SOD :: Volume #9

#826: Month of Recovery gift

The cold cold winter left the northern state finally, Month of Recovery took a rainfall of national wide scope to arrive on this lands as the beginning. 冷冽的寒冬终于离开了北方国度,复苏之月以一场全国大范围的降雨为开端降临到了这片土地上。 Cecil on the industrial machinery that such as will never stand still, the cold winter also cannot prevent its revolution, but the relatively warm spring such as the fat of lubrication, making this huge machine quickly restore the vitality, day-by-day burst out the power that rushed, returned to at full capacity rapidly the condition. 塞西尔就如一台永不停歇的工业机器,寒冬亦未能阻止它的运转,而相对温暖的春季则更如润滑的油脂,让这台庞大的机器迅速恢复了生机,一天天迸发出澎湃的动力,迅速回到满功率的状态。 North bank of Clearwater River, the Cecil northern development zone, brings the river wind of chill in the air to blow also the somewhat wet ground especially, later has overlapping wave glimmer to surge in the surface, the solid land flash as if melting surged and soften unexpectedly. 白水河北岸,塞西尔北部开发区,尤带寒意的河风吹过还有些湿漉漉的地面,随后有层层叠叠水波般的微光在地表涌动,原本坚实的土地一瞬间竟仿佛融化般涌动、软化下来。 A large machine shop truck of black painting sends out low and deep buzz the cry, before the machine shop truck mechanism raises two parallel arrangements the metal long axles, that is mounting on the long axle of magical metal the rune twinkle, around complex mechanism is adjusting the runic trigger position, making the long axle maintain the constant magic effect, ground that the prolonged exposure the machine shop truck front is softening unceasingly. 一辆黑色涂装的大型工程车发出低沉的嗡鸣,工程车前端的机械结构扬起两道并行排列的金属长轨,那镶嵌着导魔金属的长轨上符文闪烁,复杂的机械结构前后调整着符文扳机的位置,让长轨维持着恒定的魔法效果,持续照射着工程车前方正在不断软化的地面。 Grasps the surveyor in specially-made magical terminal to inspect the data in side unceasingly, the light beam of magical terminal front has been sweeping by ground that Stone to Mud Spell transforms- 手持特制魔导终端的测量员在旁不断检查着数据,魔导终端前方的光束扫过正被化石为泥术转化的地面- Conversion rate 0.8, arrive in scheduled depth- next pile!” “转化率0.8,抵达预定深度-下桩!” The hoisting equipment bang makes noise, ahead of time prepares well, bottom by the suspension is delivered by the reinforced concrete pillar/backbone that rune covers to the pre-calculated position, steady immerse in already the ground of fluidifying, as the scheduled graticule was submerged completely, the mechanic gentleman of surveyor's to controlling hoist crane made the signal, is responsible for controlling the mechanic gentleman of black machine shop truck to turn on vehicle-borne communication on hand conveniently, reported loudly: 起重设备轰隆作响,提前准备好的、底部被符文覆盖的钢筋水泥支柱被悬吊着送至预定位置,平稳浸没在已经流体化的地面中,随着预定标线被完全淹没,测量员对操控起重机的机工士打出了信号,负责操控黑色工程车的机工士则随手打开手边的车载通讯器,高声报备: „No. 1 car(riage) preparation reversal of poles, peripheral clears!” Peripheral security, No. 1 car(riage) can the reversal of poles.” “一号车准备极性反转,周边清场!”“周边安全,一号车可以极性反转。” The machinery interlocking device sends out ka ka the sound, the rune combination completes the switch over at the same time, humming sound in the low whining noise, exposes guide rail superficial ray circulation, the ground starts to harden slowly...... 机械连锁装置发出咔咔的响动,符文组合在同一时间完成切换,嗡嗡的低鸣声中,“辐照导轨”表面光芒流转,地面开始缓缓硬化…… The wind blows by the work site stage, the blueprint of line of sight of Great Architect Gordon from the hand has put aside, he is gazing at not far away busy engineering machinery and busy the workers in the machines, in the tone has the feeling: This is very steady, hopes that this that in the spring of this year's first pillar...... gets down is a good sign.” 