SOD :: Volume #9

#820: Story that continues

The Magnum expression is stiff. 马格南的表情僵硬下来。 After several seconds of type, his corner of the mouth shook: „Wasn't your the vulgar tour?” 几秒种后,他的嘴角才抖了一下:“你这就不是粗鄙之行了?” Yes,” Yuri nods confidently, „, moreover I felt suddenly this is also good.” “是,”尤里坦然地点点头,“而且我突然感觉这样也不错。” Magnum: „......” 马格南:“……” What end reaction is Semler of standing, this makings gloomy serious Archbishop looks at obviously presents Magnum in hall in the illusion shape, nods: That, you now by similar Selena Archbishop condition survival?” 最终反应过来的是站在旁边的塞姆勒,这位气质阴沉严肃的大主教看着明显是以幻象形态出现在大厅中的马格南,点了点头:“那么,你现在是以类似赛琳娜大主教的状态‘存活’着?” I do not know that” Magnum then looked down puzzled, saw standing Selena, „before me, entered an ignorant condition, after waiting to restore conscious, discovered oneself were closed , in a space that filled glimmer, by the present does not know that had anything......” “我不知道啊,”马格南这才困惑地低头看了看自己,又看到了站在旁边的赛琳娜,“我之前进入了一段浑浑噩噩的状态,等恢复意识之后就发现自己被关在一个充满微光的空间里,到现在都不知道发生了什么……” You without conducting preparation carried out the brain servant to transform, causing own soul to pull out thoroughly leaves, I collected these fragment,” Selena explained briefly, enabling Magnum to keep abreast of the current situation rapidly, at present you and I are the same, has become the spirit in network. In recent years has no issue, but later you must consider that at the real world seeks for ‚the mind calibration point matter.” “你在没有进行充分准备的情况下执行了脑仆改造,导致自己的灵魂被彻底抽离,我收集了那些碎片,”赛琳娜简短地解释了一番,让马格南迅速掌握了当前情况,“目前你和我一样,已经成为网络中的幽灵。近几年没什么问题,但之后你要考虑在现实世界寻找‘心智校准点’的事情了。” Magnum blinked, using some time to digest this fact, finally the mood quite sighed one complex: From the beginning this truly imagines with me different......” 马格南眨眨眼,用了一小段时间来消化这事实,最后情绪颇为复杂地感叹了一句:“这确实和我一开始想象的不一样……” Semler nods, looks to Selena: Said, he and his body have separated completely, moreover couldn't go back?” 塞姆勒则点点头,看向赛琳娜:“这么说,他和他的躯体已经完全断开,而且回不去了?” Truly so- this is not the simple soul exsomatize, but also related to the shatter reorganization as well as one time of soul death, currently speaking, does not have any technology can return to original state he in the similar case.” “确实如此-这不是简单的灵魂离体,还涉及到灵魂的破碎重组以及一次‘死亡’,就目前而言,没有任何技术能在类似情况下还原他。” Magnum felt suddenly from Semler's words some crises, subconsciously asked one: Semler Archbishop, did you ask this what are you doing?” 马格南则突然从塞姆勒的话中感觉到了些许危机,下意识问了一句:“塞姆勒大主教,你问这干什么?” Semler looks at Magnum, very earnestly and said indifferently: Body is useless to you, later I will arrange the person to help you burn down.” 塞姆勒看着马格南,非常认真且淡然地说道:“躯体对你已经没用了,之后我会安排人帮你烧掉。” „?! wait a moment! Do not burn!” Magnum is startled, responded, immediately yells, „can also rescue by some chance?!” “啊?!等一下!你别烧啊!”马格南吃了一惊,反应过来之后立刻大叫道,“万一还能抢救呢?!” We then must shift the mission headquarters, must carry out to shift including all brain servants, we are every limited with the time, little shifts a body to bring some commodities,” Semler said confidently, cannot see slightly the meaning of joke or practical joke, this instead makes the Magnum expression even more twist, your present soul has survived in any case alone, the body could not have used. As for the rescue, hadn't you heard the Selena Archbishop words a moment ago? This radically is at present the technology not possible achieve matter......” “我们接下来要转移教团总部,包括所有的脑仆都要执行转移,我们人手和时间都有限,少转移一具身体就能多带一些物资,”塞姆勒非常坦然地说道,看不到丝毫玩笑或恶作剧的意思,这反而让马格南表情愈发扭曲起来,“反正你现在灵魂已经单独存活,身体已经用不上了。至于抢救,刚才你没有听到赛琳娜大主教的话么?