SOD :: Volume #9

#817: To Higher Level Narrator......

Spread the news from the lower-level connected component, accepts in the region contamination finally announced subsides. 从下层连通区传来了消息,收容区域内的“污染”终于宣告平息。 Some people die in these profound winding corridors, some people were driven away and detained temporarily in the quite firm room, some people were rescued, some people continue to persevere in the lower-level crucial intersection. 有人死在那些幽深曲折的走廊中,有人被暂时驱赶、关押在较为坚固的房间内,有人被救出,有人继续坚守在下层的关键路口。 Semler Archbishop hears the most recent news, brow stretch/leisurely to launch slightly, but also sighed heavily. 塞姆勒大主教听着最新传来的消息,眉头稍微舒展开一些,但紧接着又沉重地叹了口气。 Good news is in underground palace chaos of various places has subsided, all essential channels returned in our hands, all the situations of being missing personnel have also verified, theoretically will not have contamination outside line of sight to continue to move in underground palace again,” turns head, Semler said to Magnum, bad news had many people injured, participates in battle personnel also presenting spirit contamination that the weight varied, although spirit contamination of these shallow layers have not achieved is brainwashed is the Higher Level Narrator believer degrees, but said when on will not suddenly deteriorate.” “好消息是地宫内各处的混乱都已平息,所有关键通道重新回到了我们手中,所有失踪人员的情况也已探明,理论上不会再有视线之外的污染者在地宫内继续活动了,”回过头来,塞姆勒对身旁的马格南说道,“坏消息是有很多人受伤,参与战斗人员也出现了轻重不一的精神污染,这些浅层的精神污染虽然没有达到被洗脑为上层叙事者信徒的程度,但说不准什么时候就会突然恶化。” Receiving the contamination person and had not been separated by the contamination person, contamination in the description has deep sea rune the room rest, these rune effects have crossed the test, can lean on,” Magnum said exhaustedly, „the present does not have the condition to accept and send people again alone to nurse each contamination, can only like this. Maintaining the dawn...... all will be good.” “把受到污染的人和未受污染的人分开,污染者在描绘有‘深海符文’的房间休息,那些符文的效果已经过考验,是可以倚靠的,”马格南略带一丝疲惫地说道,“现在已经没有条件再把每一个污染者单独收容并派人看护了,只能这样。维持到天亮……一切都会好起来的。” „The Spirit Energy Choir member who portion gets back can help the compatriot who comforts these mind to be damaged,” Wendy also walked, I also restore was similar.” 一部分恢复过来的灵能唱诗班成员可以帮忙安抚那些心智受损的同胞,”温蒂也走了过来,“我也恢复的差不多了。” Wendy Archbishop, others can, you rest again,” Yuri shakes the head, you flowed many blood, moreover breaks through from the accepting area, your present condition does not suit to comfort others.” 温蒂大主教,其他人可以,你还是再休息一下吧,”尤里摇了摇头,“你流了很多血,而且是从收容区一路突围出来的,你现在的状态可不适合去安抚其他人。” Wendy is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: From now on some are the time rests, the words that but does not try tonight...... that may not have from now on.” 温蒂苦笑着摇了摇头:“今后有的是时间休息,但今天晚上不尽全力的话……那可就没有‘今后’了。” Magnum looks to Semler Archbishop: „The situation in surface how?” 马格南看向塞姆勒大主教:“地表的情况怎样?” Surface does not have accidentally/surprisingly, this is the only good news,” Semler rubbed the forehead, „, only then two groups in the squads that carries out the Dreamland control presented contamination, but was handled rapidly, the remaining people are continue conduct the patrol blockade to the Olandell area, before the sunrise, the Dreamland blockade of Olandell area has continued.” “地表没有出意外,这是唯一的好消息,”塞姆勒揉了揉眉心,“只有两组执行梦境管制的小队中出现了污染者,但被迅速处置了,剩下的人在继续对奥兰戴尔地区进行巡逻封锁,到日出之前,奥兰戴尔地区的梦境封锁会一直持续下去。” Yuri has turned the head: Dreamland control in underground palace?” 