SOD :: Volume #9

#827: Spring wind

Regarding this time life people in Holy Spirit Plain eastern area, the spring arrival not only means the cold winter to finish, the weather warms up, is campaign most to closing the important inflection point. 对于此时生活在圣灵平原东部地区的人们而言,春天的到来不仅仅意味着寒冬结束,天气转暖,更是一场“战役”最至关重要的拐点。 Shouldered a suppression of cold winter, the reconstruction of Holy Spirit Plain will have re-entered the right track with oncoming of Month of Recovery, the day that the solid ice melted, was Human Race turns toward the day that past the homeland took a step. 扛过了一场寒冬的压制,圣灵平原的重建将随着复苏之月的来临重新进入正轨,坚冰化开的日子,就是人类重新向着昔日家园迈步的日子。 Red maple tree reconstruction camp south foothold. 红枫重建营地南部据点。 Wears Dr. Druid of white green side uniform/subdue to sit after the table, turns a looks at present form, after the vision has swept the above record, this thin and tall young people raise the head, looks at stands in the table silent opposite, wears high grown man of hood. 身披白色绿边制服的德鲁伊医师坐在桌后,翻看着眼前的一份表格,目光扫过上面的记录之后,这个高高瘦瘦的年轻人抬起头来,看着沉默站在桌子对面、头戴兜帽的高大男人 From the east boundary area? Initiative registration?” “来自东部边界地区?主动报名的?” Wears the man of hood simply un, does not seem to start talking. 戴着兜帽的男人简单地嗯了一声,似乎不愿开口讲话。 Dr. Druid who is responsible for registering has been unalarmed by strange sights to this situation, he receives hundreds of recovery, the crystallization has infected to the damage that they caused were inconceivable, this wound was not only on the body-, but he believes that each recovery had the opportunity of returning the normal life, at least, here will admit them. 负责登记的德鲁伊医师对这种情况已经见怪不怪,他接待过数以百计的痊愈者,晶化感染对他们造成了难以想象的创伤,这种创伤不仅仅是身体上的-但他相信每一个痊愈者都有重新回到正常生活的机会,至少,这里会接纳他们。 Casts off the hood,” doctor said that many that need not nervous, I see.” “摘掉兜帽,”医师说道,“不用紧张,我见的多了。” The big man was still silent, but at least quite coordinates, he put out a hand to cast off head hood, later loosened the camoflauge facial features scarf. 高大的男人仍然沉默,但至少相当配合,他伸手摘掉了头上的兜帽,随后又解下了遮蔽面容的围巾。 Is covering the black scab and survives the crystal the facial features to appear before the doctor, the scar that the crystal corrosion leaves behind spreads following the cheek, even spread in the collar. 一张覆盖着黑色结痂和残存晶体的面容出现在医师面前,晶体侵蚀留下的疤痕顺着面颊一路蔓延,甚至蔓延到了领子里面。 „...... Really can live thanks to you,” young doctor looked at these scar and crystal moments, the microstrip sighed that is shaking the head saying that does not need to be worried, here also has person like you- crystal cluster contamination left behind tens of thousands of infected people, but this lands still welcome you- this is your numberplate.” “……真亏你能活下来,”年轻医师看了那些疤痕和晶体片刻,微带感叹地摇着头说道,“不过不必担心,这里还有很多像你一样的人-晶簇污染留下了数以万计的感染者,但这片土地仍然欢迎你们-这是你的号码牌。” The young doctor together will suppress the metal plate that gives at present with the machine recovery, on the metal plate is glittering the close mesh lines, as well as striking Number -32. 年轻医师将一块用机器压制出来的金属板递给眼前的“痊愈者”,金属板上闪烁着细密的网格线,以及醒目的数字-32。 32 nd......” big man read the above number in a low voice, the voice brings hoarse, brings wound that the crystallization infection is leaving behind. “三十二号……”高大的男人低声念出了上面的数字,嗓音带着嘶哑,带着晶化感染留下的创伤。 You can write your name in the back, can not write- many recovery gave the new name to oneself, you can also do that. But the statistical department only recognizes your serial number, this point everyone is the same.” “你可以把自己的名字写在背面,也可以不写-很多痊愈者给自己起了新名字,你也可以这么做。但统计部门只认你的编号,这一点所有人都是一样的。” The big man has not responded, but asked after the silence of moment hoarsely: When do I work?” 