TMBD :: Volume #4

#310: Plans prudently

Guanyin leads Ao Luan to return to Hall of Great Strength, saw that Buddha closes/obsctructs eye sits well. 观音领着敖鸾回到大雄宝殿,见到佛祖闭目端坐。 Where did Buddha go to?” “佛祖去了哪里?” Her eyes do not see right, true spirit of Buddha not here. 她一眼就看出不对,佛祖的真灵不在这里。 Buddha entered gold/metal Boyu.” “佛祖进了金钵盂。” Wenshupusa replied. 文殊菩萨回答。 Ao Luan was startled: What does he go to make?” 敖鸾吃了一惊:“他进去做什么?” Preached.” “讲经。” Wenshupusa looked at Ao Luan one, not having the rule saying that the Buddha cannot enter gold/metal Boyu to preach. 文殊菩萨看了敖鸾一眼,没有规则说佛祖不能进金钵盂讲经。 gold/metal Boyu, Sun Wukong had already forgotten who oneself is. 金钵盂里,孙悟空早已忘记了自己是谁。 The competition of two Heavenly Lord, no one can cheat, Sun Wukong only then puts behind all, can the reincarnation from the lotus flower of seven treasures pond. 两位天尊的比试,谁也不能做假,孙悟空只有忘却一切,才能从七宝池的莲花里转生。 After his reincarnation, just went out of the seven treasures pond, some people overspread the fresh flower to greet him on the ground, puts on the cassock for him. 他转生之后,刚走出七宝池,就有人在地上铺满鲜花迎接他,为他披上袈裟。 Reincarnation of extremely happy pure land, a birth had the palace. 极乐净土的转生者,一出生就有宫殿。 Here everywhere is the palace, tall stately mansion, lecture room and lecture hall, or on the ground, either in airborne, by the numerous valuable natures, splendid, poor is extremely all wonderful. 这里到处都是宫殿、楼观、讲堂、精舍,或在地上,或在空中,全由众宝自然而成,富丽堂皇,穷微极妙。 Outside the palace, an earth smoothness, is planting various fragrance fragrant treasure trees, the wind has blown the time, is playing like tens of thousands of musical instruments, making the person immerse in inside. 宫殿之外,大地一片平坦,种着各种香气芬馥的宝树,风吹过的时候,就像成千上万的乐器在演奏,让人沉醉在里面。 This is everywhere rays of light and warm comfortable world, the natural myriad things do not have a Burden of sin, anybody can the raising charitable disposition and happiness. 这是一个遍地光芒、温暖舒适的世界,自然万物都不带有一丝业障,任何人都会升起善念与欢喜之情。 Here person not any worry, not painstakingly, is happy, everybody does not use the work difficult, wholeheartedly to Buddha, true quiet not dyes. 这里的人没有任何烦恼,没有苦,只有乐,人人不用工作劳苦,一心向佛,真正的清静无染。 Even, here clothes, diets and various types of apparatus, so long as the thought flashes through, will appear. 甚至于,这里的衣服、饮食、各种用具,只要念头闪过,就会出现。 You want to wear any clothes, any clothes will appear on you, wants to eat any good food, the good food will put before you. 你想穿什么衣服,什么衣服就会出现在你身上,想吃什么美食,美食就会盛放在你面前。 „Is here thing so why easy to obtain?” “为什么这里的东西如此容易得到?” When does not know, Sun Wukong gushes out this thought. 不知道什么时候,孙悟空涌出这个念头。 Here people anything has not done, why can obtain such good life. 这里的人们什么也没有做,为什么就能得到这么好的生活。 Other people told him, these were the Buddha unsurpassedly hope the strength change. 其他人告诉他,这些都是佛祖无上愿力变化而成。 They thought that this is natural phenomenon, however Sun Wukong has doubts as before, he also said that does not permit to have doubts anything, thinks the world should not like this. 他们觉得这是理所当然的现象,然而孙悟空依旧疑惑,他也说不准自己在疑惑什么,就是觉得世界不应该这样。 Food and clothes should unable to result in conveniently. 食物和衣服不应该是可以随手可得的。 Because of this doubts, he had the different place with others. 因为这丝疑惑,他就和别人有了不一样的地方。 In order to explain doubts, he starts to read buddhist scripture. 为了解答疑惑,他开始阅读佛经 He likes reading and also liking listening, but here such world. 