SOD :: Volume #9

#819: Consideration in the future

When morning sun raises, a 1523-year story ended, in the ending of story, Gods has not arrived at the real world, frail and tiny Human Race fortunately survives again from the disaster- the stories of many, then continue to continue downward. 当朝阳升起,一段长达1523年的故事结束了,在故事的结尾,神明没有降临现实世界,脆弱又渺小的人类再一次从灾难中幸存下来-很多人的故事,便继续向下延续着。 Semler grips tightly his battle magic staff, is standing and waiting for a long time in the business hall for a very long time, the surroundings are concentrate all one's attention on innumerably, and whole face exhausted Priest and Knight, intelligence from surface in then delivered to front of this Archbishop a moment ago, but that imitates, if confused the strange phenomenon of Dreamland reality to make him not dare to confirm that as before final result, he and everyone was still holding the nervous disturbed mood, calmly is waiting. 塞姆勒紧握他的战斗法杖,在大厅中央久久地伫立着,周围是无数屏气凝神且满脸疲惫的神官骑士,来自地表的情报在刚才便送到了这位大主教面前,但那仿若混淆了梦境现实的怪异现象让他依旧不敢确认最终的结果,他和所有人仍然抱着紧张忐忑的心情,静静地等待着。 Scattered the short moment of entire Olandell area in this early morning multi-colored sunlight, Priest as if waited for of century. 在这清晨霞光撒遍整个奥兰戴尔地区的短暂一刻,神官们仿佛等待了一个世纪之久。 Then, the star light of twinkle star appears finally in each field of vision of person, appears in the sky of hall. 然后,星星点点的星光终于浮现在每一个人的视野中,浮现在大厅的上空。 Semler hears an old and exhausted sound spreads to oneself mind: Finished...... the compatriots, we were safe.” 塞姆勒听到一个苍老而疲惫的声音传入自己的脑海:“都结束了……同胞们,我们安全了。” This is the Meguir III sound. 这是梅高尔三世的声音。 After short silence, the delayed cheers resounded through the entire hall suddenly! 短暂的寂静之后,迟来的欢呼声骤然响彻了整个大厅! Success!! We prevented Gods!” alien traveller and Selena Archbishop they succeeded!” We lived, we lived!!” “成功了!!我们阻止了一个神明!”“域外游荡者赛琳娜大主教他们成功了!”“我们活下来了,我们活下来了!!” Cheers that resounds in all around tidal, is looking after Wendy of wounded person to draw out the body slowly, contamination of spirit deep place was abating, she felt that oneself soul finally thoroughly regained the freedom truly, she raised the head, saw that Yuri of not far away is also throwing the line of sight. 在四周潮水般响起的欢呼声中,正在照料伤员的温蒂慢慢直起了身子,精神深处的污染正在消退着,她感到自己的灵魂终于真正彻底恢复了自由,她抬起头,看到不远处的尤里也正投来视线。 We succeeded......” Wendy to turn upwards corner of the mouth slowly, said from the bottom of one's heart with a smile. “我们成功了……”温蒂慢慢翘起嘴角,发自肺腑地笑着说道。 Yuri showed the look complex smile, he inspires gently, as if said that listens to mutter to oneself generally in a low voice: „...... We have not ruined this world finally.” 尤里露出了神色复杂的笑容,他轻轻吸了口气,仿佛说给自己听一般低声咕哝着:“……我们总算没有毁掉这个世界。” The flowing light appears in the business hall together towering, along with the flowing light gathering, an inspection lamp condenses in everyone line of sight, appears is the hand holds the female form of inspection lamp. 一道流光突兀地出现在大厅中央,伴随着流光汇聚,一盏提灯凝聚在所有人视线中,紧接着出现的便是手执提灯的女性身影。 Selena Archbishop,” Semler welcomes immediately to this form, you saved entire Church again......” 赛琳娜大主教,”塞姆勒立刻迎向这道身影,“您再次拯救了整个教会……” Selena halo diverges gradually, naturally, she maps the projection in surroundings person of conscious here together, facing Semler Archbishop, this inspection lamp saintess actually shakes the head gently: This time, saves Church is not I.” 