SOD :: Volume #9

#825: Sees off with the gift

As the winter draws to a close gradually, the Typhonian mission also arrived left the Cecil's day. 随着冬日渐渐临近尾声,提丰人的使团也到了离开塞西尔的日子。 In the autumn palace, the seen off banquet has supposed, the orchestra is playing the gentle cheerful music in the corner of banquet hall, under the magic crystal lamp, the good wine that the gleaming metal tableware and sways exudes is making the gloss that one immerses, a lively gentle atmosphere brims in the hall, lets each people who attend the banquet cannot bear happy get up. 秋宫内,送行的宴席已经设下,乐队在宴会厅的角落演奏着轻柔欢快的乐曲,魔晶石灯下,亮闪闪的金属餐具和摇晃的美酒泛着令人沉醉的光泽,一种轻快平和的气氛洋溢在大厅中,让每一个参加宴会的人都忍不住心情愉快起来。 Wears Matilda of palace long skirt Augustus stands in the long hall end, similarly put on Rebecca of official palace clothing to carry one plate of small cakes to run up to front of this foreign Princess, quite open and opposite party is greeting: Matilda! Do you want to go back today?” 身穿宫廷长裙的玛蒂尔达奥古斯都站在长厅尽头,同样穿上了正式宫廷服饰的瑞贝卡端着一碟小蛋糕跑到了这位异国公主面前,颇为开朗地和对方打着招呼:“玛蒂尔达!你们今天就要回去了啊?” In many days of past, the number of times that Rebecca and Matilda met are actually not many, but Rebecca was an open person, very easy to hit to relate- or hit to relate unilaterally. In the limited several exchanges, she discovered pleasantly surprised this Typhon Princess to mathematical science and some magical domain truly quite understanding, but not like others guessed from the beginning for the image that to maintain the intelligent person supposed to propagandize, therefore they soon then had the good common interest. 在过去的许多天里,瑞贝卡玛蒂尔达见面的次数其实并不多,但瑞贝卡是个开朗的人,很容易与人打好关系-或者说,单方面地打好关系。在有限的几次交流中,她惊喜地发现这位提丰公主数理魔导领域确实颇有了解,而不像旁人一开始猜测的那样只是为了维持聪慧人设才宣传出来的形象,于是她们很快便有了不错的共同话题。 But the common interest then successfully pulled closer among them relations- at least Rebecca thinks. 而共同话题便成功拉近了她们之间的关系-至少瑞贝卡是这么认为的。 I will write to you,” Matilda is smiling, „the Cecil pearl that” looks at at present this knows many aristocrat females who is entirely different her, they have the coordinated position, actually life in completely different environment, fostered the completely different characters, the words and deeds that Rebecca exuberant vigor and not bothers about trifles are familiar with make Matilda not adapt at first, but after several contacts, she also thought that this joyful girl is not loathful, Aldernan and between Cecil cities journey, although is far, but we currently have the diplomatic channel of train and direct link, we can continue in the correspondence. Discussion issue.” “我会给你写信的,”玛蒂尔达微笑着,看着眼前这位与她所认识的很多贵族女子都截然不同的“塞西尔明珠”,她们有着对等的地位,却生活在完全不同的环境中,也养成了完全不同的性格,瑞贝卡的旺盛活力和不拘小节的言行习惯在起初令玛蒂尔达非常不适应,但几次接触之后,她却也觉得这位活蹦乱跳的姑娘并不令人讨厌,“奥尔德南塞西尔城之间路途虽远,但我们现在有了列车和直达的外交渠道,我们可以在书信中继续讨论问题。” She showed the smile to Rebecca, the latter returns with a purer bright smile. 她对瑞贝卡露出了微笑,后者则回以一个更加单纯灿烂的笑容。 In Matilda heart actually some slightly regrets-, when contacts Rebecca at first, she then knows that this seemingly young excessive girl is actually one of the modern magical technology important laying foundation, she discovered pure and sincerity in Rebecca character, therefore once wanted understands truly some from latter here, the useful secret about state-of-art magical technology, but after several contacts, she and opposite party exchange is only restricted in the pure mathematical problem or conventional magical and machinery technology. 