TOHG :: Volume #16

#1571: Prehistoric evil person

Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City. 祖庭玉京城 A big form walks into this ancient god territory, this physical body is tattered, the top of the head of top of the head was lifted, the brain fluid braves the steaming steam, the body has all kinds of wounds. 一个高大的身影走入这座古老的神域,这具肉身破破烂烂,头顶的天灵盖被掀开,脑浆冒着腾腾热气,身上有各种各样的伤口。 Moreover, his forehead also sword creates, some people pierce his skull with the sharp sword, has planted a Sword Dao bo tree in his within the body. 不仅如此,他的眉心还有一个剑创,有人用利剑刺穿他的脑壳,在他体内种了一株剑道的道树。 This bo tree appears once for a while in his within the body, is destroying his physical body function continually, making him take one every time step difficultly extremely. 这株道树时不时在他体内浮现出来,持续的破坏着他的肉身机能,让他每迈出一步都艰难万分。 The sword cut creates his physical body internal hemorrhage, one step steps forward, foot within seal was filled with his blood, the wound was unable to heal throughout. 剑伤造成他的肉身内出血,一步跨出,脚印中便盛满了他的鲜血,伤口始终无法愈合。 He then recaptures Heavenly Emperor physical body Celestial Exalt Xiao, or should call him for Highest Beginning, because Celestial Exalt Xiao died as Heavenly Venerable. 他便是夺回天帝肉身晓天尊,或者更应该称呼他为太初,因为晓天尊作为天尊已经死了。 Celestial Exalt Xiao physical body in Divine Consciousness Great Luo Heaven fights, was completely destroyed by Founding Emperor and the others, does not exist, now is in charge of Heavenly Emperor physical body, is one of the Heavenly Emperor Highest Beginning three immortal souls. 晓天尊肉身神识大罗天一战中,被开皇等人完全摧毁,不复存在,现在入主天帝肉身的,正是天帝太初三魂之一。 Heavenly Emperor physical body, is his genuine body. 天帝肉身,才是他真正的躯体。 He recaptures oneself physical body, is representing Earlier Heaven/innate five too second too, return of Highest Beginning. 他夺回自己的肉身,也代表着先天五太中的第二太,太初的回归。 Highest Beginning difficult walk in Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, all around depression, everywhere is the palace space construction of collapse, the cold and still wind hot lonesome wind from the bo tree jungle of withering howls to blow. 太初艰难的行走在祖庭玉京城中,四周一片凋敝,到处都是倒塌的宫宇建筑,还有冷寂之风热寂之风从枯萎的道树丛林中呼啸吹过。 His step is serious, he avoids Celestial Exalt Ling strikes, crashes after Great Luo Heaven, various injury eruptions, almost drag him. 他步履沉重,他躲避凌天尊的一击,从大罗天中坠落下来之后,身上的各种伤势爆发,几乎将他拖死。 He must avoid Celestial Exalt Hao and the others the lines of sight, present he is very weak, although in physical body has the formidable boundless strength as before, but already no longer invincible, must therefore be careful. 他必须躲避昊天尊等人的视线,现在的他很是虚弱,尽管肉身中依旧拥有强大无边的力量,但已经不再无敌,因此必须小心谨慎。 Walked was so long, he then arrived at Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City. 走了这么久,他这才来到祖庭玉京城 Jade Capital City by the Heavenly Venerable seal, Celestial Exalt Xiao was also one of the once seal, they do not think that the bystander arrived here. 玉京城天尊们封印,晓天尊也是曾经的封印者之一,他们不想外人来到这里。 However as once Heavenly Emperor, Highest Beginning naturally can leave behind the subsequent hand, facilitates itself to enter Jade Capital City. 不过作为曾经的天帝,太初自然会留下后手,方便自己进入玉京城 He is unceasingly thorough, seeks for the Chaos river, suddenly his pupil shrinks suddenly, the vision falls on a sword. 他不断深入,寻找混沌长河,突然他的瞳孔骤缩,目光落在一口剑上。 