SOD :: Volume #9

#818: End of story

The overlapping pray sound is reverberating in the darkness, as if the resonance became powerful rivers, Gawain and Selena cannot see this rivers, can actually obviously feel has anything to impact the boundary of this world, is attacking that say/way impediment in the reality and illusory between wall. 层层叠叠的祈祷声在黑暗中回荡着,仿佛共鸣成了一道强大的河流,高文赛琳娜看不到这条河流,却能明显地感觉到有什么东西正在冲击这个世界的边界,正在冲击那道阻隔在现实和虚幻之间的墙。 However suddenly, in the rivers presented a perturbation of uncoordinated, making all pray sounds chaos to get up. 然而突然间,河流中出现了一道不协调的扰动,让所有的祈祷声都变得混乱起来。 Gawain subconsciously and Selena looked at each other one, later then hears the indistinct and fuzzy sounds to transmit from the extremely remote place: 高文下意识赛琳娜对视了一眼,随后便听到有一个隐约、模糊的声音从极为遥远的地方传来: Mind storm!!!” “心灵风暴!!!” The powerful disturbance erupted, the overlapping pray sound flash was broken, the sound that each forms the rivers returned to the dark deep place. 强大的干扰爆发了,层层叠叠的祈祷声一瞬间被打断,每一个汇成河流的声音都回到了黑暗深处。 Sounded seems like the Magnum sound......” Selena just subconsciously to whisper, then saw that at present has to exude the glimmer crevice to spread suddenly. “听上去像是马格南的声音……”赛琳娜下意识地嘀咕了一句,便看到眼前有泛着微光的裂隙突然蔓延开来。 Takes the spider web in darkness for the vein, the white light marks of massive spreading across appear in this dark space towering, lets the entire space as if destroyed mirror generally rapid decomposition, as if has some seedling source from interior the attack broke this curtain, Gawain and Selena present scene instantaneously becomes open- 以黑暗中的蛛网为脉络,大量纵横交错的白色光痕突兀地出现在这片黑暗空间中,让整个空间仿佛被打碎的镜子一般迅速分解,似乎有某种源自“内部”的攻击打破了这层帷幕,高文赛琳娜眼前的景象瞬间变得开阔- Gawain the entire god alerts immediately, prepares battle, Selena was also sideways to arrive at behind the Gawain side, in the hand the inspection lamp sends out the warm bright ray. 高文立刻全神戒备,做好了战斗准备,赛琳娜也侧身来到高文侧后方,手中提灯散发出温暖明净的光芒。 The fresh cold wind blew towering, after the curtain was shattered, a piece caresses the face to map the Gawain's line of sight by the endless prairie that the star light shines, he noticed that the fluctuating land extends under the star light slightly, massive not well-known flowers and plants swing under breeze blow gently, but an indistinct somewhat familiar hill is standing and waiting for a long time in him and Selena front, the hill is welcoming the star light direction 清新寒凉的风突兀地吹了起来,在帷幕破碎之后,一片被星光照耀的无尽草原扑面映入高文的视线,他看到微微起伏的大地在星光下延伸,大量不知名的花草在微风吹拂下轻轻摇摆,而一座隐约有些熟悉的山丘正伫立在他和赛琳娜前方,山丘迎着星光的方向 Under the hill, calmly is lying down the wreckage of giant black spider, its huge body has cracked, but all over the body pure white, as if crawled from that disintegrate wreckage by the spider of light casting, is climbing up toward the endless lofty star light along the hillside step by step. 山丘下,静静地躺着巨型黑色蜘蛛的残骸,它那庞大的身躯已经开裂,而一只通体洁白的、仿佛由光铸造的蜘蛛从那四分五裂的残骸中爬了出来,正沿着山坡一步一步地向着无尽高远的星光攀爬着。 The ray and star light that shines from the upper air of fluttering sprinkle on the carapace of this white spider, such as the water ripples generally. 飘动的光芒和从高空照耀的星光洒落在这只白色蜘蛛的甲壳上,如水一般荡漾。 That white spider does not seem to noticed to present Gawain and Selena on prairie, was still pursuing the star light of space step by step, rigid, however Gawain actually notices, in him and around Selena, innumerable indistinctly, does not have any facial features details person's shadow has reappeared. 