TAS :: Volume #3 王权与蔷薇

#614: Valkyrie rides line of (Last Part)

In the battlefield, the White Lion war flag starts to move again slowly. 战场上,白狮的战旗再一次开始缓缓移动。 In Nemesis that the frontline takes the lead, Female Knight grasps the war flag, grasps the long sword, she looks like the sponsor of entire White Lion Legion attack front arrow. The small devil fights with her often gathers, was cut the top by her sword. 在最前方身先士卒的正是尼玫西丝,女骑士一手持战旗,一手持长剑,她就像是整个白狮军团进攻锋矢的发起者。小恶魔与她交手往往不过一合,就被她一剑斩下城头。 That ruthless spicy actual combat Swordsmanship Freya is also the first witness, she is surprised, because that Swordsmanship and Brando's Swordsmanship so similar. At that moment Nemesis is similar is the White Lion incarnation, stretch/open Yalu the claw, tears into shreds all her enemies, leads everyone to go forward. 那种狠辣的实战剑术芙蕾雅也是第一次目睹,她不禁感到惊讶,因为那剑术布兰多的剑术是如此的类似。那一刻尼玫西丝仿佛自己就是白狮的化身,张牙露爪,撕碎她的一切敌人,领导着每一个人前进。 In her behind, the White Lion Legion soldier, Royal Knight Academy NCO student erupted the biggest potential at this moment, the attack finally became smooth. They attack the city wall with irresistible force. 在她身后,白狮军团的士兵,王立骑士学院士官生这一刻爆发出了最大的潜力,进攻终于变得顺利起来。他们势如破竹地攻上城墙。 Minotaur!” 牛头人!” Rending shout. 撕心裂肺的喊声。 Freya also saw, she crossed the top, after seeing the wall, unexpectedly also wall, behind is Minotaur that grasps the great axe densely and numerously, little said that also has over a hundred heads. She has not stared the big eye with enough time, to flew on simultaneously in the forefront soldier. 芙蕾雅也看到了,她翻过城头,看到墙后竟还有一道墙,后面是密密麻麻手持巨斧的牛头人,少说也有上百头。她还没来得及瞪大眼睛,冲在最前面的士兵就齐齐飞了起来。 Behind Minotaur, presented one flock of snakes to send High-Spirit, grasped the woman of long bow. Is Medusa, from the Bucce's young girl, although the experience are not many, but actually also knows creature in this myth. 牛头人背后,出现了一群蛇发昂扬,手持长弓的女士。是美杜莎,来自布契的少女虽然见识不多,但却也认识这种神话中的生物 „......” Freya could not bear subconsciously shout one lowly. “啊……”芙蕾雅忍不住下意识地低叫了一声。 This is a trap. 这是个陷阱。 Everyone realizes this point suddenly. On the face of Nemesis is much colder, Freya even saw that Female Knight shakes in the hand of flag not to have blood-color, even shivers slightly. 所有人忽然都意识到这一点。尼玫西丝的脸上冷得怕人,芙蕾雅甚至看到女骑士握着旗帜的手上没有一丝血色,甚至微微颤抖起来。 Do not look at that side, we continue to go forward.” “不要看那边,我们继续前进。” She shouts difficultly. 她艰难地喊道。 But wave of arrow rain has covered above the wall rampart, this is the fire of Medusa, moss green arrow(s) has no armor to resist, the front soldier has not struggled with enough time changed to the statue. 但一波箭雨已经笼罩了墙垒之上,这是美杜莎的射击,幽绿色的箭矢根本没有任何铠甲能够抵挡,前面的士兵还没来得及挣扎就化作了石像。 A round of fire, to was short of 1/3 in the forefront person. Medusa quick-moving, starts the drawing a bow nocking. 一轮射击,冲在最前面的人少了三分之一。美杜莎们动作迅速,又开始张弓搭箭。 ...... …… The White Lion war flag vanished suddenly. 白狮战旗忽然消失了。 Marquis of Balta saw with one's own eyes this —— to see that the White Lion war flag dropped down, vanishes in the curtain of rain. A completely discouraged feeling appears in his heart, he feels suddenly somewhat absent-minded. In the heart as if is only reverberating a sound: 巴尔塔侯爵亲眼看到了这一幕——看到白狮的战旗倒下,消失在雨幕中。