That is not a sword, but has formidable incomparable Sword Dao expert to come here, had fought here, fights by its Wu Shuang/Unparalleled Sword Dao and match, his say/way brand mark in Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City. 那并非是一口剑,而是有强大无比的剑道强者来到这里,曾经在这里战斗过,以其无双剑道与对手一战,以至于他的道烙印在祖庭玉京城中。 Highest Beginning puts out foul air: Founding Emperor also here.” 太初吐出一口浊气:“开皇也在这里。” In his heart the vigilance, present he does not suit with a Founding Emperor war, if meets Founding Emperor, perhaps saves own life difficultly. 他心中警觉,现在的他不适合与开皇一战,倘若遇到开皇,恐怕难能保全自己的性命。 He avoids the Sword Dao trace that Founding Emperor stays behind, finally arrives at the Chaos river. 他一路避开开皇留下的剑道痕迹,终于来到混沌长河。 He is just about to cross the river, suddenly the pupil shrinks suddenly, sees only on the front river surface a person's shadow to shoulder both hands, the back to him. 他正要渡河,突然瞳孔骤缩,只见前方的河面上一个人影背负着双手,背对着他。 Under that human foot forms piece of Sword Domain, has in the river to attack him strangely, the say/way bone palm of giant becoming enlightened arrives at that person of forehead, however was actually passed through by sword light, sinks to the river. 那人脚下形成一片剑域,有河中诡异攻击他,巨大的成道者的道骨手掌来到那人的额头,然而却被一道剑光穿过,沉入河中。 The Highest Beginning pupil shrinks suddenly, sound hoarse say/way: Qin Ye!” 太初瞳孔骤缩,声音沙哑道:“秦业!” Founding Emperor has turned around, looks at his one eyes, said lightly: Highest Beginning Your Majesty, your untold hardships come here, wants to make so-called more/complete palace three Young Master restore your physical body, is right?” 开皇转过身来,看他一眼,淡淡道:“太初陛下,你千辛万苦来到这里,想让所谓的弥罗宫三公子修复你的肉身,对不对?” Highest Beginning stands in the shore, stares at this man. 太初站在岸边,凝望这个男人。 In the past Founding Emperor returned to Long Han because of Celestial Exalt Ling divine ability first year, participated in the Jade Pond grand meeting, with a Qin Mu war, showed tall Jue the divine ability attainments. 当年开皇因为凌天尊神通而回到龙汉初年,参与瑶池盛会,与秦牧一战,展现出高绝的神通造诣。 Highest Beginning that is series universe universe, smug, convenes various world gods and clans is sacred, holds the Heavenly Court grand meeting. 太初那是一统宇宙乾坤,踌躇满志,召集天下众神和各族神圣,举办天庭盛会。 Compares the Heavenly Court grand meeting, the Jade Pond grand meeting appears not worthy of mentioning, but, he noted this man at that time, shockingly in Qin Ye and Qin Mu's divine ability, sealing is Heavenly Venerable, posts with Long Han seven Heavenly Venerable. 相比天庭盛会,瑶池盛会显得微不足道,但那时起,他已经注意到这个男人,惊艳于秦业秦牧的神通,封为天尊,与龙汉天尊并列。 He has not thought today, this man becomes the formidable hardest to deal with match. 他并没有想过今日,这个男人会成为自己最强大最难缠的对手。 Has me, Your Majesty is unable to cross river.” “有我在,陛下是无法过河的。” The Founding Emperor tone is faint, after becoming enlightened, his to the power and influence desire reduced, displacing is passes through oneself throughout faith, the first thought. 开皇语气淡漠,成道之后,他对权势的欲望已经降低了很多,取而代之的则是贯穿自己始终的信念,初心。 He stands in the Chaos river, is one crosses likely through ancient times with today's long sword, sharp incomparable, cuts off all, has blocked the Highest Beginning way. 他站在混沌长河上,像是一口横贯亘古与今日的长剑,犀利无匹,斩断一切,挡住了太初的去路。 As this universe five too one, Your Majesty should not go to achieve own ambition with the aid of former days becoming enlightened.” “作为这个宇宙的五太之一,陛下不应该去借助旧日的成道者来达成自己的野心。” In the Founding Emperor hand presents Dao Sword slowly, said in a soft voice: If Your Majesty acts willfully, then feudal official also has to ruin Your Majesty in this river.” 