Grandma Siis drawingin high spiritshiswalkstoward the village, says with a smile: „Do not look, a bit fastercomes, todayisyourGreat Sun! Village Chief, Grandfather Ma, comes out!”司婆婆拉着他兴冲冲的往村里走,笑道:“别看了,快点过来,今天是你的大日子!村长,马爷,都出来!”In the villageignited the bonfire, Village Chiefis liftedwith the stretcher, said solemnly: „Did fourspiritsfind?”
“都找到了。”one armGrandfather Matowed several feethuge snake, jade-green, was living, floodfishy smell, butwas pressed firmly between the fingerssevencuns (2.5 cm)byGrandfather Masingle-handed, could not move.独臂的马爷拖来了一条几丈长的大蛇,碧青色,也还活着,泛着腥气,只是被马爷单手捏住七寸,动弹不得。
The Muteblacksmithraised a big bird, thatbig birdalsowantedto be bigger than Mute, butwas bound the wing and both feet. When thatbig birdstruggles, in the featherreallyhas the flameto depart, makes noise, is very scary.哑巴铁匠则提来了一头大鸟,那头大鸟比哑巴还要高大一些,但是被绑住了翅膀和双脚。那大鸟挣扎时,羽毛中竟然有火光飞出,噼里啪啦作响,很是吓人。Blindmoved inonealsoto want the biggreatturtlecompared with the tablesurface, thisgreatturtledoes not know that exactlymanyyears, the tortoise shellturnedgolden yellow. The greatturtlefour limbsshrinkinshell, once for a whilesecretlyfinds out a claw, Qin Musaw that itsclawfinds out the shell, under the clawthengives birth to the water vapor, as ifcanpick upthisGolden Tortoise, harnesses the water vaporto make a getaway.瞎子则搬来了一只比桌子面还要大的巨龟,这头巨龟不知活了多少年,龟壳都翻起了金黄色。巨龟四肢都缩在壳里,时不时偷偷的探出一只爪子,秦牧看到它的爪子探出壳,爪子下便生出水汽,似乎能够将这头金龟托起,驾着水汽逃之夭夭。Golden Tortoisewas put on the nostrilbyBlindwith the fishhook, is unable to run away.
只是金龟被瞎子用鱼钩穿住鼻孔,无法逃走。„Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, thesefourspiritblood, althoughis unable to get so far as, butreplaceswithAzure Flood Dragon Snake, Iron Bone Tiger, ThunderbirdandGolden Tortoise, canrefineSpirit Bloodto come, enoughused.”
“青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武,这四灵的血虽然无法弄到,不过用青蛟蛇、铁骨虎、雷鸟和金龟代替,也可以炼出一点灵血来,足够用了。”Village Chiefnoddedtovillage'sButcher, Butchergrinsto smile, both handssupportgo forward, heis the men of onlyremainingupper part, below the waistcuts off, the woundis smooth.村长向村里的屠户点了点头,屠户咧嘴笑了笑,双手撑地上前,他是个只剩下上半身的汉子,腰部以下被人砍断,伤口平整。
Before fourcylindersplaceAzure SnaketigerThunderbirdandGolden Tortoise, Butcherblade, tothesebeast of preybloodletting, after a while, fourpreyblooddrains away.
四口缸放在青蛇老虎雷鸟和金龟前,屠户一刀一只,给这些猛兽放血,过了不久,四个猎物鲜血流尽。„Apothecary.”Village Chiefsaid.
“药师。”村长说。village'sApothecarygoes forward, hedid not haveface, the skin on faceas ifto be cut, cuttogetheralsohadhisnose, upper liplower lip that as well aspartlyopened mouth, wasin the villageis ugliest the fearfulperson, butQin Muthought that Grandpa Apothecarywasin the villagetohekindestperson.村里的药师上前,他没有脸,脸上的皮似乎是被人切了下来,一起切下来的还有他的鼻子,以及半张嘴的上唇下唇,是村里最丑陋可怕的人,不过秦牧则觉得药师爷爷是村里对他最和蔼的人。Apothecarygoes forward, takes outfourunusualredleaves, oneachleafhas a snow whiteovum. Apothecarythrows a leafineachvatrespectively, thensees the ovumto break, the silkwormlieson the leafdrinks the blood.药师上前,取出四片奇特的红色叶子,每片叶子上都有一颗雪白的虫卵。药师在每个缸里各投一片叶子,便见虫卵破开,蚕虫趴在叶子上喝血。Thesesilkwormssee the windto be long, the blood that drinksare more, the bodyis then bigger, the blood in quickfourvatwere drunk up, ineachvatremainingare fat and biginsect.