风吹过工地旁的高台,大建筑师戈登的视线从手中蓝图上移开,他注视着不远处繁忙的工程机械和在机器之间忙碌的工人们,语气中带着感慨:“这是今年春天第一根柱子……下去的很平稳,希望这是个好兆头。” Sign is a glossary that lacks the significance,” float sent out in Gordon silver-white color metal sphere sound that has the metal vibrato, some will not have the isolated event of logical relation to be possible not to have the means to make clear to the future. I like the accurate math as well as machine- at least they do not have complex variable that.” “‘兆头’是个缺乏意义的词汇,”漂浮在戈登身旁的银白色金属圆球内发出了带着金属颤音的声响,“一些不具备逻辑联系的孤立事件可没办法昭示未来。我更喜欢准确的数学以及机器-至少它们没那么多变数。” I also like the accurate number and machine, the former can make the blueprint more useful, the latter can make the engineering progress speed up,” Gordon looks with a smile to big smith, Nicholas mister, I am very actually curious, is this facility what are you doing uses? Needs unexpectedly your such big smith debugs the equipment personally...... naturally, if did not ask related to confidentiality agreement that me.” “我也喜欢准确的数字和机器,前者能让图纸更有用,后者能让工程进展加快,”戈登笑着看向身旁的大工匠,“尼古拉斯先生,其实我很好奇,这座设施到底是干什么用的?竟然需要你这样的‘大工匠’亲自来调试设备……当然,如果涉及保密协议那我就不问了。” Name can tell you- here is the future Empire data processing center, naturally, is its foreign name this has not decided that” Empire big smith Nicholas Egg always high and low fluctuated slightly a body, in the body of plump broadcast the proud sound, inside may be the precise and advanced thing, although under my hand that helped Bachelor of Mechanics also be able to handle theoretically, but your majesty made me come to assemble its core region personally, this was for safe.” “名字可以告诉你-这里是未来的帝国计算中心,当然,它的对外名称是不是这个还没定下来,”帝国工匠尼古拉斯·蛋总微微上下起伏了一下身子,圆滚滚的身体内传来充满自豪的声音,“里面可都是高精尖的东西,虽然理论上我手底下那帮机械学士也能搞定,但陛下还是让我来亲自组装它的核心区域,这是为了稳妥。” Data processing center?” Gordon knits the brows, studies mathematical science ? Really is a strange name......” “计算中心?”戈登皱了皱眉,“研究数理的?真是个奇怪的名字……” Sooner or later you know it is used for what are you doing, Gordon mister.” The Nicholas Egg total intonation rises said, simultaneously rose the body slowly, the silver-white metal sphere floats in the high midair, that the happy smile is revolving throughout slowly, in his bright and clean metal surface, is producing an inverted image the entire development zone swarming scene. “迟早你会知道它是用来干什么的,戈登先生。”尼古拉斯·蛋总语调上扬地说道,同时缓缓升高了身体,银白色的金属圆球漂浮在高高的半空,那张始终愉快的笑脸缓缓旋转着,在他那光洁的金属表面,倒映着整个开发区远远近近的景象。 The machine that the beginning work site, bang makes noise in groups, the busy worker goes through in the regions, Cecilian is hugging spring that this myriad things recover- 大片大片正在开工的工地,成群结队轰隆作响的机器,繁忙的工人在区域之间穿行,塞西尔人正在拥抱这个万物复苏的春天- ...... …… The low and deep equipment buzz the whining noise transmits from the hub tower upper-level room, the magic crystal antenna of high efficiency is revolving in out of the window slowly, the tip of mechanical arm has happen to swept the direction of Cecil city together. 低沉的设备嗡鸣声从枢纽上层的房间中传来,大功率的魔晶天线在窗外缓缓旋转着,其中一道机械臂的尖端正好扫过塞西尔城的方向。 The crystal glass was cut off the somewhat cold wind, the warm braw installment in tower was also revolving at the most low power, tower keeper Green is wrapping a facile flax shirt, mixed in the coffee cup to brave the steam the drink before while arrived at the window . 水晶玻璃阻隔了还有些寒凉的风,内的暖风装置以最低功率运转着,守塔人葛林套着一件轻便的亚麻衬衣,一边搅动着咖啡杯里冒着热气的饮料一边来到了窗前。 Has the bird group to fly from the high tower distant place, leaves behind a series of sounding continuously in the sunny sky, they went round this power powerful magic circuit hub tower by far, has not left behind any irritating thing on the head of this precise facility. 有鸟群从高远处飞过,在晴朗的天空中留下一连串此起彼伏的鸣叫,它们远远地绕开了这座功率强大的魔网枢纽,没有在这座精密设施的脑袋上留下任何“恼人的东西”。 