SPCR :: Volume #27

#2647: Immortal Heavenly Dao struggles 28

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Eight groups of huge vortex revolve in the Grand Dao pond, of whorl in along place collision sells the interference profile that he is enchanted by! 八团巨大的漩涡在大道池中旋转,涡沿处互相之间的碰撞中荡出让他迷醉的干涉波形! Lou Xiaoyi has not seen such beautiful, profound sound change, he has not dared the long gaze, feared that quick will lose! 娄小乙从来也没见过这样美丽,深邃的动静变化,他不敢过久注视,怕很快就会迷失其中! 35 days, Jade Purity boundary Pure Tenuity Heaven! 三十五天,玉清清微天 The one who asked him to come was Golden Immortal, does not know that which was? 叫他来的是一个金仙,就是不知道到底是哪个? Five lines of Yin-Yang, time space, causes and effects samsara, good fortune strength! 五行阴阳,时间空间,因果轮回,造化力量! Is eight innate Grand Dao that the present only remains, is a Golden Immortal lord who eight only save! 就是现在仅剩的八个先天大道,也是八个仅存的金仙道主! Actually without seeing person's shadow, only then these eight giant say/way whorls, but Lou Xiaoyi can feel, they here, are gazing at him! 却没见人影,就只有这八个巨大的道涡,但娄小乙能感觉到,他们就在这里,正注视着他! Therefore also relaxed the alert, completely insignificant alert, lax good a say/way bowed with hands clasped to eight say/way whorl directions, this was really does not have the escape route, therefore could also let loose very much. 于是也放松了戒备,完全无意义的戒备,松松垮垮的向八个道涡方向行了个道揖,这是真的没有退路了,所以也就很放得开。 Fellow seniors, am I first come here mortal?” “各位前辈,我是第一个来到这里的凡人么?” He felt that has eight light sweeping to wipe from the body, looks like gentle wind ; But he also understands that this gentle wind can change to momentarily makes the storm to rip to tear to pieces him. 他感觉有八道淡淡的扫动从身体上抹过,就像是一阵温柔的风;但他也同时明白这温柔的风随时都可以化做暴风把他撕扯成碎片。 You are first come here mortal, you can take this as proudly! Although holds the east wind that the era alternated, but must acknowledge that you have the ability that makes us see, stirs an ability of good excrement.” “你是第一个来这里的凡人,你可以以此为骄傲!虽然是托了纪元更迭的东风,但必须承认你有让我们一见的能力,搅得一手好屎的能力。” Which Golden Immortal can't Lou Xiaoyi distinguish this through the distinguishable sound is Lord is exchanging with him? And he speaks including the present, before sends out the invitation to him. Without the sound, all exchanges appear in the mind directly, this makes one worry very much, because you do not know that is who is exchanging with you? 娄小乙不能通过辨别声音来区别这到底是哪个金仙道主在和他交流?包括现在和他说话的,也包括之前向他发出邀请的。没有声音,所有的交流都是直接出现在脑海之中,这让人很烦恼,因为你不知道到底是谁在和你交流? They know you, you actually do not know them! 他们知道你,你却不知道他们! Hehe, can I keep one line of characters here? After all will this have does not have today tomorrow?” “呵呵,我能在这里留一行字么?毕竟这有今天没明天的?” He set the request naturally, is higher than too many people to do he you to the position experienced ; When his Foundation Establishment just crossing the threshold Xuanyuan once and True Monarch in school has bickered, knows that works as the difference is oversized, impolite high of low position not necessarily cares, instead is the rare manifestation demeanor training opportunity. 他大大方方的提出了要求,对地位比你高太多的人打交道他还是有经验的;在他筑基刚入门轩辕时就曾经和门派里的真君斗过嘴,知道当彼此之间的差别过大时,低位者的无礼高位者就未必在乎,反而是个难得的体现风度修养的机会。 Naturally, True Monarch is this, was Golden Immortal this is very difficult saying that was also indifferent. 当然,真君是这样,金仙是不是这样就很难说,也无所谓了。 