一种万念俱灰的感觉浮现在他心头,他忽然感到有些恍惚。心中仿佛只回荡着一个声音: Aouine had lost the last opportunity. 埃鲁因已经失去了最后一个机会。 Lord Marquis, be careful!” 侯爵大人,小心!” A Brutefiend passing over gently and swiftly top, scraped past with Balta. Marquis slightly one absent-minded, but in hand, long sword by that Brutefiend pulling. In his heart subconsciously one startled, has turned head, happen to saw that in the devil on one after another the monster of corner one is jumping in front of him steadily. 一头蛮魔掠过城头,与巴尔塔擦身而过。侯爵略一失神,但手中已经一空,长剑已被那头蛮魔给扯走。他心中下意识地一惊,回过头,正好看到恶魔之中一头头上长着犄角的怪物一下跳到了他面前。 Good fearful aura. 好可怕的气息。 This is the Balta last thought. That Longhorn Devil be relentless has clutched his neck to entrain from the ground him, in the strength differs the leeway that level Lord Marquis simply has not revolted against incessantly. 这是巴尔塔最后一个念头。那长角恶魔已经毫不留情地扼着他的脖子将他从地面上拽了起来,力量上相差不止一个层级的侯爵大人根本没有反抗的余地。 Lord Marquis!” 侯爵大人!” Army Commander!” 军团长!” In the calling out in alarm sound of White Lion Legion soldier. Balta walked the last regulation in oneself life. At that moment, he as if saw in that darkness light/only, a big and familiar back stands in that head, like same above that time battlefield. 白狮军团士兵的惊叫声中。巴尔塔走完了自己人生中的最后一程。那一刻,他仿佛看到了那黑暗之中的光,一个高大而熟悉的背影站在那一头,就如同在那时的战场之上一样。 Marshal Sir. 元帅大人。 Longhorn Devil pinched this Aouine Marquis and neck of White Lion Legion Army Commander effortlessly, will lose the corpse of being angry to lose to one side. Then stepped on upside-down the Aouine flag on top. 长角恶魔毫不费力地捏断了这位埃鲁因侯爵白狮军团军团长的脖子,将失去了生气的尸体丢向一边。然后一脚踩倒了城头上的埃鲁因旗帜。 It despises looks at all human soldiers in city, looks like in it, here soldier simply is trash same existence, even in Hell most inferior creature is stronger than them. If not for Teleportation Gate for a moment was unable to shift higher -end armies, otherwise this place should the destruction ten times. 它蔑视地看着城内的所有人类士兵,在它看来,这里的士兵简直是垃圾一样的存在,连地狱里最劣等的生物都比他们更强。若不是传送门一时间还无法转移来更多高端的军队,否则这地方早就应该覆灭十次了。 Copes with these stinking insects really to make it feel sick. 对付这些臭虫真是令它感到厌烦。 However in any event. This damn citadel captured —— finally 不过无论如何。这该死的卫城总算是攻下了—— Brunoan citadel fell to the enemy. 布诺安卫城失陷了。 Wood in crystal ball saw that flag vanishes in the curtain of rain, finally realized destiny that this suffers a defeat and flees. Aouine but therefore destruction, but his path also stopped. No one means anything compared with his clearer this event to Holy Cathedral of Fire. 伍德水晶球中看到那面旗帜消失在雨幕之中,终于意识到了这败亡的命运。埃鲁因会因此而覆灭,而他的道路也到此为止了。没有人比他更清楚这次事件对炎之圣殿意味着什么。 He is almost conceivable, oneself will lose passing all. But what is more important, Holy Cathedral of Fire is therefore shamed, this old person cannot bear cover the one's own face, deeply sighed. 他几乎可以想象,自己会失去过往的一切。但更重要的是,炎之圣殿为因此而蒙羞,这位老人忍不住捂住自己的脸,深深地叹了口气。 All are his mistake. 一切都是他的过错。 Prepares to retreat, hoping of these nobles, believes that they will regret for this reason.” This once prominent Sir Deacon, could not bear at this moment somewhat replies reluctantly. “准备撤退吧,了了那些贵族们的愿,相信他们会为此后悔的。”这位曾经显赫的主祭大人,这一刻也忍不住有些无奈地答道。 „Please be waiting, Sir Deacon.” Sits opens the mouth to say in nearby Yula suddenly. “请在等一等,主祭大人。”