赛琳娜身边的光晕渐渐散去,当然,她在这里只是一道映射在周围人意识中的投影,面对塞姆勒大主教,这位提灯圣女却轻轻摇了摇头:“这一次,拯救教会的不是我。” „, alien traveller It......” Semler responded immediately, It now where?” “啊,域外游荡者祂……”塞姆勒顿时反应过来,“祂现在在什么地方?” alien traveller went back temporarily, It arrived at a projection in our mind networks after all, shortly after It will contact with us again,” Selena said in a soft voice, the line of sight has swept the entire hall slowly, Priest that these cheer, exhausted actually exciting Knight, being survivor of disaster attendant map her view, finally, she dangled the eyelid, was lucky you effort in real world, the success that we can be the last.” 域外游荡者暂时回去了,祂毕竟只是在我们的心灵网络中降临了一个投影,不久后祂会再和我们联系的,”赛琳娜轻声说道,视线慢慢扫过了整个大厅,那些欢呼的神官,疲惫却兴奋的骑士,劫后余生的侍从们纷纷映入她的眼帘,最后,她垂下了眼皮,“多亏了你们在现实世界中的努力,我们才能取得最后的成功。” Semler looks at Selena, he discovered strangely this Archbishop look is complex, does not seem upbeat like others with ease, this made him be puzzled: Selena Archbishop, do you seem like...... as if have the concern?” 塞姆勒奇怪地看着赛琳娜,他发现这位大主教的神色复杂,情绪似乎并不像其他人那样轻松振奋,这令他深感困惑:“赛琳娜大主教,你看上去……似乎有心事?” Selena thinks that pursues the star light under the dim light of night the form, thinks oneself life had replied most difficult that issue, she silent was very long, finally shakes the head: I am all right, is only somewhat is suddenly puzzled.” 赛琳娜想到了那个在夜色下追逐星光的身影,想到了自己此生回答过的最艰难的那个问题,她沉默了很久,才终于摇了摇头:“我没事,只是突然有些困惑。” Puzzled?” “困惑?” Semler Archbishop, what do you think a civilization biggest instinct are?” “塞姆勒大主教,你认为一个文明最大的本能是什么?” Instinct?” Semler fell into the thinking facing this somewhat strange issue, a moment later he some said indefinitely, continues itself?” “本能?”塞姆勒面对这个有些奇怪的问题陷入了思索,片刻之后他才有些不确定地说道,“是延续自身?” Then beside continuing oneself?” Selena also asked that beside going on living......” “那在延续自身之外呢?”赛琳娜又问道,“在活下去之外……” I...... do not know, Semler shakes the head, in my opinion, we continued to be difficult in this world enough.” “我……不知道,”塞姆勒摇了摇头,“在我看来,我们在这个世界上延续下去就已经足够艰难了。” Also yes,” Selena one second, felt relaxed suddenly shakes the head with a smile, „, moreover this is not domain that you excel.” “也是,”赛琳娜顿了一秒钟,突然释然地笑着摇了摇头,“而且这本身也不是你擅长的领域。” Semler speculated that from the response of Selena this saintess in experienced certainly anything with the resistance of Higher Level Narrator, will reveal this as if sentimental condition suddenly, but does not closely examine these details at this moment obviously time. Brims in all around is rousing in the joyful atmosphere, he has calmed down, and opens the mouth to ask: Selena Archbishop, Divine Descentthreat has subsided now ‚, whether then we should consider the Church future?” 塞姆勒从赛琳娜的反应中推测出这位“圣女”一定是在和上层叙事者的对抗中经历了什么,才会突然显露出这种仿佛多愁善感的状态,但此刻显然不是追问这些细节的时候。在四周洋溢着的振奋欢庆气氛中,他已经率先冷静下来,并开口问道:“赛琳娜大主教,现在‘神降’威胁已经平息,接下来我们是否该考虑教会的未来了?” Naturally,” the Selena nod said that also restrained own mood, „, although the situation fills people with enthusiasm, but leaves our celebration time is not perhaps many. “当然,”赛琳娜点头说道,也收敛了自己的情绪,“虽然局势振奋人心,但留给我们的庆祝时间恐怕并不多。 I also saw a moment ago the news that the surface spreads, the influence of Higher Level Narrator has affected the real world, the sound of throat of Olandell had too many eyewitness, the news in this aspect will perhaps pass to the Roseta ear quickly- this headquarters are unsafe. “我刚才也看到了地表传来的消息,上层叙事者的影响已经波及了现实世界,奥兰戴尔之喉的动静有太多的目击者,这方面的消息恐怕很快就会传到罗塞塔耳中-这处总部已经不安全了。 According to the plan that former Pope Your Excellency draws up, we must start the shift work of headquarters immediately, all members walk, give up this palace, carries off research data and commodity that all can take, the destruction that cannot carry off, blows up the center pole, the element outer covering and upper-level vault, cannot leave behind any clue. “按照之前教皇冕下拟定的预案,我们必须立刻开始总部的转移工作,所有成员都走,放弃这座宫殿,带走所有能带上的研究资料和物资,带不走的就地销毁,炸毁中央支柱、元素外壳以及上层穹顶,不能留下任何线索。 