TMBD :: Volume #5

#484: Returning safe and sound

Flame sparkle in horizon. 火光闪耀在天际。 Vast rays of light wells up toward Three Worlds. 浩瀚的光芒向着三界涌来。 The flame of blasting open twisted the space, so long as some people approach, will change to the flame. 炸裂的火焰扭曲了空间,只要有人靠近,就会化作火光。 Tens of thousands of immortals want to prevent it, the light sea had not actually been affected, instead is even more blazing. 成千上万的仙人想要阻止它,光海却没有受到丝毫影响,反而越发炽热。 The firing line continuously, the light sea crosses the sky, spread the Three Worlds surrounding. 火线连绵不断,光海横贯天空,蔓延到了三界外围。 Everyone feels the terrifying the pressure. 所有人都感觉到恐怖的压力。 But no one gives up attacking. 但没有人放弃攻击。 The crowd takes place of the fallen to fly to the light sea. 人群前仆后继向光海飞去。 The Daoist believers have only delimited the sky surely, such as the vast group star raises from the ground. 千万道流光划过天空,就如浩瀚群星从地面升起。 The primordial chaos deep place, Sun Wukong passed through the light sea. 混沌深处,孙悟空穿越了光海。 Another end of light sea, the space is great. 光海的另一端,空间广阔无垠。 The huge giant overlooks them, just like unattainable Spiritual God. 庞大巨人俯视他们,宛如高不可攀的神灵。 He had expected that they will come, the immortal soul sends out rays of light, gradually concentrates to be solid. 他早已预料到他们会来,仙魂发出光芒,逐渐凝实起来。 For trillion years, primordial chaos a gloomy nihility, was actually lightened by him like the daytime throughout at this moment. 亿万年来,混沌始终一片暗淡虚无,此刻却被他点亮如白昼。 Giant who the buddha beads turn into, the facial features are like the Buddha, actually the whole body blood light, sends out the terrifying pressure on just like the essence. 佛珠化成的巨人,面容与佛祖一样,却周身血光,散发恐怖的威压犹如实质。 He stands erect void, the body is huger than Three Worlds, before him, is tiny like the dust. 他屹立虚空,身躯比三界还庞大,在他面前,一切都渺小如尘埃。 Why must destroy Three Worlds.” “为何要毁灭三界。” Sun Wukong asked. 孙悟空问道。 For the tranquility of primordial chaos, all lives must keep Three Worlds.” “为了混沌的宁静,所有生灵都必须留在三界。” Buddha beads reply: „The spark of your will, will bring troubled to primordial chaos.” 佛珠回答:“你们意志的火花,会给混沌带来纷扰。” Really is the selfish reason.” “真是自私的理由。” Jade Emperor said. 玉帝说道。 The buddha beads have no idle talk, pressed with the giant palm. 佛珠没有任何废话,用巨掌压了过来。 A that seemingly optional palm, great incomparable, included several hundred li (0.5 km) primordial chaos, fills with the aura of destruction. 那看似随意的一掌,宏大无比,囊括了数百里的混沌,充满毁灭的气息。 Jade Emperor and Buddha release vast immortal light immediately, changes to the immortal big dragon, angrily roars is breaking to the giant palm. 玉帝与佛祖立即释放出浩瀚仙光,化作不朽的巨龙,怒吼着向巨掌冲入。 immortal light and blood light collides, sends out rumble the sound annihilation. 仙光与血光碰撞,发出轰隆隆的响声湮灭。 also fine.” 也罢。” The Sun Wukong whole body ignites golden light, takes Gold-Banded Cudgel to rush. 孙悟空浑身燃起金光,拿着金箍棒冲了上去。 Only flickers, his tiny form appears in the giant top of the head. 只一瞬,他渺小的身影就出现在巨人头顶。 Among the strength circulations, huge Dharma Idol World launches instantaneously. 力量流转间,巨大的法相天地瞬间展开。 Sun Wukong changes to the big giant similarly, a stick pounds down in the sky, the potential such as moves mountains, twists to break to pieces all rays of light. 孙悟空同样化作高大巨人,当空一棒砸下,势如排山倒海,绞碎所有光芒 The giants are going against the attacks of two Heavenly Lord, actually does not make concessions, shakes the fist to welcome toward the Sun Wukong's long stick. 巨人顶着两位天尊的攻击,却一点也不退让,向着孙悟空的长棒挥拳迎上。 Several entirely different powerful aura hit instantly in the same place, the space dent was shattered, exudes the sad and shrill howl. 几股截然不同的强大气息霎时撞在一起,空间塌陷破碎,发出凄厉啸声。 The fight launches instantaneously, four people attacked the place of passing over gently and swiftly, immortal light flow, blustery. 