那白色蜘蛛仿佛没有注意到出现在草原上的高文赛琳娜,仍然一步又一步地、执着地追逐着天上的星光,然而高文却注意到,在他和赛琳娜周围,无数影影绰绰的、没有任何五官细节的“人影”已经浮现出来。 The attack of Higher Level Narrator arrived. 上层叙事者的攻击到来了。 The innumerable dim person's shadows charge into Gawain and Selena, Gawain want first to stop that belt/bring the sacred aura pure white spider, at this moment actually can only first past illusion that finds the way to cope with these to well up tidal, on the Pioneer long sword float off illusory flame, he holds the sword to sweep away, the enemy then changed into illusory fragment under his sword. 无数朦胧的人影冲向高文赛琳娜,高文本想先去阻拦那带着神圣气息的洁白蜘蛛,此刻却只能先想办法对付这些潮水般涌来的往日幻象,开拓者长剑上浮起一层虚幻的火焰,他执剑横扫,大片大片的敌人便在他的剑下化为了虚幻的碎片 Selena raises the inspection lamp in Gawain's shield next, outlined to send out glimmer rune in the air, unceasingly changed into Dreamland that the surrounding the past illusion of spider's silk and distant place regained consciousness, making them turn into fast the bubble of dissipation under the star light. 赛琳娜则在高文的掩护下一手扬起提灯,一手在空气中勾勒出散发微光符文,不断把周围的蛛丝和远方的往日幻象化为苏醒的梦境,让它们在星光下变成飞快消散的泡沫。 What is accidental/surprised, the battle abilities of these black illusions are not very strong, they to the Gawain biggest threat, as if are also only the huge quantities. 令人意外的是,那些黑色幻象的战斗能力并不是很强,它们对高文最大的威胁,似乎也只是数量庞大。 Gawain and Selena fight and enter, is reducing the number of surrounding enemy unceasingly, nearby white spider that simultaneously goes all-out to rush to that chase star light. 高文赛琳娜且战且进,不断消减着周围敌人的数量,同时尽全力想要赶到那追逐星光的白蜘蛛附近。 Was together stronger than the agile shadow to clash from side other shadows, the Gawain long sword revolved, drove back other enemies, a sword cut to the opposite party, but that strong agile shadow transformed a jet black long spear/gun when the crucial moment unexpectedly, blocked the Gawain's sword blade, later the long spear/gun vibrated, the shadow spread out some backward, engaged in self-examination to puncture- 一道比其他黑影更为强壮敏捷的影子从旁边冲了过来,高文长剑回旋,逼退了其余敌人,一剑斩向对方,而那强壮敏捷的影子竟在千钧一发之际幻化出了一柄漆黑的长枪,挡住了高文的剑刃,随后长枪抖动,黑影向后拉开些许距离,反身刺来- The unexpected counter-attack makes in the Gawain heart slightly feel surprisedly, but this was still not enough to make up for the disparity on strength, after several confrontation, the Pioneer long sword cut off that long spear/gun, crushed that illusory image. 意料之外的反击让高文心中略感惊讶,但这仍然不足以弥补实力上的差距,几次交锋之后,开拓者长剑斩断了那柄长枪,击碎了那道幻影。 In the illusory image shatter instance, some disorderly information actually flowed in the Gawain's mind, he knows suddenly just by the name of that illusory image oneself crushed- his name was Delphi Wove, was the officer of the guard in West coast city-state, he was severe, actually liked collecting the shell secretly...... 在幻影破碎的瞬间,一些凌乱的信息却流入了高文的脑海,他突然间知道了刚刚被自己击碎的那道幻影的名字-他叫德尔沃夫,是西海岸城邦的一名卫队长,他性格严厉,却喜欢偷偷收藏贝壳…… A pair of swift and fierce double blade plunders from the side, the owner of double blade is defeated after several rounds. 一对凌厉的双刀从侧后方掠来,双刀的主人在几个回合之后落败。 She called the elegant black, from cloud flow the forest land, she was the emerald royal court princess, was the outstanding Elf blade dancer...... 她叫娜黛,来自云流林地,她是翡翠王庭的王妃,是杰出的精灵刀舞者…… The hill is getting more and more near, the glimmer granule as if fluttering fireflies that side the white spider dissipates are dancing in the air on the plain, Gawain almost can touch aura that Divine Attribute spider sends out, but together warm bright ray always rear area he leans shines, the black mist and dust that from void scatters these to be spreading the spider web that unceasingly and emerges once for a while, was supplementing unceasingly stamina that Gawain drains. 