TMBD :: Volume #5

#485: Competition with time

In primordial chaos, the fierce fight was still continuing. 混沌中,激烈的战斗仍在持续。 The sky, Ao Luan stands on the floating ship, looks that the light sea contracts from Heavenly Palace downward, the life crashes like the meteor. 天空,敖鸾站在浮空船上,看着光海从天宫往下收缩,生命如流星般坠落。 Over a hundred floating ships pass through from her side, unprecedented rushes to up the sea. 上百艘浮空船从她身边穿过,一往无前的奔向光海。 After the shield of heaven was shattered, the part of great bear city cannot block up the sea. 苍天之盾破碎后,天罡城也没能挡住光海。 After the immortal, the mortal controlled the floating ship to withstand/top, the fight turned into a frigid battle of attrition. 在仙人之后,凡人驾驭浮空船顶了上来,战斗变成了一场惨烈的消耗战。 However, such action has not produced enough results. All people who go forward to resist, was swallowed by the light sea. 然而,这样的举动没有产生足够的效果。所有上前抵挡的人,都被光海吞噬。 The people well up, the combustion life displays magic technique, only flickers for the slowing light sea. 众人涌上去,燃烧生命施展法术,只为拖慢光海一瞬。 But they were defeated, rays of light of life often falls from the sky. 但他们都失败了,生命的光芒不时的从天空滑落。 The bursting sound of flame gets stronger and stronger. 火焰的爆裂声越演越烈。 Everywhere is radiance and spitting breath and deck that immortal technique dissipates falls from the floating ship of monster that beast burning hot broken. 漫天都是仙法消散的光华、妖兽炙热的吐息、从浮空船碎落的甲板。 The flame complements a radiance in the eye of Ao Luan, making her flood moved. 火焰在敖鸾的眼中映衬出一层光华,让她心里充斥着伤感。 Fairy maiden.” “仙子。” Some people came up: Here was too dangerous, asking you to retreat!” 有人上来了:“这里太危险了,求您撤退吧!” Ao Luan has turned head, saw in pairs a sad eye. 敖鸾回过头,看到了一双双悲伤的眼睛。 Again how firm will, after innumerable failure, finally I can play a little bit being shattered. 再怎么坚定的意志,在无数次的失败后,终将会一点点的破灭。 The Three Worlds destruction nears, some people have given up resisting. 三界毁灭在即,一些人已经放弃抵抗了。 Ao Luan wants to encourage, to open the mouth, actually does not know that said anything. 敖鸾想要鼓励,张开口,却不知道说些什么。 ?? „...... Withdraw.” ??“……撤。” Finally, Ao Luan closes tightly the tooth, told to evacuate. 最终,敖鸾咬紧牙,吩咐撤离。 Light sea irresistible inclines toward the ground, is seemingly slow, is actually rapid, the roaring flame lights the air the explosive sound, such as billowing thunder. 光海不可阻挡的往地面倾斜,看似缓慢,其实迅速,烈焰点燃空气的爆炸声,如滚滚雷霆。 Under the constriction of destruction, people of ground are also using all evacuation crowds. 毁灭的压迫感之下,地上的人们也在倾尽一切撤离人群。 Hurry up!” “快点!” Leaves here!” “离开这里!” Under of light sea, daoists falls to each village and city, starts the strong winds, is coercing all lives, flies toward the safety belt. 光海的正下方,道士们落到各个村庄、城市,掀起狂风,裹挟着所有生灵,向着安全地带飞去。 In the crowd of evacuation, the making a tearful scene sound is lingering on faintly, everyone felt oncoming of end. 撤离的人群中,哭闹声不绝于耳,所有人都感觉到了末日的来临。 Terrifying sea of fire separate sky, scary heat wave pressure on ground, suddenly, gloomy, flying sand and rocks. 恐怖的火海割裂天空,骇人的热浪压向地面,一时间,天昏地暗,飞沙走石。 We did not have the time.” “我们没有时间了。” Another end of light sea, after protracted battle extremely, Jade Emperor looked at Three Worlds, burning with impatience. 光海的另一端,久战不胜之后,玉帝看了一眼三界,心急如焚。 The speed of sea was too only fast, it quick will destroy Three Worlds, will not give them more time. 光海的速度太快了,它很快就会毁灭三界,不会给他们更多的时间。 Buddha is old!” “佛老!” Jade Emperor looks to the Buddha: Scattered strength could not harm him, we gave the governing younger brother the strength together.” 玉帝看向佛祖:“分散的力量伤害不了他,我们一起把力量交给御弟。” In the Buddha heart moved, understands in his words to have the words, immediately nodded. 佛祖心中一动,听懂了他话里有话,当即点头。 Sun Wukong.” 孙悟空。” He makes noise saying: I give you strength now.” 他出声说道:“我现在就把力量交给你。” Rushing rays of light and on Jade Emperor erupts from him, rays of light unprecedented blazing, tilts primordial chaos, just like the livelihood magnificently. 澎湃的光芒从他和玉帝身上爆发,光芒前所未有的炽热,掀动混沌,辉煌犹如日月。 