TAS :: Volume #4 变动的轨迹

#616: Has an affair really does not have the issue?

Aloz?” 阿洛兹?” You how here?” Brando a little ashamedly asked: „Weren't you in the returns to the clan?” “你怎么在这里?”布兰多有点心虚地问道:“你不是回族里了么?” Thank God, the named Aloz young girl was only icily snort/hum one, no flare here fever for white. Her frowned replied: Matter gets through, is really repugnant. Heard that you did some extraordinary things, therefore comes back to have a look at you, has not thought that happen to sees somebody abnormal scene.” 谢天谢地,名为阿洛兹的少女只是冷冰冰地哼了一声,没有一口火把这里烧为白地。她皱了皱眉头答道:“事情办完咯,真讨厌。听说你干了些了不得的事情,所以回来看看你,没想到正好看到某人变态的一幕。” What abnormal scene?” Brando stares. “什么变态的一幕?”布兰多一愣。 cough cough.” Miss Adviser coughs violently in behind, was doubtful she to have what serious illness suddenly, or was the asthma and so on. 咳咳。”幕僚小姐在后面猛烈地咳嗽起来,让人疑似她忽然得了什么重病,或者是哮喘之类的。 little dragoness then looked at one, saw that everyone visits her dumbfoundedly. It is discontented: „Do you do here? Without seeing me must speak to this fellow now, I do not like seeming like the animal to look on equally, particularly looked on by human, what that side that Buganian wizard —— you smile, is it possible that aren't you human?” 小母龙回头看了一眼,看到所有人目瞪口呆地看着她。不禁十分不满:“你们在这里干什么?没看到我现在要对这家伙说话吗,我可不喜欢像是动物一样被人旁观呢,尤其是被人类旁观,那边那个布加人巫师——你笑什么,莫非你不是人类?” Her heavily snort/hum: Goes out to me!” 重重地哼了一声:“都给我出去!” When she uses this tone speech, obviously is loli’s appearance, actually a natural appearance. That arrogant appearance seems to be inherent, does not make people feel towering, particularly is joined to her pair of powerful golden pupil, making one not dare to look at each other with it. 她用这种口气说话时,明明是个萝莉的样子,却一副理所当然的样子。那种傲慢的样子仿佛是与生俱来的,丝毫不让人感到突兀,尤其是配上她那一对威风凛凛的金色眸子,让人不敢与之对视。 The bloodline as if natural King of gold, such Knight reveals naturally from her, compared with king a matter of course of common custom. 黄金的血统仿佛天生的王者,这样的骑士从她身上自然而然地流露出来,比世俗的国王更加天经地义 When did you have this be used to it?” Brando is startled slightly, he remembers , in the forest this little dragoness does not have so many problems to come obviously. “你什么时候有这个习惯了?”布兰多微微一怔,他记得在森林中的时候这头小母龙明明没这么多毛病来着。 But his idiot question only traded to stare wickedly. 但他这句白痴般的问话只换来了恶狠狠地一瞪。 Then here gave you. Lord Thane.” Some Miss Adviser sympathies looked at one's own Lord Thane one, cannot bear shake the head, first asked to be excused to get others to leave. Later is Thurman, this great scholar obviously is one smiles strange appearance very much, to little dragoness arrogant also thought little for the first time —— is Silver Lineage is not had to do with Gold races probably, owed he to bear. “那么这里就交给您了。领主大人。”幕僚小姐有些同情地看了自己的领主大人一眼,忍不住摇了摇头,首先告退领着其他人离开了。之后是图拉曼,这位大学者明显是一副笑得很是古怪的样子,对小母龙的傲慢也不以为忤——大概是白银之民也不是第一次与黄金之民打交道了,也亏他受得了。 Finally is two Silver Elf and Medissa, they respectfully to Aloz good a ritual. Then withdraws from the room. 最后是两位银精灵梅蒂莎,她们都毕恭毕敬地向阿洛兹行了一礼。然后才退出房间。 In the quick room two people on remaining Brando and little dragoness —— was natural, Romaine that whistling rests greatly. little dragoness poked the stamp with the finger on the miss merchant soft cheek, tries to awaken this fellow. But obviously she was defeated quickly. 