TDG :: Volume #5

#437: Dreamland

Nie Li felt oneself fell into a profound dreamland likely. 聂离感觉自己像是陷入了一个深邃的梦境之中。 That dreamland, is ordinary just like the black hole, has inhaled him. 那个梦境,宛如黑洞一般,将他吸入了进去。 The sound is shouting him unceasingly. 有一个声音在不断地呼喊着他。 That is a voice of young girl, this sound is such familiar delightful. 那是一个少女的声音,这声音是这么熟悉悦耳。 Is the master! 是师傅! Master, you where?” Nie Li is shouting, these days he goes all out to promote the strength, does not dare to stand still, because he knows, if he does not promote the strength as soon as possible, the master may in the person by Divine Feather Sect be killed secretly until death. “师傅,你在哪里?”聂离呼喊着,这段时间他拼命地提升实力,一刻都不敢停歇,因为他知道,他若是不尽早提升实力,师傅就有可能被羽神宗里的人暗害至死。 Although Long Yuyin transformed, will not threaten the master again, but in Divine Feather Sect also some people of harboring evil intentions! 虽然龙羽音已经转变,不会再威胁到师傅了,但羽神宗里还有一些居心叵测的人! Nie Li wants into Divine Feather Sect Sect Master, this can protect the master. 聂离想要成为羽神宗宗主,这样就可以保护师傅了。 Nie Li, I in usage Note of Heaven and Earth, am communicating with you with the thought now. Your fate, the reversal universe, the strength was too big, if I do not make anything, once your cultivation level arrives at Heavenly Axis Realm, will be realized by Sage Emperor, soon, Sage Emperor will send servant god to go to chase down you. Therefore I use reversal Heavenly Path Technique, shifted my body your fate!” 聂离,我现在在用法音天地,用意念在跟你沟通。你的命数,逆转乾坤,力量太大了,如果我不做些什么,一旦你的修为天转境,就会被圣帝察觉,用不了多久,圣帝就会派侍神前去追杀你。所以我用倒行天道之法,把你的命数转移到了我的身上!” How can like this, master you?” “怎么会这样,那师傅你呢?” Nie Li, in your cultivation level promotes before Heavenly Axis Realm, I then left Divine Feather Sect, your several friends in major Divine Sect, I have given them the direction, in the future they will surely give you to boost. As for me, already during was chased down by servant god, although I use Mirage Secret Formation to go into hiding my Aura, how long but it is estimated that could not support.” 聂离,在你的修为提升到天转境之前,我便已经离开了羽神宗,你的几个朋友在各大神宗,我都给了他们一些指引,未来他们一定会给你助力。至于我,已经在被侍神追杀当中了,虽然我用幻影秘阵隐匿自己的气息,但估计已经撑不了多久了。” Master, I have made so many, wants to let all your is well, so long as you are all right, I make anything to be able...” “师傅,我做了那么多,就是想让你平安无事,只要你没事,我做什么都可以…” Fool, world all loose banquet... Since you have the matter that oneself must handle, that does, does not need to consider other. Since strikes to kill Sage Emperor saves the myriad things life, even if makes me pay with the life also to refuse to balk. Since the long years, have grasped Heaven's Divination Technique innumerably, know the Heavenly Life super talent. To resist Sage Emperor, actually falls from the sky, finally is helpless, my master is also so. Since my death can have a value, why I don't do?” “傻瓜,天下无不散的筵席…既然你有自己必须要去做的事情,那就去做吧,不必考虑其他。既然击杀圣帝就是拯救万物生灵,就算让我付出生命也在所不惜。漫长的岁月以来,无数掌握天衍之术,知天命的超级天才。想要对抗圣帝,却一个又一个陨落,最终无能为力,就连我师傅也是如此。既然我的死能够有所价值,我为什么不去做呢?” Nie Li feels that images spread to his mind. 聂离感觉到,一幕幕影像传入了他的脑海里面。 He felt that the master is kissing his forehead, that mild feeling, just like the caress of mother. 他感觉到师傅在亲吻他的额头,那温润的感觉,宛如母亲的爱抚。 