TMBD :: Volume #5

#486: She is more appropriate than us

Elder brother! ” 兄长!” Ao Luan stands in the edge of floating ship, looks up to the vault of heaven, even is widely separated by ten thousand li (5,000 km), Sun Wukong's physique radiant such as beginning. 敖鸾站在浮空船的边缘,仰望苍穹,即使远隔万里,孙悟空的身姿璀璨如初。 However, the light sea has fallen on the Three Worlds surface. 然而,光海已经落在了三界地表。 The land shivers in the flame, city everything may become vulnerable, the fissure appears above the timeless land together, from south to north, as if goes nonstop to the horizon. 大地在火光之中颤动,城池地动山摇,一道裂痕出现在亘古不变的陆地之上,自南往北,似乎直通天际。 Boundless rays of light and mist and dust mixed explosion, like instantaneous trillion volcanic eruptions, sound crowded terrifying. 无边光芒与烟尘混杂爆炸,如同瞬间亿万火山喷发,声响密集恐怖。 The violent explosion raises the strong mist and dust, blocks the sky, collapse flying the stone explodes shoots the thousand li (500 km). 猛烈的爆炸掀起浓重烟尘,遮天蔽日,崩飞的土石爆射千里。 Under the endless light sea impact, the land was severed by the terrifying light sea, a stretch of giant land, in fierce trembled to thunder to fly. 在无尽光海冲击下,大地被恐怖的光海切断,一片巨大的陆地,在剧烈的震颤轰鸣中飞了出去。 On the land some people use up hiss in the bottom great shout, the hoarse weeping voice was covered by the deafening collapsing sound, extinguishes in primordial chaos. 陆地上有人竭嘶底里地大声呼喊,嘶哑的哭腔被震耳欲聋的坍塌声掩盖,消弭于混沌之中。 Three Worlds must destroy!” 三界要毁灭了!” Countless people look that the land splits in the light sea, felt the fear of thorough marrow. 无数人看着大地在光海中分裂,都感受到了深入骨髓的恐惧。 Really can no one save them? 难道真的没有人能拯救他们吗? No, is not right, they have a hope that only remains. 不,不对,他们还有仅剩的一道希望。 Heavenly Emperor.” 天帝。” Heavenly Emperor!” 天帝!” Countless people look at the vision to primordial chaos, wanting to pin on that Heavenly Emperor. 无数人把目光望向混沌,把希望寄托在了那位天帝身上。 Sun Wukong, gives up struggling!” 孙悟空,放弃挣扎吧!” primordial chaos, the buddha beads opened the mouth to call out: Three Worlds soon to destroy!” 混沌界,佛珠开口叫道:“三界马上就要毁灭了!” I have the move!” “我还有招数!” Sun Wukong closes tightly the root, whole body rays of light blooms, essence and blood depart from him, fly high to change into innumerable avatar. 孙悟空咬紧牙根,浑身光芒绽放,一道道精血从他身上飞出,凌空化为无数化身 This is......” “这是……” The giants see these avatar, the complexion fiercely great change. 巨人看见那些化身,脸色猛地巨变。 These avatar aura terrors, are quite similar to the method of his avatar. 这些化身气息恐怖,与他的化身之法极为相似。 You are truant my cultivation technique!” “你偷学我的功法!” The giants are angry. 巨人大怒。 Sun Wukong had not replied, the endless avatar formation, changes to rays of light to flush away to the giant. 孙悟空没有回答,无尽化身成型,化作光芒向巨人冲去。 That each avatar, like heavenly way blasting open, the shock-wave of destruction attacks the giant unceasingly, sweeps across primordial chaos, he could not block again. 那每一道化身,都如同天道炸裂,毁灭的冲击波不断冲击巨人,席卷混沌,他再也挡不住了。 The body of giant starts shatter. 巨人的身体开始破碎。 Dies!” “去死吧!” Sun Wukong holds up the sparkle Gold-Banded Cudgel, then wields again under. 孙悟空举起闪耀的金箍棒,而后再次一挥而下。 The whole body strength changes to the roaring flame to be glorious, burns the good body, the terrifying aura of sending out, is at any time more powerful. 浑身的力量化作烈焰光辉,燃遍棒身,散发的恐怖气息,比任何时候都要强大。 He loudly shouts, just like the ding of great antiquity, the prestige even exceeds up the tide. 他大喝一声,宛若洪荒之钟声,声威甚至超越光潮。 Of bang, Gold-Banded Cudgel put out a hand to block by the giant, the blasting sweeps across. 轰的一声,金箍棒又被巨人伸手挡住,炸裂声席卷而过。 The primordial chaos distortion ebullition, the voice spreads over from all walks of life, does not subside. 混沌扭曲沸腾,声浪传遍各界,迟迟不平息。 The giant huge right hand in roaring flame shatter. 巨人庞大的右手在烈焰中破碎。 Sun Wukong!” 孙悟空!” It sends out to angrily roar: Your anything is not clear.” 它发出怒吼:“你根本什么都不明白。” Sun Wukong adds the strength on big hand, the right hand smashing of giant. 孙悟空加大手上的力道,把巨人的右手粉碎。 Under the giant anger, the right hand of smashing explodes projects the endless blood light, attacks to Sun Wukong. 巨人愤怒之下,粉碎的右手爆射出无尽血光,攻向孙悟空 Sun Wukong by these blood light shoots , the chest was cracked, puts out a blood, backed up two steps. 