SPCR :: Volume #27

#2648: Immortal Heavenly Dao struggles 29

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Why can establish that four Grand Dao? Is pure creative? Is discontented with present Grand Dao?” “为什么要创立那四个大道?是纯粹的标新立异?还是对现在的大道不满?” The immortal knows together in the Lou Xiaoyi mind resounds, he knows, the term examination started, can this time live, must depend entirely on this to open mouth! 一道仙识在娄小乙脑海中响起,他知道,大考开始了,这次能不能活着下去,就得全靠这张嘴! Lou Xiaoyi shows a faint smile, „ with all due respect, with creative and vented grievances to describe that the younger generation's attitude to Grand Dao, this was a shame! 娄小乙微微一笑,“恕我直言,用标新立异和发泄不满来形容晚辈对大道的态度,这是一种羞辱! I always believe that Grand Dao between this universes, not best, only then most appropriate! 我始终认为,这宇宙间的大道,没有最好的,只有最合适的! What is most appropriate? It is not ancient, irrevocable, but keeps pace with the times, with time fitting! 什么才是最合适的?不是古老的,一成不变的,而是与时俱进的,和时代贴合的! This is the universe development internal drive, our human should respect it, adapts to it, rather than delays it, despises it! 这是宇宙发展的内在动力,我们人类应该尊重它,适应它,而不是延缓它,轻视它! Therefore, is not I must establish such Grand Dao, but is the new era needs Grand Dao like this! 所以,不是我一定要创立这样的大道,而是新的纪元需要这样的大道 The younger generation has no other strength personally, I am only the universe porter, just like this! ” 晚辈个人一无所长,我只是宇宙的搬运工,如此而已!” Also the immortal knowledge asked together: How you showed that these four Grand Dao are in the universe advancement needs? Rather than other possible unknown?” 又一道仙识问道:“你如何证明这四个大道就是宇宙进程中需要的?而不是其它可能未知的?” Lou Xiaoyi is superficial, „ no one can show! I cannot, immortal unable, several senior Golden Immortal unable, I to estimate a strength of level unable again upward similarly! 娄小乙轻描淡写,“没人能证明!我不能,仙人不能,几位前辈金仙也不能,我估计再往上一个层次的力量同样不能! This is the marvelousness of universe, is the practice charm! 这就是宇宙的奇妙,也是修行的魅力! Because unknown! 因为未知! A future that is doomed to have most does not have the challenging, is most senseless, most does not have the creativity! 一个注定会发生的未来是最没有挑战性的,也是最无趣的,还是最没有创造力的! Because unknown, therefore has the innumerable possibilities! Has the different directions! Has the creation that cultivator advances uninterruptedly! 因为未知,于是就有无数的可能!就有不同的方向!就有修士前赴后继的创造! We are defeated, we succeed ; After the failure, crawls, succeeds strives for perfection again! 我们失败,我们成功;失败后再爬起来,成功再精益求精! This is the significance that cultivates true virtue, unceasing revision true truth! 这就是修真的意义,不断的修正真正的真理! Where we do not know in the future! A definite future is pitiful! 我们不知道未来在哪里!一个确定的未来是可悲的! What we must do, creation in the future! 我们要做的是,创造未来! I felt, this is human at the matter that in universe cultivation world should do truly! 我觉得,这才是人类在宇宙修真界中真正应该去做的事! Lives in this time, we are duty-bound! ” 生在这个时代,我们责无旁贷!” Lou Xiaoyi blows up glibly, no one knows, his Lou Xiaoyi sharpest weapon may not only be only a sword, is that mouth! 娄小乙鼓起如簧之舌,没有人知道,他娄小乙最犀利的武器可不仅只是剑,更是那张嘴! The is the set of system of younger generation best? Most appropriate? Conforms to the epoch characteristics? I do not know. “晚辈的这套体系是不是最好的?最合适的?最符合新纪元特点的?我不知道。 Also has other transformation systems, is more effective, is more comprehensive, was accepted easily, I do not know! 还有没有其它的变革体系,更有效,更全面,更容易被人接受,我不知道! I only know that in the place of current Yellow Dragon, the set of system of younger generation is most popular, most was approved! 