SPCR :: Volume #27

#2643: Immortal Heavenly Dao struggles 24

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clear(ly) raised the Daoist to be courageously incomparable, turned around to break in the regiment, again with that mountain Bazhan in one. 明扬道人奋勇无比,转身冲入战团,再次和那山拔战在了一处。 This two people as if made time really hot, especially irritable, tears, unexpectedly rare near body contact! Stirs up other Half Immortal also reminders they to pay attention to the discretion specially, don't especially- all selects everyone's anger, finally no one falls! 这一次两人仿佛打出了真火,尤其的火爆,撕扯之间,竟然还有少见的近身接触!惹得其他半仙还特别的提醒他们注意分寸,别特-么把大家的火气全挑起来,最后谁都落不下好! This truly is strange ganging up on! Everyone was hitting the peaceful fist well, two not knowing good from bad destruction atmosphere here! Also must tired everyone meddle to separate two people, calms the situation! 这真正是一场奇怪的群殴!大家本来好好的打着太平拳,偏偏有两个不知好歹的在这里破坏气氛!还得累大家插手去分开两人,平息事态! The people pulled open finally, clamored our Yellow Dragon to see!’, A threat careful your wife child!’ 人总算是拉开了,一个叫嚣‘咱们黄龙见!’,一个威胁‘小心你的老婆孩子!’ clear(ly) raised the Daoist to arrive at side sea of clouds Daishi pantingly, with no trace handed over the hand, 明扬道人气喘吁吁的来到云海大士身边,不着痕迹的一递手, Good fortune does not fail in one's mission!” “幸不辱命!” Sea of clouds Daishi smiles, many thanks fellow daoist! Not is only my thanks, should have azure to be unreliable they, even including Lou Yasi!” 云海大士笑眯眯的,“多谢道友!不仅是我的感谢,应该还有青玄他们的,甚至包括娄押司!” Turned around to pull out upward, spent a lot of time, she needs to pick up the speed! 转身就往上拔,花了不少时间,她需要加快速度了! clear(ly) raised is a little startled, his where hear the sea of clouds meaning, gathering this should not be the private affair, but was the official business? Lou Yasi with 32 space is related? 明扬就有点楞怔,他哪里听不出来云海的意思,合着这应该不是私事,而是公事?还和三十二天上的娄押司有关? Under the heart rotates, but also is somewhat troublesome, calculates the words that wait for that mountain pull to understand perhaps the taste, must work as the personal enemy with him! 心下转动,还真有点麻烦,这么算下来的话,等那山拔明白过味来,恐怕是要拿他当仇人的! In the eye the ominous light flashes, must try to find a solution, how this mountain Bahai here, is the sure card! 眼中凶光一闪,还是得想个办法,怎么把这山拔害在这里,才是万全之策! cultivator thoughts, such Yin clear uncertain! 修士的心思,就是这么的阴晴不定! ...... Lou Xiaoyi has installed very much weakly oneself, but three opponents still regarded the big tiger to hit him, making him very depressed! ……娄小乙已经把自己装得很弱了,但三个对手仍然把他当成大老虎来打,让他就很郁闷! Cannot help but on rare opens the mouth in the fight, feeds, your advantage is so distinct, can't a little desire to do better?” 不由得就少见的在战斗中开了口,“喂,你们优势如此明显,就不能有点上进心么?” Three people did not reply, remain unchanged! 三人并不答话,依然如故! Lou Xiaoyi very senseless, „ when fight essence, lies in the advantage follows up a victory with hot pursuit, beats severely don't hit a person when he's down! 娄小乙十分的无趣,“战斗精髓,在于优势时乘胜追击,痛打落水狗! I am suppressed now everywhere, said the boundary to be incapable, cultivation base was difficult , the incarnation implicated, the immortal pressed the restraint...... the so excellent situation, actually did not seize the chance to break through, seeks the decisive battle, only dilly-dallied to do here really? ” 我今处处被压制,道境无力,修为难继,化身拖累,仙压约束……如此大好形势,却不趁机突破,寻求决战,只在这里磨磨蹭蹭做甚?” He complained here, three people paid no attention, only spiritual consciousness exchanged in secret, 他在这里吐槽,三人是理也不理,只私下里神识互相交流, The excess soup remembers one, this sword cultivates uses diversionary tactics, strikes the north and south that most excels! This is it regularly tactic, this time fights, has actually lingered near the lower-level shell wall, according to his consistent characteristics, is his goal is above?” 