TAS :: Volume #4 变动的轨迹

#615: wake up

Such as the warhorse of snow is carrying the messenger with lightning speed in the Ampere Searl port across reconstruction, it passes through in the Saint white square nearby the war memorial that builds, caused a big tumult. 一匹如雪的战马载着信使正风驰电掣地穿过重建中的安培瑟尔港,它经过圣白的广场上正在修筑的战争纪念碑附近,引起了不小的骚动。 In the square a piece of pigeon flies, near the scaffold the workers cannot bear erratically then look surprisedly, near the fountain wears the robe clergy to stop to stop to watch, the messenger body embroidered the Crescentmoon emblem colorful silk ribbon to sparkle under the sunlight completely slightly. 广场上一片白鸽飞起,脚手架边工人们也忍不住惊疑不定地回头看去,喷泉边身披长袍的僧侣停下来驻足观看,信使身上绣满了新月徽记的绶带在阳光下微微闪耀着。 The messenger in royal family. 王室的信使。 This is the first time of half a month. 这还是这半个月以来的第一次。 Had the important matter to happen, everyone heart misgivings numerous. The talent but who only these know the circumstances of the matter truly had anything clearly: 有大事发生了,所有人心头都疑云重重。但只有那些真正知情的人才明白发生了什么: That person awoke. 那个人醒了。 Since entire harbor for half a month troubled dropped the curtain finally. 整个港口半个月以来的纷纷扰扰终于落下了帷幕。 ...... …… Really?” Her Highness the Princess is talking in the court lady also turns head, she looks at that transmitting orders aide officer, in the attractive silver eye pupil reveals not the restrainable pleasant surprise to come, you wait/etc., I must see him.” “真的?”公主殿下正在女官交谈也回过头来,她看着那个传令的侍从官,好看的银色的眼眸中露出不可抑制的惊喜来,“你等等,我要去见他。” Her Highness the Princess, first reorganizes the correct manners discipline.” Nearby court lady reminds immediately. 公主殿下,先整理一下仪容。”一旁的女官立刻提醒道。 Does not need.” Gryphine does not return, has raised the skirt to walk hurriedly outward, orange-red more/complete trace/strand, helping me prepare the carriage.” “不必了。”格里菲因头也不回,已经提着裙子急匆匆向外走去,“缇弥丝,帮我准备马车。” As if in a darkness, Brando lifted to experience a long dreamland. In dreamland all both real and fuzzy, he recalled in childhood that saw mill that practiced the sword, but in the saw mill had many understanding the person who did not know, the grandfather Sir taught his Swordsmanship under everyone's gaze. 仿佛一片黑暗之中,布兰多举得自己经历了一个漫长的梦境。梦境中的一切既真实又模糊,他记起小时候那个练剑的锯木厂,但锯木厂中有许多认识与不认识的人,祖父大人就在所有人的注视之下教授他剑术 One will have to present the scene that the tall building towered, the automobile is continuous. upperclasswoman wears the grey windproof coat, wears the thick scarf. Is reading anything in the pedestrian crossing other aspect bookstore. He goes all out to call her name, but she just likes has not actually heard. 一会有出现了高楼耸立的场景,汽车川流不息。学姐穿着灰色的风衣,围着厚厚的围巾。在人行横道另一面的书店中阅读着什么。他拼了命地喊她的名字,但她却恍若未闻。 He broke through the street. But the scene fluctuates. 他冲过马路。但场景又变幻起来。 All are dark, turns into a quiet lakeshore. High Tower stands erect in the lakeside, in the water the inverted image round of black moon is bright. A star light fluctuates in the backdrop. This grotesque and gaudy dreamland seems making clear to anything. 一切都黑暗下来,变成一片静谧的湖岸。一座高塔矗立在湖畔,水中倒影着一轮黑色的月亮。点点星光浮动在天幕中。这个光怪陆离的梦境仿佛在昭示着什么。 