TOHG :: Volume #11

#1013: Ultimate void

100,000 god demons fly to Falling God Valley, from the sky has delimited together the Daoist believers light, cuts the horizon like more than 100,000 meteors, rolls by from the Yuan World sky. 100000神魔飞向堕神谷,在空中划过一道道流光,像是有100000多个流星划破天际,从元界的上空驶过。 These 100,000 god demons constantly are also changing in airborne lineup, as Supreme Emperor Ju Yu Shi, the knowledge when in this life most ancient existence, he grasps is incomparably profound, any formation has words at fingertips and writes with facility, changeable, is broken to the world the mystery. 这100000神魔在空中阵型还在不断变化,作为太帝居余氏,当今世上最为古老的存在,他掌握的学识可谓是无比渊博,任何阵法都是信手拈来,变化多端,穷极奥妙。 He very long had not been such angry. 他已经很久没有这么生气了。 Can make matter that he loses one's temper not many truly, Celestial Exalt Yun is in conspiracy with a Highest Emptiness Lord of Creation clan to plot against him, his physical body in dire straits, he has lost one's temper. 真正能够让他动怒的事情已经不多了,云天尊伙同太虚造物主一族暗算他,将他的肉身困死,他动怒过。 Celestial Exalt Ling foundation material not easy divine ability, making him see own divine ability was broken, he has lost one's temper, fully realized that this divine ability to own injury was how terrifying, if except Celestial Exalt Ling, oneself will not die in this female hand sooner or later. 凌天尊开创物质不易神通,让他看到了自己的神通被破,他动怒过,深知这门神通对自己的伤害是何其恐怖,如果不除凌天尊,自己早晚会死在这个女子手中。 For 1 million years, he because merely these two matters lose one's temper. 1000000年来,他仅仅因为这两件事动怒。 However now, he loses one's temper once again. 然而现在,他再度动怒。 Initially Yuan World broken sealed, oneself set out magical instrument Celestial Exalt Yu, was executed in Falling God Valley by Qin Mu this boy, although do not want to expose the status at that time, did not have the use true method, but died in this boy hand makes him not be feeling well extremely. 当初元界破封,自己出动神器御天尊,便是被秦牧这小子在堕神谷格杀,虽说那时自己不想暴露身份,没有动用真正的手段,但死在这小子手里还是让他极为不爽。 However this boy unexpectedly also in Heavenly Court Jade Pond, except the bloodlines big incantation that in the Yun Jianli bloodlines leave behind! 然而这小子竟然还在天庭瑶池,除去云渐离血脉中自己留下的血脉大咒! This has no alternative but to make him be angry. 这就不能不让他生气了。 This has not ended, Qin Mu thorough Highest Emptiness, goes to Supreme Divine Consciousness Domain to rob the Celestial Exalt Yun corpse unexpectedly, but also refining oneself part of Divine Consciousness, try to inquire about his divine art mystery! 这还没完,秦牧深入太虚,竟然又去无上神识领域中抢走云天尊的尸身,还炼化自己的一部分神识,试图探寻他的神功的奥妙! Moreover after this boy returns to Heavenly Court, actually also said to Heavenly Court Heavenly Venerable that Supreme Emperor has not died, on conceal in Heavenly Court ten Heavenly Venerable, lets itself is very passive. 而且这小子回到天庭之后,竟然还对天庭天尊说,太帝未死,就藏在天庭天尊之中,让自己很是被动。 Oneself come to kill him, actually by the Founding Emperor half-way interception, died treats unjustly, dies bewilderedly. 自己前来杀他,却被开皇半道截杀,死得冤枉,死得莫名其妙。 But now, Qin Mu returns to Falling God Valley unexpectedly, planned that called his Divine Consciousness, once again his refining! 而现在,秦牧竟然回到堕神谷,打算将他的神识召来,再度把他炼化 Even if weeds out the wool, cannot catch a sheep to weed out, this boy as if could not pass with oneself, catches to weed out does not bring to call a halt! 就算是薅羊毛,也不能逮着一只羊一直薅,这小子似乎是与自己过不去了,逮着自己一直薅不带停手的! He cannot tolerate this boy, today in any event must eradicate Qin Mu! 