SOD :: Volume #9

#823: Even more fuzzy boundary

After one minute, felt Pittman that is really unable to continue watching patted the arm of Byron: Cried one on the line, we must work.” 一分钟后,感觉实在看不下去的皮特曼拍了拍拜伦的胳膊:“哭一会就行了啊,我们还要工作。” When did I cry?” Byron is staring looks at present little old man, I cannot control for a while agitated a little sigh with emotion!” “我什么时候哭了?”拜伦瞪着眼睛看着眼前的小老头,“我就是一时情绪激动控制不住有点感慨罢了!” Good all various professions when I have not seen,” Pittman mumbled is saying, gave a Byron handkerchief conveniently, hurried to scratch, do not go out makes your soldier hand/subordinate see.” “行行行就当我没看见,”皮特曼嘟嘟囔囔地说着,随手递给拜伦一块手帕,“赶紧擦擦,别出门让你手下的士兵看见了。” You have not raised the child you not to understand......” “你没养过孩子你不理解……” Pittman shows the whites of the eyes: Who hasn't raised? Amber is not I raise- her about ten years old learned spoke, I did not have you loudly to respond at that time.” 皮特曼翻了个白眼:“谁没养过?琥珀不是我带大的么-她将近十岁才学会说话,我当时也没你这么大反应。” Usually, if by eloquence Byron confessed that does not lose anybody, even if Pittman is the facial skin that becomes famous is tenacious he also to have the confidence to be able this little old man speaking of the self-closing, the mood that but he has not bickered at this moment obviously, this gray-haired Knight opens some flood red eyes, looks at is showing the smile to oneself Pea, the wrinkle of corner of the eye wrinkles overlapping: Really good...... really good...... to have the uncomfortable place?” 平日里若论口才拜伦自认是不输任何人的,哪怕皮特曼是出了名的脸皮坚韧他也有信心能把这小老头说到自闭,但此时此刻显然他并没有跟人斗嘴的心情,这位头发花白的骑士只是睁着有些泛红的眼睛,看着正对自己露出笑容的豌豆,眼角的皱纹都层层叠叠地皱起来:“真好……真好……有不舒服的地方么?” Just started...... to have...... the hemp...... Pea quite somewhat to say little with effort, but is quick her sound then becomes smooth, sound that although that synthesizes with the sounding equipment, inside as if had some nimble and resourceful sentiments more and more, „the present...... has been much better......” “刚开始……有一点点……麻……”豌豆颇有些费力地说着,但很快她的声音便变得流畅起来,尽管那只是用发声装置合成出来的声音,里面却仿佛越来越有了些灵动的感情,“现在……已经好多了……” That is good, that is good,” Byron said again and again, then makes Pea turn around, will the looks at peaceful fitting in the adopted daughter nape of the neck following metal nerve rope, this sink at this moment? Did the worn time grow can not be uncomfortable?” “那就好,那就好,”拜伦连连说道,然后又让豌豆转过身,看着此刻正安安静静贴合在养女脖颈后面的金属神经索,“这个会沉么?戴的时间长了会不会不舒服?” Weight has certainly,” Pittman said, after all reduces weight rune to need the extra energy supply, moreover must conforms the nerve rope and brain wave interactive organization arrives such slightly installs is very reluctant, does not have the unnecessary space to assign for reducing weight rune- this aspect flaw we will gradually improve improve in the following model.” “重量当然是有一些的,”皮特曼说道,“毕竟减重符文需要额外的能量供应,而且要把神经索和脑波交互机构整合到这么小的装置里本身就很勉强,也没有多余的空间能分配给减重符文-这方面缺陷我们会在后续的型号里逐渐完善。” I feel...... fortunately,” Pea gesticulates said-, although she has been able to make the sound, the habit that may form over the past several years made her still subconsciously in the speech gesticulate with the hand, was not very heavy, was not tired.” “我觉得……还好,”豌豆比比划划地说道-尽管她已经能发出声音,可过去多年养成的习惯让她在说话的时候仍然下意识地用手比划着,“不是很重,并不累。” That is natural, although does not have in the means to reduce weight rune, but we used the quite light material as far as possible, the overall weight can accept,” Pittman pinched several wisps of beards on chin, on the face has the proud smile, after all this thing was if wants the means to promote to the average person, was comfortably easy to use is the important standard.” “那是当然,虽然没办法上减重符文,但我们尽可能用了比较轻的材料,总体重量还是能接受的,”皮特曼捏了捏下巴上的几缕胡须,脸上带着自豪的笑容,“毕竟这东西是要想办法推广到普通人里的,舒适易用是很重要的标准。” On the Byron face has the bright smile, cannot bear rub hands saying: Today is a commemorable day...... I goes back to be better the tasty several cups to celebrate......” 