玛蒂尔达心中其实略有些遗憾-在最初接触到瑞贝卡的时候,她便知道这个看起来年轻的过分的女孩其实是现代魔导技术重要奠基者之一,她发现了瑞贝卡性格中的单纯和率真,于是一度想要从后者这里了解到一些真正的、关于尖端魔导技术的有用秘密,但几次接触之后,她和对方交流的还是仅限于纯粹的数学问题或者常规的魔导、机械技术 This seemingly straightforward girl does not seem like like the surface does not have the vigilance, she is only intelligent just right. 这个看起来率直的女孩并不像表面看起来那样全无戒心,她只是聪明的恰到好处。 In the Rebecca bright smile, Matilda these permits regretted at heart the quick ablation is clean. 瑞贝卡灿烂的笑容中,玛蒂尔达心里那些许遗憾很快消融干净。 Writing a letter time you must talk about the Aldernan matter to me again,” Rebecca is smiling, I have not gone to that far place!” “写信的时候你一定要再跟我讲讲奥尔德南的事情,”瑞贝卡笑着,“我还没去过那么远的地方呢!” Sure, moreover if possible I will welcome you to come Aldernan to be a guest,” Matilda said, that is a friendship city, moreover can see in very attractive fog in the obsidian palace the scenery.” “当然可以,而且有机会的话我会非常欢迎你来奥尔德南做客,”玛蒂尔达说道,“那是一座友好的城市,而且在黑曜石宫中可以看到非常漂亮的雾中景色。” Rebecca shows the look that some yearns, then suddenly looks to Matilda behind, on the face reveals very happy look: „! Lord Ancestor comes!” 瑞贝卡露出些许向往的神色,然后突然看向玛蒂尔达身后,脸上露出十分开心的模样来:“啊!祖先大人来啦!” Matilda has turned around immediately, really saw that big tall and strong, wears Gawain Cecil of imperial formal clothes be with smile on the face trend here. 玛蒂尔达立刻转过身,果然看到高大魁梧、身穿皇家礼服的高文·塞西尔正面带微笑走向这边。 This Typhon Princess welcomes immediately on own initiative goes forward one step, impeccablly good a ritual: Salutes to you, great Cecil your majesty.” 这位提丰公主立刻主动迎上前一步,无可挑剔地行了一礼:“向您致敬,伟大的塞西尔陛下。” Gawain accepted saluting of opposite party with a smile, later looked at standing Rebecca, spoke thoughtlessly saying: „Hasn't Rebecca, added to the chaos today?” 高文笑着接受了对方的致敬,随后看了一眼站在旁边的瑞贝卡,随口说道:“瑞贝卡,今天没有给人添乱吧?” Without!” Rebecca is beckoning with the hand to say immediately, I am chatting with Matilda!” “没有没有!”瑞贝卡立刻摆着手说道,“我只是在和玛蒂尔达聊天啊!” Rebecca is a very good friend, particularly she about mathematical science , machinery and rune experience, making me admire,” the Matilda etiquette said appropriately, and changed the topic naturally, other, thanked your days warm hospitality- I personally experienced the Cecilian enthusiasm and unfriendliness, witnessed the liveliness of this city.” 瑞贝卡是个很棒的朋友,尤其是她关于数理、机械和符文的见识,令我十分敬佩,”玛蒂尔达礼仪得体地说道,并自然而然地转换了话题,“另外,也非常感谢您这些天的盛情款待-我亲身体验了塞西尔人的热情和友好,也见证了这座城市的繁华。” Hopes that this experience can make enough good impression on you, this is two countries since the excellent beginning of new times,” the Gawain slight nod, beckons to nearby attendant later, Matilda, before saying goodbye, I for you and Roseta the Augustus Great Emperor prepared a gift respectively- this is my intention, hopes that you can like.” “希望这段经历能给你留下足够的好印象,这将是两个国家进入新时代的良好开端,”高文微微点头,随后向旁边的侍从招了招手,“玛蒂尔达,在道别之前,我为你和罗塞塔奥古斯都大帝各准备了一份礼物-这是我个人的心意,希望你们能喜欢。” The gift on point of departure upper-level aristocrat is one conforms with the etiquette, and time-honored tradition, but the content of gift usually can be the sword, armor or precious magic item, but the Matilda actually instinct thinks that this gift from legendary Pioneer may have the unique element, therefore she revealed the curious color, looked that to that two attendant that walks up- in their hands holds the fine box, judged from the size and shape of box, in that obviously not possible is the sword or an armor kind of thing. 上层贵族的临别赠礼是一项合乎礼仪且历史悠久的传统,而礼物的内容通常会是刀剑、铠甲或珍贵的魔法道具,但玛蒂尔达却本能地认为这份来自传奇开拓者的礼物可能会别有特殊之处,于是她不禁露出了好奇之色,看向那两名走上前来的侍从-他们手中捧着精致的盒子,从盒子的尺寸和形状判断,那里面显然不可能是刀剑或铠甲一类的东西。 Quick, she then saw the Gawain Cecil gift is anything: A book, as well as a grotesque metal block. 很快,她便看到了高文·塞西尔的礼物是什么:一本书,以及一个怪模怪样的金属方块。 