他再也不能容忍这小子,今日无论如何都要将秦牧铲除! Ignorant small biology, my able to move unhindered entire world, I have seen the innumerable talent characters, like the stars, they all falls from the sky, only I alone save!” “愚昧的小生物,我纵横寰宇,我见过无数天才人物,有如繁星,他们悉数陨落,唯我独存!” 100,000 god demons fly high to fly acorss, fire into Falling God Valley, Divine Consciousness of 100,000 god demons falls into during the wild fluctuation, changes to a great sound. 100000神魔凌空飞渡,冲向堕神谷,100000神魔的神识陷入狂暴的波动之中,化作一个宏大的声音。 You are not my enemy!” “你根本算不上我的敌人!” I in the enemy who in the long life encounters, is more formidable than you, is more intelligent, you are only the ants that then can be run over and die conveniently!” “我在漫长的生命中所遭遇的敌人,比你更加强大,更加聪明,你只是一个随手便可以碾死的蝼蚁!” My life, from antiquity be continuous since, I am in the universe the most ancient life, the undefeated myth! My experience, is together the river of time!” “我的寿命,从太古之初绵延至今,我是宇宙中最古老的生命,不败的神话!我的经历,就是一道时间的长河!” Falling God Valley, Qin Mu looks to the West, there multi-colored sunlight Yanyan, surges like the tide, Supreme Emperor Divine Consciousness the sound in his ear bank crack, has resounded through Heaven and Earth, deafening! 堕神谷,秦牧看向西方,那里霞光艳艳,涌动如潮,太帝神识所化的声音已经在他的耳畔炸响,响彻天地,震耳欲聋! You in my life, but is a not worthy of mentioning form in my long time river, a drop was not placed the water in eye by me, is far including the spray!” “你在我的生命之中,不过是我漫长时间长河中的一个微不足道的身影,一滴不被我放在眼中的水,连浪花都谈不上!” In the multi-colored sunlight tide, the forms of 100,000 god demons have mapped the Qin Mu's view. 霞光大潮中,100000神魔的身影已经映入秦牧的眼帘。 That is Heavenly Court is most profound mysteriously murders big, is filling dreadful murderous aura, comes, has not arrived at Falling God Valley, the Falling God Valley earth then starts torn to pieces, the ground floats the cake in the shake of terror, the float! 那是天庭最为高深最为玄妙的杀伐大阵,弥漫着滔天的杀气,呼啸而来,还未来到堕神谷,堕神谷的大地便开始支离破碎,地面在恐怖的震荡中浮酥,漂浮而起! The god tide of this surging to/clashes, sweeps across Heaven and Earth, the sky is fallen the colored glaze of smashing likely completely, the ground vanishes, floats in the airborne soil and stone in unceasingly shatter, the decomposition, changes to the nihility! 这股涌动的神潮冲来,席卷天地,天空像是被摔得粉碎的琉璃,地面完全消失,浮在空中的泥土和石块在不断破碎,分解,化作虚无! Now, the lands of remaining Qin Mu under feet are only complete, the sky of Qin Mu top of the head is a purity, had not been murdered the big attack by this. 现在,只剩下秦牧脚下的土地还算完整,秦牧头顶的天空还是一片纯净,没有被这杀伐大阵侵袭。 100,000 god demons clash, 100,000 god demons with one voice, the sound changes to the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering bang: So-called Celestial Exalt Mu, so-called ten Heavenly Venerable, is it possible that so, totally such as are!” 100000神魔冲至,100000神魔异口同声,声音化作惊天动地的巨响:“所谓牧天尊,所谓十天尊,莫非如此,一概如是!” This voice has not fallen, suddenly Lang Wo God King lifts the palm, taking off forehead willow leaf, reveals diamond vertical eye of forehead, both hands hands over the buckle, the Divine Consciousness divine ability eruption! 这话音还未落下,突然阆涴神王抬起手掌,揭下眉心柳叶,露出眉心的菱形竖眼,双手交扣,神识神通爆发! Her Divine Consciousness is sweeping away in an instant void, the place visited, 100,000 god demons drop from the clouds immediately like rain, fall to turned into the abyss Falling God Valley! 