SOD :: Volume #9

#822: 3 stages

Hetty and Carmel and the others obtained the recent working arrangement, then leaves the study room quickly, in the big room appears is quiet, finally only stayed behind sat in desk following Gawain, as well as stood in desk front Veronica / Ophelia. 赫蒂卡迈尔等人得到了近期的工作安排,很快便离开书房,偌大的房间中显得清静下来,最后只留下了坐在书桌后面的高文,以及站在书桌前面的维罗妮卡/奥菲利亚 Naturally, Amber also at the scene, but she dissolves in the air for a long time, can ignore. 当然,琥珀也在现场,不过她长期溶于空气,可以忽略不计。 Gawain looked up a hand to hold Veronica of platinum scepter, indifferent nod: About this time Higher Level Narrator, some issues we can discuss. Sits.” 高文抬头看了一眼手执白金权杖的维罗妮卡,淡然点头:“关于这次的‘上层叙事者’,有些问题我们可以讨论一下。坐吧。” Veronica nods, takes a seat on desk high back chair, simultaneously said in a soft voice: Your this action provided a precious reference model for us- this should be for the first time we is so so direct-viewing, near distance to contact Gods, moreover is at Gods under sane condition.” 维罗妮卡点点头,在书桌旁的一张高背椅上落座,同时轻声说道:“您这次的行动为我们提供了一个宝贵的参考范例-这应该是我们第一次如此直观、如此近距离地接触一个神明,而且是处于理智状态下的神明。” The Gawain sinking sound said: strictly speaking and Myriad Gods in real world has the difference, now was unable to determine in the sandbox world Higher Level Narrator that ferments to come out is whether enough completely, moreover It has experienced the complex process of crazy, death and fission, did not say in this process It had anything to change.” 高文沉声说道:“严格来讲还是和现实世界中的众神有区别,现在还不能确定沙箱世界中酝酿出来的上层叙事者是否足够‘完整’,而且祂经历过疯狂、死亡、分裂的复杂过程,不好说在这个过程中祂都发生了什么变化。” But is enough as the reference,” Veronica said, we at least can analyze many Gods from It unique characteristics.” “但作为参考是足够的,”维罗妮卡说道,“我们至少可以从祂身上分析出许多神明特有的‘特征’。” For example...... Divine Attribute purely and to the response of mortal ideological trend,” Gawain said slowly, Higher Level Narrator comprised of Divine Attribute and humane two parts, the human nature appears radical, chaos and sentiment abundantly and insufficiently sane, but also is deceitfully more intelligent, Divine Attribute pure many, I can feel, It has the unconditional protection to oneself people and attaches great importance, moreover to satisfy the believer common ideological trend will take action- moreover, looking from some aspect, Its humane part actually also to satisfy the believer ideological trend will act, but the way will be different.” “比如……神性的纯粹和对凡人思潮的响应,”高文缓缓说道,“上层叙事者神性和人性两部分组成,人性显得激进、混乱、感情充沛且不够理智,但同时也更加聪明狡诈,神性则单纯的多,我能感觉出来,祂对自己的子民有着无条件的保护和重视,而且会为了满足信徒的共同思潮采取行动-另外,从某方面看,祂的人性部分其实也是为了满足信徒的思潮而行动的,只不过方式有所不同。” Is saying, Gawain while frowns slowly: „Before this verified me a suspicion: All Gods, no matter whether crazy is finally harmful, It is to stem from protects the goal of mortal in the early stage in the action......” 一边说着,高文一边慢慢皱起眉头:“这印证了我之前的一个猜想:所有神明,不管最终是否疯狂有害,祂在早期阶段都是出于保护凡人的目的在行动的……” Defier never denied that this possibility, we even think until the crazy last minute, Gods will retain in certain aspects protects the instinct of mortal,” Veronica said calmly, has the too plenty evidence to show the asylum of Gods to mortal world, in Human Race primitive era, existence of Gods even made the vulnerable mortal evade the innumerable total destruction at that time, Gods crazy degenerate was a process of evolution-, in this time after Higher Level Narrator the action ended, I confirmed this point.” 