A Brando person fords toward that High Tower walks, he noticed that in the forest the shadow of wolf is going through, making one be afraid. 布兰多一个人涉水向那个高塔走去,他看到森林中狼的影子在穿行着,让人不寒而栗。 However the whole world is also suddenly turbulent, as if the dreamland pulled out from his thought , the scenery starts to collapse. The restraint ray breaks open the darkness, then his eyelid moved, the eyeball can under the blood capillary by eyelid feel outside slightly was luminous. 然而忽然之间整个世界又动荡起来,仿佛梦境从他思维中被抽离了,景色开始坍塌。约束光芒破开黑暗,然后他眼皮动了一下,眼球可以透过眼皮下的毛细血管感受到外面微微的光亮了。 At that moment the quiet five feelings as if resumed the work for a long time, he first hears chirp the warbling. It seems like some joyful early morning. But he lay on the warm bed pondered the moment, recalled the beforehand all, the memory looked like the fragmentary fragment to gather equally in the brain, formed a complete line. 那一刻长久以来沉寂的五感仿佛恢复了工作,他先听到叽叽喳喳的鸟鸣声。似乎是某个令人愉悦的清晨。但他躺在温暖的床上沉思了片刻,才记起之前发生的一切,记忆就像是零零碎碎的碎片一样在脑子里汇聚起来,形成一条完整的线。 He one opened the eye. 他一下睁开了眼睛。 Gauze silk window curtains following Thorn of Light he narrows the eyes immediately. 纱绸窗帘后面的光刺得他又立刻眯了起来。 Then one side he sees clearly Romaine that whistling rests greatly, the miss merchant half body lies on him, the small cheek pastes on his chest, is opening mouth. The saliva hung a silver wire on the quilt. 然后他才看清一旁呼呼大睡的罗曼,商人小姐半个身子都趴在他身上,小小的脸蛋贴在他胸膛上,张着嘴。口水在被子上挂了一条银线。 Sees this, Brando finally was calm. Oneself are also living. But where is this? Result of fight how? Her Highness the Princess? 看到这一幕,布兰多总算是冷静了下来。自己还活着。但这又是什么地方?战斗的结果如何?公主殿下呢? He soon discovered oneself lie down on a soft bed, this bed seems like an artware simply, pasted the pillar of gold foil to support one to be luxurious completely nearly not unimaginable arch, the innumerable fine gauze hung from all around. Such scene makes in his mind relate palace immediately this words and expressions. 他很快发现自己躺在一张柔软的大床上,这张床简直像是一座艺术品,贴满了金箔的柱子支撑起一个豪华得近乎无法想象的拱顶,无数轻纱从四周垂下来。这样的场景让他脑海里立刻联系到‘宫殿’这个词语。 His raises head. Immediately sees looks at one's own Amandina anxiously. On the Miss Adviser face is somewhat awkward, in her opinion Lord Thane's fiancee appearance is some is not quite really elegant, but she does not have the means to convince Romaine to leave Brando, Miss merchant holds closely Brando, looking like holds a treasure to be the same. 抬起头。立刻看到了紧张地看着自己的安蒂缇娜幕僚小姐脸上有些尴尬,在她看来领主大人的未婚妻这个样子实在是有些不太雅观,可是她却没办法说服罗曼离开布兰多,商人大小姐布兰多抱得紧紧的,就像是抱着一件宝物一样。 She only then sighed: Lord Thane...... you awoke finally.” After , half a word words have not said that but Brando has seen from her eye rejoiced joyfully with. 她只有叹了口气:“领主大人……你终于醒了。”还有后半句话没说出来,但布兰多已经从她眼中看出了庆幸与喜悦。 Why his very clear Amandina will sigh, he also can only accept regarding the Miss merchant behavior reluctantly. He gently to Amandina nodded, vision, in she saw behind side Medissa —— this Silver Elf Princess has two to wear silver chain armor, long hair draping over the shoulders, appears handsome clean elf clan warrior. 他很清楚安蒂缇娜为什么会叹气,对于商人大小姐的行为他也只能无奈地接受。