TMBD :: Volume #4

#394: The disaster outside Three Worlds

This is sariputra.” “这就是舍利子。” Water Curtain Cave, Golden Cicada gives Sun Wukong sariputra. 水帘洞,金蝉子舍利子交给孙悟空 Cancels Chen Jinsui after that apologized to Sun Wukong. 勾陈紧随其后,向孙悟空致歉。 East he cannot prevent to come the Buddha to rob that lesser monk, although does not know the circumstances of the matter beforehand, but as before is a regret. 他没能阻止东来佛祖抢走那个小和尚,虽然是事先不知情,但依旧是个遗憾。 Doesn't matter, this matter and you have nothing to do.” “没关系,此事和你无关。” Sun Wukong replied. 孙悟空回答。 What our next should make?” “我们下一步该做什么?” Djinn God asked. 巨灵神问道。 Various secure Qishi.” “各安其事。” Sun Wukong replied: Time arrived, I will tell you again.” 孙悟空回答:“时机到了,我会再告诉你们。” The people are stunned, retreats after Water Curtain Cave, in abundance regarding this time setback. 众人愕然,从水帘洞退去之后,纷纷谈起这次的挫折。 I never heard that the Buddhist relics and reincarnation body also exist.” “我从未听说舍利和转世体同时存在。” Djinn God whole face curious to cancelling Chen Wendao: „Does God, actually that world revere is what character?” 巨灵神满脸好奇的向勾陈问道:“上帝,那世尊究竟是何人物?” Had not heard.” “未曾听说。” Cancels Chen to reply that definitely is one compared with he remote character. 勾陈回答,那肯定是一个比他更久远的人物。 Supreme Elderly Monarch definitely knows.” 太上老君肯定知道。” I also know.” “我也知道。” A timid sound replied, the people looked at the past, originally was Tiger Monster King of trip. 一个怯生生的声音回答,众人看过去,原来是此行的虎妖王 „Do you know?” “你知道?” I see from this book.” “我从这本书看到的。” Tiger Monster King puts out a book, the people looked toward that book, in the cover writes «Chatterbox Buddha» impressively 虎妖王拿出一本书,众人往那书一看,封面上赫然写着@《话痨佛祖》@ Everyone was silent. 所有人都沉默了下去。 Finally to this day?” “终于到了这一天吗?” I know person who Master Qing Yuan has the courage!” “我就知道清元子是个有勇气的人!” Had a look to write anything in quickly!” “快看看里面写了什么!” Some people urged that Tiger Monster King opens the book, cancelled Chen Shangdi also to look. 有人催促虎妖王翻开书,勾陈上帝也看了过去。 P. 1 in book is drawing a being indomitable spirit baby, below has the writing introduction. 书里的第一页就画着一个顶天立地的婴儿,下面有文字介绍。 Many many years ago, the Buddha in April 8 th midnight star leaves is born, he was just born, falls to the ground walked seven strides, then a finger day and finger place, said: Heaven world, conceited! 很多很多年以前,佛祖在四月初八夜半明星出时诞生,他刚出生,落地就走了七大步,然后一手指天、一手指地,说道:天上天下,唯我独尊! The action of Buddha caused the world of passing by to revere the attention at that time: This child must become the great talent 佛祖的举动当时引起了路过的世尊注意:这孩子必成大器 Written real good!” “写的真好!” Djinn God is happy: Next year we are Master Qing Yuan burn incense!” 巨灵神喜形于色:“明年我们就为清元子烧香吧!” The people shake the head in abundance: Does not use next year, tomorrow will go to see off to him!” 众人纷纷摇头:“不用明年,明天就去给他送别吧!” Really is the warrior!” “真乃勇士也!” Cancels Chen to commend Master Qing Yuan at heart. 勾陈在心里称赞清元子 Spirit Mountain, Buddha air/Qi ebullition. 灵山,佛气沸腾。 On Hall of Great Strength, the Buddha is chanting scripture, in the main hall is silent, everyone looks at a middle lesser monk. 大雄宝殿上,佛祖正在念经,大殿中寂静无声,所有人都看着中间的一个小和尚。 The scrip­tures that departs from the Buddha mouth is surrounding him, with seven Buddhist relics that sends out golden light together, the magnificence that the monk shines upon. 从佛祖口中飞出的经文环绕着他,与七个发出金光的舍利一起,把和尚映照的光辉灿烂。 