SOD :: Volume #9

#821: New network project

Twinkle rune is one by one dim, the crystal installment of buzzing starts to enter the cooldown flow, sits Roseta on specially-made seat Augustus opens the eye, comes situated in the real and illusory spirit condition from some type soberly. 闪烁的符文逐一黯淡下去,嗡嗡作响的水晶装置开始进入冷却流程,坐在一张特制座椅上的罗塞塔奥古斯都睁开眼睛,从某种介于真实和虚幻之间的精神状态清醒过来。 He breathes a sigh of relief gently, felt that own spirit relaxed, not yearned for later left the magic installment. 他轻轻舒了口气,感觉自己的精神久违地放松了一些,随后毫无留恋地离开了魔法装置。 If you feel spirit to be exhausted, can rest a meeting on this,” Windsor Mapel lady said in side, it, although is unable to cure curse, at least can also make you more relaxed.” “如果您感觉精神疲惫,可以在这上面多休息一会,”温莎玛佩尔女士在旁边说道,“它虽然无法治愈诅咒,至少也能让您轻松些。” Reduces the pressure with the aid of the soul anaesthesia, although is effective, the long-term use will actually weaken the will of person,” Roseta said lightly, this was OK. Mapel lady, situation how?” “借助灵魂麻醉来减轻压力虽然有效,长期使用却会削弱人的意志,”罗塞塔淡淡说道,“这样就可以了。玛佩尔女士,情况如何?” Windsor Mapel pupil light looks at Roseta, nods quietly gently: I attempted to induce your soul and conscious, the contamination situation of spirit aspect truly returned to the normal level, but had not discovered that by the sign of external force interference, basically can remove some people's your spirit world to the possibility that fudged.” 温莎玛佩尔眸光沉静地看着罗塞塔,轻轻点了点头:“我尝试诱导了您的灵魂意识,精神方面的污染情况确实回到了正常水平,但没有发现被外力干扰的迹象,基本可以排除有人对您的精神世界动手脚的可能。” „...... The reason is not on me......” Roseta slightly to hesitate, lady, do you have what view?” “……原因不在我自己身上么……”罗塞塔略一沉吟,“女士,你对此有何看法?” As scholar, under the circumstances of insufficient evidence me under will not judge absurdly, but I can say my idea. curse that the Augustus family suffers is related with spirit contamination that Gods leaves behind, but Gods spirit contamination innate has to exceed the characteristics of space and time and confusion reality, and would hardly by mediocre strength influence- about several days your curse unusual fluctuation . Moreover the reason has nothing to do with your spirit condition, that showing was the curse root received the perturbation, can disturb it, inevitably with the same level or close strength......” “作为学者,在证据不足的情况下我不会妄下判断,但我可以说说自己的想法。奥古斯都家族遭受的诅咒神明留下的精神污染有关,而神明精神污染先天具有超越时空、混淆现实的特性,且几乎不会被凡俗的力量影响-近几日您身上的诅咒反常波动,而且原因与您自身的精神状况无关,那就说明是诅咒的根源受到了扰动,能够扰动它的,必然是与之同级或相近的力量……” Same level or close strength......” the Roseta brow wrinkles slightly, recently each region Church did not have exceptionally, this world is also very long has not had Gods to fall the edict directly the matter, even Cecil Empire Holy Light Church changes, has not affected Typhon......” “同级或相近的力量……”罗塞塔眉头微微皱起,“最近各地教会均无异常,这个世界也很久不曾发生神明直接降谕的事情,甚至塞西尔帝国圣光教会发生巨变,也未曾影响到提丰……” Saying, he raised the head suddenly: Mapel had lady, what message you received recently?” 说着,他突然抬起头:“玛佩尔女士,最近你这边收到过什么消息么?” Regional magic communication tower have not reported unusual circumstance- the communication tower coverage scope is limited, floor mages may not screen accurately with the Gods related extraordinary phenomenon, many intelligence therefore delay, must for a long time be able to deliver to Imperial Capital,” Windsor Mapel shakes the head, I will pay attention to intelligence in this aspect, has any condition metropolis/can first to report to you.” “各地的魔法传讯都未上报异常情况-不过传讯覆盖范围有限,底层的法师们又不一定能准确甄别出与神明有关的超凡现象,许多情报因此延迟,要很久才能送至帝都,”温莎玛佩尔摇了摇头,“我会关注这方面的情报,有任何状况都会第一时间向您汇报的。” Un......” the Roseta slight nod, has the feeling to knit the brows saying that communication tower......, if can be many some communication tower or their coverage scopes is broader is