高大的男人没有作出回应,只是在片刻的沉默之后沙哑问道:“我什么时候去工作?” Relax, tomorrow morning some people will bring the place that you work,” young doctor smiled, before then, you can first be familiar with this place, is familiar with here atmosphere-” “放心,明天早晨就会有人带你去工作的地方,”年轻的医师笑了起来,“在此之前,你可以先熟悉一下这个地方,熟悉这里的气氛-” The sound that the machine thunders conveys from out of the window along with the call letter sound of workers together. 机器轰鸣的声音伴随着工人们的呼号声一同从窗外传来。 The big silent man looks to out of the window, saw that hoodwinks Matting's oversize vehicle to stop in the open field, the workers are transporting the gunnysack that unloads from the vehicle unitedly, wears young official of uniform/subdue to stand, is talking in the team leaders with motorcade, but in worker who these unload a vehicle, there is a health average person, there are brings the scar and crystal vestiges recovery. 高大沉默的男人看向窗外,看到蒙着苫布的大型车辆正停在开阔地上,工人们正齐心协力地搬运着从车上卸下来的麻袋,身穿制服的年轻官员站在旁边,正在与车队的领队交谈,而在那些卸车的工人中,既有健康的普通人,也有身上带着疤痕与水晶残迹的痊愈者们。 The doctor stands up after the table, before arriving at the window : Welcome arrives at the red maple tree reconstruction zone, all will be good- is the same on such as this lands, all will be reconstructed finally.” 医师从桌后站起身,来到窗前:“欢迎来到红枫重建区,一切都会好起来的-就如这片土地一样,一切最终都将得到重建。” The large truck that another is deceiving Matting sailed to the barracks area, the wind volume that day after day returns to warmer weather crosses the flagpole in square, moves one side of the compartment to be used for the fixed Matting's bandage, more constructors welled up, the coordination transports the wooden crate and gunnysack that on the vehicle are unloading adeptly. 又一辆蒙着苫布的大型卡车驶进了营区,日渐回暖的风卷过广场上的旗杆,吹动着车厢一侧用来固定苫布的绑带,更多的建设者涌了上来,配合娴熟地搬运着车上卸下来的木箱和麻袋。 This was the last batch of grain that the western area can collect,” the team leader looks at that last truck of motorcade, said to nearby young official, hopes this can add on your busy.” “这是西部地区能筹集到的最后一批粮食了,”车队的队长看着那最后一辆卡车,对旁边的年轻官员说道,“希望这能帮上你们的忙。” Is enough,” wears young government affairs hall official of coat to nod, „the commodity of reserve enough makes us support the harvest season, we will certainly resume production before that.” “已经足够了,”身穿大衣的年轻政务厅官员点着头,“储备的物资足够让我们撑到收获季,我们一定会在那之前恢复生产。” The arm is strong, keeps the motorcade team leader looks at front of full beard, looks at these mix among the average people, remains sigh with emotion crystal cluster infection trace personnel: Infected person crosses very difficultly in other areas, I when across the boundary noticed that still had the village to drive away the infected person to the wilderness......” 臂膀强壮有力,留着络腮胡子的车队队长感慨地看着前方,看着那些混在普通人中间的、身上还残留着晶簇感染痕迹的人员:“感染者在其他地区都过得很难,我在穿过边界的时候看到仍然有村子把感染者驱赶到荒郊野外……” They are called recovery here ‚’, this is higher authority's order,” young official said, occupies the evil strength on land to be eradicated, the infection is impossible to spread again, changes a name, is changes people idea the first step. Naturally, we also understand the average person to crystal cluster fear and hostility, again recovery who if you meet the boundary area, can make them come to here, here each reconstruction camp will admit them, we welcome many labour force forever.” “他们在这里被称作‘痊愈者’,这是上级的命令,”年轻官员说道,“盘踞在土地上的邪恶力量已经被铲除,感染已经不可能再蔓延,改变一个名字,是改变人们想法的第一步。