很快房间中就剩下布兰多小母龙两个人了——当然,还有呼呼大睡的罗曼小母龙用手指在商人小姐软软的脸蛋上戳了戳,试图将这家伙叫醒。但显然她很快就被打败了。 Wū wū, Brando moves away your claw, making others rest a meeting.” Romaine mumbled in dream ambiguously. Caught up with the mosquito to expel the hand of Aloz probably casually equally. “呜呜,布兰多把你的爪子拿开,让人家睡一会。”罗曼在梦里含糊其辞地嘟囔道。随便像是赶蚊子一样把阿洛兹的手赶开了。 Aloz actually found the toy to be the same probably, pokes on the Romaine face, then said: Your this fiancee is really fun, made her here good.” 阿洛兹却好像是找到了玩具一样,在罗曼脸上戳来戳去,然后说道:“你这个未婚妻还真好玩,就让她在这里好了。” Do not treat as the toy others arbitrarily.” Brando replied ill-humoredly, although Aloz with for female —— not, female dragon. But he will also be jealous, the small Romaine's cheek is only him. “不要擅自把别人当做玩具。”布兰多没好气地答道,虽然阿洛兹同为女性——哦不,母龙。但他也是会吃醋的,小罗曼的脸蛋只属于他一个人。 Could not see you also very hide shortcomings, obviously is only a anomaly.” “看不出你还挺护短的嘛,明明只是一个变态。” little dragoness lets loose Romaine very much simply, sits to Brando side. She takes up a grain of grape from nearby crystal tray superficially, peels carefully. Then loses to the Brando mouth: Delicious?” 小母龙很干脆地放开罗曼,一屁股坐到布兰多身边。她轻描淡写地从一旁的水晶盘子上拿起一粒葡萄,细细地剥完。然后丢到布兰多嘴里:“好吃么?” When was I many this title?” Brando chews the suspicion to stare at this little dragoness, the safe/without matter is doing everything to please, making him have very not good premonition. Although Aloz is unlikely to have the matter to request him, but he always thought that this is tranquility before the storm gather. “什么时候我多了这个头衔了?”布兰多嘴嚼着怀疑地盯着这头小母龙,无事献殷勤,让他有十分不好的预感。虽然阿洛兹不太可能有事需要求他,但他总觉得这是暴风雨来临之前的宁静。 Where is oneself have offended this fellow. 自己是不是哪里得罪过这家伙了。 In his heart suspects.. 他心中怀疑到。。 stark naked exposes in the face of the opposite sex, looked like in your human to be how abnormal right.” little dragoness replied naturally. 赤身**地暴露在异性面前,在你们人类看来怎么都算变态了对吧。”小母龙理所当然地答道。 fuck me!” A Brando blood almost spurted. 我靠!”布兰多一口血差点喷了出来。 He one thinks what little dragoness said is anything. Rushes to equip stat display to look, saw only Elemental Bracelet, Flame Ring, the snake-shaped ring, Star of Flame, Flesh Shinguard as well as were many besides Lich's Tear all protective talisman completely following suffixes outside in:( Radical destruction, is unable restore) label. 他一下就想到了小母龙说的是什么。赶忙装备面板一看,只见元素手镯火焰戒指、蛇形指环、焰之星血肉胫甲以及除了巫妖之泪外的所有护身符全部后面的后缀上都多了一个:(彻底破坏,无法修复)的标签。 But the equipment of remaining other golden above equivalents are also( breakage, but restore) condition. In all item the broken demon awl, Earth Sword and Dimensional Hole are safe and sound. 而剩下的其他黄金以上等阶的装备也都是(破损,可修复)状态。所有物品之中只有破魔锥、大地之剑次元洞安然无恙。 At that moment Brando understands that had anything. Under the attack of Titan he was withstand, but pitifully other equipment actually in abundance flying ash annihilations. This loss is serious simply is unable to look straight ahead, if that side Demonic Cultist has not given his enough compensation. this time really owed to the grandmother family/home. 那一刻布兰多就明白发生了什么。在泰坦的攻击之下他是撑住了,但可惜其他装备却纷纷飞灰湮灭。这损失惨重得简直无法直视,如果邪教徒那边没给他足够的补偿的话。这一次真是亏到姥姥家了。 