我只知道在当下的黄龙之地,晚辈的这套体系是最受欢迎,最被认同的! If some day, presents one set of new system Grand Dao around the epoch again, is more perfect than my system, was respected, the younger generation will discard my Grand Dao without hesitation! 如果有朝一日,在新纪元前后又再次出现一套新的体系大道,比我的体系更健全,更受人尊重,晚辈会毫不犹豫的废掉我的大道 This swallows the significance of day of tribulation! 这就是吞噬天劫的意义! When my say/way does not accommodate in the day, my oneself swallows! ” 当我的道不容于天时,我连自己都吞!” Lou Xiaoyi is voluminous, „ how many old seniors told me, in the place of current Yellow Dragon, has such Grand Dao? Has such system? 娄小乙洋洋洒洒,“那么几位老前辈告诉我,在目前的黄龙之地,有这样的大道么?有这样的体系么? It possibly is not best, but I will make it turn appropriately! 它可能不是最好的,但我会让它变成最合适的! Perhaps to one after next era, my system will also be eliminated, there is nothing greatly! cultivation world only then experiences such elimination to be getting stronger and stronger unceasingly, is getting more and more prosperous! 也许到了下下个纪元,我的体系也会被淘汰,这没什么了不起!修真界就只有不断经历这样的淘汰才会越来越强,越来越繁荣! Encourages to change, the self- renewal, superior win and inferior wash out, introducing the fresh blood...... is my these four Grand Dao core essential meaning! 鼓励变化,自我更新,优胜劣汰,引入新血……就是我这四个大道的核心要义! You can hate them, universes that but is a cut above others among the vision existence of maximum level, you cannot say against one's conscience, 您可以憎恨它们,但作为眼光高人一等的宇宙间最高层次的存在,您们不能昧着良心说, This is the treason and heresy! ” 这是大逆不道!” Lou Xiaoyi raises the arm, whatcounter is the bad old customs and habits! Counter- did not strive for progressing! What changed is muddles along! 娄小乙振臂而起,“逆的是陈规陋习!反的是不求上进!改的是得过且过! If one day, the universe cultivation world self-supporting its short courage did not have continually, that is the beginning of decline cultivates true virtue! 如果有一天,宇宙修真界连自承其短的勇气都没有了,那就是修真的没落之始! I did not acknowledge, therefore I must change! ” 我不承认,所以我要改变!” How do you control the swordsmanship tablet that the original intention strives constantly for self-improvement not to develop the wreaking havoc universe chaos caused by war tablet finally? Do not speak with the autonomy! The history showed, over time, always has not autonomy person, the period of not autonomy, how do you control?” “你如何控制初衷自强不息的剑道碑最后不会发展成肆虐宇宙的战乱碑?不要拿自律来说话!历史证明,随着时间的流逝,就总有不自律的人,不自律的时期,你怎么控制?” Lou Xiaoyi is categorical, swallows! Swallowed it!” 娄小乙斩钉截铁,“吞噬!吞了它!” How do you control to advocate to swallow cultivator not to turn into the swallowing world good or bad? Does not give priority to the universe to develop, but by the personal preference, the ability height serves as evidence? Finally turns into the place of infinite swallowing this universe?” “你如何控制崇尚吞噬之修士不会变成不分好坏的吞噬天下?不以宇宙发展为重,而以个人好恶,能力高低为凭?最后把这个宇宙变成无穷的吞噬之处?” Lou Xiaoyi is straightforward, day tribulation! Divided it!” 娄小乙直截了当,“天劫!劈了它!” How you ensure the say/way of day of tribulation does not depart from the original intention, in the name of tribulation thunder, line one already privacy?” “你如何保证天劫之道不背离初衷,借劫雷之名,行一已之私?” Lou Xiaoyi without hesitation, swordsmanship! Facing any unfair, we have the spirit of bright sword!” 娄小乙毫不犹豫,“剑道!面对任何不公,我们都有亮剑的精神!” „Is this series? Achieves the final normal operation by balance the mutually? If then, did two links shatter simultaneously?” “这是一个系列?靠彼此之间互相制衡来达到最后的正常运转?那么,如果其中有两个环节都同时坏掉了呢?” Lou Xiaoyi unrestrained/no trace of politeness, „ I think, the practice mentality should be positive and progressive optimistically, rather than pessimistic has groundless fears negatively? 