Qin Muheartbig quake: „Carriesstone statue, is equaltocarryingExalted God?”秦牧心头大震:“背石像,相当于背着一尊神?”Blindsaidlightly: „Carries the Godto walk, itsheavyincomparable. In the pastGrandma Sitheytosaveyou, Grandfather Mathencarriedstone statueto bringGrannyto the waterfront, a suchnearsection of road, even ifwere the Grandfather Mastrengthis also implicatedalmostgives way.”瞎子淡淡道:“背神行走,其重无比。当年司婆婆他们为了救你,马爷便背了一个石像带着婆婆到了江边,这么近的一段路,即便是马爷的实力也被累得几乎垮掉。”Qin Mucreepy feeling, these are stone statue in villageso heavy?秦牧头皮发麻,村子里的这些石像有这么沉重?Whothenthesestone statuesculpturesare?
那么这些石像的雕刻者是谁?Onstone statuecarveswhatGodis? Whycarvestheirappearancesoto be then heavy?石像上雕琢的又是什么神?为何雕琢成他们的样子便会如此沉重?Ownchildhoodcrawledtostone statueondefecatesto urinate, canby the Godenvious hatred?
自己小时候爬到石像上拉屎撒尿,会不会被神嫉恨?„Youcould rest assured that the God who carvesthisstatueearlydied. Mu'er, Imakeyoulook atstone statue, is actually practiceyoureye. Iletam notordinarystone statue that youlook, butis the Godfor the looks like that the Godmakes!”
The Blindsoundenlightens the benighted, makinghiseardrumbuzz the cry, Blindexclaimto a stone statuebybamboo basket: „Mu'er, Nine Layers Heavenly Eye Awakening Technique, whatopensisGod Eyes, sinceisGod Eyes, naturallymustsee the God! Sees the Godwith the eye, sees the potential of God, the rhyme of God, the air/Qi of God, the Godcondition, the God of God!”瞎子声音振聋发聩,让他耳膜嗡鸣,瞎子对着石像旁边的一口竹筐吼道:“牧儿,九重天开眼法,开的是神眼,既然是神眼,自然是要见神!用眼睛去见神,见神的势,神的韵,神的气,神的态,神的神!”
The Qin Mumindvibrates: „Sees the God? Sees the God in stone statue?”秦牧心神震动:“见神?见石像中的神?”„Makesyourorigin qientereye, opensFirst Heavenly Layer of yournaked eyeeveryembryo!”
“让你的元气进入眼睛,开你肉眼凡胎的第一重天!”Blindbamboo staffselectsgentlyin the Qin Mu'spit of the stomach, thistimeactuallyselectsunusually, Qin Mufeltimmediatelyownorigin qiboundlessoperation, charges intoowneye!瞎子的竹杖轻轻点在秦牧的心窝,这次却点得异常的准,秦牧立刻感觉到自己的元气磅礴运行,冲向自己的眼睛!
The practiceeyeis quite dangerous, Qin Mu'sorigin qistartedto quench the body, quenchings the impurity and unnecessaryfat in within the body, place that butboth eyesare most difficultto refine, almostcan be said as the forbidden area, will havethento be carelessly blindslightly!修炼眼睛极为危险,秦牧的元气已经开始淬体,淬炼出体内的杂质和多余的脂肪,但是双眼是最难炼到的地方,几乎可以说是禁区,稍有不慎便会瞎掉!Qin Muhad askedhowVillage Chiefrefining up the eye, butVillage Chiefhad not said,onlysaideasilydo not attemptto quenching the eye.秦牧曾经问过村长如何炼眼,但是村长并没有多说,只说轻易不要尝试淬炼眼睛。ButBlindactuallyurgesQin Mu'sorigin qito flush awaytohisboth eyes, the tendencyis fierce, goes against the common sense!
而瞎子却催着秦牧的元气向他的双眼冲去,势头凶猛霸道,违背常理!Qin Muonlythinks that both eyesweb the achetransmits, hisorigin qiinenormous and powerfulbreaking inboth eyes, hisorigin qicultivation basewas quite abundant, butwas pressedextremelyslenderlybycultivation base of Blindterrifying.秦牧只觉双目一阵钻心的疼痛传来,他的元气已经浩浩荡荡的冲入双眼之中,他的元气修为极为雄厚,但是被瞎子恐怖的修为压得极为纤细。Eyebig?