这些蚕虫见风就长,喝的血越多,身体便越大,很快四口缸里的血都被喝干,每口缸里都剩下一只又肥又大的虫子。Apothecarygraspedlikesaltscattered the whitecrystalfrothin the vat, Qin Musaw that fourwere fat and biginsectis reducingunexpectedlyrapidly, expressed admiration.药师抓了把像盐一样的白色晶沫撒在缸里,秦牧看到四条又肥又大的虫子竟然在飞速缩小,不由啧啧称奇。Crossed the moment, Apothecaryhas pickedfourinsects, eachinsectonly thenpalm of the handsize. Sees onlyhimto take outfourwhiteporcelain cups, held an insectto make an effortto pushpushing, thatinsectpsstcalled, the mouthflowed outonecup of amberglittering and translucent carvingblood plasmas.
过了片刻,药师将四条虫子捡了起来,每条虫子都只有巴掌大小。只见他取出四个白瓷杯,抓住一只虫子用力挤了挤,那虫子吱吱叫,嘴里流出一杯琥珀般晶莹剔透的血浆。Apothecaryfollows a set pattern, squeezes out the blood in otherthreeinsectbellies, placesin front offourcupsQin Mu, shakes the head saying: „After all is nottruespirit beast, Spirit Blood that canrefineonly thensuchselects.”药师如法炮制,将其他三只虫子肚子里的血挤出,将四个杯子放在秦牧面前,摇头道:“毕竟不是真正的灵兽,能够提炼出的灵血只有这么点儿。”„Mu'er, in the human bodyhasseven great treasure vaults, Spirit Embryo, Five Elements, Six Directions, Seven Stars, Celestial Being, Life and Death, Divine Bridge, thisseven great treasure vaultswas sealed upinborn, hidden treasure that was sealed uplikely, thereforeis calledSeven Great Divine Treasures.”
The Village Chiefsoundis havingseveralpoints of dignity, undershine of bonfire, the faceflickers, said solemnly: „Seven Great Divine Treasuresat the closecondition, needsMartial Practitionerto open, preventsMartial Practitionerto open the divine treasurebarrier is the wall, Spirit Embryo Wall, Five Elements Wall, Six Directions Wall, Seven Stars Wall, Celestial Being Wall, Life and Death Wall, Divine Bridge Wall. Breaks the processes of thesesevenwalls, is calledBreaking Wall.”村长声音带着几分威严,在篝火的映照下,脸庞忽明忽暗,沉声道:“七大神藏处在封闭的状态,需要武者自己打开,阻挡武者开启神藏的障碍便是壁,灵胎壁,五曜壁,六合壁,七星壁,天人壁,生死壁,神桥壁。破开这七壁的过程,称为破壁。”one armGrandfather Matouches the Qin Mu'sheadgently, said with a smile: „Wallcannot break, is unable practice. Somepeopleascend the skyto care, birthSpirit Embryo Wallthenbroken, thenopenedSpirit Embryodivine treasureinborn, thisphysique, was calledSpirit Body, the inborngodblessed, was the practiceseedling. Person who hasSpirit Body, the talentbe higher thanthere are numerous similar casescompared with the average person, practicegets uptwice the result with half the effort. Spirit Embryohasfourattribute, thereforeSpirit Bodyalsohasfourtypes, Azure Dragon Spirit Body, White Tiger Spirit Body, Vermilion Bird Spirit Body, Black Tortoise Spirit Body. To inspectwhetherisSpirit Body, needsthesefourSpirit Blood.”独臂马爷轻轻抚摸秦牧的头,笑道:“壁破不开,便无法修炼。有的人上天眷顾,一出生灵胎壁便是破的,天生便开启了灵胎神藏,这种体质,被称作灵体,天生神佑,是修炼的苗子。拥有灵体的人,天分要比普通人高出不知凡几,修炼起来事半功倍。灵胎有着四种属性,因此灵体也有四种,青龙灵体,白虎灵体,朱雀灵体,玄武灵体。想要检查是否是灵体,就需要这四灵血。”Apothecarysaid: „IfyouareAzure Dragon Spirit Body, after drinkingAzure DragonSpirit Blood, will then stimulate the air/Qi of Azure Dragon. Grandfather Ma is Azure Dragon Spirit Body.”药师道:“倘若你是青龙灵体,饮下青龙灵血后,便会激发青龙之气。马爷便是青龙灵体。”one armGrandfather Maunties the clothes, being barebackedstandsin front ofQin Mu, the revolutionscarriestohim, drinksonelowly.独臂马爷解开衣裳,赤膊站在秦牧面前,转身背对着他,低喝一声。Qin Musawimmediately the Grandfather Mabackappearstogetherazure qi, from the tail bonedirect linkback of the head, azure qichangesgradually, turns intoAzure Dragon, the scalemustevery delicate hair was completely shown, the coordinated processclawextendtoGrandfather Maone arm, twodragonclawwindingson the Grandfather Maboth legs.秦牧立刻看到马爷的背后浮现出一道青气,从尾骨直达后脑,青气渐渐变化,变成一条青龙,鳞须纤毫毕现,一条龙爪延伸到马爷的独臂,还有两条龙爪缠绕在马爷的双腿上。„ThisisAzure Dragon Spirit Body.”