A best quality goods equipment completely destroys. His equipment was almost best to equip, several that Chapter 1 can attain basically could be said as the ultra edition, some materials and Boulder Mercenary's pendant in backpack he also useless had changed into the flying ash one time. Brando wants to cry but have no tears, the good Five-Headed Hydra egg and can promotion territory the stone of order keep Valhalla, otherwise really took one to kill. 一身极品装备尽毁。他这一身装备几乎是第一章能拿到的最好的装备了,其中还有几件基本上可以说是超版本的,背包里的一些材料和岩石兵团项链他还一次都没用过就化为了飞灰。布兰多欲哭无泪,还好五头蛇蜥的蛋和可以升级领地的秩序之石留在了瓦尔哈拉,不然真是要一头撞死了事了。 However these magic equipment are not even able to escape by luck, he did not count on the one's own clothing under the lightning of such intensity well-preserved. Brando cannot bear somewhat to ask weakly: What first to me side is who?” 不过连这些魔法装备都无法幸免,他也就不指望自己的衣物会在那样强度的闪电之下保存完好了。布兰多忍不住有些弱弱为问道:“第一个到我身边的是谁?” Naturally is a young lady.” “当然是本小姐咯。” What haven't you...... seen?” “你……没看到什么吧?” Has not seen many.” little dragoness sweet smiles maliciously: Was roasted except for somebody whole body burned black, the eyebrow hair was all burnt down, is really laughable. Right, beside somebody that disgusting thing.” “没看到多少呢。”小母龙不怀好意地甜甜一笑:“除了某人全身上下被烤得焦黑,眉毛头发被全被烧光了,真是可笑。对了,还有某人那恶心的东西之外。” Brando is almost ashamed to look for crack to drill. Your —— 布兰多羞愧得几乎想找一条地缝钻下去。“你—— Your this fellow does not know that avoids, obviously is a girl.” “你这家伙就不知道回避一下么,明明是个女孩子。” Avoided a next present somebody to arrive at Kingdom of Death to report, was obviously weak resembles with anything, but also acted recklessly.” Aloz ridiculed: Also, you saw the monkey that plucks will avoid?” “回避一下现在某人就要到死者之国去报道了,明明弱得跟什么似的,还不知死活。”阿洛兹讥讽道:“还有,你看到褪了毛的猴子会回避么?” That can compare, I am human.” “那能比么,我是人类啊。” In my opinion nothing different,” little dragoness replied naturally. Brando then remembers the opposite party is a dragon, not being able to bear is a little disappointed. Said probably indeed so. Gold races looks at Black Iron races, human looked that the monkey may be much more superior. “在我看来没什么不一样的,”小母龙理所当然地答道。布兰多这才想起对方还是一头龙,忍不住有点受打击。说起来好像的确如此。黄金之民黑铁之民,比人类看猴子可优越得多了。 Therefore Aloz said, instead gives him the face. Naturally this face Brando does not want. 所以说阿洛兹这么说,反而是给他面子了。当然这种面子布兰多怎么也不想要。 However what makes him a little anxious was —— capitellum little dragoness said that his hair eyebrow all burnt down, he will not turn into baldly. Although does not care about the image very much, but that was also too odd. 不过让他有点不安的是——小头小母龙说他头发眉毛全烧光了,他不会变成个光头吧。虽然不是很在意形象,但那也太离谱了一些。 Never expected that little dragoness actually saw through in his heart to think probably, giving a tongue-lashing with nasal passage: Felt relieved, made early to you. I do not want a anomaly to work as the toy. I am not Vesia that fellow.” 没想到小母龙却好像看穿了他心中所想,呲之以鼻道:“放心好了,早给你弄回来了。我可不想要个变态当玩具。我又不是薇丝亚那家伙。” Brando does not know that who Vesia is, but is the fellow of heavy taste. Heard that has not turned into the bald party, during Brando finally sighed in relief —— this probably even is unfortunate lucky. He sighed: Thank you. Aloz, this second time was you saved me.” 布兰多不知道薇丝亚是谁,不过想必是个重口味的家伙。听说没有变成光头党,布兰多总算松了一口气——这大概就算是不幸之中的万幸吧。他叹了口气道:“谢谢你。阿洛兹,这是你第二次救我了。” it doesn't matter, you made the cow to be horse comes to repay me to be OK.” 