眼睛才有多大?Butat this momentQin Mufeltowneye is very as if huge, bigsuch asday!
但这一刻秦牧感觉到自己的眼睛似乎无比庞大,大如天!Hisorigin qilike the dragon, the hugelong lineenterssuch asin the dayeyein a big way, thensuddenlybursts out, origin qispoutto the sky, the pillar that seems being indomitable spirit, thenbillowingorigin qiflows the vault of heaven, forms the strangetextureon the backdrop, interweaves the net, like the Heavenly Daothree cardinal guides and five constant virtues, covers entirely the sky.
The aching feelingalsosuddenlyvanished, what replaces it isincomparablecomfort, unprecedentedcomfort.
刚才的疼痛感也突然间消失,取而代之的是无比的舒适,前所未有的舒适。„Mu'er, remembers the design in sky, thatisNine Layers Heavenly Eye Awakening TechniqueFirst Heavenly Layer, Divine Cloud HeavenHeavenly Dipper Formation Mark.” The Blindsoundconveysfrom the day, appears is very lofty.
The Qin Muattentivememory, hisorigin qicausedbyBlindurginghastily, has becomein the eyeinteriorarrange/clothDivine Cloud HeavenHeavenly Dipper Formation Mark, hecanclearseesthesemarks the trends, structure, detail, butHeavenly Dipper Formation Markis too tediouscomplex, remembers that requires the time.秦牧连忙用心记忆,他的元气被瞎子催使,在眼睛内部布成了神霄天天罡阵纹,他能够清晰的看到这些阵纹的走势,结构,细节,不过天罡阵纹太繁琐复杂,记忆下来需要时间。Blindstimulates to movementhisorigin qirepeatedly, crossedlong time, Qin Mu'sorigin qialmostexhausts, hethenputs asidefrom the Qin Mupit of the stomachplacebamboo staff.瞎子一遍一遍的催动他的元气,过了良久,秦牧的元气几乎耗尽,他这才将竹杖从秦牧心窝处移开。„How many do youremember?”Blindasked.
“六七成。”Blindreveals the gratifiedcolor/look, said: „Suchshorttime, takes down60%-70%not to be very easy. Yourestoreorigin qi.”瞎子露出欣慰之色,道:“这么短时间,记下六七成已经很不容易。你恢复一下元气。”Qin Muruns, stimulates to movement„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”, letsownorigin qiquick recovery.秦牧奔跑起来,催动“霸体三丹功”,让自己的元气快速恢复。Whenre-enterspeaktohiscultivation base, Blindsaid: „Youstimulate to movementmeto teachtoyourHeavenly Dipper Formation Mark, has a look atstone statueagain, whetherdiffered from the past.”
待到他的修为重回巅峰,瞎子道:“你催动我传授给你的天罡阵纹,再看看石像,是否与从前有所不同。”Qin Mustimulates to movementorigin qiimmediately, sinceownboth eyes, origin qiconstructsDivine Cloud HeavenHeavenly Dipper Formation Mark, heonlylearns60%-70%marks, is incomplete, butorigin qiproliferatesboth eyes, thattypecancompletely understand that coolallcomforttransmitonce more.秦牧当即催动元气,进入自己的双眼,元气构建神霄天天罡阵纹,他只学会六七成阵纹,并不完整,但是元气遍布双眼,那种清凉能够看透一切的舒适感再次传来。Hecatches the eyeto looktofrontdragon's headelderlystone statue, the mindvibrates, oncein his eyes was very ordinarystone statue, suddenlybecame the brilliantmulti-colors!
他抬眼看向面前的龙首老者石像,不由心神震动,曾经在他眼中很是普通的石像,突然间变得绚烂多彩!Thatstone statueas iflivedcamegeneral, Gods that as ifturned intobeing indomitable spirit!
那石像仿佛活了过来一般,仿佛变成了一尊顶天立地的神祇!Heevenalsonoticed that aroundstone statuebursts out the slenderrays of light, rays of light, serve as contraststone statueto be sacred!