Ying Yueru Ling Kong stands. The surrounding Seven-Colored Clouds Regiment tumbling surges, in her all over the body the innumerable illusions, serves as contrast her just likes haughty Goddess, that fair beautiful cheeks, have been full of the infinite charm, she looked toward Nie Li, smiles, the appearance leans the world, beautiful does not result in the world of mortals people. 应月茹凌空而立。周围七彩云团翻滚涌动,在她身周化出无数的幻象,将她衬托得犹如一个傲世的女神,那白皙绝美的脸颊,充满了无穷的魅力,她朝着聂离这边看了过来,莞尔一笑,容颜倾世,美得不似凡间中人。 Since continuously, in the heart of Nie Li. Ying Yueru looks like a fairy maiden is ordinary, the dust is like that refined, frown and smile, just like printing in the Nie Li mind. 一直以来,在聂离的心中。应月茹就像是一个仙子一般,那般地出尘脱俗,一颦一笑,都宛如印入聂离的脑海之中。 However, Nie Li has not had any heart of blaspheming, he has been full of the respect to Ying Yueru, he only wants to exhaust oneself all strengths to protect her. 但是,聂离不曾有过任何一丝的亵渎之心,他对应月茹充满了敬慕,他只想用尽自己一切的力量保护她而已。 Nie Li wants to walk up, but body seems like stranded in the shackles, cannot move. 聂离想要走上前去,但是身体就像是困在牢笼里面,根本动弹不得。 here or dreamland! 这里还是梦境! In the dreamland, Nie Li anything did not do! 在梦境里面,聂离根本什么都做不了! At this moment. A huge form appeared beside this Seven-Colored Clouds Regiment, this form several hundred meters high, put on silver black Battle Armor, grasped a handle great lance. The appearance is fierce, just like coming from Asura of hell. 就在这时。一个巨大的身影出现在了这七彩云团之外,这个身影足足有数百米高,穿着一身银黑的战甲,手持一柄巨矛。面目狰狞,宛如来自地狱的修罗。 This fellow is Sage Emperor servant god! 这个家伙是圣帝身边的侍神 Besides God level Demon Beast, side Sage Emperor many servant god powerhouses, they are also responsible for governing in world all matters, is the Sage Emperor running dog. The servant god strength is next to God level Demon Beast. 除了神级妖兽之外,圣帝身边还有很多侍神强者,他们负责掌管世间的所有事情,是圣帝的走狗。侍神的实力仅次于神级妖兽 Ying Yueru, emperor advocation makes me receive your life. Your fate already completely!” The servant god sound is dignified, is ordinary just like the billowing thunderclap, resembles to brain fluid blasting open of Nie Li be ordinary. 应月茹,帝主让我来收你的性命。你命数已尽!”侍神的声音庄严恢宏,宛如滚滚炸雷一般,似要把聂离的脑浆炸裂一般。 Nie Li was roaring sad and shrill, look was hazy, he was indistinct saw that a great hand grasped toward that Seven-Colored Clouds Regiment. 聂离凄厉地吼叫着,眼神迷蒙,他隐约间看到,一只巨手朝着那七彩云团抓去。 Does not want, the master walks quickly!” The Nie Li running together of two syllables in rapid speech was crying out. “不要,师傅快走!”聂离急声呐喊着。 Saw only Ying Yueru to look toward here, on the face revealed the confident smiling face, her smiling face clouds the poor business conditions to be light as always, just like the life and death in world, has had nothing to do with her generally. 只见应月茹朝着这边看了过来,脸上流露出了坦然的笑容,她的笑容一如既往地云淡风轻,宛如世间的生死,都与她无关了一般。 Ying Yueru displayed the astonishing wisdom since childhood, thoroughly understood the world, was much more precocious than any child, when facing life and death, was more indifferent than anybody. 应月茹从小就表现出了惊人的智慧,通晓天地,比任何一个孩子都要早熟得多,在面对生死的时候,也比任何人都要淡然。 Heaven's Divination Infinity, Sage Emperor can kill me, but actually gave up any idea of that cuts off the world destiny. Sage Emperor haughty unparalleled, can underestimate the world hero, actually do not despise Heavenly Law. Once Heavenly Law thought that Sage Emperor threatened the myriad things life, some people of generation of days will cut down it surely!” 天衍无极,圣帝可以杀了我,但是却休想斩断天地气运。圣帝傲世无双,可以小看天下英雄,却不要小看了天道。