这根本是目前技术不可能实现的事情……” Useful! If by some chance technology will make the breakthrough in the future!” Magnum still has the big voice under the soul shape even, the almost entire hall heard his yelling, „must shift so many bodies in any case, do you also miss my?” “用得上啊!万一将来技术有了突破呢!”马格南即便在灵魂形态下也有着大嗓门,几乎整个大厅都听到了他的喊叫,“反正也要转移那么多具身体,你们还差我这一个么?” Semler Archbishop,” Wendy broke suddenly silent, said in one side on own initiative, respects the opinion of Magnum Archbishop, we truly do not miss this disbursement. Contribution that considering that Magnum Archbishop just made, we abandon his remains now are not the good choice.” “塞姆勒大主教,”温蒂突然打破了沉默,在一旁主动说道,“还是尊重马格南大主教的意见吧,我们确实不差这一份‘支出’。而且考虑到马格南大主教刚刚做出的贡献,我们现在抛弃他的遗体也不是什么好选择。” I from the efficiency and practical angle set off,” Semler am putting on a serious face saying that „, but you said is also very reasonable, I approved.” “我只是从效率和务实的角度出发,”塞姆勒板着脸说道,“但你说的也很有道理,我认可了。” „, Wendy lady, you are truly honest!” Magnum reveals look that is deeply moved immediately, thanked your help, but I want to correct, my body should also not be the remains now, although did not have soul, he at least also had the breath and heartbeat......” “啊,温蒂女士,你是真正正直的!”马格南顿时露出大为感动的模样,“非常感谢你的帮助,不过我想纠正一下,我的身体现在应该还不算遗体,虽然没了灵魂,他至少还有呼吸和心跳吧……” Obviously, no one cares about this details, no one responded to the Magnum words, the latter shrugged in the awkwardness, then suddenly as if remembered anything: Right, I a moment ago in that glimmer space paced back and forth heard some sounds indistinctly, as if mentioned must subsequently confirm to be saint and so on...... I want to ask this was saying me?” 显然,没有人关心这点细节问题,也没有人回应马格南的话,后者在尴尬中耸了耸肩,接着突然仿佛想起什么:“对了,我刚才在那片微光空间中徘徊的时候隐隐约约听到了一些声音,似乎提到了要追认为圣徒之类的……我想问问这是在说我么?” Semler and Yuri do not seem to heard, Wendy also diverted the attention calmly, Selena looks at slightly is calmly far place, probably stay out of it is from beginning to end ordinary. 塞姆勒和尤里仿佛没有听到,温蒂也不动声色地转移了视线,赛琳娜静静地看着稍远一些的地方,好像从始至终都置身事外一般。 Magnum blinks, has a look at all around, awkwardly and shrugged to close the mouth indifferently, and will prepare to ask several days later again. 马格南眨眨眼,看看四周,尴尬又无所谓地耸耸肩闭上了嘴巴,并且准备过几天再问一遍。 ...... …… Cecil Empire, after several hours . 塞西尔帝国,数小时后。 The daybreak sunlight photo enters the bedroom, brings the winter end warm feeling, lay down Gawain on bed opened the eye suddenly, after seeing the familiar ceiling, he breathes a sigh of relief slightly. 黎明的阳光照进寝室,带来冬末的一线暖意,躺在床上的高文突然睁开了眼睛,看到熟悉的天花板之后,他才微微舒了口气。 He knows, in the real world should only pass for short one night, but regarding facing directly Higher Level Narrator historical recollection him, at this moment as if was just actually separated from over a thousand years of history, the peeling feeling of time even age lingers in the heart, making him quite spend a time slowly to restore- he should awake early, actually for the reorganization memory and spirit condition deep sleep to the present. 他知道,现实世界中应该只过去了短短一夜,但对于直面了上层叙事者“历史记忆”的他而言,此刻却仿佛刚刚从上千年的历史中脱离出来,一种时间甚至年代的剥离感萦绕在心头,让他颇费了点时间才慢慢恢复-原本他应该醒得更早一些,却为整理记忆和精神状态沉睡到现在。 This peeling feeling may create the worse result to the average person, even possibly has the irreversible psychological trauma, but luckily, to Gawain all these is not issue- he has been familiar with experience of this immersion in years river, occasionally experiences again one time, felt that to going home to be the same. 这种剥离感对普通人可能会造成更加糟糕的结果,甚至可能产生不可逆的心理创伤,但幸好,对高文而言这一切都不是问题-他早已熟悉这浸泡在岁月长河中的体验,偶尔再经历一次,感觉跟回家一样。 