The opponentswere not always swindled, butleaves the Lou Xiaoyitimeactuallyalreadynotmany, beforepurpleentropycultivation basefalls50%, hemustcompleteon own initiativeto the redemption of oneself!
After making a feint, the bodypulls upsuddenly, such as the chaosboundary of mountaindepresses, butdecodesin the chaos that heis in sharp opposition, stillcannotpreventhisfigurecompletely!
虚晃一枪后,身体骤然拔起,如山的混沌道境压下,但在他针锋相对的混沌破解中,仍然不能完全阻挡他的身形!No onepreventsdirectly, allattacksfrom the side, a chaosboundary of childdarklike a mire, excessTang Hepinggo against the monkare the ominousChinese alligators in mire.
正面没人阻挡,所有的攻击都来自侧面,子晦的混沌道境就像一个泥潭,冗汤和平顶僧就是泥潭中的凶鼍。Threepeoplesomewhat seem accidental/surprised, never expected that the swordforeign missiongave upbustling aboutsuddenly the lower-levelbarrier of long time, insteadflushedupward? The ten points that althoughinterceptsgo all out, buthastyunderhas the littleloophole.
The play, developsrealnature very much, the incisiveness that thinkingnearbodyinterceptiondoes not want the mentality of takes riskto manifest!
The intention that the swordcultivateshas exposed, hewantsto rush for 33daysto starttochaosFang Ding!
剑修的意图已经暴露,他想冲上三十三天对混沌方鼎下手!Inchilddarkthreepeople of going all outprevent, becausefearsnearbodycombat capability that the swordcultivates, finallymadeLou Xiaoyibe close to the upper-level33days of holes, here was also entirein32days the immortalpresses the most abundantplace, in some sense, immortalspiritintensityseveraland33daysnotdifferent.
在子晦三人的拼命阻挡中,因为惧怕剑修的近身战斗能力,最终还是让娄小乙接近了上层三十三天的窟窿,这里也是整个三十二天中仙压最盛的地方,从某种意义上来说,仙灵强度几与三十三天无异。Lou Xiaoyihas tried such a immortalpressure, existence of holeconnected32days and 33days, is the place that a chaosboundaryis unable to seal uponly, reallycanseal up, the immortalwill not divulgespiritdownward!娄小乙已经尝试过一次这样的仙压,窟窿的存在把三十二天和三十三天连接了起来,也是混沌道境唯一无法封闭的地方,真能封闭住,仙灵也不会往下泄漏!Firstis the trueimmortalday, latteris the interception of threeimmortalnimbleforeign bodies, is just the presentinterceptionseeminglymore like the action of driving away?
前是真正的仙天,后是三个仙灵变异体的拦截,只不过现在的拦截看起来更像是驱赶?Howeverhad not mattered, whenhe arrived here, except for the abovehole, otherdirectionsbythoroughblocking, could not have been flushed, butwantsto go backperhapsto needagainto paycertainprice.
不过已经无所谓了,当他来到这里时,除了上方的窟窿,其它方向已经被彻底的封死,不是就冲不出去了,而是再想回去恐怕就需要付出一定的代价。Sincecame tohere, does not wantto give up halfway.
A bodydrum, insecretZishangjoint holdsstrongly, the whole bodysends out the lightpurplerays of lightfrom the introvertedbeyond! Heiscultivation worldfirstpureexcels atrushing toworld of mortalscultivator of immortalcourtyardbyhisstrengthin history, even ifwere spilled the openingsto have the holeflawbecause of the immortalcourtyard, this is also an unprecedentedmagnificent feat.
身体一鼓,内秘紫熵坚强合抱,浑身自内向外散发出淡淡的紫色毫光!他是修真界有史以来第一个纯凭自身力量擅闯仙庭的凡间修士,哪怕是因为仙庭被开了口子有了窟窿破绽,这也是一件前无古人的壮举。Bold, unscrupulous!
The flat toppingmonkhas a little not been ableto believe,„hereallydoes dareto rush?”
The excesssoupsnort/hum, „had rushed!”
The childdarkDaoistsneers, „immortalcourtyardis chaotic, the disciplemakes the bratexcel atrushing! Quickhewill pay the pricefor this reason, wewait!”