拜伦脸上带着灿烂的笑容,忍不住搓着手说道:“今天是个值得纪念的日子……我回去要好好喝几杯庆祝庆祝……” He finishes speaking, nearby Pea then cannot bear knit the brows, in the sounding equipment of nerve thorn transmitted sound that has the complaint: Father, you usually drank to drink too! Had said many times wanted you to stop drinking, how you do not listen......” 他话音刚落,旁边的豌豆便忍不住皱起眉来,神经荆棘的发声装置中传来了带着抱怨的声音:“爸爸,你平常喝酒喝太多了!说过多少次了要你戒酒,你怎么就是不听……” The Byron complexion is a little immediately awkward, he just wants to open the mouth, but the Pea follow-up words have not said obviously: 拜伦脸色顿时有点尴尬,他刚想开口,可豌豆后续的话显然还没说完: Moreover first stopping drinking was yourself said obviously, but also patted the chest to say for one month definitely to swear off, now, you have not abstained over the past two years...... “而且第一次戒酒明明是你自己说的,还拍着胸口说一个月内肯定戒掉,现在都过去两年了,你一点都没戒…… „Do you are not young know, your white hair were more than black hair! In the newspaper said drinks wine the excessive fault, you always did not say that Godwin mister is a learned person, said that his words are very reasonable, why does not listen to......” “你已经不年轻了知不知道,你的白头发都比黑头发多了!报纸上都说了饮酒过量的坏处,你不是总说戈德温先生是个有学问的人,说他的话都很有道理么,为什么就不听一下呢……” Byron was awkward, just said I character, heard Pea is one skewer: 拜伦一脸尴尬,刚开口说了个“我”字,就听到豌豆噼里啪啦又是一串: Moreover you have not always taken a bath recently sleep, wants me to urge you to go, you have not handled the beard, the clothes that every day goes out want me to help you reorganize, really does not know how your usually being away from home scope lives, didn't you say in the army the rigid discipline? “而且你最近还总是不洗澡就睡觉,都要我催你去,你还不打理胡子,每天出门的衣服都要我帮你整理好,真不知道你平常出门在外面都是怎么生活的,你不是说军队里纪律严明吗? Couple of days ago Uncle Philip came back, you also draw him to drink, added that must introduce Uncle Philip knows several young girl- I and several schoolmates at that time also on the scene! The father you do not pay attention to affect, in previous time Kelly lady comes home is also, you wore the pajamas to come out, has a scare Kelly lady, she was my teacher...... “前两天菲利普叔叔回来了,你还拉着他去喝酒,还说要介绍菲利普叔叔认识几个年轻姑娘-我和好几个同学当时也在场啊!爸爸你一点都不注意影响,上次凯莉女士来家里也是,你穿着睡衣就出来了,把凯莉女士吓了一大跳,她可是我的老师啊…… On the previous time, your with great difficulty is on leave one time, is bent on having......” “还有上上次,你好不容易休假一次,偏要……” Stop stop stop...... stops!” Byron is taking a look at the opportunity finally, stops again and again loudly, with great difficulty broke Pea read the later face to compel looks at Pittman broken ignorant, this what's the matter...... can this nerve thorn also affect the Pea character?!” 停停停……停一下!”拜伦终于瞅着机会,连连高声喊停,好不容易打断了豌豆的碎碎念之后一脸懵逼地看着皮特曼,“这怎么回事……这个神经荆棘还能影响豌豆的性格吗?!” Pea is staring looks at Byron and Pittman, the whole face was I also has the words to say that now pushes someone take on a difficult job to listen to you to say expression, the Pittman expression looked at Byron one strangely, hesitated was saying: I thought that...... this did not affect the character, but was she had so many words to say......” 