他轻轻对安蒂缇娜点了点头,目光在她身后看到了梅蒂莎——这位银精灵公主身边有两位身披银色链甲,长发披肩,显得英俊干净的精灵战士 Silver Elf really came, in the Brando heart wants to say. 银精灵果然来了,布兰多心中想道。 Lord Thane.” 领主大人。” Lord Thane.” 领主大人。” Lord Thane!” A Medissa opens the mouth, everyone followed to open the mouth. Appearance that Mordefeys cries quickly, if not for were gouged one by nearby Andelique ruthlessly, Ciel and Caglisse set upright a thumb to him. Finally Brando saw Scarlett on the sofas after all people. 领主大人!”梅蒂莎一开口,所有人都跟着开口了。墨德菲斯一副快哭出来的样子,若不是被一旁的安德丽格狠狠地剜了一眼的话,夏尔卡格里斯向他竖了一下大拇指。最后布兰多在所有人身后的沙发上看到了 That seemed like the somewhat introverted young girl to look at his one eyes from afar, then sighed in relief appearance. 那个看起来有些内向的少女只是远远地看了他一眼,然后松了一口气的样子。 Result of fight? Her Highness the Princess?” Although everyone here, seemed like the result to be clear at a glance. But Brando did not feel relieved that asked. “战斗的结果如何了?公主殿下呢?”虽然大家都在这里,看起来结果已经一目了然了。但不过布兰多还是不放心地问了一遍。 Old, but the bright sound replaces Amandina to reply: Because of some heroic youngster noble behavior, Ampere Searl ——, entire Aouine cannot preserve. You felt relieved that little friend.” 一个苍老但明亮的声音代替安蒂缇娜答道:“因为某个英勇的年轻人的高尚行为,安培瑟尔——不,整个埃鲁因都得以保全。你就放心吧,小友。” This accidental/surprised sound makes Brando turn head. He then discovered that the window sits a silver-haired silver eyebrow, wears the white robe, the facial color kind old person, who is not just the Mithril fort lord Thurman also? 这个意外的声音让布兰多回过头去。他这才发现窗边坐着一位银发银眉,身披白袍,面色和蔼的老人,不正是秘银堡之主图拉曼还有谁? Grandmaster Thurman, you also came unexpectedly.” this time Brando was really surprised. Silver Elf comes because of his request, Thurman is actually the unexpected guest. 图拉曼大师,你竟也来了。”这一次布兰多真是惊讶了。银精灵是因为他的请求而来的,图拉曼却是意料之外的客人。 However he has actually thought of the reason of opposite party. 不过他其实已经想到了对方的来由。 Really, Thurman smiles to reply: At the invitation of old friend, no matter how said that here presented the devil, I should also come back. The Wood matter, it seems like I must apologize to you, forgetting that fellow is such tenacious.” 果然,图拉曼笑了笑答道:“是应老朋友的邀请,不管怎么说这边出现了恶魔,我也应该回来一趟。伍德的事情,看来我必须向你道歉,忘了那家伙就是这么固执。” Brando is silent, he imputes in Wood actually not, but thinks nobles is so tenacious. Leeway that if rotates little, was insufficient to make to the same day aspect, for this type paid indifferently. Is the innumerable lives and blood. 布兰多默然,他倒不是归罪于伍德,而是想到贵族们何尝不是如此固执。如果还有一点点回转的余地,也不至于闹到当日的局面,为了这种冷漠买单的。是无数生命与鲜血。 Thurman continues saying: You also know, Great Deacon oneself regretted, in fact he had given up Great Deacon and Holy Cathedral all duties. Is willing to make reparations with the one's own remaining years of life for this reason.” 图拉曼继续说道:“你也知道,大主祭本人非常后悔,事实上他已经放弃了大主祭圣殿的一切职务。甘愿用自己的余生来为此赎罪。” „?” “哦?” Brando this is startled actually slightly, for recalled Holy Cathedral of Fire reputation Wood to achieve to the full unexpectedly this step. Status the person like them will not swear generally at will, once swore that will not easily change. 布兰多这倒是微微一怔,为了最大限度地挽回炎之圣殿的名誉伍德竟然做到了这一步。像他们这样身份的人一般不会随意立誓,一旦立誓就不会轻易更改。 