子晦道人冷笑,“仙庭混乱,徒让竖子擅闯!很快他就会为此付出代价,我们拭目以待!”Lou Xiaoyithisis upward good-fittinghits, crosses the nihility the boundary, immediatelyfeelssuch as the mountainpressure! Suchpressurealsowinstentimesin32daysnotto!娄小乙这往上合身一撞,越过虚无的界限,立刻感觉到了如山的压力!这样的压力还胜于三十二天中的十倍不至!
The immortalpressure that leaves outis a matter, the trueimmortalcourtyardimmortalpressureis a different matter!
漏下的仙压是一回事,真正的仙庭仙压是另一回事!Insecretcontractssuddenly, thisis the instinct of having no other choiceprotects oneself, inthisflash, hehas understoodoneselfcomes here time unable overtenbreaths, after tenbreaths, stays here, isdies!
内秘急剧收缩,这是不得已的本能自保,也就在这一瞬间,他已经明白了自己进来这里的时间绝不能超过十息,十息之后还留在这里,就是个死!Theninimmortalcourtyard33days of rebirth, before the rebirthabilityhas not fully restoredran overby the immortalpressureagain, the soendless loop, untildoes not have the rebirthstrengthagain!
然后在仙庭三十三天重生,在重生能力还未完全恢复前再被仙压压死,如此死循环,直到再也没有重生力量!Therefore the normalapproachis, the coming inexperienceseveral breaths, was unable to runfar, immediatelymustturn back!
所以正常的做法就是,进来见识数息,还不能跑远了,随即就需折返!Thisis very great, universecultivation worldinnumerableHalf Immortal, travelvastnessreallynumerous, who canachieveby the oneselfstrengthcomes to the immortalcourtyardseveral breaths the roaming?
这已经很了不起了,宇宙修真界无数半仙,游历广博者甚众,但又有谁能做到凭自己的力量来仙庭数息游?Canblowfor a lifetime!
能吹一辈子!But is heprobablydissatisfied the time of several breaths? Comes, in the handturns out a bead, 31days of friendsto the chaosdaybead that hedelivers, heeachhitonshellwallhas the goal, togive the followingfriendsinstructedpoint of application that hishitsnexttimewhere?
但他却好像并不满足数息的时间?才一进来,手中翻出一珠,正是三十一天的朋友们給他送进来的混沌天珠,他在壳壁上的每一次撞击都是有目的的,就是为了給下面的朋友们指示他下一次撞击的着力点在哪里?Hehitsfrom32daysdownward, candasheight of Golden Immortalchaosbarrierprobably, 90%, butthat matterimmortaleveryseparateshim unable to dashfinally; The chaosdaybeadandchaosFang Dingare the chaosGolden Immortalblessings lefts by predecessors, common originof the same clan, perfectconjunction, can therefore penetratewith ease, ifinside and outsideechoes, the followingfriendthrows the chaosdaybeadtoward in hishitplace, happen tothrowsto hitthoroughlyeightinhim, in90%wallpits, gatherswith ease, will not have brought to the attention of childdarkDaoist.
他从三十二天往下撞,大概能撞破金仙混沌屏障的八,90%,但最后那层仙凡之隔他撞不破;混沌天珠和混沌方鼎都是混沌金仙的遗泽,同宗同源,完美契合,所以能轻松贯入,如果里外呼应,下面的朋友在他的撞击处把混沌天珠往里一掷,就正好掷在他已经撞透八,90%的壁坑上,轻松收取,还不会引起子晦道人的注意。Attained the chaosdaybead, actuallyLou Xiaoyihas been ableto achieveinrelying on for help the chaosFang Ding'sstrength and childdarkDaoistmeets as an equal, in other words, hehas the abilitycontendsdepending on the presentstrengthsandthreepeople of frontages, does not needto be worried that the chaosFang Ding'sstrengthsuppresses, because of a beadin the hand, he is also Fang Ding'smain family?
The resulthas been doomed, onlyneeds to killanothertwoimmortalnimbleforeign bodieswith the entanglement of childdarkDaoist to be good. Buthereissue, thatishandling of pairdarkDaoist, becausesimilarlyis the chaosFang Ding'smain family, butcannotunder the pain the killer, chaosFang Dingnot allow the situation of like thiskilling one anotherto happen.
结局已经注定,只需要在和子晦道人的纠缠中杀死另外两个仙灵变异体就好。但这里有一个问题,那就是对子晦道人的处置,同样因为都是混沌方鼎的本家而不能痛下杀手,混沌方鼎不会允许这样自相残杀的情况发生。Ifwantsto dothesethreepeoplethoroughly, he must obtainto the chaosFang Ding'sthoroughcontrol, erases the right of childdarkDaoist, thisneedshim to further contactchaosFang Ding!