战斗瞬间展开,四人攻击掠过之处,仙光流动,风起云涌。 In primordial chaos, the unsurpassed prestige can blooming dazzling rays of light, the endless sword rain proliferate entire primordial chaos. 混沌中,无上威能绽放耀眼光芒,无尽剑雨遍布整个混沌 The Sun Wukong three people of rainstorm attacks, fall on the giant. 孙悟空三人暴雨般的攻击,落在巨人身上。 However the giant withstands these attacks, the immortal soul returns safe and sound. 然而巨人承受这些攻击,仙魂毫发无伤。 He fights, while said: Your courage are worth admiring, the world that but you see is insignificant, the broadness of primordial chaos is unable to weigh, even you most intelligent wisdom, is unable really to understand clearly.” 他一边战斗,一边说道:“你们的勇气值得敬佩,但你们所见的世界不过是沧海一粟,混沌的广阔无法衡量,即便你们最聪明的智慧,也无法洞悉真实。” That how?” “那又如何?” Sun Wukong was hit by a palm, the strength of permeating body destruction, is injured immediately. 孙悟空被一掌击中,毁灭之力渗入身体,当即受了轻伤。 He holds up the long stick, the Gold-Banded Cudgel brilliance sparkle, whole body immortal article rupturing. 他举起长棒,金箍棒光辉闪耀,周身仙文爆裂。 This does not stop the advance the reason!” “这不是停下前进的理由!” Hundred li (0.5 km) long thick length stick, just like the heavy hammer the same as pound on the giant. 百里长的粗大长棒,犹如重锤一样砸在巨人身上。 Stupid!” “愚蠢!” The giants brandish the long-range punch. 巨人挥舞长拳。 Two people rays of light interwine, the stick shadow fist wind collision annihilates, is in charge to pat like the mountain blood-color, quick finding it hard to cope with. 两人的光芒交织在一起,棍影拳风碰撞湮灭,又有如山的血色掌印拍下,快的应接不暇。 Govern younger brother, rubbish to make anything with him!” “御弟,跟他废话做什么!” Two vigorous aura break open primordial chaos, attacks toward the giant. 两股蓬勃的气息破开混沌,朝巨人攻去。 That is golden rune, with a azure great sword, in shining, implication world grand way, the energy destroys a side world sufficiently. 那是一枚金色符文,和一把青色巨剑,流光溢彩之中,蕴含天地大道,能量足以毁灭一方世界。 Our destinies, are not one's turn him to take responsibility!” “我们的命运,轮不到他做主!” Jade Emperor controls Sky Sword to say. 玉帝驾驭天剑说道。 Sky Sword is exuding the colored glaze brilliance, is coercing the unsurpassed prestige energy, the aura terrifying. 天剑泛着琉璃光彩,裹挟着无上威能,气息恐怖。 In the sword has to cut all wills, destroys the hardest defenses, everywhere one visit, all were cut as two halves. 剑中有斩开一切的意志,无坚不摧,所到之处,一切都被斩为两半。 The primordial chaos space was cut the fearful opening, for a very long time cannot heal. 混沌空间被斩开可怕的口子,久久不能愈合。 In the tangled warfare, spreads the thunderclap impact noise, the terrifying shock-wave sweeps across primordial chaos unceasingly, explodes dazzling rays of light. 混战中,传出炸雷般的撞击声,恐怖的冲击波不断席卷混沌,爆开刺目光芒 Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” The broad singing in praise of the Buddha resounds through void, no killing intent, only then mercy. 恢弘的梵音响彻虚空,没有一丝杀意,只有慈悲度化。 Only one rune, buddhist aura is pure, evolves trillion Buddha principles, even the giants are tempered with a sense of caution. 只一枚符文,佛光纯净无边,其中演化亿万佛理,连巨人都心生警惕。 I protect you.” “我来护你们。” Tathagata is saying, rune follows the Jade Emperor Sky Sword, attacks to the giant. 如来说着,符文追随玉帝的天剑,攻向巨人。 Two attack twinkling already. 两道攻击瞬息已至。 Golden rune rays of light rises sharply, changes into a sturdy chains. Directly penetration blood light, brand mark on the skin of giant. 金色符文光芒大涨,化为一条粗壮锁链。径直穿透血光,烙印在巨人的皮肤上。 The azure great sword a sword cuts immediately. 青色巨剑随即一剑斩下。 The giants angry roar, the strong blood light was cut by a sword, the great sword chops into the giant body. 巨人怒吼一声,浓重血光被一剑斩开,巨剑劈入巨人身体。 On the giants drops a drop of essence and blood, boundless primordial chaos stirred surges, just like the difficult situation. 巨人身上落下一滴精血,无边混沌被搅的翻腾不已,犹如惊涛骇浪。 