SPCR :: Volume #27

#2649: Immortal Heavenly Dao struggles 30

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Fresh blood is no doubt important, but cultivates true virtue the bloodlines noble also without a doubt, how do you balance?” “新鲜血液固然重要,但修真血脉的高贵也毋庸置疑,这其中你怎么平衡?” Lou Xiaoyi sighed, „ whether first did not discuss cultivates true virtue the bloodlines noble this issue, I think, cultivator enhanced more and more to become glorious age along with boundary is the return to their bloodlines! 娄小乙一叹,“先不谈论修真血脉是否高贵这个问题,我以为,修士境界提高而变得越来越悠久的寿数本来就是对他们血脉的回报! Heavenly Dao has given these outstanding person more time, more opportunities, but we are intense, the reincarnation will not let off next life, is this alternative family way? 天道已经給了这些优秀的人更多的时间,更多的机会,而我们却要变本加厉,连转世来生都不放过,这何尝不是另类的家族方式? The mortals have the cloud, each king butcher, but also eats the belt/bring live hog? What does this universe have is unreplaceable? 凡人有云,每了王屠夫,还吃带毛猪?这个宇宙有什么是不可替代的? We stand in have the angle of benefit to view this issue, with all due respect, erroneous! 我们只是站在既有利益的角度来看待这个问题,恕我直言,有失偏颇! Without the years of practice person, only then the practice person of time! ” 没有修行人的时代,只有时代的修行人!” Your idea is extremely radical! Some have haste makes carelessness, considered the way of proceeding in an orderly way?” The immortal knows the suggestion together. “你的想法太过激进!有些欲速而不达,是否考虑过循序渐进的方式?”一道仙识建议。 Does the Lou Xiaoyi forced smile, „ proceed in an orderly way? Mr. everyone undergo vicissitudes several million years of existence, should be clear very much the development of historical process, is one transforms from the fervor to seeking the steady mediocre process, like the water toward the low spot class/flow, the person walks toward the steady place, has not changed, later will not change, because this is the characteristics that the life seeks livehood! 娄小乙苦笑,“循序渐进?诸位老爷都是历遍沧桑数百万年的存在,应该很清楚历史进程的发展,就是一个从激情变革到求稳平庸的过程,就像水往低处流,人往稳处走,从来也没改变过,以后也不会改变,因为这就是生灵求生的特点! Now is not radical, did not take advantage the east wind that the era alternates steps the step greatly, later can also maintain such transformation thought? 现在不激进,不趁纪元更迭的东风把步子迈大点,以后还有可能一直保持这样的变革思想么? Now proceeds in an orderly way, in the future will be the frog walk crawls, finally will halt, will open backing up of history! 现在循序渐进,未来就是蛙步爬行,最后止步不前,甚至开历史的倒车! We are the openers of epoch, should not have such not aiming for merit, but to avoid mistakes thoughts! 我们是新纪元的开启者,就不应该有这样不求有功但求无过的心思! The superior and inferior qualities, have the later generation to comment on, we need to do is, does by all means that then the timed modification in the epoch, is cultivates true virtue the responsible attitude to the universe again! ” 是非功过,自有后人来评说,我们需要做的就是,只管去做,然后在新纪元中再适时修改,才是对宇宙修真负责任的态度!” This was an aspiration of practice new generation, represented the current world of mortals cultivator community call, no one can disregard, because you cannot disregard the future! Stands in their such altitudes, will disregard will dig one's own grave in the future! 这是一个修行新生代的心声,代表了当下的下界修士的群体呼声,谁也不能无视,因为你不能无视未来!站在他们这样的高度,无视未来就是自掘坟墓! The issue is only, how to join? Integrates? This type very easy the matter to the average person, is more difficult to boundary tall Deren, to Golden Immortal this level is so. 问题只是,怎么加入进去?融入进去?这种对普通人来说很容易的事,对境界更高的人来说就更艰难,到了金仙这个层次就更是如此。 