一旦天道觉得圣帝威胁到了万物生灵,必定会有人代天伐之!” Heard the Ying Yueru words, servant god has laughed: Ha, the good generation of days to cut down it, Ying Yueru, you well calculate that own fate, Sage Emperor had said that Heavenly Law counter I, I then extinguish it, Sage Emperor has blocked Endless Space-Time, will only take 200 years, Heavenly Law thoroughly is then built up. Any Heavenly Law is vast, supreme unsurpassed, is your this group of Cultivator deceives oneself and others!” 听到应月茹的话,侍神哈哈大笑了起来:“哈哈哈,好一个代天伐之,应月茹,你还是好好地算一算自己的命数吧,圣帝曾经说过,天道逆我,我便灭之,圣帝封锁了无尽时空,只需200年,天道便会被彻底炼化。什么天道浩淼,至尊无上,都是你们这帮修炼者自欺欺人罢了!” World virtue is thick, breeds myriad things, I and others not thought the report, actually must cut to extinguish the world, Sage Emperor did not think that in Xin does have the shame?” The Ying Yueru sinking sound said. “天地德厚,孕育万物,我等无以为报,却要斩灭天地,圣帝不觉得于心有愧吗?”应月茹沉声说道。 Sage Emperor Lingyun's heart, can it be that can your this group of ants understand? Ying Yueru, you should start off!” 圣帝凌云之心,又岂是你们这帮蝼蚁能够懂得的?应月茹,你该上路了!” That great hand grasps, sees only bang bang bang, Seven-Colored Clouds Regiment blasts open completely. 那巨手握下,只见嘭嘭嘭,七彩云团全部炸裂。 Nie Li saw that Ying Yueru was grasped by this superhuman hand in the hand, the instantaneous blood scatters. 聂离看到,应月茹被这巨掌抓在手里,瞬间鲜血四溅。 Not...” Nie Li was weeping and wailing rendingly, in his mind reappeared pictures, is the tips that he and master lived together, the rebirth comes back, he thinks that oneself had enough strength to protect her, but, the rebirth came back, the master died. “不…”聂离撕心裂肺地哭喊着,他的脑海里浮现出了一幅幅画面,是他和师傅一起生活的点点滴滴,重生回来,他以为自己有足够的力量保护她了,但是,重生回来,师傅还是死了。 In the Nie Li mind broadcasts a wisp of vague sound, is the sound of Ying Yueru long sigh. 聂离的脑海中传来一缕若有若无的声音,是应月茹长长的叹息之声。 Society causes and effects, a who also there is able to understand. The origin reason extinguishes, is why sad, Nie Li, is you should the matter of doing to go, but I, must the place that goes to me to go.” “人世间的因果,又有谁人能懂。缘起缘灭,又何必悲伤,聂离,做你该做的事情去吧,而我,也要去我该去的地方了。” That sound, is bringing a disconsolateness continuously, making the heart of Nie Li just like be torn generally. 那声音,带着一缕缕的惆怅,令聂离的心宛如被撕裂了一般。 Sage Emperor, the enmity of second, I will not let off absolutely your, the Nie Li innermost feelings were hated to fill up, the entire body as if must be blasted open general by a terrifying strength. 圣帝,两世的仇怨,我绝对不会放过你的,聂离的内心被仇恨所填满,整个身体仿佛要被一股恐怖的力量炸裂开来一般。 This dreamland extinguished without trace quickly, Nie Li fell into the middle of the endless deep sleep once more. 这梦境很快地消弭无踪,聂离再次陷入了无尽的沉睡当中。 Soul Sea keeps fast revolving. 灵魂海不停地飞快运转着。 At this time, Long Yuyin and the others gathered in the Nie Li side, Nie Li just rendingly wept and wailed has alarmed them, they do not know that what happened, but can feel, Nie Li is very sad, Long Yuyin thought that the heart is paining, she does not know how Nie Li was. 此时,龙羽音等人聚在聂离的身边,聂离刚刚撕心裂肺地哭喊惊动了他们,他们不知道发生了什么事情,只是感觉得出来,聂离很悲伤,龙羽音觉得心在隐隐作痛着,她不知道聂离到底是怎么了。 However Nie Li was only the pain has struggled a meeting, the expression on face once more became tranquil, fell into the middle of the deep sleep. 不过聂离只是痛苦挣扎了一会,脸上的表情再次变得平静,陷入了沉睡当中。 Perhaps, is only a dream...( ~^~) 或许,只是一个梦吧…(~^~)
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