Establishes various footholds in Empire must shift, under chaos, quick will appear informs with the ratter, in the necessary situation, we must prepare for giving up all footholds. “设置在帝国境内的各处据点也要转移,混乱之下,很快就会出现告密和叛变者,必要的情况下,我们要做好放弃所有据点的准备。 All compatriots change over to are dormant, no longer conducts any Church to move, the waiting unification instruction, according to the beforehand plan, shifts toward Cecil in turn- the work in this aspect can give Yuri.” “所有同胞转入蛰伏,不再进行任何教会活动,等待统一指令,按照之前的预案,分批向着塞西尔转移-这方面的工作可以交给尤里。” Selena is saying one after another, Semler seriously listens, slightly nodded , the sinking sound said: Matter arrived at this...... only to be a pity finally 700 years of operation, from morning until evening then returned to the zero point.” 赛琳娜一条一条地说着,塞姆勒表情严肃地听完,微微点了点头,沉声说道:“事情终于还是走到了这一步……只可惜七百年的经营,朝夕之间便回到了原点。” Always compared with all extinguishes,” Selena shakes the head, „the knowledge that moreover our at least also 700 years accumulate, as well as is willing to admit our new influences, does not calculate that returns to the zero point thoroughly.” “总比全灭强,”赛琳娜摇了摇头,“而且我们至少还有七百年积累下来的知识,以及一个愿意接纳我们的新势力,也不算彻底回到原点。” That side mind network what to do?” Semler also asked. “心灵网络那边怎么办?”塞姆勒又问道。 „After...... loses here facility support, the operation of mind network will receive very tremendous impact, but well in its foundation is built on our brains, so long as there is an enough Priest survival, it can also maintain the revolution of low limit,” Selena had pondered obviously the issue in this aspect, replies immediately, „after shift starts, the mind network maintains the foundation pattern, the city of Dreamland no longer opens, establishes the new headquarters until us in Cecil. Pope Your Excellency in maintaining the process of sandbox loses is very big, then his whole time will be used to recuperate to restore, the business in network by me and Manager Daniel Archbishop- are mainly I, Daniel Archbishop in Aldernan, considering the security problem, he will only provide the support in technology aspect now.” “……失去这里的设施支撑之后,心灵网络的运行会受很大影响,但好在它的基础建立在我们的大脑上,只要有足够的神官存活,它还可以维持较低限度的运转,”赛琳娜显然已经思考过这方面的问题,立刻回答道,“转移开始之后,心灵网络维持基础模式,梦境之城不再开启,直到我们在塞西尔建立起新的总部。教皇冕下在维持沙箱的过程中损耗很大,接下来他大部分时间将用来休养恢复,网络方面的事务会由我和丹尼尔大主教主管-主要是我,丹尼尔大主教现在在奥尔德南,考虑到安全问题,他将仅提供技术方面的支持。” Un, I understood,” Semler nods saying that as the matter stands, so long as the mind network still , the overall plan coordinated aspect will facilitate many.” “嗯,我明白了,”塞姆勒点头说道,“这样一来,只要心灵网络还在,统筹协调方面都会方便很多。” Afterward, Selena looked to another side of hall, looked to the brain servants computation node hall, the vision falls on these observation window and that leaf be at opening condition gate on. 随后,赛琳娜看向了大厅的另一侧,看向脑仆们所处的计算节点大厅,目光落在那些观察窗口和那扇处于开启状态的闸门上。 Semler notices her line of sight, does not wait for her to open the mouth then to have a feeling saying: Magnum Archbishop he...... please feels relieved, we will take his.” 塞姆勒注意到她的视线,不等她开口便带着一丝感慨说道:“马格南大主教他……请放心,我们会带上他的。” Selena actually shakes the head, said in a soft voice: No, takes everyone.” 赛琳娜却摇了摇头,轻声说道:“不,带上所有人。” All......” Semler is somewhat in a daze suddenly, then frowns, you say all brain servants? Perhaps this......, this will not definitely consume more manpower and resources, will affect certain shift progress......” “所有……”塞姆勒一时间有些发愣,紧接着便皱起眉头,“你是说所有脑仆?