尤里转过头:“地宫内的梦境管制呢?” You think that now this aspect......” Semler is observing the situation hall that fills the nervous atmosphere, the expression is helpless, „will also some people go to sleep in tonight?” “你认为现在这种局面……”塞姆勒环视着弥漫紧张气氛的大厅,表情无奈,“还有人会在今夜入睡么?” But is quick he to nod, added: Relax, I arranged the monitoring and inspect personnel and ensure each Priest and Knight in underground palace will not fall asleep. Higher Level Narrator is depends upon Gods that’ Dreamland operates eventually, so long as achieves the absolute control to Dreamland, even if cannot thorough binding be occupied by It, at least can also create enough troublesome to Its arrival......” 但很快他还是点了点头,补充道:“放心吧,我安排了监控和巡视人员,确保地宫中的每一个神官骑士都不会入梦。上层叙事者终究是依靠梦境运行的‘神明’,只要做到对梦境的绝对管制,哪怕不能彻底束缚住祂,至少也能给祂的降临造成足够麻烦……” Only hopes that our efforts can have the function,” Yuri talk to oneself, is hoping that alien traveller and Selena Archbishop can solve that as soon as possible god......” “只希望我们的努力能产生作用,”尤里自言自语着,“希望域外游荡者赛琳娜大主教可以尽快解决掉那个‘神’……” Hopes that their all smooth......” Magnum muttered, later deeply inspires, put out slowly, is looking up to the high hall vault, returns to normal state of mind that cannot be stabilizing. “希望他们一切顺利……”马格南咕哝起来,随后深深吸了口气,又慢慢吐出,仰望着高高的大厅穹顶,平复着自己始终安定不下来的心绪。 In his line of sight, props that dangle in the hall vault, huge, the transparent spider segmental appendage plunders slantingly, seems weaving anything, as if climbs up in the invisible online. 在他的视线中,在大厅穹顶垂下的一道道支柱间,巨大的、透明的蜘蛛节肢斜掠而过,仿佛编织着什么,又仿佛攀爬在无形的网上。 The Magnum flash stared in a big way the eye 马格南一瞬间瞪大了眼睛 ...... …… By desolated space that in covers dark, Gawain and Selena arrived by the Higher Level Narrator disintegrate wreckage. 被黑暗笼罩的荒芜空间中,高文赛琳娜来到了上层叙事者四分五裂的残骸旁。 This wreckage is dissipating fast, what as if here is only an illusory illusion, waking up Dreamland. 这残骸正在飞快地消散着,就仿佛在这里的只是一个虚无缥缈的幻象,一个正在醒来的梦境 After this wove Dreamland Gods death, Selena and Gawain darkness as before, the strange condition of No. 1 sandbox as before, Higher Level Narrator strength...... as before! 然而在这编织梦境神明“死亡”之后,赛琳娜高文身旁的黑暗依旧,一号沙箱的诡异状态依旧,上层叙事者的力量……依旧! Perhaps the Divine Attribute part of Higher Level Narrator is continue carry out Its plan,” Gawain said to Selena fast, here is only another battlefield that It weaves.” 上层叙事者神性部分恐怕正在继续执行祂的计划,”高文飞快地对赛琳娜说道,“这里只是祂编织出的又一层战场。” In the Selena hand the inspection lamp sent out compared with previously a brighter ray, that ray shone on the spider Gods limbs of unceasing dissipation, shone spreads in the darkness to the prairie of distant place, where no matter extended, dark chaos of distant place is always maintaining the similar distance and condition, could not see any trace to outside world! 赛琳娜手中提灯散发出了比此前更加明亮的光芒,那光芒照耀在不断消散的蜘蛛神明肢体上,照耀在黑暗中蔓延向远方的草原上,然而不管延伸到哪里,远处的黑暗混沌都始终维持着同样的距离和状态,丝毫看不到任何通往外界的痕迹! „Can you destroy this curtain?” She looks to Gawain, in the tone brings some rapidly, before you destroys Neame Zhuo's curtain such.” “您能破坏掉这层‘帷幕’么?”她看向高文,语气中带着些许急促,“就像您之前破坏掉尼姆・桑卓的帷幕那样。” Before Selena opens the mouth, Gawain then already in perception the boundary and information of involvement point this dark space, he frowns, the tone is serious: I have started to attempt, perhaps but this cannot catch up. Washes out the curtain that Higher Level Narrator weaves to require very long setup time, I before Neame outstanding begins then prepared almost a whole day......” 