TMBD :: Volume #4

#395: You do not come

The youngster sit on the Firmament City highest stone monkey statue. 少年坐在云霄城最高的石猴雕像上。 His two legs hang in the edge of statue shoulder, is welcoming the sea breeze, bends down to look at one of the ground. 他两条腿垂在雕像肩膀的边缘,迎着海风,俯看地面的一幕。 A woman takes the needlework to sew the cloth shoes for her child. 一名妇人拿着针线为她的孩子缝补布鞋。 Ok, plays.” “好了,去玩吧。” After the seam is good, the woman made the child put on to play. 缝好之后,妇人就让孩子穿上去玩了。 The boys wear the new shoes happy plays in the surrounding squares and other children. 男孩穿着新鞋高兴的在周围的广场上和其他孩子嬉戏。 This seemed like one pair just to come the Firmament City mother and child, putting on was very tattered, but from their looks, can see that was relieved and joyful. 这似乎是一对刚来云霄城的母子,穿着都很破烂,但从她们的眼神中,可以看到安心和喜悦。 Sits was somewhat happy in statue above Sun Wukong. 坐在雕像上面的孙悟空有些高兴。 Why does a person sit here?” “为什么一个人坐在这里?” A candied haw appears in front of Sun Wukong. 一根冰糖葫芦出现在孙悟空面前。 Sun Wukong has turned the head, sees jade that familiar face. 孙悟空转过头,看到张玉那张熟悉的脸。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Sun Wukong received the candied fruit, thanked one. 孙悟空接过糖葫芦,感谢了一声。 He is not interested in the candied fruit, with looked in the hand, does not have anxiously eating. 他对糖葫芦不感兴趣,拿在手上看了看,也没急着吃。 I must go shopping in the flower market later, don't you go together?” “我待会要去逛花市,你不一起去吗?” open/stretch jade then asked. 张玉接着问道。 „.” “不了。” Sun Wukong shakes the head: I do not want to disturb you.” 孙悟空摇头:“我不想打扰你们。” Opens the jade complexion slightly red, then said: I first walked.” 张玉脸色微红,然后说道:“那我先走了。” He rises with a spring from the statue, flies to fall the ground, holds the hand since with that side long-waited female, slowed pace to leave together. 他从雕像上一跃而起,飞落地面,与那边等候已久的女子牵起手,一起慢步离开了。 Used for many years, the female touched him eventually. 用了多年时间,女子终究还是打动了他。 Who he remembered himself is, but can also be this?” “等他想起自己是谁,还会是这样吗?” Sun Wukong looks at the backs of two people, cannot bear think. 孙悟空看着两个人的背影,忍不住想着。 Jade Emperor will not limit to the person of sentiment of men and women, perhaps he likes Queen Mother, when he remembers oneself status, was impossible to look like now is so pure. 玉帝不是会局限于男女之情的人,他或许喜欢王母,然而等到他想起自己的身份,就不可能像现在这么纯粹了。 Five years later, the Ten Continents and Three Islands immortals as if also gave up kidnapping and selling Jade Emperor. 五年之后,十洲三岛的仙人们似乎也放弃了拐卖玉帝 But is really this? 但真的是这样吗? Sun Wukong is thinking. 孙悟空想着。 Many that he thought recently, but is unimportant, all arrived quickly final. 他最近想的很多,不过不要紧了,一切都快到最后了。 This was a final regulation.” “这是最后的一程了。” Sun Wukong said in a low voice. 孙悟空低声说道。 „Will all be smooth?” “一切都会顺利吗?” Has a sound to ask in the heart. 有个声音在心底问道。 Probably.” “大概吧。” Sun Wukong nods. 孙悟空点头。 „Haven't you grasped?” “你没有把握吗?” That sound also asked: I felt on you to soon recalling of thing of elapsing, thing fear to soon arrival.” 那个声音又问:“我在你身上感受到了对即将逝去之物的缅怀,还有对即将到来之物的恐惧。” That is the small phoenix, she asked: „Are you anticipating your failure?” 