good.” “嗯……”罗塞塔微微点头,紧接着却带着感慨皱眉说道,“传讯……如果能多一些传讯或者它们的覆盖范围再广一些就好了。” Cost issue is really hard to be solved, moreover does not have so many mage to maintain these main facilities,” Windsor the Mapel tone is helpless, actually after completing the Imperial Avenue plan, particularly after obtaining the magic energy train, communication efficiency between the remote area and Imperial Capital has compared was high before were more, once these because of the important degree but insufficiently is unable to use communication tower intelligence to from the west and so on place delivers to Imperial Capital probably to take about a month, now actually only takes several days, this is progresses greatly.” “成本问题实在难以解决,而且也没那么多法师来维护那些大型设施,”温莎玛佩尔语气无奈,“其实在完成帝国大道计划之后,尤其是获得魔能列车之后,边远地区和帝都之间的通信效率已经比以前高了很多很多,曾经那些因为重要程度不够而无法使用传讯情报要从西部之类的地方送到帝都可能需要将近一个月,现在却只需要几天,这已经是非常大的进步了。” Was still insufficient- still remembers warning that the ministry of industry advisory group gives? The turnover cycle of factory even calculates at the hour at the day, if raw material fluctuation of remote area cannot feed back to the city promptly, within several days possibly cause the avalanche losses, but need the prompt intelligence transmission in this back resource flow- machine picked up the operating speeds of all things, response and control of Aldernan to southern and western area actually by far insufficient.” “仍然不够-还记得工业部顾问团给出的警告么?工厂的吞吐周期以天甚至以小时计算,边远地区的原材料波动如果不能及时反馈至城市,几天之内就可能造成雪崩般的损失,而在这背后的资金流动更需要及时的情报传输-机器加快了所有事情的运转速度,奥尔德南对南部和西部地区的响应和控制能力却远远不够。” These manufacturers......” Windsor Mapel subconsciously knits the brows, in the tone is difficult to cover some despises, your majesty , they exaggerated the fact with all due respect, and attemptsto highlight their important nature with ‚ the specialization glossary, but in fact they want to make you let loose some communication tower jurisdictions, wants to share benefit originally not many communication technique quota from the imperial mage association hand.” “那些工厂主……”温莎玛佩尔下意识地皱了皱眉,语气中难掩些许鄙夷,“陛下,恕我直言,他们过于夸大了事实,且妄图用‘专业化的词汇’来凸显他们的重要性,但实际上他们只是想让您放开部分传讯的权限,想要从皇家法师协会手中分润本就不多的传讯术配额罢了。” I can look,” Roseta said indifferently, „, but they said at least has portion is fact- particularly in the situation that Cecil rises, our shortcoming are becoming fatal.” “我看得出来,”罗塞塔淡然说道,“但他们说的至少有一部分是事实-尤其是在塞西尔崛起的情况下,我们的短板正变得致命。” Cecil...... 塞西尔…… Heard this recently more and more frequently to appear in the Empire the words on newspapers and various restricted data, Windsor Mapel could not bear the look becomes serious. 听到这个最近愈来愈频繁出现在帝国报纸和各种内部资料上的单词,温莎玛佩尔也忍不住眼神变得严肃起来。 She is senior mage, but also is the Emperor adviser, will be the frequent contact the Empire business, will contact fellow congressmen national important person one, regarding national situation and so on matter don't understand a word, she does not certainly know that the Roseta Great Emperor is worried about anything, knows that this will be worried is not groundless. 她是一名资深的法师,但同时也是皇帝的顾问,是会频繁接触到帝国事务,接触到各位议员的“国家要员”之一,对于国家局势之类的事情当然不会一窍不通,她知道罗塞塔大帝正在担心什么,也知道这份担心不无道理。 Without one in Cecil of fast rise, Typhonian is having many things very basic to be actually worried on need not, even no one meets conscious to certain things is worth being worried- on such as communication tower shortcoming, each Typhonian thinks that the Empire abundant mage quantity and distributes in communication tower of each important province is enough use, but after having Empire each region road as well as new of means of transportation new renovation, is used to deal with the present Empire situation with the intelligence transmission efficiency of it enhancement together is enough and to spare, no one will think that their low efficiency, even many people will feel them enough advanced, in a century. Without the necessity of improvement. 