Two people stake everything on a single throw of the dice, does not have other means again, can only collect the strength on strongest Sun Wukong. 两人孤注一掷,再也没有别的办法,只能把力量汇集在最强的孙悟空身上。 Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” The giants stretch out the giant palm, hoodwinks the public, puts out a hand to prevent. 巨人伸出巨掌,只手遮天,伸手想要阻止。 Before his great hand arrives, the Buddha and Jade Emperor aura rises sharply, suddenly became gold/metal silver coins to say rays of light. 然而在他的巨手抵达前,佛祖和玉帝两人气息大涨,忽然变为了一金一银两道光芒 He was swindled!” “他上当了!” In golden light broadcasts the Jade Emperor sound: Walks!” 金光中传来玉帝的声音:“走!” The Buddha avatar silver light on, the innumerable attack howls accordingly is following. 佛祖化身的银光应声而上,数不清的攻击呼啸着紧随其后。 The enormous and powerful prestige, shocked the primordial chaos space. 浩荡的声威,震撼了混沌空间。 Giants one startled, has not responded, then compared with the Three Worlds huge body outside, was also covered by gold and silver two rays of light unexpectedly layer upon layer. 巨人一惊,还没反应过来,那比三界还庞大的身躯外面,竟被金银两道光芒层层笼罩。 How can.” “怎么会。” The giant peripheral blood light is rapid. 巨人周边血光迅速衰弱。 immortal light and buddhist aura that the Buddha and Jade Emperor change to each other twine, endless magical power congealed an indestructible chains, gold and silver interwove intensely bright. 佛祖和玉帝化作的仙光佛光彼此缠绕,无尽的法力凝成了一条坚不可摧的锁链,金银交织、耀眼夺目。 The chains locked in the giant, appointed he angrily roars to struggle in void, the blood light corrodes unceasingly, is still unable to work loose. 锁链锁住了巨人,任他在虚空中怒吼挣扎,血光不断侵蚀,依然无法挣脱。 This chains is a Buddha supremely the shackles, contained the unsurpassed strength and will. 这锁链是道佛至尊所化的牢笼,蕴含了无上的力量与意志。 In order to prevent the giant works loose, Jade Emperor and Buddha combustion magical power, used the whole body skills. 为了防止巨人挣脱,玉帝和佛祖燃烧法力,使出了全身解数。 The whole heaven's immortals and buddhas empty shadow appears, recited the incantation in primordial chaos, making giant chains tighter. 漫天仙佛的虚影浮现,在混沌中吟唱咒文,让巨人身上的锁链越勒越紧。 He cannot move, angrily roars again and again. 他动弹不得,怒吼连连。 Govern younger brother, begins quickly!” “御弟,快动手!” Jade Emperor called out loudly: He cannot move now.” 玉帝大声叫道:“他现在动不了。” How long we cannot delay!” “我们拖延不了多久!” The Buddha also said. 佛祖也说道。 Sun Wukong will not miss any opportunity, the Gold-Banded Cudgel brilliance exceedingly high penetrating place. 孙悟空不会错过任何机会,金箍棒的光辉通天彻地。 The long stick turned into the startled day rainbow, enormous and powerful boundless, such as rushes to the rivers and streams that wells up, howls is pounding to the giant. 长棒化成了惊天长虹,浩荡无边,如奔涌的江河,呼啸着砸向巨人。 Angrily roars from the giant mouth spreads, he struggles desperately, the right hand worked loose from the chains, caught this stick. 一声怒吼从巨人嘴里传出,他拼死挣扎,右手从锁链中挣脱,接住了这一棒。 Bang!”, Gold-Banded Cudgel pounds from top to bottom layer on layer/heavily on the great manpower, has not actually broken through. “轰!”的一声,金箍棒从上而下重重砸在巨人手上,却没有突破。 Had not finished!” “还没结束!” The Sun Wukong's anger flaming combustion, the one of the halo from him blooms layer upon layer, is very radiant, is unapproachable. 孙悟空的怒火熊熊燃烧,光环从他背后一层层绽放,无比璀璨、无可匹敌。 The golden flame falls in torrents from the halo, twines on Gold-Banded Cudgel, the Gold-Banded Cudgel strength rises suddenly crazily. 金色火焰从光环倾泻而出,缠绕在金箍棒上,金箍棒的力量疯狂暴涨。 Gold-Banded Cudgel little downward crush. 金箍棒一点点的向下碾压。 Too late!” “太晚了!” The giants closely grip Gold-Banded Cudgel, full power support: You were doomed unable to save Three Worlds!” 巨人紧紧握住金箍棒,全力支撑:“你们注定拯救不了三界!” However his right hand is breaking. 然而他的右手正在破碎。 Jade Emperor and Buddha sustained combustion magical power, chains rays of light greatly rises, interlocks the contraction, surrounds the giant thoroughly. 玉帝和佛祖持续燃烧法力,锁链光芒大盛,交错收缩,把巨人彻底困住。 Dies!” “去死吧!” Sun Wukong increased the strength again. 孙悟空再一次加大了力量。 Regarding four people, this is a competition, competition with time. 对于四人来说,这都是一场比赛,与时间的比赛。
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