赛琳娜开口之前,高文便已经在感知着这片黑暗空间的边界以及信息介入点,他皱起眉头,语气严肃:“我已经开始尝试了,但这恐怕赶不上。冲刷上层叙事者编织出的帷幕需要很长的准备时间,我之前在尼姆・桑卓动手的时候便准备了几乎一整个白天……” Hand subconsciously of Selena rigid inspection lamp got hold, later she knits the brows suddenly slightly: What sound do you...... hear?” 赛琳娜执着提灯的手下意识握紧了一下,随后她突然微微皱了皱眉:“您……有没有听到什么声音?” What sound?” Gawain was startled, starts to incline the head and listen attentively. “什么声音?”高文怔了一下,紧接着也开始侧耳倾听。 As if in the dark desolated space, really resounded indistinctly, as if illusion sound- 在黑暗的荒芜空间中,似乎真的响起了隐隐约约的、仿佛幻觉般的声响- Gawain is listening respectfully carefully, is distinguishing carefully, that sound as if overlapping sleep talking, as if countless people in same that in the sleep sends out twittering, after a half minute, he hears clearly that finally is hundreds and thousands of sounds of people are whispering simultaneously- 高文仔细聆听着,仔细辨别着,那声音仿佛层层叠叠的梦呓,仿佛无数人在睡梦中发出的同一个呢喃,直到半分钟后,他才终于听清那是成百上千的人声在同时低语着- To Higher Level Narrator, to our omniscient and omnipotent hosts......” “致上层叙事者,致我们全知全能的主……” Prays the sound,” Gawain sinking sound said that much prays......, but does not know that from where comes......” “是祈祷声,”高文沉声说道,“大量的祈祷……但不知从何而来……” Pray?” Selena with astonishment said, „the residents in this world should disappear, who was still praying to Higher Level Narrator?” “祈祷?”赛琳娜惊愕地说道,“这个世界的居民们应该已经消失了,谁还在对上层叙事者祈祷?” ...... …… I saw!” The big voice that Magnum suddenly resounds attracted the attention of half hall, I saw that the transparent spider limbs flies from the ceiling!” “我又看到了!”马格南突然响起的大嗓门吸引了半个大厅的注意,“我看到有透明的蜘蛛肢体从天花板上飞过去!” Everyone makes the mind protection, Nightmare Master and Bishops nurses technology Priest!” Semler Archbishop called out immediately, looks up to the ceiling, however such as previous time is the same, he anything still had not seen. “所有人做心智防护,噩梦导师主教们去看护技术神官!”塞姆勒大主教立刻叫道,紧接着也抬头看向天花板,然而就如上次一样,他仍然什么都没看见。 But no one dares to despise warning of Magnum, actually also no one can do to understand this strange situation. 但没有一个人敢轻视马格南的示警,却也没有一个人能搞明白这诡异的情况。 We could not see, Yuri took a fast look around the entire hall fast, shifts to Magnum suddenly, „can you also see? It where?” “我们看不到,”尤里飞快地扫视了整个大厅,猛然转向马格南,“你还能看到么?它在什么地方?” Delimited a moment ago from the midair, is nearly transparent limbs, a very big spider, is nettinging here, not the visible net,” Magnum raises head the looks at empty hall vault, the eyeball is rotating, seems pursuing the prey that everyone cannot see, damn...... I 100% affirmed that it really exists!” “刚才又从半空中划过去了,是近乎透明的肢体,一只很大的蜘蛛,正在这里结网,看不见的网,”马格南仰头看着空荡荡的大厅穹顶,眼珠转动着,仿佛正在追逐一个所有人都看不见的猎物,“该死……我百分之百肯定它真的存在!” Is Higher Level Narrator, it is exerting the influence on the real world, it is breaking through box,” Semler language fast said fast, here has the loophole...... Magnum, can you also perception to what?” “是上层叙事者,它正在对现实世界施加影响,它正在突破‘盒子’,”塞姆勒语速飞快地说道,“我们这里存在漏洞……马格南,你还能感知到什么?” Magnum pursues the path that transparent illusory spider is moving, however except for can see that concentrates beside more and more solid limbs, as he of mortal is impossible to lock a Gods strength, his brow closely wrinkles, both hands cannot bear get hold of-, but this aspect is not mind storm can solve obviously. 马格南追逐着那透明虚幻蜘蛛移动的轨迹,然而除了能看到那越来越凝实的肢体之外,身为凡人的他根本不可能锁定一个神明的力量,他的眉头紧紧皱起,双手忍不住握紧-可这局面显然不是一个心灵风暴能够解决的。 