坐在一旁的尤拉忽然开口道。 Un?” “嗯?” Everyone then looks at the young girl of this blind eye. 所有人都回头看着这位盲眼的少女。 ...... …… Handle long spear appears in the Freya field of vision. The thunder arc flash on the spear/gun blade beating jumps to that Minotaur on. The spear/gun blade forwards, spear thrust enters in that monster chest, blood arrow spraying, then keeps the long ponytail young girl to draw out long spear, making that monster fall to the ground loudly. 一柄长枪出现在芙蕾雅的视野之中。枪刃上跳动的雷弧一瞬间跳至那头牛头人身上。枪刃向前,一枪刺入那怪物胸膛之中,血箭喷射而出,然后留着长长马尾的少女拔出长枪,让那头怪物轰然倒地。 She visits her. In the golden eye is somewhat curious, then reaches out her: „Are you...... Freya?” 她看着她。金色的眼睛里有些好奇,然后向她伸出了手:“你是……芙蕾雅?” I am.” Freya knows this young girl: „Are you Scarlett?” “我是。”芙蕾雅认识这个少女:“你是?” The young girls show a faint smile, reveal the lovable canine tooth: Un.” 少女微微一笑,露出可爱的虎牙:“嗯。” You have to see Medissa, Freya?” “你有看到梅蒂莎吗,芙蕾雅?” Freya shakes the head, her hand covers the wound on shoulder. Some look in a panic to all around. Quick saw poured Nemesis in ruins. 芙蕾雅摇了摇头,她一只手捂住肩头上的伤口。有些仓惶地看向四周。很快就看到了倒在废墟里的尼玫西丝 Dame Upperclasswoman.” 学姐大人。” Her heart one tight, rushes over to that side. Black hair Female Knight both eyes shut tightly, if the air/Qi the gossamer, a feather arrow inserts in her chest —— even so, in her hand is gripping tightly the White Lion Legion war flag as before. 她心头一紧,向那边冲了过去。黑发的女骑士双目紧闭,气若游丝,一只羽箭插在她胸口——只是即使如此,她手中依旧紧握着白狮军团的战旗。 As if hears Freya chant, Nemesis opens the eye difficultly, she narrows the attractive pupil to stare at Freya. Freya, you listen......” 仿佛是听到芙蕾雅呼唤,尼玫西丝艰难地睁开眼睛,她眯起漂亮的眸子盯着芙蕾雅。“芙蕾雅,你听好……” upperclasswoman......” 学姐……” Taking this war flag...... you are being Commander.” “拿着这面战旗……你是指挥官了。” How can......” “怎么可以……” Has been defeated. 已经失败了吗。 Freya looks at that because has maintained the indifferent look to appear the somewhat serious face, but she has thought Nemesis is more like a one's own family member to her attendance, should say that seems like the elder sister ; She does not have the elder sister, does not have the elder brother, therefore treasures this sentiment especially. 芙蕾雅看着那张因为一直保持着冷漠的神色而显得有些严肃的脸,但她一直觉得尼玫西丝对她的照顾更像是自己的一位亲人,应该说像是姐姐;她没有姐姐,也没有兄长,因此格外珍惜这份感情。 Nemesis smiled to her, smiles very ugly. 尼玫西丝对她微微笑了一下,笑得很难看。 Goes, Freya.” “去吧,芙蕾雅。” But you?” “可你?” I could not have died......” Nemesis to reveal the ratio to cry also the ugly smile, goes quickly, this is the order, your fool. I believe you......” “我还死不了……”尼玫西丝露出比哭还难看的微笑来,“快去,这是命令,你这个笨蛋。我相信你……” Why believes me? Freya is not clear. Nemesis is also why good, Brando is also good, then always believes him unconditionally. Her obviously anything not, moreover anything cannot learn, compared with others, is clumsy seems like an ugly duckling. 为什么相信我?芙蕾雅不明白。为什么尼玫西丝也好,布兰多也好,总是那么无条件地相信他。她明明什么也不会,而且什么也学不会,比起其他人,笨拙得像是一只丑小鸭。 Everyone dropped down, upperclasswoman, Caro. Locker also has Mike, only then Bretton and Caglisse are still conducting the final resistance. She has turned head, looks around village the sporadic fight, because lost command, suffered a defeat and fled as if at present. 大家都倒下了,学姐,卡洛。恩洛克还有缪科,只有布雷森卡格里斯还在进行最后的抵抗。