她的神识在刹那间横扫虚空,所过之处,100000神魔顿时如雨般从天而降,跌向已经变成深渊的堕神谷 Even if that Approaching the Firmament Realm Divine General, Supreme Emperor Divine Consciousness in brain was also compelled outside the body, crashes without consulting anybody! 即便是那尊凌霄境界神将,脑中的太帝神识也被逼出体外,径自坠落! Lang Wo God King both hands gather, abyss vanishes immediately does not see, under her view thinks, the earth grows rapidly, levels the abyss! 阆涴神王双手一合,深渊顿时消失不见,在她的观想下,大地飞速生长,将深渊填平! Even around the even/including confusion shatter sky also then restores in the flash such as beginning. 甚至连四周混乱破碎的天空也在一刹那便恢复如初。 Shu Jun God King explodes drinks one, the stimulation of movement hides in 35 heavy void seals. 叔钧神王爆喝一声,催动隐藏在35重虚空中的封印。 This seal is he and Lang Wo God King collaborates under the arrange, only depends on his current Divine Consciousness cultivation base unable to resist Supreme Emperor Ju Yu Shi such terrifying existence, but he has the sufficient experience, but Lang Wo God King has fearful cultivation base. 这封印是他与阆涴神王联手布下,仅凭他目前的神识修为根本无法对抗太帝居余氏这样恐怖的存在,但他有着充足的经验,而阆涴神王则有着可怕的修为 Supreme Emperor Divine Consciousness encounters the sneak attack of Lang Wo God King, then immediately awakens, terrifying Divine Consciousness such as the tide fluctuates, the condensation, resists Qin Mu's Soul Guide strongly, however is hard to resist Qin Mu's divine ability, by near Latvia's to Qin Mu foot jade bottle. 太帝神识遭到阆涴神王的偷袭,便立刻醒悟过来,恐怖的神识如潮波动,竭力凝聚,对抗秦牧的牵魂引,然而还是难以抵抗秦牧的神通,被拉向秦牧脚边的玉瓶。 In this time, 35 heavy void seals layer upon layer starts, from 35 th starts void, the seal jumps, jumps to 34 th void, jumps with the 34 th heavy void seal union once again void to 33 rd. 就在此时,35重虚空中的封印层层启动,从第35虚空开始,封印跳跃,跳到第34虚空,与第34重虚空的封印结合再度跳向第33虚空。 The single layer single layer void seal merge, said slowly, but the regulations are extremely quick, then arrives at first in a flash void, is Qin Mu their Yuan World. 一重一重虚空封印合并,说起来慢,但实则极快,转瞬间便来到第一虚空,也就是秦牧他们所处的元界 Supreme Emperor Divine Consciousness had been covered by the seal, pressure to jade bottle! 太帝神识已经被封印罩住,压向玉瓶! When emerges in the jade bottle to Supreme Emperor all Divine Consciousness, seals regarding jade bottle revolving, 35 heavy seals, are full various jade bottle place seal, has not left behind any gap! 待到太帝所有神识涌入玉瓶中,一圈圈封印围绕玉瓶旋转,共有35重封印,将玉瓶各处印满,没有留下任何缺口! Originally is you!” “原来是你!” The jade bottle vibration, broadcasts the sound that Supreme Emperor is furious: I recognize you, collaborates to plot against my girl with Celestial Exalt Yun! Lord of Creation in Highest Emptiness! You, Shu Jun God King!” 玉瓶震动,传来太帝震怒的声音:“我认得你,与云天尊联手暗算我的那个小女子!太虚中的造物主!还有你,叔钧神王!” Shu Jun God King laughs: Ju Yu Shi, disappears for a long time! In the past you hit how are father pitiful, at the present you in bottle, I actually outside bottle!” 叔钧神王哈哈大笑:“居余氏,许久不见了!当年你把老子打得是何其凄惨,而今你在瓶中,我却在瓶外!” Supreme Emperor shouted angrily: Shu Jun, you expensive are Lord of Creation God King, actually serves the interest of outsiders, collaborates to plot against me with human race! You, the female, as the Lord of Creation leader, you plan me unexpectedly twice, plots against Supreme Emperor of Lord of Creation clan!” 太帝怒喝:“叔钧,你贵为造物主神王,却吃里扒外,与人族联手暗算我!还有你,那女子,身为造物主的领袖,你竟然两次算计我,暗算造物主一族的太帝!” Lang Wo God King said indifferently: You destroy a Lord of Creation clan, already was not our Supreme Emperor. Ju Yu Shi, temporarily collects an interest at the present.” 