The two kinds thing is very curious, but the line of sight of Matilda first fell in that metal block- compared with the books, this metal block made her not look clearly, it was seemed like by the dice overlay combination of a series of orderly, simultaneously the surface of each dice also carved different rune, seemed like some magic item, but actually could not see the concrete use. 两样东西都很令人好奇,而玛蒂尔达的视线首先落在了那个金属方块上-比起书本,这个金属方块更让她看不明白,它似乎是由一系列整齐的小方块叠加组合而成,同时每个小方块的表面还刻下了不同的符文,看上去像是某种魔法道具,但却又看不出具体的用处。 It called ‚the rune Rubik's cube, gives to you,” Gawain answered, „at first was my leisure the thing that made, my chief Runeshaper Jenny made some transformations to it later. You can think that it is a toy, or is the tool of training thought that I know that you are interested in the math and rune very much, then this thing is very suitable you.” “它叫‘符文魔方’,是送给你的,”高文解释道,“起初是我闲暇时做出来的东西,随后我的首席符文师詹妮对它做了一些改造。你可以认为它是一个玩具,亦或者是训练思维的工具,我知道你对数学和符文都很感兴趣,那么这东西很适合你。” Under Gawain's hints, Matilda takes up that was called Rubik's cube the metal block from the box curiously, discovered with amazement it unexpectedly in wanting compared with imagination was more dexterous, she manipulated later slightly, then the discovery composed its these dice can move unexpectedly- she swayed from side to side Rubik's cube surface, immediately feels to sink. 高文的示意下,玛蒂尔达好奇地从盒子中拿起了那个被称作“魔方”的金属方块,惊讶地发现它竟比想象中的要轻巧许多,随后她稍微摆弄了一下,便发现组成它的那些小方块竟然都是可以活动的-她扭动了魔方的一个面,立刻感到手中一沉。 Although it is not mage, but immediately conscious to magic knowledge quite understanding Matilda to reason: Before the Rubik's cube dexterous is completely because has some type to reduce weight rune to have the function, as she rotates this block, rune that corresponds then shut off. 本身虽然不是法师,但对魔法知识颇为了解的玛蒂尔达立刻意识到了原因:魔方之前的“轻巧”完全是因为有某种减重符文在产生作用,而随着她转动这个方块,相对应的符文便被切断了。 This block should conceal a small-scale Unit magic circuit for providing the energy, but composes its a series of dice, can make rune combine all kinds of changes, marvelous magic power is then pasting in the steel rotation of this lifeless from this quietly. 这个方块内部应该暗藏着一个小型的魔网用于提供能源,而组成它的那一系列小方块,可以让符文组合出各种各样的变化,奇妙的魔法力量便由此在这无生命的钢铁转动中悄然流转着。 Matilda blinks, decides the Rubik's cube in looks at hand. 玛蒂尔达眨了眨眼,定定地看着手中的魔方。 As if in looks at magical technology some miniature. 仿佛在看着魔导技术的某种缩影。 This is only a toy......, but not only probably toy. 这只是个玩具……但又好像不只是个玩具。 At first because own gift is only toy, but in the heart slightly felt strange Matilda unable to bear fall into the thinking, but in the thinking, her line of sight fell on another gift. 起初因为自己的礼物只是个“玩具”而心中略感古怪的玛蒂尔达忍不住陷入了思索,而在思索中,她的视线落在了另一件礼物上。 That is one has the blue flinty seal, to seem like not very heavy/thick book, in the title page is the bronzed writing of handwritten form: 那是一本有着蓝色硬质封皮、看上去并不很厚重的书,封面上是手写体的烫金文字: «Society And Machine»- grants Roseta Augustus. 《社会与机器》-赠与罗塞塔奥古斯都 This is a book that scholars of our country compiled to complete recently, some inside also I regarding the social development and future idea,” Gawain am smiling lightly, „, if your father has the time to look, perhaps helps him understand our Cecilian thinking mode.” “这是我国的学者们最近编纂完成的一本书,里面也有一些我本人对于社会发展和未来的想法,”高文淡淡地笑着,“如果你的父亲有时间看一看,或许有助于他了解我们塞西尔人的思维方式。” The line of sight of Matilda has swept on this two kinds thing slowly. 玛蒂尔达的视线在这两样东西上缓缓扫过。 This may really be two special gifts, has the profound meaning that is worth estimating respectively. 这可真是两份特殊的礼物,各自有着值得揣摩的深意。 