Wood this was broke the one's own escape route. Gave up the opportunity of promoting the Holy Cathedral core. Originally that threshold is away from his one pace. 伍德这是自己断了自己的后路。放弃了晋升圣殿核心的机会啊。本来那道门槛距离他不过一步之遥而已。 Although thought that this old fogy somewhat moves unnecessarily, but Brando returned to some respect to this Great Deacon again. If a person has such principle and pursue, at least will not be a shameless one. 虽然觉得这老家伙有些多此一举,不过布兰多还是重新对这位大主祭回了些许敬意。一个人若是有这样的原则与追求,至少不会是个无耻之徒吧。 Beforehand all , can only sum up in the respective pursue is different. Brando sighed, asks: „...... Then, did Great Deacon plan to keep Aouine?” 之前的一切,也只能归结于各自的追求不同而已。布兰多叹了口气,问道:“……这么说来,大主祭打算留在埃鲁因了?” Thurman approvingly looked at his one eyes. 图拉曼赞许地看了他一眼。 „Can my old friend wants to live in seclusion in Aouine, works as local Priest, look for a Ampere Searl reconstruction devotion strength. However Holy Cathedral actually seperately gave him to arrange a duty.” “我那个老朋友本来是想在埃鲁因隐居,当个地区神官,看看能不能为安培瑟尔的重建奉献一点力量。不过圣殿却另外给他安排了一个职务。” Un?” Brando hears the Holy Cathedral two characters. Raised up the ear keenly. “嗯?”布兰多听到圣殿两个字。敏锐地竖起了耳朵。 Lord Thane, Holy Cathedral of Fire made Deacon Wood act as liaison officer between Princess and northern nobles, Deacon Wood has accepted.” Amandina replied. 领主大人,炎之圣殿伍德主祭充当公主北方贵族之间的联络员,伍德主祭已经接受了。”安蒂缇娜答道。 Liaison officer?” “联络员?” In the Brando heart is startled slightly, this was interesting, he had not heard Holy Cathedral also has this position. What idea however Holy Cathedral of Fire this is having, wants to make Wood make up for one's faults by good deeds, has to attempt? 布兰多心中微微一怔,这就有意思了,他还没听说过圣殿还有这个职位的。不过炎之圣殿这又在打什么主意,是想让伍德将功补过,还是另有企图? To be honest. Naturally can is settled through this event and Holy Cathedral be the best choice. Holy Cathedral of Fire after all is a colossus, even in the future must have the conflict with Kirrlutz Empire inevitably, but Brando at least does not hope that is now. 说实话。当然能通过这次事件与圣殿达成和解是最好的选择。炎之圣殿毕竟是个庞然大物,即使是将来不可避免地要与克鲁兹帝国起冲突,但布兰多至少也不希望是现在。 However now looks like, Holy Cathedral does not lose heart probably. 然而现在看来,圣殿好像还是不死心啊。 He frowns: Therefore , does Holy Cathedral want to mediate the north-south relations?” The stodginess of Kirrlutzian is really not as he expected. He also thinks that the opposite party must draw the lesson. 他皱起眉头:“所以说,圣殿还是想要调解南北的关系么?”克鲁兹人的死板真是出乎他的预料。他还以为对方应当已经吸取教训了。 Little friend, how otherwise did you plan? Pursues northern noble entirely, kills off them?” Thurman with being full of the vision of wisdom looks at Brando. “小友,否则你怎么打算?将北方的贵族统统驱逐,还是杀光他们?”图拉曼用充满了睿智的目光看着布兰多 Thurman a few words reminded Brando, he responded suddenly, he thought probably too simply the issue. Indeed, he is impossible to kill off noble, is impossible to pursue them, no matter noble reputation bad, but he has not at least wanted therefore to make Aouine be split up immediately. 图拉曼一句话就点醒了布兰多,他忽然反应过来,他好像把问题想得太简单了。的确,他不可能杀光贵族,也不可能驱逐他们,不管贵族名声有多差,但至少他还不想因此而让埃鲁因立刻四分五裂。 His brow deeply locked. 他眉头深深地锁了起来。 