TMBD :: Volume #5

#483: This I'm off

Buddha beads exceedingly indignant. 佛珠无比愤怒。 Consumed his whole body essence and blood avatar unexpectedly before arriving in Three Worlds is destroyed. 耗费他浑身精血的化身竟然在抵达三界前就被毁灭了。 Impenetrably thickheaded!” “冥顽不灵!” He is angry, the body spurts the thin immeasurable light, the aura penetration blood-color space, entire primordial chaos seethes with excitement. 他大怒着,身上喷薄无量光,气息穿透血色空间,整个混沌都沸腾起来。 The great strength runs out from his within the body, the buddha beads surface like the egg shell dehiscence, in the crack projects the red light, probably anything is working loose. 宏大的力量从他的体内冲出,佛珠表面如蛋壳般开裂,裂缝中射出红光,像是什么东西正在挣脱出来。 The brand-new accident attracted the attention of Jade Emperor. 全新的变故吸引了玉帝的注意。 What is that?” “那是什么?” The Jade Emperor appearance looks dignifiedly. 玉帝面目凝重看去。 „It seems like wants jade entirely burn.” “看起来像是要玉石俱焚。” Buddha reply. 佛祖回答。 Finishing speaking. 话音刚落。 Bang!”, The great waves soar to the heavens, primordial chaos explodes wells up. “轰!”的一声,浪涛冲天,混沌爆涌。 The body of buddha beads could not withstand, blasts open one group of fireballs. 佛珠的身体承受不住,炸裂成了一团火球。 The straight and bright flame is centered on the fireball, in blood-color space deployment, becomes a dazzling halo. 笔直而明亮的火焰以火球为中心,在血色空间展开,变为一个耀眼的光环。 That looks like the full moon that round flame accomplishes. 那就像是一轮火焰造就的圆月。 The full moon appears, radiance soars to the heavens, extreme hold Lie. 圆月出现,光华冲霄,极度盛烈。 He and he from exploding!” “他、他自爆了!” numerous immortals holds breath cold air. 众仙倒吸一口凉气。 How looks to be a bit like gold/metal Guer.” “怎么看起来有点像是金箍儿。” The Buddha look at that halo, knits the brows slightly. 佛祖看着那道光环,微微皱眉。 He has three gold/metal band, is so the shape like the full moon, splendid light sparkles. 他有三个金箍儿,也是这般形如满月,华光闪耀。 But how the great misfortune buddha beads will have gold/metal Guer. 但大劫佛珠怎么会有金箍儿。 The Buddha frown. 佛祖皱起眉头。 Strange, that buddha beads and his look, why does magical treasure look like similarly very much? 奇怪,那佛珠和他相貌相似也就罢了,为什么法宝都很像? His heart has the doubts, actually shakes the head, now does not think these times. 他心有疑惑,却还是摇头,现在不是想这些的时候。 Circular magical treasure are too many, mostly is only accidental. 圆形的法宝太多,多半只是偶然。 No matter what...... 但不管怎样…… That should be the final great misfortune.” “那应该是最后的大劫了。” The Buddha said. 佛祖说道。 The buddha beads from exploding, it is estimated that did not have other magic technique again. 佛珠自爆了,估计再也没有其他法术 So long as blocks this wave, Three Worlds was safe.” “只要拦住这一波,三界就安全了。” Jade Emperor is of one mind, immediately with the Buddha together, the entire god prepares. 玉帝心有灵犀,立刻与佛祖一起,全神准备起来。 The blood-color space, the full moon inflates. 血色空间,圆月膨胀开来。 No one knows when it can come. 没人知道它什么时候会过来。 However next moment, the line of principle flashes passes, the full moon vanished suddenly. 然而下一刻,法则之线一闪即逝,圆月忽然消失了。 numerous immortals is one startled, has not responded, the vast light sea appears in together at present. 众仙都是一惊,还没反应过来,一道浩瀚的光海出现在了眼前。 Endless rays of light comes in waves in primordial chaos, that light sea just like racing wells up the tsunami tide, dazzling. 无尽光芒混沌中滚滚而来,那光海犹如奔涌的海啸浪潮,璀璨夺目。 The wave crest blows out bunch of dazzling flash, such as sky India and celestial mountain are generally huge. 潮头爆出一团团耀眼的闪光,就如天空的佛国和仙山一般庞大。 But each luminous spot, is a monster beast. 而每一个光点,都是一只妖兽。 The light sea wells up, some as if innumerable monster beasts angry roar in inside, limitless, is to the utmost radiant. 光海涌来,仿佛有无数妖兽在里面怒吼,无边无际,极尽璀璨。 Hiss, the people attract an cold air/Qi again. 嘶的一声,众人再吸一口冷气。 It comes was too quick, in an instant on rushing front. 它来的太快了,转眼就冲到面前。 Prevents them!” “阻止他们!” Some people push to the front to the light sea flush away, follow closely to come, is an earth-shaking pitiful yell sound. 有人一马当先向光海冲去,紧随而来的,是一声惊天动地的惨叫声。 That person crashes from primordial chaos, the golden flame flaming is burning, proliferates whole body. 那人从混沌中坠落,金色火焰熊熊燃烧着,遍布全身上下。 numerous immortals wants to extinguish his flame, actually anything cannot achieve, can only visit him to fall from the sky. 