忤逆者从不否认这个可能性,我们甚至认为直到疯狂的最后一刻,神明都会在某些方面保留保护凡人的本能,”维罗妮卡平静地说道,“有太多证据可以证明神明对凡人世界的庇护,在人类原始时代,神明的存在甚至让当时脆弱的凡人躲过了无数次灭顶之灾,神明疯狂堕落是一个渐进的过程-在这次针对‘上层叙事者’的行动结束之后,我更加确认了这一点。” Veronica is saying, lowers the head slightly, is arriving at the chin with the finger gently, seems like thinking, seems like in the organization language: We can ‚’ be regarded as Gods of early stage Higher Level Narrator- in birth in the early period , the quite pure ideological trend makes It have purer Divine Attribute, this is most is close to Gods essence the stage, but Gods in real world situated in later period, according to the observation record of our during that time, Myriad Gods in real world has been at very chaos and biased condition, but obviously this situation will constantly deteriorate......” 维罗妮卡说着,微微低下头,用手指轻轻抵着下巴,似乎是在思索,似乎是在组织语言:“我们可以把‘上层叙事者’视作是一个较早阶段的神明-处于诞生早期,较为纯粹的思潮让祂具备更加纯粹的神性,这是最接近神明‘本质’的阶段,而现实世界中的神明则位于后期,根据我们当年的观察记录,现实世界中的众神已经处于非常混沌、偏执的状态,而这种情况显然是会不断恶化的……” Our perhaps can be divided into several stages the god based on this,” Gawain thinks was saying,at first in Gods that in the mortal ideological trend is born, because of the pure individual that quite intense spirit mapping produces, they usually are because the quite sole sentiment or the desire live, for example the person's fear to death, to the awe of nature, this is primordial Gods, Higher Level Narrator is at this stage ; “我们或许可以据此把神分为几个阶段,”高文思索着说道,“最初在凡人思潮中诞生的神明,是因较为强烈的精神映射而产生的纯粹个体,祂们通常是因为比较单一的感情或愿望而生,比如人对死亡的恐惧,对大自然的敬畏,这是‘原初神明’,上层叙事者便处于这个阶段; „ After Gods birth , will then come under the influence of mortal ideological trend unceasingly, as the influence is even more lasting, they will combine too many impurity, thus also more and more becomes chaos, favors crazy more and more, this perhaps is Gods entire life cycle the longest stage, this is Gods of contamination period ; 神明诞生之后便会不断受到凡人思潮的影响,而随着影响愈加持久,祂们自身会混杂太多的‘杂质’,因而也变得越来越混沌,越来越倾向于疯狂,这恐怕是一个神明整个‘生命周期’中最漫长的阶段,这是‘污染期的神明’; In the end, contamination reaches the peak, Gods turns into existence of chaos crazy thoroughly, after all reason by the ideological trend annihilations of these chaos, Gods will be in their final stages, is Defier vigorously stage that wants to resist- insane god.” “在末期,污染达到顶峰,神明彻底变成一种混乱疯狂的存在,当所有理智都被那些混乱的思潮湮灭之后,神明将进入祂们的最终阶段,也是忤逆者极力想要对抗的阶段-‘疯神’。” The Gawain voice falls, Veronica nods gently: According to the characteristics that Higher Level Narrator reveals, your division way should be correct.” 高文话音落下,维罗妮卡轻轻点头:“根据上层叙事者表现出来的特征,您的这种划分方式应该是正确的。” „......, therefore, was not only Divine Attribute contamination the human nature, was humane contamination Divine Attribute,” Gawain sighed gently, „ we have thought Gods spirit contamination was at first and most powerful contamination, actually neglected the huge quantity of mortals also to have the enormous influence on the god...... “……所以,不仅仅是神性污染了人性,也是人性污染神性,”高文轻轻叹了口气,“我们一直认为神明精神污染是最初、最强大的污染,却忽略了数量庞大的凡人对神同样有巨大影响…… Complex and difference of mortal caused Gods to start to turn toward the crazy direction from the birth to fall unceasingly, sheltered the myriad things Gods is mortal creation comes out, finally