TOHG :: Volume #16

#1572: Would rather die than surrender

Celestial Exalt Mu?” 牧天尊?” In the Highest Beginning brain loudly, stands rigidly there, for a very long time has not moved. 太初脑中轰然,僵立在那里,久久不曾动弹。 That elderly turns head to look, sees only legume flower that in his lifted top of the head the brain fluid seems boils, gurgle gurgle braves the steaming steam. 老者回头看去,只见他被掀开的天灵盖中脑浆好似煮沸的豆花,咕嘟咕嘟冒着腾腾热气。 Was one is known many time pitiful fellows by the Seventh Young Master pit. Seventh Young Master was the pit has generally spread the future universe, thought that did not have the meaning, therefore returned to there to continue the pit.” “也是一个被七公子坑了不知多少次的可怜家伙。七公子大抵是坑遍了未来宇宙,觉得没意思了,于是回到我们那里继续坑。” That elderly shook the head, awakens him, so as to avoid he bakes oneself brain fluid. 老者不由摇了摇头,将他唤醒,免得他把自己的脑浆烧干。 Time one day passed on the 1st, arrived at the 16 th Chaos river from the first Chaos river, even if were Heavenly Venerable also needs to spend for 1-2 years. 时间一日一日过去,从第一条混沌长河走到第16条混沌长河,即便是天尊也需要花费一两年时间。 They fall behind one step, Founding Emperor they one step rushed to more/complete the palace along with that old woman first. 他们落后一步,开皇已经随着那老妪先他们一步赶到弥罗宫。 The magnificent sight and eternal of more/complete palace, to the Founding Emperor extremely deep impression, he size up the palace in this building carefully, each palace has the unique say/way rhyme, making one glance unforgettablily. 弥罗宫的壮观和永恒,给开皇极深的印象,他仔细打量这片建筑中的宫殿,每一座宫殿都带有独特的道韵,令人过目难忘。 What these palace representatives is different Young Master different Great Dao, the different paths, from the remote antiquity palace to the Chaos palace, the path that Young Master of more/complete palace choose are different, aura that but transmits from their main halls, they have achieved an pinnacle. 这些宫殿代表的是不同公子的不同大道,不同的道路,从太上殿到混沌殿,弥罗宫的公子们选择的道路不同,但从他们的大殿传来的气息来看,他们都达到了道的极致。 Say/Way mark on more/complete is the wall wall, then that say/way mark that Celestial Exalt Mu said?” “弥罗宫墙壁上的道纹,便是牧天尊所说的那枚道纹吧?” Founding Emperor sizes up the central more/complete palace, there is the residence of more/complete Palace master person, gives his feeling is immeasurably deep, making the person not dare to give birth to the heart of blaspheming. 开皇打量中央的弥罗宫,那里是弥罗宫主人的居所,给他的感觉更是深不可测,让人不敢生出亵渎之心。 The old woman eagerly anticipates him to continue, said: Seventh Young Master comes is late, therefore the status in more/complete palace was inferior that other Young Master, the follower are not many. Because of this point, therefore these people then censured Seventh Young Master, has framed by planting stolen goods on many not good reputation to him, but these slandered.” 那老妪引领着他继续前行,道:“七公子来的较晚,因此在弥罗宫中的地位是不如其他公子的,追随者也不多。正是因为这一点,所以那些人便非议七公子,给他栽赃了许多不好的名头,不过那些都是诬蔑。” Founding Emperor knits the brows, this old woman more said, his some more were worried on the contrary. 开皇皱眉,这老妪越是这么说,他反倒有些越担心。 He does not know that this Seventh Young Master must see own goal is anything, does not know after seeing this Seventh Young Master, if has rejected the opposite party, whether the opposite party will start to oneself. 他不知道这位七公子要见自己的目的是什么,也不知道见到这位七公子之后,倘若拒绝了对方,对方是否会对自己下手。 Celestial Exalt Mu had warned me, making me do not enter Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, I also warned him, do not enter return to the ruins. Now I have violated the promise, enters Jade Capital, hopes that he will not violate the promise......” 牧天尊曾经告诫过我,让我不要进入祖庭玉京城,我也告诫了他,不要进入归墟。