孙悟空被那些血光射中,胸口开裂,吐出一口鲜血,倒退了两步。 in that moment, in the Sun Wukong eye suddenly radiance roaming Zhuan, the illusory images of ancient world present in his eyeground. 那一瞬间,孙悟空眼中忽然光华游转,一个个古老世界的幻影在他眼底呈现出来。 Whether there is there has the small and weak world, completely is also magnificent, the endless glory world. 那里有弱小的世界、也有无尽辉煌、无尽荣耀的世界。 primordial chaos huge and makes him be inconceivable vastly. 混沌的庞大与浩瀚让他难以想象。 However, how the magnificent world, cannot escape from the result of destruction again finally. 然而,再怎么辉煌的世界,最终都逃不出毁灭的结局。 After strange fluctuations, the world will destroy. 一道道诡异的波动之后,世界都将毁灭。 Hundred million lives died surely, does not leave the slight trace. 千万亿的生命死去,不留丝毫痕迹。 Three Worlds should be ordinary with these world, accepts the established destiny.” 三界理应和那些世界一般,接受既定的命运。” The voice of giant resounds in the Sun Wukong ear. 巨人的声音在孙悟空耳边响起。 Gave up any idea of that vacillates me!” “休想动摇我!” Sun Wukong awakens from the illusory image, the look is angry, wields a stick again. 孙悟空从幻影中惊醒,神色大怒,再次挥出一棒。 „The Three Worlds destiny, should not decide by you!” 三界的命运,不该由你决定!” Of bang, giant whole body disruption, the fireworks of fragment at like celebration in the primordial chaos flaming combustion. 轰的一声,巨人浑身碎裂,碎片如同庆典上的焰火在混沌界熊熊燃烧。 That is without parallel in history grand magnificent, crashes toward Three Worlds just like the smoke and fire general spark. 那是空前绝后的盛大华丽,宛若烟火一般的火花往三界坠落。 Sun Wukong, you perhaps are we have met most powerful Heavenly Emperor.” 孙悟空,你也许是我们遇到过的最强大的天帝。” In primordial chaos, the immortal soul of giant crushes rapidly. 混沌中,巨人的仙魂迅速粉碎。 However he before the smashing, pierced the Sun Wukong's chest with the final blood light: But you said that the destiny of all living things should not decide by me, that should decide by you!?” 然而他在粉碎前,用最后的血光刺穿了孙悟空的胸口:“可你说众生的命运不该由我决定,那就该由你决定吗!?” No.” “不。” Sun Wukong chest dropping blood. 孙悟空胸口滴落鲜血。 I will make them decide.” “我会让他们决定。” He is saying in a soft voice, the body immediately the exploded impact raises flies, changes to the flowing light to drop Three Worlds. 他轻声说着,身子随即被爆炸的冲击掀飞,化作流光落下三界 In the final line of sight, he noticed that the immortal soul of giant changed into the ash to fly in the flame, almost anything not remaining. 在最后的视线中,他看到巨人的仙魂在火焰中化为了灰飞,几乎什么都不剩下。 Success.” “成功了。” Sun Wukong closes the eye slowly. 孙悟空缓缓闭上眼睛。 Cut and bruised he sends rays of light to pass through primordial chaos, falls to Three Worlds. 遍体鳞伤的他发着光芒穿越混沌,落向三界 Three Worlds, sacrificed several thousand avatar in Resplendent Azure Great Emperor that in the light sea fought, finally lived with Gou Chen together. 三界,在光海中战斗的青华大帝牺牲了数千化身,最终与勾陈一起活了下来。 The buddha beads die, no one controlled the light sea again. 佛珠一死,就没有人再控制光海了。 The light sea after tearing the land stopped the advance, the flame of combustion gradually becomes does not have the light gloomily, to disperses in all directions. 光海在撕裂大地后停止了前进,燃烧的火光逐渐变得暗淡无光,向四面八方飞散。 Great misfortune ended.” “大劫结束了。” The Qinghua Great Emperor takes back shatter Nine Colored Lotus, then looks to Gou Chen: Gou Chen, are you good?” 清华大帝收回破碎的九色彩莲,回头看向勾陈:“勾陈,你还好吗?” Fortunately.” “还好。” Gou Chen lost an eye, but he is very happy looks at the sky: Your majesty defeated that monster really!” 勾陈失去了一只眼睛,但他还是很高兴的看着天空:“陛下果真战胜了那个怪物!” How or is he Heavenly Emperor?” “要不他怎么是天帝呢?” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor looks rays of light that in primordial chaos crashes, just wants to greet, has rays of light together to be quicker than him. 青华大帝看着混沌中坠落的光芒,刚想去迎接,却有一道光芒比他更快。 Sees that to say rays of light, Resplendent Azure Great Emperor holds on Gou Chen, making him who is just about to fly also stop. 看见那道光芒,青华大帝拉住勾陈,让正要飞起的他也停了下来。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Gou Chen asked. 勾陈问道。 She is more appropriate than us.” “她比我们合适。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor replied. 青华大帝回答。
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