Ship disaster tone, let alone goes to echo on own initiative, this situation is the thing that they will consider truly. 船大难调头,就更别说去主动附和,这种情况才是他们真正会去考虑的东西。 Now the immortal knows together proposed such issue, among newly creating Grand Dao, between new Grand Dao and old Grand Dao, between life Grand Dao and nature Grand Dao, what you have to consider?” 现在一道仙识就提出了这样的问题,“关于新创大道之间,关于新大道和旧大道之间,关于生灵大道和自然大道之间,你有什么考量?” Lou Xiaoyi knows that he started to contact most core the issue, if cannot these old fogies satisfy on this, the beforehand all were useless! 娄小乙知道他开始接触最核心的问题了,如果在这上面不能这些老家伙们满意,之前的一切都是白搭! New Grand Dao survival of the fittest, old Grand Dao mutual competition, what this are actually more will be the whereabouts in day after tomorrow Grand Dao. “新大道适者生存,旧大道互相竞争,这其实更多的是着落在后天大道中。 To nature Grand Dao, my attitude is, the ginger is old spicy! The experience inherits is more important! ” 对自然大道,我的态度就是,姜是老的辣!经验传承更重要!” The essence of his these words is, supports these old fogies to continue the high-rank, but this support many manifestations orally, in fact he to these important cores innate also helpless! 他这番话的实质就是,支持这些老家伙继续上位,但这种支持更多的体现在口头上,实际上他对这些至关重要的核心先天也无能为力! But his reply is somewhat false, cannot make the old fogies satisfy. 但他的回答有些假大空,并不能让老家伙们满意。 But don't you actually accept Grand Dao to sow seeds? Your oneself does not accept, after all you have your particularity, but regarding does not accept in these people of your side mostly, does this make one think unavoidably?” “但你却不接受大道下种?你自己不接受也就罢了,毕竟你有你的特殊性,但围绕在你身边的那些人也大都不接受,这就让人不免浮想联翩?” Lou Xiaoyi said discretely: „ Everyone has the oneself situation, the oneself state of mind, who the energy affects who? I am only because the idea of oneself obtained the approval, therefore there is such a batch has a common goal ; Rather than I them gather together instills into my idea to them! 娄小乙谨慎道:“每个人都有自己的情况,自己的心境,谁又能影响谁?我只是因为自己的理念得到了认可,所以有这么一批的志同道合者;而不是我把他们聚在一起向他们灌输我的理念! My attitude, does not repel to the way that your Grand Dao sow seeds, because I understand that truly to your boundary, wants to inherit not necessarily is the life, but is Grand Dao? ” 我个人态度,对您们这些大道下种的方式并不排斥,因为我明白真正到了你们这个境界,想传承下去的就未必是生命,而是大道?” These words are very pleasant to the ear! Even if not every Golden Immortal thinks that but they expressed certainly to the outside! 这句话很中听!哪怕不是每个金仙都是这么想的,但他们对外一定是这么表达的! Lou Xiaoyi weighs every word, „, but we stand in the different angles, can more tolerant views this issue? 娄小乙字斟句酌,“但我们站在不同的角度,能不能更宽容的看待这个问题? Regardless the status, forgave mutually? Rather than a side has keeping aloof the meaning of bestowment, a side timid caution? 抛开身份,互相体谅?而不是一方有高高在上的施舍之意,一方唯唯诺诺的如履薄冰? From the words and expressions, sowing seeds this word is not very really good, it may make majority truly have the strength of spirit to have the character, naturally is also a more talented person keeps at a respectful distance? 从字句来说,下种这个词真的很不好,它可能会让大部分真正有骨气有性格,当然也是更有天赋的人敬而远之? From the individual character, accepts to sow seeds with the practical significance difference that does not accept to sow seeds to be limited only, but the state of mind difference is very big! Because the former had a compromise, in the future certainly will have the next time ; But did latter he after rejecting Golden Immortal Grand Dao sow seeds instead to have more powerful innermost feelings? 