Let alone in noble also many outstanding talents, he have to acknowledge this point, as a result of the difference of educational level, in noble had the probability of talent commoner in be much bigger. He can certainly find the way to make commoner also obtain the right to receive and education, but this is not matter in one single day, but the kingdom actually may not one day no one manage. 何况贵族中也有很多优秀的人才,他不得不承认这一点,由于受教育程度的差异,贵族中产生人才的几率要比平民中大得多。他当然可以想办法让平民也获得接受教育的权利,但这不是一朝一夕的事情,而王国却不可一日没有人管理。 Her Highness the Princess has actually started to handle the same matter, but must see that the result at least also requires one generation of time. But before that he indeed needs noble to help construct future Aouine. 公主殿下其实已经开始做同样的事情,但要见到成效至少还需要一代人的时间。而在那之前,他的确需要贵族来帮忙构建未来的埃鲁因 But the key of issue is, nobles greatly is oversensitive the bad respective benefit, probably Ike and Count Oerding such person was really few. 但问题的关键是,贵族们大多心坏各自的利益,像是艾柯欧汀伯爵这样的人实在是太少了。 But cannot let off them, let alone Demonic Cultist has infiltrated among these noble, Holy Cathedral of Fire also not necessarily feel relieved.” Brando pondered, decides first to start from the simple aspect. “但也不能就此放过他们,何况邪教徒早已渗透进这些贵族之间,炎之圣殿自己也未必放心吧。”布兰多思考了一下,决定先从简单的方面入手。 But they have not believed that your reason,” Thurman replied slowly, „, let alone you must believe, the person will not make the same mistake again and again, my old friend was also an astute person, otherwise you think that by his character, will follow blindly in the order of Holy Cathedral?” “但他们也没有相信你的理由,”图拉曼缓缓答道,“何况你要相信,人不会一而再再而三地犯同样的错误,我那老友也是个精明的人,否则你认为以他的性格,会盲从于圣殿的命令么?” Brando thinks, Wood takes the Holy Cathedral practical faction, as if indeed is not a blind follower. He hesitant, asked: could it be that he wants to remain to help Aouine, what means does he have? What is his goal?” 布兰多想了一下,伍德作为圣殿的实干派,似乎的确也不是个盲目的信徒。他犹豫了一下,才问道:“难道他想留下来帮埃鲁因一把,他有什么办法么?他的目的又是什么?” Well, it seems like you understand my old friend very much.” Thurman raised eyebrow surprisedly: Actually the reason is very simple, looks at my old friend very much to favor you, will otherwise not invite me to come here.” “咦,看来你很了解我这个老朋友嘛。”图拉曼惊讶地扬了扬眉毛:“其实原因很简单,看得出来我那老友很看好你,否则也不会邀请我到这里了。” Deacon Wood he......” sound of Brando from the Thurman words listens to one to make him feel the inconceivable information. Wood unexpectedly settles a dispute to and him, he realized suddenly Wood realized certainly Holy Cathedral of Fire certain drawbacks from this disaster. 伍德主祭他……”布兰多图拉曼的话外音中听出一个令他感到不可思议的信息来。伍德竟然向和他讲和,他忽然意识到伍德一定是从这场灾难之中意识到了炎之圣殿的某些弊端。 Is it possible that this fellow is to change the Holy Cathedral of Fire conduct way? 莫非这家伙是想要改变炎之圣殿的行事方式? He shakes the head to lose the mind this fearful thought: „, How does he plan to cope with northern nobles?” 他摇摇头将这个可怕的念头丢出脑海:“那么,他打算怎么对付北方的贵族们?” This I do not know, but you saw after that person, understood.” Wood replied. “这我也不知道,不过等你见到那个人之后就明白了。”伍德答道。 Who?” “谁?” When the time comes you understood,” the fort lord in Mithril fort shows the mysterious smile: First said that your physical condition, I am very curious, such injury can actually live initially by you. Silver Lineage only feared that does not have this ability.” “到时候你就明白了,”秘银堡的堡主露出神秘的微笑:“先说说你的身体状况吧,我很好奇,以你当初那样的伤势竟然能够活下来。