开皇手中缓缓出现一口道剑,轻声道:“倘若陛下一意孤行,那么臣也不得不在这条长河上葬送陛下了。” Highest Beginning laughs, takes a step to walk into the river, stands above the river surface, confronts with him distantly. 太初哈哈大笑,迈步走入长河,站在河面之上,与他遥遥对峙。 Qin Ye, you indeed greatly have the skill, first becoming enlightened, shocking I. However Dao Boundary becomes enlightened, is not the road of only becoming enlightened. Other tenth paths may walk, therefore you are by no means invincible.” 秦业,你的确大有本事,第一个成道,惊艳了我。但是道境成道,并非是唯一的成道之路。还有其他成道路可走,因此你并非无敌。” Highest Beginning said lightly: Do not forget, your Dao Boundary system, establishes above the Heavenly Palace system, you also with the Jade Capital City strength, with the strength of Approaching the Firmament palace, have today the achievement. If your Approaching the Firmament palace were destroyed, you also do have present cultivation base and status? The one who understands the times is outstanding, making me pass.” 太初淡淡道:“你别忘了,你的道境体系,也是建立在天宫体系之上,你也是借玉京城的力量,借凌霄殿的力量,才有今日成就。倘若你的凌霄殿被毁,你还有如今的修为和地位吗?识时务者为俊杰,让我过去。” Founding Emperor has not moved. 开皇没有动。 After Highest Beginning brain, suddenly appears big Heavenly Court that 36 Heavenly Palace composes, a Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace empty shadow suppresses, said solemnly: In Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, I can borrow more/complete the palace three Young Master strengths calmly, three Young Master can also suppress your strength easily, making your Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace completely destroy! In this river bank, I do not fear your slightest!” 太初脑后突然浮现出三十六天宫组成的大天庭,一座凌霄宝殿的虚影镇压下来,沉声道:“在祖庭玉京城中,我可以从容借来弥罗宫三公子的力量,三公子也可以轻易压制你的力量,让你凌霄宝殿尽毁!在这条河上,我不惧你分毫!” Founding Emperor holds down Dao Sword, is ready. 开皇按住道剑,蓄势待发。 Highest Beginning explodes drinks, the sound changes to a Highest Beginning sound, sweeps across the air/Qi of Chaos, the imposing manner steaming, Primordial Spirit assumes personal command in Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace, the strength links up all Heavenly Palace, taking a step stand forth! 太初爆喝,声音化作太初道音,席卷混沌之气,气势腾腾而起,元神坐镇在凌霄宝殿之中,力量贯通所有天宫,迈步向前走去! In this time, suddenly in the boundless Chaos river together the light shines to come, the Highest Beginning hurried suspension of movement, gathers the potential not to send. 就在此时,突然苍茫的混沌长河上一道灯光照耀而来,太初急忙停步,蓄势不发。 Founding Emperor knits the brows gently, the palm grasps as before on the sword hilt, single layer heavy Sword Domain overlay, not direct take action. 开皇轻轻皱眉,手掌依旧握在剑柄上,一重重剑域叠加,并未直接出手 Sees only to have the young child to carry the lantern to walk from the deep place of Chaos river, makes steady progress, arrives on the river surface quickly, the light illuminates to two people. 只见有小童提着灯笼从混沌长河的深处走来,步步高升,很快来到河面上,灯光向两人照去。 The young child raises from the Chaos river, when rises to the river surface became extremely old, hoary-headed, senile, illuminated two people faces, this hehe said with a smile: Highest Beginning, three Young Master assign/life me to come to receive and instruct you to go to Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace. Anybody dares to prevent you, dead end!” 那小童从混沌长河中升起,待升到河面已经变得极为苍老,白发苍苍,老态龙钟,照到了两人的面孔,这才呵呵笑道:“太初,三公子命我前来接引你前往凌霄宝殿。