TMBD :: Volume #4

#390: The strength outside Three Worlds

The strong winds whistling have blown the temple, hits on the window mullion, sends out the rhythm the sound. 狂风呼呼的吹过寺庙,打在窗棂上,发出有节奏的响声。 This spring big wind.” “这个春天好大的风。” The lesser monk close the window to say. 小和尚关上窗户说道。 Starting from yesterday, the strong winds attacked this city like the beast of prey, the roof of temple were shivering, as if momentarily possibly was raised flies to be the same. 从昨天开始,狂风就像猛兽一样袭击了这座城池,寺庙的屋顶都在颤动,似乎随时都可能被掀飞一样。 Master.” “师父。” The lesser monk have turned around, ask: What are you looking for?” 小和尚转过身,问道:“你在找什么?” Was quick.” “快了。” The senior monk is carrying the candlestick, tried to find out in the hidden compartment on wall. 老和尚端着烛台,在墙上的暗格里摸索。 Found.” “找到了。” He had found quickly one by the small box used when playing yabao that gold/metal wraps. 他很快就找到了一个被金布包裹的宝盒。 What is this?” “这是什么?” The lesser monk walk to ask. 小和尚走过去问道。 World reveres the Buddhist relics.” “世尊舍利。” The senior monk said, has given the lesser monk the small box used when playing yabao: You carry off it quickly.” 老和尚说完,就把宝盒递给了小和尚:“你快把它带走。” Why?” “为什么?” The lesser monk are startled. 小和尚一惊。 Some people are looking for it, the time are not much.” “有人在找它,时间不多了。” The senior monk fills the small box used when playing yabao in the hand of lesser monk. 老和尚把宝盒塞在小和尚的手上。 Soon , a lesser monk is holding the small box used when playing yabao, going out temple hurriedly. 不久之后,一名小和尚抱着宝盒,急匆匆的走出寺庙。 „To walk?” “想走?” Several the voices of girls float from sky: „It is not easy!” 几个女童的声音从天空飘来:“没那么容易!” The silver thread appears in lesser monk together at present. 紧接着,一道银丝出现在小和尚眼前。 When he responded, the silver thread has twined outside the small box used when playing yabao, the huge strength grasped from the lesser monk hand the small box used when playing yabao, flew toward the sky. 等他反应过来,银丝已经缠绕在了宝盒外面,巨大的力道把宝盒从小和尚手中抓出,向着天空飞去。 „It is not good!” “不行!” The lesser monk jumped, with hand tight holds the small box used when playing yabao, the whole person was brought to fly. 小和尚跳了起来,用手紧紧的抓住宝盒,整个人都被带飞了起来。 Azure Junior Brother!” “青师弟!” Afterward walks the monk who to see this from the temple, immediately runs to grasp the both legs of lesser monk, had been approached the sky by pulling. 随后从寺庙里走出来的和尚见到这一幕,立刻跑出去抱住小和尚的双腿,也被拉向了天空。 Other monks saw, 11 flushed, enclasps the front thigh, hangs a long line, flies toward the sky. 其他和尚见到,也11冲了出来,抱紧前面的大腿,挂成一条长龙,朝天空飞去。 The strong winds howl have been blowing this long line, the monks firmly hold each other, the long line swings with the wind, appears very strange. 狂风呼啸着吹过这条长龙,和尚们紧紧抓住彼此,长龙随风摇摆,显得非常怪异。 The clouds seven spider essences somewhat are surprised. 云端的七个蜘蛛精都有些惊讶。 How did they turn into the kite?” “他们怎么变成风筝了?” These bald donkey are really interesting!” “这些秃驴真有趣!” The spider essences have drawn silk thread, from the sky flew a kite, or they have discovered the game of fishing and kite union. 蜘蛛精们拉了拉丝线,在空中放起了风筝,或者说她们发现了一种钓鱼和风筝结合的游戏。 Seven spider fine interest full monks little upward draws. 七个蜘蛛精兴致满满的把和尚们一点点的往上拉。 Spirit stops!” “妖精住手!” Suddenly also shouted angrily to transmit, Wenshupusa was leading wooden zha and child woman comes in the west side: release these monk!” 忽然又有一声怒喝传来,文殊菩萨带着木吒和童女在西边现身:“放了那些僧人!” Seven spider essences looked at one to them, then picked up the speed of draw in a net. 七个蜘蛛精向他们看了一眼,然后加快了收网的速度。 