Qin Murunsrapidly, origin qiis also getting stronger and stronger, sorunningdoes not knowmanymile, the Disabled Elderly Village'svillagerscanfollowhimthroughout, even if Blindalsogoes easily and freely, steadyfollowingsidepeople.秦牧飞速奔跑,元气也越来越强,如此奔行不知多少里,残老村的村民始终能跟上他,即便是瞎子也如履平地,稳稳的跟在众人身边。WhileQin Muintrudes a piece of wooded mountain, suddenly, a jet blackformraisesfrom the wooded mountain, roars: „Little Guy, dies......”
正当秦牧闯入一片山林,突然,一个漆黑的身影从山林中升起,咆哮道:“小不点儿,死……”RoaringthatDevil Ape, saw that „Little Guy”intrudesitsterritoryonce more, it can be imaginedis the what kindanger. one armGrandfather Mashoots a look atthisangryvariant beastone, Devil Apehas hit a clevernesssuddenly, the territorydid not want, immediatelytakes to one's heelsto slide.
怒吼的正是那头魔猿,见到“小不点儿”再次闯入它的领地,可想而知是何等愤怒。独臂马爷瞥了这头愤怒的异兽一眼,魔猿突然打了个机灵,领地也不要了,立刻撒腿就溜。In the Grandfather Malookdid not have an emotiona moment ago, makingthiscolossusheartlive the fear, as ifunderflickerswill die, thereforedoes not dareto be rampant, immediatelysneaks off.
The peoplethink little, Qin Mudashes, origin qivigorousrevolution, whenreturns toDisabled Elderly Villagethento wake upfromabsorbed, thisdiscoveredowndirt, the bodydoes not know when has tiedthing of the thickcontamination, does not know that is the blackbloodor the greasyfat.
众人不以为意,秦牧一路飞奔,元气蓬勃运转,待回到残老村这才从忘我中醒来,这才发现自己一身污垢,身上不知何时结了厚厚一层污秽之物,不知是黑血还是腻腻的肥肉。Grandma Sitold: „Mu'ergoes to the waterfrontto wash, Blind, youare accompanyinghim, carefulin the monsterbyriver should not be grasped.”司婆婆吩咐道:“牧儿去江边洗一洗,瞎子,你陪着他,小心不要被江里的怪物抓去了。”Blindleans onbamboo staffto arrive at the waterfrontwithQin Mu, Qin Muremoves completely the lightto plunge into the river waterimmediately, cleansdirt. Blindhas selected the river waterwithbamboo staffgently, divesside the Qin Mubigfishto be frightened, leaps the surface of the riverto jumpto more than tenzhang (3.33 m)beyondhastily, is a head lengthamounts totwozhang (3.33 m)to havebigblack carpsunexpectedly, the beard of fishis similar toeightzhang (3.33 m)tentacles.瞎子拄着竹杖跟着秦牧来到江边,秦牧立刻脱光光跳入江水中,清洗身上的污垢。瞎子用竹杖轻轻点了点江水,一只潜到秦牧身边的大鱼受惊,连忙跃出江面跳到十多丈外,竟是一头长达两丈有余的大青鱼,鱼的胡须如同八根丈长触手。Qin Mucleans, suddenlysees the surface of the river that the ocean wavesripple, the suddenheroic spiritraisesfrom the youngchestslowly, likelyis the raging fireflamingcombustion.秦牧清洗一番,突然看到碧波荡漾的江面,突然一股豪气从年轻的胸膛中冉冉升起,像是烈火般熊熊燃烧。Hisorigin qimoves restlesslyimmediately, origin qirollingflows rapidly, wells up the throatstraightly, as ifsuddenlyopeneddeitytemperamenttreasury, the sincerehowlbursts outfromhisthroat!
The long and loud crywooded mountain, the surface of the riverwaterfluctuates!
长啸山林,江面水波动!In the longhowl, Qin Mujumpsto jumpfromwater, takes a stepto dash about wildlysuddenly, the foottreading waterscopedashes about wildly!
长啸声中,秦牧从水中纵身跃起,突然间迈步狂奔,脚踩水面狂奔!Thisfootjuststepped onriver water, the origin qifusion that strength that inhissolecontainswithsubsiding, twostrengthsmerge into one organic whole, eruptssuddenly, his place of solefalling, the water surfaceblasts outin all directions!
The waterhas not fallen, the Qin Mu'sbodywent the zhang (3.33 m), simultaneouslyanothersolealsostepped on the water surface.
踏踏踏踏A series ofcleartreadingunderwater soundstransmitfromsurface of the river, Qin Mutreads the river, treads the waterto rush totwomilesquicklymany.