tower keeper nods satisfied: The new installment that last year applied for produced the satisfying results, the fact showed that the research institute and designing bureau's smart people were more than his average person means that only needed preliminarily animal threat technique, can let the bird group of travelling frequently and extensively to high tower distant- protecting the shield consumed energy is lower, but also need not was worried additional weight that the entity guard/shield brought. 守塔人满意地点了点头:去年申请下来的新装置产生了令人满意的效果,事实证明研究所和设计局里的聪明人就是比他这个普通人办法多,只需要最低级的“动物恐吓术”,就可以让南来北往的鸟群离高远远的-比护盾耗能更低,还不用担心实体护罩带来的额外重量。 Guano that also under the need not cleaning up antenna revolution axis piles up again, need not went to be completely muddled to kill the pitiful bird in crystal array these regularly to pick. 再也不用清理天线转轴下面堆积的鸟粪,也不用隔三差五去把那些晕头转向一头撞死在水晶阵列里的可怜鸟儿捡出来了。 Green Station before the vision window, slightly sipped also some coffee of scalding the mouth, later turns around to return to by own work table, prepares according to the convention inspection hub tower operational aspect. 葛林站在瞭望窗前,小小地抿了一口还有些烫嘴的咖啡,随后转身回到自己的工作台旁,准备按惯例检查枢纽的运行情况。 Has put out the long paper with the magic circuit terminal connected printing device, information record that above needs to pay attention to specially- not all materials will be printed, only then the breakdown receipt and total hub of intelligence and key node of special labelling issue the order of each tower keeper by the automatic printing, to guard to omit. 魔网终端相连的打印设备已经吐出了长长的纸张,上面是需要特别留意的信息记录-并非所有资料都会被打印出来,只有特别标注的情报、关键节点的故障回执以及总枢纽发给各个守塔人的命令才会被自动打印,以防遗漏。 Naturally, as tower keeper of Luan hub, Green also some small privilege treatment, he here not only can watch the clear magic circuit broadcast program, can receiving whiles away the time to latest Cecil weekly reports as well as another two types with newspaper- similarly through the printing apparatus that and magic circuit terminal connects. 当然,作为卢安枢纽的守塔人,葛林也有一些小小的“特权待遇”,他在这里不但可以收看到清晰的魔网广播节目,也可以“收”到最新的塞西尔周报以及另外两种消遣用的报纸-同样是通过那台和魔网终端机连接的打印装置。 Regarding person who liking reading, newspaper compared with broadcast program better pastime. 对于喜欢阅读的人而言,报纸是比广播节目更好的消遣。 All these not have from the beginning, but after this hub tower establishes the thing that improves little, in the foreseeable future, they will definitely also improve continuously. 这一切并非从一开始就有,而是在这座枢纽建立起来之后一点点完善起来的东西,在可以预见的将来,它们肯定还会继续不断完善下去。 Under Green is implicated in the work table, draws the cutting paper hook of printer, the long paper will take out from the machine, later according to the content its interruption, he selected several newspapers cautiously, after folded neat and tidy , one side places- newspaper is the tower keeper public goods, he does not hope before the colleagues change shifts makes them present damaging. 葛林在工作台旁坐下,拉动打印机的裁纸钩,将长长的纸张从机器中取出,随后小心翼翼地按照内容将其截断,他把几份报纸挑了出来,折的整整齐齐之后放在一边-报纸是守塔人的公用物品,他可不希望在同事们来换班之前就让它们出现污损。 Restrained first to read the newspaper the idea, Green first inspected the report of each node carefully, confirmed the real-time condition of equipment, later took up by oneself is placed nearby newspaper, read at will. 克制住了先看报纸的想法,葛林先仔细检查了各个节点的报告,又确认了设备的实时状态,随后才拿起被自己放在一旁的报纸,随意翻看。 «Cold winter Ended, Various Empire Provinces Start To produce Cecil since Spring Will hug This Spring» 《寒冬结束,帝国各行省开始进入春季生产-塞西尔将拥抱这个春天》 Began...... not to know that the factory in city also does hire the temporary worker in the spring of this year...... Stephen age enough, in writing a letter to the family/home made him go to the factory, when apprentice, perhaps can also follow to study one time to select technology...... to take to go to school for five children difficultly, although in the city gave to reduce the school expense, but that was five eating meal mouths...... must many making money people subsidize in the family/home......” “都开工了啊……也不知道城里的工厂今年春天还招不招临时工人……斯托姆岁数够了,给家里写封信让他去工厂里当学徒吧,或许还能跟着学点技术……要一次供五个孩子都上学还是困难,虽然城里给减免了学费,但那可是五张吃饭的嘴……总得多个挣钱的人来补贴家里……” The tower keeper heart is relaying all sorts of thoughts, slowly has pulled out a white paper from side, takes the fountain pen, starts to give to keep the city wife to write a letter. 