他甚至还看到石像四周迸发出纤细的毫光,道道毫光,衬托出石像神圣庄严!Hismindhas encountered the stone statuecrushimmediately!
他的心灵顿时遭到了石像的碾压!In his eyes, stone statueno longerisstone statue, butis a livingGod!
The God of God, condition, air/Qi, rhyme and potential, crashhismind, then mustcrashhisbody, makinghisknees unable to bearwantto kneelto bend downin the place!
神的神、态、气、韵和势,将他的心灵压垮,接着便要压垮他的身体,让他双膝忍不住想要跪伏在地!„Continuesto look,do not close the eye, do not kneel down.”
“继续看,不要闭上眼睛,也不要跪下。”Blindicysay/way: „Youalsocrawledtostone statue on childhooddefecateto urinate, in childhoodstilldaresso, whyto grow upmust insteadkneel? Mu'er, Nine Layers Heavenly Eye Awakening Techniquenot onlyenlarges ones vision, similarlyalsoopensyourmind, makingyouface directlyin world the great strength and danger!”瞎子冷冰冰道:“你小时候还爬到石像上拉屎尿尿,小时候尚敢如此,为何长大了反而要跪?牧儿,九重天开眼法不仅仅是开眼,同样也是开启你的心灵,让你直面世间的强大和险恶!”„Martial Practitionerformidable is not only the might of style, the mindformidableis more important! Ifyourhearthas lost toonepile of brokenstones, youhave the formidablemilitary forcealsoto accomplish nothing!”
“武者强大的不仅仅是招式的威力,心灵的强大更为重要!你的心若是败给了一堆破石头,你就算拥有再强大的武力也将一事无成!”Blindbamboo staff, shouted: „You, ifresistswithstone statue, anti- the oppression of stone statue, yourmindwill also expand! To makepowerful, makesyourmindformidablefirst, isownGod, fearless!”瞎子竹杖顿地,喝道:“你若是与石像对抗,抗住了石像的压迫,你的心灵也会壮大!想让实力强大,先让你的心灵强大,做自己的神,无所畏惧!”
The Qin Muforeheadcold sweatrollingflows off, resisted the idea that oneselfkneltstubbornly, stone statuetakes tohisconstrictiontooto be really strong, is unable to resist.秦牧额头冷汗滚滚流下,死死对抗自己跪下来的想法,石像带给他的压迫感实在太强了,根本无法抵挡。Blindsaidfearlessly, buthecannot achieve.瞎子说无所畏惧,但他根本做不到。Has not enlarged ones visionandenlarged ones visioncompletelyistwo matters.
没有开眼和开了眼完全是两回事。Words that has not enlarged ones vision, stone statueisordinarystone statue, will crawlurinatestoaboveexcrementwill not care. Butenlarged ones vision, stone statueisGods, even ifanyactionis gazing atthisExalted God, blasphemed!
没有开眼的话,石像就是普通的石像,爬到上面屙屎撒尿都不会放在心上。但开了眼,石像就是一尊神祇,任何举动哪怕是注视着这尊神,都是亵渎!Blindsaid: „Inruined temple the Godis easy, in the brokenheart the Godis difficult. Youknow that whothese wordsweresay?”瞎子道:“破庙中神易,破心中神难。你知道这句话是谁说的吗?”Qin Muwas frightened the soulbystone statue, was unanswerable.秦牧被石像震慑心魂,无法回答。„Saidthisseems liketreason and heresy the person of words, isEternal Peace Empire outside Great Ruinscurrent dynastyImperial Preceptor, was honored asexistence of First Person Under The Gods!”
“说出这句看似大逆不道的话的人,正是大墟外的延康国当朝国师,被誉为神下第一人的存在!”Blindis powerful, shouts: „Mu'er, saves the Godinyourheart, is the differentGod and falseGod, breaksit, abilityraises upownidol! Let alonestone statue, even if True Godstandsbeforeyou, youcannotkneel!”瞎子威风凛凛,喝道:“牧儿,存于你心中的神,都是异神、伪神,打破它,才能竖起自己的神像!别说一个石像,就算是一尊真神站在你面前,你也决不能跪!”Heinsertsbamboo staffinone side, unties the belt, laughs: „Not onlycannotkneel, insteadmusturinateit!”
