SPCR :: Volume #27

#2645: Immortal Heavenly Dao struggles 26

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Lou Xiaoyi is entering the immortal courtyard 33 huge scarlet days the earliest possible time, took out the chaos day bead, not for control chaos Fang Ding, but to obtain in right of immortal courtyard free movement! 娄小乙在进入仙庭三十三天大赤天的第一时间,就取出了混沌天珠,不是为了控制混沌方鼎,而是为了取得在仙庭自由移动的权利! How about to resist the true immortal pressure, he has the informed sources, senior Li Wuya had obtained the hat of hemp immortal herb, does this matter, can help non- immortal go through in the immortal courtyard freely, naturally, the premise is you cannot cause trouble! 关于怎么对抗真正的仙压,他是有消息来源的,前辈李乌鸦曾经得到过麻仙草的一顶帽子,就是干这个事的,能帮助非仙人在仙庭自由穿行,当然,前提是你不能惹是生非! The function mechanism of this hat, Li Wuya has had mention in the swordsmanship tablet, now Lou Xiaoyi must do is, regards the hat the chaos day bead, comes to be through the chaos Fang Ding's strength oneself obtains to aid in the immortal courtyard! 这顶帽子的功用机理,李乌鸦在剑道碑中有过提及,娄小乙现在要做的就是,把混沌天珠当成帽子,通过混沌方鼎的力量来为自己在仙庭中取得护佑! In 32 days have 35 day beads, other day bead cannot achieve this point is not because among Golden Immortal has anything to distinguish, but is lies in chaos Fang Ding is the function in the hole place limit immortal spirit mobile treasure, has its own convenient condition. 三十二天中有三十五颗天珠,别的天珠做不到这一点不是因为金仙之间有什么区别,而是在于混沌方鼎就是作用于窟窿处限制仙灵流动的宝贝,有它自身的方便条件。 He must complete all these in several breaths, otherwise must the little darling rolls! Fortunately, he has the purple entropy, has Li Wuya experience, has a day of bead, to the chaos thorough understanding, these things can thing that helps him achieve others unable to achieve. 他必须在数息内完成这一切,否则就得乖乖的滚下去!幸运的是,他有紫熵,有李乌鸦的经验,有天珠,还有对混沌的深入理解,这些东西都能帮助他做到别人根本做不到的事。 After nine breaths, when his in secret must unable to support immediately, the day bead transformation is completed, the body seemed released a thin film, immediately becomes relaxed! Theoretically, this is the Golden Immortal strength to his tax with, even can on straight 35 days of Jade Purity boundary Pure Tenuity Heaven, but did not have in him to this degree well extremely arrogantly. 九息后,在他的内秘马上就要撑不住时,天珠改造完成,身体仿佛被释放了一层薄膜,顿时变得轻松起来!理论上,这是金仙力量对他的赋与,甚至都可以直上三十五天玉清清微天,但好在他还没狂妄到这种程度。 Made the best use of the time to find chaos Fang Ding, handles matters leaves immediately, will not actually go to any fairyland pavilion look to linger, his very clear oneself position, hostility in immortal courtyard was many, plays hi likely to play the poor life here. 抓紧时间找到混沌方鼎,办完事就马上离开,却不会去任何一处仙境楼阁观瞻流连,他很清楚自己的位置,在仙庭的敌视者甚多,玩嗨了就很可能把小命玩死在这里。 The good news is, the present immortal courtyard is truly on the wane, the habitation pities few, then some people see him occasionally, coming up interrogation that will also not mind others' business, everyone cannot take care of oneself, like a clay buddha crossing the river, the multi- incident is inferior to few incident. 好消息是,现在的仙庭确实非常凋零,人烟惜少,便偶尔有人看到他,也不会多管闲事的上来盘问,大家都自顾不暇,泥菩萨过河,多一事不如少一事。 But in the Lou Xiaoyi heart understands, perhaps here the immortal presses cannot pose the risk to him, but another risk actually much worse immortal pressure, that is immortal of these conservatives, including all guards to the sword lineage/vein secretly, including like the immortal old organization, how can place hopes in no one to know that he does come up? 