她回过头,看着梅达奥村附近零零星星的战斗,由于失去了指挥,败亡似乎就在眼前了。 What can she make? 她又能做什么? But Nemesis saw the confusedness of young girl probably, smiles to her slightly, has the shape of the mouth to speak a few words to her. Freya has not seen that is what meaning, but was Mercenary Scarlett actually understands. 尼玫西丝好像看出了少女的迷茫,对她微微笑了笑,有口型对她说了一句话。芙蕾雅并没看出那是什么意思,但身为佣兵却看懂了。 Because you are Valkyrie, silly child.’ ‘因为你是女武神啊,傻孩子。’ Because this is my request. Freya ?” Nemesis asked weakly. “因为这是我的请求。芙蕾雅,好吗?”尼玫西丝虚弱地问道。 These words made one to get hold of the fist from the Bucce's young girl. In the entire battlefield, the White Lion Legion soldier has started retreat. 这句话令来自布契的少女一下握紧了拳头。在整个战场上,白狮军团的士兵已经开始后退了。 But Freya has turned head: Scarlett.” 芙蕾雅回过头了:“。” to bind the ponytail young girl is often having doubts visits her. 扎着常常马尾的少女疑惑地看着她。 „Can you help me?” “你可以帮助我吗?” Scarlett had not replied. She knows Brando regarding the faith of this young girl. Because follows Brando for a long time, Brando will not abstain from and her sighs his person and matter, the young girl is very satisfied such life, although is only calmly is listening. 没有回答。她知道布兰多对于这位少女的信赖。因为跟随布兰多最长时间,布兰多并不会忌讳和她叹气他身边的人和事,少女很满足这样的生活,虽然只是静静地听着。 Then her nodded. 然后她点了点头 Thank you.” Freya received the White Lion Legion war flag, her deeply breathed in. Although anxious has not washed off from the body, but she looked at Nemesis finally. “谢谢你。”芙蕾雅接过了白狮军团的战旗,她深深地吸了一口气。虽然紧张并未从身上洗去,但她最后看了一眼尼玫西丝 She by piles up in the wall Female Knight, replied earnestly: Dame Upperclasswoman, I will lets this war flag sparkle above the battlefield, so long as I am also living.” 她将女骑士靠在墙垛上,认真地答道:“学姐大人,我会让这面战旗闪耀在战场之上的,只要我还活着。” Aouine will not perish —— 埃鲁因不会灭亡—— ...... …… The Marquis of Balta death looks like the Brunoan citadel final death knell. At that moment the entire battlefield as if collapsed. But each corner in city, the White Lion Legion military officer is persevering the final fight as before. 巴尔塔侯爵的死就像是布诺安卫城的最后丧钟。那一刻整个战场仿佛都崩溃了。但在城内的各个角落,白狮军团的军官依旧在坚守着最后的战斗。 Owen, you still remember book that is called the summer of wisteria?” 欧文,你还记得那本叫做藤萝之夏的书么?” Wears White Lion Legion young military officer absentmindedly of silver grey armor to stand in the heavy rain, has probably not recovered from the failure. Marquis of Balta died, White Lion Legion really came to the end in a series of failure probably. 身穿银灰色铠甲的白狮军团年轻军官怔怔地站在大雨中,好像还没从失败中回过神来。巴尔塔侯爵死了,白狮军团在一连串的失败中好像真的走到了尽头。 The innumerable devils plunge the top. Has a desperate aura. 无数恶魔扑向城头。带着一种令人绝望的气息。 We were defeated, Charlotte, do not say your book.” “我们失败了,夏洛特,不要说你那本书了。” Yes, I also think that Owen. Therefore ordering makes the soldiers open citadel south gate. How we retreat from there.” “是的,我也是这么认为的,欧文。所以下令让士兵们打开卫城南门吧。我们从那里撤退如何。” Owen has turned head suddenly, the eyes blood red are staring the one's own companion: You were insane!” He shouts with clenched jaws, we cannot retreat absolutely, our teammates also in front!” 欧文猛然回过头,双眼血红地瞪着自己的同伴:“你疯了!”他咬牙切齿地喊道,“我们绝对不能撤退,我们的队友还在前面!” Charlotte smiles. 夏洛特笑了笑。 