TMBD :: Volume #5

#482: Destruction flame

The big piece blood rain sprinkles from the sky. 大片血雨从天空洒落。 The crowd advanced uninterruptedly, died one batch, another batch welled up, inexhaustible, is resisting the great misfortune with the quantity. 人群前赴后继,死了一批,又一批涌上去,无穷无尽,用数量抵挡着大劫。 celestial troops and generals of shield of some support heavens fell, replaces the mortal. 一些支撑苍天之盾的天兵天将落下,替换成了凡人。 That that Sun Wukong once saw, eventually inevitable appearance. 孙悟空曾经看见的那一幕,终究无可避免的出现了。 Asura World, falls in the avatar unapproachable attack, mountain peaks fall down. 修罗界,在化身无可匹敌的攻击落下,一座座山峰倾塌。 whole heaven's immortals and buddhas prevents, radiance is blazing, still retreated in defeat again and again. 漫天仙佛施法阻挡,光华炽烈,仍然节节败退。 The fierce attack, some inevitably people fall from the sky each time, the courage vigor dyed the red magic technique rays of light. 每次猛烈的攻击,必然有人陨落,血气把法术光芒都染成了红色。 The war is intense, Asura World is gloomy, the defense line is in imminent danger. 战事激烈,修罗界天昏地暗,防线岌岌可危。 This way is not good.” “这样下去不行。” A crape myrtle sword cuts, the serious feeling raids. 紫薇一剑斩出,沉重感袭来。 He looks to the blood-color sky, they struggle hard at risk of life the half of the day, the ample force are not many, actually only cut to kill several avatar. 他望向血色的天空,他们拼死苦战半天,余力不多,却只斩杀了几道化身 These avatar were too strong, each has the energy of destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth. 这些化身太强了,每一位都有着毁天灭地之能。 Gives up struggling!” “放弃挣扎吧!” avatar said: Three Worlds will destroy finally, we are irresistible!” 化身们说道:“三界终将毁灭,我们不可阻挡!” How can give up!” “怎能放弃!” numerous immortals carries the severe wound, is actually not willing to retrocede. 众仙身负重伤,却不肯后退。 The Asura World immortal quantity are getting more and more small, their life span is glorious, now actually in one night, falls from the sky in abundance. 修罗界的仙人数量越来越少,他们寿命悠久,如今却在一夕之间,纷纷陨落。 However for all this, immortal technique that sends out from their hands, charges into avatar like the tide, the offensive has not weakened the half a point. 然而尽管如此,从他们手中发出的仙术,还是像潮水一样冲向化身,攻势不曾减弱半分。 The immortals with the consciousness that must die, burns oneself in the battlefield. 仙人们带着必死的觉悟,在战场上燃烧自己。 Even if the body dies, cannot make avatar step into Three Worlds one step. 纵然身死,也绝不能让化身踏入三界一步。 They behind that beautiful world, vital and hope, does not allow anybody to blaspheme. 他们身后那美丽的世界,充满生机和希望,不允许任何人亵渎。 Didn't have the means?” “没办法了吗?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan looked that Supreme Emperor Gou Chen of tread is thinking, so numerous avatar, continue to hit, does not have the odds of success. 镇元大仙看着地面的勾陈上帝想着,如此众多的化身,继续打下去,也没有胜算。 Matchless Supreme Emperor Gou Chen battle armour has disrupted, the heavy sword wail, the blood is in a low voice sharp along the sword. 举世无双的勾陈上帝战甲已经碎裂,重剑低声哀鸣,鲜血正沿着剑尖低落。 Guanyin uses the jade reveal to cure him in the back, the blood stain dust smeared her clothing, sending out buddhist aura even more is noblly and purely sacred. 观音在背后用玉露治愈他,血污尘土弄脏了她的衣衫,散发的佛光却越发神圣高洁。 How long Gou Chen has not stopped to rest. 勾陈没有停下歇息多久。 He shouted angrily, changed into together the blood-color flowing light, charged into the sky again. 他怒喝一声,化为一道血色流光,再次冲向天空。 Great Immortal Zhenyuan understands at heart, must make the decision, can only the present. 镇元大仙心里明白,要做决定,只能现在了。 Time.” “时机到了。” He deeply inspires, said that everyone , to maintain a livelihood, now can leave.” 他深吸一口气,说道,“各位若想活命,现在可以离开。” The sky flames of war thunder, no one responded to him. 