When the information storm in mind subsides gradually, after various memories return to the original position according to groups, Gawain sat from the bed, observes the situation the room. 待头脑中的信息风暴渐渐平息,各类记忆分门别类回到原有的位置之后,高文从床上坐了起来,环视房间。 A Amber night has not left, at this moment is sitting on a nearby Chang An-lo chair, heavy has gone off, because of irritable resting posture, but mouth water current place. 琥珀一夜未曾离开,此刻正坐在附近的一张安乐椅上,已经沉沉睡去,因别扭的睡姿而口水流了一地。 Tyr still the plate in the corner, the tail actually pestered disorderly, her half upper body was entangled in the tail, rests the posture...... to be hard with the language to describe. 提尔仍然盘在墙角,尾巴却七扭八歪地纠缠了起来,她半个上身都被缠在尾巴里面,睡姿……难以用语言形容。 How Gawain even cannot infer Tyre's tail tip for a short time is braves from that big lump...... 高文甚至一时半会都推理不出来提尔的尾巴尖是怎么从那一大坨里冒出来的…… Really six know probably keenly, Amber after Gawain wakes up quick also then awakens, she opened that Amber color eye suddenly, first was looks blurry sat Gawain one on bed, later hurried wiping the face cheek nearby saliva, all of a sudden stands up: „, Did you come back? That side situation solution?” 大概是真的六识敏锐,琥珀高文醒来之后很快也便惊醒过来,她突然睁开了那双琥珀色的眼睛,先是略带迷糊地看了坐在床上的高文一眼,随后赶紧擦擦脸颊旁边的口水,一下子站起身:“啊,你回来了?那边情况解决了?” Solved,” the Gawain stand the ground, welcomed even more bright morning sun profoundly to inspire, later as if must all low and deep gloomy discharged outside the body to exhale slowly, did not have Gods to arrive at the present world, after today, everyone can still go to sleep safely.” “解决了,”高文站到地上,迎着愈加灿烂的朝阳深深地吸了口气,随后仿佛要将所有的低沉阴郁都排出体外般慢慢呼出,“没有神明降临现世,今天之后,所有人仍然可以安心入睡。” Amber opening eye looks at Gawain, smiles later suddenly: „, I said that you can definitely handle.” 琥珀张大眼睛看着高文,随后突然笑起来:“哦,我就说嘛,你肯定能搞定。” Gawain nods: Needs to inform other person , the matter that following needs to handle also has.” 高文点点头:“需要通知其他人一下,后续需要处理的事情还有很多。” Afterward he looked at Tyr one of the corner: In addition must think the means to wake her- must inform Siren of Xiadahai deep place, need not continued.” 随后他又看了墙角的提尔一眼:“另外还得想办法把她弄醒-得通知一下大海深处的海妖们,不用继续等了。” This you try to find the solution, I inform Hetty and Carmel they!” Amber runs without delay toward the entrance, they in your news, definitely awake very early......” “这你就想办法吧,我去通知赫蒂卡迈尔他们!”琥珀二话不说就往门口跑去,“他们都在等你消息,肯定醒的很早……” Gawain did not have to say anything with enough time again, Amber gust has run to go out, leaves behind him as well as resting gloomy Siren treats in the room. 高文还没来得及再说些什么,琥珀已经一阵风般跑出了门,就留下他以及一根睡的天昏地暗的海妖待在房间里。 Obviously Amber understands in sleeping soundly Tyr wakes difficultly, she rather runs through the entire central city area not to attempt very early in the morning to awaken Tyr...... 显然琥珀非常了解把熟睡中的提尔弄醒有多难,她宁可大清早地跑遍整个中心城区也不愿意尝试叫醒提尔…… Gawain a little dumbfounded looked at the entrance, turned head looks at to rest the posture compared with abstract a point Miss Siren probably a moment ago, shakes the head reluctantly. 高文有点愣神地看了看门口,又扭头看着睡姿好像比刚才更抽象了一点的海妖小姐,无奈地摇了摇头。 The boiling water has tried in any case, threw not necessarily to be effective following the window, putting salt she to going home to be the same, it is estimated that is being a sword cut, she was also resurrects oneself room to continue to rest...... 开水反正是试过了,顺着窗户扔出去也不一定管用,撒盐她就跟回家一样,估计着就是一剑砍了,她也就是复活回自己的房间继续睡…… Thinks it over, Gawain bends the waist to gather near the Tyr ear( to suppose that her organs of hearing truly are ear), whispered low voice: Your small biscuit did not have.” 