众仙想要熄灭他身上的火焰,却什么也做不到,只能看着他陨落。 This is anything!” “这是什么!” They are pale. 他们脸色苍白。 Imprisonment.” “禁锢。” Buddha reply. 佛祖回答。 In a flash, he saw through the strength of light sea. 只是一瞬间,他就看穿了光海的力量。 It can imprison the strength, in the meantime, destroys all. 它能禁锢力量,同时,毁灭一切。 This is the end.” “这是终结。” In the light sea has the sound to say. 光海中有声音说道。 The innumerable monster beasts follow the light sea to go toward the celestial mountain India crush, have the buddha beads complete strength, surrounding area trillion li (0.5 km) primordial chaos are twisted collapse. 无数妖兽伴随光海向着仙山佛国碾压而去,带有佛珠全部的力量,方圆亿万里的混沌都被扭曲坍塌。 numerous immortals uses all stops, actually full is the futile effort. 众仙倾尽一切阻拦,却满是徒劳。 Only the sea every touches the entity one time, will curl up the powerful shock-wave, surroundings primordial chaos simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform tumbles, all combustion completely. 光海每一次碰触到实体,就会卷起强大的冲击波,周围混沌齐齐翻滚起来,把一切燃烧殆尽。 This is only a broad battlefield corner. 这只是广阔战场的一个角落。 In the Three Worlds back, in the earth-shaking fulmination sound, the light sea covered the trim sky. 三界的背后,惊天动地的爆鸣声之中,光海笼罩了整片天空。 The mortals in ground can see that fearful light sea, gradually presses to the ground. 地面的凡人都能看到那可怕的光海,逐渐向地面压下来。 This light sea is trillion li (0.5 km), surrounds entire Three Worlds. 这光海长达亿万里,把整个三界都环绕在内。 The Buddha and Jade Emperor face, but is the corner/horn of vast light sea. 佛祖和玉帝所面对的,不过是浩瀚光海的一角。 Light walrus imprisonment, unceasingly inward contraction, explosive sound shattering eardrum of collision. 光海像个禁锢,不断向内收缩,碰撞的爆炸声震裂耳膜。 It is giant, seems like the speed of contraction is not quick, actually actually quick scary. 它巨大无比,看起来收缩的速度不快,实际却快的吓人。 Regardless of anyone wells up to prevent, so long as stains 1 points, will turn into sparks/Mars to crash, combustion completely. 无论什么人涌过去阻止,但只要沾上一点,就会变成火星坠落,燃烧殆尽。 A Three Worlds flurry. 三界一片慌乱。 numerous immortals felt thorny. 众仙都感到了棘手。 33 Heavens, Sun Wukong raised the head, looks with piercing eyes to the sky of light sea. 三十三重天,孙悟空抬起头,用火眼金睛看向光海的上空。 He completely understood fabricatedly, in that vast incomparable primordial chaos, the partly visible lives is indomitable spirit, overlooks the land, entire Three Worlds in his eyeground, unexpectedly such as thumb general size. 他看透了虚妄,在那浩瀚无比的混沌中,有一个若隐若现的生灵顶天立地,俯瞰大地,整个三界在他眼底,竟如拇指一般大小。 That is the buddha beads immortal soul. 那是佛珠的仙魂。 It urges sea of fire that is being the true strength, is unable to resist. 它驱使着火海那是真正的力量,无法抵挡。 Many preparations, again in front of this strength, is useless. 再多的准备,再这股力量面前,也是无用。 To prevent the light sea contraction, only has means. 要想阻止光海收缩,只有一个办法。 This I'm off.” “该我去了。” Sun Wukong is saying, put out Gold-Banded Cudgel. 孙悟空说着,拿出了金箍棒 This time, Supreme Elderly Monarch has not stopped. 这次,太上老君没有阻拦。 Did not have Asura World, Sun Wukong not to need fee/spent completely magical power to support. 没有了修罗界,孙悟空已经不用费尽法力支撑了。 He soars, became the luminous spot of sparkle. 他腾空而起,变为了闪耀的光点。 Luminous spot passing over gently and swiftly light sea. 光点掠过光海。 Heavenly Emperor!” 天帝!” Countless people look to that say rays of light, full is the hope. 无数人望向那道光芒,满是希望。 Buddha, Jade Emperor, comes with me together.” “佛祖,玉帝,跟我一起来。” Sun Wukong shouts. 孙悟空喊道。 The Buddha and Jade Emperor stare, then suddenly. 佛祖和玉帝一愣,接着恍然。 They leave behind numerous immortals, follows closely behind Sun Wukong, to buddha beads true is flushing away. 他们留下众仙,紧随孙悟空后边,向佛珠的真正所在冲去。 They understand, the sea of fire is unusual. 他们明白,火海非同寻常。 Only the soul elimination of that buddha beads, can rescue Three Worlds. 只有把那佛珠的灵魂消灭,才能解救三界 I also go!” “我也去!” Gou Chen also wants to follow to rush. 勾陈也想跟着冲上去。 Gou Chen, you protect Three Worlds.” 勾陈,你保护三界。” Three people are saying, changed into the brilliance of sparkle to vanish in another end of light sea. 三人说着,化为闪耀的光辉消失在了光海的另一端。 Gou Chen closes tightly the tooth, fills with the anger to be unwilling, but remained. 勾陈咬紧牙,满怀着怒火不甘,但还是留了下来。
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