阆涴神王淡然道:“你毁灭造物主一族,早已不是我们的太帝居余氏,而今不过是暂收一点利息而已。” The Shu Jun facial color is intense, hurried say/way: Rubbish with him! Pays attention 35 th void, be careful his Divine Consciousness Great Luo day attacks!” 叔钧面色紧张,急忙道:“不要与他废话!留意第35虚空,当心他的神识大罗天来袭!” Qin Mu diverges Soul Guide, picks up jade bottle, actually sees the jade bottle still to fling about in his palm, as if must work loose his palm to go from out of the blue. 秦牧散去牵魂引,将玉瓶捡起,却见玉瓶还在他手心里跳来跳去,似乎要挣脱他的手掌破空而去。 Is good because of having Lang Wo God King and Shu Jun God King seal , the strength that in the bottle transmits is not big, but also during his control. 好在有阆涴神王叔钧神王的封印在,瓶中传来的力量并不大,还在他的掌控之中。 Shu Jun and Lang Wo God King sits crosslegged to sit respectively, in the forehead the bubble of single layer heavy rays of light as if single layer heavy distortion, unceasingly sends out, during is thoroughly void, should be prepares to collaborate the seal 35 th void, prevents the Supreme Emperor Divine Consciousness Great Luo day. 叔钧阆涴神王各自跏趺而坐,眉心中一重重光芒仿佛一重重扭曲的泡沫,不断散发出来,深入虚空之中,应该是准备联手封印第35虚空,阻止太帝神识大罗天。 Regarding void said that First Spirit World Lord of Creation passes to the Qin Mu's wisdom to have the concrete description. 对于虚空之说,先灵界造物主传给秦牧的智慧有过具体描述。 The Lord of Creation antique time, the soul is unimportant, more importantly Divine Consciousness, protects own Divine Consciousness to be especially important, Divine Consciousness reposes void, can be coincided with Heaven and Earth by oneself, exists for a long time. 造物主所处的太古时代,魂魄并不重要,重要的是神识,怎么保护自己的神识尤其重要,神识寄托虚空,可以让自己与天地相合,存在得更加长久。 Lord of Creation by the Divine Consciousness divine creative force, regarding them, can the divine creative force, be able to repose the Divine Consciousness place, is the void, realistic universe is first void. 造物主神识造物,对于他们来说,能够造物,能够寄托神识的地方,都是虚空,现实宇宙便是第一虚空。 But breaks through first void, consciousness is another illusory level, is second void. 而突破第一虚空,意识达到另一个虚幻的层次,便是第二虚空。 Can achieve in the second void divine creative force, then can try the breakthrough, arrives at third void. 能够做到在第二虚空中造物,便可以试着突破,来到第三虚空。 Third void is more unreal, illusory. 第三虚空更加虚幻,虚无缥缈。 Ex analogia, the single layer the single layer void was developed by Lord of Creation, is void deeper, Divine Consciousness preserves even more is then long-time, in the First Spirit World wisdom, only then 35 th void, is not void about 36, is the ultimate void record. 以此类推,一重又一重虚空被造物主们开发出来,虚空越深,神识保存得便愈发长久,不过在先灵界的智慧中,只有第35虚空,没有关于第三十六虚空,也即是终极虚空的记载。 Actually to 35 th void, Lord of Creation Divine Consciousness with the Heaven and Earth same longevity, will never have been obliterated, enjoys the eternal tranquility there, only then the universe destruction, they will die. 其实到了第35虚空,造物主神识已经与天地同寿,永远不会被磨灭,在那里享受永恒的宁静,只有宇宙毁灭,他们才会死亡。 However, antique time, there is Lord of Creation to seek 35 void, pins other people on there Divine Consciousness refining, writes off the enemy, obviously so-called reposing is actually void unsafe. 不过,太古时代,还是有造物主能够寻到35虚空,将他人寄托在那里的神识炼化,抹杀敌人,可见所谓的寄托虚空其实也并不安全。 36 is void, ultimate void, Qin Mu listens to Shu Jun to mention that has single layer such to be void, has anything to affect specifically, he then does not know. 