Semler, you confirmed that here no one does fall asleep? Did no one pray to Higher Level Narrator in the dream?” He has turned the head suddenly, the red short hair almost raises up, look serious fearfulness. “塞姆勒,你确认这里没有人入梦么?没有人在梦中对上层叙事者祈祷?”他猛然转过头,红色短发几乎竖起,眼神严肃的可怕。 I confirmed, all corners have inspected, each Priest, each Knight, even each servant and accompanying, each village each town in surface,” Semler said fast, and......” “我确认,所有角落都检查过,每一个神官,每一个骑士,甚至每一个仆人和随从,还有地表上的每一个村庄每一个镇子,”塞姆勒飞快地说道,“而且……” Archbishop!” From controlled a transmitting cry to interrupt Semler's words somewhere, technology Priest awakened from the online mode suddenly, loudly calling out in alarm, „the time of No. 1 sandbox is iterating is closed from the interior, the time speed of flow in sandbox with the real world synchronization!” 大主教!”从某处控制席传来的叫声打断了塞姆勒的话,一名技术神官突然从连线状态惊醒,高声惊呼着,“一号沙箱的时间迭代被从内部关闭了,沙箱内的时间流速正在和现实世界同步!” Semler stared in a big way the eye: What?!” 塞姆勒瞪大了眼睛:“什么?!” Is Higher Level Narrator,” Yuri responded rapidly, It must enter the real world......, therefore It must let the time synchronism of sandbox world and real world- time iteration once was let Its rapid growth tool, but has become Its hindrance now, therefore was closed by It!” “是上层叙事者,”尤里迅速反应过来,“祂要进入现实世界……所以祂必须让沙箱世界和现实世界的时间同步-时间迭代曾经是让祂迅速成长的‘工具’,但现在已经成了祂的阻碍,所以被祂关闭了!” It is capturing the jurisdiction......” Spiritsong the Wendy complexion to be paler a point, at the same time, she also felt that in own spirit world is having anything to suppress in the breakthrough, is becoming active, contamination is counter-attacking......” “祂在夺取权限……”“灵歌温蒂的脸色更加苍白了一分,与此同时,她也感觉到自己的精神世界中正有什么在突破压制,在重新变得活跃起来,“污染正在反扑……” The Yuri brow is wrinkling tightly, spells to go all-out to seek for the possible loophole, suddenly, his look stagnates. 尤里眉头紧皱着,拼尽全力地寻找着可能的漏洞,突然,他的眼神凝滞下来。 His finally conscious to one possibly by the key that everyone neglected. 他终于意识到了一个可能被所有人忽略的关键。 Semler Archbishop, our Dreamland controls possibly have a giant loophole......” this makings refined middle-aged person complexion slightly to look palely to Semler, „do you have the inspection to calculate the strength node hall......” “塞姆勒大主教,我们的梦境管制可能存在一个巨大的漏洞……”这位气质斯文的中年人脸色略显苍白地看向塞姆勒,“你有没有检查算力节点大厅……” You were said that these......” Semler responded finally, was impossible, they do not have Dreamland, moreover some people are guarding that before one hour, had just conducted the confirmation......” “你是说那些……”塞姆勒终于反应过来,“不可能,他们已经没有梦境了,而且有人在看守那,一个小时前刚进行过确认……” Semler Archbishop,” Wendy interrupted Semler's words, the complexion of this singer is especially embarrassed, is saying one word at a time, these...... are also the person.” “塞姆勒大主教,”温蒂打断了塞姆勒的话,这位歌者的脸色格外难堪,一字一顿地说着,“那些……也是人。” Damn! Damn! We make such low level mistake unexpectedly!” “该死!该死!我们竟然犯这么低级的错误!” Magnum is cursing suddenly loudly, had no more to do with run to hall another end heavy gate, but Yuri and Semler, Wendy after was shortly stunned also follows. 马格南突然高声咒骂着,拔腿跑向了大厅另外一端的沉重闸门,而尤里和塞姆勒、温蒂在短暂错愕之后也紧随其后。 Before they arrived at that special isolation door, Semler drew the call rope in gate, the sound of bell transmitted from the gate, the response that however guarded has not appeared. 他们来到了那扇特殊的隔离门前,塞姆勒拉动了门上的呼叫绳索,铃铛的响声从门对面传来,然而守卫的回应迟迟没有出现。 The hearts of several Archbishop sink instantaneously. 几名大主教的心瞬间一沉。 