如果没有一个正在快速崛起的塞西尔,提丰人有很多事情其实根本就不用担心,甚至没有人会意识到某些事情是值得担心的-就如传讯短板,每一个提丰人都会认为帝国充沛的法师数量和分布在各个重要行省的传讯是足够使用的,而在有了新整修的帝国各地干道以及新的交通工具之后,与之一同提高的情报传递效率用来应付现在的帝国局势更是绰绰有余,没有人会觉得它们效率低下,甚至很多人都会觉得它们已经足够先进,一个世纪内都没有改进的必要。 But side has in fast rise Cecil- this development fast neighbor brought new thing to Typhonian many, for example magical technology, for example pressure of competition. 但偏偏旁边就有个正在快速崛起的塞西尔-这个发展飞快的“邻居”给提丰人带来了很多“新事物”,比如魔导技术,比如竞争压力。 intelligence personnel braved the danger to send many useful things, quite portion was to the description of Cecil front technology, but these descriptions, let the Roseta Great Emperor and these vision quite keen congressmen detected Empire some shortcoming ahead of time. 情报人员冒着危险送来了很多有用的东西,其中相当一部分就是对塞西尔前沿技术的描述,而这些描述,让罗塞塔大帝和那些眼光较为敏锐的议员们提前察觉了帝国的一些短板 This probably is the pressure that the contrast creates. 这大概就是对比带来的压力。 Their magic circuit communications develop rapidly, although bases on long-distance fast communication technology of communication technique, but they solved problem that the cost and manpower took obviously- this was the magical technology consistent advantage, Cecilian in the incisiveness that this aspect displayed,” Windsor Mapel said slowly, we always took professionalization, and huge quantity of mage teams for arrogant, but obviously, Cecilian substituted these mage methods to have a higher efficiency with the machine, at least on communication technology was so.” “他们的魔网通讯发展迅速,虽然都是基于传讯术的远程快速通讯技术,但他们显然解决了成本和人力占用的问题-这正是魔导技术的一贯优势,塞西尔人在这方面发挥的淋漓尽致,”温莎玛佩尔慢慢说道,“我们一向以职业化且数量庞大的法师队伍为傲,但显然,塞西尔人用机器来替代这些法师的手段有着更高的效率,至少在通讯技术上是如此。” As the president of imperial mage association, making her say these words is not easy, but she knows, even if some words she did not say, brilliant Roseta Augustus has also understood clearly, let alone her teacher, Daniel at this moment is Empire Grandmaster magical second to none, a lot of things that the latter creates had vacillated in the association really each old-fashioned traditional mage- fact is unable to dispute. 作为皇家法师协会的会长,让她说出这些话并不容易,但她知道,有些话哪怕她不说,睿智的罗塞塔奥古斯都也早已洞悉,更何况她那位老师,丹尼尔此刻就是帝国首屈一指的魔导大师,后者创造出的很多东西已经实打实地动摇了协会中每一个古板的传统法师-事实是无从辩驳的。 „The magic circuit communication is good technology......” Roseta to keep a serious look, we must grasp it, or found to improve our communication tower method, no matter pays the big cost.” 魔网通讯是好技术……”罗塞塔表情严肃,“我们必须掌握它,或者从中找到改进我们的传讯的方法,不管付出多大成本。” Saying, him is asking suddenly: Previously had the merchant to send one ‚the magic circuit terminal, analyzed the result?” 说着,他突然问道:“此前有商人送来了一台‘魔网终端’,分析出结果了么?” Talks about technology domain, Windsor the Mapel expression immediately becomes earnest- she knows Roseta refers to „the magic circuit terminal is anything, that was a respectable western merchant braves to cross the machine of border by the risk belt/bring that Cecilian strangled secretly, the merchant hides it in the fur and spice pile hides the truth from the Cecil's border to inspect, after returning to homeland, gave to Emperor it, but that precious machine lies down now, in the Empire labor made in the laboratory of association, was coordinated the technology team that to analyze by Daniel. 谈及技术领域,温莎玛佩尔的表情立刻变得认真起来-她知道罗塞塔所指的“魔网终端”是什么,那是一个可敬的西部商人冒着被塞西尔人绞死的风险偷偷带过边境的一台机器,商人把它藏在皮草和香料堆里瞒过了塞西尔的边境检查,回国之后将其献给了皇帝,而那台宝贵的机器现在就躺在帝国工造协会的实验室中,由丹尼尔牵头的技术团队进行着分析。 