She smiled, ordering attendant to accept two gifts, taking care, looks properly later to Gawain: I will return to Aldernan your well-meaning belt/bring- naturally, one and brings also has these documents and memoranda that we sign.” 她笑了起来,命令侍从将两份礼物收下,妥善保管,随后看向高文:“我会将您的善意带回到奥尔德南-当然,一并带回去的还有我们签下的那些文件和备忘录。” Prosperous and peace new situation will start from this,” Gawain also shows the smile, has taken one glass of red wines from side, holds up slightly, it is worth clinking glasses for this reason.” “繁荣与和平的新局面会由此开始,”高文同样露出微笑,从旁取过一杯红酒,微微举起,“它值得我们为此碰杯。” Matilda also carries the wine glass, two glittering and translucent carving wine glasses make the clear sound in the midair: To prosper and peace new situation.” 玛蒂尔达同样端起酒杯,两支晶莹剔透的酒杯在半空中发出清脆的声响:“为了繁荣与和平的新局面。” ...... …… A banquet, guests and hosts having a good time. 一番宴席,宾主尽欢。 The train platform to Eastern Region area, the carrying/sustaining the train of Typhon mission is sliding gently, the acceleration, moves to the remote horizon gradually. 通往东境地区的列车站台上,承载着提丰使团的列车平缓地滑行,加速,渐渐驶向遥远的地平线。 Their departure as well as both sides this setting agreement will take tomorrow the large page on newspaper, and becomes the subject of Cecil residents spare time in the following some time, will then fade out the line of sight of people quickly, the average person will continue they busy and substantial life, besides official that the keen merchant and responsibility will be , many people will not continue to pay attention to this matter. 他们的离去以及双方此次定下的协议将占据明天报纸上的大幅版面,并在接下来一段时间里成为塞西尔市民们茶余饭后的谈资,然后很快淡出人们的视线,普通人将继续他们忙碌而充实的生活,除了嗅觉敏锐的商人和职责所在的官员之外,不会有多少人继续关注这件事。 But the long-term influence that it triggers, to the potential change that this continent situation creates, under the condition that in most people are unable to detect ferments slowly, bit by bit plunges in the life of everyone. 而它所引发的长远影响,对这片大陆局势造成的潜在改变,会在大部分人无法察觉的状态下缓缓发酵,一点一点地浸入每一个人的生活中。 Rebecca stands on terrace of autumn palace, is manipulating an exquisite gold falling decoration- this is Matilda gives her gift- she raised the head, looked at a direction of urban fringe, said one sigh with emotion: Walked.” 瑞贝卡站在秋宫的露台上,摆弄着一个小巧的金质坠饰-这是玛蒂尔达送给她的礼物-她抬起头来,看了一眼城市边缘的方向,略带感慨地说了一句:“走了诶。” Gawain hears sound of standing has turned the head: „Do you like that Matilda very much?” 站在旁边的高文闻声转过头:“你很喜欢那个玛蒂尔达么?” Normally, perhaps can become a good friend,” Rebecca thinks, later shakes the head, was a pity that is Typhonian.” “正常情况下,或许能成个不错的朋友,”瑞贝卡想了想,随后又摇摇头,“可惜是个提丰人。” Gawain brings some curiously, asked: If doesn't consider her status?” 高文带着些许好奇,又问道:“那要是不考虑她的身份呢?” Also calculates to get along well, she truly likes also excelling at mathematical science and machinery very much very much, at least can visit her usually to have the pharmaceutical supervision, but she still at wants other more things, the magical domain knowledge...... she saying that obviously that is her hobby, but in fact liked perhaps only occupying a small part,” Rebecca is saying while knits the brows, her live was more tired than me.” “还算谈得来,她确实很喜欢也很擅长数理和机械,起码看得出来她平常是有认真研究的,但她显然还在想更多别的事情,魔导领域的知识……她自称那是她的爱好,但实际上爱好恐怕只占了一小部分,”瑞贝卡一边说着一边皱了皱眉,“她活的比我累多了。” Some Gawain quite accident/surprise looks at this girl: „Can you also feel such profound thing unexpectedly?” 高文颇有些意外地看着姑娘:“你竟然还能感觉到这么深刻的东西?” Rebecca is beckoning with the hand immediately: Yeah, girl's exchange way Lord Ancestor you do not understand.” 