没关系,你做牛做马来报答我就可以了。” Does not even think about it.” Brando thought. Also asked: On the other hand, how do you rescue my? I remember right words, your doesn't Dragon Race have healing spell probably?” “想都不要想。”布兰多心想。同时问道:“话说回来,你是怎么救我的?我记得没错的话,你们龙族好像没有治疗法术吧?” In his mind Dragon Race was skilled in the ancient times Chord Magic, was famous at the destructive strength, but had never heard was good at Sue living spell of department. 在他的印象中龙族精通古代弦魔法,以毁灭性的力量而著称,但从未听说过擅长生系的法术的。 Only if this fellow is a anomaly. 除非这家伙是个怪胎。 Actually also has no good difficulty,” Aloz sits in the bedside, peeled the second grain of grape to lose to own mouth, smilingly replied: Although opens others' Dimensional Hole is a little tediously and that's the end.” “其实也没什么好困难的,”阿洛兹坐在床边,剥了第二粒葡萄丢到自己嘴里,笑眯眯地答道:“虽然打开别人的次元洞是有点繁琐就是了。” Dimensional Hole?” 次元洞?” Wait, you said anything!” “等等,你说什么!” Brando thought of what not good thing immediately. He opens a Dimensional Hole inspection immediately, really discovered that bottle remaining No. 1 holy potion had lost the trace. 布兰多马上想到了什么不好的东西。他马上打开次元洞一检查,果然发现那剩下的一号圣水已经失去了踪影。 You......” Brando was a little immediately speechless. Did half-day this fellow to offer borrowed flowers to Buddha. However how she knows oneself have No. 1 holy potion. He cannot bear the doubt stare at Aloz. “你……”布兰多顿时有点无语了。搞了半天这家伙还是借花献佛。不过她怎么知道自己有一号圣水的。他忍不住狐疑地盯着阿洛兹 Do be not so mean-spirited, saving the poor life is more important right,” little dragoness drips greatly comforts saying: Said again you think saves you are that simple matter, your fellow does not know that with what ghost ability, the body function one group chaotic has also been able to jump for joy unexpectedly. However must rescue to trouble.” “不要那么小气啦,保住小命才更重要对吧,”小母龙大喇喇地安慰道:“再说你以为救你是那么简单的事情,你这家伙不知道用什么鬼能力,身体机能已经一团乱了居然还能活蹦乱跳。不过要救起来可麻烦了。” Particularly your heart function complete failure.” Aloz happily said: Therefore I traded one to you.” “尤其是你的心脏功能完全衰竭了嘛。”阿洛兹得意地说道:“所以我给你换了一个。” „What did you trade to me?” Brando has not the good premonition immediately. “你给我换了一个什么?”布兰多顿时有不好的预感。 „. The best choice naturally is heart of gold.” “嘛。最好的选择当然是黄金之心拉。” Not the good premonition changes into wild with joy immediately, Brando asks loudly: Wait, you were said that in the legend will never receive the heart of gold any damage, destroyed the hardest defenses. Legend true has eternal life the heart of golden race?” 不好的预感顿时化为一阵狂喜,布兰多大声问道:“等等,你是说传说中永远不受到任何伤害、无坚不摧的黄金之心。传说是真正的拥有永恒生命的黄金种族的心脏?” The Brando almost tone shivered, the golden heart has also appeared in game actually. Its Attributes is biggest health points double, itself defense double, the life resilience increases 300%. Simultaneously the heart no longer becomes the critical part. 布兰多几乎语气都颤抖起来了,黄金心脏在游戏中其实也出现过。它的属性就是最大生命值翻倍,本身防御翻倍,生命恢复能力增加300%。同时心脏不再成为要害部位。 Other three Attributes are good, last Attributes coordinates his Unyielding Talent to go against heaven's will simply. 其他三个属性还好,最后一个属性配合他的不屈天赋简直是太逆天拉。 His that flash wants to jump to grasp this little dragoness simply to kiss one from the bed ruthlessly. 他那一瞬间简直想从床上蹦起来抱住这头小母龙狠狠地亲一口。 