Sea of cloudsDaishiazurewas heldunreliably, leavesquietly for 31days, herdutyisto seek for the chaosdaybead, a possibilityis very simple, butalsopossiblyverycomplextask.
云海大士受青玄所托,悄然离开三十一天,她的任务是寻找混沌天珠,一个可能很简单,但也可能很复杂的任务。Shehas questionedin31days, no onehas the chaosdaybead;According toeveryonereported the situation , the chaosdaybeadappearsin24days, will bethatthreedecisiveHalf Immortalandprotects the dayto play the tacitdaylevel, because of the time press, no oneinquiredliketheseimmaterialminor mattersat that time, whotookwhichdaybead, wait/etc.
The keyis to findthatthreeHalf Immortal, thesethreefellowsnowinbottommost28daysfight, sheneedsto crosscontinuously for severaldays, happen tomakes a trimmingtotheseseveraldays of power balancestaking this opportunity.
关键是要找到那三个半仙,这三个家伙现在都在最下面的二十八天战斗,她需要连续越过几天,也正好借此机会对这数天的力量对比做个微调。HerstrengthinthesetwoHalf Immortal is also bestexistence, withoutthesebewilderedimmortalnimbleforeign bodies, sheshouldbe the decisiverole in suchsay/waystruggle, but the presentfact is actually, can only run abouthere, veryimportantrunning about, only thenhascultivator of certainposition to achievelikeher, after all, thispossiblyis not the issue of fight, butis the issue of personal connection?
After severalquarters, dispatches, adjustedseveralHalf Immortaltoward31days, thisarrived for 28days;Overall, the situation of eachimmortaldaylevel is very stable, the entiresay/waystrugglesadvancementconfusionfrom the beginning, toafterwardintensebrutal, againto the present, un, the feeling of a littleirritable?
数刻之后,一路调度,又往三十一天调去了几个半仙,这才来到二十八天;整体来说,各个仙天层的情况都很稳定,整个道争进程从一开始的混乱,到后来的激烈残酷,再到现在的,嗯,有点不急不躁的感觉?Thiswas the process that a psychologychanged, the say/waystrugglesto arrivefinally, eachdaylevelbattlefieldfrequently20people of high and low, mustdecide the victory and defeatto be very difficult, did not lose the life is very simplecarefully, thereforeeveryone was very discrete, is hoping that otherdaylevelfirstdecided the victory and defeat, rather thanoneselfherelaughed in the face of death!
这是一种心理变化的过程,道争来到了最后,每个天层战场动辄二十人上下,要分出胜负很难,不小心丢掉性命却很简单,所以大家都很谨慎,都在盼望别的天层先分出胜负,而不是自己这里舍生忘死!Said the struggle, the say/waystruggled, the poor lifedid not have, thiswas not a matter! Thereforehad the flavor of someextremelyslighttacitwar, both sidesare well aware, no oneis actually willingto bring to light.
道争,道争到了,小命却没了,这也不是个事儿!于是就有了些极细微的默契战的味道,双方心知肚明,却谁也不愿意挑明。Ironically, thissituation is very appropriateto the duty of sea of cloudsDaishi, becauseis not brutal, thereforehas the possibility that the tacit understandingblends?
The sea of cloudssoonfound one of the thatthreego it aloneHalf Immortal, fortunately, theyare also living,
„ Chaosdaybead? That was protected the dayto obtain! Irememberedclearly, a total ofsixdaybeadswedivided equallyvery much, whatwetookwas the universe, slaughtered, strength, whattheyattainedwas the Nirvana, the thunder, the chaos!
The chaosare24days of daybeads, didn't weknowamongday of beadsalsoto have the differenceat that time? Words that youspokeearly, weinsisted that can certainlytakeit, butwedid not knowat that time! ”
A Half Immortalfaceconstipation, butthismattercannotblamethem, after allno onehas the longaroundeye.半仙一脸便秘,但这事也不能怪他们,毕竟谁也没长前后眼。In the sea of cloudsheartsinks, saidsuperficially: „Whatdoes not work as, buttoprovide against contingencies, then, the one whoobtains the chaosdaybeadiswhich?”