destroyed the world insane god was also mortal makes.” “凡人的复杂和分歧导致了神明从诞生开始就不断向着疯狂的方向滑落,庇护万物的神明是凡人自己‘创造’出来的,最终毁灭世界的‘疯神’也是凡人自己造出来的。” This world essence,” Veronica calmly said, this has lived 1000 Defier tone to be indifferent, attractively like the eye pupil that in crystal carves, only then machine tranquility, is unfair, is not biased, it has one set of rule, all of us- including god- has to operate in this set of rule. Is worth satirizing only, probably is our such Defier, we are one crowd are not willing according to the mortal who the regular little darling dies, but is not willing dead, probably is to this world's largest disobedience.” “这个世界本质如此,”维罗妮卡静静地说道,这位已经活过了一千年的忤逆者语气淡然,漂亮如同水晶雕琢的眼眸中只有机器般的平静,“既不公正,也不偏颇,它只是有一套规则,我们所有人-包括神-都不得不在这套规则中运行。唯一值得讽刺的,大概就是我们这样的‘忤逆者’,我们是一群不肯按照规则乖乖去死的凡人,而不肯去死,大概就是对这个世界最大的忤逆。” Gawain silent several seconds, having the sigh to shake the head saying: „...... The survival is all living things instinct, the morals limits in the ethnic groups, in some sense, the person and gods are pitiful creatures.” 高文沉默了几秒钟,带着感叹摇头说道:“……生存是众生本能,道德局限于族群之间,某种意义上,人和神都是可怜虫。” At this moment, in nearby air broadcast the Amber sound: But why does the human nature meet contamination Divine Attribute? If the mortal is complex chaos, at the beginning of the Gods birth mortal isn't same?” 就在这时,附近的空气中传来了琥珀的声音:“可为什么人性一定会污染神性?如果凡人是复杂混乱的,神明诞生之初的凡人不也一样么?” Gawain looked around one, grasped from the air Amber conveniently, nearby Veronica says: „ Because we have been developing, the ethnic group is becoming more and more huge, is getting more and more complex, not only on material so, ideologically similarly so. 高文看了旁边一眼,顺手把琥珀从空气中抓了出来,一旁的维罗妮卡则开口说道:“因为我们一直在发展,族群在变得越来越庞大,越来越复杂,不只是物质上如此,思想上同样如此。 Ferment Gods at first ‚’ ancients, they possibly awe certain natural phenomena purely, they biggest desire possibly eats to the full to put on warmly, but goes on living the next day, but today's we? How many desires the mortals have, how many about the future anticipation and impulsion? But these will aim at that to eat to the full to put on warm Gods for the guardian at first......” “最初酝酿出‘神明’的古人们,他们可能只是单纯地敬畏某些自然现象,他们最大的愿望可能只是吃饱穿暖,只是在第二天活下去,但今天的我们呢?凡人有多少种愿望,有多少关于未来的期待和冲动?而这些都会指向那个最初只是为了保护人吃饱穿暖的神明……” Amber listened to the Veronica words, the brow unable to bear wrinkle slowly. 琥珀听着维罗妮卡的话,眉头忍不住慢慢皱了起来。 This sounds is a fast knot......, only if we never develop, even do not change the population, the thought also needs the millenniums to be invariable, can avoid producing insane god...... to be possible this to be how possible?” “这听上去是个死结……除非我们永远不要发展,甚至连人口都不要变化,思想也要千年不变,才能避免产生‘疯神’……可这怎么可能?” This truly is an endless loop,” Gawain said lightly, „, therefore we if wants the means to find to break its means. No matter the All Things Finally Die Society attempt makes one completely by humane control Gods, the Eternal Sleepers attempt between eradicating the steel mental seal means shuts off person and the god ‚the contamination link, breaks this endless loop in the attempt, but...... their roads cannot succeed.” “这确实是个死循环,”高文淡淡说道,“所以我们才要想办法找到打破它的办法。不管是万物终亡会尝试制造一个完全由人性支配的神明,还是永眠者尝试通过破除心灵钢印的办法来切断人和神之间的‘污染链接’,都是在尝试打破这个死循环,只不过……他们的路都未能成功罢了。” Amber raised the head suddenly looks at Gawain: Also will have other road?” 