娄小乙毫不客气,“我以为,修行的心态就应该是乐观积极向上的,而不是悲观消极杞人忧天的? For example in this era I will never be worried that five lines shattered with the Yin-Yang, the time and space all collapsed, the causes and effects and samsara broke down simultaneously, the good fortune and were the strength insane? 比如在这个纪元我就从来不会担心五行和阴阳都坏掉了,时间和空间全崩了,因果和轮回同时趴窝了,造化和力量都疯了? If really occurrence, that said that at the end of Ming the law age arrived, no one could save anyone by that time, what this/should worrying was Heavenly Dao! It first rescues oneself! ” 如果真的发生了,那说明末法年代到来,到了那时谁也救不了谁,该操心的是天道!它得先救自己!” Eight Golden Immortal consciousness bump, this little fellow truly is the tooth point mouth advantage, said some truth? 八个金仙意识一碰,这小家伙真正是个牙尖嘴利的,偏偏说得还是有些道理? They will only ask that some principled things, will not dig out the rope in the detail, there is an immortal knowledge together to pass on, 他们只会问些原则性的东西,倒不会在细节上抠索,又有一道仙识传过来, About the samsara, isn't in this series?” “关于轮回,不在这个系列之中?” Lou Xiaoyi is very serious, not! The new samsara also in the series, is the cornerstone of series, because it is responsible for is cultivation world provides the fresh blood, the different thought that forever with the creation that the time is in harmony, is the true power that this series can continue!” 娄小乙很严肃,“不!新轮回也在系列之中,还是系列的基石,因为它负责为修真界提供新鲜的血液,不一样的思想,永远和时代合拍的创造,才是这个系列能够持续下去的真正动力!” You said that these mortals? Is this your new samsara gives favored treatment to their reasons especially?” “你是说,那些凡人?这就是你的新轮回格外优待他们的原因么?” Lou Xiaoyi is very sincere, „ our pasts will also be the mortal, the future of mortal are we! Should not artificial cultivates every to separate the immortal! In didn't several million years of this era, the protection to the mortal prove this point? Why everyone is actually doing that isn't actually willing to acknowledge this fact naturally? 娄小乙很诚恳,“我们的过去也是凡人,凡人的未来就是我们!不应该人为的把仙修凡割裂开来!这个纪元的数百万年中,对凡人的保护不就证明了这一点么?为什么大家其实都在这么做,却不肯大大方方的承认这个事实? Is human, should not regard as the outsider them merely, but provides the nutrient the soil! ” 都是人类,不应该仅仅把他们视为局外人,只是提供养分的土壤!” Lou Xiaoyi distinctively was elaborating as far as possible the idea of oneself, „ this era, cultivated true virtue to develop to pass through the innumerable stages! The initial stage scenery incomparable family system was gradually substituted by school dao lineage, why? 娄小乙尽量鲜明的阐述着自己的理念,“这个纪元,修真发展下来经历了无数的阶段!初始阶段风光无比的家族体系逐渐被门派道统所替代,为什么? Is because they are conservative and complacent, oneself have not made the ability of fresh blood, forever spins its wheels in a fixed circle, basic factor invariable words , can how many potential dig? 就是因为他们固步自封,自身没有制造新鲜血液的能力,永远在一个固定的圈子里打转转,基本因子不变的话,又有多少潜力可挖? Therefore in cultivating true virtue time by brutal elimination! This is the choice of nature, cultivates true virtue appearance of inherent laws, no one can deny! 于是在修真时代中被无情的淘汰!这是大自然的选择,是修真内在规律的显现,谁也不能否认! If this is a rule, then in present cultivation system, school dao lineage domain, can become the next family's form tragedy? 如果这是一个规律,那么现在的修真体系中,门派道统界域,会不会成为下一个家族形式的悲剧? Because the universe is vast, we are unable to achieve the universe to cultivate true virtue the big fusion, but we can achieve at least unceasingly instills into the fresh blood to cultivation world, making entire cultivation world maintain the sufficient vigor, cultivates true virtue the prosperous cornerstone! ” 因为宇宙辽阔,我们无法做到宇宙修真大融合,但我们起码能做到不断的向修真界灌输新鲜血液,让整个修真界保持足够的活力,才是修真昌盛的基石!”
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