“这就是青龙灵体。”one armGrandfather Mawears the clothing: „Old Woman SiisWhite Tiger Spirit Body.”独臂马爷穿上衣衫:“司老太婆是白虎灵体。”Grandma Sihiseyes, saidwhite: „Old ladydoes not take off the clothesto be cheap your oldghosts. Iuse the air/Qivisualizationto have a looktoQin Mu.”司婆婆白他一眼,道:“老娘可不脱衣裳便宜你们这些老鬼。我用气显形给秦牧看看。”Herbodyslightly shakes, transmits a tiger's roarindistinctly, zhang (3.33 m)twoturned-up eyesWhite Tigerappearinherpartly visiblebehind.
她身躯微震,身后隐约传来一声虎啸,一头丈二吊睛白虎若隐若现出现在她身后。„Allpeople in village, areSpirit Body. In the pastweoncehad been also glorious, but is just onecrowdis now old and wasteold manold lady.”
“村子里的所有人,都是灵体。当年我们也曾荣耀过,但现在只不过都是一群又老又废的老头子老太婆。”Grandma Sisaid with a smile: „Ourthesedisabled and oldanythingcannottoyour, thesefourcups of fourSpirit Bloodthenstimulate the Spirit Bodymaterial, ifyouareWhite Tiger Spirit Body, will drinkWhite TigerSpirit Bloodthento stimulate your Spirit Embryoair/Qi of White Tiger, ifVermilion Bird Spirit Body, Vermilion BirdSpirit Bloodthencanmake your Spirit Embryoair/Qi of Vermilion Birdenliven. Black Tortoise Spirit Body is also so.”司婆婆笑道:“我们这些残老废没什么能够给你的,这四杯四灵血便是激发灵体的材料,倘若你是白虎灵体,喝下白虎灵血便会激发你灵胎中的白虎之气,若是朱雀灵体,朱雀灵血便可以让你灵胎中的朱雀之气活跃起来。玄武灵体也是如此。”„Drinks.”
“喝吧。”Village Chief, Grandma Siand the othersneatlooks liketoQin Mu, reveals the color of anticipation.村长、司婆婆等人齐刷刷的向秦牧看来,露出期待之色。Qin Mubeats a drumat heart, althoughhefollows the Apothecarystudypicksmedicinerefining medicine the time is also filleddid not know many strangething, butdoes not havethisstrange.秦牧心里直打鼓,虽然他跟随药师学习采药炼药的时候也被灌了不知多少奇怪的东西,但都没有这次奇怪。Hecarries a whiteporcelain cup, insideSpirit Bloodfireburns, isonecup of Vermilion BirdSpirit Blood, Qin Mutosses down, onlythinks that the firing lineenters the throattogether, goes directly toall the limbs and bones, makinghimfeelownwithin the bodyas ifignites the raging flame, as ifburntownblood to seethe with excitementgenerally.
他端起一个白瓷杯,里面的灵血火烫,是一杯朱雀灵血,秦牧一饮而尽,只觉一道火线入喉,直达四肢百骸,让他恍惚间觉得自己体内似乎燃起熊熊烈火,烧得自己的血都仿佛要沸腾了一般。Passed the moment, thiscombustionfeelingdiverges.
过了片刻,这种燃烧感散去。„Mute, is heVermilion Bird Spirit Body?”Village Chiefasked.
The Muteblacksmithshook the head.哑巴铁匠摇了摇头。Village Chiefsaid: „Qin Mu, continue.”村长道:“秦牧,继续。”Under the Qin Museal the secondwhiteporcelain cup, insideisWhite TigerSpirit Blood, drinksto arrive in portas ifindrinkingto mix the copperjuicemolten iron of iron slag, astringent, the stabbing pain, after entering the body , the whole bodyis the pricking. Soon, the prickingvanishes.秦牧印下第二个白瓷杯,里面是白虎灵血,喝到口中仿佛是在喝混着铁渣的铜汁铁水,涩,刺痛,入体之后全身都是刺痛感。不久,刺痛感消失。„It is not White Tiger Spirit Body.”Grandma Sishook the head, is somewhat disappointed.