Is casual you! The Grand Dao pond never refuses to leave a message, particularly understands clearly the universe the true words!” The immortal knows together in his mind flashes through. “随便你!大道池从不拒绝留言,尤其是洞悉宇宙的真言!”一道仙识在他脑海中闪过。 Should be one of the three greatly Luo Golden Immortal? He is unascertainable. 应该是三名大罗金仙之一?他不能确定。 Therefore a ritual, about looks around again, discovers here bare void, where also there are can carve characters to keep the mark? 于是再次一礼,左右张望,发现这里光秃秃的一片虚空,又有什么地方可以刻字留痕的? Therefore considered a crime, pulls out a stone from storage ring, finally the stone takes, immediately by immortal pressure nihility! 于是告了声罪,从纳戒中掏出一石头,结果石头一拿出来,立刻被仙压压成虚无! In heart depressed, knows that depends on the environment of this place, perhaps all matters in his storage ring, will not have a thing to exist here, even if these so-called day material treasures. 心中郁闷,知道就凭这地方的环境,他纳戒中的所有物事,恐怕就不会有一件东西能够在这里存在的,哪怕是那些所谓的天材地宝。 When is depressed, a stele emerges out of thin air before him, the immortal knowledge, this, I guaranteed together he has towered here!” 正郁闷时,一块石碑凭空出现在他面前,还有一道仙识,“这一块吧,我保证他会一直耸立在这里!” Lou Xiaoyi tries to find pleasure amidst suffering, many thanks! looks at looks like a tombstone......” 娄小乙苦中作乐,“多谢!看着像一块墓碑……” The immortal knows unrestrained/no trace of politeness, not necessarily is the resembles, possibly is!” 仙识毫不客气,“未必是像,也可能就是!” Lou Xiaoyi sighed, he really does not want to understand how oneself did arrive at this? Struggled for 32 days, now may be good, did oneself struggle unexpectedly for 35 days? 娄小乙叹了口气,他实在是没想明白自己是怎么走到这一步的?原本只是争三十二天,现在可好,自己竟然争上了三十五天? Then did one group of Golden Immortal old fogies deliver a oneself tombstone? One group of good old men! 然后一群金仙老家伙送了自己一块墓碑?一群不错的老头儿! He is a heart is big, feels the present situation probably also good? At least doesn't need to struggle again? Doesn't need to take a lot of care again? Also is in any case useless? 他是个心大的,就觉得现在的情况好像也不错?最起码不用再挣扎?不用再去费心思?反正也没用? The condition of this level makes him very novel, is very satisfied! 这种躺平的状态让他很新奇,也很满意! Natural, the level in front of eight Golden Immortal, doesn't lose face? 潇潇洒洒的,在八个金仙面前躺平,不丢人吧? Therefore contented, however arrives at that not to know leisurely before is what material quality say/way tablet, first wiped wiping with the finger, if cannot carve, that took to write. 于是怡然自得,施施然来到那个也不知道是什么材质的道碑前,先用手指头拭了拭,如果刻不进去,那就拿笔写好了。 Lou Yasi is a careful person, under this wipes, discovered that the stele material quality can also carve? 娄押司是个仔细人,这一拭之下,发现石碑材质也能刻进去? Therefore points at the gearing, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes carved one line of crooked large characters: 于是手指连动,龙飞凤舞的刻下了一行歪歪扭扭的大字: Lou Xiaoyi to this roaming!’ 娄小乙到此一游!’ After carving, withdraws several careful watching, writes well, is the ultra level display. 刻完之后,退后几步仔细观赏,写得不错,属于超水平发挥。 This?” The immortal knows together is a little discontented. “就这?”一道仙识有点不满。 This! Enough!” The Lou Xiaoyi indifferent say/way, life first is, nothing but is this, has come, has seen, has done, but also insufficient? “就这!足够了!”娄小乙无所谓道,人生一世,无非就是这样,来过,见过,做过,还不够么? Eight ancient immortals know in the confrontation collide! 八道古老的仙识在交锋碰撞! In 36 innate Grand Dao, there are greatly Luo five paramount unsurpassed position, but from practical significance, Yin-Yang how could weak in five lines? Is the space inferior to the time? Samsara on bends under causes and effects? The good fortune and strength have its heaviness respectively! 