Well, you very understand, I said is that.” “咦,你挺了解的嘛,我说的就是那个咯。” „Did you trade that to me?” Originally replaces heart matter Brando is somewhat irritable, in game indifferent. But here he is the living person, always thought that traded what components to turn into the monster. “你给我换了那个?”本来替换心脏这种事情布兰多还是有些别扭的,游戏中无所谓。但这里他是活生生的人啊,总觉得换了什么零件就变成怪物了。 Of course not,” Aloz shakes the head: You will not count on that this young lady has the ready-made thing on hand, who knows that your day was all right spoils the one's own heart, I have on to force to you that Titan thunder and lightning core.” “当然不是,”阿洛兹摇摇头:“你不会指望本小姐手头有现成的东西吧,谁会知道你一天没事就把自己的心脏弄坏了啊,我只好将就把那泰坦的雷电核心给你塞进去咯。” Fortunately that thing is pure Energy, otherwise your small body really could not have installed.” “还好那东西是纯能量化的,不然你这小小的身体还真装不进去呢。” I......” a Brando almost blood spurts. fuck me, does not lead you to make do, in his heart a pain feels, how this listens to seem like the opposite party to set the example of experiment with oneself. Has human to make the heart with the Titan lightning core? Which can change into the electric current the blood in blood vessel? “我……”布兰多差点一口血喷出来。我靠,不带你这么乱搞的,他心中一阵苦感,这怎么听都像是对方在拿自己做实验的样子。有人类用泰坦的闪电核心做心脏的么?哪岂不是要把血管中的血液换成电流? He one wants to have the future to be cut a sword on the imagination, the scene that in the wound the lightning shot off the mouth, immediately cannot help but absolutely terrified. 他一想就想象出自己今后被砍一剑,伤口中闪电乱喷的场景,顿时不由得毛骨悚然。 I said, an appearance of your why complexion grey defeat, is dying probably immediately was the same.” Aloz discovers immediately Brando's is unusual: „Do you suspect this young lady's technology?” “我说,你干嘛一副脸色灰败的样子,好像马上就要死了一样。”阿洛兹立刻发现了布兰多的异常:“你怀疑本小姐的技术?” Brando is waiting for Aloz, the meaning in look is: I suspected very much.’ 布兰多等着阿洛兹,眼神中的意思是:‘我很怀疑。’ Hateful. Under your inspection was not good.” “可恶。你自己检查下不就好了。” Brando is startled slightly. Originally Aloz is to make him try a self-perception one's own physical condition, this entered Element Boundary the ability of powerhouse everyone metropolis/can, but Brando actually opens one's own Attributes stat display immediately. 布兰多微微一怔。本来阿洛兹是让他试试自己感受一下自己的身体状况,这是进入了要素领域的强者人人都会的能力,但布兰多却立刻打开了自己的属性面板 He discovered that one's own Attributes unexpectedly all normal, the healthy condition is very good, moreover his vision sweeps but actually MP and Mana Regen that column, immediately discovered one time dumbfoundedly unexpectedly many. Most critically, on was at this moment also high Will Attributes that goes against heaven's will to grow one section. 他发现自己的属性竟然一切正常,健康状态十分良好,而且他的目光一扫倒法力值法力回复那一栏,顿时目瞪口呆地发现竟然多了一倍有余。更关键的是,原本就高得逆天的意志属性这一刻又增长了一截。 Moreover behind were many:( Energy strengthening) label. In obviously is the merit of lightning core. 而且后面都多了一个:(能量强化)的标签。在显然是闪电核心的功劳。 However theoretically, the lightning core must belong to equip a kind of thing, what some Brando doubts before is, he has not been equipping a column to discover existence of this thing. He opens subconsciously strengthens crystal stat display. Immediately is dumbfounded. 不过理论上来说,闪电核心应当属于装备一类的东西,布兰多有些疑惑的是之前他并没有在装备一栏发现这东西的存在。他下意识打开强化水晶面板。顿时傻了眼。 Sees only Undead Knight crystal also calmly to lie down in the position of arm strengthening trough, but the torso strengthening trough place were really many to be dazzling seems like solar one thing. 