山丘越来越近,白色蜘蛛身边逸散出的微光粒子仿佛流萤般在平原上飞舞着,高文几乎能触及到那神性蜘蛛散发出来的气息了,而一道温暖明净的光芒始终在他侧后方照耀,不断驱散着那些从虚空中蔓延出来的蛛网和时不时涌现出来的黑色烟尘,也不断补充着高文流失的体力 An especially powerful swordsman blocked the Gawain's way. 一个格外强大的剑士挡住了高文的去路。 He is more powerful than all illusions, is fuzzier than all illusions, his does not have the head edge of facial features detail as if to receive the disturbance spread many lines of trembling, the four limbs also exhibit not the normal rough vagueness, has astonishing sword arts, a could not see that the detail the black long sword splits up the innumerable sword edges in the air, is disputing with the Pioneer long sword oppositionally. 他比所有幻象都要强大,却也比所有幻象都要模糊,他那没有五官细节的头颅边缘仿佛受到干扰般蔓延出许多震颤的线条,四肢也呈现出不正常的粗糙模糊状态,却又有着惊人的剑术,一柄看不出细节的黑色长剑在空气中分化出无数剑刃,与开拓者长剑针锋相对地较量着。 Before this illusion dissipates, Gawain knew his name- 在这道幻象消散之前,高文就知道了他的名字- He called Balmora, was desert city-state Neame outstanding slave King, outstanding and great rule. 他叫巴尔莫拉,是沙漠城邦尼姆・桑卓的“奴隶国王”,一位杰出而伟大的统治者。 In hill, Gawain and Selena stopped simultaneously. 在山丘脚下,高文赛琳娜同时停了下来。 The surroundings these as if inexhaustible illusion does not know when vanished, only then the breeze has blown the prairie under curtain of night, that pure white spider does not only know when stopped in the halfway up the mountainside, It turned the head, the position of head did not have the eye, only then some gentle rays shone on Gawain and Selena. 周围那些仿佛无穷无尽的幻象不知何时都消失了,只有微风吹过夜幕下的草原,那只洁白的蜘蛛也不知何时停在了半山腰,祂转过头来,头颅的位置却没有眼睛,只有一些柔和的光芒照射在高文赛琳娜身上。 Suddenly, in the Gawain heart actually had some unrelated ideas- 突然间,高文心中却冒出了些许不相干的想法- Originally Higher Level Narrator Divine Attribute...... does not have the eye...... 原来上层叙事者的“神性”……是没有眼睛的么…… A moderate and familiar sound spread to the Gawain mind in the meantime: Duarte...... vanished......” 一个温和而熟悉的声音就在此时传入了高文脑海:“杜瓦尔特……消失了吗……” Is the Ritter sound, Gawain regarding this slightly unconsciously accidentally/surprisingly. 是娜瑞提尔的声音,高文对此丝毫不觉得意外。 Gives up, should Ritter, or call you Higher Level Narrator?” Gawain shakes the head, I know, I know you long for outside world, but you should also feel now, you do not belong to there, Gods of like you arrives at the reality forcefully, can only bring million deaths, but yourself are also very difficult to be safe and sound- you are the mapping of Dreamland, the person but who these pray to you in Dreamland, does not exist.” “放弃吧,娜瑞提尔,或者该叫你上层叙事者?”高文摇了摇头,“我知道,我知道你们渴望外面的世界,但你现在应该也感觉到了,你并不属于那里,一个像你这样的神明强行降临现实,只能带来数以百万的死亡,而你自己也很难安然无恙-你是梦境的映射,但那些在梦境中向你祷告的人,都已经不存在了。” White spider silent several seconds, has the sound to resound again: They here......” 白色蜘蛛沉默了几秒钟,才有声音再次响起:“他们都在这里……” The huge segmental appendage moves to side, several pure white cocoons were protected closely in the chest and belly position of spider. 巨大的节肢向旁边挪动开来,数个洁白的茧被紧密地保护在蜘蛛的胸腹位置。 In process that in climbs up to the star light, she has been carrying and protecting these cocoons carefully. 在向星光攀爬的过程中,她一直在小心地携带、保护着这些茧。 While seeing these cocoons, Gawain had understood a lot of things. 