守塔人心中转着种种念头,慢慢从旁抽过一张白纸,拿起钢笔,开始给留在城里的妻子写一封家书。 He who the copyists come, is familiar with the pen tip to delimit the touch of paper, this compared with the magic circuit terminal letter palette makes him have the steadfast feeling. 抄写员出身的他,还是更习惯笔尖划过纸张的触感,这比魔网终端机的“字母调色盘”更让他有踏实的感觉。 But when writing about child's name, he hesitates suddenly. 但在写到孩子的名字时,他却突然犹豫起来。 Stephen is in the family/home the oldest child, has arrived has been able to go to the factory the age of work, but he has been interested in the math very much, now likes rune, the teacher who the night school eliminates illiteracy has said that he has the Runeshaper talent very much......, but that has surpassed passes knows the category of school, must arrive in the specialized school to take advanced courses...... 斯托姆是家里最大的孩子,已经到了可以去工厂里做工的年纪,但他对数学一直很感兴趣,现在又喜欢上了符文,夜校扫盲的老师一直说他很有符文师的天赋……但那已经超出通识学校的范畴,要到专门的学院里去进修…… Other children are little, studies the good age of thing, they should study, but...... Stephen really likes the math and rune very much...... 其他孩子还小,正是学东西的好年纪,他们都应该去读书,但……斯托姆真的很喜欢数学和符文…… Green's pen actually stopped slowly. 不知不觉间,葛林的笔却慢慢停了下来。 He had been swindled two years of tower keeper in this tower, his looks at Luan area changes little, looks at from news far apart, he has retransmitted latest government affairs hall mobilization order, has retransmitted latest current event message. 他已经在这座上当了两年的守塔人,他看着卢安地区一点点发生改变,看着来自天南地北的消息,他转发过最新的政务厅动员令,转发过最新的时事消息。 The real-time image and broadcast circular that the Ainz 738 years, Empire first year Month of Harvest, the Gawain Great Emperor coronated on the 1 st then retransmitted from this Luan hub to Southern Region throughout, he and his colleagues witnessed instance of this national rebirth together here in the flames of war. 安苏738年,帝国元年的丰收之月一日,高文大帝加冕的实时影像以及广播通告便是从这座卢安枢纽转发到南境全境,他和他的同事们一同在这里见证了这个国家在战火中重生的瞬间。 Therefore he is more, understood that are also more- he who others look knows that goes to school to study in this time has important how, knows that these true modern knowledge need to learn in the school- he does not have the means to teach like oneself father learn to read, what teaches own children is the advanced mathematics, what is the mechanism. 所以他比别人看的更多,懂得也更多-他知道上学读书在这个时代有多么重要,更知道那些真正的现代知识需要在学校里才能学到-他没办法像自己的父亲教自己识字那样,去教自己的孩子们什么叫高等数学,什么叫机械原理。 He also knows that the Gawain Cecil Great Emperor has been devoting to letting each civilians gets rid ignorantly, devotes to letting all children has the opportunity of going to school, even established massive free schools for this reason, letting Southern Region each family at least to have a child to enter a school free, the quota of free board and lodging. 他也知道高文·塞西尔大帝一直在致力于让每个平民都摆脱愚昧,致力于让所有孩子都有上学的机会,甚至为此建立了大量免费的学校,让南境每个家庭都至少能有一个儿童免费入学、免费食宿的名额。 But he has five children. 但他有五个孩子。 The tower keeper relatively ample wages, appear before five children somewhat are also beset with problems- when particularly he wants to send to go to school five children. 守塔人相对宽裕的工资,在五个孩子面前也显得有些捉襟见肘起来-尤其是当他想要把五个孩子都送去上学的时候。 The pen tip of fountain pen does not know when fell on the paper, because actually has not moved to infiltrate pitch-dark ink marks, when Green noticed this point, several letters already by being able to see clearly of ink marks contamination. 钢笔的笔尖不知何时落在了纸上,却因为迟迟没有移动而渗开了一片黑漆漆的墨迹,当葛林注意到这一点的时候,有几个字母已经被墨迹污染的看不清了。 