Struggles again does not have the significance, you could not have prevented my gold/metal band.” “再挣扎也没有意义,你们已经阻止不了我的金箍。” The wound of buddha beads vanished quickly. 佛珠的伤口很快就消失了。 Sun Wukong sees Three Worlds in the fight, the frightened discovery, that sea has only appeared in 33 Heavens. 孙悟空在战斗中看到三界,才惊悚的发现,那光海已经出现在了三十三重天 How can.” “怎么会。” Jade Emperor and Buddha are startled. 玉帝和佛祖吃了一惊。 I absorbed your part of strengths.” “我吸收了你们一部分力量。” The giants launch the giant palm, said: You more attack me, it contracts is quicker.” 巨人展开巨掌,说道:“你们越是攻击我,它收缩越快。” In his words, the light sea such as a sharp blade of flame, the incision horizon, falls to Three Worlds. 在他的话语中,光海如一柄火焰的利刃,切开天际,向三界落去。 Gou Chen and Resplendent Azure Great Emperor retreat in 33 Heavens. 勾陈青华大帝退守在三十三重天 In their sides, is celestial troops and generals that Heavenly King Li leads. 在他们的身边,是李天王率领的天兵天将 That tiny and brave marching clouds, welcomed the light sea to rush over- 那支渺小而勇敢的行军云,迎着光海冲了过去- Prevents it!” “阻止它!” Heavenly King Li is roaring, turns toward the light sea to move forward to meet somebody with celestial troops and generals together. 李天王怒吼着,与天兵天将一起向着光海迎了上去。 In front of the gold/metal band, all defenses appears frail tiny.” “在金箍面前,一切防御都显得脆弱渺小。” The giants wield the giant palm, attacks the Sun Wukong three people with the words unceasingly. 巨人挥下巨掌,不断用话语打击孙悟空三人。 The part of great bear city, the innumerable light lighten, the Three Worlds sharpest life rushes to 33 Heavens to resist in abundance together. 天罡城,无数光点亮起,三界最精锐的生灵纷纷冲上三十三重天一起抵挡。 These artificial great misfortune struggle for many years, is determined, knew that goes forward to die, should still not dread. 这些人为大劫而奋斗多年,信念坚定,自知上前必死,依然不会畏惧。 33 Heavens, the shield of rays of light circulation heaven, the strength of thick regelation protection is solid, unprecedented solid powerful. 三十三重天,苍天之盾光芒流转,守护之力厚重凝实,前所未有的坚实强大。 Everyone's at heart, wanting to pin on above. 所有人的心里,都把希望寄托在上面。 Heavenly King Li pagoda rays of light is blazing, under the support of innumerable life, the shield of radiance ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) heaven, exudes buzz the whining noise low and deep. 李天王的宝塔光芒炽烈,在数不清的生灵的支撑下,苍天之盾光华万丈,发出低沉嗡鸣声。 The sea of fire and day shield gradually contact, the time especially seems to be long. 火海与天盾逐渐接触,时间仿佛格外漫长。 next moment, on the shield of heaven erupted the innumerable flames. 下一刻,苍天之盾上爆发了无数的火光。 The people look that the shield of heaven presents the fissure instantaneously. 众人看着苍天之盾瞬间出现裂痕。 Rushing that countless people take place of the fallen, wants to fill the fissure. 无数人前仆后继的冲上去,想要填补裂痕。 However, they are unable to save the situation. 然而,他们无力回天。 The shield of heaven bursts rapidly, smashing. 苍天之盾迅速破裂,粉碎。 A series of rays of light bloom in the sky, the loud sound spreads over Three Worlds loudly. 一连串的光芒绽放在天空,轰然巨响传遍三界 Look, is late.” “看吧,已经迟了。” primordial chaos, the giant palm of giant was blocked by Sun Wukong's Gold-Banded Cudgel. 混沌界,巨人的巨掌被孙悟空的金箍棒挡住了。 He does not care, icy say/way: You could not rescue Three Worlds.” 他并不在意,冷冰冰的道:“你们救不了三界。” You-” “你-” The Jade Emperor both eyes scarlet anger bursts out, whole body sending out immeasurable invincible might, aura terrifying. 玉帝双目赤红怒火迸发,周身散发无量神威,气息恐怖。 His angry Sky Sword coerces as powerful as a thunderbolt, chops to cut to go forward, a sword cuts the sea, cuts off void, falls on the giant, actually cannot cut him. 他愤怒的天剑裹挟雷霆万钧,向前劈斩而去,一剑划破界海,斩断虚空,落在巨人身上,却没能斩开他。 Giant blood light exceedingly high penetrating place. 巨人身上血光通天彻地。 He was too strong, what kind of attack regardless of comes, will not present the mortal wound. 他太强了,无论受到怎样的攻击,都不会出现致命伤。
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