当然,我们也理解普通人对‘晶簇’的恐惧和敌视,所以如果你再遇到边界地区的痊愈者,可以让他们来这里,这里的每一座重建营地都会接纳他们,我们永远欢迎更多的劳动力。” I will transmit- the publicity kiosk to the government affairs hall are wary , the average person but who returns to from the reconstruction zone should be able to obtain their faith,” motorcade teams leader smiled, his vision actually sweeps that to stop the truck in open area, has swept these reconstruction personnel that came from each region gathering, cannot bear sighed in a soft voice, this real inconceivable......” “我会代为传达的-他们对政务厅的宣传站心存疑虑,但一个从重建区返回的普通人应该更能获得他们的信赖,”车队队长笑了起来,他的目光却扫过那一辆辆停在空地上的卡车,扫过那些从各地汇聚而来的重建人员,忍不住轻声感叹,“这真的不可思议……” What inconceivable?” “什么不可思议?” These people, these things...... entire Empire is revolving, only to reconstruct this plain...... Ainz time, who dares to imagine such matter?” The motorcade teams leader are sighing, shakes the head gently, this is new order that your majesty said ‚’......” “这些人,还有这些东西……整个帝国都在运转,只为了重建这片平原……安苏时代,谁敢想象这样的事情?”车队队长感叹着,轻轻摇了摇头,“这就是陛下说的‘新秩序’吧……” Young government affairs hall official has not responded, the looks at distant place, the vision as if passed through the fence of reconstruction camp looking pensive, passes through wilderness plain that the length and breadth fluctuated...... 年轻的政务厅官员却并没有回应,只是若有所思地看着远方,目光仿佛穿过了重建营地的围墙,穿过了广袤起伏的旷野平原…… ...... …… The blue flag in Fort Thorin city wall dances in the breeze to stretch in the wind, in the wind as if brought aura of vegetation resurrection, in research center's long corridor resounded the rapid sound of footsteps, a gray-haired Druid half step passed through the corridor, in the hand is lifting up high one volume of materials: „No. 3 neutralizaing agent is effective! No. 3 neutralizaing agent is effective!!” 索林堡城墙上的蓝色旗帜在风中飘舞舒展,风中仿佛带来了草木苏生的气息,研究中心长长的走廊内响起急促的脚步声,一名头发花白的德鲁伊快步走过长廊,手中高举着一卷资料:“三号中和剂有效!三号中和剂有效!!” The middle-aged Druid shout spread over the corridor, the gate of Room one by one opened, worked technology personnel that to poke head in the facility, after the short confusion and response, the cheers finally started to resound through the entire corridor. 中年德鲁伊的喊声传遍了走廊,一个个的门打开了,在设施内工作的技术人员们纷纷探出头来,在短暂的困惑和反应之后,欢呼声终于开始响彻整个走廊。 The wind has blown the garden outside corridor, in the garden exceptionally luxuriant flowers and plants trees drag cheerfully in this early spring season, during the branches and leaves friction transmits the sound, just like applauding to cheer. 风吹过走廊外的庭院,庭院中异常繁茂的花草树木在这初春时节欢快地摇曳起来,枝叶摩擦间传来哗哗的声响,宛若鼓掌喝彩。 By land that nearby the research facility, the test uses, Norris stood under supporting by the arm of assistant slowly, he listens to the sound that in the vegetation is transmitting, cannot bear look to the direction of Thorin great tree, he noticed that huge plant is swaying own crown under the bright sunlight slightly, the branches and leaves that is hard to count are dragging in the wind, seems mixing with incessant chatter in a low voice. 研究设施附近,测试用的土地旁,诺里斯在助手的搀扶下慢慢站了起来,他听着草木中传来的声响,忍不住望向索林巨树的方向,他看到那株庞大的植物正在灿烂的阳光下微微摇晃自己的树冠,难以计数的枝叶在风中摇曳着,其中仿佛夹杂着低声的絮语。 Minister, No. 3 neutralizaing agent was effective,” the voice of assistant conveys from side, has the exciting joyous feelings that is hard to conceal, as the matter stands, even if the contamination most serious land can also be purified effectively, the Holy Spirit Plain grain-producing region can cultivate quickly!” “部长,三号中和剂奏效了,”助手的声音从旁传来,带着难以掩饰的兴奋喜悦之情,“这样一来,哪怕污染最严重的土地也可以得到有效净化,圣灵平原的产粮区很快就可以重新耕种了!” At present the land that Norris looks at has recovered the health, proliferates on the face of wrinkle to reappear slowly the smile, he relaxes bluntly, looks at one by one agronomy assistant, the one by one Druid expert, is nodding freely: Useful good, useful good......” 