Wenshupusa look one cold, extends one's hand, the huge suction spreads, has attracted to him the long line. 文殊菩萨神色一冷,伸出手,巨大的吸力传出,把长龙向他吸了过去。 aaah!” “哇啊啊啊!” The monks draw a straight line from east to west horizontally in the midair, frightened yelling. 和尚们从东到西拉成一条直线横在半空,恐惧的大叫。 Seven spider essences look at each other one. 七个蜘蛛精对视一眼。 Turned into the tug-of-war?” “变成拔河了?” Where they have played such amusing game. 她们哪里玩过这么好玩的游戏。 The spider essences give to forget duty immediately, making an effort has pulled out. 蜘蛛精们立刻就把任务给忘记,使劲的拔了起来。 However their strength is big, where also compares favorably with Wenshupusa, the monks fly gradually to the west side. 然而她们力道再大,又哪里比得上文殊菩萨,和尚们逐渐向西边飞去。 At this moment, the strong winds of wreaking havoc became huger, the people of sky blew could not open the eye. 就在这时,肆虐的狂风变得更巨大了,刮的天空的众人都睁不开眼睛。 A spaceship appears in the clouds. 一艘飞船浮现在云端。 Wooden zha looks toward the spaceship, panic-stricken inexplicable. 木吒往飞船一看,不由惊骇莫名。 Sees only before the spaceship to set up the giant dragon's head, it is opening the mouth, the innumerable cold fog and storms depart, howled to blow toward the sky and earth. 只见飞船前头立着巨大的龙头,它张大着嘴巴,无数寒雾和风暴从中飞出,向着天空和大地呼啸着刮了过去。 Strong winds that starting from yesterday presents, is the product of that thing. 难道从昨天开始出现的狂风,是那东西的产物。 That is anything!” “那是什么!” Wooden zha has to plant not the good premonition. 木吒有种不好的预感。 On the spaceship, a Djinn God person is agitating the air blower, changed the surrounding area ten miles wind shape. 飞船上,巨灵神一个人鼓动着风机,改变了方圆十里的风象。 This thing is fiercer than Dragon King!” “这东西比龙王还厉害!” Djinn God is thinking at heart, then looked at Ding Huan. 巨灵神心里想着,然后看了一眼丁缓。 Really difficult to imagine, this immortal item, stems from a creation of mortal unexpectedly. 实在很难想象,这种仙器,竟然是出自一个凡人的创造。 Ding Huanzhan looks out the tug-of-war match of distant place in the deck, cannot bear shake the head: These spider essences are really unreliable, a bit faster, attracts the Buddhist relics.” 丁缓站在甲板上遥望远方的拔河赛,忍不住摇头:“那些蜘蛛精果然不可靠,快点施法,把舍利吸过来。” Yes.” “是。” Some monsters have arrived by Djinn God, starts to air blower. 一些妖怪走到了巨灵神旁,开始向风机施法。 The strong winds became bigger, but in violent wind, but also appeared has sparkled the shining silver powder. 狂风变得更大了,而在猛烈的风中,还出现了一些闪闪发亮的银色粉末。 Wooden zha.” “木吒。” The voice of Wenshupusa is dignified immediately: Takes the Buddhist relics quickly.” 文殊菩萨的声音顿时凝重起来:“快去拿舍利。” He uses immortal technique to advance wooden zha, advanced lesser monk there him. 他用仙法把木吒向前一推,把他推到了小和尚那里。 Time that wooden zha responded, small box used when playing yabao already close at hand. 木吒反应过来的时候,宝盒已经近在眼前。 Lesser monk, offended.” “小和尚,得罪了。” Wooden zha reaches out the lesser monk, must bring the small box used when playing yabao from his hand. 木吒向小和尚伸手,要从他手里把宝盒拿过来。 However also at this time, the silver powder in wind similarly condensed a pair of hand, has held on the small box used when playing yabao. 然而也在这时,风中的银色粉末同样凝聚成了一双手,拉住了宝盒。 This is not your!” “这不是你们的!” The lesser monk worry, holds the small box used when playing yabao not to put. 小和尚着急起来,抓住宝盒不放。 The three parties fought for the small box used when playing yabao. 三方争抢起了宝盒。 Wooden zha, hurry up.” “木吒,快点。” The voice of Wenshupusa said: That both hands are unusual, it cannot snatch you now, cannot make it take shape completely!” 文殊菩萨的声音说道:“那双手非同寻常,它现在抢不过你,不能让它完全成型!” Wooden zha made an effort to draw several, finally small box used when playing yabao from lesser monk hand. 