TOHG :: Volume #14

#1312: Shares a common hatred( first)

In Chaos sea, Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian helplessly looks that the hand of Celestial Exalt Xiao grasps Highest Beginning Origin Stone to crash, falls on their front, in that palm, the Highest Beginning Origin Stone unusual brightness from referring to the seam sends out. 混沌海中,虚生花蓝御田眼睁睁的看着晓天尊之手握着太初原石坠落下来,落在他们的面前,那只手掌中,太初原石的宝光从指缝里散发出来。 They have not moved, but looks to old age Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity. 两人都没有动,而是看向老年太易 Old age Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity said with a smile: This primary stone is Highest Beginning Origin Stone, contains the say/way of Highest Beginning, cannot perceive through meditation true Highest Beginning including Heavenly Emperor Highest Beginning.” 老年太易笑道:“这原石太初原石,蕴藏太初之道,连天帝太初自己也没能参悟出真正的太初。” He spoke of here then suddenly to stop, no longer continued. 他说到这里便突然止住,不再继续说下去。 They visit him as before eagerly, waited for that he continued. 两人依旧眼巴巴的看着他,等待他继续说下去。 Although the right hand of Celestial Exalt Xiao has been cut off, but actually quietly stretches out two fingers at this moment, other three fingers as before tight is gripping the primary stone fragment, two fingers are similar to the leg and foot are the same, making this right hand stand, walks along the sea bed of Chaos sea outward. 晓天尊的右手虽然断掉了,但是此刻却悄悄伸出两根指头,其他三根指头依旧紧紧的攥着原石碎片,两根指头如同腿脚一样,让这右手站立起来,沿着混沌海的海床向外走去。 . 啪嗒。 primary stone fell one, that two fingers stop hastily, the finger probes the fumble, finally sought primary stone, cautiously picked up that primary stone, placed in the palm as before, continued to start to walk two fingers to try to find out outward went. 原石掉了一块,那两根指头连忙停下,指头四下试探摸索,终于寻到了原石,小心翼翼的将那块原石捡起,依旧放在手心里,继续迈开两根指头向外摸索而去。 Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian cannot endure patiently, the moving away vision that does not live in shoots a look at to this only Heavenly Venerable right hand , the rotation comes to see excessively to old age Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity. 虚生花蓝御田忍耐不住,不住的移开目光瞥向这只天尊右手,又自转过头来看向老年太易 The Lan Yutian 3000 followers and do the antique giant beast curious is staring at this only Heavenly Venerable right hand, looks that it walks unceasingly outward, unceasing falls the gem from the palm. 蓝御田的3000追随者和一干太古巨兽则好奇的盯着这只天尊右手,看着它不断向外走,不断的从手心里掉宝石。 These giant beast good intentions, moved the buttocks, asking it to leave from own side, has not stopped it. 那些巨兽好心,挪了挪屁股,让它从自己身边走过去,并未阻拦它。 The Heavenly Venerable right hand arrives at beyond the space that the walking stick supports with great difficulty, just trod one step, the Chaos barometric pressure gets down, only listens to bang one, this Heavenly Venerable right hand was only pressed lies on the ground, the Highest Beginning Origin Stone fragment in palm scatters place. 天尊右手好不容易来到拐杖支撑起的空间之外,刚刚踏出一步,混沌气压下来,只听嘭的一声,这只天尊右手被压得趴在地上,手心里的太初原石碎片散落一地。 Celestial Exalt Xiao right hand struggling moment, but is the weight of Chaos sea fearful? 晓天尊的右手挣扎片刻,但混沌海的重量是何等可怕? His right hand and earth-mother Yuan Monarch put together one hardly, compels to draw back the earth-mother, had pulled out a whip by Earth count, magic power in right hand exhausts, is unable to contend with the Chaos sea, at this moment was suppressed, is unable to withdraw. 他这只右手与地母元君硬拼一记,逼退地母,又被土伯抽了一鞭子,右手中的法力耗尽,根本无法与混沌海抗衡,此刻被压住,便无法脱身。 Old age Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity sees Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian as before stubbornly is staring at itself, this helpless sighing, said: You are seek, why must know the fault of obtaining enlightenment? You had the heart of quality, obtained enlightenment is then impure.” 老年太易虚生花蓝御田依旧死死的盯着自己,这才无奈的叹了口气,道:“你们是求道者,为何一定要知道得道的坏处?你们有了好坏之心,得道便不纯了。” Lan Yutian thinks, blushes however said: What Elder said that I had taught people bad things by my brother, he always lets my many mind.” 