Seven Buddhist relics that originally the Buddha brings, to call moralizing revere.” “原来佛祖拿来的七颗舍利,都是为了唤醒世尊。” Wenshupusa said: I also think that he must use.” 文殊菩萨说道:“我还以为他自己要用。” Incessantly is you.” “不止是你。” Other Bodhisattvas said. 其他菩萨说道。 Everyone thinks that these Buddhist relics strengthen the Buddha magical power item, what they have not thought that the Buddha must awaken this world to revere with it unexpectedly. 所有人都以为那些舍利是增强佛祖法力的道具,但他们没有想到的是,佛祖竟然是要用它来唤醒这位世尊。 Seven Buddhist relics instill into on a person, there is no alternative but to make the Bodhisattvas curious his status. 七颗舍利灌输在一个人身上,这不能不让菩萨们好奇他的身份。 The lesser monk who the people look at the main hall center, his fleshly body absorbed the strength of Buddhist relics, gradually grows at the visible speed, got was a wheat flour youth. 众人看着大殿中心的小和尚,他的肉身吸收了舍利的力量,逐渐以肉眼可见的速度成长,变作了一个白面青年。 Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” He opens the mouth suddenly, opens the eye, in a twinkling buddhist aura shone, reveals a well-experienced eye. 他忽然开口,睁开眼睛,霎时间佛光普照,露出一双饱经沧桑的眼睛。 The Buddha stop chanting scripture: „After innumerable samsara, superior woman Luo Buddha, welcome back.” 佛祖停止念经:“无数轮回之后,优婆罗佛陀,欢迎回来。” I sleep soundly wholeheartedly, did the generation after generations did not ask the humans affair, why also pull back me?” “我一心安眠,生生世世不问世事,又为何把我拉回来?” After the youth sets out, salutes toward Tathagata: Buddha, does not see for a long time.” 青年后起身,向着如来行礼:“佛祖,好久不见。” For a long time does not see.” “许久不见。” Tathagata slight nod: I also do not want to disturb you, but the person of that agreement appeared.” 如来微微点头:“我亦不想打扰你,但那约定之人出现了。” „The person of agreement?” “约定之人?” The world reveres stares, immediately as if understood anything, turns around to look to Hall of Great Strength. 世尊一愣,随即似乎明白了什么,转身向大雄宝殿外面看去。 Endless buddhist aura gathers in him at present, the world reveres to display the discernment, takes a quick look around, that borealosaurus air/Qi ebullition, powerful, as if must tear to pieces the sky. 无尽的佛光在他眼前汇聚,世尊施展法眼,一眼看去,那北方龙气沸腾,气势如虹,似乎要撕破天空。 The world reveres on the face to reveal the color of shock. 世尊脸上露出震惊之色。 Three Worlds is hatching.” 三界正在孵化。” He is filled with the vibration, in several great misfortune of his deep sleep, actually to have what? 他满心震动,在他沉睡的数个大劫之间,究竟发生了什么? Buddha, why did Three Worlds have the so big change?” “佛祖,三界为何发生了如此大的变化?” The world reveres to ask. 世尊问道。 mortal world presented a world different number.” 凡间出现了一位天地异数。” Tathagata replied: His monkey wreaks havoc in Heaven, seized the Heavenly Emperor imperial jade seal.” 如来回答:“他大闹天宫,把天帝玉玺夺走了。” He told the Sun Wukong's actions simply. 他把孙悟空的所作所为简单的诉说了一遍。 The world reveres to listen, for a very long time cannot get back one's composure. 世尊听完,久久未能回神。 Has the so powerful variable unexpectedly.” “竟有如此强大的变数。” For a long time later, the world reveres the sigh: How long was that monster monkey born?” 许久之后,世尊叹息:“那妖猴出世有多久了?” Hundred years.” “百年。” Hundred years!” “百年!” The world reveres cannot believe own ear. 世尊不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Regarding immortals and buddhas, hundred years are to snap fingers to flicker. 对于仙佛来说,百年不过是弹指一瞬。 This time that snaps fingers to flicker, that does Sun Wukong achieve the cause that several tens of thousands years could not achieve? 这弹指一瞬的时间,那个孙悟空就达成了数万年也达不成的伟业? What origin that is Sun Wukong?” “那孙悟空是什么来历?” The world reveres to ask. 世尊问道。 