云海心中一沉,轻描淡写道:“也不当什么,不过是为了以防万一罢了,那么,得到混沌天珠的是哪个?”ThatHalf Immortal is also very smart, is the worldly person, the worldly wisdomis skilled, realized that thisNicolecanprobablywash a lanechaosbeadfor the private affair? Thisfavor done at little or no costdoes not dodoes not dowhite/in vain, ispulls closer the relationsnottwoplans.
那半仙也很机灵,都是人精,人情世故精熟,意识到这老尼可能是为了私事要淘弄一颗混沌珠?这种顺水人情不做白不做,才是拉近关系的不二之策。„Is the mountainpulls out the person of great strength, the bodylineage/veinbigenergy! Thisperson is not goodto speak, Daishi that isincultivation worldbecomes famousifmustaskhimto discuss,perhaps this littledifficulty, needsto trade!”
The sea of cloudsmaintains composure, sheknows that at presentthisHalf Immortalpossiblymisunderstands, misunderstandinghermakes the beadnaughtyispureworking for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public? Toher who the personalwaysbecomes a ghost, suchmisunderstandingdoes not needto explainunderstands, becauseincultivating true virtuecircle, youdiscussed that the official businessis not necessarily ablebecomes, but ifyoudiscussed the private affair, insteadeveryonecan the mutual understanding!
云海不动声色,她知道眼前这半仙可能是误会了,误会她淘弄珠子是纯粹的假公济私?对人老成精的她来说,这样的误会就没必要解释明白,因为在修真圈子中,你谈公事未必能成,但如果你谈私事,反而大家都能互相理解!„Thatisnatural, the thing that succeeds in obtainingwhois willingfor no reasonto deliver, idle talkvernacular? Herehasfourbeads, is too easy, the destiny, the primal chaos, the destruction...... Iam not ripeinthatmountainpull, fellow daoistwhetherturnover?”
The sea of cloudsbeadtherecollectsfromazureprofoundand the others, naturallyheroneselfalsoone, theyaretrulynotfor the daybead, can therefore not matter, but can't yourequesteveryonethisare not?
云海的珠子是从青玄等人那里收集来的,当然她自己也有一颗,他们这些人是真正不为天珠所动的,所以能够无所谓,但你不能要求所有人都这样不是?ThatHalf Immortalthinks, „ Iandheare not ripe, butisinthisstrugglehas contacted, butin my opinion, so long asthere is a thing that heneeds, not necessarilycan'taccomplish?
那半仙想了想,“我和他也不熟,不过是这次道争中才有所接触,但以我看来,只要有他需要的东西,也未必不能成事?Ihave a friend, needs the primal chaosdaybeadprobably, butthismountainpulls outis the bodylineage/veinbigenergy, the strengthdaybead is very to him important, was inferior that wehand overin every way...... ”
我有个朋友,大概需要太极天珠,而这个山拔是体脉大能,力量天珠对他来说就很重要,不如我们多方转手……”In the sea of cloudsDaishiheartlaughs in one's heart, whatIhave a friend, deceives the ghost, clearlyisthisfellowoneself! Hewants the primal chaosdaybead, actuallydoes not need the chaosdaybead, thereforeisnot possibleinitiativeandthatmountainBahuan, but ifadds onsea of cloudsthird partyagain, allsuccessful, everyonesatisfies.
云海大士心中暗笑,什么我有一个朋友,骗鬼去吧,分明就是这家伙自己!他想要太极天珠,却不需要混沌天珠,所以是不可能主动和那山拔换的,但如果再加上云海这个第三者,一切水到渠成,大家都满意。Realcultivation world, actuallyalsohas no difference from the government authoritiesbusinessmen, the occupationshares everything, only then the benefitis eternal.