木吒使劲拉了几下,总算把宝盒从小和尚手里拉出来了。 But that only blames the strength of hand being getting stronger and stronger, must rob from his hand the small box used when playing yabao. 但那只怪手的力道越来越强,就要把宝盒从他手里抢走。 Wooden zha does not put, the small box used when playing yabao is getting more and more frail in the disputes, then bang, broke suddenly. 木吒坚决不放,宝盒在争执之间越来越脆弱,然后砰的一声,忽然破碎了。 A circular thing revealed. 一个圆形的东西露了出来。 The strange hand has extended to that thing. 怪手向那东西伸了过去。 Wooden zha is somewhat impatient, has blocked the strange hand with two hands, opening mouth of getting a sudden inspiration, deeply was inspiring toward the Buddhist relics. 木吒有些心急,用两只手挡住了怪手,灵机一动的张开嘴,往着舍利深吸了一口气。 Rumble, the Buddhist relics had been swallowed the belly by wooden zha. “咕噜”的一声,舍利被木吒吃进了肚子。 „......” “……” Inspiration excessive wooden zha has gawked. 吸气过度的木吒楞了一下。 The strange hand has also gawked, then chased vanishes gradually to lose. 怪手也楞了一下,然后逐渐消失了。 Eats including that thing, you suppress.” “连那东西都吃,你们狠。” Ding Huan said: This time was you wins.” 丁缓说道:“这次是你们赢了。” Wooden zha is astonished. 木吒一脸愕然。 Guanyin that the ground looks on knits the brows slightly. 地面旁观的观音菩萨微微皱眉。 Listened attentively.” “谛听。” Guanyin called a side spirit beast. 观音菩萨叫了一声身边的灵兽。 Listens attentively to be good at listening respectfully, all things can be heard by it, the Buddha sends it to come to here, naturally is because does not hope that eighth shed agily on Myriad Spirits Country. 谛听善于聆听,万事万物都能被它听见,佛祖派它来这里,自然是因为不希望那第八颗舍利落在万灵国手上。 That is not the real Buddhist relics.” “那不是真舍利。” Listens attentively to say: That Ding Huan I also early discovered.” 谛听说道:“那个丁缓比我还早发现。” Guanyin sighed: Where are that real Buddhist relics at?” 观音叹息一声:“那真舍利在哪?” Estimated that carried off by another lesser monk.” “估计被另一个小和尚带走了。” Listens attentively to the reply: In temple has a lesser monk to disappear, I cannot hear his aspiration, does not know that is any reason.” 谛听回答:“寺庙里有一个小和尚不见了,我听不到他的心声,不知道是什么原因。” That world reveres does not think that anybody found his Buddhist relics.” “那位世尊不想任何人找到他的舍利。” Guanyin replied: Certainly was the Buddhist relics itself had an effect, has concealed the trail of lesser monk.” 观音菩萨回答:“一定是舍利本身起了作用,隐瞒了小和尚的踪迹。” Listens attentively to the nod, said: We must find that lesser monk.” 谛听点头,说道:“那我们得找到那个小和尚。” Only can so.” “只能如此了。” Guanyin turns around, walks toward the temple. 观音转身,向寺庙走去。 Heaven, some rays of light also want to fall, rays of light that but was raised from the ground prevents. 天上,一些光芒也想落下来,但又被从地面升起的光芒阻止。 rays of light interwines, turned into the flame of fight immediately. 光芒交织在一起,马上变成了战斗的火焰。 The Myriad Spirits Country with Spirit Mountain had determined the world reveres the Buddhist relics is. 万灵国和灵山都确定了世尊舍利的所在。 Different rays of light glitter a piece in the sky, has evaded not to be possible to evade. 不同的光芒在天空闪烁一片,已经避无可避。 Bodhisattva.” “菩萨。” Enters the temple, some arhats inquired Guanyin: Actually did that world reveres why person, grasp the what kind of strength? Why the Buddha and that can Sun Wukong so take great pains?” 走进寺庙,有罗汉询问观音:“那世尊究竟为何人,掌握了何等力量?为何佛祖和那孙悟空都要如此煞费苦心?” That world reveres from Three Worlds, has the graciousness of leading the way to the Buddha.” “那位世尊来自三界之外,对佛祖有引路之恩。” Guanyin replied: Buddha and Sun Wukong all want to obtain the strength outside that Three Worlds.” 观音回答:“佛祖和孙悟空皆想获得那三界之外的力量。”
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