You remember that helps me buy that book, wants on the seal to have golden side that the year of printing collection version quarter moon, you know.” “那你记得帮我把那本书买下来,要封皮上有金色的边那本,弦月之年刊行的收藏版,你知道的。” What are you saying?” “你在说什么?” Goes to pick the flag, Owen.” “去把旗帜捡起来,欧文。” After several minutes, Brunoan citadel south gate opened wide. 几分钟之后,布诺安卫城南门洞开了。 In the city the remaining White Lion Legion soldier starts to retreat. Commander —— that Longhorn Devil of devil notices this point immediately, it cannot certainly tolerate these to make huge troublesome human to walk to oneself to draw back. 城内残余的白狮军团的士兵开始撤退。恶魔的指挥官——那头长角恶魔立刻注意到了这一点,它当然不能容忍这些给自己制造了巨大麻烦的人类走退。 It sends out a noisy wailing, the devil army wells up immediately to south gate, it leads personally, prepares to grind these stinking insects. 它发出一声长号,恶魔大军立刻向南门涌去,它亲自带队,准备碾碎那些臭虫。 But it rushes to the top, bypasses several lane, arrives in the city under the the only place square. Here, what it sees is in formation human —— is not only the White Lion Legion guard, man in rags even is a child. 但它冲下城头,绕过几条巷子,来到城内唯一一座广场之下。在这里,它看到的是严阵以待的人类——不仅仅是白狮军团的卫兵,还有衣衫褴褛的男人甚至是孩子。 Longhorn Devil realized suddenly is not right. 长角恶魔忽然意识到了不对。 Shylock Station in the crowd, contemptuously held up the long sword in hand: 夏洛克站在人群之中,轻蔑地举起了手中的长剑: I know that you are listening to —— to open fire at me, Victorious!” “我知道你们在听着——向我开火,胜利号!” ...... …… Opens fire at me, Victorious!” “向我开火,胜利号!” The sound that in Magic Crystal spreads appears some distortions, but does not conceal firmness that as before is full. Transmitting orders Wizard slightly silent, looks back behind Lord Count. 魔法水晶中传出的声音显得有些失真,但依旧毫不掩饰其中饱含的坚定。传令的法师微微沉默了一下,才回过头来看着身后的伯爵大人 Wears the long coat, the facial color is somewhat pale, among the looks writes all over weary Count of Yanilas to close one's eyes. He rubbed the forehead, as if made the enormous resolution to reply: 穿着长长的大衣,面色有些苍白,神色之间写满疲倦的雅尼拉苏伯爵闭着眼睛。他揉了揉额头,仿佛是下了极大的决心才答道: Commander of devil there, opens fire at him.” “恶魔的指挥官在那里,向他开火。” But Sir.” “可是大人。” All responsibility are shouldered by me.” Count replied lightly. “一切责任由我来承担。”伯爵淡淡地答道。 If some people dare to give up the one's own life, what then he also does have not to dare to give up the one's own reputation? 倘若有人敢放弃自己的生命,那么他又有什么不敢放弃自己的名誉的? The land is trembling, the dazzling golden ray has linked up into a single stretch in Brunoan citadel. As if the sea of fire is common. Owen looks at this helplessly, looks that loses the command low level devil to run away in the flame, looks that the one's own colleague is reduced to ashes in the explosion, the tears have flowed copiously. 大地战栗着,耀眼的金色光芒已经在布诺安卫城内连成一片。仿佛火海一般。欧文眼睁睁看着这一幕,看着失去指挥下级恶魔在火光之中逃窜,看着自己的同僚在爆炸中化为灰烬,泪水早已夺眶而出。 He straightened up the Marquis of Balta corpse, then held up that high the badly-damaged Aouine's flag. 他扶正了巴尔塔侯爵的尸体,然后高高举起了那面已经残破不堪的埃鲁因的旗帜。 That movement, as if sacred incomparable. 那个动作,仿佛神圣无比。 ...... …… Two flags reappear in the battlefield. 两面旗帜重新出现在战场上。 That is with a ray of hope that the blood of countless person trade, like the faith of sparkle, in each individual heart feels one's blood bubbles up to the brim. Even on Victorious. Even Aouine's navy NCOs could not bear close the eye. 那是用无数人的鲜血换来的一线希望,如同闪耀的信念,每个人心中都不禁感到热血沸腾。甚至在胜利号上。