Opens the door forcefully,” Magnum says immediately, and placed by the hand a gate crystal unit, Yuri, Semler, your deactivate another three rune.” “强行开门,”马格南立刻说道,并把手放在了闸门旁边的一块晶体装置上,“尤里,塞姆勒,你们去激活另外三个符文。” No one hesitant, three hands according to rune crystal for urgent unlocking, as mana pours into, that leaf does not allow opening in the isolation gate to hear the sound that the magic installment revolves under normal circumstances, later the heavy isolation gate retreats to both sides finally. 没有人犹豫,三只手按在了用于紧急解锁的符文水晶上,随着魔力注入其中,那扇在正常情况下不允许开启的隔离门内传来魔法装置运转的吱吱嘎嘎声,随后沉重的隔离门终于向两旁退去。 Several spirit Knight guard with one is responsible for safeguarding Bishop in gate calmly to sit indoor the connection, seems like as if falls asleep. 数名灵骑士守卫和一名负责看管门内的主教正静静地坐在连通室内,看上去仿佛睡着。 Was the sound of opening the door vibrates the connection room probably, a spirit Knight helmet fell suddenly on the ground, in armor cavity that exposed, the revolting flesh is combining the iron grey ashes. 大概是开门的动静震动到了连通室,一名灵骑士的头盔突然掉落在地上,暴露出来的盔甲空洞中,只有令人作呕的血肉混杂着灰白色的灰烬。 Only looked at one, Magnum had then identified their cause of death: Brain burnt down......” 只看了一眼,马格南便已然辨认出他们的死因:“大脑烧掉了……” After several seconds of type, they opened second gate to internal layer hall. 几秒种后,他们打开了通往内层大厅的第二道闸门 In the ray quite dim internal layer hall, neat and tidy arranges hundreds and thousands of platforms, the platform edge has the nerve rope and maintaining livelihood pipeline extends, gathers on each node pillar/backbone, but in that one by one platform, lying down one by one, is responsible for be at the deep dormant state is No. 1 sandbox provides the computation strength the form. 光线较为昏暗的内层大厅中,整整齐齐地排列着成百上千个平台,平台边缘有神经索和维生管道延伸出来,在各个节点支柱上汇聚,而在那一个个平台上,躺着一个个处于深度休眠状态、负责为一号沙箱提供计算力的身影。 These have started the withered brain servant to lie down there motionlessly, if passes the observation window of outside hall unable to see any difference, however their lips the opening and closing, is opening and closing at very small scope slightly. 那些已经开始干瘪的脑仆一动不动地躺在那里,如果通过外面大厅的观察窗根本看不到任何异样,然而他们的嘴唇都在微微翕动着,以很小的幅度开合着。 Hundreds and thousands of twittering gathered a sound in the hall in a low voice- 成百上千个低声呢喃在大厅中汇聚成了一个声音- To Higher Level Narrator, to our omniscient and omnipotent hosts......” “致上层叙事者,致我们全知全能的主……” Stands in entrance Semler felt that the whole body sends coolly. 站在门口的塞姆勒感觉浑身发凉。 He is muttering: They should not have the ability of having a dream theoretically......” 他喃喃自语着:“他们理论上不应该还有做梦的能力……” Wendy shakes the head: No, they will have a dream...... the entire sandbox world, is their dreams......” 温蒂摇了摇头:“不,他们会做梦……整个沙箱世界,就是他们的梦……” The Magnum walks two steps enters the brain servants calculates that strength node hall, lifted both hands high, however the next second puts down dejected. 马格南两步走进脑仆们所处的“算力节点大厅”,高高抬起了双手,然而下一秒又颓然放下。 Cannot use the mind storm, even cannot kill any brain servant...... Higher Level Narrator to take shape, had found the coordinates of real world, the destruction of physical level can only delay Its arrival, if the brain servants died, the sandbox vanishes, that Gods likely is separated from here binding immediately, arrives in this world any place, by that time, lost all the hopes of overturn truly. 不能用心灵风暴,甚至不能杀死任何一个脑仆……上层叙事者已经成型,已经找到现实世界的坐标,物理层面的毁灭只能延迟祂的降临,而如果脑仆们死了,沙箱消失,那个神明很可能立刻脱离这里的束缚,降临在这个世界任何一个地方,到那时候,才是真正失去了所有翻盘的希望。 Let alone, alien traveller and Selena Archbishop also in in. 更何况,域外游荡者赛琳娜大主教还在“里面”。 alien traveller perhaps will not therefore die, but that is most fearful, that means person who lives......, not only need face the difficulty-relief Higher Level Narrator, must face another approximate Gods the anger of existence. 