所以如果想彻底搞死这三个人,他还必须取得对混沌方鼎彻底的控制权,抹掉子晦道人的权利,这就需要他更进一步的接触混沌方鼎!Last do 33days, contactchaoticFang Ding, obtainitsapprovalthento controlitagain, take a strollwhile convenientin the immortalcourtyard?
上三十三天,接触浑沌方鼎,再取得它的认可然后控制它,顺便在仙庭溜达溜达?Hecannot the presentgo against the monkto starttoexcessTang Heping, the words that does thiswill make the childdarkDaoistdetect the danger, iftookthatfourdaybeadwhilehiscoming upimmortalcourtyard, the say/waystruggles the resultto lose, what to do does the dayselect the mainland?
他不能现在就对冗汤和平顶僧下手,这样做的话会让子晦道人察觉到危险,如果趁他上去仙庭就取了那四颗天珠,道争结果一输,天择大陆怎么办?Such that just likeheconsiders, in32days, threeimmortalnimbleforeign bodiestowhethergathers a day of beadto have the differencenow.
The flat toppingmonkadvocated strongly that nowreceives, „our generationcultivatorconduct, should not be loathsome, whentakes, thentakes, toguardto cause trouble, at least can wealsoobtainto be in the leadin the struggle?”
The excesssoupdid not agree, „ after taking ? Protected the dayto win the victory of obtaining enlightenmentstruggle, immortalHeavenly Daostrugglesto finish, immortaldeliveredusto turn over to the world of mortalsrespectively, was that the swordcultivates is also out of the danger?
冗汤不同意,“取了后呢?护天会赢得道争的胜利,仙天道争结束,仙人们送我们各归下界,那是不是剑修也就脱离危险了?Saying the struggleis onlyourgoal, eliminatingcountersay/wayis as important! Thesefourdaybeadssuspendhere, the followingpersoncannot come up, the person of coming upnot necessarilygets downcomes, sinceallhave been doomed, whatthentakes the moment with take the momentearlylateandhasto distinguish? ”
道争只是我们的一个目的,消灭逆道者同样重要!这四颗天珠就摆在这里,下面的人上不来,上去的人未必下得来,既然一切都已注定,那么早取一刻和晚取一刻又有什么区别?”Two peopleattitudesdistinguish right from wrong, thereforelooksto the childdarkDaoist, heisinthreepeople the positionis also highest, a chaosboundaryinencirclingkillsin the process that the swordcultivatesto play the decisiverole.
The childdarkDaoistcomplexionis deep, „ the goal of thisstruggle, inbystanderopinionisone, decided that the dayselects the destiny of mainland. But onlyourtheseknowing the circumstances of the mattertalentsunderstand,actuallyanothergoal, extinguisheskillscountersay/way!
子晦道人面色深沉,“这次道争的目的,在外人看来就是一个,决定天择大陆的命运。但只有我们这些知情人才明白,其实还有另外一个目的,灭杀逆道者!Actuallyso long asyouponderedattentively,candiscoverlife and death that truegoalonlyone, the swordcultivates!
其实你们只要用心思考,就能发现真正的目的就只一个,剑修的生死!Ourallarrangementtakethisas the base, evenin some senseneglected the concernover the struggle! Reallywantsto win the evil waysstruggle, 32days of I alonecome upwell, whyalsoto useto cope with the swordto cultivate/repairfour in siximmortalspiritvariation?
我们所有的布置都是以此为基,甚至在某种意义上都忽略了对道争的关注!真想赢下道争,三十二天就我一个人上来就好,又何必把六个仙灵变异者中的四个都用在对付剑修上?Nowtakes a day of bead, is not the time, becausewehave not been ableto determine whether nowhedied! Iftook, butverystruggledto finishfluent, chaosFang Dingwas transferred, everyonerespectiveworld of mortals, the swordcultivated/repaired likely was bornexactly the day!
现在取天珠,不是时机,因为现在我们还不能确定他是否死亡!如果取了,很可能道争结束,混沌方鼎被调走,大家各自下界,剑修就很可能活出生天!Thereforemysuggestion is like excessfellow daoist, temporarilydoes not take! ”
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