在三十六个先天大道中,有大罗五道至高无上的地位,但从实际意义上来说,阴阳又何曾弱于五行?空间就不如时间?轮回就屈于因果之下?造化和力量也各有其重! This is since the Grand Dao collapse, reason that these eight still did not collapse! Even if the universe must change, their these exist cannot prevent, can be sluggish! 这就是大道崩溃至今,这八道仍然不崩的原因!哪怕宇宙要变化,他们这些存在不能阻止,也能迟滞! In innate Grand Dao eight Grand Dao of determining factor! Also is the era alternates to near, key forces that the Grand Dao order still did not collapse! 就是先天大道中起决定性因素的八个大道!也是纪元更迭在即,大道秩序仍然不崩的核心力量! They are also observing, will the future decisive character who observes this possibility what person be? Can shoulder the direction universe direction the heavy responsibility? 他们也在观察,观察这个可能的未来决定性的人物到底是个什么样的人?能不能肩负起指引宇宙方向的重任? Such observation has of millennium, even is longer! 这样的观察已经有千年之久,甚至更久! Overall, is mindless, is not too the accent fellow, giving him like to give a young hooligan the universe heavy responsibility the helmsman who navigates in the sea? 整体而言,就是个没心没肺,不太着调的家伙,把宇宙重任交給他就像把在大海中航行的舵手交給一个小流氓? But if you carefully observe the path that this person walks, will discover that before he almost participates and dominates the era alternated , the advancements of universe all big events! 但如果你仔细观察这个人一路走来的轨迹,就会发现他几乎参与并主导了纪元更迭前宇宙所有大事件的进程! Caring at all in surface, in fact transforms the vanguard, looks down on the world, bears the burden of responsibility, mutually contradictory character such strange accumulation a body of person. 表面上的满不在乎,还有实际上的变革先锋,玩世不恭,任劳任怨,互相矛盾的性格就这么奇异的聚集到了一个人的身上。 Therefore he one on the stele to this roaming, perhaps is not a joke, but really does not care! 所以他在石碑上一句到此一游,恐怕就不是一句玩笑话,而是真的不在乎! Such attitude, some people like, some people loathe, like older generation character to next generation rookie cannot get used to seeing in every possible way, thousand teach not to listen, forever is one generation of feelings of giving way! 这样的态度,有些人喜欢,有些人厌恶,就像老一辈人物对下一代新人的百般看不惯,千般教不听,永远是垮掉的一代的感觉! However, cultivates true virtue the history to show, to human, no one generation is to give way, when you felt when the new generation gave way, actually also means that you could not have kept up with the situation! 但是,修真历史证明,对人类来说,没有哪一代是垮掉的,当你感觉新一代垮掉了时,其实也就意味着你已经跟不上形势了! Therefore, since there is such a opportunity, this little fellow oneself tactless hit, they do not mind with his chatting face-to-face ; Some things, the observation turns over to the observation, but only contacted truly, can fully understand a person, can know that should give him the future? 所以,既然有了这么一个机会,这小家伙自己没轻没重的撞了上来,他们也不介意和他面对面的谈谈;有些东西,观察归观察,但只有真正接触了,才能充分的了解一个人,才能知道到底应不应该把未来交給他? Gives these treason and heresy the ideas? 交給那些大逆不道的理念? Such exchange should not be some Golden Immortal is conducted alone, has the possibility of plot, only then places here, their eight conduct at the scene well! 这样的交流就不应该是和某个单独金仙来进行,就有阴谋的可能,就只有放在这里,他们八个都在现场才好进行! Had a good discussion, after naturally has ! 谈得好,自然就有以后! Did not discuss well, did not need them to make anything, following in two days rather are many do not want also to drive him in the future to commit suicide immortal! 谈不好,也不需要他们做什么,下面两天中多得是宁可不要未来也要置他于死地的仙人
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