冗汤想起一节,“这剑修最擅长的就是声东击西,击南北!这是其惯常之战术,此番战起,却一直留连在下层壳壁附近,按照他一贯的特点,是不是他的目标是在上面?” The flat topping monk does not believe that above? Above was 33 angel courtyards! When you really he is omnipotent, by every body heaven? If everyone can like this, everyone also cultivate/repair what immortal, crawls along this hole is!” 平顶僧不信,“上面?上面就是三十三天仙庭了!你真当他无所不能,以凡躯上天?若人人都能这样,那大家还修什么仙,顺这窟窿爬上去就是!” The child dark Daoist shakes the head, „ not so! Also really has this possibility! This person depressed in the immortal can still achieve to accomplish a task with ease, obviously in cultivated/repaired qi and average man is different, was the immortal has the relations spirit! 子晦道人摇头,“不然!还真有这个可能!此人在仙压下仍然能做到游刃有余,显然所修内炁和常人不同,是和仙灵有关系的! Ascends the sky is not based, if goes to one to get down again, has such possibility! ” 上天又不是常驻,如果去走一趟再下来,也存在这样的可能!” The excess soup is very keen, „the meaning of fellow daoist is, does he want to come up to receive chaos Fang Ding? This boy courage is actually big, even the Golden Immortal treasure also dares to start!” 冗汤很敏锐,“道友的意思是,他想上去收混沌方鼎?这厮胆子倒是大,连金仙的宝贝也敢下手!” The child dark chuckle, „ is only a possibility! He lingers lower-level here, the final goal is actually upper level, conforms to him unable to work the common road bold characteristics! But what he does not know, chaos Fang Ding is not the common treasure, needs to bet hole here can display to do! 子晦轻笑,“只是一种可能!他在下层这里徘徊,最后的目标却是上层,符合他做事不走寻常路胆大包天的特点!但他不知道的是,混沌方鼎可不是寻常宝贝,需要赌在窟窿这里才能发挥作! It radically in 34 days! 它根本就在三十四天! I am very curious, if this boy rushes to 33 days of long time to seek does not attain, can rush for 34 days? ” 我很好奇,如果这厮冲上三十三天久寻不获,是不是还要冲上三十四天?” The flat topping monk laughs, this was interesting, to turns into one group of nihilities? In this case, he upward to we don't need to detain probably?” 平顶僧大笑,“这就有意思了,冲着冲着就变成一团虚无?要是这样的话,他往上冲时我们好像也无需拦阻?” The excess soup sneers, „, does not block must block, even if puts on an act! Otherwise this boy like the fox, looked slyly we do intercept do not come up with every effort?” 冗汤冷笑,“不,拦还是要拦的,哪怕装装样子!否则这厮狡猾如狐,看我们拦截不尽力再不上去了?” Three people have victory in the hand, the sword cultivates more acts out of desperation, more is speaks the provocation, in their hearts is more stable! Because of the Golden Immortal treasure, is they biggest relying on, is impregnable relying on! 三人胜券在握,剑修越是狗急跳墙,越是出言挑衅,他们心中就越安定!因为金仙的宝贝,就是他们最大的凭仗,还是牢不可破的凭仗! Child dark through chaos Fang Ding, contacts through a chaos boundary again, cultivation base fluctuation that the accurate assurance the sword cultivated/repaired, 子晦通过混沌方鼎,再通过混沌道境接触,准确的把握到了剑修的修为增减情况, This sword cultivated/repaired truly! I and others so consumed, the Yellow Dragon also four incarnations implicate, the immortal presses so heavily, this boy present cultivation base of still above 50%! Truly is inconceivable! “这剑修确实了得!我等如此消耗,黄龙还有四个化身拖累,仙压如此沉重,这厮现在的修为仍然在50%之上!真正是不可思议! However was also quick! Falls under 50%, will affect its explosive force, is I and others increased the offensive rhythm the time! ” 不过也快了!