连埃鲁因的海军士官们都忍不住闭上了眼睛。 Deacon Wood looks at this silently. 伍德主祭默默看着这一幕。 Although Yula is unable to see, but cheering of outside mountains call, seas roar has spread to her ear. She is not Aouinian, but wipes the smile to reappear on her face. 尤拉虽然无法看到,但外面山呼海啸的欢呼已经传入她的耳中。她并不是埃鲁因人,但一抹微笑还是浮现在她脸上。 Come on, Aouine.’ ‘加油,埃鲁因。’ But in the frontal battlefield of village, attack Cagliss actually stopped the step suddenly. 但梅达奥村的正面战场上,正在进攻的卡格利斯却忽然停下了步伐。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? He feels a difference from all youngster from Trentheim, is not only they, then the entire White Lion Legion soldiers felt palpitation of this coming from spirit / mind. 他和所有来自托尼格尔年轻人都感到一阵异样,不仅仅是他们,接下来整个白狮军团的士兵们都感到了这种来自于心灵之中的悸动。 Before them, is irresistible Minotaur. White Lion Legion is retreating again and again, under Medusa and dual attack of cavern Lizardmen archer. They had discarded the beforehand most victories in fact. 在他们面前,是势不可挡的牛头人白狮军团正在连连溃退,在美杜莎与洞穴蜥蜴人射手的双重打击之下。他们事实上已经丢掉了之前的大部分战果。 Saw that must come to naught. 眼看一切都要化为泡影。 But a flag mapped their view, that flag seems not the cotton material knitting, but is the gold builds. The show/unfolds of flag in the heavy rain raises. The above white lion lived. 但一面旗帜映入了他们的眼帘,那面旗帜仿佛不是布料编织,而是金子打造的。旗帜在大雨之中展扬。上面的白色雄狮活了过来。 That is Freya. 那是芙蕾雅 Female Knight is holding up this flag, grasps Holy Sword of lion heart, a person crosses everyone, faces directly these to come from the Gorgon Ravine fearful monster. 女骑士一手擎着这旗帜,一手持狮心的圣剑,一人越过所有人,直面那些来自乔根底冈可怕的怪物。 At that moment Scarlett side her, White Lion Legion in her behind. 那一刻就在她身边,白狮军团就在她身后。 His left hand is mountain people, his right hand is the white lion. 他的左手是山民,他的右手是白色的雄狮。 When he forward , without to prevent. 他向前时,无可阻挡。 At that moment the history as if rewrote. 那一刻历史仿佛重写了。 The scene seven centuries ago, seven centuries later reappears in this. 七个世纪前的场景,七个世纪后在此重现。 Their enemies from Kirrlutzian, turned into the devil. The historical subtle coincidence as if made the air vibrate slightly. Everyone felt this coming from palpitation of destiny. 只是他们的敌人从克鲁兹人,变成了恶魔。历史微妙的巧合仿佛让空气都微微震动了起来。每个人都感到了这种来自于命运的悸动。 Freya holds up the long sword. 芙蕾雅举起长剑。 White Lion Legion, listening to me to order, forward attack.” 白狮军团,听我命令,向前进攻。” Even the death, we must die on the path of attack.” “即使是死,我们也要死在进攻的道路上。” Perhaps in the future one day, White Lion can the rebirth from the ashes. Rather than forever extinguishes.” “或许将来有一天,白狮会从灰烬之中重生。而不是永远地熄灭下去。” The Female Knight sound penetrated the curtain of rain clearly, her promise seems a pledge, is similar to First King Eicht before the rules that Lion Heart Sword establishes. At that moment, the miracle happened, Royal Knight Academy NCO students saw surprisedly White Lion Legion battle armour shone slightly. 女骑士的声音清晰地穿透了雨幕,她的许诺就仿佛是一个誓言,就如同先君埃克狮心剑前立下的守则。那一刻,奇迹发生了,王立骑士学院士官生们惊讶地看到白狮军团战甲微微亮了起来。 Then a light golden ray as if drops from the clouds. Then surrounds on each White Lion Legion soldier, finally forms a golden mark. 然后一层淡淡的金色光芒仿佛从天而降。然后环绕在每一名白狮军团的士兵身上,最后形成一个金色的印记。 If Brando here, approximately will recognize, this is the final level mark on White Lion Battle Armour. 