一连串清脆的踏水声从江面传来,秦牧一路踏江而过,很快踏水奔出两里多地。Hishowlis getting more and more pleased, naturalunrestrained, transmitslike the dayhappily, the members of the Hanlin Academyplay a tune, Dragon Phoenix and cry, hisfootsteps are also broad and levelunrestrained, is to one's heart's content willful, frisks and scamperson the surface of the riverdashes about wildlygenerally!
The surface of the river, the breezerippleis slowly intermittent, the youthstepis much quicker, quicklyfromSurging RivertheAnracingto the opposite shore, thentreads the riverto return.
江面,微风徐徐波纹阵阵,少年步履快得惊人,很快从涌江的这一岸奔到对岸,然后踏江而回。Blindleans onbamboo staffto standinwaterfront, JiangFengxucomes, to move the Blindwhite hair, thiselderlylistens to the middleto hear the Qin Mu'showl, nods the headgently, shows the smiling face, suddenlysang loudly: „Cross-straitapesoundcannot cry, the windwhinny the pants crotchis cold! Mu'er, you buttocksare only frisking and scamperingto dash about wildlyon the surface of the river, lightassroamed doesn't Jiang, thinkcold?”瞎子拄着竹杖立在江边,江风徐来,吹动瞎子的白发,这老者听着江心传来秦牧的啸声,轻轻颔首,露出笑容,突然高歌道:“两岸猿声啼不住,风萧萧兮裤裆寒!牧儿,你光着屁股在江面上撒欢狂奔,光腚游江,不觉得冷吗?”
The middlehearsoneto call out in alarm, Qin Mupūtōngfalls into the water.
江心传来一声惊呼,秦牧噗通一声跌入水中。Passed the moment, the youthtourarrives at the shore, blushesto dry the bodybashfully, wears the clothes.
过了片刻,少年游到岸边,羞红着脸擦干身子,穿上衣裳。Hewaterfrontsudden enlightenment, let success go to the heada moment ago, does not rememberonquite the same asoneself a wispthenjumpsto leap, treads the river the line, thissurface of the riverhurricaneseriouslyiscool, lightassroamedJiang.
他刚才江边顿悟,得意忘形,浑然不记得自己身上不着一缕便纵身飞跃,踏江而行,这一路江面狂飙当真是清清凉凉,光腚游江。„Grandpa Blindcannot seeluckily......”
“幸好瞎爷爷看不到……”Qin Mureorganizes the goodclothing, raised the headfiercely, sees onlyin the waterfrontwoodsGrandfather MaMuteDeafand the othersto standthereentirely, evenlinksGrandma Sialsoto come, Village Chief was also liftedby the stretcher.秦牧整理好衣衫,猛地抬头,只见江边的树林里马爷哑巴聋子等人统统的站在那里,甚至连司婆婆也过来,还有村长也被担架抬了过来。
The Qin Mucomplexionleaptwas red, eats saying: „Granny, when do youcome?”秦牧脸色腾地红了,吃吃道:“婆婆,你们什么时候过来的?”Grandma Sititteredsays with a smile: „Mu'er, yourbuttockswehave looked atnumber of timeswere many, but alsohas somethingshy? Wehearyourhowl, origin qiis abundant, thiscomesto have a look.”司婆婆噗嗤笑道:“牧儿,你的屁股我们看过的次数多了,还有什么可害羞的?我们听到你的啸声,元气充沛,这才过来看看。”Village Chiefcoughs, said: „Mu'ercomes, youwere chased downbyMartial Practitioner of fiveSpirit Embryo Realm, under is difficultto retain the hidden danger, makingApothecaryhelpyour.”村长咳嗽一声,道:“牧儿过来,你被五个灵胎境界的武者追杀,难保留下隐患,让药师帮你查查。”Qin Muwalks up, Apothecaryinspectscarefully, shakes the head saying: „Has not obstructedgreatly, is the skinflesh wounds.”秦牧走上前去,药师细细检查一番,摇头道:“没有大碍,都是皮外伤。”Village Chiefalsoinspects, hintshimto leave, Qin Muimmediatelyis calledto trainBlade SkillbyButcher.村长也检查一番,示意他可以离开,秦牧则立刻被屠夫叫去训练刀法。ButcherdefeatsSenior Brother Qunot to be very unsatisfiedtohis more than 5000blades, whatis more unsatisfiedhas killed the opposite partywith the swordfinally, must therefore trainhimmaliciously.屠夫对他5000多刀才打败曲师兄很不满意,更不满意的是最后用剑杀了对方,因此要狠狠的调教他。„What has Village Chiefdiscovered?”Apothecaryarrives by the Village Chiefstretcher, the visionlooksinbursting with energycompetesBlade SkillQin MuwithButcher, askedin a low voice.
“村长发现了什么?”药师走到村长的担架旁,目光看着正在生龙活虎的与屠夫比拼刀法的秦牧,低声问道。„Hisorigin qicultivation base, advancementis scary.”