现在我违背了诺言,进入玉京,希望他不会违背诺言……” The old woman eagerly anticipates him to arrive at the Chaos palace, grins to smile, the mouth leaks out, reveals the fragmentary several teeth, said: Founding Emperor, please.” 那老妪引领着他来到混沌殿,咧嘴笑了笑,嘴巴漏风,露出零星几颗牙齿,道:“开皇,请吧。” The Chaos palace gateway opens, air/Qi of boundless Chaos gushes out from the palace, reveals ancient and vicissitudes. 混沌殿门户开启,一股苍茫混沌之气从殿内涌出,流露出古老和沧桑。 Founding Emperor calmed down, foot treads the air/Qi of Chaos, walks into this ancient main hall, the heart said: By our present strengths, is not enough to contend with Young Master of more/complete palace, must therefore reply on other Young Master strengths! Hopes this so-called Seventh Young Master, compared with is good to deceive......” 开皇定了定神,脚踏混沌之气,走入这座古老的大殿之中,心道:“以我们现在的实力,根本不足以与弥罗宫的公子抗衡,因此必须要借助其他公子的力量!希望这个所谓的七公子,比较好糊弄……” He walks in the grand main hall, here is quite spacious, the say/way mark that in the vault the brand mark Founding Emperor cannot be understanding, clearly vanishes imaginary, is similar to the group star. 他行走在宏伟的大殿之中,这里极为空旷,穹顶上烙印着开皇也看不懂的道纹,幻明幻灭,如同群星。 Founding Emperor does not look askance, without consulting anybody stand forth, but sees the air/Qi of front Chaos is similar to a giant sphere, is rotating slowly. 开皇目不斜视,径自向前走去,但见前方混沌之气如同一个巨大的圆球,在徐徐转动。 Founding Emperor pupil micro, saw in distantly that Chaos spheroid has a strange shadow, he continues, passed the moment to see in that Chaos spheroid finally is ancient Treasure Tree. 开皇瞳孔微缩,遥遥看到那混沌球体之中有着一个古怪的影子,他继续前行,过了片刻终于看到那混沌球体中是一株古老的宝树 World Tree! 一株世界树 This more/complete palace is Seventh Young Master, World Tree becomes a ghost?” “这位弥罗宫七公子,是世界树成精?” The Founding Emperor surprise, he noted under the tree to have a form at this time, the back to him. 开皇诧异,这时他才注意到树下有一个身影,背对着他。 The Chaos spheroid splits, reveals a path, Founding Emperor hesitates, walks into that Chaos spheroid, after a while he arrives under the tree. 混沌球体裂开,露出一条道路,开皇迟疑一下,走入那混沌球体之中,过了不久他来到树下。 That form under tree has turned around, smiles is visiting him: „Does Celestial Exalt Qin, have been well since last meeting?” 树下的那个身影转过身来,微笑着看着他:“秦天尊,别来无恙?” You and you......” “你、你……” Founding Emperor mind big quake, dull looks at that person, eats unable to speak. 开皇心神大震,呆呆的看着那人,吃吃说不出话来。 return to the ruins great abyss. 归墟大渊 Qin Mu falls into during collapsing, own all cultivation base avalanches, link Heavenly Palace in his divine treasure unceasingly inward quickly, everywhere stars star galaxy, All Heaven Myriad Realm, including Ancestral Courtyard, Yuandu, Xuandu and Nether, entirely toward internal collapse! 秦牧陷入坍缩之中,自身的一切修为不断向内崩塌,很快连他神藏中的一座座天宫,漫天星辰星斗星河,诸天万界,包括祖庭元都玄都幽都,统统往内部塌缩! The say/way of return to the ruins is mysterious, has the allure, but practice gets up also extremely the bad risk, return to the ruins Great Dao rune had been broken the code freely, but can practice successfully the person of say/way of return to the ruins to be very few. 归墟之道玄妙神奇,有着迷人之处,但是修炼起来也极为凶险,尽管归墟大道符文已经被破译出来,但是能够修成归墟之道的人还是少之又少。 Besides the Empress sisters, Heavenly Emperor Highest Beginning, Celestial Exalt Hao as well as Qin Mu are skilled in this field of endeavor. 除了帝后姊妹之外,还有天帝太初昊天尊以及秦牧精通此道。 As for other people, even if practice is also very difficult to refine, most can only practice successfully 1-2 divine ability. 至于其他人,哪怕修炼也很难炼出,最多只能修成一两种神通 This is because of the say/way of extremely bad risk return to the ruins, wants to build this Great Dao, is very difficult to guarantee oneself will not be swallowed by the say/way of return to the ruins when practice. 