瑞贝卡立刻摆着手:“哎,女孩子的交流方式祖先大人您不懂的。” Gawain is not angry, but brought some to favor to drown to look at Rebecca one, shook the head: That Typhon Princess truly many that you are more tired, I can feel that her side that time tight atmosphere- she was young, does not excel in hiding it.” 高文也不生气,只是带着些许宠溺看了瑞贝卡一眼,摇摇头:“那位提丰公主确实比你累的多,我都能感觉到她身边那股时刻紧绷的氛围-她还是年轻了些,不擅于隐藏它。” Rebecca is listening to the Gawain's words, actually seriously pondered, hesitates to whisper: Yeah, Lord Ancestor, you said that I should also study? My many is also Princess yeah, if which day you lie down......” 瑞贝卡听着高文的话,却认真思考了一下,犹豫着嘀咕起来:“哎,祖先大人,您说我是不是也该学着点啊?我多少也是个公主哎,万一哪天您又躺回……” Just told only half that this girl startled all of a sudden to respond, the latter half a word words then do not dare saying that but shrank the neck to raise the head cautiously the looks at Gawain's complexion- this girl the place of progress lay in she has been able unable to say to some words in coming under attack beforehand conscious now unexpectedly, but the regret that half a word words that lay in she speaks still enough made the listener give the supplement to be complete the following content, therefore the Gawain's complexion was immediately strange. 刚说到一半这姑娘就激灵一下子反应过来,后半句话便不敢说出口了,只是缩着脖子小心翼翼地抬头看着高文的脸色-这姑娘的进步之处就在于她现在竟然已经能在挨打之前意识到有些话不可以说了,而遗憾之处就在于她说的那半句话仍然足够让听者把后面的内容给补充完整,于是高文的脸色顿时就古怪起来。 His look looks at shrinks Rebecca of neck complex, in the heart Is somewhat sighing with regret perhaps suddenly will happen one day, his rule will arrive in the end point, but Rebecca...... feared that can be mad him crawls again. 他眼神复杂地看着缩着脖子的瑞贝卡,心中突然有些慨叹-或许终有一天,他的统治将抵达终点,而瑞贝卡……怕是能把他气的再爬起来。 Thinks carefully he thought oneself lives diligently, strives for rule to arrive in the end point the time bestows this silly roe deer for the king...... 仔细想想他觉得自己还是努力活吧,争取统治抵达终点的时候把这傻狍子追封为王…… Rebecca actually does not know in the Gawain mind to transfer what thought( even if knows also has no idea probably), she will be only somewhat sends lost will stay, then as if remembered anything suddenly: Right, Lord Ancestor, the Typhon mission walked, should that then be the Sacred Dragon Duchy mission?” 瑞贝卡却不知道高文脑海里在转什么念头(哪怕知道了大概也没什么想法),她只是有些出神地发了会呆,然后仿佛突然想起什么:“对了,祖先大人,提丰的使团走了,那接下来应该就是圣龙公国的使团了吧?” Some Gawain accidents/surprises record the matter in this aspect in Rebecca unexpectedly earnestly, later nods: Byron set off went to the north, besides constructs Northern Harbor, his another duty is to greet the Sacred Dragon Duchy mission. Actually as scheduled, Sacred Dragon Duchy Envoy must before Month of Cold finished arrives in Southern Region, but the both sides correspondence mediation delayed some date and time, now looked like they to arrive in Southern Region at least to need to arrive at Month of Recovery. But this is also good, can stagger Typhonian, we arrange will be more relaxed.” 高文有些意外于瑞贝卡竟然会认真记着这方面的事情,随后点点头:“拜伦已经出发前往北方,除了去建设北港之外,他另一个任务就是迎接圣龙公国的使团。其实按照原计划,圣龙公国使者们是要在冷冽之月结束之前抵达南境的,但双方书信斡旋耽搁了些时日,现在看来等他们抵达南境至少要到复苏之月了。但这样也好,可以错开提丰人,我们安排的会轻松一些。” Really good......” Rebecca narrows the eye, brought to anticipate to smile, they were the Maggie clansman...... do not know that can become friends.” “真好啊……”瑞贝卡眯起眼睛,带着些期待笑了起来,“他们是玛姬的族人……不知道能不能交朋友。” Friends...... 朋友…… The Gawain vision profoundly, calmly is thinking deeply about this phrase. 高文目光深邃,静静地思索着这个字眼。 Has the mysterious background, does not know what relation with Tollund Great Dragon Dragon descendant......, if really can haul in the Cecil settlement area, that but actually truly is a good deed. 有着神秘背景,和塔尔隆德巨龙不知有何联系的龙裔们……如果真能拉进塞西尔结算区的话,那倒确实是一件好事。
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