白银之民只怕也没这个能力。” This......” “这个……” Brando is startled slightly. 布兰多微微一怔。 He thinks suddenly the same day seemed like with Titan fights directly. At that time the life little said that also fell below several thousand —— to be natural, lost. Can say perhaps, even if ten Priest gather round after his stupor to him treats still pulls back the positive number his health points without enough time. 他忽然想起来自己当日似乎是和泰坦正面交手。那时生命少说也降到了数千以下——当然,是负的。可以说就算是有十个神官在他昏迷之后围着给他治疗恐怕也来不及把他的生命值拉回正数。 Because Unyielding Talent were also after all most at that time only has a half minute of duration. 因为毕竟那个时候不屈天赋也最多不过只有半分钟的持续时间了。 But now he is actually living well . Moreover the body as if has no ill condition. Thurman asked how he lives, spoke the honest remark, this to him is a riddle topic. 而现在他却好好地活着,而且身体似乎并没有什么不适的状况。图拉曼问他怎么活下来的,说实在话,这对他自己来说都是一个谜题。 He thinks of a possibility suddenly. 他忽然想到一个可能。 Thank you saved me, Grandmaster Thurman.” “谢谢你救了我,图拉曼大师。” Thurman actually laughs: Was not I saved you, you must thank this young lady.” 图拉曼却哈哈大笑起来:“可不是我救了你,你得感谢这位小姐。” Un?” Brando stares, immediately hears a discontented hum/snort. Snort!” He turns head, immediately with that golden eye right. “嗯?”布兰多一愣,马上听到一声不满的哼声。“哼!”他回过头去,立刻与那双金色的眼睛对了个正着。 In the golden eye passes one to be discontented. 金色的眼睛中透着一丝不满。 That seems like the crystal equally clear color, inside is burning the bright flame, is seemingly thrilling, was actually full of self-confident makings. This double limpid transparent eye was a young girl —— her master stature to say is very short, the long curly hair hung smart-alecky, da on shoulders. 那是好像水晶一样晶莹的色彩,内里燃烧着明亮的火焰,看起来动人心魄,却又充满了一种自信满满的气质。这双清澈透明的眼睛属于一个少女——她的主人个子可以说很矮,长长的卷发俏皮地垂下来,耷在双肩上。 She puts on with the previous same leather armor attire, but traded a meaningful glance. The sword had not seen, takes a book actually. 她还是穿着和上次一样的皮甲装束,不过换了个眼色。剑也没看到了,倒是拿着一本书。 Brando saw that book the name is —— «Aouine's Cooking Anthology» above is Dragon language, owes he to be able to understand. 布兰多看到那本书的名字叫做——埃鲁因的烹饪选集》上面是龙语,也亏他能看得懂。 If the average men see all these, certainly thinks that this was full of the energy, had little girl of hobby to the cook. Words that but must really such think, that may be completely mistaken. 常人若看到这一切,一定会以为这是个充满了活力,对厨艺拥有爱好的小姑娘。但要真那样想的话,那可就大错特错了。 Because this stares Brando's little girl wickedly is actually being a dragon. 因为这恶狠狠地瞪着布兰多的小姑娘其实是一头龙。 Moreover is angry, very discontented little dragoness. 而且是非常生气,非常不满的小母龙 Must the blowout fire from the mouth come simply immediately. 简直马上就要从嘴巴里喷出火来了。 ...... …… ( Ps: Yesterday reorganized a mentality and program of new volume, today code two chapters, but only sent one chapter. Tomorrow if can also code two chapters of I send two chapters, after all is the recent plot, I will leave ground. This.) ( to be continued ) (ps:昨天整理了一下新卷的思路和大纲,今天码了两章,不过只发一章。明天如果还能码两章我就发两章,毕竟是新的剧情,我留点余地。就这样。)(未完待续)
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