琥珀突然抬头看着高文:“还会有别的路么?” Gawain looks at that bright eye, shows the smile slowly: Everything depends on human effort, the road would.” 高文看着那双明亮的眼睛,慢慢露出笑容:“事在人为,路总会有的。” Hoped this road to find earlier,” Amber curls the lip, GuGu said, was good, was also good to the god......” “但愿这条路早点找到,”琥珀撇了撇嘴,嘀嘀咕咕地说道,“对人好,对神也好……” Veronica heard the Amber words, has not actually made any rebuttal or the caution as Defier her, she is only calmly is listening, the look is quiet, as if falls into the ponder. 维罗妮卡听到了琥珀的话,作为忤逆者的她却没有做出任何反驳或警示,她只是静静地听着,眼神沉静,仿佛陷入思考。 Gawain narrowed the eye slightly, in the heart the train of thought was fluctuating. 高文则微微眯起了眼睛,心中思绪起伏着。 The development of mortal...... in some sense fermented the contamination Gods toxicant, lays down hidden danger that Human Race perished, however the development, was actually the mortal when the resistance that facing this ice-cold hard world can make only. 凡人的发展……从某种意义上酝酿出了污染神明的毒药,埋下了人类自身灭亡的隐患,然而发展本身,却又是凡人在面对这个冰冷坚硬的世界时唯一能做出的反抗。 This ice-cold rule may not be really friendly, but person and god have no other choice. 这冰冷的规则可真不怎么友好,但人和神都别无选择 ...... …… Magical Technology Research Institute, Druid research center. 魔导技术研究所,德鲁伊研究中心。 Gray-haired Byron stands in open area that is not in the way, nervous is gazing at technology personnel of not far away around the platform busy, debugs the equipment, he tries hard to want by himself to appear calm, therefore in same place stand straightly, but is familiar with his person actually instead in the stance that can stand from this calmly to see this General Empire nervous of heart deep place- 头发花白的拜伦站在一个不碍事的空地上,紧张地注视着不远处的技术人员们在平台周围忙忙碌碌,调试设备,他努力想让自己显得镇定一点,所以在原地站得笔直,但熟悉他的人却反而能从这镇定站立的姿态上看出这位帝国将军内心深处的紧张- Normal Khan Byron has stands out of respect. 正常的拜伦可罕有这么肃立的时候。 Pea sits on Byron nearby chair peacefully, somewhat looked up own foster father one eyes reluctantly, lowered the head to take up itself never to leave the writing board of body, wrote the party writing above, is poking the elbow of Byron with the pen, handed over the writing board: 豌豆安静地坐在拜伦旁边的椅子上,有些无奈地抬头看了自己的养父一眼,低头拿起自己从不离身的写字板,唰唰唰地在上面写了一行文字,然后用笔戳着拜伦的胳膊肘,把写字板递了过去: Father, relaxes, you will affect everyone.” “爸爸,放松点,你会影响大家。” Byron looked down content on the writing board, pulled an a little stiff smile: I...... I very relax......” 拜伦低头看了一眼写字板上的内容,扯出一个有点僵硬的笑容:“我……我挺放松的啊……” Pea sees that sighed reluctantly, the line of sight went to the big pile of machinery equipment and technology of personnel not far away. 豌豆见状,无奈地叹了口气,视线投向不远处的一大堆机器设备和技术人员 Pittman stands between one group of assistants and Researcher, on wrinkle face vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered brings ordinarily rare earnest serious. 皮特曼站在一堆助手和研究员之间,皱纹纵横的面孔上带着平常罕见的认真严肃。 The crystal resonance that under the laboratory bench installs underground installs sends out delightfully buzz the cry, before the laboratory bench, sky over the projection crystal that mounts presents the complex clear stereo imaging, his line of sight has swept that structure as if spine/ridge vertebra view, was confirming the above each detail, is paying attention to each change. 实验台下埋设的水晶共鸣装置发出悦耳的嗡鸣,实验台前镶嵌的投影晶体上空呈现出复杂清晰的立体影像,他的视线扫过那结构仿佛椎般的视图,确认着上面的每一处细节,关注着它每一处变化。 