只见亡灵骑士水晶还静静地躺在手臂强化槽的位置上,而躯干强化槽处果然多了一个耀眼得像是太阳一样的东西。 Lightning core: MP, Mana Regen doubles. Will + 20, Wind Element Pool capacity doubles. 闪电核心:法力值,法力回复加倍。意志,风元素池扩容加倍。 Following sparking golden label. 后面一个闪亮的金色标签。 Fantasy rank strengthened crystal core. 幻想阶的强化水晶核心。 Brando is a little for a while speechless, does not know are oneself turns misfortune into a blessing. From the success and failure, only this crystal returned to him to lose the prices of these equipment on the thorough value purely, but the issue was, he wanted Wind Element Pool capacity to do. 布兰多一时有点无语,不知道自己算不算是因祸得福。单纯从得失上来说,只这一个水晶就彻底值回他损失那些装备的票价了,但问题在于,他要风元素池扩容来干什么。 On him needs to use Wind Element on one or two Card probably. 他身上好像就一两张牌需要用到风元素 Brando is still in a daze, little dragoness collected suddenly. He recovers, saw that pair sparkles the shining golden eye pupil, pastes his face to look at each other with him carefully. 布兰多还在发呆,小母龙忽然凑了过来。他回过神来,就看到那双闪闪发亮的金色眼眸,仔细地贴着他的脸与他对视。 Aloz this movement frightened him to jump, did?” 阿洛兹这个动作吓了他一跳,“干什么?” On your fellow the secret are many. I saw the fluctuation of element a moment ago, are you inspecting one's own Elemental Pool? Really strange, you did not have Unsealed Element, how to achieve?” The little dragoness vision brilliant is staring at him: „Before, received that heavy wound. One should hang obviously.” “你这家伙身上秘密不少呢。我刚才看到元素的波动,你在检查自己的元素池吧?真奇怪,你还没开化要素,怎么做到的?”小母龙目光灼灼地盯着他:“还有之前,受了那么重的伤。明明一下就应该挂掉的。” Strange.” “古怪哦。” „Don't you plan to explain?” “你不打算解释一下么?” What explained?” Brando ashamedly asked. How he explained that Bloodline Talent, this thing NPC absolutely does not have. Said actually he is a player? “解释什么?”布兰多心虚地问道。他怎么解释,血脉天赋,这东西npc根本就没有。还是说其实他是一个玩家? The little dragoness varying claw pats him to be strange. 小母龙不一爪子拍死他才怪呢。 Most critically, these are he biggest secrets. Buga Silver Wizard most liked studying his anomaly. 更关键的是,这些都是他最大的秘密。布加白银巫师最喜欢研究他这种怪胎了。 He had not replied that side Aloz has moved the nose to be sharp, smelled on him. She thin nose. Said in a soft voice: Really —— 他没回答,那边阿洛兹已经动了动鼻子尖,在他身上嗅了起来。她细了细鼻子。轻声说道:“果然—— Really?” “果然?” Brando felt suddenly is somewhat unusual. Because little dragoness the entire body soon crawled to the bed at this time, she buries a small head to smell along his neckband, that curly hair scratches to wipe on his face, making him feel that the heart is itchy. 布兰多忽然感到有些异常起来。因为小母龙这个时候整个身子都快要爬到床上来了,她埋着一颗小小的脑袋沿着他的领口嗅下去,那头卷发在他脸上擦来擦去,令他感到心痒痒的。 Delicate fragrance of share of young girl lingers in his tip of the nose, in that fragrance brings Mana probably, making him feel that the blood started to give off heat. Quick he felt own whole body dry and hot. 一股少女的幽香在他鼻端萦绕,那香味中好像带着一种魔力,令他感到血液开始发热起来。很快他就感到自己浑身燥热了起来。 what are you doing, stops to me quickly.” Brando feel as though one's head could explode, he was certainly clear that this is what reason, he had the response unexpectedly. 你在干什么,快给我停下。”布兰多一个头两个大,他当然清楚这是什么缘故,他居然起反应了。 Obviously the opposite party seems like the egregious loli appearance, wants the chest not to have the chest, wants the buttocks not to have the buttocks, do not mediate upperclasswoman is also inferior compared with Your Highness Half-Elven Princess slightly obviously ; But was at this time, he felt unexpectedly own heartbeat and blood flow started to speed up —— to have such a meeting, he suspected were oneself a anomaly. 