这正是因为归墟之道极为凶险,想要修成这种大道,很难保证自己在修炼时不会被归墟之道吞噬。 Quick entire Spirit Embryo divine treasure was then swallowed, even if he is being Empress explains Dao of Samsara Primordial Spirit also by this terrifying collapsing hauling, the distortion, howls to fall into return to the ruins great abyss of his within the body! 很快整个灵胎神藏便被吞噬一空,即便是他正在为帝后娘娘讲解轮回之道元神也被这股恐怖的坍缩牵引,扭曲,呼啸落入他体内的归墟大渊之中! The preaching sound stops, Empress realized immediately, immediately opens the eye to look to Qin Mu, said fierce: How to say?” 讲经声停止,帝后娘娘顿时察觉,立刻张开眼睛向秦牧看去,厉声道:“怎么不讲了?” Ka, kā bā. 咔吧,咔吧。 Her head revolving half period, reveals the face of Madame Yuanmu: Qin youth, is it possible that were you elderly person hang oneself? Speaking of others heart itchy places, you then stopped, you must by the scourge!” 她的脑袋旋转半周,露出元姆夫人的面孔:“秦郎,你莫非是老寿星上吊?说到人家心痒痒处,你便停下,你这是要遭天谴的!” Qin Mu sits alone in boredom there, did not say a word, the whole person to the person an emptiness, did not have a feeling of interest. 秦牧枯坐在那里,一言不发,整个人给人一种空空洞洞,毫无一趣的感觉。 His, remaining World Tree, slightly are only rocking the branch. 他的身后,只剩下一株世界树,微微晃动着枝条。 Empress and in the Madame Yuanmu heart the surprise, sees his place of not suiting immediately, this time Qin Mu, actually the vitality does not have, like this was in front of their dead! 帝后娘娘元姆夫人心中诧异,立刻看出他的不对劲之处,此时的秦牧,竟然生机全无,就这样当着她们的面死掉了! Qin Mu not only heart stop, even the soul did not have continually! 秦牧不仅心脏停止跳动,甚至连魂魄也没有了! He formidable incomparable Divine Consciousness also completely annihilates, was built up likely directly by return to the ruins divine ability! 他强大无比的神识也完全湮灭,像是被人以归墟神通直接炼死! „Have you killed him?” Empress flies into a rage. “你杀了他?”帝后娘娘勃然大怒。 Madame Yuanmu also loses one's temper, scolds saying: Is you are facing him just now, I carry to him, if I start to kill him, how could to hide the truth from your eye and sensation? Is it possible that is under you hand?” 元姆夫人也不禁动怒,叱道:“适才是你面对着他,我背对着他,我若是下手杀他,岂能瞒得过你的眼睛和感知?莫非是你下的手?” Lowly person, I then have the opportunity to refine you shortly, how could to kill him to let up this opportunity? Must kill him, is after building up you!” “小贱人,我眼看便有机会炼死你,岂能杀他放过这个机会?要杀他,也是等到炼死了你之后!” Two female quarrel moments, have no alternative, suddenly Madame Yuanmu transferred the eyeball, hee hee said with a smile: Qin youth died, leaves behind our sisters to remain a widow, the grieved two as pretty as a flower sisters, like this did not have the boyfriend. Although others regretted very much, but the person dies cannot come back to life. Our sisters, early has divided Qin youth the family property, seeks a good man again!” 二女争吵片刻,却又都无可奈何,突然元姆夫人转了转眼珠,嘻嘻笑道:“秦郎死了,留下咱们姐妹守寡,让人心痛两个如花似玉的姐妹,就这样没有了情郎。人家虽然很是惋惜,但人死不能复生。咱们姐妹,还是早早的分了秦郎的家产,再寻一个好男人罢!” Although her words are not pleasant to the ear, Empress is actually quite excited: Celestial Exalt Mu treasure treasure, what end is the wealthy villager travels, wears gold and silver. He died now, indeed is carves up his treasure the good opportunity.” 她的话虽然不中听,帝后娘娘却是颇为心动:“牧天尊一身宝贝儿,端的是土财主出游,穿金戴银。他现在死了,的确是瓜分他的宝物的好时机。” Two females reach the agreement immediately, walks to Qin Mu. 二女立刻达成共识,向秦牧走来。 Suddenly, a full of vitality transmits from World Tree, two female hurried suspension of movement. 突然,一股勃勃生机从世界树中传来,二女急忙停步。 Sees only Qin Mu behind, World Tree waves, but in the Qin Mu's body transmits the strange rhythm, air/Qi of the Chaos send out, forms a giant sphere regarding him. 