如果布兰多在此,大约会认出,这就是白狮战甲上的最后一层印记。 Also is he and Grandmaster Bolu does not have White Lion Legion that legend source —— that of ability the means study 也是他和柏鲁大师怎么也没办法研究出来的白狮军团那个传说之中的能力的源泉—— The lion mark, gives to dress the heroic effect. Wears its army no longer to dread, forever is high-spirited, during will not place under any condition to fall into is flurried. 雄狮印记,赋予穿戴着英勇之效。佩戴它的军队将不再畏惧,永远士气高昂,不会身处任何状况之下而陷入慌乱之中。 The soul of that lion as if resurrected. 那头狮子的灵魂仿佛复活了。 Caglisse raises head, he felt suddenly, in the sky that focused attention on the vision of this place as if to vanish always. Probably first ancient king goes far away, but Aouine has his new successor. 卡格里斯抬起头,他忽然感到,天空上那无时无刻不注目着此地的目光仿佛消失了。就好像先古的君王远去,但埃鲁因已经有了一位他的新的继任者。 Surviving the soldiers of all White Lion Legion send out to angrily roar, launched the attack to several times in their enemies. At this moment the fear with pacing back and forth is not hindrance in their heart, but overcomes all these advances the driving forces. 残存的所有白狮军团的士兵都发出怒吼,向数倍于他们的敌人发起了进攻。这一刻恐惧与彷徨不在是他们心中的阻碍,而是克服这一切前进的动力。 Perhaps although they will suffer a defeat and flee finally, but Aouine and White Lion legend will spread. 虽然或许他们最终将败亡,但埃鲁因白狮的传说将流传下去。 Will never obliterate. 永远不会磨灭。 What a pity Minotaur from Gorgon Ravine will not ponder, otherwise they to certainly face such a have thrown all armies to feel to tremble. But facing these unprecedented human, holds up the great axe that they can do only. 可惜来自乔根底冈牛头人不会思考,否则它们一定会为面对这样一只已经抛却了一切的军队而感到战栗。但面对这些一往无前的人类,它们唯一能做的就是举起巨斧。 Their some are not quite perhaps clear, is defeated obviously, why these human can also so accept confidently. Regarding coming from dark Underground creature, the survival is the only glory. 它们或许有些不太明白,明明是失败,这些人类为什么还能如此坦然地接受。对于来自黑暗地底生物来说,生存就是唯一的荣耀。 Behind Minotaur, Medusa also held up the bow. 牛头人背后,美杜莎们也举起了弓。 Two armies strangle to death loudly in the same place. 两支军队轰然绞杀在一起。 The courage and honor or combined regarding the hope of survival merely at this moment in together, each other no longer separated. Human obtained by the enormous sacrifice shortly with the result that Minotaur refuses to compromise, but with this for the price is to make the loss of person palpitation. 勇气、荣誉或者仅仅是对于生存的渴望这一刻混杂在一起了,彼此不再分开。人类以极大的牺牲短暂地取得了与牛头人僵持的结果,但与此为代价却是令人心悸的损失。 Freya to the forefront, her sword strengthens looks like hindrance —— that can break open numerous 芙蕾雅冲在最前面,她的剑坚定得就像是可以破开重重的阻碍—— Some Scarlett admirations look at the Female Knight back, but she felt that palpitates is not this unprecedented courage, but is the unyielding faith. She knows that for the first time some people can so firm, can not depend upon others also to fight alone. 有些敬佩地看着女骑士的背影,但她感到悸动不是这一往无前的勇气,而是不屈的信念。她第一次知道有人可以如此的坚定,可以不依靠其他人也能独自地战斗下去。 That is the makings that made her believe that she once thinks, only then on Lord Thane had such aura. 那是令她心折的气质,她曾经以为只有领主大人身上才有这样的气息。 But the original girl can also achieve. 但原来一个女孩子也能做到。 Freya back that flash looks like some profound memory, is only the flash, but deeply has printed in her heart. 芙蕾雅的背影那一瞬间就像是某种深刻的记忆,只是一刹那,但已经深深地印在她心中。 