“他的元气修为,进境吓人。”Village Chiefdoes not conceal, said: „Is quick! Fromyesterdayto the present, advancementscopequickis above the imagination. Iheardhishowla moment ago, isorigin qi and throatresonates the sound that abilitymakes, bringsGods existsound of devilindistinctly, let alonehedid not havebrokenSpirit Embryo Wall, even if Spirit Embryo WallMartial Practitioneris unable to achieveDevil God Resonance! IfIamhissuchaverage person, origin qicultivates this step, takes20years.”村长也不隐瞒,道:“非常快!从昨天到现在,进境幅度之快超乎想象。我刚才听到他的啸声,乃是元气与喉头共振才能发出的声音,隐约带有神魔之音,别说他还没有破灵胎壁,即便是灵胎壁的武者也无法做到神魔共鸣!倘若我是他这样的普通人,元气修到他这一步,需要20年的时间。”
The Qin Musurface of the rivercried loud and long, origin qiandthroatresonating, unconsciousemanationhowl, butin the howlwas fused himselfbyhimindemonic sound that in the canyonvestigeheard.秦牧江面长啸,元气与喉头共振,不自觉的发出啸声,但是啸声中被他不知不觉间融合了自己在峡谷遗迹中听到的魔音。Whatis more unusual, heestimateddarknessdemonic soundlast nightcarefullyat the same time , the divine soundhears of vestigenumerousgoddessin the ear, in the mind, eachslightfluctuation of divine soundis known very wellbyhim.
更为奇特的是,他昨晚仔细揣摩黑暗魔音的同时,也将遗迹众神女的神音听在耳中,记在脑海里,神音的每一个细微波动都被他熟知。Thereforehishowl, naturallyalsointegratedgoddessdivine sound.
因此他的啸声,自然而然的也融入了神女神音。Thisfalls into other peopleearnot to haveanything, cannot listen tomystery, butfell into the Village Chiefearthaton the no small matter, was heardclearlybyhim.
这落入他人耳中没有什么,听不出其中的奥妙,但是落入村长耳中那就非同小可了,被他听得真真切切。„Devil God Resonance?”
“神魔共鸣?”Apothecaryhad a scare: „How does heachieve? Moreover, overnightthenhad an average person20years of skill, was too rather terrorist, is really the functions of fourSpirit Blood?”药师吓了一跳:“他是如何做到的?而且,一夜之间便拥有了普通人20年的功力,未免太恐怖了,难道真是四灵血的作用?”Village Chiefshakes the head: „FourSpirit Blood, althoughcanpromotehisbodyandorigin qi, butis impossibleto promotesuchquickly.”村长摇头:“四灵血虽然可以提升他的身体和元气,但是不可能提升得这么快。”
The Apothecarythinkingsaid: „Is it possible that is Mu'er the inbornrare talent? Is hesince birth the practicematerial?”药师思索道:“莫非牧儿是天生奇才?他生来就是修炼的材料?”Village Chiefknits the brows: „The physique of inbornrare talentwhyaverage person? Inbornrare talentshouldbeSpirit Bodyis right. Moreover, Devil God Resonance, whichwonderfulabilitysufficesto achieve?”村长皱眉道:“天生奇才为何还是普通人的体质?天生奇才的应该是灵体才对。而且,神魔共鸣,哪个奇才能够做到?”Apothecaryasked: „InhishowlhasDevil God Resonance, isgoodisbad?”药师问道:“他的啸声中有神魔共鸣,到底是好是坏?”„Does not know.”
“不知道。”Village Chiefsaid: „Ifromhishowllisten toDevil God Resonance, divine sounddemonic soundto go on an expeditionto murdermutually, is very intense, butgoodisgoes badmenot to be then clear.”村长道:“我从他的啸声中听出神魔共鸣,神音魔音相互征战杀伐,很是激烈,但是好是坏我便不清楚了。”
The Apothecaryvisionflashes, said: „Devil God Resonance in hishowl, wherethisdivine sound does demonic soundcome?”药师目光闪动,道:“他啸声中的神魔共鸣,这神音魔音是从哪儿来的?”„Does not know!”
“不知道!”Apothecaryhas a headache, Village Chiefalsohas a headache, the matter that theyverylongbecause ofnot being able to think throughhas had a headache, sincetheyadoptedQin Mu this youngboy who fluttersfrom the upstream, the matter that theycannot think throughwere then getting more and more.药师头疼起来,村长也头疼起来,他们已经很久没有因为想不通的事而头疼了,自从他们收养了秦牧这个从上游飘下来的小男孩,他们想不通的事便越来越多了。
The nightfalls, Disabled Elderly Villagefalls intodarknessquickly, Qin Murestsin the outhouse, Grandma Sirestsin the inside room, restsmidnight, inQin Mumindunconscioustransmitsdarkdemonic sound, thendivine soundresounds, divine sounddemonic soundattacksmutually, in a while, the soundis getting more and more noisy, more and moreloud.