只见秦牧身后,世界树舞动,而秦牧的身体中传来奇异的律动,一股股混沌之气从中散发开来,围绕他形成一个巨大的圆球。 Suddenly, only hears an epoch-making loud sound, that sphere splits, in a twinkling five too evolve, from Chaos Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity, to qi Highest Beginning, to the azure deep too beginning, to nature shape Tai Su/Highest Plainness, arrives at Tai Chi/Highest Extremity again. 突然,只听得开天辟地般一声巨响,那圆球裂开,霎时间五太演变,从混沌太易,到一炁太初,到青冥太始,到质形太素,再到太极 Five universe conditions then walked in short flash, then the immeasurable space emerges, the innumerable stars galaxy elapse from the Empress side rapidly outward! 五种宇宙状态在短短一瞬间便已经走完,接着无量空间涌现,无数星辰星河从帝后娘娘的身边飞速向外逝去! In an instant, Ancestral Courtyard is born, from all walks of life outward spout, evolves various ancient God, Heaven and Earth Great Dao, all living things. 在刹那间,祖庭诞生,各界向外喷涌,演化各种古神,天地大道,芸芸众生。 Five big ores take a seat in Ancestral Courtyard, is connected with Ancestral Courtyard, ancient Gods appear from the Heavens star constellation, various stances, in Xuandu have God of the Living, in Nether has Earth count. 五条大矿落座在祖庭之中,与祖庭相连,一尊尊古老的神祇诸天星斗星宿中浮现,各具姿态,玄都中有天公,幽都中有土伯 These ancient God stand in the respective territory, flies obsolete from Empress and Yuan, two females visit them, sees only these strange ancient God to grow the Qin Mu's face impressively. 那些古神站在各自的领地中,从帝后和元姆身边飞过时,二女看着他们,只见这些稀奇古怪的古神赫然都长着秦牧的脸。 Even if the white eyebrows must white/in vain supercilious look God of the Living, Earth count of ox Shouhu surface oxtail, is the Qin Mu's face. 即便是白眉白须白眼的天公,牛首虎面牛尾的土伯,也是秦牧的面孔。 They turn head to look, but after seeing the Qin Mu brain , the innumerable Great Dao rune connection, the combination, various rune combine all sorts of wonderful different way marks, is similar to the bricks, eave column, there is a clock cauldron screen mural, the mutual overlay, the quick broad in scale magnificent grounds emerge. 她们回头看去,但见秦牧脑后无数大道符文连接,组合,各种符文组合成一种种奇异道纹,如同砖瓦,檐柱,又有钟鼎屏风壁画,相互叠加,很快一座座规模宏大壮观的地基涌现。 These bricks crash-bang dance in the air, compose resplendent in gold and jade green palaces, the pavilion, the building, the bridge, Heavenly Gate, the spirit table, builds the Jade Capital god city. 那些砖瓦哗啦啦飞舞,组成一座座金碧辉煌的宫殿,亭台,楼宇,长桥,天门,神台,搭建玉京神城。 Also there is a Heavenly River long trigram, winds through Southern Heaven Gate, pushes directly into, flows in Heavenly Court persuasively. 又有天河长卦,流过南天门,长驱直入,在天庭中婉转流淌。 The Heavenly River place visited, the innumerable constructions rise straight from the ground, when rolls by Jade Capital City to Heavenly River, dozens Heavenly Palace have taken shape. 天河所过之处,无数建筑拔地而起,待到天河驶过玉京城,数十座天宫已经成型。 Heavenly River winds through Northern Heavenly Gate, enormous and powerful, connects All Heaven Myriad Realm, then flows rapidly, but under from the Yuan World sky rolls by, enters Nether to change to the river of the netherworld. 天河流过北天门,浩浩荡荡,连接诸天万界,接着奔流而下从元界的上空驶过,进入幽都化作冥河。 This river of the netherworld rolls by from the Earth count Qin Mu's under foot, drives into the return to the ruins big crack, enters return to the ruins great abyss. 这条冥河从土伯秦牧的脚下驶过,驶入归墟大裂缝,进入归墟大渊 When Dao River water influx great abyss, the great abyss deep place transmits slight trembling, a lotus flower welcomed the river water to raise slowly, lotus flower revolving bloomed, on the lotus throne of flowers, return to the ruins Qin Mu had a yawn, the long revolutions awoke. 当河水注入大渊之中时,大渊深处传来轻微的震颤,一朵莲花迎着河水冉冉升起,莲花旋转绽放,花朵的莲台上,归墟秦牧打个哈欠,悠悠转醒。 