Her some hold the sword for her suddenly willingly, paves a way in her body side for her. 她忽然有些心甘情愿地为她持剑,在她身侧为她开辟出一条道路来。 ...... …… Can win?” “能赢吗?” Perhaps is not good.” “恐怕不行。” Wood and crafty fox Makarov and Oberbeck talked briefly. The Great Deacon long body of this Kirrlutzian stands, the aide puts on robe for him immediately. 伍德狡狐马卡罗欧弗韦尔简短地对话。这位克鲁兹人大主祭长身而立,侍从立刻为他披上长袍 Sir Deacon?” 主祭大人?” Aouinian is striving for success for their destinies, speaking frankly said, I must bet one for my destiny and belief.” Wood sighed, replies: Looks merely here, makes me shamefacedly, made Flame King be shamed.” 埃鲁因人在为他们的命运而拼搏,直言不讳的说,我也得为我的命运和信仰赌上一把了。”伍德叹了口气,答道:“仅仅是在这里看着,令我羞愧不已,也令炎之王蒙羞。” But Sir, the devil should the holding back one trick card in a hand, your present make a move words......” “可大人,恶魔应该留了一手底牌,你现在出手的话……” Now does not consider this time.” “现在不是考虑这个的时候了。” Wood replied lightly. 伍德淡淡地答道。 At this time the cabin gate was opened suddenly. Everyone cannot bear frown, has the could it be that following person forgotten to the basic formality flustered continually? 这个时候船舱的门忽然被打开了。所有人都忍不住皱起了眉头,难道下面的人已经慌张到连基本的礼节都忘记了么? They have turned head, actually sees Count of Violet Barry that somewhat strange face. 他们回过头,却看到紫罗兰伯爵巴力那张有些古怪的脸。 They came!” “他们来了!” Who?” “谁?” Scarlett spear thrust Minotaur, has then turned head suddenly. Her holding on front Freya, wrinkled the attractive brow slightly. 枪刺倒一头牛头人,然后忽然回过头。她一把拉住前面的芙蕾雅,微微皱起了好看的眉头。 Scarlett?” ?” Has the thing.” “有东西。” The ground is trembling slightly, quick, everyone felt such slight change. The following White Lion Legion soldier has first turned head. 地面在微微战栗着,很快,所有人都感到了这样细微的变化。后面的白狮军团士兵最先回过头了。 Also has good long a period of time from Dawn. 距离黎明还有好长一段时间 But in the south horizon presented silver light. 但南面的地平线上却出现了一线银光 That is not the dawn. 那不是晨曦。 But is rolling becomes a silver armor continually. The innumerable cavalries are galloping above the hill, they are holding high the flag, same is howling like the sea, is loudly singing Hymn that came from the War of the Holy Saints time. 而是起伏连绵连成一线的银色的铠甲。无数骑兵正在丘陵之上奔腾着,他们高举着旗帜,如同海洋一样呼啸着,高唱着来自于圣者之战时代的圣歌 Is a cavalry!?” “是骑兵!?” Where cavalry this is!” “这是哪里的骑兵!” „Does the south have such army?” “南方还有这样的军队?” Freya frowns slightly, she noticed that a flag leads this army to go forward, sings these she has never been listening to the song, as if came from the army in myth is the same. 芙蕾雅微微皱起了眉头,她看到一面旗帜带领着这支军队前进,唱着那些她从未听过的歌谣,仿佛来自于神话之中的军队一样。 Bugle resounded again, wishing various clans still not to forget Holy Covenant ‘号角再度响起,愿诸族仍未忘记神圣的盟约 Dark wing camouflage sky, but the silver dawn raises as before ‘黑暗的羽翼遮蔽天空,但银色的晨曦依旧升起’ Ancient pledge reverberation in land, clothes Such a as new, the long sword still called ‘古老的誓言回荡于大地,衣甲如新,长剑仍鸣’ Saint on edict, but , the flames of war renews 圣者应谕而至,战火再度燃起’ Above that war flag, pure such as silver sacred lily emblem sparkles nearly dazzlingly. 那战旗之上,一枚纯洁如银的神圣百合徽记闪耀得近乎刺眼。 Silver Elf. 银精灵 They returned to this lands once again. 他们又一次回到了这片土地上。 ...... …… ( Ps: Vol. 3 finished hence,...... feels long suddenly.) ( to be continued ) (ps:第三卷至此结束,……忽然感到好漫长啊。)(未完待续)
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