域外游荡者或许不会因此死去,但那才是最可怕的,那意味着活下来的人……不光要面临脱困的上层叙事者,更要面临另外一个近似神明的存在的怒火。 Everyone understands this point, thought of this point. 所有人都明白这一点,都想到了这一点。 The Magnum vision in these lie down among the brain servants in platform are moving, some of them are withered, obviously lies down here already for many years, some actually also just like the average man, obviously are in several years young blood, some platforms are emptying, that is the brain servant who loss falls had not supplemented with enough time, some platforms are motley, as if has used very for a long time...... 马格南的目光在那些躺在平台上的脑仆之间移动着,他们有的已经干瘪,显然躺在这里已经多年,有的却还宛若常人,显然是数年内的“新成员”,有的平台空着,那是“损耗”掉的脑仆还没来得及补充,有的平台斑驳陈旧,仿佛已经用了很久…… Magnum inspires suddenly, slowly moves toward is emptying platform. 马格南突然吸了口气,慢慢走向其中一个空着的平台。 Wendy called out in behind ; Magnum Archbishop, you in what are you doing?” 温蒂在后面叫道;“马格南大主教,你在干什么?” Magnum has not turned head, but shrugs: perhaps, should be one's turn in us some people to lie down......” 马格南没有回头,只是耸了耸肩:“或许,该轮到我们中有人躺上去了……” Yuri one startled, goes forward to block rapidly in front of Magnum: You want to be clear! This is the deep layer nerve parasites it is irreversible!” 尤里一惊,迅速上前拦在马格南面前:“你想清楚!这是深层神经寄生它是不可逆的!” Magnum looked at front Yuri one, puts out a hand to shove open the opposite party, on the face brings free and easy smiling: „ I looked straight ahead that god, Yuri, that is also irreversible. 马格南看了面前的尤里一眼,伸手推开对方,脸上带着洒脱的笑:“我直视了那个‘神’,尤里,那也是不可逆的。 These rune have not cured my spirit, I can also see these transparent limbs to the present, your I understand, I could not turn head.” “那些符文没有治愈我的精神,我到现在还能看到那些透明的肢体,你我都明白,我回不了头了。” He crossed having nothing to say in reply Yuri, flings Wendy and Semler after behind, arrives is emptying in platform, slowly lay down. 他越过了无言以对的尤里,把温蒂和塞姆勒甩在身后,来到一张空着的平台上,慢慢躺了下去。 The nerve rope and biochemical of organization these auto-inductions wriggles immediately, moves following the platform edge, approaches toward Magnum. 那些自动感应的神经索和生化组织立刻自行蠕动起来,顺着平台边缘移动,向着马格南靠近过去。 About Magnum looked, suddenly self-ridiculed that smiles: perhaps, we should not take this road at first......” 马格南左右看了看,突然自嘲地一笑:“或许,我们最初就不该走这条路……” In the creeping motion sound of nerve rope, Semler arrived by the platform, his look looks at lies down there Magnum complex, finally has not said any dissuading words, but asked calmly: Has the last words?” 神经索的蠕动声中,塞姆勒来到了平台旁边,他眼神复杂地看着躺在那里的马格南,最终却没有说出任何劝阻的话,只是平静地问道:“有遗言么?” „...... Does not have the last words, but then sees the Pope Your Excellency words, helping me boast well.” “……没有遗言,不过回头见到教皇冕下的话,帮我好好吹嘘一下。” Good.” “好。” After the nerve rope spread the Magnum brain, making the flesh fusion sound of person scalp tingles resound in dim. 神经索蔓延到了马格南脑后,令人头皮发麻的血肉融合声在昏暗中响起。 Yuri also arrived by the platform, looks at this many years of old friend: Had with me says?” 尤里也来到了平台旁边,看着这位多年老友:“有跟我说的么?” Magnum looked at Yuri, slowly grins, bit by bit lifts the right hand, slowly and compared a middle finger firmly. 马格南看了看尤里,慢慢咧开嘴,一点一点地抬起右手,缓慢且坚定地比了个中指。 I want to do that already very......”. “我想这么做已经很……”。 The hand of Magnum hung slowly. 马格南的手慢慢垂了下来。 After temporary delay, in the entire hall the sleep talking of all brain servants also one and stops. 短暂的延迟之后,整个大厅中所有脑仆的梦呓也一并休止。
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