任何人胆敢阻挡你,都将死路一条!” This elderly experienced the childhood and old, as if already had actually been used to this matter, thinks little to formidable incomparable Founding Emperor, does not care. 老者经历了童年和苍老,却仿佛早已习惯了这种事情,对强大无比的开皇也不以为意,不放在心上。 „Are you Qin Ye? Urged you do not move, otherwise my light photo, truncated your magical skill, knocked down being disillusioned great misfortune you, making your body also die also to disappear!” “你是秦业?劝你不要动,否则我灯光一照,削你道行,将你打落破灭大劫,让你身也死道也消!” That elderly said self-important: You walk also taking advantage of the path in strength Approaching the Firmament palace, has truncated your magical skill, for me is simplest.” 老者老气横秋道:“你走的也是借力凌霄殿的路子,削了你的道行,对我来说最简单不过。” Founding Emperor raises the sword, after the brain cuts, in Heavenly Palace after his brain, Approaching the Firmament palace loudly avalanche! 开皇提剑,向脑后一斩,他脑后的天宫之中,凌霄殿轰然崩塌! That elderly pupil shrinks suddenly, sees only sword light to flash, Founding Emperor Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace was then cut by him crushes! 老者瞳孔骤缩,只见剑光一闪,开皇凌霄宝殿便被他自己斩得粉碎! Founding Emperor slices off Approaching the Firmament and Emperor's Seat two big Realm directly, the aura drops slightly, immediately inflates once again, the direct link peak, the magical skill does not have the least bit to lose! 开皇直接削掉凌霄帝座两大境界,气息稍稍回落,随即再度膨胀,直达巅峰,道行没有半点损耗! Cuts the my Path/Dao line, do you also match?” Founding Emperor looks disdainfully his eyes. “斩我道行,你也配?”开皇睥睨他一眼。 That elderly sneers saying: „The junior of later generation, always looks at the person with the nostril, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth......” 老者冷笑道:“后世的小辈,总是用鼻孔看人,不知天高地厚……” He is just about take action, suddenly under the river also has the light photo together to come , the female carries the lantern to walk upwardly from the Chaos river, female peerless grace and talent, when arrives on the river surface then changed to the old woman. 他正要出手,突然河下又有一道灯光照来,又有一个女子提着灯笼从混沌长河中向上走来,那女子风华绝代,然而走到河面上时便已经化作了老妪。 That elderly looks to that old woman, knits the brows slightly, has not begun directly. 老者看向那老妪,微微皱眉,没有直接动手。 Founding Emperor Qin Ye, I receive and instruct you to go to more/complete the palace.” 开皇秦业,我来接引你前往弥罗宫。” The old woman said with a smile: Has Young Master there you.” 那老妪笑道:“有位公子在那里等你呢。” Founding Emperor knit the brows, looked at this old woman, confirmed oneself did not recognize her. 开皇皱眉,看了看这老妪,确认自己不认得她。 That elderly sneers, shot a look at that old woman, quite dreaded, said: Highest Beginning, I receive and instruct you to go to more/complete the palace, three Young Master know that your purpose in coming, walks along with me!” 老者冷笑一声,瞥了瞥那老妪,颇为忌惮,道:“太初,我接引你前往弥罗宫,三公子已经知道你的来意,随我走罢!” Highest Beginning relaxed, begins with Founding Emperor directly, he does not have the odds of success, can not begin naturally is the best result. 太初松了口气,直接与开皇动手,他着实没有胜算,能够不动手自然是最好的结果。 However that old woman also comes to receive and instruct Founding Emperor, lets his some surprise, stems from his anticipation. 不过那老妪也前来接引开皇,让他有些诧异,出乎他的意料。 Qin Ye, you bragged high character and integrity , was the same to me, similarly must borrow more/complete the palace Young Master strength.” 秦业,你自诩高风亮节,也不过是与我一样,同样是要借弥罗宫公子的力量。” He with that elderly from the Founding Emperor side process, behind stops the footsteps in Founding Emperor, laughs at one: You are not nobler than me.” 