豌豆瞪着眼睛看着拜伦皮特曼,满脸都是“我还有话要说现在是勉为其难听你们说”的表情,皮特曼则表情古怪地看了拜伦一眼,犹豫着说道:“我觉得……这不是影响了性格,而是她本来就有这么多话想说……” Yes,” Pea does not wait for Byron to say first, obviously, her adaptation speed to the nerve thorn is very quick, moreover now speaks already incomparably smoothly with it, I had many words to say! But usually could not say, writing was also slow, did not talk clearly with the hand signal . Moreover the father you did not pay attention......” “就是,”豌豆不等拜伦开口就抢先说道,很显然,她对神经荆棘的适应速度非常快,而且现在用它说话已经无比流畅,“我有很多话想说的!只不过平常说不出来罢了,写字又慢,用手势又说不清楚,而且爸爸你根本不关注……” Then is a big skewer, the opportunity that this Byron interrupted simply continually did not have. 然后就又是噼里啪啦的一大串,这次拜伦干脆连插嘴的机会都没了。 When Pittman is astonished has the sympathy helpless expression looks at Byron, but the surrounding assistant and studies the personnel expression is also one by one splendid- here person almost all knows Pea, knew that this family background sorrow is also industrious the sensible child, Pea in their mind is always peaceful and clever, in the research institute coordinates the experiment never adds to the chaos, but obviously, the nerve thorn successfully made everyone realize the Pea other aspect- 皮特曼惊愕之余带着同情又无奈的表情看着拜伦,而周围的助手和研究人员们表情也是各个精彩-这里的人几乎全都认识豌豆,认识这个出身悲苦又勤劳懂事的孩子,他们印象里的豌豆一向是安静而乖巧的,在研究所里配合实验时更是从未添乱,但显然,神经荆棘成功让所有人认识到了豌豆的另外一面- She usually did not speak, but a words point in belly were many. 她平常不说话,可肚子里的话一点都不少。 Also is one talks over by Pea right in the face, the Byron complexion becomes especially splendid, he did not know whether to laugh or cry to look at the surroundings, discovered that basically all was the line of sight of watching the fun, on the everyone face brings and harmless makes him smile especially awkwardly, Pittman was also asking his one: A little regret?” 豌豆劈头盖脸又是一阵念叨,拜伦脸色变得格外精彩,他哭笑不得地看了看周围,发现基本上全是看热闹的视线,每个人脸上都带着并无恶意却让他格外尴尬的微笑,皮特曼还笑着问了他一句:“是不是有点后悔了?” Byron opens mouth, looks at one to stand, because piling up the words in heart said to appear especially happy Pea, on the face the awkward expression gradually turned into a smile finally. 拜伦张了张嘴,看了一眼站在旁边,因为把积压在心中的话说出来而显得格外愉快开心的豌豆,脸上尴尬的表情终于又渐渐变成了一丝笑容。 Regret XX,” he said with a smile, I thought this is good.” “后悔个XX,”他笑着说道,“我觉得这样就挺好的。” Pea stares the big eye to look immediately: Father you spoke the bad language a moment ago! Uncle Philip had said many times wanted you to pay attention to the manner, even if did not consider that the status you must pay attention...... I is not affected luckily by you to my influence, otherwise......” 豌豆立刻瞪大眼睛看了过来:“爸爸你刚才说脏话!菲利普叔叔说过多少次了要你注意举止,哪怕不考虑身份你也要注意对我的影响吧……幸好我没被你影响到,要不然……” Byron: „......” 拜伦:“……” After new round bombing eventually ended, Byron is a little completely muddled looks at Pittman: That...... can we leave now?” 新一轮的轰炸终于结束之后,拜伦有点晕头转向地看着皮特曼:“那……我们现在可以离开了吧?” Was OK, today the test item,” Pittman has not endured the happy expression saying that „the practical situation of nerve thorn must confirm in the following use process, then in half a month must pay attention to the compatibility of Pea to nerve thorn, whether pays attention to its sleep and some skull bottom electronic contact nearby skin allergic reaction, moreover must bring the nerve thorn every ten days to us inspects, confirmed that the activeness of man-made nerve rope changes. In addition has nothing must pay attention, Pea can wear it frequently, feels it in the daily life whether has the discomfort.” “可以了,今天没有更多测试项目,”皮特曼忍着笑意说道,“神经荆棘的实用情况要在后续的使用过程中确认,接下来半个月内要关注豌豆对神经荆棘的适应性,关注其睡眠情况和颅底触点附近的皮肤是否有过敏反应,另外每隔十天要把神经荆棘拿过来给我们检查一下,确认人造神经索的活性变化。