Should not have the issue, when responded and previous test consistent, the survival condition of man-made nerve rope was good, the signal propagation was very clear,” an assistant said, then looked at the new skull bottom electronic contact whether can such as the expected display function......” “应该没有问题了,反应和上次测试时一致,人造神经索的存活状态良好,信号传递很清晰,”一名助手说道,“接下来就看新的颅底触点是否能如预期发挥作用……” Finally to approval time......” Pittman sighed in a soft voice, later was cautious and as if holds the treasure to take up generally laid aside in the platform central modeling strange silver-white color installment. “总算到了验收的时候……”皮特曼轻声感叹了一句,随后小心翼翼、仿佛捧着珍宝一般拿起了放置在平台中央的造型古怪的银白色装置。 That is one less than half meter, snake-shaped installment that” comprised of silver-white metal festivals, the whole imitates, if the flat spine/ridge vertebra, an end seems to have can the three corniformis structures of fitting nape, another end extended several whisker common post, the entire installment was seemingly precise and strange. 那是一根不到半米长的、由一块块银白色金属节组成的“蛇形装置”,整体仿若扁平的椎,一端有着似乎能够贴合后颈的三角状结构,另一端则延伸出了几道“触须”一般的端子,整个装置看上去精密而诡异。 This is to improve later nerve thorn. 这正是改良之后的“神经荆棘”。 Pittman is on the one hand grasping the three corniformis structures of nerve thorn, holds its post tubercle below, arrived in front of Byron and Pea. 皮特曼一手抓着神经荆棘的三角状结构,一手在下面托着它的端子结节,来到了拜伦豌豆面前。 Can use?” Byron asks immediately. “可以用了?”拜伦立刻问道。 Originally can use,” Pittman shows the whites of the eyes, for just safe safe, we inspected.” “本来就可以用,”皮特曼翻了个白眼,“只不过为了安全稳妥,我们又检查了一遍。” His such view has not made Byron relax many, the latter cannot bear knit the brows, repeatedly confirmed: If by some chance had/left the condition......” 他这样的说法却并没有让拜伦放松多少,后者还是忍不住皱着眉,再一次确认道:“万一出了状况……” First, this is the non- implantation -type nerve rope, the dependence skull bottom electronic contact and brain establishes the connection, but the skull bottom electronic contact has the fuse mechanism, so long as user's brain wave perturbation exceeds the security value, electronic contact separated, next, here so many expert looks at, the laboratory also prepared the most perfect emergency apparatus, you can go back the heart stopper, making it continue to jump dozens years in the place that it should treat well, left here blind nervous.” “首先,这是非植入式的神经索,依靠颅底触点和大脑建立连接,而颅底触点本身是有熔断机制的,只要使用者的脑波扰动超过安全值,触点自己就断开了,其次,这里这么多专家看着呢,实验室还准备了最完善的应急设备,你可以把心塞回去,让它好好在它应该待的地方继续跳个几十年,别在这里瞎紧张了。” Byron opens mouth, as if also wants to say anything, however Pea has stood up from the chair, shoves open toward side Byron calmly. 拜伦张了张嘴,似乎还想说些什么,然而豌豆已经从椅子上站起身,不动声色地把拜伦往旁边推开。 Pittman looked at Byron one: Pea were more than your brave.” 皮特曼看了拜伦一眼:“豌豆就比你勇敢多了。” The Byron lip moved two, as if many words must say, but closed the mouth finally. 拜伦嘴唇动了两下,似乎还有很多话要说,但最终还是闭上了嘴巴。 In this case, do not continue to question specialized personnel, does not want the title of experiment to add to the chaos- this simple truth, even if halfway Knight of mercenary family background also understood. 在这种情况下,不要继续质疑专业人员,也不要给实验项目添乱-这简单的道理,哪怕是佣兵出身的半路骑士也懂得。 