三十六虚空,终极虚空,秦牧还是听叔钧提到有这么一重虚空,具体有什么作用,他便不知道了。 By his present Divine Consciousness cultivation base, can enter ten heavily void is good. 以他现在的神识修为,能够进入十重虚空便算是不错了。 Enters 36 to be void only, is Supreme Emperor, Supreme Emperor pins Divine Consciousness on there, refining up on the Divine Consciousness Great Luo day, since antiquity, after does not know that many great misfortune do not die, can see ultimate void fierce. 唯一进入第三十六虚空的,便是太帝,太帝在那里寄托神识,炼就神识大罗天,从太古至今,历经不知道多少大劫而不死,也可以看出终极虚空的厉害。 In the future my Divine Consciousness practice to Supreme Emperor that step, must go ultimate to look void! However now......” “将来我的神识修炼太帝那一步,一定要去终极虚空看一看!不过现在……” Qin Mu receives the jade bottle, shouted loud: „The day, stimulates to movement valuable carriage, prepares to travel!” 秦牧收起玉瓶,高声喝道:“都天,催动宝辇,准备跑路!” The distant place, Devil King Dou Tian arouses nine Heavenly Dragon immediately, stimulates to movement Heavenly Dragon treasure carriage to come with lightning speed, Qin Mu works to sit well motionless Shu Jun and Lang Wo God King, jumps to the vehicle on, said solemnly: Runs the quicker the better, strives to cast off the Divine Consciousness Great Luo day!” 远处,都天魔王立刻唤起九条天龙,催动天龙宝辇风驰电掣而来,秦牧抓起端坐不动的叔钧阆涴神王,跳到车上,沉声道:“跑得越快越好,争取甩开神识大罗天!” Devil King Dou Tian explodes drinks, mentions the whip to that nine Heavenly Dragon draw offs, that nine Heavenly Dragon eat the pain, running, the electric light speeds away to go furiously. 都天魔王爆喝,提起鞭子向那九条天龙抽去,那九条天龙吃痛,奋力奔行,一路电光疾驰而去。 Devil King Dou Tian raises the whip to pull out forward, Heavenly Dragon cannot endure patiently, then called out: „The man, do not pull out! We are not the draft animals that does not know, you said that goes all out to run, do we naturally go all out to run, are worthwhile so ruthlessly pull out?” 都天魔王提着鞭子啪啪的向前抽,其中一条天龙忍耐不住,回头叫道:“那汉子,你别抽了!我们又不是什么都不知道的牲口,你说一句拼命跑,我们自然拼命跑,犯得着如此狠抽?” Devil King Dou Tian had a scare, receives whip hastily, slow of speech did not speak. 都天魔王吓了一跳,连忙收起鞭子,讷讷不语。 The speed of Heavenly Dragon treasure carriage is getting more and more fast, however on the vehicle, Qin Mu actually sees Shu Jun God King and Lang Wo God King forehead is cold sweaty, the Divine Consciousness multi-colored sunlight that in diamond vertical eye of their forehead gushes out is getting more and more thick, goes directly to 35 th void. 天龙宝辇的速度越来越快,然而车上,秦牧却看到叔钧神王阆涴神王额头都是冷汗津津,他们眉心的菱形竖眼中涌出的神识霞光越来越浓,直达第35虚空。 They as if bore enormous pressure, obviously Supreme Emperor in great anger closely locks them, not, because Heavenly Dragon treasure carriage leaves same place, but is unable to seek them. 他们似乎承受了极大的压力,显然盛怒之中的太帝还是紧紧锁定他们,并没有因为天龙宝辇离开原地而无法寻到他们。 The Qin Mu knitting the brows head, said: „The day, this valuable can't carriage enter Nether? Let them drive into Nether!” 秦牧皱了皱眉头,道:“都天,这辆宝辇不是可以进入幽都吗?让他们驶入幽都!” Devil King Dou Tian transmitted orders hurriedly, only listens to bang a bang, valuable carriage to dig in Nether, all around immediately a piece dim unclear, only then nine Heavenly Dragon whole body azure thunder are billowing, draws this valuable carriage to speed away to go in darkness. 都天魔王急忙传令,只听轰隆一声巨响,宝辇扎入幽都,四周顿时一片昏暗不明,只有九条天龙周身青雷滚滚,拉着这辆宝辇在黑暗中疾驰而去。 Shu Jun and Lang Wo two God King feel relieved suddenly, simultaneously comes soberly. 叔钧阆涴两位神王突然如释重负,齐齐清醒过来。 