The Buddha have not said the Sun Wukong's birth, this as if also nothing more to be said. 佛祖并没有说孙悟空的出生,这似乎也没什么好说的。 Sun Wukong does not have mother without the father, raises inborn.” 孙悟空无父无母,天生地养。” The Buddha said. 佛祖说道。 That is then destined.” “那便是命中注定。” The world reveres to show the dignified expression to say. 世尊露出凝重的表情说道。 The character who so raises inborn has this ability, if inevitable every action and every movement have the day to help, is extremely formidabe. 这般天生地养的人物有这种才能,必然一举一动如有天助,极难对付。 You awaken me, I actually could not cope with him.” “你把我唤醒,我却也对付不了他。” The world reveres then said. 世尊接着说道。 Although he from Three Worlds, but by having divine ability, may not compare the Buddha by far. 他虽然来自三界之外,但论起神通,可远远比不上佛祖。 I want to borrow the wisdom that the world reveres to cope with him.” “我想借用世尊的智慧对付他。” Tathagata said. 如来说道。 The world reveres the nod: This is simple, what do you want to know?” 世尊点头:“这却简单,你想知道什么?” „In the past I visited Spirit Mountain, you told me not to need to pursue extremely happily, here was extremely happy.” “当年我踏足灵山之时,你告诉我不必追求极乐,这里便是极乐。” The Buddha asked: Beside Three Worlds can have the disaster?” 佛祖问道:“三界之外可有灾祸?” so that's how it is, this is you exceeds that Sun Wukong's turning point.” 原来如此,这是你胜过那孙悟空的契机。” The world revered to understand. 世尊明白了。 The Buddha are also very hard to prevent Sun Wukong by the strength, that can only depend on the wisdom, but the information outside Three Worlds could change the situation. 佛祖靠力量也很难阻止孙悟空,那就只能靠智慧了,而三界之外的信息也许可以改变局势。 Your speculation not wrong, beside Three Worlds is not peaceful.” “你的推测没有错,三界之外并不太平。” The world reveres the reply: World, once knows the truth, cannot inevitably with that Sun Wukong together.” 世尊回答:“世人一旦知道真相,必然不会与那孙悟空一起。” Buddha nod: Such as is if this, that is then good.” 佛祖点头:“如是若此,那便再好不过。” Three Worlds is a paradise.” 三界是乐土。” The world reveres then said: Once leaves, all living things all are the ashes, that outside has the disaster, I and others cannot be a worthy opponent.” 世尊接着说道:“一旦离开,众生皆为灰烬,那外面有灾祸,非我等所能匹敌。” Is what disaster?” “是何灾祸?” The Buddha asked. 佛祖问道。 The world revered to look at his one eyes: „When you may remember you born?” 世尊看了他一眼:“你可记得你出生之时?” Naturally remembers.” “自然记得。” Buddha nod. 佛祖点头。 You, as soon as were born, is buddhist aura all over the sky.” “你一出生,便是佛光满天。” The world reveres to say with a smile: You toward ten side various line of seven steps, raise hand to initiate: The Heaven world, only I most revere, only I most win, Three Worlds is worried my working as it.” 世尊笑道:“你往十方各行七步,举手倡言:天上天下,唯我最尊,唯我最胜,三界苦恼吾当度之。” On Hall of Great Strength resounds some laughter. 大雄宝殿上响起一些笑声。 The Buddha shot a look at audience Buddha in a main hall, immediately no one dares to smile. 佛祖瞥了一眼大殿内的众佛,顿时再也没人敢笑了。 The world reveres then asks: Why can you know you to say such words?” 世尊接着问道:“你可知你为何会说出那样的话语?” The Buddha are puzzled: „Does this need the reason?” 佛祖不解:“这需要缘由吗?” That reason “那缘由” The world reveres the reply: Then is the answer outside Three Worlds.” 世尊回答:“便是三界之外的答案。” You asked that disaster is anything, I replied you “你问那灾祸是什么,那我回答你” The world reveres the dangling view, said: That disaster on such as various Focheng said truthfully becomes true enlightenment 世尊垂下眼帘,说道:“那灾祸就如诸佛乘如实道来成正觉” The Buddha stood fiercely. 佛祖猛地站了起来。
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