天空战火轰鸣,没有一个人回应他。 Good!” “好!” Great Immortal Zhenyuan raised the hand. 镇元大仙举起了手。 Read aloud the long incantation in his back numerous immortals immediately, the land immortal article circulation, the strong winds rises from all directions, crushed stone floating. 在他背后的众仙随即念诵冗长的咒文,大地仙文流转,狂风四起,碎石浮空 As if knew in advance that anything, the flames of war of sky were more intense. 仿佛预知到了什么,天空的战火更加激烈了。 The immortal whole bodies erupt the powerful aura, bright immortal light such as the group star sparkles. 一个又一个仙人周身爆发出强大气息,灿烂的仙光如群星闪耀。 Is the spent force, magical power mean little immortal, traded the most peak magnificent moment with the life of combustion. 就连本是强弩之末,法力低微的小仙,也用燃烧的生命换来了最巅峰辉煌的一刻。 Under people domineering counter-attack suddenly, avatar another round attacked is routed. 在众人猛然的强势反击下,化身又一轮攻击被击溃了。 Countless immortal technique sword light blasts out on them, Asura World land surges, vibration continuous. 不计其数的仙法剑光在他们身上炸开,修罗界大地翻腾,震动不休。 The footsteps that avatar go forward, were blocked, even was somewhat struck to fly, the injury is serious. 化身们前进的脚步,被阻住了,甚至有些被击飞出去,伤势沉重。 The situation as if reverses instantaneously, but who knows, the actions of these immortals with suicide not different. 局势似乎瞬间逆转,但谁都知道,这些仙人的所作所为跟自杀无异。 This is unable to fight for a long time. 这是无法长久的战斗。 Snort.” “哼。” avatar cold snort/hum: Collapse?” 化身们冷哼一声:“崩溃了吗?” These immortals cannot kill them. 那些仙人杀不死他们。 rays of light connects vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, injured avatar stood, the injury quickly restores. 光芒纵横连接,受伤的化身们又站了起来,伤势迅速恢复。 rays of light of quick, immortal extinguishes in them at present, changes to the disintegration luminous spot to vanish in the air. 很快,一个又一个仙人的光芒在他们眼前熄灭,化作散碎光点消失在空气里。 They have not left any trace in Asura World, but they have come, has struggled together, has preyed at risk of life. 他们没在修罗界留下任何痕迹,但他们已来过,一起奋斗过,拼死搏杀过。 Thump. Thump.” “咚。咚。” Does not know the serious sound that from where comes spreads over void. 不知从何而来的沉重声响传遍虚空。 The land in the pulsation, spreads together the terrifying aura from the deep place. 大地在脉动,从深处传出一道恐怖气息。 Endless heavenly way rune shines in the place bottom, entire Asura World seems angry roaring. 无尽的天道符文在地底亮起,整个修罗界仿佛都在怒吼。 As if in the flash, Asura World starts to send out the fearsome strength. 似乎在一瞬间,修罗界开始散发出可怖的力量。 The avatar complexion changes, the aura of destruction is partly visible, even they feel the palpitation. 化身们脸色一变,毁灭的气息若隐若现,连他们都感到心悸。 They look down the land, in the middle of the immortal article of surface, contains is destroying all strengths. 他们低头看着大地,地表的仙文当中,蕴含着毁灭一切的力量。 „......” “难道……” They responded, expression big change: You must detonate Asura World!” 他们反应过来,表情大变:“你们要引爆修罗界!” avatar detected the immortals at the matter of doing. 化身们察觉到了仙人们在做的事。 But at this time wants to rush to prevent, is too late. 但此时想冲上去阻止,已经太迟了。 Around Great Immortal Zhenyuan appeared the flame. 镇元大仙周围浮现了火焰。 He turns the head to look to spider spirit, they gawked, responded. 他转头看向身边的蜘蛛精们,她们愣了一下,才反应过来。 Like this refuses stubbornly.” “这样死不好。” I do not like baking the spider!” “我不喜欢烧烤蜘蛛!” spider spirit are saying, flies toward the sky. 蜘蛛精们说着,就往天空飞去。 Bang, bang and bang “轰、轰、轰” A lower and deeper abundant sound resounds in the ground, this is the Asura World final heartbeat. 更低沉雄厚的声音在地面响起,这是修罗界最后的心跳。 Covers entirely the immortal article of land to start to flash on and off the twinkle, every time glitters one time, rays of light is bright a point. 布满大地的仙文开始明灭闪烁,每闪烁一次,光芒就明亮一分。 