那是小凤凰,她问道:“你是不是正在期待自己的失败?” Why asked?” “为何这么问?” Sun Wukong indifferent asking. 孙悟空淡然的问道。 I looked in your within the body for a long time, you are afraid the complete failure, but perhaps some degree of failure to you are best, your path can continue, but you will not need to undertake to the future responsibility.” “我在你体内看了许久,你害怕完全的失败,但也许某种程度的失败对你来说是最好的,你的道路能够持续下去,而你也不用承担对未来的责任。” The small phoenix said: You are dreading, dread the future, does not know oneself do to wrong.” 小凤凰说道:“你在畏惧,畏惧未来,不知道自己做的对还是错。” You thought that I am to or wrong?” “那你觉得我是对还是错的?” Sun Wukong asked. 孙悟空问道。 I think that you are right.” “我认为你是对的。” The small phoenix replied: You will win, moreover you must win, this is not your matter, but is the anticipations of many.” 小凤凰回答:“你会胜利,而且你必须胜利,这不是你一个人的事情,而是很多人的期待。” Sun Wukong shows the smiling face. 孙悟空露出笑容。 I do not dread, is only “我并不畏惧,只是” He looks at the vision to the West, looks setting sun that will soon fall from the sky: Perhaps compared with Heavenly Emperor, I can also be a guide, in the future goes astray, some people will prevent me.” 他把目光看向西方,看着那即将陨落的夕阳:“比起天帝,或许我也可以做一个引路人,将来走错的时候,也会有人阻止我。” You have no alternative.” “你别无选择。” The small phoenix said: You should understand, only then the victor can grasp the future in own.” 小凤凰说道:“你应该明白,只有胜利者才能把将来都掌握在自己手里。” Right that you said.” “你说的对。” Sun Wukong sees a floating ship to roll by from the sky. 孙悟空看见一艘浮空船从天空驶过。 Has an image on the giant ship's sail that raises, Daji in image is singing, 200 years later, she sang was better. 在那扬起的巨大的船帆上有一个影像,影像中的妲己正在唱歌,比起两百年后,她唱的更好了。 Knows her to start from Sun Wukong, Daji immerses in own world forever, forever happy is passing every day. 孙悟空认识她开始,妲己就永远沉浸在自己的世界里,永远开心的过着每一天。 Sun Wukong understands. 孙悟空明白。 This is the thing that he must protect. 这是他必须要守护的东西。 He must protect oneself people, must protect the paradise that he builds single-handedly. 他要守护自己的子民,要守护他一手建立的乐园。 This paradise incessantly is his, paradise that countless people struggle. 这乐园不止是他的,还是无数人奋斗出来的乐园。 „, Must win is good.” “啊,必须赢才行。” Sun Wukong said: I will win.” 孙悟空说道:“我会赢的。” You only missed the last board game piece.” “你只差最后一个棋子了。” The voice of small phoenix with happy expression: He will come immediately, you will not be defeated.” 小凤凰的声音带着笑意:“他马上就会来了,你不会失败的。” I know.” “我知道。” Sun Wukong stands up, finally looked at Firmament City, then changed to the smog to dissipate. 孙悟空站起身,最后看了一眼云霄城,然后化作烟雾消散了。 He returned to Water Curtain Cave. 他回到了水帘洞 The final time will come quickly, he must rest well, conserves strength. 最终的时刻很快就会来了,他要好好休息一阵,养精蓄锐。 In the sleep, Sun Wukong saw that dream. 睡眠中,孙悟空又看到了那个梦。 A sky crimson of Three Worlds, the person's shadow often falls from the cloud layer, crashes into the ground. 三界的天空一片绯红,人影不时从云层之中落下,坠入地面。 This several times is he achieved this dream, in the land, the flaming fire is burning, people fight fire day and night, but the flame is still burning. 这已经是他好几次做到这个梦了,大地上,熊熊之火正在燃烧,人们夜以继日的灭火,但火焰依然在燃烧。 Sun Wukong floats in airborne, a dazzling red light raids from the day, he then lost all consciousness. 