之一的恩洛克也死了,布兰多想起那个和卡格里斯一样笑嘻嘻的年轻人,心中一阵叹息。他本来下定决心要保护他们的,这个王国的未来。 Bergen that fellow delivers unexpectedly Little Prince,” Brando replied with clenched jaws: Is it possible that he thinks that this can be forgiven?” 贝格宁那家伙竟然把小王子送回来,”布兰多咬牙切齿地答道:“莫非他以为这样就可以得到原谅了?” No, in fact Prince Halutz is not he delivers.” Amandina helps him manage the knot on sleeve, most retreat opens one step, the sighed in relief appearance: Ok, Lord Thane.” “不,事实上哈鲁泽王子并不是他送回来的。”安蒂缇娜帮他理好袖子上的扣子,最后退开一步,松了一口气的样子:“好了,领主大人。” Thanks, Amandina.” Brando asked: Actually what's the matter?” “谢谢,安蒂缇娜。”布兰多问道:“究竟是怎么回事?” Heard that seems like Medusa to deliver, making concrete me is not clear what's the matter, perhaps you can ask Her Highness the Princess.” Saw that Brando also wants to open the mouth, Miss Adviser breaks him to say quickly: Ok, do not make Her Highness the Princess wait/etc. too long, Lord Thane —— you now are Count of kingdom.” “听说好像是一头美杜莎送回来的,具体我也不清楚是怎么回事,或许你可以问问公主殿下。”看到布兰多还想开口,幕僚小姐赶快打断他道:“好了,不要让公主殿下等太久,领主大人——您现在已经是王国的伯爵了。” What? Count? My fief where?” Brando is startled slightly, this is completely the matter not as he expected. Originally he does not care at all, under hears suddenly blurts to ask. “什么?伯爵?那我的封地在什么地方?”布兰多微微一怔,这完全是出乎他预料的事情。本来他对此毫不在意,骤然听到之下才脱口问道。 Count of Tonigel, Lord Thane.” 托尼格尔伯爵,领主大人。” This not no change.” Brando exposes to the sun. “这不还是没什么变化吗。”布兰多一晒。 Then was stared one ruthlessly. 然后被狠狠地瞪了一眼。 ...... …… Brando just went out of the reconstruction of Holy Cathedral —— Andefleur Cathedral actually to complete one less than half, he passes through many place winding corridors time sees collapsing the wall with the scaffold of standing in great numbers, these are the Ciel's masterpieces, —— that naturally Brando will not acknowledge then he saw outside Her Highness the Princess. 布兰多刚刚走出圣殿——安德浮勒大圣殿的重建工作其实才完成了一小半而已,他经过不少处回廊的时候都看到坍塌的墙与林立的脚手架,这些都是夏尔的杰作,当然布兰多是绝不会承认的——然后他看到了等在外面的公主殿下 Her Highness the Princess.” 公主殿下。” Princess Gryphine turns head, saw that his attire nods satisfied. Lord Count can be healthy?” 格里菲因公主回过头来,看到他的装束满意地点点头。“伯爵大人的身体可好?” „...... Her Highness the Princess...... the Brando words had not said fortunately was broken by Princess Gryphine: Mr. Brando, the northern nobles plan supports my younger brother to mount the throne. Holy Cathedral of Fire also plans to facilitate us with the northern peace talks, how do you see this matter?” “还好……公主殿下……”布兰多话还没说完就被格里菲因公主打断:“布兰多先生,北方的贵族们打算拥立我弟弟登上王位。炎之圣殿也打算促成我们与北方和谈,你怎么看这件事?” Brando is startled, this is not the good deed. However he responds immediately: „Do they have the condition?” 布兰多一怔,这不是好事么。不过他立刻反应过来:“他们有条件吧?” No, they do not have the condition, but hopes that we promised the kingdom can maintain the present situation.” Princess Gryphine calmly replied. Brando silent, does the kingdom maintain the present situation? Which present situation? This half-dead present situation? “不,他们没条件,只是希望我们许诺王国可以维持现状。”格里菲因公主静静地答道。布兰多沉默了下来,王国维持现状?哪个现状?这个不死不活的现状? This to him and Princess is not the acceptable matter. 这对他和公主来说都是不可接受的事情。 Since northern nobles still had been wanted to maintain peacefully half independent the present situation because of seventh, Brando only thought that these fellows are really are having daydream. 北方的贵族们仍旧是想要维持安因七世以来半独立的现状,布兰多只觉得这些家伙真是在做白日梦。 Before he receives , the mentality of joke, coldly asks: If we don't agree? Can they dispatch troops into battle to rebel? Will Holy Cathedral of Fire give these people to support in the back?” 他收起之前玩笑的心态,冷冷问道:“假如我们不同意呢?是不是他们就要起兵叛乱了?炎之圣殿会在背后给这些人撑腰么?” Her Highness the Princess shakes the head: Perhaps not, but even such, is still not acceptable. The north is facing the threat of war...... Lloyd...... old Army Commander he to give you White Lion Legion. Should you know?” 公主殿下摇摇头:“恐怕不会,但即使是那样,也是不可接受的。北方正面临战争的威胁……雷尔德……老军团长他将白狮军团交给你了。你应该知道吧?” What!” Brando almost jumped: „Did he give me White Lion Legion? Will others agree?” “什么!”布兰多差点跳起来了:“他把白狮军团交给我了?其他人会同意吗?” He is quiet suddenly. Marquis of Balta died, Lloyd also dies in the battlefield, if this is really the teachings of the deceased of that lion, perhaps White Lion Legion will really fall to his hand. 他忽然住了嘴。巴尔塔侯爵死了,雷尔德也死在战场上,如果这真是那头雄狮的遗训,说不定白狮军团真的会落到他手上。 That's good. 这是个好消息。 But actually is not completely —— 但却不完全是—— ...... …… ( Ps: Wū wū, first thanked the recommendation of crown prince Sir. However...... that I will happen to have the matter to go out tomorrow, wū wū, auspicious governing exempts, family security. If does not come back, qaq......)( to be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come() to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) (ps:呜呜呜,首先感谢亲王大人的推荐。但是……那个明天我正好有事要出门,呜呜呜,瑞祥御免,家宅平安。如果万一回不来的话,qaq……)(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来()投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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