他跟着那老者开皇身边经过,在开皇身后停下脚步,嗤笑一声:“你并不比我高尚。” Founding Emperor turns around, Highest Beginning has also turned around, two people vision collides. 开皇转身,太初也转过身来,两人目光碰撞。 That elderly pauses, the inspection lamp turns around, the imposing manner erupts, a bo tree raises from the Chaos river slowly, the Dao Fruit beginning of the universe, sends out the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering strength! 老者停步,提灯转身,气势爆发,一株道树从混沌长河中冉冉升起,道果混元,散发出惊天动地的力量! Meanwhile that old woman also stimulates to movement the lantern, another bo tree raises from the river, Dao Fruit revolved, blooms Daoguang, confronted with that elderly. 与此同时那老妪也催动灯笼,另一株道树自河中升起,道果旋转,绽放道光,与那老者对峙。 Two people gather the potential, is staring at the opposite party stubbornly. 两人蓄势,死死盯着对方。 Suddenly, the Founding Emperor corners of the mouth bloom to wipe the smiling face, said: May I ask your excellency, which more/complete palace Young Master wants to see me? What sees my behavior?” 突然,开皇嘴角绽放出一抹笑容,道:“敢问阁下,哪位弥罗宫公子想见我?见我所为何事?” The old woman body tightens, stares at that elderly not to put, said solemnly: more/complete the palace has seven palaces, big Young Master remote antiquity palace, two Young Master limitless palaces, three Young Master Approaching the Firmament palaces, four Young Master Purple Firmament Palace, five Young Master non- sect hall, six Young Master deep Jidian, Seventh Young Master Chaos palace. This time must see your, is the Chaos palace!” 那老妪身体绷紧,盯着那老者不放,沉声道:“弥罗宫有七殿,大公子太上殿,二公子无极殿,三公子凌霄殿,四公子紫霄殿,五公子无宗殿,六公子湛寂殿,七公子混沌殿。这次要见你的,便是混沌殿!” Chaos palace?” 混沌殿?” Founding Emperor thinks, said with a smile: Then was also Seventh Young Master of more/complete palace must see me. Good, I go as you like. Please.” 开皇思索一下,笑道:“那么也就是弥罗宫的七公子要见我了。好,我随你去。请。” His aura restraining, Sword Domain vanishes, the old woman in the front leads the way, said solemnly: Founding Emperor please come along with me.” 他气息收敛,剑域消失,那老妪在前方引路,沉声道:“开皇请随我来。” They from Highest Beginning and that elderly side process, Highest Beginning said with a smile: You also such as I same degenerated.” 他们从太初和那老者身边经过,太初笑道:“你也如我一样堕落了。” Founding Emperor has not paid attention to him, vanishes with that old woman in the air/Qi of Chaos. 开皇没有理会他,与那老妪消失在混沌之气中。 Highest Beginning sneers: „The disciple of seeking fame, will only toot one's own horn to oneself!” 太初冷笑:“沽名钓誉之徒,只会给自己脸上贴金!” He also walks toward the Chaos deep place with that elderly, inquired: This Dao Brother, is Seventh Young Master of more/complete palace Chaos palace, who?” 他与那老者也向混沌深处走去,询问道:“这位道兄,弥罗宫混沌殿的七公子,是什么人?” bad person!” 坏人!” That elderly is carrying the lantern, hears him to mention Chaos palace Seventh Young Master, then cannot help but shivers with fright, icy say/way: disciple of the stopping at no evil! However, the Highest Beginning fellow daoist should hear he is. He was the 17 th universe sneaks across to the prehistoric universe fellow, in your there, his reputation very loud.” 老者提着灯笼,听到他说起混沌殿七公子,便不由得打个冷战,冷冰冰道:“一个无恶不作之徒!不过,太初道友应该听说过他才是。他是第17宇宙偷渡到史前宇宙的家伙,在你们那里,他的名声很响。” Highest Beginning startled, in the mind thinks, is surprised the different way: Our time, such evil person?” 太初怔了怔,脑海中思索一番,诧异道:“我们这个时代,还有这样的恶人?” I hear, you called him Celestial Exalt Mu!” That elderly clenches jaws to say. “我听闻,你们叫他牧天尊!”那老者咬牙切齿道。
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