娄小乙心中明白,在这里仙压也许对他来说已经构不成风险,但另外一种风险却尤甚仙压,那就是那些保守势力的仙人,包括所有对剑脉暗自提防的,也包括像仙老会这样的组织的,怎么能寄希望于没人知道他上来? At least, immortal that manages this immortal Heavenly Dao to struggle is well aware, so long as a rumor...... immortal has the rule restrict unable to get down slightly main world to meddle the change of cultivation world directly, but in their oneself domain, may not have so many customs! 最起码,主持这场仙天道争的仙人就心知肚明,只要稍微一露口风……仙人有规则约束不能直接下去主世界插手修真界的变化,但在他们自己的地盘,可没那么多的规矩! Exempts the child to run to visit the wolf's lair to be a guest, you also hope that the pack of wolves is polite to you? The people expensive/noble knew, working to have the lower limit, cannot rampant forgot the oneself status, therefore the line, Lou Yasi grip the tail with every effort, does not dare to go one step beyond the prescribed limit. 一只免子跑来狼窝做客,你还希望狼群对你客客气气?人贵自知,做事要有底限,可不能嚣张的忘了自己的身份,所以一路行来,娄押司都是尽力夹住尾巴的,不敢越雷池一步。 Comes up the greatly scarlet day, knows the chaos Fang Ding's position on clear boundary Yu odd/surplus heaven, understands why that three fellows will put oneself to come up, does not give him a way out, but is to drive him radically to commit suicide! 上来大赤天,才知道混沌方鼎的位置是在上清境禹余天,也就明白了为什么那三个家伙会明里暗里的放自己上来,可不是給他一条生路,而根本就是要置他于死地! What a pity, considers everything, not clear! 可惜,千算万算,也没算明白! Must win the chaotic Fang Ding's trust thoroughly, only by induces distantly is inadequate, that will spend the too much time, where does he dare now here many stays? 要彻底取得浑沌方鼎的信任,只靠遥遥感应是不成的,那会花费太多的时间,他现在又哪里敢在这里过多的停留? Only can the direct contact! 就只能直接接触! Had a day of bead in the hand, cannot control Fang Ding, in some sense, the day bead is not Fang Ding's hub, they are more like even level existence, once was the chaos Golden Immortal relic, the same side senior brother younger brother? 有了天珠在手,并不是就能支配方鼎,在某种意义上来说,天珠也并不是方鼎的枢钮,它们更像是平级的存在,都是曾经混沌金仙的遗物,同门师兄弟? Now the attitude of chaos Fang Ding's and child dark Daoist to him, holds a bowl of water steady, impartial, such condition he is certainly impossible to kill trapped piece dark, this is he must come up a reason. 现在混沌方鼎对他和子晦道人的态度,就是一碗水端平,不偏不倚,这样的状况他当然不可能杀死子晦,这就是他必须上来一趟的原因。 The threats of these immortal nimble foreign bodies are too big, nearly to him is not this, his friends ; Regardless how must take advantage of this opportunity, can extinguish one is! 这些仙灵变异体的威胁太大,不近对他来说是这样,还有他的朋友们;所以无论如何也要趁此机会,能灭一个就是一个! Upward, the paradise scenery being puzzled person eye, entered Prospect Garden like Grandma Liu, but his Mr. Lou will not stop to watch for this reason, having anything is attractive, in the future will be his! 一路向上,仙界风光惑人眼目,就像刘姥姥进了大观园,但他娄老爷可不会为此驻足观赏,有什么好看的,未来都是他的! When he some day must become Grand Dao, these 33 days are he courtyards, but also are only the outer courts, for place that the servant servant lives in! 等他有朝一日得成大道,这三十三天就是他自家院子,还只是外院,供下人奴仆住的地方! Quick arrived at 33 days of tops, without hesitation one good-fitting, the auspicious sign does not reveal slightly, only broke through by the strength of day bead 34 th day Yu odd/surplus heaven, the time were not much, he had felt that had several immortals knew unintentionally on him has swept, has not covered up the meaning of taboo. 很快就来到了三十三天之顶,毫不犹豫的一合身,丝毫紫气不露,只靠天珠的力量突破到了第三十四天禹余天,时间不多了,他已经感觉到了有几道仙识有意无意的在他身上扫过,一点也没有遮掩忌讳的意思。 Now is also only the immortal knowledge sweeps, later has the immortal technique to sweep probably? His present boundary level keeps off the following cultivator false immortal technique not to have the issue, but the true immortal immortal technique he may be unable to catch, this is immortal every difference, the boundary gap! 