诺里斯看着眼前已经恢复健康的土地,遍布皱纹的面孔上慢慢浮现出笑容,他不加掩饰地松了口气,看着身旁的一个个农学助手,一个个德鲁伊专家,不住地点着头:“有用就好,有用就好……” His vision or on the exhausted or exciting face has swept, finally fell on corner one group of special flower vines, the old person walked slowly, stopped before the flowered vine: Belterra lady, thank your assistance, without you, we were impossible to find the most effective purification plan quickly......” 他的目光在一张张或疲惫或兴奋的面孔上扫过,最终落在了角落一团特殊的花藤上,老人慢慢走了过去,在花藤前停下:“贝尔提拉女士,感谢您的协助,如果没有您,我们不可能这么快找到最有效的净化方案……” The flower vine crash-bang is wriggling, the green leaf and between the flowers winding growth, a female form appears, Belterra appears before the people, expression light: Do not thank me...... in the final analysis, I am recovering the mistake that we make personally.” 花藤哗啦啦地蠕动着,绿叶和花朵缠绕生长间,一个女性身影从中浮现出来,贝尔提拉出现在众人面前,表情一片平淡:“不要感谢我……归根到底,我只是在补救我们亲自犯下的错误。” But No. 3 neutralizaing agent completes with the assistance of your eventually,” Norris shakes the head slightly, if, moreover does not have your life catalysis strength, we not possible to complete all specimen tests and contrastive analyses in short one winter.” “但三号中和剂终究是在你的协助下完成的,”诺里斯微微摇了摇头,“而且如果没有你的生命催化力量,我们不可能在短短一个冬天内完成所有的样本测试和对比分析。” Belterra is listening to the Norris words, lacks on the expression face to only have a tranquility. 贝尔提拉听着诺里斯的话,缺乏表情的面孔上只有一片平静。 uses/gives poison understands the detoxification, once disseminated curse All Things Finally Die Society naturally also to have the detail about this curse on this lands, but as inheriting the All Things Finally Die Society final heritage miracle creation, she truly successfully helped people of Fort Thorin research agency find in the neutralization soil the crystallization contamination best method, was only in she opinion...... 施毒者懂得解毒,曾经在这片土地上散播诅咒万物终亡会自然也掌握着关于这场诅咒的详细资料,而作为继承了万物终亡会最终遗产的“奇迹造物”,她确实成功帮助索林堡研究机构的人们找到了中和土壤中晶化污染的最佳手段,只是在她自己看来…… This really cannot be called as is one type glory. 这实在不能称作是一种“荣耀”。 Found No. 3 neutralizaing agent to be insufficient merely, how the following difficulty is as soon as possible the mass production,” an expert on the scene broke silent, one thing walks to the factory from the laboratory requires the time, turns into the product also to require time from the raw material- spring will cultivate will quickly start, whether heavy Area contamination can restore to cultivate is we went through this difficulty smoothly the key.” “仅仅找到三号中和剂是不够的,接下来的难点是如何尽快量产,”一名在场的专家打破了沉默,“一样东西从研究室走到工厂是需要时间的,从原料变成产品也需要时间-春季耕种很快就会开始,重度污染是否能恢复耕种是我们顺利度过这场难关的关键。” Is good because of the preparation process of neutralizaing agent is not complex, existing Alchemy Factory should have the production condition, the key arranges the raw material and transformation reaction still,” another technology personnel said that „, if St. Sunil and Alchemy Factory of Pompeii area also begins, should with enough time.” “好在中和剂的制备过程并不复杂,现有的炼金工厂应该都具备生产条件,关键只是筹备原材料和改造反应釜,”另一名技术人员说道,“如果圣苏尼尔庞贝地区的炼金工厂同时开工,应该就来得及。” Belterra is listening to people's discussion, the branch and flowers and plants are dragging gently: If needs me, I can help- can also be used to synthesize the neutralizaing agent in the ecology pod that my root system area grows, but the efficiency possibly cannot compare your factory......” 贝尔提拉听着人们的讨论,身后的枝丫和花草轻轻摇曳着:“如果需要我,我可以帮忙-在我根系区生长的生态荚舱也可以用于合成中和剂,只不过效率可能比不上你们的工厂……” These ecology pods are cultivating the seed that the spring plowing needs, this to our same important,” Norris interrupted the Belterra words, Belterra lady, please believe that the Cecil industry the strength, Alchemy Factory will solve the following production problem.” “那些生态荚舱正在培育春耕所需的种子,这对我们同样重要,”诺里斯打断了贝尔提拉的话,“贝尔提拉女士,请相信塞西尔工业的力量,炼金工厂会解决接下来的生产问题。” Afterward, this old person smiles: Naturally, if really presents the risk that the output is insufficient, we will also certainly seek help from you promptly.” 