We opened the components it, returned to original state its internal structure complex and exquisite rune and crystal structure, perhaps soon, we can duplicate a exactly the same machine to come out, but this did not have the significance,” Windsor Mapel shakes the head, „ Cecilian forced in one set of very strange rune in that machine, it was not the conventional communication technique, inside even had the Divine Spell characteristics, at present also no one can explain their concrete functions and meanings, where my very curious Cecilian is obtained the inspiration, combined such strange formation...... “我们把它拆成了零件,还原出了它内部结构复杂又精妙的符文水晶结构,或许用不了多久,我们就能复制一台一模一样的机器出来,但这没有意义,”温莎玛佩尔摇了摇头,“塞西尔人在那台机器中塞进去一套非常古怪的符文,它不是常规的传讯术,里面甚至带有神术的特征,目前还无人能解读它们的具体功能和含义,我非常好奇塞西尔人到底是从哪里得到了灵感,组合出了那样怪异的法阵…… Teacher Daniel reminded us, if cannot do to understand that thoroughly each portion rune significance, imitation that set of equipment Will be rashly dangerous Cecilian possibly hid the trap in inside, their perhaps can interrupt the equipment that even intercepted us to copy directly.” 丹尼尔导师提醒我们,如果不能彻底搞明白每一部分符文的意义,贸然仿制那套设备将会非常危险-塞西尔人可能在里面隐藏了陷阱,他们或许可以直接截断甚至窃听我们仿制出来的设备。” Grandmaster Daniel is a brilliant person, his reminder is always critical,” Roseta nods slowly, carefully treats that machine, discovers the part that we can use from inside, other...... we would doing to understand.” 丹尼尔大师是个睿智的人,他的提醒总是非常中肯,”罗塞塔慢慢点了点头,“谨慎对待那台机器,从里面找出我们能用的部分,其他的……我们总会搞明白的。” If can obtain the prototype of magic circuit terminal to be good, or original rune rubbing chart......” Windsor Mapel sighed, prototype has not undergone the subsequent simplification and optimization, inside often had obvious technology mentality, perhaps helps us reveal these rune secrets...... naturally, this also can only think.” “如果能得到魔网终端的原型机就好了,或者原始符文拓印图……”温莎玛佩尔叹了口气,“原型没有经过后续的简化和优化,里面往往带有非常明显的技术思路,或许有助于我们揭开那些符文的秘密……当然,这也只能想想而已。” The Roseta facial expression is solemn, does not say a word. 罗塞塔神情冷峻,不发一言。 ...... …… The Cecil palace, is spreading in the blue velvet tapestry study room, Gawain the experience in Dreamland world told itself Hetty and the others in detail, including No. 1 sandbox end, with the Higher Level Narrator showdown, as well as Eternal Sleepers ended the later present situation at this event. 塞西尔宫,铺着蓝色天鹅绒挂毯的书房内,高文把自己在梦境世界中的经历详细告诉了赫蒂等人,包括一号沙箱的终结,与上层叙事者的对决,以及永眠者在这次事件结束之后的现状。 That strange inexplicable „the Divine Descent crisis made everyone in study room stare in a big way the eye( Carmel to be an exception, he shone one), Gods strange measured with the bad risk of matter not deeply touched everyone critically, but made them sigh with emotion, was all these then happened last night- 那奇诡莫名的“神降危机”让书房中的每一个人都瞪大了眼睛(卡迈尔除外,他亮了一下),神明的诡异莫测和事情的凶险危急深深触动了所有人,而更加让他们感慨的,是这一切便发生在昨夜- Last night was uneventful, the Cecil dim light of night was peaceful, but some world actually heaven and earth turned upside down beyond reality, in remote Typhon even led to a Divine Descent crisis, this gave Hetty and the others really a serious not third dimension. 昨夜风平浪静,塞西尔夜色安宁,可现实之外的某个世界却天翻地覆,遥远的提丰境内甚至爆发了一场神降危机,这着实给了赫蒂等人一种严重的不真实感。 After digests the huge information content that Ancestor brought slightly, Hetty then entered the active status quickly, she thinking while said: Eternal Sleepers that side shift work should start, I start Empire here docking immediately- before Aldernan responded, we should shift these core personnel and technology material with enough time......” 在稍微消化了老祖宗带来的庞大信息量之后,赫蒂很快便进入了工作状态,她一边思索一边说道:“永眠者那边的转移工作应该已经开始,我会立刻启动帝国这边的对接-在奥尔德南反应过来之前,我们应该来得及转移那些核心人员技术资料……” „The portion technology material will send through the mind network in advance,” Gawain said that „, although the Eternal Sleepers headquarters did not have, their mind networks are continue operate, but will enter the efficiency lowly foundation pattern, is unable to support the city of Dreamland again, the transmission of pure material is actually not a problem. Naturally, for the obvious reason, most core technology material cannot deliver, Eternal Sleepers can bring them, the train that until we send leads them to the safe place.” 