蓝御田想了想,赧然道:“长老说的是,我被我哥哥教坏了,他总让我多一个心眼。” The Xu Shenghua probe said: Then Dao Brother, if we took this Highest Beginning Origin Stone, sensibility Great Dao, does have the fault to us?” 虚生花试探道:“那么道兄,倘若我们取了这太初原石,感悟其中的大道,对我们有没有坏处?” Lan Yutian is imposing, looks hurriedly to Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity. 蓝御田凛然,急忙又看向太易 Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity is helpless, only obtains enlightenment: Has the fault. First, Supreme Emperor must kill you, this primary stone is his thing of becoming enlightened, did not have primary stone, his cultivation base strength cannot reach the peak throughout. Next, Highest Beginning Heavenly Emperor must kill you. This primary stone is also his thing of becoming enlightened, although he obtains enlightenment, but has not become enlightened, he must collect all primary stone, bright stone. Beside person who therefore he except for must remove all obtains primary stone, but must remove all Lord of Creation.” 太易无奈,只得道:“有坏处。首先,太帝要杀你们,这原石是他的成道之物,没有了原石,他的修为实力始终不能达到巅峰。其次,太初天帝要杀你们。这原石也是他的成道之物,他虽然得道,但是还未成道,他必须搜集所有原石,所有神石。因此他除了要除掉所有得到原石的人之外,还要除掉所有造物主。” Cult Master( Elder Brother) had foreknowledge.” Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian simultaneously the heart said. 教主(哥哥)还是有先见之明。”虚生花蓝御田同时心道。 If no Qin Mu to tell them to take many minds, they only feared at this moment already overjoyed takes primary stone in the hand, at the same time for no reason offended Supreme Emperor and Heavenly Emperor. 倘若没有秦牧一直告诉他们要多个心眼,他们此刻只怕早就欢天喜地的把原石取在手中,平白无故的同时得罪了太帝天帝 Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity asked: Then Highest Beginning Origin Stone, two fellow daoist are take or do not take?” 太易问道:“那么太初原石,两位道友是取还是不取?” Lan Yutian looks to Xu Shenghua. 蓝御田看向虚生花 He knows that Xu Shenghua is elder brother's fellow daoist, is known as the idea, sometimes Qin Mu cannot make up mind must run up to Western Province to consult him specially. 他知道虚生花是自己哥哥的道友,素有主意,有时候秦牧拿不定主意还要专门跑到西土去请教他。 The Xu Shenghua hesitation moment, said: Takes. We take primary stone, only takes its say/way, perceives through meditation the say/way of Highest Beginning through primary stone, does not take its energy, does not borrow the primary stone might. Then, in the future Supreme Emperor or Heavenly Emperor Highest Beginning, so long as they want primary stone, we give back to them primary stone are.” 虚生花沉吟片刻,道:“取。我们取原石,是只取其道,通过原石来参悟太初之道,不取其能,不借用原石的威力。如此一来,将来无论是太帝还是天帝太初,只要他们想要回原石,我们将原石还给他们便是。” Lan Yutian thinks, said: My brother said, gives the person by the fish, might as well give the person by the fishing. When he taught my cultivation, only taught that principle of my practice, actually did not teach my concrete divine ability Dao Art, was this reason.” 蓝御田想了想,赞道:“我哥说,授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。他教导我修行时,只教导我修炼的原理,却不传授我具体的神通道法,便是这个缘故。” Old age Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity sighed: Celestial Exalt Mu said very right. However must observe its word, must observe its line, Celestial Exalt Mu said that although good, but he worked actually not only learns to hit the fishing, must snatch including others' fish. This, you cannot study him.” 老年太易叹道:“牧天尊说得很对。不过既要察其言,也要观其行,牧天尊说的虽好,但是他做事却不仅仅是学会了打渔,连别人的鱼也要抢。这个,你们不可以学他。” Their say "yes", goes forward respectively, arrives is pressed to lie by the Heavenly Venerable right hand of place, has picked several primary stone fragments respectively. 两人称是,各自上前,来到被压趴在地的天尊右手旁,各自捡了几块原石碎片。 In the sea level of Chaos sea, as before is a silence. 混沌海的海面上,依旧是一片寂静。 Lava Earth count discarded the Heavenly Venerable right hand and Highest Beginning Origin Stone fragment freely, but falls into during the encirclement of Heavenly Venerable, the people refuse to budge as before motionless. 熔岩土伯尽管丢掉了天尊右手和太初原石碎片,但还是陷入天尊们的包围之中,众人依旧僵持不动。 Lava Earth count sighed suddenly, diverges this clone(s) magic power, immediately changed to one pile of stones to be obliterated refining by the Chaos sea, changed to the air/Qi of faint trace Chaos continuously. 