他喜欢看书、也喜欢听经,而这里正是这样的世界。 Here any worry, has not had any unprincipled person, is one can pursue grand way principle the world of without limits. 这里没有任何烦恼、也没有任何坏人,正是一个可以无止境的追求大道理的世界。 Sun Wukong has wallowed. 孙悟空沉迷了进去。 The knowledge must attract him compared with any other things. 知识比其他任何东西都要吸引他。 However, one year after year after past, the book that reads, hears after more, he more thought where is not right. 然而,一年年过去之后,看的书、听得经越多,他就越是觉得哪里不对。 An anxious feeling reappeared in his heart. 一股焦躁感浮现在了他心底。 He could not find this anxious origin, but it passes along with the time, increases day by day. 他找不到这股焦躁的由来,但它随着时间流逝,与日俱增。 When this anxious feeling must erupt, a Buddha appeared before him. 就在这股焦躁感要爆发的时候,一名佛祖出现在了他面前。 The Buddha are in the garret the beginning lecturing Confucian classics, the people hear so such as to be drunk, Sun Wukong was also once pure. 佛祖在阁楼里开讲经书,人们都听得如此如醉,孙悟空一度也清净下来。 But this has not continued to be too long pure, he was auditing for a long time, could not bear leave the garret finally. 但这股清净没有持续太久,他在旁听了许久,终于忍不住离开阁楼。 „Will I so be why anxious?” “为何我会如此焦躁?” Sun Wukong is looking for the anxious reason. 孙悟空寻找着自己焦躁的原因。 Obviously is the pure happy world, why he more and more does not like. 明明是清净美好的世界,为什么他越来越不喜欢。 Unknowingly, he has arrived at seven treasures pool Bian. 不知不觉,他走到了七宝池边。 He saw that a lotus flower is blooming in pond slowly, nearby person sees, whole face joyful in the ground upholstery flower petal, prepares the clothes to greet the new companion. 他见到一朵莲花正在池中缓缓绽放,附近的人见到,都满脸欣喜的在地上铺垫花瓣,准备衣服迎接新的同伴。 Sun Wukong anything has not done, but looks that lotus flower gradually becomes a person. 孙悟空什么也没做,只是看着那朵莲花逐渐变为人身。 „, Is this......” “啊,原来是这样……” He understood suddenly. 他忽然明白了。 He had found all roots. 他找到了一切的根源。 We are not the person.” “我们不是人。” Sun Wukong is shivering at heart, knows that the person who walks from the pond is not the reincarnation. 孙悟空心里颤动着,知道那从池中走出来的人并不是转生。 The person is physical body mortal embryo, so long as is the physical body, will have the pain, has the desire, can so quiet comfortable? 人是肉体凡胎,只要是肉体,就会有病痛,有欲望,又怎么能如此清静自在呢? Reincarnation of extremely happy pure land, reason that anything can obtain , because they are only the souls. 极乐净土的转生者,之所以什么都能得到,是因为他们本身就只是灵魂罢了。 Clothes that food that they eat, wears, is not genuine food and clothes. 他们吃的食物、穿的衣服,都不是真正的食物和衣服。 After realizing this point, who Sun Wukong remembered is in itself. 意识到这一点后,孙悟空想起了自己是谁。 „Will Northern Continent of Unpleasant Sound, turn into this in the future?” 北俱芦洲,将来也会变成这样吗?” Sun Wukong asked in a soft voice. 孙悟空轻声问道。 Northern Continent of Unpleasant Sound turns into the extremely happy pure land reason, perhaps because of here life, finally will take off physical body mortal embryo. 北俱芦洲变成极乐净土的原因,也许是因为这里的生灵,最后都会脱去肉体凡胎 Takes off the physical body, can achieve wishes coming true. 脱去肉体,才能做到心想事成。 Sun Wukong has turned around, sees the Buddha at present. 孙悟空转过身,看到佛祖就在眼前。 This is not the true world.” “这不是真正的世界。” Sun Wukong said. 孙悟空说道。 what Weizhen is what fake?” “何为真何为假?” The Buddha said: You exit, how can also obtain clear?” 佛祖说道:“你就算出去,又怎能分得清?” The soul and physical body, are real. 灵魂与肉体,都是真。 But the so-called physical body, to person is only an imprisonment. 但所谓的肉体,对人只是一种禁锢。 