单从个体风骨来说,接受下种和不接受下种的实际意义区别有限,但心境区别却很大!因为前者有了一次妥协,未来就一定会有下一次;而后者他在拒绝了金仙大道下种后却反而具备了更强大的内心? Such innermost feelings world, can help them to Grand Dao insistence! ” 这样的内心世界,也能帮助他们对大道更加的坚持!” Lou Xiaoyi said sincerely: „ If therefore is only the inheritance of Grand Dao, actually do we have many different ways? For example most universal masters and disciples in cultivation world. 娄小乙诚恳道:“所以如果只是大道的传承,其实我们还有很多种不同的方式?比如在修真界中最普遍的师徒。 Was a master on the 1st, life-long was a father! Such idea in cultivation world still had the extremely solid foundation! 一日为师,终生为父!在修真界中这样的理念仍然有其极扎实的根基! Does not need to sow seeds! Definitely can in certain way the first hand exchange instruction, but can also have the collision of thought that is the effect not necessarily able the ratio to sow seeds badly? 没必要下种啊!通过某种方式完全可以直接交流传授,还可以有思想的碰撞,效果未必会比下种来得差? The most important thing is, cultivator sowed seeds they never saying that because of self-respect! But if they have a good master, they will certainly say, for in hall, frank and upright takes this as the honor! 最重要的是,修士被下了种他们永远都不会说出去,因为自尊!但如果他们有个好师傅,他们就一定会挂在嘴边,供在堂上,光明正大的以此为荣! So long as you can lag behind the status face, this actually isn't how difficult matter? 只要您们能拉下身份面子,这其实也不是多么困难的事? If fellow seniors do that what I can affirm, my these friends will not have one to reject! ” 如果各位前辈这么做,我敢肯定的是,我的那些朋友们就没一个会拒绝的!” Whether some people really can perceive, no one knows, urging one crowd at least to live several million years of old monster, radically was one not the matter that was possible to complete, he also can only say, did not make the anticipation as for the result, expresses the attitude of cultivating true virtue the later generation. 是否有人真的能听进去,没人知道,劝一群至少活了数百万年的老怪物,根本就是一件不可能完成的事,他也就只能说,至于结果不做期待,就是表达一种修真后辈的态度而已。 Still some people did not let off him, said was very of pleasant to hear, if that I want to be the master of your samsara say/way, you are willing to accept? Whether wants what to be a father life-long?” 仍然有人不放过他,“说的很好听,那么如果我想做你轮回道的师傅,你是否愿意接受?是否愿意什么终生为父?” In the Lou Xiaoyi heart sinks, this is he can determine only truly the position, the samsara say/way lord, will not have the mistake! 娄小乙心中一沉,这是他唯一能真正确定地位的一个,轮回道主,不会有错! Life-long is the father is probably unlikely? Because you are the ancestors of younger generation! “终生为父好像不太可能?因为您们都是晚辈的祖宗! I am willing to acknowledge you as the teacher, and is proud! But can you also allow the apprentice to have the ponder of oneself? Pupil surpasses the teacher, is not every master hopes? Difficult to be inadequate you also to teach a conservative waste? 我愿意拜您为师,并引以为傲!但您也得允许徒弟有自己的思考吧?青出于蓝而胜于蓝,不是每个师傅都希望的么?难不成您还希望教出个墨守成规的废物? My samsara system, the majority foundation studies to come from your samsara say/way, no matter you do teach me, acknowledged, you are my master! But the time changed, you must allow the apprentice a little new idea to comply with this time, was insufficient doing to collapse our samsara Grand Dao? 我的轮回体系,一多半基础都是从您的轮回道中学习而来,所以不管您教不教我,承不承认,您都是我的师傅!只不过时代变了,您总得容徒弟有点新的想法才能顺应这个时代,不至于把咱们的轮回大道給搞塌了? In the epoch, the samsara Grand Dao development direction no one talks clearly, but is your contribution, who is ineffaceable! ” 新纪元中,轮回大道的发展方向谁也说不清楚,但属于您的贡献,谁也不能抹杀!”
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