掉落50%之下,就会影响其爆发力,才是我等加大进攻节奏的时机!” The excess soup flat top monk all nod name is, this is the characteristics of eruption class spell sword technique, when their cultivation base maintain at the high level, the explosive force with also remains many cultivation base to have no relations, no matter remains 90% is 70%, the maximum might on sword is the same ; 冗汤平顶僧皆点头称是,这是爆发类术法剑术的特点,当他们的修为维持在较高水平时,爆发力和还剩多少修为没什么关系,不管是剩90%还是70%,剑上的最大威力都是一样的; But if cultivation base fell normally 50% downward, explosive force on inevitable will be affected! The elementary force are less, the explosive force is weaker, this is the thing of practice rule, did not have you to be quick the oil withered completely, but can also erupt the astonishing strength, that was the imagination of writer of fiction, was an armchair strategist. 但如果修为降到了正常50%往下,爆发力就不可避免的会受到影响!元力越少,爆发力越弱,这是修行规则的东西,也不存在您都快油干枯尽了,还能爆发出惊人的力量,那是小说家的想象,就是纸上谈兵。 Excess Tang added: His that purple swordsmanship will is not in the middle of this case! Therefore we should be more discrete, best its cultivation base to fall three, 40%, is the general attack time!” 冗汤补充道:“他那紫色剑道意志不在此例当中!所以我们应该更谨慎些,最好其修为降到了三,40%,才是总攻的时候!” The flat topping monk curls the lip, three, 40%? Really I looked that by that time does not need us to act, only a child dark brother's chaos boundary can press to fall face down directly he!” 平顶僧撇撇嘴,“三,40%?真到那时候我看也不用我们出手,就只子晦道兄的混沌道境都能直接压趴下他!” Three people exchange here in private, below that sword cultivated/repaired on the mouth is still boisterous! 三人在这里私下交流,下面那剑修嘴上仍然在聒噪! cultivate the dao four, in 5000, the father or the first time meet several fellow daoist like this good opponents! Well-mannered, the politeness treats people, fights to kill individual to the boundless opportunity, for fear that others cannot overturn, such boundary, who is I do not enter the hell to enter the hell truly, is so natural, if I am in power, how should handle you?” 修道四,五千年,老子还是头一次遇见几位道友这样的好对手!彬彬有礼,礼貌待人,打个架杀个人都要給人无穷的机会,生怕别人不能翻盘,这样的境界,真正是我不入地狱谁入地狱,如此大方,我若得势,该如何处置你们?” Said, while continues to dash in the lower-level barrier place unceasingly, where his chaos boundary to does not go compared with the child dark difference, each hit can break open eight of barrier, 90%, but was distance that final level missed one step. 一边说,一边继续在下层屏障处不断冲撞,他的混沌道境也不比子晦差到哪去,每一次撞击都能破开屏障的八,90%,但就是距离那最后一层差了一步。 This step, is the immortal and every disparity. 这一步,就是仙与凡的差距。 He became a clown, no one responds him, like, in looking at one is stranded the beast of prey in shackles. 他成了一个小丑,没人搭理他,就像在看一头困在牢笼中的猛兽。 Lou Xiaoyi felt that oneself cultivation base in fell to below 50% of danger, even if the incarnation has not brought many burdens to him, to his influence also in 30% cultivation base below, but in 32 days, his consumption is actually. 娄小乙感觉到了自己修为在向危险的50%以下滑落,哪怕化身并没有給他带来多少负担,对他的影响也在30%修为以下,但在三十二天,他的消耗却是实打实的。 Mainly the pressure of chaos boundary, to that chaos Fang Ding, his really means does not have, Golden Immortal strength, even if has dismissed falls a Golden Immortal item, is he cannot contend. 主要还是混沌道境的压力,对那个混沌方鼎,他是真的一点办法也没有,金仙的力量,哪怕是已经黜落金仙的一个道具,也是他不能抗衡的。 He tosses about, actually has been tossing about this result! 他折腾来折腾去,其实就是一直在折腾这个结果! Facts showed, wants completely to depend upon the oneself strength to cross this pass/test, must take risk! 事实证明,想完全依靠自己的力量渡过这一关,就必须冒险!
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