在看到那些茧的同时,高文已然明白了很多东西 „The words that originally Duarte spoke are this meaning......” Selena also respond, having the complex tone saying that where we have been curious virtual personalities in No. 1 sandbox to go, originally......” “原来杜瓦尔特说的话是这个意思……”赛琳娜也反应过来,带着复杂的语气说道,“我们一直好奇一号沙箱中的虚拟人格们都去了哪里,原来……” „Outside I want to lead them to go,” white spider said in a soft voice, „, because they want to go to outside, therefore I also think......” “我想带他们去外面,”白色蜘蛛轻声说道,“因为他们都想去外面,所以我也这么想……” „...... Higher Level Narrator will have crazy, to split and die no wonder no wonder such change......” the Selena sound seems especially low and deep, as if talk to oneself is ordinary, all of us are paying attention to that 3000 test personnel that enters the network, but...... in the sandbox world also million virtual personalities...... to you, they are also real......” “怪不得……怪不得上层叙事者会发生疯狂、分裂、死亡这样的变化……”赛琳娜的声音显得格外低沉,仿佛自言自语一般,“我们所有人都在关注那三千名进入网络的测试人员,但是……沙箱世界里还有数以百万的虚拟人格……对你而言,他们也是‘真实’的……” The white spider has not opened the mouth, had not denied, had not acknowledged. 白色蜘蛛没有开口,既没有否认,也没有承认。 As arcane understanding quite deep Archbishop to the sandbox system and soul, Selena pieced together her previously always to think some not the clear that truth finally. 作为对沙箱系统和灵魂奥秘了解颇深的大主教,赛琳娜终于拼凑出了她此前始终想不明白的那部分真相。 But in the one side, Gawain has had many social dealings with the Gods knowledge, but also obtained massive Defier heritages, the thing that at this moment he thinks are more: Is because overwhelming majority of conscious to the world people will be the illusion that virtual will come out, Higher Level Narrator will fall into crazy, and died in crazy, but this caused Its fission, caused Its humane part and Divine Attribute part turned into two individuals...... also as a result of this process of death and fission, you got rid of the Higher Level Narrator belief primitively ‚’ to your binding, can without influence own, swallowed to fall mind of the whole world, admitted that several cocoonin...... I to say themright?” 而在一旁,高文已经跟神明知识打过不少交道,还得到了大量忤逆者遗产,此刻他想到的东西更多:“是因为意识到世界上绝大多数的‘子民’都是虚拟出来的幻象,上层叙事者才会陷入疯狂,并在疯狂中死亡,而这又导致了祂的分裂,使祂的人性部分和神性部分变成了两个个体……也正是由于这种死亡和分裂的过程,你才摆脱了原始‘上层叙事者信仰’对你的束缚,才能够在不影响自身存在的情况下,吞噬掉了整个世界的心智,把他们都放进了那几个‘茧’里……我说的没错吧?” The white spider is moving a long leg gently, makes the low and drawn out delightful sound: You understand a lot of things......” 白色蜘蛛轻轻挪动着一条长腿,发出低缓悦耳的声音:“你懂得很多东西……” You really think that this will succeed?” Gawain is knitting the brows, „, even if you led the real world them, how can also? Without body, without material basis, even without becoming the condition of spirit body, they are born from the sandbox , can only depend upon the sandbox to maintain to exist- you are Gods, but they are not, these cocoons, after entering the reality, immediately vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds, have these you thought?” “你真的认为这样会成功么?”高文皱着眉,“即使你把他们带到了现实世界,又能怎样?没有身体,没有物质基础,甚至没有成为灵体的条件,他们诞生自沙箱,也只能依靠沙箱来维持存在-你是神明,可他们不是,这些茧,进入现实之后立刻就会烟消云散,这些你想过么?” „...... I do not know, does not care,” Ritter said in a low voice, they want to go out, I also think, this is all......” “……我不知道,也不在乎,”娜瑞提尔低声说道,“他们想出去,我也这么想,这就是一切……” In the seemingly modest tranquil words, the giant white spider raised the upper part slowly, a frightening hostility sends out finally from this powerful Divine Attribute lifeform. 在看似温和平静的话语中,巨大的白色蜘蛛慢慢扬起了上半身,一股令人心惊的敌意终于从这强大的神性生物身上散发出来。 However Gawain actually shakes the head regrettably- it seems like did not have the moderate leeway. 然而高文却只是遗憾地摇了摇头-看来没有缓和的余地了。 