Great Immortal Zhenyuan looks that seven disciples fly to avatar, immediately changes to seven rays of light to fall from the sky. 镇元大仙看着七个弟子飞向化身,随即化作七道光芒陨落。 He sighed. 他叹息一声。 The Asura World sound becomes even more huge, after each sound sound, the land will have the crack. 修罗界的响声变得越发巨大,每一声响声过后,大地就会出现裂缝。 In the crack ignites the destruction the flame, is unable to heal again. 裂缝中燃起毁灭的火焰,再也无法愈合。 avatar panic wants to run out of Asura World, but the final moment, how the immortals allow them to run away, reckless stop. 化身们惊慌失措的想冲出修罗界,可最后关头,仙人们岂容他们逃走,不顾一切的阻拦。 avatar can only unproductive initiates to the immortals attacks crazily, starts reactionary reign of terror unable to withstand frigidly. 化身只能徒劳的向仙人们发起狂攻,掀起血雨腥风惨烈不堪。 Quick, the giant flame gushes out from the ground, all burn, entire Asura World at wail. 很快的,巨大的火焰从地面喷薄而出,一切都燃烧起来,整个修罗界都在哀鸣。 Originally you will also be afraid.” “原来你们也会害怕。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan looks at the facial expression that on the avatar face shows to fear, could not bear smile one. 镇元大仙看着化身脸上露出惧怕的神情,忍不住笑了一声。 The world destroys to near, he reorganized clothes carefully. 世界毁灭在即,他仔细整理了一下衣冠。 Even death, he if still most charming of death. 就算是死,他也要是死的最帅气的那一个。 Just reorganized the clothes, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan present is covered by dazzling rays of light. 刚刚整理完衣冠,镇元大仙眼前的一切就被刺眼的光芒笼罩了。 In him at present, stone broken to become fragments, ignites the destruction flame. 在他眼前,土石碎成齑粉,燃起毁灭火光。 virtuous brother.” 贤弟。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan closes the eye: This time you do not give me one to whisk possible not to be justified.” 镇元大仙闭上眼睛:“这次你不给我一支拂尘可说不过去。” Bang a loud sound, the trim world exploded. “轰”的一声巨响,整片天地爆炸了。 Asura World, all things crush in rays of light, subsequently dust particle violent explosion, release finally, is the unequalled energy. 修罗界,所有东西都在光芒中粉碎,继而微尘猛烈爆炸,释放出最后的,也是无与伦比的能量。 The energy of rushing conflagration lightened primordial chaos instantaneously. 澎湃爆燃的能量瞬间点亮了混沌 33 Heavens was shone luminous, in the world white, everyone cannot see other colors. 三十三重天被照耀得一片光亮,天地间白茫茫的,所有人都看不到其他颜色。 The land in Sun Wukong hand was reduced to ashes to vanish. 孙悟空手中的大地化为灰烬消失了。 For a long time later, he looks up to the sky, looks at that brightly such as the direction of daytime. 许久之后,他抬头望向天空,看着那亮如白昼的方向。 Arrived eventually this step.” “终究还是走到了这一步。” He heard the sigh of Supreme Elderly Monarch. 他听到了太上老君的叹息。 Already enough.” “已经够了。” Sun Wukong replied, in the eye the flame ascends. 孙悟空回答,眼中火焰升腾。 The great misfortune has passed most, Asura World takes the front defense line, brilliantly had completed its mission. 大劫已经过去大半,修罗界作为前沿防线,已经出色的完成了它的使命。 Remaining gave us.” “剩下的交给我们了。” Sun Wukong looks at the sky: Cannot make them die in vain.” 孙悟空看着天空:“绝不能让他们白死。” primordial chaos, in the middle of the sea of fire of land smashing, there is a form together from out of the blue. 混沌界,在大地粉碎的火海当中,有一道身影破空而出。 aaah-” 啊啊啊-” That is Gou Chen. 那是勾陈 He is roaring loudly, seems like in sadly and as if in the anger. 他大声怒吼着,似乎是在悲伤、又似乎在愤怒。 Endless rays of light gathers on him, the serious injury quickly restores, the endless strength pours into the whole body again. 无尽的光芒汇聚在他身上,沉重的伤势迅速恢复,无尽的力量再次灌注全身。 The war-god, because of fighting to be strong. 战神,因战而强。 So long as the war did not end, he can resurrect. 只要战争不结束,他就可以一直复活。 However the distant place, the buddha beads erupted the dreadful anger. 然而远处,佛珠爆发了滔天怒火。
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