现在还只是仙识扫扫,保不齐之后就有仙术扫扫?他现在的境界水平挡下面修士的伪仙术没问题,但真正仙人的仙术他可接不住,这是仙凡之别,境界鸿沟! In one Yu odd/surplus heaven, the immortal presses is another feeling, compared with greatly scarlet day heavy ten times, is good because of the chaotic day bead is the Golden Immortal level, but can also protect him to be complete, without this protection, it is estimated that his breath could not insist! 一上禹余天,仙压又是另外一番感受,又比大赤天重了十倍,好在浑沌天珠是金仙的层次,还能护得他周全,但如果没有了这一层的保护,估计他一息都坚持不下来! Help!’ These three characters shouted not entire! ‘救命啊!’这三个字都喊不全! With trepidation, cautious, is he now the real psychological portrayal. 提心吊胆,如履薄冰,就是他现在真实的心理写照。 The good news is, in one Yu odd/surplus heaven, discovers immediately the chaos Fang Ding's trail, it stopped in Yu odd/surplus heaven and greatly scarlet day intersection point is not far, turning round rotation, did not have immortal to protect. 好消息是,一上了禹余天,立刻就发现了混沌方鼎的踪迹,它就停在了禹余天和大赤天交界处不远,滴溜溜的转动,也没有仙人守护。 Naturally does not need, like the Golden Immortal treasure, no one dares to start to possess in the immortal courtyard, cannot keep! 当然也没必要,像这样的金仙宝贝,在仙庭也没人敢下手占为己有,根本就藏不住! Lou Xiaoyi is close slowly, is good because of having a day of bead, has the profound chaos understanding approaching body, Fang Ding does not have the hostility to him. 娄小乙慢慢接近,好在有天珠在,有深刻的混沌理解傍身,方鼎对他也没有敌意。 An independent person chaos Golden Immortal lord dismisses the backwardness, it did not have the master again, is impossible to have again ; Other Golden Immortal are impossible to gather the different way treasure, the person the immortal real immortal cannot control, a future chaos Golden Immortal lord will have the possibility, but must look at the special details. 自主人混沌金仙道主黜落后,它就再也没有了主人,也不可能再有;其他金仙不可能收取异道宝贝,人仙真仙控制不住,未来的混沌金仙道主有可能,还得看具体情况。 Lou Xiaoyi does not have the thoughts to act as its master, this is not his character, is not his practice way ; He wants in the chaos Fang Ding's contact, to obtain compared with a child dark Daoist higher jurisdiction! 娄小乙也没心思做它的主人,这不是他的性格,更不是他的修行路数;他只是想在和混沌方鼎的接触中,取得比子晦道人更高的权限! If the immortal spirit main body of child dark Daoist, must achieve this point is very possibly difficult, but the present child dark Daoist is also the Half Immortal essence, he accepted the immortal spirit part of abilities, these have the leeway of operation! 如果是子晦道人的仙灵本尊,要做到这一点可能很难,但现在的子晦道人也不过是名半仙的本质,他只是接受了仙灵的一部分能力,这其中就有操作的余地! This is the small cauldron that one and common ash throws, tallied ancient times can the aesthetic localization greatly to treasure, ordinary semblance, immeasurably deep connotation! 这是一颗并不起眼的灰扑扑的小鼎,符合远古大能对宝贝的审美定位,普普通通的外表,深不可测的内涵! When is close to Fang Ding, Lou Xiaoyi putting out a hand without hesitation, held Fang Ding in the palm, from this, started the most intimate contact with this Golden Immortal lord most self-satisfied treasure, that was the thing of most core, is secret that will easily not show! 当和方鼎近在咫尺时,娄小乙毫不犹豫的一伸手,把方鼎托在了手掌心,由此,开始和这个金仙道主最得意的宝贝开始了最亲密的接触,那都是最核心的东西,是轻易不会示人的秘密! Wants perfectly works such advancement, other anything no longer important, even if that day bead. 要完美的把这样的进程进行下去,其它什么的都不再重要,哪怕是那颗天珠。 He can depend upon now, only then can oneself to the chaos understanding, look form the resonance with this treasure. 他现在能依靠的,就只有自己对混沌的理解,看看能不能和这宝贝形成共鸣。
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