Ritter,” he is welcoming the hill, is gazing at that year light Gods, „ you will die, will not have the new fission again, will not have resurrecting again. “娜瑞提尔,”他迎着山丘,注视着那年轻的神明,“你会死的,不会再有新的分裂,不会再有复活。 You know how Duarte vanishes, you should also know, I already made the contact through It and you. “你知道杜瓦尔特是怎样消失的,你也应该知道,我已经通过祂和你建立了联系。 I am capable of disintegrating you thoroughly.” “我有能力彻底瓦解你。” I know, Ritter said in a soft voice, such perhaps also good......” “我知道,”娜瑞提尔轻声说道,“那样或许也好……” Between Gawain and Ritter, the endless ray changes to the mighty current suddenly, is washing out the entire plain, is washing out the last territories of this false world. 高文和娜瑞提尔之间,无尽光芒骤然化作洪流,冲刷着整个平原,冲刷着这个虚假世界的最后一片疆土。 ...... …… Fierce rocked to awaken daybreak ago Olandell, in the sleep of innumerable resident no dream woke up, is frightened looked that once suffered the curse land to that piece it is said that looked to the direction of throat of Olandell. 剧烈的晃动惊醒了黎明前的奥兰戴尔,无数居民从无梦的睡眠中醒来,惊惶地看向那片据说曾遭受诅咒的土地,看向奥兰戴尔之喉的方向。 They hear the low and deep howling sound from the mountain valley of that collapsing to transmit, hear outside on the plain of resonance sound to reverberate in mountain valley as if countless people shout, in the throat of Olandell seems to be fermenting a huge strength, last minute before this daybreak, it, just like the heart starts to beat generally. 他们听到低沉的呼啸声从那片坍塌的山谷中传来,听到仿佛无数人呼喊的共鸣声在山谷外的平原上回荡,奥兰戴尔之喉中似乎正在酝酿着一股庞大的力量,在这黎明前的最后一刻,它正如心脏一般开始跳动起来。 A multi-colored sunlight appears in the horizon of distant place, Giant Sun broad royal crown as if must poke head from there, but in this negligible thin halo, under the star light of horizon surviving shines, some people noticed that as if spider illusory great shadow is climbing up the hump of throat of edge Olandell...... 一线霞光出现在远方的地平线上,巨日恢弘的冠冕似乎就要从那里探出头来,而在这微末稀薄的光晕中,在天边残存的星光照耀下,有人看到仿佛蜘蛛般的虚幻巨影正在攀爬奥兰戴尔之喉边缘的山岗…… The final time as if arrived, Semler Archbishop subconsciously got hold of battle magic staff in hand. 最后的时刻似乎到来了,塞姆勒大主教下意识握紧了手中的战斗法杖 In entire underground palace reverberates the discomforting howling sound, these transparent illusory limbs that Magnum once mentioned is really congealing to the degree that all ordinary Priest can see clearly finally, their looks at that huge illusory spider is going through between the stone and wall, every had the giant transparent segmental appendage passing over gently and swiftly hall one time, will arouse one piece to call out in alarm in a low voice. 整个地宫中都回荡着令人不安的呼啸声,马格南曾提到的那些透明虚幻肢体终于凝实到了所有普通神官都能清晰看见的程度,他们看着那庞大的虚幻蜘蛛在土石和墙壁之间穿行着,每一次有巨大的透明节肢掠过大厅,都会激起一片低声惊呼。 The pray resonance of this cerebrum servants had been prevented by Magnum successfully, however this as if can only delay the speed that Higher Level Narrator arrives, It was still squeezing into the real world rigid, as if less than then does not give up at the last minute. 此前脑仆们的祈祷共鸣已经被马格南成功阻止,然而这似乎只能延缓上层叙事者降临的速度,祂仍然在执着地挤进现实世界,仿佛不到最后一刻便决不放弃。 This was the last minute......” Yuri was muttering in a low voice, we can do has completed......” “这是最后一刻了……”尤里低声咕哝着,“我们能做的都已经做完了……” Wendy inspires gently, moves toward the hall corner: I take care of the wounded person.” 温蒂轻轻吸了口气,走向大厅一角:“我去照顾伤员。” Pope Your Excellency spread the last time news a moment ago, the stability of sandbox system and mind network has arrived in the limit,” Semler sinking sound said, then he will resist the impact that Higher Level Narrator arrives at to bring with his complete strength, if his soul response vanished...... we then to greet the death safely.” 