“不是白虎灵体。”司婆婆摇了摇头,有些失望。„Qin Mu, the thirdcup.”Village Chiefsaid solemnly.
“秦牧,第三杯。”村长沉声道。Qin MudrinksAzure DragonSpirit Blood that thirdcup of bigAzure Snakerefine, thiscup of Spirit Bloodmakehimonlythink that the musclerouses and bulge, the bloodrouses and bulge, the five main internal organs (entrails)is pusheduncomfortably, but the swellingfeelingalsoquicklyvanishes.秦牧喝下第三杯大青蛇提炼出的青龙灵血,这杯灵血让他只觉肌肉又鼓又胀,血液又鼓又胀,五脏六腑被挤得难受,不过肿胀感也很快消失。Grandfather Mareveals the disappointedcolor, shakes the head saying: „It is not Azure Dragon Spirit Body.”马爷露出失望之色,摇头道:“不是青龙灵体。”„ThencertainlyisBlack Tortoise Spirit Body.”Apothecaryrareshows a smiling face, the faceappearsfiercer.
“那么一定是玄武灵体。”药师难得的露出一丝笑容,面孔显得更加狰狞。Qin Mudrinkslastcup of Black TortoiseSpirit Blood, Black TortoiseSpirit Bloodmakeshisbodylithe, as ifsoaksin the river water, howeverthisfeelingalsoquicklyvanishes.秦牧饮下最后一杯玄武灵血,玄武灵血让他身子轻盈起来,仿佛浸泡到江水之中,然而这种感觉也很快消失。„Heis notBlack Tortoise Spirit Body.”Apothecaryshakes the head.
“他也不是玄武灵体。”药师摇头。Bybonfirevillagersare silent, Butchersaid: „Then, heis the ordinaryaverage person.”
篝火旁的村民们都沉默下来,屠户道:“这么说来,他就是普普通通的普通人。”Grandma Sicriessuddenly, sobs: „Wewere old, has abandoned, ifwedied, hedoes not go on living, hereis so dangerous, his daydoes not go on living......”司婆婆突然落泪,哽咽道:“我们都老了,废了,我们如果死了,他活不下去的,这里这么危险,他一天都活不下去……”Qin Muis holdingherhand, saidin a low voice: „Granny, do not cry, Grannyandgrandfathersaregood people, will not die......”秦牧拉着她的手,低声道:“婆婆,别哭,婆婆和爷爷都是好人,都不会死……”„Good person? hēi hēi......”
“好人?嘿嘿……”Grandfather Maself-ridiculessmiles, said: „Ourthesedisabled peoplewere compelledinGreat Ruins, barely manages to maintain a feeble existenceto livenow, Great Ruinsis too dangerous, withoutus, Mu'er is very indeed difficultto go on living. Weshouldsend outGreat Ruinshimmany, the outsidesecurity......”马爷自嘲一笑,道:“我们这些废人被逼到大墟中,苟延残喘活到现在,大墟太危险,没有我们,牧儿的确很难活下去。我们应该把他送出大墟,外面安全很多……”Butchericysay/way: „Delivershimto exit, wewill be discoveredby the personal enemy, will die, hewill also be implicatedbyus, will die.”屠户冷冰冰道:“送他出去,我们会被仇家发现,都会死,他也会被我们连累,也会死。”Disabled Elderly Villageis once more silent. SuddenlyVillage Chiefsaid: „Good.”残老村再次沉默下来。突然村长道:“好。”Grandma Siwonders: „Whatgood?”司婆婆纳闷:“什么好?”Village Chiefshows the smiling face: „Isaid that hisphysiqueis good, is a goodseedling.”村长露出笑容:“我说他的体质好,是个好苗子。”Butcher, Apothecaryand the othersare startled, the unclearitsmeaning, Village Chiefsaid with a smile: „Ithought that Mu'ershouldbe another physique, unifiesfourbigphysiquelongOverlord Body!”屠户、药师等人都是一怔,不明其意,村长笑道:“我觉得牧儿应该是另一种体质,结合四大体质之长的霸体!”„Overlord Body?”Grandma Siand the othersrevealed the color of doubts, theyare the experiencedgenerations, buthas not heardOverlord Bodythisname.
“霸体?”司婆婆等人露出疑惑之色,他们都是见多识广之辈,但是也没有听说过霸体这个名字。„Right, isOverlord Body.”