一部分技术资料会通过心灵网络先行送来,”高文说道,“虽然永眠者的总部没了,他们的心灵网络还是在继续运行的,只不过会进入效率最低的‘基础模式’,无法再支撑梦境之城,单纯资料的传输却不成问题。当然,出于显而易见的原因,最为核心技术资料不会送过来,永眠者会带着它们,直到我们派去的列车把他们带到安全的地方。” Hetty subconsciously knits the brows: Arrived this kind of time......” 赫蒂下意识地皱了皱眉:“都到这种时候了……” Normal reaction-, if they do not do that I must worry that the genuine and fake of intelligence and these materials of these core talents,” Gawain said with a smile, felt relieved, Eternal Sleepers grasps the mind strength, ambushes for many years in Typhon, is expert who maintains life and flees, should need not be worried before they at-large come out, was grasped to get rid of by Augustus.” “正常反应-如果他们不这么做,我才要担心那些核心人才的智力和那些资料的真假了,”高文笑着说道,“放心,永眠者掌握心灵力量,又在提丰境内潜伏多年,是保命和潜逃的专家,应该不用担心他们在逃出来之前被奥古斯都抓出来干掉。” Your majesty,” float opened the mouth in nearby Carmel, Eternal Sleepers mind network, since must change over to the foundation pattern, whether our origin laboratory will be affected?” “陛下,”漂浮在一旁的卡迈尔开口了,“永眠者的心灵网络既然要转入基础模式,那我们的起源实验室是否会受影响?” Theoretically...... can continue to operate, because itself origins the space not to take the calculation strength of city of Dreamland, moreover it constructs in the mind network foundation course, that will maintain one of the revolution in all circumstances,” a Gawain slightly thinking, said weeded out the speech that the wool weeded out dead, but on thread of conversation one revolution, „I have prepared to conduct the transformation and shift to the origin space, including to the Eternal Sleepers entire mind network, made a large-scale transformation, making it be controlled by us, was more harmless, now obviously is the rightest opportunity, therefore I plan temporarily to close current. Origin Space Carmel, which our ‚did the Immersion Cabin network the present progress to?” “理论上……是可以继续运行的,因为本身起源空间就没有占用梦境之城的算力,而且它构筑在心灵网络的‘基础层’,那是在任何情况下都会维持运转的一层,”高文略一思索,说出了薅羊毛薅到死的发言,但紧接着就话锋一转,“不过我已经准备对起源空间进行改造和转移,包括对永眠者的整个心灵网络,进行一次大规模的改造,让它更受我们控制,更加无害,现在显然是最合适的机会,因此我计划暂时关闭目前的起源空间-卡迈尔,我们自己的‘浸入舱网络’现在进展到哪一步了?” Success achieve in the laboratory environment the network, in being separated from the situation of Eternal Sleepers mind network conducted the simulation run, now the regulating network overall stability, is increasing it to the compatibility of magic circuit communications system, as well as makes a revision to Immersion Cabin, making it bear is smaller, more suitable untrained average person use- escorts to the specially-made machine that Glen gets is a successful example, we are studying the civil edition in its foundation.” “已经在实验室环境下成功实现了组网,在脱离永眠者心灵网络的情况下进行了模拟运行,现在正在调整网络整体的稳定度,增加其对魔网通讯系统的适应性,以及对浸入舱做出一点修改,让它负担更小,更适合未经训练的普通人使用-送往葛兰领的特制机是个成功的实例,我们正在它的基础上研究民用版本。” Very good, this transforms the Eternal Sleepers mission, builds our networks the crucial parts,” Gawain nods satisfied, and shows a smile gradually, „, since this aspect progresses smoothly...... Carmel, I must give you a new project, it can matter on hand advance with you at present synchronously.” “很好,这是改造永眠者教团,打造我们自己的网络的关键一环,”高文满意地点了点头,并渐渐露出一丝笑容,“既然这方面进展顺利……卡迈尔,我要交给你一个新的项目,它可以和你目前手头的事情同步推进。” Carmel makes humming sound the sound: New project?” 卡迈尔发出嗡嗡的声音:“新项目?” Narration neural network,” Gawain smiles was saying, „the future state-of-art distributed communication system, will be established in its foundation.” “‘叙事者神经网络’,”高文微笑着说道,“未来的尖端通讯体系,将在它的基础上建立起来。”
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