熔岩土伯突然叹了口气,散去这具分身法力,顿时化作一堆石头被混沌海磨灭炼化,化作丝丝缕缕的混沌之气。 Facing this situation, his clone(s) does not have the use , to continue to be stopped up intelligent is laughed here, therefore he discards this body simply. 面对这种情况,他的分身全无用处,继续被堵在这里智慧被人笑话,所以他索性舍弃这具身体。 The people are as before motionless, Celestial Exalt Xiao, Celestial Exalt Yan, ancestor God King and Lang Xuan god sovereign respective silent. 众人依旧一动不动,晓天尊,妍天尊,祖神王琅轩神皇各自沉默。 The Supreme Emperor forehead emits the cold sweat. 太帝额头冒出冷汗。 He suddenly discovered after Earth count discards this clone(s) on own initiative, own situation becomes is not wonderful. 他突然发现土伯主动舍弃这具分身之后,自己的局势变得不妙起来。 Celestial Exalt Mu this guy, probably my pit!” His corner of the eye jumps madly. 牧天尊这厮,好像又把我坑了!”他眼角乱跳。 Suddenly, Celestial Exalt Xiao neither too fast nor too slow said: We after all are Heavenly Venerable.” 突然,晓天尊不疾不徐道:“我们毕竟是天尊。” Yes, in any event, we after all are Heavenly Venerable.” Beautiful Tian fei said. “是啊,无论如何,我们毕竟是天尊。”妍天妃道。 Ancestor God King and Lang Xuan god sovereign nods respectively, said: We after all are Heavenly Venerable, although each other also has the gratitude and grudges and dirty/small error, but faces the foreign enemy, must the united front.” 神王琅轩神皇各自点头,道:“我们毕竟是天尊,虽然彼此也有恩怨与龌蹉,但是面对外敌,总要统一战线。” Supreme Emperor laughs suddenly: Said well, we after all are Heavenly Venerable, from working as the brothers, shares a common hatred!” 太帝突然哈哈大笑起来:“说得好,我们毕竟是天尊,自当同气连枝,同仇敌忾!” Other four Heavenly Venerable are silent, in the heart seemed punctured a sword. 其他四位天尊沉默下来,心中仿佛被刺了一剑。 Supreme Emperor is too sinister, a few words then indicated that he also in ten Heavenly Venerable, has no alternative but to cause the suspicion of people to suspect, although Celestial Exalt Xiao knows the Supreme Emperor real status, but Celestial Exalt Xiao will not say Supreme Emperor is Qiang Tian fei. 太帝太阴险,一句话便表明他也在十天尊之中,不能不引起众人的猜忌怀疑,尽管晓天尊是知晓太帝的真实身份,但晓天尊不会说出太帝就是嫱天妃。 If because Celestial Exalt Xiao holds the Supreme Emperor status, then Supreme Emperor will be the Heavenly Emperor Highest Beginning status will also hold him, mutually wounded! 因为假如晓天尊太帝的身份捅出去,那么太帝也会将他是天帝太初的身份捅出去,两败俱伤! The balance of copyright, will make them maintain a tacit understanding, is similar to beautiful Tian fei will not reveal Celestial Exalt Xiao, Celestial Exalt Xiao will not open the status of beautiful Tian fei to be ordinary. 利益平衡,会让他们都保持着一份默契,就如同妍天妃不会揭穿晓天尊,晓天尊也不会揭开妍天妃的身份一般。 Ancestor God King said lightly: Supreme Emperor must die, in ten Heavenly Venerable does not have Supreme Emperor to exist possibly. Three Dao Brother, under your intent how?” 神王淡淡道:“太帝必须死,十天尊中也绝不容许有太帝存在。三位道兄,你们意下如何?” Agreement.” Celestial Exalt Xiao said. “同意。”晓天尊道。 Beautiful Tian fei and ancestor God King show the smiling face respectively. 妍天妃与祖神王各自露出笑容。 Agreement!” Agreement!” “同意!”“同意!” Supreme Emperor withdraws backward one step, sole falls on the void female beast carries on the back, haha said with a smile: You and other juniors, wants to take my life? I scold shout antique since, but also unmanned dares to put right with me!” 太帝向后退出一步,脚掌落在虚空母兽背上,哈哈笑道:“尔等小辈,也想取我性命?我叱咤太古至今,还无人敢与我放对!” In flash that his footsteps move, the dawn, beautiful, ancestors and jade four big Heavenly Venerable simultaneously take action, to the Supreme Emperor converging attack, but to! 就在他脚步移动的一瞬间,晓、妍、祖、琅四大天尊同时出手,向太帝夹击而至! At their take action same time, the after void female beast of Supreme Emperor under foot jumps leaps, escapes into void, bringing Supreme Emperor from layer on layer/heavily void to flash! 在他们出手的同一时间,太帝脚下的虚空母兽纵身后跃,遁入虚空,带着太帝从重重虚空中一晃而过! But before the Supreme Emperor body, four big Heavenly Venerable bodies twisted void, formidable bodies heavy dash the single layer void, likely is the mirror surface breakage and shatter! 而在太帝身前,四大天尊的身躯扭曲了虚空,一尊尊强大的身躯将一重重虚空撞破,像是镜面般破裂、破碎! Tales of Herding Gods beginning homepage end surpassed 100 million to click, the client side 200 million clicked! 牧神记起点网页端超过100000000点击了,客户端200000000点击了!
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