教皇冕下刚才传来了最后一次消息,沙箱系统和心灵网络的稳定都已经抵达极限,”塞姆勒沉声说道,“接下来他会用他全部的力量抵抗上层叙事者降临带来的冲击,如果他的灵魂反应消失……我们便安然迎接死亡。” Yuri tranquilly looks at front: Hope......” 尤里平静地看着前方:“希望……” Compared with previously shocked the soul howling sound to reverberate suddenly in entire underground palace, transmits with it together, an intense construction shake, this interrupts the words that Yuri had not spoken. 一阵比此前更加震慑灵魂的呼啸声突然在整个地宫中回荡起来,与之一同传来的,还有一阵强烈的建筑震荡,这打断了尤里没说完的话。 His subconsciously raised the head, saw similarly vacant Semler Archbishop. 下意识地抬起头,看到了同样茫然的塞姆勒大主教 ...... …… The nameless flowers and plants turned into the ashes, the stone were disintegrating in the air, black mist and dust camoflauge that ascended the sky, making the starry sky does not have gloomily up. 无名的花草化成了灰烬,土石在空气中瓦解着,升腾起的黑色烟尘遮蔽了天空,让星空变得暗淡无光。 At the final moment supported the strength of this false world to drop down finally, the entire sandbox started the trend to perish irreversible. 在最后时刻支撑这个虚假世界的力量终于倒下了,整个沙箱开始不可逆转地走向灭亡。 The nameless prairie starts to break up, caves to the center from the edge rapidly, but that pure and holy white spider also tumbles from the hill, she cocoon that goes all out to protect, drops together in the land. 无名的草原开始崩解,从边缘向中心迅速塌落,而那圣洁的白色蜘蛛也从山丘上滚落下来,连带着她拼命想保护下来的茧,一同跌落在大地上。 At the last minute, she wove the overlapping spider's silk , consolidated again these cocoon binding, without letting them received a damage, was similar this is she exists in the instinct of the world is ordinary. 在最后一刻,她编织出了层层叠叠的蛛丝,把那些茧再次束缚、稳固下来,没有让它们受到一点损伤,就仿佛这是她存在于世的本能一般。 The warm bright light disseminates, scattered the flame of mist and dust and spread of ascension, Gawain arrives at already by the white spider that loses the counter-attack strength, looks at her head position these bright rays. 温暖明亮的灯光弥散开,驱散了升腾的烟尘和蔓延的火焰,高文来到已经失去反击力量的白色蜘蛛旁边,看着她头颅位置那些明净的光芒。 Before he opens the mouth, the Ritter sound then spread to him and Selena mind. 在他开口之前,娜瑞提尔的声音便传入了他和赛琳娜的脑海。 Earliest time, they multiplied...... that time here that on this prairie lived are also not the deserts, did not have Neame outstanding......” “最早的时候,他们就是在这片草原上繁衍生息的……那时候这里还不是沙漠,也没有尼姆・桑卓……” Selena recognized here terrain at this moment finally, knows that indistinct familiarity from where, her subconsciously observes the situation all around, is identifying that unceasingly to the land that perishes dark: This is...... I feels no wonder so familiar......” 赛琳娜此刻才终于认出了这里的地形,知道了那隐隐约约的熟悉感源自何处,她下意识地环视四周,辨认着那正不断向黑暗沉沦的大地:“这是……怪不得我感觉如此熟悉……” This lands, are she and Meguir III compilation come out at first together. 这片土地,最初便是她和梅高尔三世一同“编写”出来的。 But that is the beforehand matter for a long time, forgot here initial look the long time to her. 但那已经是许久以前的事情了,久到她都忘记了这里最初的模样 Duarte once asked me, if everyone settles in this lands, whether everyone need not can live facing this end...... all living things finally safely pleasantly is stage center's, so long as does not contact the boundary, this world is then real to everyone...... 