The Buddha look at Sun Wukong: Great Saint, the actual situation genuine and fake, are obsession.” 佛祖看着孙悟空:“大圣,虚实真假,都是执念。” Sun Wukong visits him, thinks in his words to have the words. 孙悟空看着他,觉得他话里有话。 „The folk recipe can block karma extremely happily only.” “极乐净土方能阻断因果。” The Buddha then said: You and I collaborate, can change on that day the fate, realizes eternal.” 佛祖接着说道:“你与我联手,就能改变那天地命数,实现永恒。” I cannot achieve.” “我做不到。” Sun Wukong replied. 孙悟空回答。 What he wants to protect is the vivid life, must make them put down all, he cannot achieve. 他想守护的是有血有肉的生灵,要让他们放下一切,他做不到。 „A difference, is not the stratagem.” “道不同,不相为谋。” Sun Wukong said that suddenly leaps on, has been separated from this side world. 孙悟空说罢,忽然一跃而上,脱离了这方世界。 Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” Hall of Great Strength, after a Buddha sigh, Sun Wukong has opened the eye. 大雄宝殿,佛祖一声叹息之后,孙悟空睁开了眼睛。 Elder brother!” “兄长!” King!” “大王!” Ao Luan and small phoenix ran hastily. 敖鸾和小凤凰连忙跑了过去。 Sun Wukong nods to them, then goes out of the light halo: Buddha, was I wins.” 孙悟空向她们点头,然后走出光圈:“佛祖,是我赢了。” Buddha nod. 佛祖点头。 Goes to call Golden Cicada.” “去把金蝉子叫来。” He made people call Golden Cicada. 他让人把金蝉子叫了过来。 Great Saint.” 大圣。” Golden Cicada arrived, first is whole face joyful to Sun Wukong good a ritual. 金蝉子到了,先是满脸欣喜的向孙悟空行了一礼。 He has found out the situation, then salutes to the Buddha. 他已经了解了情况,接着又向佛祖行礼。 Golden Cicada, Great Saint makes you retrieval the freedom.” 金蝉子,大圣让你重获自由。” The Buddha open the mouth saying: You, when studies with concentration, has acquired achievements from study, may return to Spirit Mountain again.” 佛祖开口道:“你当潜心学习,学有所成,可再回灵山。” Respectfully follows the law aim.” “谨遵法旨。” Golden Cicada is pleasantly surprised has led Saint graciousness. 金蝉子又惊又喜的领了圣恩。 Audiences Buddha somewhat is surprised, has not thought that the Buddha not only has not expelled Golden Cicada, gave back to him to open the front door. 众佛都有些吃惊,没想到佛祖不仅没有赶走金蝉子,还给他打开了大门。 „Is Great Saint, like this feasible?” 大圣,这样可行?” The Buddha also asked Sun Wukong. 佛祖又问孙悟空 Ok.” “行。” Sun Wukong nods, is bringing Ao Luan and small phoenix, as well as Golden Cicada, turned around to leave Spirit Mountain. 孙悟空点头,带着敖鸾和小凤凰,以及金蝉子,转身离开了灵山。 Audiences Buddha looks at back that they leave. 众佛看着他们离开的背影。 Buddha.” “佛祖。” East comes the Buddha to turn around, asks: „Can Great Saint also spend?” 东来佛祖转身,问道:“大圣还能不能度化?” Can.” “能。” Buddha nod: I have taken shape.” 佛祖点头:“我已有头绪。” A competition, the Buddha thoroughly understood. 一番比试,佛祖彻底明白了。 Sun Wukong and Buddhism have similar idea, thinks delivering all living things from suffering, looks for an outlet for that all living things. 孙悟空和佛门拥有相似的理念,都想普度众生,为那众生寻找一条出路。 But what they walk is two paths of distinguishing right from wrong. 但他们走的是泾渭分明的两条道路。 The Sun Wukong's path promotes the civilization, will look for the answer in the future. 孙悟空的道路是提升文明,在未来寻找答案。 Must want to spend Sun Wukong, only has a method: Prevents Myriad Spirits Country to succeed. 要想度化孙悟空,只有一个方法:阻止万灵国成功。 Only then proves to give him, his path is wrong, Sun Wukong true putting down obsession. 只有证明给他,他的道路是错的,孙悟空才会真正的放下执念 Also must plan prudently.” “还需慎重谋划。” The Buddha are thinking, gradually was quiet. 佛祖想着,逐渐沉静了下去。
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