Narrow squeak, narrow squeak!” “好险,好险!” Lang Wo God King wipes the cold sweat of forehead, said: Supreme Emperor is indeed extraordinary, almost presses us not to gasp for breath! However, I also here, sought ultimate to be void!” 阆涴神王抹去额头的冷汗,赞道:“太帝的确非凡,压得我们几乎喘不过气来!不过,我也借此机会,寻到终极虚空了!” Qin Mu sees two people to be well, this relaxed. 秦牧见到两人无恙,这才松了口气。 Shu Jun looks that complexion changes: Sacred Infant, here?” 叔钧四下看去,脸色微变:“圣婴,这里是哪儿?” Lang Wo God King also to looks, complexion big change, trembling sound track: Is it possible that is here Nether?” 阆涴神王也向四下里看去,不由脸色大变,颤声道:“莫非这里是幽都?” In the front of Heavenly Dragon treasure carriage, two long flame Yellow Spring drop from the clouds, there is Earth count two horns, two horns is comprised of the innumerable being disillusioned world, the Yellow Spring water is the blazing rock magma. 天龙宝辇的前方,两条长长的火焰黄泉从天而降,那里是土伯双角,双角是由无数破灭世界组成,黄泉的水是炽烈的岩浆。 But in this incomparably huge ancient God front, is floating Exalted God Celestial Exalt Yu, although only has the Earth count true body 1/10 sizes, but is also quite huge, immeasurable! 而在这尊无比庞大的古神前方,漂浮着一尊神御天尊,虽然只有土伯真身的1大小,但也极为庞大,不可计量! Walks quickly!” “快走!” Shu Jun shouted fierce: Earth count and our Lord of Creation are mortal enemies!” 叔钧厉声喝道:“土伯与我们造物主是死敌!” Qin Mu is startled slightly, wanting is making Devil King Dou Tian transfer the car(riage), drives away Nether, actually sees great Wu Shuang/Unparalleled Earth count to turn the head slowly, three eyes look like to here. 秦牧微微一怔,正欲让都天魔王调转车向,驶离幽都,却见伟岸无双土伯缓缓转头,三只眼睛向这边看来。 The Lang Wo God King forehead emits the cold sweat, the diving posture dispatches a vehicle, keeps off before Heavenly Dragon treasure carriage. 阆涴神王额头又冒出冷汗,飞身出车,挡在天龙宝辇前。 Sacred Infant, you have promised me, must consider my Lord of Creation clan! Do not forget your commitment!” 圣婴,你答应过我的,要照顾好我造物主一族!别忘记你的承诺!” Her does not return saying: You walk first!” 她头也不回道:“你们先走!” Suddenly, before Qin Mu arrives at her body, puts out a hand a stroke, opens Supporting Heaven Gate. 突然,秦牧来到她身前,伸手一划,打开一座承天之门 The Earth count vision sweeps, the Supporting Heaven Gate collapse disintegrates. 土伯的目光扫来,承天之门崩溃瓦解。 The Qin Mu forehead emits the blue vein, stirs origin qi to open Supporting Heaven Gate again, this Supporting Heaven Gate immediately is also disillusioned. 秦牧额头冒出青筋,鼓荡元气再开一座承天之门,这座承天门也随即破灭。 Useless.” “没有用的。” Shu Jun sighed, arrives at side Qin Mu, stood with Lang Wo God King shoulder to shoulder, shakes the head saying: Lord of Creation and ancient God are the natural enemies, in the past ancient God strangled to death us, Earth count was also a leader. He will not let off our. Sacred Infant, you walk, Lang Wo, you also walk, the father stayed here to be OK!” 叔钧叹了口气,来到秦牧身边,与阆涴神王并肩而立,摇头道:“造物主古神是天敌,当年古神绞杀我们,土伯也是其中的一个领袖。他不会放过我们的。圣婴,你走吧,阆涴,你也走,老子留在这里就可以了!” Qin Mu gets angry snorted, once again opens Supporting Heaven Gate. 秦牧哼一声,又一次打开承天之门 Earth count as if somewhat is furious, has turned the head, no longer look at them. Lang Wo God King and Shu Jun stayed, does not know why Earth count does not have under the pain the killer. 土伯似乎有些震怒,转过头去,不再看他们。阆涴神王叔钧呆了呆,不知道为何土伯没有痛下杀手。 Qin Mu relaxed, said in a low voice: Earth count has sold my face, pretends not to see us. We walk quickly!” 秦牧松了口气,低声道:“土伯卖了我一个面子,装作没有见过我们。我们快走!”
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