随后,这位老人又笑了笑:“当然,如果真的出现产量不足的风险,我们也一定会及时向你求助。” Belterra calmly looks at present old person, the strength of looks at this does not have any extraordinary, even the life has soon come to the end point, is actually leading tens of thousands and is willing to join in Extraordinary in this enterprise to reverse an old person of disaster with his same average person, suddenly has not spoken. 贝尔提拉静静地看着眼前的老人,看着这个没有任何超凡之力,甚至连生命都已经快要走到终点,却带领着成千上万和他一样的普通人以及愿意投身到这场事业中的超凡者们来逆转一场灾难的老人,一时间没有说话。 She closed the eye slightly, perception filled the air, is gazing at all on this lands. 她微微闭上了眼睛,感知弥漫开来,注视着这片土地上的一切。 In this day return to warmer weather Month of Recovery, gust has blown the wilderness plain of Thorin area, the wind has blown the Thorin great tree that as huge and broad-leaf within raises continuous waves as the crown of sun-blocking in the overlapping branch. 在这天地回暖的复苏之月,又有一阵风吹过索林地区的旷野平原,风吹过索林巨树那庞然到遮天蔽日的树冠在层层叠叠的枝丫和阔叶间掀起一道道连绵不绝的波浪。 Places is sending out the spooky blue light in the Thorin great top of the tree end giant magic energy obelisk, floats in in the air is revolving tranquilly, establishes in tree trunk lower-level hub monitor station, is reappearing the regards from distant site with the obelisk direct connected magic circuit terminal sky over: 安置在索林巨树顶端的巨型魔能方尖碑散发着幽幽蓝光,漂浮在空中平静地运转着,设置在树干下层的枢纽监测站内,与方尖碑直接相连的魔网终端机上空正浮现出来自远方站点的问候: „The Luan hub to the Thorin hub transmission information, gave regards to the compatriots in reconstruction zone- today's Luan city weather is clear.” 卢安枢纽向索林枢纽传递信息,向重建区的同胞们问好-今天卢安城天气晴好。” The great tree area underground deep place, winds among the huge root hair systems, once All Things Finally Die Society headquarters already occupied by the vine, root hair and modern civilization, under the bright magic crystal lamp illuminated the past gloomy depressing room and hall, the light shines, the luxuriant plant is crowding around the one by one translucent ecology pod, in the faint yellow biomass solution, was massively by life that the foster matrix wrapped- no longer was the experiment lifeform of distortion, was not the fatal Abomination monster, that was the common grain and legumes, moreover is marching into fast maturely. 巨树区地下深处,蜿蜒庞大的根须体系之间,曾经的万物终亡会总部已经被藤蔓、根须和现代文明占据,明亮的魔晶石灯照亮了昔日阴沉压抑的房间和大厅,灯光照耀下,繁茂的植物簇拥着一个个半透明的生态荚舱,淡黄色的生物质溶液内,是大量被培养基质包裹的生命-不再是扭曲的实验生物,也不是致命的神孽怪物,那是再寻常不过的谷物和豆类,而且正在飞快地步入成熟。 That is Belterra and a Empire Druid entire winter achievement, was catalyzes foster not to know after many success individuals, can in the seed that the mild contamination area grew healthy and strong. 那是贝尔提拉帝国德鲁伊们一整个冬天的成果,是催化培养了不知多少次之后的成功个体,是可以在轻度污染的地区都茁壮成长的种子。 Wears the Empire Druid of long gown or short robe is bustling about in foster vessel, observes specimen, the data recording, the screening individual, peaceful ordered, earnest rigorous. 身穿长袍或短袍的帝国德鲁伊们在培养容器之间忙碌着,观察样本,记录数据,筛查个体,安静有序,认真严谨。 This made Belterra unable to bear will remember the past time, remembered past these All Things Finally Die believers busy look in underground palace. 这让贝尔提拉忍不住会想起过去的时光,想起昔日那些万物终亡教徒们在地宫中忙碌的模样 But all are obviously entirely different. 但一切明显截然不同。 technology, returned to its proper direction eventually. 技术,终究回到了它应有的方向。
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