Pea, sits down on this chair,” Pittman got the girl to arrive on a nearby chair, but the latter when today goes out on to bind the hair, revealed the smooth nape of the neck, in the Pittman hand takes this the world's first set nerve thorn, its little close to the nape of Pea, was a little cool, then some numb numb feelings, but quick will pass. Later the tray can stick to your skin and ensure the effective connection of skull bottom electronic contact- rubber technique the effect is very stable, therefore if later you want to pick, remembers that first presses the following several buttons according to the order, will otherwise hurt......” 豌豆,在这张椅子上坐下,”皮特曼领着女孩来到了附近的一张椅子上,而后者在今天出门的时候就扎好了头发,露出了光滑的脖颈,皮特曼手中拿着这个世界上第一套“神经荆棘”,将其一点点靠近豌豆的后颈,“有一点凉,然后会有些麻麻的感觉,但很快就会过去。之后托盘会贴住你的皮肤,确保颅底触点的有效连接-‘胶着术’的效果很稳固,所以之后如果你想要摘下来,记得先按顺序按动后面的几个按钮,否则会疼……” Pittman is transferring the matters needing attention very much earnestly, later finally that silver-white installment fitting after the neck of Pea. 皮特曼很认真地交待着注意事项,随后才终于将那银白色的装置贴合在豌豆的颈后。 Very slight ka ka sound transmits from that silver-white metal joint, this induces the brain wave with the equipment that magical material and lightweight metal and biological material combination became, immediately as if obtains the life, the tray adsorptions of three corniformises after the brain of Pea, but metals of these orderly arrangements festival between wound through together the dark red light class/flow rapidly, internal rune grading started, the entire root nerve thorn contracted, later then stretched. 一阵非常细微的“咔咔”声从那银白色的金属关节中传来,这件用魔导材料、轻质金属、仿生物质组合而成的设备感应到了脑波,立刻仿佛获得了生命,三角状的托盘吸附在豌豆的脑后,而那些整齐排列的金属“节”之间则迅速流过一道暗红色的光流,内部的符文次第启动,整根神经荆棘收缩了一下,随后便舒展开来。 The Pea neck startled shakes, on the face had not actually shown any ill expression. 豌豆脖子激灵地抖了一下,脸上却没有露出任何不适的表情。 The Pittman standing up body, looked by one nervous because of Byron that goes forward, then looks to Pea. 皮特曼站起身子,看了一眼旁边因为紧张而上前的拜伦,又回头看向豌豆 We had installed small-scale speech in your nerve thorn- you can try speech now ‚’. The centralized attention, wants the content that said to reappear clearly you, just started this possibly is not very easy, but I believe that you can grasp quickly......” “我们已经在你的神经荆棘里安装了一个小型的讲话器-你现在可以试着‘说话’了。集中注意力,把你想要说的内容清晰地浮现出来,刚开始这可能不是很容易,但我相信你能很快掌握……” Pea is hesitating turning the head, as if also after the marvelous touch of adapting to the nape of the neck transmitting, later she is knitting the brows, according to the way that Pittman explains is gathering the attention diligently, is outlining the words that wanted to speak in the mind. 豌豆犹豫着转过头,似乎还在适应脖颈后传来的奇妙触感,随后她皱着眉,努力按照皮特曼交待的方式集中着注意力,在脑海中勾勒着想要说的话语。 Strange the nerve thorn of noise, is fuzzily difficult to distinguish transmits after her brain. 一阵怪异的、模糊难辨的噪声从她脑后的神经荆棘中传来。 Afterward is the second noise, actually as if mixed with some shatter disorderly syllables. 随后又是第二阵噪声,其中却仿佛夹杂了一些破碎凌乱的音节。 Pea attempted several times, finally, these syllables start to be gradually continual, the noise also returns to normal gradually. 豌豆又尝试了几次,终于,那些音节开始渐渐连续起来,噪声也渐渐平复下去。 She deeply inspires, gathers the attention again, later the eye decides looks at nearby Byron. 她深深吸了口气,再次集中起注意力,随后眼睛定定地看着旁边的拜伦 Had actually the clear sound to spread to this off and on already in the Knight ear of years near fifty: „...... Father...... thank you......” 有断续却清晰的声音传入了这个已经年近半百的骑士耳中:“……爸爸……谢谢你……”
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