The sea of cloudssmiles, does not make perfectly clear, „naturallyis so best, but must askfellow daoistto bring about a reconciliation!”
云海一笑,也不点透,“如此当然最好,还要请道友从中说合!”ThatHalf Immortalstrikes one's chest, „wraps on me! Ifirstsearch the rumor, thentrades!”
The sea of cloudsinfighting the circlebuys the soy sauce, putting out a handwith pauses, everyonemaintainsunder a fierceactually not dangerousfightpower balance, butundersuchrepresentation, the undercurrentare innumerable, dirtyunceasingly.
云海在战圈中打酱油,有一搭没一搭的伸伸手,大家都维持在一个激烈却不危险的战斗均势下,而在这样的表象下,暗流无数,龌龊不断。Thisis a struggle, does not soundthatonbig, isrealcultivation world.
这就是道争,并不是听起来那么高大上,才是真实的修真界。Looksin the sea of cloudseye, thatasked the Daoist who clearlyraisedto crash infightsin the execution ground, quickwithbodylineage/veinHalf Immortal games inone, did not needto think,mustbe the mountainpulls outwithout doubt! Two peopletumbledto frequent each other, fightdozens unable to decide a victory and defeatto come out, laterthenwashed outbyotherHalf Immortalin the confusion, thisset of acrobaticsthatwasdoestrulyflawlessly, the ghosts and godsdo not know.
看在云海的眼中,那叫明扬的道人冲进斗法场中,很快就和一名体脉半仙在了一处,不用想,必是山拔无疑!两人翻翻滚滚你来我往,斗了数十回也分不出个胜负出来,随后便在混乱中被其他半仙冲散,这一套把戏那真正是做得天衣无缝,鬼神不知。Half Immortalboundarywhodoes not know,everyoneis the goodactor!半仙境界谁不知,人人都是好戏子!clear(ly)raisedreturns toside the sea of clouds, panted for breath, installing is very specialized!
明扬回到云海身边,略带喘息,装得还挺专业!„Proper! Iffellow daoisttrustsme, hands over the primal chaosbeadinme! ThismatterDaishido not meddle, otherwisefearsto cause trouble!”
The sea of cloudswithout hesitation, handed over the primal chaosbead. Sheunderstands certainly the thoughts that thisclear(ly)raised, consideredshejoinedrashlytrulyimproper, was easyto indulge in fantasy, struggledto associate the same placewith the say/wayagain, thismatterfeared that wasyellow;
云海毫不犹豫,就把太极珠递了过去。她当然明白这个明扬的心思,考虑她冒然加入进去确实不妥,容易让人想入非非,再和道争联想到一起,这事怕是要黄;Butanotherreason, it is estimated thatisclearlyraiseswith the strengthbeadtrades the chaosbead, becausehisoneselfdoes not need the chaosbead, can therefore someextraadditionalconditions, thisseem like a faircultivating true virtuetransactionagain.
但还有另外一层原因,估计是明扬拿力量珠换混沌珠,因为他自己并不需要混沌珠,所以可以再额外加些条件,这才看起来像是一场公平的修真交易。Alsocompletes, oneselfalsodrops the primal chaosbead, making the sea of cloudsknow his favor, extra can also cheatmountainBaxie the advantage...... theseto operate, is not the issue of killing three birds with one stone, trulyis a talent!
既办成了事,自己还落下太极珠,让云海知他一个人情,额外还能诈山拔些好处……这一番操作下来,都不是一石三鸟的问题,真正是个人才!Incultivation world, suchtalentalwaysmixeswell! Youmustacknowledge, althoughtheysometimeslookextremelyprofit-centered, butcultivation worldactuallycannotbe short ofthesepeople!修真界中,这样的人才总是混得不错的!你必须承认,虽然他们有时看起来太过功利,但修真界却绝不能少了这些人!Alsoiscultivation worldpart, makingentireuniversecultivation worldcolorful!
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