除此之外就没什么要注意的了,豌豆可以经常佩戴它,感受一下它在日常生活中是否有不便之处。” Byron and Pea are listening earnestly, takes down in the heart the instruction of Pittman, but after several seconds of silence, Byron said suddenly: „North...... I wanted set off to go, the official order has gotten down, three days later wanted set off.” 拜伦豌豆认真听着,把皮特曼的吩咐在心底记下,而在几秒钟的沉默之后,拜伦突然说道:“……我就要出发去北方了,正式命令已经下来,三天后就要出发。” In the winter will soon finish, the development to north coast as well as plans to build the duty of Empire navy starting from the spring, Byron has then known this matter before then, but recently, was also delivered to his hand by the order of Empire state head signing and issuing personally finally. 冬季即将结束,对北方海岸的开发以及筹建帝国海军的任务将在春季开始,拜伦在此之前便已经知道此事,而近日,由帝国元首亲自签发的命令也终于送到了他手上。 This not security duty, even constructs Northern Harbor and Northern Region development and so on news had then appeared in the newspaper and broadcast program several days ago, Pea has also had long known this matter, she sipped to purse the lips, looks up Byron one, in speech actually only transmitted not too happy low and drawn out trembling. 这并非什么保密任务,甚至建设北港北境开发之类的新闻数天前便已经出现在报纸和广播节目中,豌豆也早就知道了这件事,她抿抿嘴,抬头看了拜伦一眼,讲话器中却只传来一阵不太开心的低缓震颤。 Pea was big, can take care of itself good,” Pittman looks at this to the special father and daughter, as if saw suddenly for several years ago, sees the Cecil city is also only Cecil development camp time, saw that suddenly are that many middle-aged Knight an adopted daughter was thrown into confusion, saw that obeys silent to the environment nervous nervous little girl, for several years the time flashes past in him at present, this also calculates that life experience quite a lot old Druid shakes the head with a smile, we will also look after her.” 豌豆大了,可以照顾好自己,”皮特曼看着这对特殊的父女,仿佛突然看到了几年前,看到塞西尔城还只是一座“塞西尔开拓营地”的时候,看到那个突然多了个养女而手忙脚乱的中年骑士,看到那个沉默顺从又对周围环境紧张不安的小女孩,数年时光在他眼前一闪而过,这位也算人生经历颇多的老德鲁伊笑着摇了摇头,“我们也会关照她的。” That thank you, Byron said ahead of time, then suddenly shouted the tone, somewhat self-ridiculed that smiles, „my suddenly was how sentimental, usually went out does not have so many feelings......” “那就提前谢谢你们了,”拜伦说道,然后突然呼了口气,有些自嘲地笑起来,“我这怎么突然还多愁善感起来了,平常出门也没这么多感慨……” Today the first time is the daughter day that was called the father, each father like this,” expression looks at Byron of Pittman face seasoned person, will feel relieved that when some day she started to be tired of you, disliked you not to take a bath, disliking your clothes was sloppy, dislikes you unable to keep up with the rhythm of young people, all day will only scold your problem, by that time you will not have so many to sigh with emotion......” “今天是女儿第一次叫爸爸的日子,每个父亲都会这样,”皮特曼一脸过来人的表情看着拜伦,“放心吧,等到有一天她开始烦你了,嫌你不洗澡,嫌你衣服邋遢,嫌你跟不上年轻人的节奏,整天都只会数落你的毛病,到那时候你就不会有这么多感慨了……” Byron thinks, looked at Pea one irritably: But I thought that now she very shuts out my.” 拜伦想了想,别扭地看了豌豆一眼:“可我觉得现在她就挺嫌弃我的。” Pittman: „......” 皮特曼:“……” Moreover you said is so careful , because you very experienced?” “而且你说的这么细致,是不是因为你很有经验?” Pittman: „...... Is all right to hurry, do not disturb my old man to do the experiment!” 皮特曼:“……没什么事就赶紧走,别打扰我老头子做实验!” Quick, Byron brought Pea to leave, in the laboratory was only left over technology personnel that Pittman and he led. 