孙悟空浮在空中,一片耀眼的红光从天外袭来,他便失去了一切的意识。 Opens eyes, in Water Curtain Cave, a form stands in the Sun Wukong's bedside. 睁开眼,水帘洞里,一个身影站在孙悟空的床边。 This is the last board game piece.” “这是最后一个棋子。” The voice of small phoenix reminded him from within the body. 小凤凰的声音从体内提醒他。 Sun Wukong slowly is straight the upper body, spirit also immerses in that dream. 孙悟空缓缓直起上身,精神还沉浸在那个梦里。 Some things, do not know that possibly knowing is better.” “有些东西,不知道可能比知道更好。” He covered to shake several, then asked: You said right, six ear macaques.” 他捂着头晃了几下,然后问道:“你说对吗,六耳猕猴。” The form of bedside sighed: I do not know that you saw anything, but I understand 床边的身影叹息一声:“我不知道你看见了什么,但我明白” He bends the waist in the bedside, reveals the face of six ear macaques. 他在床边弯下腰,露出六耳猕猴的脸庞。 Heavenly Emperor, you, as soon as does not have to fear.” 天帝,你一无所惧。” The final fight, six ear macaques have not been able to evade. 最后的战斗,六耳猕猴已经无法逃避。 In any event, he must stand on one side. 无论如何,他都得站在一边。 Although six ear macaques do not prefer very much, but he was the rational choice Sun Wukong. 六耳猕猴虽然很不情愿,但他还是理性的选择了孙悟空 I and others your several years.” “我等你几年了。” Sun Wukong gets out of bed, arrives at the stone table. 孙悟空下了床,来到石桌边。 I have the self-respect.” “我也有自尊。” Six ear macaques followed him to walk. 六耳猕猴跟着他走了过去。 Does not arrive at this final time, he will not stand absolutely here. 不到这最后的时刻,他绝对不会站在这里。 What did you know?” “你知道了什么?” Sun Wukong makes six ear macaques sit down, then gave him to pour. the tea cup 孙悟空让六耳猕猴坐下,然后给他倒了杯茶。 That world revered has waked up.” “那位世尊已经醒来了。” Six ear macaques are looking at the tea in hand, replied: Buddha will invite you to go to Spirit Mountain to attend the Buddhist meeting quickly, naturally this is a trap.” 六耳猕猴看着手中的茶,回答道:“佛祖很快就会邀请你去灵山参加法会,当然这是陷阱。” I guess obtained.” “我猜得到。” Sun Wukong replied: Buddha also guessed correctly that I can guess correctly.” 孙悟空回答:“佛祖也猜到我能猜到。” Six ear macaques shake the head: I could not completely understand that what you do want to make?” 六耳猕猴摇头:“我看不透你们要做什么?” You will know quickly.” “你很快就会知道了。” Sun Wukong replied: This is the final fight, but will not be I and fights of his two people.” 孙悟空回答:“这是最后的战斗,但不会是我和他两个人的战斗。” Six ear macaques a little seemed to be clear. 六耳猕猴似乎有点明白了。 Why so?” “为何如此?” He asked. 他问道。 Naturally for Three Worlds.” “自然是为了三界。” Sun Wukong replied: I and he are very clear, the best method only has one.” 孙悟空回答:“我和他都很清楚,最好的方法只有一个。” Six ear macaques drank tea: I only have a request.” 六耳猕猴喝了一口茶:“我只有一个要求。” I understand.” “我明白。” Sun Wukong nods: I will protect your pleasing that woman, will not affect her.” 孙悟空点头:“我会保护你中意的那个女人,绝不会波及到她。” He looks with the smiling face to six ear macaques: You changed.” 他带着笑容看向六耳猕猴:“你变了。” You also changed.” “你也变了。” Six ear macaques put down the teacup, turns around to leave: Before you will not pour tea for me absolutely.” 六耳猕猴放下茶杯,转身离开:“以前你绝对不会为我倒茶。” No, but you do not come.” “不,只是你不来而已。” Sun Wukong said. 孙悟空说道。
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