That return to the ruins Qin Mu stands up, long sound recited: Samsara little tribulations? One year old ups and downs.” 归墟秦牧站起身来,长声吟道:“轮回几许劫?一岁一枯荣。” Empress and Madame Yuanmu amazed. 帝后娘娘元姆夫人惊诧不已。 Present Qin Mu, just now as if differs from Qin Mu, probably in his divine treasure left return to the ruins great abyss. 现在的秦牧,与适才的秦牧似乎有所不同,好像他的神藏中多出了归墟大渊 Moreover, his Heavenly Palace Heavenly Court also and formerly differed from. 而且,他的天宫天庭也与先前有所不同。 First is the Heavenly Palace number. 首先是天宫数目。 Formerly the Qin Mu's Heavenly Palace number only then 23, afterward Qin Mu studied his Zixiao blue sky merit from Celestial Exalt Yun there, were many Heavenly Palace, hid into the Celestial Exalt Hao ten thousand sheaves, comprehended his two cultivation technique, were many two Heavenly Palace, the idea has 26 Heavenly Palace. 从前秦牧的天宫数目只有23座,后来秦牧云天尊那里学得了他的紫霄碧落功,多了一座天宫,又躲入昊天尊的万道天轮,参悟他的两门功法,多出两座天宫,计有26座天宫 But now, Qin Mu left two, achieves the 28 place! 而现在,秦牧又多出了两座,达到二十八座之多! The age is so small, then has 28 place Heavenly Palace, is really the different number! 年纪这么小,便拥有二十八天宫,着实是异数! What is stranger, Qin Mu's Jade Capital City has the enormous difference with Jade Capital City of other people. 更古怪的是,秦牧的玉京城与其他人的玉京城有着极大的不同。 Heavenly Court of other people, in each Heavenly Palace have Jade Capital City. But Qin Mu was 58 Treasure Palace in Heavenly Court has actually composed Jade Capital City, in other Heavenly Palace did not have Jade Capital City! 其他人的天庭,每一座天宫之中都有一座玉京城。而秦牧却是天庭之中的58座宝殿组成了玉京城,其他天宫之中则没有玉京城 It can be said that other Heavenly Palace surround Jade Capital City to establish. 可以说,其他天宫都是环绕着玉京城而建立。 Only then Jade Capital City, how does he enter Jade Capital Realm?” Empress and Madame Yuanmu are puzzled. “只有一座玉京城,他怎么进入玉京境界?”帝后元姆夫人大惑不解。 Suddenly, Qin Mu Primordial Spirit ascends from that vast divine treasure, sits crosslegged to sit, float above Heavenly Court, rays of light ten thousand. 突然,秦牧元神自那浩瀚神藏中升腾而起,跏趺而坐,悬浮在天庭之上,毫光万道。 Qin Mu stands up, retreats quietly backward, he arrived at the lotus flower edge. 秦牧站起身来,悄悄向后退去,不知不觉间他已经来到莲花边缘。 Celestial Exalt Mu, what do you want to make?” Empress awakens, drinks to ask. 牧天尊,你想做什么?”帝后率先醒悟过来,喝问道。 Madame Yuanmu is anxious extremely, sharp sound said: Do not make the piffle!” 元姆夫人紧张万分,尖声道:“不要做傻事!” Real man is alive, would rather die than surrender, prefers death to humiliation, rather takes in straight, did not strive for in curved!” “大丈夫在世,宁死不屈,宁折不弯,宁在直中取,不在弯中求!” Qin Mu jumps to leap, plunges into return to the ruins, have a strong sense of righteousness said: I rather die, will not be forced by you!” 秦牧纵身一跃,跳入归墟,大义凛然道:“我宁愿死,也不会被你们胁迫!” Two female rush to the lotus flower edge hurriedly, puts out a hand to grasp, but where can also be able to hold? 二女急忙冲到莲花边缘,伸手去抓,但哪里还能抓得住? Sees only Qin Mu to crash into great abyss, vanishes does not see. 只见秦牧坠入大渊之中,消失不见。 Madame Yuanmu blinks, suddenly loses says with a smile: Young boyfriend died a moment ago the characterless appearance, when became such has the strength of spirit? Hee hee, interesting......” 元姆夫人眨眨眼睛,突然失笑道:“小情郎刚才还是死没骨气的样子,何时变得这么有骨气了?嘻嘻,有趣……” She is controlling the Empress body suddenly, is jumps to leap, plunges into return to the ruins great abyss! 她突然控制着帝后身躯,也是纵身一跃,跳入归墟大渊之中! Empress calls out in alarm, wants to hold the two flower stalk to be colored, but already without enough time! 帝后惊叫,想要抓住并蒂莲花,但已经来不及!
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