“对,是霸体。”Village Chiefsaid with a smile: „OrdinarySpirit Bloodis very difficultto stimulateOverlord Body, needs the blood of collectioncomplete/eventruefourbigspirit beast, abilitymakesOverlord Bodyappear. InGreat Ruinsdoes not havefourbigspirit beast, however the spirit beastdescendantis not difficultto seek, youcontinueto catchFierce Tigerhuge snake, refining upSpirit Blood, dranka lot, naturallycanstimulatehisOverlord Body.”村长笑道:“普通的灵血很难激发霸体,需要集齐真正的四大灵兽之血,才能让霸体显现出来。大墟中没有四大灵兽,但是灵兽的后代却并不难寻,你们继续捕捉猛虎大蛇,炼出灵血,喝得多了,自然能够将他的霸体激发出来。”Village Chiefhas the reputationvery much, in the villagelackedold manold women of armfewlegto listen is very happy, Grandma Sisaid with a smile: „TomorrowIwill also accompanydeadCrippleto seize the tiger! Mu'er, youalsoearlierrest, tomorrow must drinkSpirit Blood!”村长很有威信,村里缺胳膊少腿的老头老太太听了都很是开心,司婆婆笑道:“明天我也陪死瘸子去捉老虎!牧儿,你也早点睡,明天还要喝灵血!”
The peoplediverge, Apothecary and Muteblacksmith the Village Chiefbackroom, Muteleaves, Apothecaryhas not actually walked, saidin a low voice: „NeverOverlord Body.”
众人散去,药师和哑巴铁匠将村长送回房间,哑巴离开,药师却没有走,低声道:“从来没有过霸体。”Village Chiefnods: „WasIsaysunguardedly. Idid not saythat the village'speople are very difficultto go on living.”村长点头:“是我信口说的。我不这么说,村里的人都很难活下去。”Apothecarystartled. The Disabled Elderly Village'svillagershave the originrespectively, butwas compelled to enterGreat Ruinsto arrive atDisabled Elderly Village, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, theiroriginallyblaming heaven and earthresentfulcommon people, the resentmentis too heavy, canlivenow, mustsay that Qin Mualsohas the merit.药师怔了怔。残老村的村民各有来历,但都被逼得不得不进入大墟来到残老村,苟延残喘,他们本来怨天怨地怨苍生,怨气太重,能够活到现在,不能不说秦牧也有功劳。Thishand and footperfectbaby'sarrival, has washed out the resentment in peopleheart, everybodyfostersQin Muto grow up, regardsoneselfmostownpersonthisyoungboy, Qin Muis maintaining the Disabled Elderly Village'svillagersfrailmind.
正是这个手足健全的小娃娃的到来,冲散了众人心中的怨气,大家抚养秦牧长大,都将这个小男孩当成自己最亲的人,秦牧维系着残老村的村民脆弱的心灵。If the villagersknow that the Qin Mumost commonphysique, is unable aloneto surviveinGreat Ruins, onlyfeared that thesefellowswill lose control, does not know that will doto have an accident.
倘若村民们知道秦牧只是最普通的体质,无法独自在大墟中存活,只怕这些家伙都会失控,不知道会做出什么事来。Apothecaryunemotionally saying: „Butyoucould not conceal the truthfor a lifetime, wewill sooner or later pass away, onlyremainingQin Mu.”药师面无表情道:“但是你瞒不了一辈子,我们迟早都会老死,只剩下秦牧。”„Thereforedo not tellhimto never haveOverlord Body, foreverdo not tellhim.”
“所以你不要告诉他从来没有过霸体,永远也不要告诉他。”Village Chiefsaid solemnly: „MakeshimbelievethatheisuniqueOverlord Body!”村长沉声道:“让他相信,他就是独一无二的霸体!”Apothecarystartled, carefullylooked athisface. The Village Chieffaceappearsunderdimoil lampis especially attractive, said with a smile: „I want to take a look, can an average personunder the faithbeyond comparisonunusualrefined, makesmatter that ourtheseSpirit Bodycannot make! Perhapsin the future, hecango out ofMortal Body is really the Overlord Bodypath!”药师怔了怔,仔仔细细看了看他的脸庞。村长的脸庞在昏暗的油灯下显得格外有魅力,笑道:“我想看看,一个普通人在无以伦比的信念下会不会超凡脱俗,做出我们这些灵体也做不出的事情来!说不定将来,他真的能够走出一条凡体即霸体的道路来!”Apothecarystayed: „Is Mortal BodyOverlord Body?”药师呆了呆:“凡体即霸体?”Village Chieflayer on layernods: „So long asthere is a faith, Mortal BodyisOverlord Body!”村长重重点头:“只要有信念,凡体即霸体!”
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