He sighed, is preparing to rewrite, nearby printing apparatus actually rotated suddenly, put out a little segment new content. 他叹了口气,正准备重写,旁边的打印装置却突然吱吱嘎嘎地转动起来,吐出一小段新的内容。 Green puts down the written records immediately, draws the cutting paper hook of printer to take down the information that just delivered conveniently, then carefully looks at above content. 葛林立刻把纸笔放下,随手拉动打印机的裁纸钩把那份刚刚送达的信息取下来,然后细细地看着上面的内容。 He first saw the sword and plow of crest page first position, and crest following Luan city inscription, conscious to this is an notice from city government affairs Hall, later then saw in surprisedly the notice presented own name: 他首先看到了页首位置的剑与犁徽记,以及徽记后面的卢安城字样,意识到这是一份来自市政务厅的通知,随后便惊讶地看到通知里面出现了自己的名字: Submits Luan hub tower keeper Green: 递交卢安枢纽守塔人葛林: Appraises after city government affairs Hall, you have the big value in hub tower improvement suggestion that” Ainz 737 years of Fire Month submits, and had certain impetus to the following actual improvement program, according to government affairs office employee contributes and rewards stipulation specially, issues after due investigation to reward 125 pound sterlings, the pay will provide with this month together, specially notice. 经市政务厅评估,你于安苏737年火月提交的“枢纽改进建议”有较大价值,且对后续的实际改进方案产生了一定推动作用,依照“政务厅雇员特别贡献及奖励规定”,核发奖励125金镑,将与本月薪资一同发放,特此通知。 Note: Previously since because of the statistical department function adjustment and Empire government affairs hall system restructuring, this/should reward was postponed, asks respectfully the understanding. 注:此前因统计部门职能调整及帝国政务厅体系重构,该奖励被延期至今,敬请谅解。 Wishing the work is happy. 祝工作愉快。 Luan city government affairs hall Cecil 2 years of Month of Recovery on the 2 nd 卢安城政务厅塞西尔二年复苏之月二日 Green looked at one then to look at the content on paper. 葛林又把纸上的内容看了一遍然后又看了一遍。 125 pound sterlings, that is a sum of very big money. 125金镑,那是一笔很大的钱。 On his face shows the somewhat puzzled expression, was suddenly, lags behind to smile finally, stood up happily, walked back and forth in the work room. 他脸上露出有些困惑的表情,然后才是恍然,最后才后知后觉地笑了起来,高兴地站起身,在工作的房间里走来走去。 He takes up to place the coffee on table- it thorough cool- tosses down it, then took up that notice to look, sat returns to the chair. 他拿起放在桌上的咖啡-它已经彻底凉了-把它一饮而尽,然后又拿起那张通知看了一遍,才重新坐回到椅子上。 After taking up a new letter paper, he deeply inspires, writes down the smooth writing above: 拿起一张新的信纸之后,他深深吸了口气,在上面写下流畅的文字: Dear Sarah, I had a bonus. “亲爱的莎拉,我有了一笔奖金。 I want to send the children to school, they arrived at the age of going to school...... “我想送孩子们去上学,他们都到了上学的年纪…… Told Stephen this good news, he can go to study rune or true magical technology, he even can go to imperial college, if he can through there test. I heard there has well......” “告诉斯托姆这个好消息,他可以去学符文或者真正的魔导技术了,他甚至可以去帝国学院,如果他能通过那里的考试的话。我听说那里有最好的……” Writes the inscription, inspected above each letter earnestly, Green nods, places in the letter/believes magical terminal nearby metal platform. 写好落款,认真检查了上面每一个字母,葛林点点头,将信放在魔导终端机旁边的金属平台上。 Does not need the posman, does not need to deliver, the ordinary letter can give magic circuit directly, duplicate/restores of quick this letter/believes will appear in the Luan city public magic circuit center, if smooth, in several hours it will be delivered to the wife hand. 不需要邮差,也不需要投递,普通的信件可以直接交给“魔网”,很快这封信的复件就会出现在卢安城的公共魔网中心里,而如果顺利的话,几个小时内它就会被送到妻子手上。 After completing all these, Green long vents anger, before setting out to arrive at the window . 做完这一切之后,葛林才长长地出了口气,起身来到窗前。 In the wilderness in distant place, there is a machine to move to the farmland, in spring rain from now on land, as if must exude the sight of green quickly. 远处的旷野中,有机器正驶向农田,春雨过后的大地上,似乎很快就要泛起绿意了。
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