思来想去,高文弯下腰凑到提尔耳边(假设她的听觉器官确实是耳朵),小声嘀咕了一句:“你小饼干没了。” Tyr startles all of a sudden then to awaken, the chaotic tail rolls on the ground, the whole person lay in an extremely difficult situation the ground, is kicking while shouts: What, who said? Didn't I have...... yeah?” 提尔激灵一下子便惊醒过来,乱糟糟的尾巴在地上一滚,整个人狼狈不堪地趴到了地上,然后一边扑腾着一边嚷嚷起来:“什么什么,谁说的?我还没……哎?” Tyr sobers finally, the upper part turned 180 degrees looks at to stand in nearby Gawain, this noticed early morning to arrive, and recalled itself to rest the reason here: „Did you...... come back? That side situation how?” 提尔终于清醒过来,上半身扭了一百八十度看着站在一旁的高文,这才注意到清晨已经到来,并回忆起了自己睡在这里的原因:“你……回来了?那边情况怎么样?” „Very regrettable,” the Gawain faint smile shakes the head, you waited in vain one.” “很遗憾,”高文似笑非笑地摇了摇头,“你们白等一场了。” Tyr was startled, later understood the meaning in Gawain words, however this Siren that loses the small biscuit actually smiled suddenly, said very much happily: „Isn't this good deed?” 提尔怔了一下,随后理解了高文话语中的意思,然而这个失去小饼干的海妖却突然笑了起来,很是高兴地说道:“这不是好事么?” Then she haunched the upper part, long snake tail stretch/leisurely launches, slowly arches toward the entrance, arches while is beckoning with the hand: I first inform the sisters, earlier informs to come back to make up a sleep/felt earlier......” 接着她撑起了上半身,长长的蛇尾舒展开,慢慢向着门口拱去,一边拱一边摆着手:“那我先去通知一下姐妹们,早点通知完早点回来补个觉……” Miss Siren left, in the room is only left over Gawain one person, the rosy-colored clouds at dawn gradually become bright, becomes the beautiful sunlight, inclined to sprinkle the room by the spacious window, Gawain has turned around, welcomes the brilliance that Giant Sun is bringing to narrow the eye slightly. 海妖小姐离开了,房间中只剩下高文一人,朝霞渐渐变得明亮,变为明媚的阳光,倾斜着透过宽大的落地窗洒进房间,高文转过身,迎着巨日带来的光辉微微眯起了眼睛。 Cecil is locating the daybreak, the Olandell area actually should to the morning, if all conduct according to the plan, then the shift work of Eternal Sleepers should start. 塞西尔正处黎明,奥兰戴尔地区却应该到了上午,如果一切按计划进行,那么永眠者的转移工作应该已经开始了。 Then, Cecil this huge machine revolves the secret, recently two years successful in the military intelligence agency winding simultaneous event that Typhon will establish, the railroad investment company, path plan informer, „No. 25 three units will also start the cooperation, with the aid of the shields of recent several increasing trade orders, before Roseta Augustus detected most core Eternal Sleepers technology personnel and technology material will shift Cecil, and to be slower, a more secret way to shift these priority low Priest in later one year continually, completed or action compelled until the shift terminates. 接下来,塞西尔这台庞大的机器将隐秘运转,最近两年成功在提丰建立的军情局下线也会同步活动,铁路投资公司、“轨迹计划”线人、“二十五号”三个单位将展开合作,借助最近几次增加的贸易订单的掩护,在罗塞塔奥古斯都察觉之前将最核心永眠者技术人员技术资料转移到塞西尔,并在之后的一年内以更加缓慢、更加隐秘的方式持续转移那些优先度较低的神官,直到转移完成或行动被迫终止。 All have the plan, military intelligence agency and foreign railroad organization of Hetty of control Amber leadership had been fully prepared personally for this reason, then looked whether that side Eternal Sleepers can make coordinates perfectly. 一切已有预案,琥珀领导的军情局赫蒂亲自控制的境外铁路机构已为此做好了一切准备,接下来就看永眠者那边是否能做出完美的配合了。 Hopes they can make the enough good showing in the following incorporation transformation process...... Selena and Meguir III are the smart people, they know how should do. 希望他们可以在接下来的收编改造过程中做出足够好的表现……赛琳娜梅高尔三世都是聪明人,他们知道该怎么做。 Good deed......” Gawain narrows the eye, looks at that is shining in the brilliant sunshine in the world, in a soft voice talk to oneself. “好事么……”高文眯着眼睛,看着那照耀在天地间的灿烂阳光,轻声自言自语着。 Some stories ended, some stories...... actually must continue. 