明明对方看起来不过是个性质恶劣的萝莉模样,要胸没胸,要屁股没屁股,不要说和学姐比就连半精灵公主殿下都还稍显不如;可偏偏就是这个时候,他居然感到自己心跳和血液流动都开始加快了——有那么一会,他自己都怀疑自己是不是个变态。 In the Brando heart inwardly shout awfully, rushed to move moving to one side, because of his body certain spots obviously not by his control, although is covering with quilt, but also produced obvious prominence —— his for fear that opposite party to discover this point. 布兰多心中暗叫要命,赶忙向一侧挪了挪,因为他身体某些部位显然并不受他的控制了,虽然盖着的被子,但也产生了明显的突起——他生怕对方发现这一点。 Never expected that little dragoness turned head at this time suddenly, is staring at him vigilantly, bared teeth asked: What you are thinking not good matter, abnormal human?” 没想到这个时候小母龙忽然回过头来,警惕地盯着他,呲牙问道:“你是不是在想什么不好的事情,变态人类?” No.” The Brando looking straight ahead front, replied categorically. Cracks a joke, he does not dare to let this terrifying female dragon discovery truth, perhaps an opposite party fire spurted the miss merchant second half lifetime to remain a widow. “没有。”布兰多直视前方,斩钉截铁地答道。开玩笑,他可不敢让这头恐怖的母龙发现事实真相,没准对方一口火喷过来商人小姐后半辈子就得守寡了。 Really doesn't have?” “真的没有么?” little dragoness happily hmph hmph smiles. She one turns inside out to sit on him suddenly, although has not ridden in that essential position, but also lets Brando for it look changes. But more fearful still in behind, she lowers the head, aspirates such as bites the Brando's tip of the nose to say orchid carefully: Brando, you are abnormal human.” 小母龙得意地哼哼一笑。她忽然一下翻过来坐在他身上,虽然没有骑在那个关键的位置,但也让布兰多为之色变。但更可怕的还在后面,她低下头,吐气如兰地咬着布兰多的鼻尖细细地说道:“布兰多,你是个变态人类。” Brando fought a cold war suddenly. 布兰多冷不丁打了一个冷战。 The little dragoness hot aura is surrounding his sense of smell, when bringing sweet taste —— that made one indulge in fantasy even in his eyes to become this flat chest loli spoke that arrogant tone for a moment lovable. 小母龙热热的气息环绕着他的嗅觉,带着一种令人想入非非的甜味——甚至连这个平胸萝莉说话时那一副自大的口气一时间都在他眼中变得可爱起来。 In this definitely has what issue. 这里面绝对有什么问题。 Brando felt indistinctly this is any plot, but his body after all is a normal man, had the response very much honestly. little dragoness contemptuously looks at this fellow, suddenly grasped backward holds down some essential position —— Brando to be stuffy immediately snort/hum. 布兰多隐约感到这是一个什么阴谋,但他的身体毕竟还是个正常的男人,很老实地起了反应。小母龙轻蔑地看着这家伙,忽然向后一抓按住某个关键的位置——布兰多顿时闷哼了一声。 If carefully observes, is not difficult to discover the blue vein on his forehead. 如果仔细观察的话,不难发现他脑门上的青筋。 You...... your devil.” Brando understood finally, this fellow is plays one's own intentionally. “你……你这恶魔。”布兰多终于明白了,这家伙就是来故意玩自己的 Snort, human of brain obscene thought.” little dragoness said low voice: Added does not have, has been in heat obviously.” “哼,满脑子下流思想的人类。”小母龙小声说道:“还说没有,明明都已经发情了嘛。” „In heat your head!” Brando is sweating profusely, „your fragrance is anything!” He almost clenches jaws to ask that these words, he had found where the problem left. “发情你个头!”布兰多满头大汗,“你身上那香味是什么东西!”他几乎是咬牙切齿才问出这句话来,他已经发现问题出在什么地方了。 