“尿它?”Qin Mustayed: „UrineExalted God?”秦牧呆了呆:“尿一尊神?”Blindurinatestostone statue, hahasaid with a smile: „Right, urinatesit! In childhoodyouhad urinateditsmore thanhundred, nowdoesn't dare?”瞎子冲石像撒尿,哈哈笑道:“对,尿它!小时候你尿过它不下百遍,现在不敢了吗?”Qin Muclenches teeth, unties the waistband, a heat flowruns out, urineonstone statue.秦牧咬牙,解开腰带,一股热流冲出,尿在石像上。Thisurineno small matter, the idol in Qin Mueyesacreddignified, has felt the constriction, butthatoppressionmindmakes the feeling that hekneels downvanish into thin air!
这一尿非同小可,秦牧眼中的神像还是神圣庄严,充满了压迫感,但那种压迫心灵让他跪下的感觉不翼而飞!Oneoldis shortto„regarding”, laughs, is very joyous.
一老一少对“视”,哈哈大笑起来,很是欢悦。Village Chiefis sunningin the entrance, hearstwo peoplelaughterto turn the headlooks like, seesthissituationalsoto shake the head: „Blindis the peculiar genius of showsentiment, madeMu'erbreakin the heartwiththismeansunexpectedly the God, formidablemind. Tradesto beotherpeople, cannot find outthisstrange means that butMu'ertogetherurinateswithhimunexpectedly, isbold. HemakesMu'erurinatestone statue, is not only the God in brokenMu'erheart, breaksGod in the heart, thatexhaustshiseye‚God’...... In the spear/gun the God, returned.”村长正在门口晒太阳,听到两人的笑声转头看来,见此情形也不由摇头:“瞎子是个骚情的怪才,竟然用这种办法让牧儿破了心中神,强大心灵。换做其他人,都想不出这种古怪的办法,但牧儿竟然偏偏跟着他一起尿,也是胆大包天。他让牧儿尿石像,既是破牧儿心中的神,也是破自己心中的神,那个挖掉他眼睛的‘神’……枪中之神,回归了。”Heknows why Blindsuchdoes.
他知道瞎子为何这么做。bamboo staff in Blindhandis notbamboo staff, butis the spear/gun.瞎子手中的竹杖不是竹杖,而是枪。In the past when Blindwalked intoDisabled Elderly Villageboth eyesalldestroyed, are seriously injured, pitifulincomparable, likelywas a beggar of begging for food, a contamination.
当年瞎子走入残老村时双目皆毁,身受重伤,凄惨无比,像是一个讨饭的叫花子,一身污秽。However the Blindfootsteps are very steady, bamboo staff in hand is also very steady.
但是瞎子的脚步却很稳,手中的竹杖也很稳。Hewalks into the villagetime, isgets angrydragonHengjuaneightsidesto break in the smallvillageto the feeling of Village Chieflikely, the manner of Blindin the Village Chiefeye, such asholds up a day of column.
他走入村庄的时候,给村长的感觉像是怒龙横卷八方冲入小小的村庄之中,瞎子的气宇在村长眼中,如擎天之柱。Among the worldcanhavesuchspear technique and spirit, only theninthatspear/gunGod!
天下间能有如此枪法和气概的,只有那位枪中之神!ButthatSpear Godmost formidableplaceis not a spear/gun, butishiseye, thatispair of God Eyes, canlook throughallstyleflawsGod Eyes!
但那位枪神最强大的地方并非是枪,而是他的眼睛,那是一双神眼,能够看破一切招式破绽的神眼!Butnow, Blindpassed onGod Eyes, has passed toQin Mu.
而现在,瞎子将神眼传了出来,传给了秦牧。Practices the spear/gunto refine the eyefirst, refining up the eyeto refine the heartfirst!
The BlindeyeisGod Eyes, eyeis stronger, thenmorecansee, looksis more real, thenmorecansee the bigterrifying.瞎子的眼是神眼,眼睛越强,便越能看到真实,看的越真实,便越能看到大恐怖。
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