有的故事结束了,有的故事……却还要延续下去。 ...... …… Roseta Augustus arrived on obsidian palace highest sharp tower, he shoves open inscribes many rune, to mount the gem and magic metal front door together, entered situated in Magic Laboratory that tower withstand/top. 罗塞塔奥古斯都来到了黑曜石宫最高的尖上,他推开一道铭刻着诸多符文、镶嵌着宝石与魔导金属的大门,走进了位于顶的魔法实验室 In experiment room light and bright, the alchemy laboratory bench and inscribes formation arcane laboratory bench orderly to be pure, various abstruse precious books scrolls were laid aside on according to groups depending on the big bookshelf of wall, two golem that is assembled by the Runic Armour piece and bronze torso is reorganizing some junks busily lithely, the movement silent. 实验室内宽敞明亮,炼金实验台和铭刻法阵奥术实验台整齐洁净,各类深奥宝贵的书籍卷轴被分门别类地放置在靠墙的大书架上,两个由符文护甲片和青铜躯干组装起来的魔偶正在忙忙碌碌地整理一些杂物,动作轻盈无声。 In sees Roseta to enter, two golem bow to salute immediately, later returned to the work. 看到罗塞塔入内,两个魔偶立刻躬身行礼,随后回到了工作中。 Roseta looks directly to the room deep place, a deportment solemn steady, wears lady of light purple law robe to walk from there, she is the current president of Typhon imperial family mage association, is Roseta Adviser Great Emperor of chief mage, legendary mage Windsor Mapel lady. 罗塞塔径直看向房间深处,一位仪态端庄稳重、身穿淡紫色法袍的女士正从那里走来,她正是提丰皇家法师协会的现任会长,也是罗塞塔大帝的首席法师顾问,传奇法师温莎玛佩尔女士 This in Magic Laboratory situated in obsidian palace is belongs her, one of places since she works, is symbolizing her as the recent years rare outstanding talent in the Empire special amenities and status. 这位于黑曜石宫内的魔法实验室便是属于她的,既是她工作的地方之一,也象征着她作为近年少有的杰出天才在帝国的特殊待遇和身份。 Salutes to you, my your majesty,” Windsor Mapel bows to salute in front of Roseta, „do you have what instruction?” “向您致敬,我的陛下,”温莎玛佩尔罗塞塔面前鞠躬致敬,“您有何吩咐?” Roseta nods: I felt that the curse strength has abated, that thing was tranquil.” 罗塞塔点点头:“我感到诅咒力量有所消退,那东西平静下来了。” Typhon imperial family insanity curse is a semiopen secret, but the imperial mage association president of all previous generations as the Empire most outstanding occult sciences expert, naturally can be this secret direct insider, for two centuries, these outstanding Spellcaster shoulder is analyzing curse and attempt to seek for the responsibility of law of dealing, although even now had not had the achievement, the imperial family is still maintaining to their trusts. 提丰皇室的“疯病”诅咒是个半公开的秘密,而历代的皇家法师协会会长作为帝国最优秀的神秘学专家,自然会是这个秘密的直接知情者,两个世纪以来,这些杰出的施法者都肩负着分析诅咒、尝试寻找应对之法的职责,尽管时至今日仍未有显著成果,皇室也仍然保持着对他们的信任。 In the non- public situation, the Typhon royal family member can frequently with Windsor Mapel direct discussion insanity curse topic. 在非公开的场合,提丰的皇室成员经常会和温莎玛佩尔直接谈论“疯病诅咒”的话题。 Retrogression?” Matter that the Windsor somewhat looks at Roseta Great Emperor, just had surprisedly?” “消退了?”温莎有些惊讶地看着罗塞塔大帝,“是刚刚发生的事?” „After the morning wakes up, I felt that it is abating little, after several hours, restored previous normal condition, without rebound, has not continued to reduce,” Roseta was saying in detail self-perception situation, in Windsor in front of Mapel, he treated as himself an ordinary patient, this helped this legendary mage assess the situation well, I thought behind this change to have the occult sciences domain reason inevitably, wants to ask you to help me inspect.” “早晨醒来之后我感觉到它正在一点点消退,数个小时后恢复到了此前的‘正常’状态,没有反弹,也没有继续消减,”罗塞塔详细说着自己感受到的情况,在温莎玛佩尔面前,他把自己当做一个普通的病人,这有助于这位传奇法师更好地判断情况,“我认为这变化背后必然有着神秘学领域的原因,想请你帮我检查一下。” Naturally...... we can start now.” “当然……我们现在就可以开始。”
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