Highest-quality lysergic acid diethylamide, Dragon Race special product, how?” “最高级的迷幻药,龙族特产哟,如何?” How your head, you should better not to play with fire ——!” Brando a few words had not said that felt the key place received struck layer on layer/heavily, if unable to move, he almost must seem like the shrimp roe the same as curl up. “如何你个头,你最好不要玩火——呜!”布兰多一句话还没说完就感到关键部位受到了重重一击,如果不是无法动弹的话,他几乎要像是虾子一样蜷曲起来了。 Lovable little dragoness turned into the female demon in his eyes immediately. 可爱的小母龙在他眼中顿时变成了女魔头。 How do you want how, abnormal human?” “你想怎么怎么样呀,变态人类?” The Brando full cold sweat, how he has really not been able. little dragoness do not look is loli’s appearance, her hand according to her chest, made him unable to move the finger. 布兰多满头冷汗,他还真不能怎么样。小母龙别看是个萝莉的样子,她一只手按在她胸膛上,就让他连手指头都动不了一下。 Ahem, is in front of fiancee to have an affair, is very exciting?” “哼哼,当着未婚妻的面偷情,是不是很刺激呀?” Brando wants to cry but have no tears. Only can look helplessly this little dragoness reveals lovable eight heavy tooth —— to take the dragon class badly with a smile, her canine looks like the vampire equally point, but is very tiny. 布兰多欲哭无泪。只能眼睁睁看着这头小母龙坏笑着露出可爱的八重齿——做为龙类,她的犬牙就像是吸血鬼一样尖尖的,不过却很细小。 But at this time, two people heard out of the door to hear a careful cough sound. 但正是这个时候,两人都听到门外传来一声细细的咳嗽声。 Like a bolt from the blue. 如同一声晴天霹雳。 Brando is sweating profusely to transfer the vision, saw that azure putting on a stern expression stands in Her Highness the Princess. She is also setting up a same facial color strange court lady behind. 布兰多满头大汗地把目光转过去,一眼看到青铁着脸站在门外的公主殿下。她身后还立着一位同样面色古怪的女官。 Really repugnant, as Her Highness the Princess also wants peeping obviously others copulation.” Aloz complained loudly, then snort/hum jumped down the bed gently: Felt disappointed!” “真讨厌啊,明明身为公主殿下还要偷窥人家交配。”阿洛兹大声抱怨道,然后轻轻哼了一声跳下床:“扫兴死了!” Gave you, Brando!” “交给你了,布兰多!” Then, this fellow waves the arms about, the whole person disappeared from the room. 说完,这家伙一甩手,整个人就从房间中消失了。 But these words Brando hears is another edition —— this is to make you give others' penalty my Golden Apple arbitrarily, is not to a precedent.” 但这句话布兰多听到的却是另一个版本——“这是让你把我的金苹果擅自给别人的惩罚,下不为例。” Also is not to a precedent. Brando thought that needs the short and long life ten years only one time. He pledged that this whole life does not want to see this little dragoness third time, does not know how this fellow looked for his trouble, this was the murder case that an earring triggered, Brando wants to cry but have no tears. 还下不为例。布兰多觉得只一次就要夭寿十年。他发誓这辈子再也不想见到这头小母龙第三次,也不知道这家伙怎么就找上了他的麻烦,这都是一只耳环引发的血案,布兰多欲哭无泪啊。 Then he heard another icy sound: Sorry, disturbed you, Mr. Brando, remembers closed next time the door.” 然后他听到了另一个冷冰冰的声音:“对不起,打搅你了,布兰多先生,下次记得把门关上。” Her Highness the Princess turns around to walk. 公主殿下转身就走。 ...... …… ( Ps: Today on code a chapter, wū wū, but 5800 characters, authorized you to be counted 2 chapters to be good specially! Recommends god game, Card class the King summon of webgame , acfun. I want to know this should be many, game quality. The website is I...... is not right today, was yesterday evening played for a long time! Aha...... = (ps:今天就码了一章啊,呜呜,不过有5800字哦,特别批准你们算作二章好了!推荐一个神游戏,卡牌类的webgame,acfun的王者召唤。我想知道这个的应该很多了吧,游戏的素质还可以。网址是我今天……不对,是昨天晚上玩了好久!啊哈哈……= =.)! ~! =。)!~!
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