夜幕降临,残老村很快陷入黑暗,秦牧睡在外屋,司婆婆睡在里屋,睡到半夜,秦牧脑海中不自觉的传来幽暗的魔音,接着神音响起,神音魔音相互攻伐,没过多久,声音越来越吵,越来越响。ThatDevil God Resonancesoundchanges todarknessinhismindgraduallyandbrightfightsmutually, slaughtersfrigidly, Qin Muthoughtoneselfas ifdid not have the physique, turned into the floatin the struggle of abovesoulgoddemon, dulllooks that under slaughtersdarkness and light that goes on a punitive expedition against.
The place of darknessandbrightbattle, likelywashewas mutually ordinaryin the situation in the canyonvestigeseeinglast night, butwas more magnificent, was vaster, the dark nightwas similar to the tentacle, pierced the lightcontinuously, eruptedbrightlysuddenly, sweepsdarkness.黑暗与光明相互交战的地方,像是他昨晚在峡谷遗迹中所见的情形一般,不过更加壮观,更加浩大,黑夜如同触手,连续刺穿光明,光明猛然爆发,扫荡黑暗。Passed the moment, Qin Musees clearlythatlightwithdarknessisanything, inthatdarknessisinexhaustibleDevil gods, the tiderushes the lightunexpectedlygenerally, demonic soundis notpuredemonic sound, butis the calls of trillionDevil gods!
过了片刻,秦牧看清那光明和黑暗到底是什么东西,那黑暗中竟然是无穷无尽的魔神,潮水一般涌向光明,魔音也不是单纯的魔音,而是亿万魔神的呐喊!Butbrightly is also the same, vastgods, wears the goldenarmor, Devil gods that andwells upslaughters!
而光明也是一样,汪洋般的神明,身披金色铠甲,正在与涌来的魔神厮杀!He„station”is too high, thesegoddemonslikelyare the slightwaterdrops, cannot see clearlyfrom afar, thereforejuststartedto think that is the lightwith the struggle of darkness, butnowsaw clearly, thought that shockswith the terror!
他“站”的太高,这些神魔都像是细微的水滴,远远看不清,所以刚开始以为是光明和黑暗之争,而现在看清了,才觉得震撼和恐怖!Qin Muwakes upsuddenly, the sweatTianjinTianjin, heopens the eye, actuallyin the discoverybrainseverywhereisthatdivine soundanddemonic sound, quarrelled the headbrainsas ifto blast opengeneral.秦牧猛然醒来,汗水津津,他张开眼睛,却发现头脑中到处都是那种神音和魔音,吵得脑袋头脑仿佛炸裂一般。Inthis time, thatjade pendant of hischestgentlyfloats, flutterstohisforehead, fallsgently, Qin Muonlythinks that pure running waterwells up, divine sounddemonic sound in mindvanishesimmediately.
就在此时,他胸口的那块玉佩轻轻漂浮起来,飘到他的眉心,轻轻落下,秦牧只觉一股清流涌来,脑海中的神音魔音顿时消失。Hesitsto set outsuddenly, whistlingpuffs, inheartsurpriseduncertain, does not know that what happened.
他猛然坐起身来,呼呼喘着粗气,心中惊疑不定,不知道发生了什么事。Passed the moment, hegoes out ofroom, arrives atoutside, instone statuewhilevillagesends out the dim light that to size upjade pendant.
过了片刻,他走出屋子,来到外面,趁着村子里的石像散发出的幽光打量玉佩。Outside the villagewasdarkness, jade pendantalsosends out the dim light, Qin Mulooks atjade pendantto be lost in thought that the visionsuch asjade pendantrays of lightwas spooky, for a very long timewas hardto put asidefromthissmalljade pendant.
村外就是黑暗,玉佩也散发出了幽光,秦牧怔怔看着玉佩出神,目光如玉佩的光芒般幽幽,久久难以从这块小小的玉佩上移开。InhimbehindGrandma Sidoes not know when walks, seesthisby chance, in the heartacid: „We, althoughraiseshim, butMu'erdoes not belong toourDisabled Elderly Villagethroughout. Heis only the child who Disabled Elderly Villageraises, finallymustleave......”
在他身后司婆婆不知何时走来,恰巧看到这一幕,心中一酸:“我们虽然将他养大,但牧儿始终不属于我们残老村。他只是残老村养大的孩子,最终要离开的……”Herspiritshakes, item of dewnone remaining: „Outside, be more dangerous than Great Ruinswere too many! Hedid not haveenoughstrengthnow!”
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