这恐怕……不,这肯定会耗费更多的人力物力,而且会影响一定的转移进度……” I know, but I have calculated all that has needed, our time is truly limited, so long as does everything possible, we still had enough ample shift all brain servants to the spare security foothold,” the Selena looks at Semler's eyes, this perhaps is her these for several hundred years the most insufficient rational moment, but she will not affect the general situation because of the perception of overflow, arrangement that she makes at this moment, is the results of careful and deep consideration, shifts in turn, shifts to the Olandell South county, the needle juniper county, Enqhawk county and Talenjins area. The Cecil railroad investment company will help us arrange the train or the secret compartment, the related line will dredge in the near future, all will arrange appropriately.” “我知道,但我已经计算过所需的一切,我们时间确实有限,但只要尽力而为,我们仍然有足够的余裕转移所有脑仆到备用的安全据点,”赛琳娜看着塞姆勒的眼睛,这或许是她这数百年来最不够理性的一刻,但她也不会因泛滥的感性而影响大局,她此刻做出的安排,都是深思熟虑的结果,“分批转移,转移到奥兰戴尔南郡、杜松郡、恩奇霍克郡以及塔伦金斯地区。塞西尔铁路投资公司会帮助我们安排列车或隐秘车厢,相关线路会在近期疏通,一切都会安排妥当的。” „...... Perhaps, but this also can only shift portion,” Semler brow tight wrinkle, key is not only here to have the brain servant, in a more remote foothold, beside track line of Cecilian investment control, several for maintaining the nodes of other sandboxes- the brain servant who shift cannot move may be more normal than personnel to be much more difficult the shift.” “……但这恐怕也只能转移一部分,”塞姆勒眉头紧皱,“关键在于不仅仅这里有脑仆,在更加偏远的据点,在塞西尔人投资控制的铁路线之外,还有好几个用于维持其它沙箱的节点-转移不会动的脑仆可比转移正常人员要困难得多。” Can shift many to shift many,” Selena said, cannot shift, selects as far as possible maintains.” “能转移多少就转移多少,”赛琳娜说道,“不能转移的,尽量择地维持。” Selects maintains? What significance does this have?” Semler brow wrinkles again, mind network does not need the brain servant, they are used to maintain the sandbox system, now Project #0 has terminated, and in the future the not possible postscript to use, these brain servants......” “择地维持?这有什么意义么?”塞姆勒眉头再次皱起,“心灵网络本身并不需要脑仆,他们只是用来维持沙箱系统的,现在第零号项目已经终止,且将来也不可能再启用,这些脑仆……” He looks puzzled to Selena, actually only saw that a pair is profound and tranquil, is unable to analyze its concrete thought and feeling eye. 他困惑地看向赛琳娜,却只看到一双深邃、平静,无从分析其具体想法和情绪的眼睛。 Selena closed the eye, seems thinking. 赛琳娜闭上了眼睛,仿佛是在思索。 This is some repayment, is to making reparations of this wrong road/s ; This is some self- extrication, is lets the Eternal Sleepers Religion return proper way the first step ; This was also the meaningful recovery, Cecil obtained All Things Finally Die Society biochemical technology, there, the possibility that not all brain servants have not cured...... 这是某种偿还,是对这条错误道路的赎罪;这是某种自我解脱,是让永眠者教派回归正途的第一步;这也是有意义的补救,塞西尔获得了万物终亡会的生化技术,在那里,并非所有的脑仆都没有治愈的可能…… But in immediately, her also has important, to everyone more convincing reason. 但在当下,她还有个更重要,也对所有人都更有说服力的原因。 This is the admission ticket,” she opens the eye, looks to Semler Archbishop, lets Cecil, making alien traveller admit our Admission tickets Cecil has its order and criterion, we want to return under the sunlight, must hug these criteria from now in own initiative. Semler Archbishop, must make everyone know that- always survives a brain servant, in us certain people will feed in mine and time of factory service in the future will be shorter.” “这是门票,”她睁开眼睛,看向塞姆勒大主教,“是让塞西尔,让域外游荡者接纳我们的门票-塞西尔自有它的秩序和准则,我们想要重新回到阳光下,必须从现在开始主动拥抱这些准则。