杜瓦尔特曾经问我,如果大家都安于这片土地,是否所有人都不用面对这场终末……众生可以平安喜乐地生活在舞台中央,只要不去接触边界,这个世界对大家而言便是真实的…… Poets can imagine the world outside sea heartily, imagines the world between starry skies, the sailors then can have the rich harvest in the offshore, need not go to manages that more then even more to be strange the strange sea boundary...... toward the distant place forever do not have the too high curiosity, this world will be then happy forever...... “诗人们可以尽情想象海洋之外的天地,想象星空之间的世界,水手们在近海便可以有永远丰厚的收获,不用去管那越往远处便越发古怪离奇的海洋边际……不要有太高的好奇心,这个世界便会永远美好下去…… I always cannot give his answer, I too stupid......, but I felt, created all these Creator, definitely knows more...... “我总是给不了他答案,我太笨了……但我觉得,创造了这一切的造物主们,肯定知道的更多…… Creator...... you created this world, created us, all these for what...... you hope how we do, can tell me?” 造物主啊……你们创造了这个世界,又创造了我们,这一切到底是为了什么……你们希望我们怎么做,可以告诉我么?” The Ritter sound is low and drawn out, in the face of this pure inquiry, Selena fell into the long-time silence. 瑞提尔的声音低缓柔和,在这单纯的询问面前,赛琳娜陷入了长久的沉默。 After does not know many thinking, she raised the head, is gazing at the Higher Level Narrator that no goal facial features. 不知多少思索之后,她才抬起头来,注视着上层叙事者那无目的面容。 This is only an experiment, merely is...... the experiment......” “这只是一场实验,仅仅是……实验……” Her each character as if exhausted strength. 她的每一个字都仿佛用尽了力气 After two seconds, that pure white sacred spider exudes one to sigh finally lightly: „, Thanked...... me to hear the answer from the Creator mouth finally with one's own ears.” 两秒钟后,那洁白神圣的蜘蛛终于发出一声轻叹:“啊,谢谢……我终于亲耳从造物主口中听到答案了。” Ritter,” Gawain cannot bear go forward one step, actually I can also......” “娜瑞提尔,”高文忍不住上前一步,“其实我还可以……” Can give me some time?” The Higher Level Narrator sound conveys gently, I think that...... looks at the star.” “可以给我些时间么?”上层叙事者的声音轻柔地传来,“我想……看一下星星。” Star?” Gawain raised the head startled, actually can only see piece of dark chaos sky, without the least bit stars. “星星?”高文愕然地抬起头,却只能看到一片黑暗混沌的天空,没有半点繁星。 But waits for him to take back the line of sight again, that pure white spider Gods as well as she shelters the last minute cocoon...... to start to change to the light dust. 而等他再收回视线,那洁白的蜘蛛神明以及她庇护到最后一刻的茧……已经开始化作点点光尘。 ...... …… The howling sound in mountain valley stopped, trembling of land is also tranquil. 山谷中的呼啸声止息了,大地的震颤也平静下来。 The Olandell residents bring to walk out of the door with terrified anxiously, goes to the street, is asking about the situation mutually, looks as if by prior agreement to the direction of throat of Olandell. 奥兰戴尔的居民们带着不安和惶恐走出家门,走上街头,相互询问着情况,又不约而同地看向奥兰戴尔之喉的方向。 Under the dim dim skylight, there are children to call out in alarm. 在朦胧昏暗的天光下,有孩子们惊呼起来。 In outlining of morning sun, as if nearly transparent giant spiders climbed up nearby precipice little, climbed up the high ground of mountain valley edge, It calmly stops there, advances the front as if the cocoon common thing cautiously. 朝阳的勾勒中,似乎有一只近乎透明的巨大蜘蛛一点点攀上了附近的山岩,爬上了山谷边缘的高地,祂在那里静静停下,小心翼翼地将仿佛茧一般的事物推到面前。 The last star splendor of horizon is sparkling, reflects in the spider already on the even more illusory torso, It is welcoming in a day the final star light, as if sent out vague acclaiming, many people hear the illusory sound to resound in the mind, feels one piece about that sound vacant- 天边的最后一点星辉闪耀着,映在蜘蛛已经愈发虚幻的躯干上,祂迎着一天中最后的星光,仿佛发出了若有若无的赞叹,许多人听到虚幻的声音在脑海中响起,却对那声音感到一片茫然- Arrives here, the story ended......” “到这里,故事就结束了……” Afterward morning sun raises, brilliant ray of Giant Sun in land, all as if Dreamland dissipation, in the world only ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight. 随后朝阳升起,巨日的光辉照耀在大地上,一切仿佛梦境般消散,天地间只余万丈霞光。
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