很快,拜伦带着豌豆离开了,实验室中只剩下皮特曼和他带领的技术人员们。 The assistants start reorganized had just used the equipment, when after the Pea use nerve thorn detailed process will reorganize a moment ago , the material that will use, Pittman shook the head, moved toward nearby some cabinet that had the crystal glass partition. 助手们开始整理刚刚用过的器材,以及将刚才豌豆使用神经荆棘时的详细过程整理成之后会用到的资料,皮特曼则晃晃脑袋,走向一旁的某个带有水晶玻璃隔板的柜子。 In the cabinet, several other spare nerve thorn equipment calmly were placed on the support, under shining of light in the cabinet is exuding the ice-cold metal reflection. 柜子里,另有几个备用的神经荆棘装置被静静地放在支架上,在柜子内灯光的照耀下泛着冰冷的金属反光。 A slight gate glide sound never the distant place transmits, the whole body exuded blue spooky arcane brilliance Carmel to float the room. 一阵轻微的闸门滑动声从不远处传来,浑身泛着蓝幽幽奥术光辉的卡迈尔飘进了房间。 I saw Byron and Pea on the corridor a moment ago,” Carmel flutters to Pittman while said that Pea wears nerve thorn- has it been working evidently normally?” “我刚才在走廊上看到了拜伦豌豆,”卡迈尔一边飘向皮特曼一边说道,“豌豆戴着神经荆棘-看样子它已经在正常工作了?” Is smooth, Pittman smiled, „, moreover you missed very splendid part.” “非常顺利,皮特曼笑了起来,“而且你错过了非常精彩的部分。” To me, the success of this project already enough splendid,” Carmel humming sound said, also looked at the line of sight to Pittman cabinet, looked to that several nerve thorn installments, „was also left over three sets of end products...... to be able to enter next.” “对我而言,这个项目的成功本身就已经足够精彩,”卡迈尔嗡嗡地说道,同时也把视线望向了皮特曼身旁的柜子,望向了那几件神经荆棘装置,“还剩下三套成品么……应该可以进入下一步了。” „The nerve thorn and Type II magical terminal union, creates to discharge the magic spell magical master...... the Pittman expression to be rarely earnest truly, as if talk to oneself said that to this step, boundary between Extraordinary and average person almost also on obliterated......” “把神经荆棘和II型魔导终端结合,创造出真正能够施放法术魔导术士么……”皮特曼的表情罕见地认真起来,仿佛自言自语般说道,“到这一步,超凡者和普通人之间的界限几乎也就荡然无存了……” Average person not only through pressing the button of machine releases specific magic spell, but can also such as true mage induce mana generally, can guides extraordinary force with own thought and spirit, this is breakthrough essentially, is we until now wants the achieve thing......” in the Carmel tone to sigh with emotion, by that time, extraordinary perhaps cannot be called extraordinary again ‚’, it will become each mortal to have the strength that the qualifications touch truly.” “普通人将不仅仅通过按动机器的按钮来释放出特定的法术,还能如真正的法师一般感应到魔力,能够用自己的意念和精神来引导超凡力量,这将是本质上的突破,也是我们一直以来想要实现的东西……”卡迈尔的语气中不无感慨,“到那时候,‘超凡’恐怕也就不能再被称作‘超凡’了,它将真正成为每一个凡人都有资格触碰的力量。” All Things Finally Die Society and Eternal Sleepers used for 700 years to complete its prerequisite technology-, although this was not their original goals, but we can thank them at this time greatly,” Pittman pushed the crowded eye, „the brain machine connection was makes the average person induce mana, to control the magic spell most difficult link, the nerve thorn has solved this problem, the following work may be simpler.” 万物终亡会永眠者用了七百年完成了它的前置技术-虽然这不是他们原本的目的,但我们这时候大可以感谢一下他们,”皮特曼挤了挤眼睛,“脑机连接是让普通人感应魔力、操控法术最困难的环节,神经荆棘已经解决了这个问题,接下来的工作可就简单多了。” Starts,” the blue light of Carmel body surface gradually becomes bright, his intonation rises, becomes especially happy, and fills the power, „the matter that we must handle also has.” “开始吧,”卡迈尔体表的蓝光渐渐变得明亮,他的语调上扬,变得格外愉快且充满动力,“我们要做的事情还有很多。”
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