塞姆勒大主教,务必让所有人知道-每多存活一个脑仆,我们中的某些人将来被送进矿山和工厂服役的时间就会短一些。” Then she also added: Moreover, reminded everyone do not try our luck, do not think that was capable of avoiding incorporation and transformation of alien traveller, don't forget, his time the conscious projection in the sandbox, then swallowed already became Gods Higher Level Narrator merely ‚’, but before then, he has infiltrated and controlled the entire mind network early.” 接着她又补充道:“另外,也提醒大家不要心存侥幸,不要认为有能力回避域外游荡者的收编和改造,别忘了,祂这次仅仅将意识投影在沙箱内,便吞噬掉了已经成为神明的‘上层叙事者’,而早在这之前,他就已经渗透、控制了整个心灵网络。” In Semler heart braves the imposing sentiment gradually, his facial expression is especially serious, slowly nods: I understood.” 塞姆勒心中渐渐冒起凛然之情,他神情格外严肃,慢慢点了点头:“我明白了。” Selena then breathes a sigh of relief, later on the face showed a slightly strange expression suddenly: Now...... we discuss the Magnum Archbishop issue again.” 赛琳娜这才舒了口气,随后脸上突然露出了一丝略显古怪的表情:“现在……我们再来讨论讨论马格南大主教的问题。” Hears this name, is not only Semler, including just arrived around Wendy and Yuri also ground submergence gets down the look as if by prior agreement, on the face showed the complex look. 听到这个名字,不仅是塞姆勒,连刚刚来到附近的温蒂尤里也不约而同地沉下了眼神,脸上露出复杂的神色。 Magnum Archbishop this time made the lofty sacrifice,” Wendy sinking sound said, perhaps, we should subsequently confirm him as saint......” 马格南大主教这次做出了崇高的牺牲,”温蒂沉声说道,“或许,我们应该追认他为圣徒……” No, I do not mean this,” Selena lifts the right hand, raises that Dreamland inspection lamp, I meant- ” “不,我不是说这个,”赛琳娜抬起右手,擎起那盏梦境提灯,我是说-” The Dreamland inspection lamp blooms the overlapping temperate ray, suddenly, transmitted everyone from that ray very familiar, the loud-voiced sound: „ Hey, hey? Hey! Do some people hear? Do some people hear? This damn place what's the matter, do some people hear? 梦境提灯绽放出层层叠叠的温和光芒,突然间,从那光芒中传来了一个所有人都很熟悉的、嗓音洪亮的声音:“喂,喂?喂!有人听到么?有人听到没有?这该死的地方是怎么回事,有人听到吗? Hey! I was surrounded! How here sees does not seem like No. 1 sandbox! Who can tell outside me is what situation? Has the person? Has the person!” “嘿!我被困住了!这里怎么看都不像是一号沙箱!谁能告诉我外面是什么情况?有人吗?有人吗!” Selena lifts the hand to stroke above the inspection lamp, released is accepted soul in lamp, scattered radiance contracted a person's shadow before everyone suddenly, the red short hair and short Magnum stands in the hall, the whole body exhibited the translucent condition, is staring around looks at. 赛琳娜抬手在提灯上方拂过,释放了被收容在灯内的灵魂,飘散的光华骤然在所有人面前收缩成一个人影,红色短发、身材矮小的马格南站在大厅中,浑身呈现出半透明的状态,瞪着眼睛看着四周。 The surroundings are instantaneously peaceful. 周围瞬间安静下来。 Icollected his fragment inboundary, collects my fragment like during that time Pope Your Excellency,” the Selena sound broke suddenly silence and awkwardness, „, but seemed like this to give other party to become some puzzles.” “我在‘边界’收集了他的碎片,就像当年教皇冕下收集我的碎片一样,”赛琳娜的声音打破了一时间的沉默和尴尬,“但看起来这给他造成了一些困扰。” Magnum hears Selena sound, looks at the familiar hall, subconsciously scratches the head to send puzzled at present: What's the matter...... I remember obviously oneself already......” 马格南听到身旁赛琳娜的声音,又困惑地看着眼前熟悉的大厅,下意识挠挠头发:“怎么回事……我明明记得自己已经……” Finishes barely the words, he then looks to arrive in oneself front Yuri Charvin. 话音未落,他便看到了站在自己面前的尤里查尔文 In the puzzled expression gushes out rapidly awkwardly, his corner of the mouth pulled out pulling out, turns upwards reluctantly upwardly, hesitates to say the hello: „, Was Archbishop Yuri, seeming like...... us successful?” 困惑的表情中迅速涌出尴尬,他嘴角抽了抽,勉强向上翘起,犹豫着打起招呼:“啊,尤里大主教,看起来……我们是成功了?” Yuri is staring at present Magnum, silent several seconds, later lifts right hand little- 尤里盯着眼前的马格南,沉默了好几秒钟,随后才一点点抬起右手- Slowly and stretched out the middle finger firmly. 缓慢且坚定地伸出了中指。
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